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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music For Teaching Demonstration

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Detailed Lesson Plan in Music for Teaching

Demonstration (Grade 7)
Music of Visayas
(Vocal Music)

Time Frame: 45 min.

Prepared by: Vencint Karl E. Tacardon

I. Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the students should be able to:

 determine the characteristics of vocal music of Visayas in relation to its geographical and
cultural influences;
 identify the different functions of vocal music of Visayas;
 interpret Visayan music through dance movements; and
 compare the music of Visayas to music of Luzon while applying the knowledge of musical

II. Content:

Topic References Materials

Music of Visayas (Vocal “Music and Arts Learner’s Visual Aids

Music) Material.” In Music and
Arts Learner’s Material, by Laptop
Lourdes R. Siobal, 43.

III. Procedure:

A. Learning Activities:

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preliminary “Good Morning Class…” “Good Morning Sir!”



Prayer “Before we begin the lesson this afternoon, (One student will lead the
let us ask the guidance of almighty God prayer)
and let us enlighten our mind to
completely understand the lesson this
afternoon. Would you please lead the

Classroom I would like to request everyone to …..


Checking I think everyone is present. I’m so glad that (Students will tell who’s absent
Attendance everyone understands the reasons of coming for the day)
to school regularly

“So how’s your day? Is it good so far?” “It was great Sir!”

“Okay that’s good to know, so are you ready “Yes Sir”

for our new topic today?”

“Okay, so let’s begin with an activity! So are “Yes Sir”

you ready?”

B. Motivation Write your answer on a piece of paper. The whole class will participate
in the activity
1. Some months have 30 days, some months
have 31 days. How many months have 28

2. Take 2 apples from 3 apples. What do I


3. How many animals of each species did

Moses take with him in the Ark?

4. If you had only one match and entered in a

COLD and DARK room, where there was an
oil heater, and oil lamp and a candle, which
would you light first?

C. Recall Before we proceed with our lesson, let us see

how much you’ve learned about the music of

Now listen to these two music samples.

Imagine that you will be singing one of these
in a concert but you were only given a little
time to practice.
Activity #2: PAMINAWA KO! (Listen to me)

1. Dandansoy (Visayan vocal Music)

2. Kulilal Ni Ligal – (Palawan vocal music)

Melodically speaking, which do you think is Student volunteers to answer

easier to sing- the song of Palawan or the song the question.
from Visayas?

Very good. Well said. Do you think it has Yes sir. Palawan music is
something to do with their culture or way of mostly indigenous music while
living? the Visayan music is

Very good. Easy to distinguished between the Yes Sir

two right?

Each song has its distinctive characteristics.

The reason might be the culture.

Palawan music, for instance, is mostly

indigenous while Visayan is westernized. It is
evident in the characteristics of their music
that it was influenced by the Spanish

Our indigenous peoples in Palawan are close

to nature. Life to them is an

indivisible whole. Art, myth, ritual, work and

activities of everyday life are all

integrated into one. Creative activity for the

indigenous peoples is extemporaneous

and not cultivated as a special gift by selected


Music is really mysterious depending on the

beliefs and culture of a certain

place. Are you excited to discover more about

the Visayan vocal music? Have fun!

D. Lesson These are some of the words that you are

Proper going to encounter in this module.

As starter, try guessing the words in across or

Activity down position. Deepening will follow

in the latter activities provided just for you.

Guess the Word

There are five entries in this puzzle. Try to

guess the words through the clues

given below the box.


1. Visayan love song

3. Visayan drinking song

4. Visayan court song

5. One of the three principal

geographical divisions of the

Philippines located in the central

part of the archipelago


2. Visayan farewell song

You’re doing great! After exploring music from

Cordillera, Mindoro and

Palawan in the previous modules, you are

now ready to conquer more about the vocal

music of Visayas. Enjoy learning!

Analysis Watch and listen to this Visayan Balitaw:

Kukok –Mabuhay Singers (1969)

through the link:


So what do you think is the time signature of The song is in 34 time

the song? signature.

That’s right. It is in a 34 time signature. Most

of the Visayan songs are written in duple or
triple meter with a simple melody that is easy
to sing.
The balitaw is the song traditionally
associated with the Visayan region in the

same way kundiman and kumintang are

associated with ancient Tagalog music.

If the Tagalogs have the kundiman for their

romantic folk song, the Visayans

have the Visayan love songs called balitao or


Balitaw is a Visayan folk song from Malayan

word “berita” which means narration or balita
in Tagalog. It is a dance and song which is the
counterpart of the

kundiman. It is usually in triple meter.

The music of the balitaw is usually written in

3⁄4 time. It is also danced, although it
originally was merely sung.

The earliest accompaniment to the balitaw

was a three-string coconut shell guitar.

When the harp was introduced, a greater

variety of chords could be played on it,
therefore the accompaniment was livelier.

The present accompaniment, a five-string

guitar, is a Filipino adaptation from six-string
guitar which was introduced by Spaniards
into the islands.

Let us analyze the musical elements of 1. Rhythm

balitaw. To guide you for your activity later,
take a look at the brief discussion about it. 2. Dynamics

So can you give me what are the Musical 3. Melody

4. Harmony

5. Timbre

6. Texture

7. Form

Activity #4: It’s Chirping Time!

