Weekly Learning Plan: Music of Lowlands of Luzon Folk Songs From The Lowlands
Weekly Learning Plan: Music of Lowlands of Luzon Folk Songs From The Lowlands
Weekly Learning Plan: Music of Lowlands of Luzon Folk Songs From The Lowlands
1. What can you say with the 6. Based from the folksongs
different time signatures that you have heard, how do
(meter) of the songs. folksongs depict the
demonstrates The teacher will play music Note: For this activity the
and students will identify teacher will provide a recorded
understanding of the musical instruments used in
musical the following music. music samples of folk songs
characteristics of 1. Sitsiritsit
representative music https://youtu.be/VlOvBedr0xA 1. Sitsiritsit
from the lowlands of 2. Atin Cu Pung Singsing https://youtu.be/VlOvBedr0xA
Luzon https://youtu.be/2_dIP8s9Go8 2. Atin Cu Pung Singsing
3. Magtanim ay ‘di biro https://youtu.be/2_dIP8s9Go8
4. Bajo de unas
The teacher will discuss the 1. Choose two folk songs with
instrumental music (10 different places of origin.
2. Analyze what musical
characteristics does each folk
song have that has
Learners Activity:
a direct influence from its
1. Based on the discussion the
place of origin.
learners will fill-out the table
Listening Activity #3
Let’s put your knowledge into
2. These devotional
celebrations became popular
during the early times can you
explain why?
E. Evaluating learning (page
F. Provide a necessary
performance tasks (see on
pages 15-17)
Learning Competencies 5 Secular Music A. Teacher will recap on the Hello! Are you doing great
last topic. today? Are you ready for more
The learner: Passion for Harana and
Let the learners complete the activities like
1. provides harmonic fish bone diagram by providing
ideas/concepts about sacred listening, learning and
accompaniments to
music from the lowlands of performing music from
selected music of the
Luzon, distinguishing the lowlands of Luzon?
Lowlands of
characteristics of a given
Luzon MU7LU-Id-9 sacred music using the
musical elements. Let’s see your background
2. improvises simple
knowledge about the topic.
accompaniments to A. Answer WHAT I KNOW
selected music from (page 3)
the Lowlands of Luzon B. WHAT’S NEW (page 4-5)
complete the fish bone
3. evaluates music and diagram
music performances
C. WHAT IS IT (page 6-10)
applying knowledge of
musical D. WHAT’S MORE ( page 11-
elements and styles
4. explores ways of (page 14)
producing sounds on a Follow up Questions:
F. ASSESSMENT ( page 14)
variety of sources that is
1. What are the 3 important
similar to things that you have learned G. WHAT I CAN DO
about sacred music
the instruments being IT’S SHOW TIME! (page 15-18)
studied MU7LU-Ib-f-4 and its musical elements?
2. As far as sacred music and
musical elements are
concerned, what questions Note: If recording is not
Learning Objectives possible?
remained unanswered to your
In this module, you will mind? Now this is my challenge for
be able to: you! Let us revive Filipino
B. Presenting instances of
serenade; one of our cultural
A. differentiate the the new lesson
characteristics of harana
Let the learners examine the
and balitaw; Do you want to serenade your
pictures and give their
friend? Compose a simple
B. distinguish the thoughts about it.
harana for him/her.
appropriate musical
instruments and Use the appropriate tempo and
ensembles to be used in beat of harana music. You may
also use the rubrics on
accompanying harana
and balitaw; page 16-18 as guide for your
C. create simple rhythmic
and harmonic
accompaniments to Identify the differences
selected harana between picture A and picture
and balitaw music; and B
D. evaluate the music and
music performances of
C. Discussion:
harana and balitaw by
using Secular Music: Harana and
the musical
elements/styles and its D. compare and contrast the
relation to its characteristics and elements of
geographical background the songs you
and culture. just heard in terms of the
E. Developing Mastery