LLM Ii Sem Cyber Law (Corporate) Question Bank

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LLM II SEM Cyber Law (corporate)

1. Define Cyber Crime. Explain in detail the jurisdictional challenges faced in Curbing the Cyber
Crime. 2.What is E-contract ? Write a detail note on the various legal provisions related to E-
contract in India.
3.Write an explanatory note on the Validity of Offenses and Penalties under the Information and
Technology Act, 2000.
4. Write short notes : (a) Data Protection (b) Data Quality
(c)Who is cyber criminals ? (d) What is Database ?

(e) Define Human Rights. (f) Define Cyber contracts.

(f) What do you understand by Computer Crimes ?

(g) Define Cyber forensic.

(5) Define Concept of 'Rights of Netizen' and determine the nature and scope of Cyber Rights
and its nexus with Fundamental and Legal Rights.
(6) Discuss in detail various components of Cyber Ethics and Etiquettes to be followed by the
Cyber Citizen.
(7) Write a detailed note on Invasion of Privacy Rights and Computer Systems.
8) Write short notes : (Any Two)
(a) E-education
(b) Software Patents
(c) Scope and Limitations of Artificial Intelligence
(d) Significance of UNCITRAL Model Law, 1998
(e)What is the scope of cyber laws ?

(f) What is cyber crime ?

(g) What do you mean by Obscenity ?

11. . Distinguish between Data Organization and Data Management and explain the importance
of Data Management.
12. What is Computer Networking ? Explain the functioning of VoIP as a communication
technique in the Cyber Space.
13. What is called ‘Domain Name’ and explain with the help of case laws the regulation of
Domain Names in the Indian legal system ?
14. Explain the liability aspect of the Internet Service Provider as per the Information
Technology Act 2000.
15. What is Internet Protocol services ? Explain its effectiveness and utilization in the Cyber
Crime Investigation.
16. Explain in detail the public key functioning and Protection provided by it under the
Electronic Signature. 1
17. What is Biometrics ? Explain its importance as an effective device for curbing the virus
attacks in the networking security system.
18. Explain the Role of Government in regulating the Internet Censorship.
19. Write short notes on any four of the following : i) Remote Login Procedure ii) Kinds of
Operating System iii) Website authors iv) Search Engines v) Ethics and characters in Cyber
space vi) WI-F
20. Explain the historical background, Object, Extent, Scope and Commencement of the
Information Technology Act.
21. What is the liability of network service providers under the Act ?
22. Explain about E-Governance under Indian Perspective.
23. Explain the powers of the Cyber Appellate Tribunal.
24. Define the term ‘Hacking’ and explain its essentials.
25. What are the procedural directions given by Hon’ble Supreme Court of India for initiating
telephone tapping ?
26. Explain Justice Dispensation system for Cyber Crimes.
27. Explain the provisions relating to Infringement of Intellectual Property rights.
28. Write short notes on any four : i) Web Catching ii) Use and abuse of E-mail iii) Publication
of Obscene material iv) License to issue digital signature certificate v) Tampering with computer
source documents vi) Advisory Committee
31What do you mean by cyber defamation? 3) What are the amendments made by IT Act 2000
in the Evidence Act, 1872?
4) Differentiate between cybercrime and conventional crime.
(5) Explain child pornography.
(6)What are the electronic contracts ?
(7)Explain in brief the jurisdiction in cyber space.

(8)What are the objectives of cyber criminals ?

(9)What are the issues relating to Investigation ?

(10) What is digital forensic analysis? 7) What are powers of police officer in investigating
cybercrime? 8) Distinguish Hackers and Crackers. 9) What is cyber fraud?
11. What are Cyber Crimes? How Cyber Crimes are different from Traditional Crimes?
12. Discuss the liability of an inter mediatory service provider under the information the
Technology Act, 2000.
13. Discuss nature and scope of any two transnational organized Crimes Studies by you.
14.State the significance of cyber world in legal proceeding and explain the role of judiciary on
the use of cyber Law with the help of case law.

