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Weekly Learning Plan: Music of Lowlands of Luzon Folk Songs From The Lowlands

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Week: ONE (1) Learning Area: MUSIC

MELC’s Module Topics Classroom-Based Activities Home-Based Activities

Content Standards A. Check what you already A. What I know (page 4)
know about this lesson to
describes the musical Music of Lowlands of Modified TRUE or FALSE
characteristics of 1 Luzon Folk Songs from
representative music the Lowlands Answer What I know (page 4)
selections from the B. What’s New( page 5)
Modified TRUE or FALSE
lowlands of Luzon after
listening. Try to find 16 popular folk
B. What’s New( page 5)
songs in the puzzle.
Performance Standards Try to find 16 popular folk
performs music of the songs in the puzzle.
Follow up questions:
lowlands with appropriate Follow up questions:
1. Are you familiar with the
pitch, rhythm, expression 1. Are you familiar with the
given songs in this activity?
and given songs in this activity?
2. How did they become
style 2. How did they become
familiar to you?
familiar to you?
3. Have you tried singing those
3. Have you tried singing those
songs before? How was it?
Learning Competencies songs before? How was it?
4. Do you like listening to
The learner: 4. Do you like listening to
those type of songs? Why or
those type of songs? Why or
1. identifies the musical why not?
why not?
characteristics of
representative music C. The teacher will play music
selections from the of Folk Songs : C. Listen to some samples of
lowlands of luzon after (Note: The teacher may select Luzon lowland folksongs.
listening. MU7LU-Ia-1 some folk songs below for this Using the YouTube links given
activity) in the
2. analyzes the musical
elements of some lowland 1. Magtanim ay ‘di Biro Activity.( page 6)
vocal music selections
2. Bahay Kubo try to browse for the sample
songs for your reference then
3. Leron Leron Sinta
LU-1a-2 answer the questions on the
4. Sitsiritsit next page. Open the YouTube
3. sings folksongs from
link and listen to the given
the lowlands of Luzon 5. Paru-parong
6. Pamulinawen
Follow up Questions:
7. Naraniag A Bulan
(page 8)
8. Manang Biday
9. Dudungwen Kanto
1. What can you say about the
10. Bannatiran lyrics of the folksongs?

11. Atin Cu Pung 2. What are the dialects used

in folksongs you just heard?
3. What can you say about the
12. Doredo translation of the dialects in
13. Caca O Caca other languages?

14. Y Mariang Malagu 4. Why do folk songs not

change the key signatures?
15. Patag a Bundoc
5. How do people become
16. Sarung Banggi familiar with the folksongs in
Follow up Questions the community?

1. What can you say with the 6. Based from the folksongs
different time signatures that you have heard, how do
(meter) of the songs. folksongs depict the

2. Analyze the emotions community’s tradition, culture,

communicated by each song and livelihood?
(love, anger,
happiness, suffering, etc.; and
3. Observe the speed of each
song. Do they have the same
tempos? Note: If you have no gadgets or
internet access at home. Do
4. Why do you think the
one from the options below.
composers of these p a r t i c u
l a r folk songs made
it that way? 1. You may try to sing some
folk songs that are familiar to
D. WHAT’S MORE (page 14)
you or in your area. (You may
E. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED check page 9-13 for sample
(page 15) folks songs lyrics) and answer
the questions given on page 8.
F. The Audition
Suppose you are going in an
audition about Folk Song 2. Try to write the lyrics of
singing. common folk songs you know
in your community in a short
mechanics for the audition:
bond paper and answer the
1. You are going to sing a folk questions given on page 8.
song from your region or
( e.g. Pala’wan Dialect Folk
Songs; Cuyonon Dialect Folk
2. The performance can be a Songs)
capella or with accompaniment
(live or minus 1)
3. Showcase your performance (page 15)
in front of the class.
5. You will be graded based on MIND, TEST
the criteria given by your
teacher. F. WHAT I CAN DO - BRING
Perform a folk song that is
different from your native
tongue. Refer to the
rubrics for performance guide.
Record your performances
using your cellphone or other
media devices and
submit it to your facilitator
through messenger, e-mail or
other media platforms.
(page 16)

Note: Try to borrow a cellphone

or media devices to your
relatives, friends or
neighborehood to accomplish
your performance. You may
also ask some assistance to
your parents for this
performance task.