Listen to the Visayan Balitaw below. Observe
the musical characteristics of

the music as you listen.

Visayan Balitaw

Kukok - Mabuhay Singers (1969) -


Kukok is an Ilonggo folk song which depicts

the merriment of two love birds

on a tree, the male being “Alimokon”.

Let’s proceed with your analysis by answering

the following questions on a

separate sheet of paper:

1. Were you able to assess the sample music

you have just listened to through

applying the musical elements? What have

you noticed?

2. Were you able to assess the origin of the

song through the language being used in it?
Why? Why not?

3. As discussed previously, try to assess the

vocal music of the sample folk song in terms
of the following. Explain your answers.

a. Melody
Is it easy/ hard to sing and remember? How Yes, the song is easy to sing
about the pitch intervals such as steps, skips, and easy to remember.

b. Dynamics
Is it soft or loud? The song is loud.

c. Texture
Is it thin – single melody, thick- two or more
melodies? It is thick because there are
two melodies in the song.
d. Rhythm
What is time signature? Is it regular, It is in a 34 time signature. It is
irregular, syncopated? regular sir.

e. Tempo
Is the song slow, moderate or fast?
It is fast sir.
Abstraction Other Representative Music of Visayas

A love song is a song about being in love,

falling in love, and heartbreaks upon the end
of love and the feelings that these experiences

A courting song is a song about courting or

dating. It represents the romance between two

A drinking song is a song sung during social

gatherings. It may vary from person to person
and region to region in both the lyrics and in
the music.

A farewell song is a song of goodbye or

leaving someone.

A lullaby is a soothing song with which to lull

a child to sleep.

A work song is typically sung for two reasons:

to coordinate the labor of a group of people
working together, which improves the
efficiency of the work, and to relieve the
boredom of a tedious job, which improves the
lives of the workers.

Activity #5: It’s Guessing Time!

Take time to listen to these other

representative vocal music of Visayas.

1. Ili-Ili Tulog Anay

2. Dandansoy

3. Si Pilemon

4. Rosas Pandan

5. Matud Nila

6. Condansoy

After listening to the sample vocal music, try

to match each song with its corresponding
use or function.

1. C. Visayan love song

A B 2. D. Visayan Courting song

1. Matud Nila A. Visayan work song 3. B. Ilonggo Farewell song

2. Rosas Pandan B. Ilonggo farewell song 4. E. Illonggo Lullaby

3. Dandansoy C. Visayan love song 5. A. Visayan Work Song

4. Ili-Ili Tulog Anay D. Visayan courting song

5. Si Pilemon E. Ilonggo lullaby

Did you get all five of them correctly? Great

job! To further analyze this activity, answer
the following questions:

1. Was it easy for you to categorize each song? Yes, because it is already
Why? Why not? shown on its lyrics on how the
song is categorized.
2. Does each function reflect the culture of the
Visayan region? How do you say so?

3. Based on this activity, can you see how

important music is in our life? In what way?

Application To deepen your understanding about the

distinctive characteristic of Visayan music to
other regions, here is another activity that will
add more convictions about what were
discussed in this module.

Activity #6: 4 Pics 1 Song

Directions: Each of the four pictures below

represents an idea. Choose the song from the
box that refers to the idea of the pictures.
State your reason for picking your answer.

Great! You seem to be enjoying this activity.

Now, try to answer the following questions on
a separate sheet of paper.

1. What did you feel while doing this activity?

2. Were you able to give the right answer?

How did you do it?

3. Cite some examples of Visayan music

wherein their culture is evident.

E. What have you learned today? Based on what Students volunteer to answer.
Generalization you have learned and experienced what are
your realizations after finishing the tasks?
IV. Evaluation


Direction: Identify what is asked in the following statements.

_______________ 1. A soothing song with which to lull a child to sleep.

_______________ 2. It is a Visayan folk song usually in triple time and comes from the word “berita”
which means narration.

_______________ 3. This song is sung to coordinate the labor of a group of people

working together and to relieve the boredom of a tedious job.

_______________ 4. It is a song about dating and it represents the romance between two couple.

_______________ 5. is a song of goodbye or leaving someone.

C. Modified True or False

Direction: Write TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if the statement is

incorrect. Write the word/s that make/s the statement incorrect, and write the

correct one. Write your answers on your activity notebook.

1. The Visayan music is Spanish-influenced because the Spaniards colonized the

Philippines for a long period of time.

2. Spaniard musicians introduced new style of music, with Eastern musical


3. The theme of the musical style of Visayan music is about love and marriage.

4. Ilocanos like their music close to each other while Visayan music notes are

quite apart.

5. Ilocanos are gifted towards survival while Visayans have a preference for


V. Assignment

Prepare your activity notebook. Listen to this lullaby from Visayas. While
listening to it, draw a line going up and down according to what you hear in the music.
Submit your output to your facilitator through messenger, e-mail, or other media
The line will represent the melodic contour of the sample music in this activity.
After drawing it, write your analysis about it. Good luck!

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