15. “The Information Technology Act, 2000 does not deal with Cyber Crimes in an exhaustive
manner.” Comment and refer the other areas of Criminality not covered under this Act.
16. Are you in favour of making preparation punishable when it relates a Terrorist Act? State
reasons for your answer.
17. Write a note on need for confiscation of property/proceeds of terrorism.
18. “The development of technology has raised vital jurisdictional issues in tackling
transnational cybercrimes.” Discuss.
19“The Information Technology Act, 2000 does not deal with Cyber Crimes in an exhaustive
manner.” Comment and refer the other areas of Criminality not covered under this Act.
20.What is electronic evidence ? Explain the nature and admissibility of electronic record.Also
Explain the requirement for entering in to an electronic contract.
21. Discuss the provisions of Indian law dealing with the offences relating to terrorist
organizations. Evaluate the efficacy of such provision.
22. Analyze the law dealing with the offence of using a child for pornographic purposes. Have
you any suggestion for making the law more effective in this respect?
23.Explain in detail the public key functioning and Protection provided by it under the Electronic

24. “The development of technology has raised vital jurisdictional issues in tackling
transnational cybercrimes.” Discuss.
25. Discuss the provisions of Indian law dealing with the offences relating to terrorist
organizations. Evaluate the efficacy of such provisions.
26“ Explain the basic principles of data protection and international issues regarding trans-border
data flows. Discuss the legal protection of database in India and U.K

27. Explain the scope of section 66A of the Information Technology Act, 2000. Critically
examine the grounds on which the Supreme Court of India has declared the said provision
unconstitutional in Shreya Singhal v. Union of India (2015).
28.What do you mean by domain name? Examine the law and procedure relating to domain
name disputes and their resolution.

29.What are Moral Rights? How is it different from Economic Rights/ Can modification during
adaptation of copyrighted work be called violation of moral rights? Explain the Indian legal
position in this context.
30.Discuss the significant international treaties on ‘Neighbouring Rights’? Do you agree with the
Indian position on Neighbouring Rights? Give reasons.
31. Explain the standards of ‘originality’ in Copyright Act and Designs Act. Is there any
overlapping between both the Acts? If so, how the legislators has tried to strike the balance
between both the legislations?
32.The development of technology has raised vital jurisdictional issues in tackling transnational
cybercrimes.” Discuss in the light of forgery and fraud.

33. What is ‘lay-out design of integrated circuit’? What are the essential criteria for registering
the design under the Semiconductor Integrated Circuits Layout Design Act 2000?
34. What is meant by ‘Fair Use’? Explain fair use in context of broadcasting rights and in case of
‘online storage of online content’.
35.Discuss the provisions relating to computer pornography in U.K. and India.
36. What are the copyrighted subject matter under the Copyright Act, 1957? What are the
essential criteria for copyright protection in context to (a) Compilation, (b) Abridgment and (c)
Question paper.
37. Short notes on any TWO of the following: (a) Abstraction Filtration Comparison (AFC) test
for Computer Programmes (b) Rights Management Information (c) Civil Remedies for
Copyright Infringement.
38.What is correlation between Right to Privacy and Human Rights? Whether Supreme Court of
India recognises the right to privacy as constitutional right? Explain with case laws.
39. What is correlation between Right to Privacy and Human Rights? Whether Supreme Court of
India recognises the right to privacy as constitutional right? Explain with case laws.
40.Discuss various International conventions and Treaties on Cyber-Crime.
41. “Explain the scope of section 66A of the Information Technology Act, 2000. Critically
examine the grounds on which the Supreme Court of India has declared the said provision
unconstitutional in Shreya Singhal v. Union of India (2015).
42.Explain the power of Cyber Appellate Tribunal of Cyber.
43.Is there any protection for digital signature in India? What method has the Act adopted?
44. What do you mean by cyber defamation?
45. What are the amendments made by IT Act 2000 in the Evidence Act, 1872?
46. Differentiate between cyber crime and conventional crime.
47. Explain child pornography.
48. What is digital forensic analysis?
49. What are powers of police officer in investigating cyber crime?
50. Distinguish Hackers and Crackers.
51. What is cyber fraud?

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