A. The teacher will recall the A. Answer What I know

previous lesson in music. ( PAGE 2-3)
Content Standards Folk Songs and the B. WHAT’S NEW (page 4)
2 Rondalla B. Listening activity

demonstrates The teacher will play music Note: For this activity the
and students will identify teacher will provide a recorded
understanding of the musical instruments used in
musical the following music. music samples of folk songs
characteristics of 1. Sitsiritsit
representative music https://youtu.be/VlOvBedr0xA 1. Sitsiritsit
from the lowlands of 2. Atin Cu Pung Singsing https://youtu.be/VlOvBedr0xA
Luzon https://youtu.be/2_dIP8s9Go8 2. Atin Cu Pung Singsing
3. Magtanim ay ‘di biro https://youtu.be/2_dIP8s9Go8

4. Pamulinawen 3. Magtanim ay ‘di biro

Performance Standards
5. Sarong Banggi 4. Pamulinawen

https://youtu.be/ 5. Sarong Banggi

performs music of the
D3CT7nXiJv0 https://youtu.be/
lowlands with appropriate
https://youtu.be/6bhLGt3dJXc D3CT7nXiJv0
pitch, rhythm, expression
https://youtu.be/4a5cO5_SU-I https://youtu.be/6bhLGt3dJXc
Follow up Questions:
 Which version is simpler?
Incase that you don’t have a
 Are there any changes in the music player at home. Try to
Learning Competencies music elements used in your listen in the radio especially
The learner: version and in the during sundays, most fm radio
instrumental version? plays old songs or folk songs.
1. explains the
Write your observation
distinguishing  What are those changes? Compare the “live version” to
characteristics of
 How about the instrumental the
representative Philippine
music selections from version? What are the different instrumental version.
Luzon in relation to its musical
on the Venn diagram.
culture and geography elements present?
MU7LU-Ib-3  What are the instruments
used? How does each (read the brief discussion of
2. explores ways of
producing sounds on a instrument sound? the
variety of sources similar
Lesson on page 5-7. It aims to
to the instruments being
help you discover and
studied MU7LU-Ib-f-4
understand new concepts and
3. sings folksongs from C. Discussion. skills.
the lowlands of Luzon
The teacher will show different D. Discussion.
pictures of the following The
(Read WHAT IS IT on page 5-
Rondalla Instruments :
1. Banduria
2. Laud and Octavina
Based on what you have read,
3. Guitar fill-out the table on page 7.

4. Bajo de unas
The teacher will discuss the 1. Choose two folk songs with
instrumental music (10 different places of origin.
2. Analyze what musical
characteristics does each folk
song have that has
Learners Activity:
a direct influence from its
1. Based on the discussion the
place of origin.
learners will fill-out the table


LEARNED (page 9)
F. Answer the ASSESSMENT
( page 10-11)

Analyze what musical G. WHAT I CAN DO (page 12)

characteristics does each folk
Perform a simple folksong with
song have that has
an introduction about its place
a direct influence from its of origin and its meaning.
place of origin. Record your performances
using your cellphone or other
media devices and
submit it to your facilitator
2. Stop, Look and Listen through messenger, e-mail or
other media platforms.
Let the learners listen and
analyze the music sample
listed on the table provided
Note: Do the activity on page
and distinguish the elements
13. Only for those who have no
of music.
mobile devices at home.
- slow, moderate, fast
- was it played in the higher
register or the lower register?
- duple, triple, quadruple
- what kind of sound was
produced (dark, light brilliant,
- homophonic, polyphonic,
- soft, moderate, loud
- happy, sad, lazy


The teacher will assess the
learners by asking them some
follow up questions about the
audio sample provided.
( answer the assessment page
F. Teake home activity to be
performed on next class
Perform a simple folksong with
an introduction about its place
of origin and its meaning

