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Lovey Pattern
Pattern designed by Tommy of Snips & Stitches

The pattern and images contained in this document are property of Snips &
Stitches. This pattern is for personal use only, please do not sell this pattern in
part or whole. You may sell the finished product, but please credit Snips &
Stitches as the designer.


Materials Needed~ Abbreviation Key (US
• 4.5 mm and 6.5 mm
(size K) crochet hooks • St/sts- stitch(es)
• 6 ply yarn in desired • Sc- single crochet
colors. I used • Hdc- half double
Himalaya Dolphin crochet
Baby yarn. • Dc- double
• 10 mm safety eyes crochet
• Yarn needle • Sl st- slip stitch
• Polyester fiberfill • Dec- decrease
stuffing • Inc- increase
• Rep- repeat

• R- round


Head (using purple yarn and 4.5mm hook)~
R1: 6 sc into a magic circle. (6 sts)
R2: inc in each st around. (12 sts)
R3: sc 1, inc in next st- rep 6x. (18 sts)
R4: sc 2, inc in next st- rep 6x. (24 sts)
R5: sc 3, inc in next st- rep 6x. (30 sts)
R6: sc 4, inc in next st- rep 6x. (36 sts)
R7: sc 5, inc in next st- rep 6x. (42 sts)
R8-R15: sc 42. (8 rows total)
R16: sc 5, dec- rep 6x. (36 sts)
R17: sc 4, dec- rep 6x. (30 sts)
R18: sc 3, dec- rep 6x. (24 sts)
R19: sc 2, dec- rep 6x. (18 sts)
*Here, add the eyes between R11/R12 about 8 sts apart, embroider the nose in the center of
the eyes using pink yarn, and stuff the head.*

R20: sc 1, dec- rep 6x. (12 sts)

R21: dec- rep 6x. (6 sts)
*Fasten off, add a little more stuffing, and sew the hole closed.*


Ears (make 2 using purple yarn and 4.5mm hook)~
R1: 6 sc into a magic circle. (6 sts)
R2: inc in each st around. (12 sts)
R3-R14: sc 12. (12 rows total)
R15: Fold the opening in half and sc 6 across the top.
*Fasten off. Do not stuff the ears. Sew the ears on the sides of the head on R7.*


Lovey (using purple yarn and 6.5mm (size K) hook)~
Pattern Start ~
R1: start a magic ring with ch 3, 10 dc. Join with a slst in the top of the
chain 3. (11 sts)
R2: chain 3 + dc in the same st, inc in the remaining 10 sts. Join with a
slst in the top of the chain 3. (22 sts)
R3: chain 3 + dc in the same st, ch 1, skip the next st, [inc in next st, ch
1, skip the next st.] - rep 10x. Join with a slst in the top of the chain 3.
(33 sts)
R4: chain 3, inc in next st, dc, [dc, inc in next st, dc] - rep 10x. Join with a
slst in the top of the chain 3. (44 sts)
R5: chain 3, dc 2, inc in next st, [dc 3, inc in
next st] - rep 10x. Join with a slst in the top
of the chain 3. (55 sts)
R6: chain 4, skip the next st, inc in next st,
ch 1, skip the next st, dc,[dc, ch 1, skip the
next st, inc in next st, ch 1, skip the next st,
dc] - rep 10x. Join with a slst in the top of
the chain 3. (66 sts)
R7: chain 3, dc 4, inc in next st, [dc 5, inc in next st] - rep 10x. Join with a
slst in the top of the chain 3. (77 sts)


R8: chain 3, dc 2, inc in next st, dc 3, [dc 3, inc in next st, dc 3] - rep 10x.
Join with a slst in the top of the chain 3. (88 sts)
R9: chain 3 + dc in the same st, ch 1, skip the next st, dc 2, ch 1, skip the
next st, dc 2, ch 1, skip the next st, [inc in next st, ch 1, skip the next st,
dc 2, ch 1, skip the next st, dc 2, ch 1, skip the next st.] - rep 10x. Join
with a slst in the top of the chain 3. (99 sts)
R10: chain 3, dc 3, inc in next st, dc 4, [dc 4, inc in next st, dc 4] - rep
10x. Join with a slst in the top of the chain 3. (110 sts)
R11: chain 1, sc 109. Join with a slst in the top of the chain 1. (110 sts)
*Fasten off, weave in all ends. Sew the lovey onto the bottom of the head.*


You’re done! I hope you enjoyed this pattern. I would love to
see your finished creations! You can share a photo on
Instagram using the hashtag #snipsandstitches and be sure to
tag me @snips.and.stitches.

Have questions?

Feel free to contact me!

Instagram: @snips.and.stitches
Email: snipsandstitches@outlook.com

Find more of my patterns available on

Etsy and Amigurumipatterns.net!

All text and photos © Tommy Adams.

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