Learning Competencies Liturgical Music

3 A. Let the learners recall what
The learner: they already know about the A. WHAT I KNOW (page 2)
lesson to take by providing a
1. explores ways of Modified True or False. Write
pretest about liturgical music.
producing sounds on a AMEN if the statement is true
variety of sources that is Let the learners analyze the and if not encircle the
similar to picture.
wrong word and write the
the instruments being correct answer.
studied MU7LU-Ib-f-4
Ask them B. WHAT’S NEW (page 3)
2. improvises simple with follow
analyze the picture and
rhythmic / melodic up questions:
answer the questions given.
accompaniments to
(see page 3 )
selected music
from the lowlands of C. WHAT IS IT (page 7-10)
Luzon. MU7LU-Ic-f-5
1. Read the statement.
3. creates appropriate
movements or gestures to
Let the learners analyze the
accompany the music 2. Group the pictures into two
next picture. Let them
according to characteristics or
selections of the Lowlands compare the two.
features and particular
of Luzon MU7LU-Ia-h-8
Ask them functions or events they
4. evaluates music and with follow portray. (page 5-6)
music performances up
applying knowledge of questions:
musical 3. Let Us Feel the Presence
elements and styles (see page 3 ) of Our Creator (page 7)
B. WHAT IS IT (page 4-10) Activity: Open the YouTube
link and listen to the given
The teacher will discuss the
music. Compare the musical
music that is used in liturgical
celebrations. elements of a Gregorian chant
from a current Liturgical song.
C. Let the learners observe the
different illustrations provided Write your answers on the
by the teacher. table
D. Let them group the pictures D. WHAT’S MORE (page 11)
into two according to
characteristics or features and
particular functions or events
(page 11)
they portray.
Write your own reflections
E. With the help of a laptop or
about what you learned from
Projector, and speaker, have the lesson.
the students listen to the
audio of Liturgical songs.
F. ASSESSMENT (page 12)
After listening to these songs,
The learners are going Modified True or False. Write
AMEN if the statement is true
to identify the musical
and if not encircle the wrong
word and write the correct
that they have noticed present answer on the space provided
in each song. (See page 9-10) before each number.
F. The teacher will give a follow G. WHAT I CAN DO (page13)
up questions and
Now that you can identify a
liturgical music from other
types of music, choose
G. Let the learners give a liturgical song or song in
their inner thoughts your own church.
Regarding on how they would Record your performances
react if... using your cellphone or other
media devices and submit it to
your facilitator through
1. a rock band accompanies messenger, e-mail or other
the choir in the Holy Mass? media platforms.

2. a beginner choir sings (See rubrics on page 13)

proudly during the mass?

Note: If recording is not

3. the best choir in the parish possible, prepare for a live
sings a chorale arrangement of performance. The schedule will
the pop song “Ikaw at be given by your teacher.

Ako” (sung by Moira) during

the communion procession?

H. Let the learners write their

own reflections about what
they learned from the lesson.
(See page 12)
J. Performance Activity
(See Rubrics page 13)
Let the learners choose
a liturgical song or song in
their own church.
K. Allow the students to
practice their chosen song, the
performance will be in front of
the class.
Learning Competencies 4 Music of Lowlands of A. Preliminary activity A. Answer page 2-3 WHAT I
Luzon B. Reviewing of previous KNOW
The learner: lessons
Devotional Music and C. Presenting New lessons B. Time to read WHAT’S NEW
1. explores ways of
Brass Band (page 4-5)
producing sounds on a
The teacher will post a
variety of sources that is C. Continue to read and
pictures of different
similar to discover WHAT IS IT (page 5-
community celebrations and
the instruments being let the learners examine the
studied MU7LU-Ib-f-4 pictures : D. Activity
2. improvises simple PITCH PERFECT (page 10)
rhythmic / melodic
Based on the sound samples
accompaniments to
provided, rate the instruments
selected music from
according to pitch range (5 as
the lowlands of Luzon. the highest and 1 the lowest)
MU7LU-Ic-f-5 and the tone quality (5 is the
thickest, and
3. creates appropriate
movements or gestures to 1 is the thinnest).
accompany the music
selections of the Lowlands CORRESPONDS TO YOUR
of Luzon MU7LU-Ia-h-8 Guide Questions:
1. Have you experienced one of CHOICE.
4. evaluates music and these in your community?
E. The Percussion Family
music performances
2. How often does this activity
applying knowledge of (page 11)
F. Now, let’s put your
3. Do you think this activity
elements and styles knowledge into action (page
also happens in other places?
MU7LU-Ic-h10 12)
Let the learners analyze the
three illustrations and WHAT IF (page 12- 13)
distinguish the
Learning Objectives Imagine yourself in the
similarities and their following situations, how
In this module, you will
differences by providing would you react to it?
be able to:
answers in the venn diagram.
Write your reactions or ideas
A. identify the d i f f e r e
on the space provided.
n t mu s i c a l e l e m e n
tsincorporatedin G. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED
t h e Luzon (page 13)
lowlands devotional H. ASSESSMENT (page 14)
B. create an audio
(page 15-17)
recording of a religious
music in an activity in
D. Discussion: Note: If recording is not
local community and WHAT IS IT ( page 5-9) possible Choose between the
evaluate the performance three Cuyunon folk song
applying knowledge of the (Kingking, Layang Pasyak,
With the help of power point
musical elements presentation the teacher will Tarinting)
C. deepen the explain that the Lowlands of
understanding of the Luzon have various Christian Sing your chosen song.
religious activity by traditions which are used by Prepare for a live performance.
distinguishing the different communities and The schedule will be given by
musical elements used. believed to have a large impact your teacher.
in preserving our culture and
D. Provide a rhythmic faith.
accompaniment to songs
of different devotional
activities Listening activity #1:
Learners will listen to different
of Luzon. sounds of the following
instruments while the teacher
provides description of each
The Brass Wind Family
1. The Trumpet
2. The Trombone
3. The Sausaphone
The Woodwind Family
1. The Flute
2. The Piccolo Flute
3. The Clarinet
4. The Saxophone
The Percussion Family
1. The Snare Drum
2. The Base Drum
3. The Cymbals

Listening Activity #2:

(the teacher will give
instruction about this activity)

Based on the sound samples

provided, rate the instruments
according to pitch
range (5 as the highest and 1
the lowest) and the tone
quality (5 is the thickest, and
1 is the thinnest).

Listening Activity #3
Let’s put your knowledge into

The teacher will provide an

audio sample of each
religious celebration, the
learners will analyze each
music by completing the table
below. Describe and
explain how the elements were

Presenting examples and


Let the learners imagine

themselves in the following
Let them speak and react to it?
1. we were not colonized by the
2. the Pasyon or Pabasa will be
done by today’s youth?
3. those kinds of music were
not used in the celebrations or

Abstractions about the

The teacher will ask these
1. Brass bands play an
important role in religious
celebrations how?

2. These devotional
celebrations became popular
during the early times can you
explain why?
E. Evaluating learning (page
F. Provide a necessary
performance tasks (see on
pages 15-17)

Learning Competencies 5 Secular Music A. Teacher will recap on the Hello! Are you doing great
last topic. today? Are you ready for more
The learner: Passion for Harana and
Let the learners complete the activities like
1. provides harmonic fish bone diagram by providing
ideas/concepts about sacred listening, learning and
accompaniments to
music from the lowlands of performing music from
selected music of the
Luzon, distinguishing the lowlands of Luzon?
Lowlands of
characteristics of a given
Luzon MU7LU-Id-9 sacred music using the
musical elements. Let’s see your background
2. improvises simple
knowledge about the topic.
accompaniments to A. Answer WHAT I KNOW
selected music from (page 3)
the Lowlands of Luzon B. WHAT’S NEW (page 4-5)
complete the fish bone
3. evaluates music and diagram
music performances
C. WHAT IS IT (page 6-10)
applying knowledge of
musical D. WHAT’S MORE ( page 11-
elements and styles
4. explores ways of (page 14)
producing sounds on a Follow up Questions:
F. ASSESSMENT ( page 14)
variety of sources that is
1. What are the 3 important
similar to things that you have learned G. WHAT I CAN DO
about sacred music
the instruments being IT’S SHOW TIME! (page 15-18)
studied MU7LU-Ib-f-4 and its musical elements?
2. As far as sacred music and
musical elements are
concerned, what questions Note: If recording is not
Learning Objectives possible?
remained unanswered to your
In this module, you will mind? Now this is my challenge for
be able to: you! Let us revive Filipino
B. Presenting instances of
serenade; one of our cultural
A. differentiate the the new lesson
characteristics of harana
Let the learners examine the
and balitaw; Do you want to serenade your
pictures and give their
friend? Compose a simple
B. distinguish the thoughts about it.
harana for him/her.
appropriate musical
instruments and Use the appropriate tempo and
ensembles to be used in beat of harana music. You may
also use the rubrics on
accompanying harana
and balitaw; page 16-18 as guide for your
C. create simple rhythmic
and harmonic
accompaniments to Identify the differences
selected harana between picture A and picture
and balitaw music; and B
D. evaluate the music and
music performances of
C. Discussion:
harana and balitaw by
using Secular Music: Harana and
the musical
elements/styles and its D. compare and contrast the
relation to its characteristics and elements of
geographical background the songs you
and culture. just heard in terms of the

E. Developing Mastery

Let the learners distinguish

the similarities and differences
between Harana and Balitaw
applying their understanding
of its musical elements.

F. Generalize their idea about

the musical characteristics of
those songs, and the
musical instruments and
music ensembles that may be
used to accompany and to
enhance the performance of
these songs.
G. Provide an assessment
H. Let the learners do the

I. “IT’S SHOW TIME!” Activity

(page 16-17) for their

performance about this lesson
Learning Competencies: 6 Secular Music A. Check the learners Let’s see your background
background knowledge about knowledge about the topic.
The learner Elements of Polka and
the topic.
Kumintang B. WHAT I KNOW (page 2-3)
1. improvises simple
(What I know- pages 2-3)
rhythmic/melodic C. WHAT’S NEW -
accompaniments to B. The learners will watch a
selected music video about the following
Secular Music : Before we explore more secular
from the lowlands of
music, let’s talk about
Luzon (MU7LU-Ic-f-5) 1. Harana
Batangas Lomi.
2. evaluates music and 2. Balitaw
1. What made you name those
music performances
3. Kumintang ingredients easily? How were
applying knowledge of
you able
musical 4. Polka
to identify those ingredients?
elements and styles. 5. Kundiman
What were your
C. Presenting examples / considerations?
3. creates appropriate instances of the new lesson.
2. Among the ingredients that
movements or gestures to
Let the learners give their you have listed, which is the
accompany the music
inner thoughts regarding the most important
selections of the Lowlands video they have watch.
one? Why?
of Luzon (MU7LU-Ia-h-8)
The learners will compare
3. If you will be instructed to
these to the variety of music
remove 3 ingredients due to
we have today. limited supply,
D. Discussion: which ingredients are you
going to remove? Why?
(See What is It- pages 6-8)
4. Is it necessary to remove 2
The teacher will discuss the
or more ingredients in cooking
following Secular Music
Batangas lomi?
1. Kumintang
Why or why not?
2. Polka

Let the learners give their own (page 3-4)

understanding about the
secular music.
D. Let’s Ponder!

Like food, every music has its

Ask the learners among own ingredients that would
secular music which has a describe its savors and flavors.
comparison to our music You are going to discover the
today? unique elements present in
E. WHAT’S MORE (page 9-11) kumintang and polka.

Assess the sample E. Work on this! (page 5)

performances of kumintang Read this ->WHAT IS IT
and polka by applying your
knowledge of the musical Secular Music: Kumintang and
elements. Polka (page 6-8)

F. BRING IT ON F. WHAT’S MORE (page 9-11)

It’s time to showcase your Assess the sample

skills! performances of kumintang
and polka by applying your
Performance Guidelines and knowledge of the musical
Mechanics: (see page 14-15) elements.
1. Let them practice.
2. Let them perform in front of G. WHAT I HAVE LEARNED
the class. Write your reflection about the
topic. (page 12)
Write your reflection about the H. Answer the ASESSMENT
topic. (page 12)
(page 12-13)
This will serve as their take
home assignment.
It’s time to showcase your
Performance Guidelines and
Mechanics: (see page 14-15)

Note: If recording is not

possible try to do the
additional activity as
alternative (see page 15)

Prepared by: Noted by:

_________________________ _______________________________
Subject Teacher/s Department Head
Approved by:
Principal II

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