Audible Case Study

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challenge #87

Retention Features
For Amazon Audible
By: Varun Nema
The Problem
You’ve joined as VP of Product Management at Audible.
You feel you are unable to retain your users because of tough competition from other
streaming apps, as well as users switching to a Kindle or going back to physical
Users sign up for your app, and take a subscription for a month or two to try the app,
but usually discontinue the services post that.
You wish to focus more on retaining these users than acquiring new users.

To retain users than acquiring new ones
About Audible
Audible is an online audiobook and podcast service that allows users to purchase and
stream audiobooks and podcasts.
Owned by Amazon, Audible boasts 300 million monthly active users, with India being
one of the fastest-growing markets.
Audible charges 199INR for 1 month subscription in India.
Audible provide their own Audible original podcasts and audio stories included in their
Members get 1 credit every month through which they can purchase any 1 audiobook.
If somebody cancels the membership he/she can access the purchased audio
content anytime.
Member can exchange/return the audiobook if he does not not like.
Audio market currently valued at between $4.8-$6.8 billion and is expected upto
$37 billion by 2030.
Market Opportunity
Over 100 million Monthly Active Users in India for online audio content.
This includes podcasts, audiobooks and other audio-based online entertainment.
34% rise from 71 million recorded in 2020.
Only 12% Indian population has ever listened to a podcast therefore forms immense
room for growth.

User Persona #1
Miss Ishita is a second year student of and
she has been using audible from last 2 months.
Her main purpose is to make her 20s more
As she is new to audio world she is confused
about what to listen.
She wants to know what other students of her
age listen and find useful.

Pain Point:
Wants to know what other of her age listen and
finds useful.

Ms. Ishita
Introduction of audible social where people from
Age: 20
different profession share what they found useful.
User Persona #2

Mr. Rahul is an IT Professional and he loves to

listen about various topics on technology and
spirituality. He usually completes one audiobook
in 7 days and want more to listen but the prices of
the books are quite high and thus switches to
other apps to listen more.
He does not want to switch between apps.

Pain Point:
Only 1 credit available per month to buy.

Introduction of audible score to achieve
Mr. Rahul milestones to unlock books of different prices.
Age: 30
User Persona #3

Mr. Krishna is a businessman and he loves to get

knowledge on how to grow his business and also
likes to listen new hindi audio content. He
completed his schooling in hindi medium and does
not understand english.
He tried to listen great content from audible but
found most of them are in english, he wants to see
and search only hindi content.

Pain Point:
Only want hindi content on his home page.

Introduction of regional language content
Ms. Krishna
selection. Which when enabled shows content of
Age: 40
selected regional language.
Feature #1 Shows trending posts.

User can search posts with

Audible Social Amie James

name and hashtags to find
BBA student | loves marketing
I listen Marketing Tricks by Roy holder
User can ask questions to
Audible Social will allow user to view posts by other Hi everyone I am confused between Marketing by
suggest what to listen
Perfect dude and marketing by Miss Angelo. Please
listeners and with the help of #hashtags users can let me know which is useful for a BBA student.
through posting posts.
easily find relevant posts. #BBAstudents

Trending posts and post creation will help user to

User can like, comment,
share and get insights about their listening. share and react to the post.
Amie James
BBA student | loves marketing
I listen Marketing Tricks by Roy holder

I found "Advertising is a real game" by Tim Jose very User can save post to consider
Benefits: very useful for my assignment and internship.
Do check it out.
the audio content later on.
I have put link in the bio.
Social acceptance through post will help user to
share and get more insights and feel a part of
community. To create post.
Trending audio content will push user to listen
more audio content.
Feature #2

Audible Score
Audible Score will allow user to view their current
listening habit and will notify user to reach certain
Users can view what they have
milestones to unlock rewards. These rewards can be achieved in weekly and monthly
extra titles, some discount, coupons etc. Your score basis.

14 hrs completed 6hrs remaining

Showing time they have
Benefits: Today's listen time: 1hr 12 mins
completed this week.
You need to complete 6 hours of listening to

User can listen more books and enjoy rewards

achieve next milestone.
Today's listening time.
by listening more, reducing negativity about 1 1 extra title free

credit score.
10% off
upto 100 rupees next to next month

Insightful data will help user to create habit of Rewards they get after
listening. completing milestons.

Rewards and milestones will push user to listen



Audible Score

Your score
14 hrs completed 6hrs remaining

Today's listen time: 1hr 12 mins

You need to complete 6 hours of listening to
achieve next milestone.


10% off 1 extra title free

upto 100 rupees next to next month

Your score When clicked here

14 hrs completed 6hrs remaining 5% off All

Today's listen time: 1hr 12 mins

User achieved and upto 50 rupees

You need to complete 6 hours of listening to opted this reward

achieve next milestone.
2 free episodes of xyz podcast
milestons Dropdown shows all
10% off
upto 100 rupees
1 extra title free
next to next month
One day stream of limited edition rewards, achieved,
User achieved but locked rewards.
not opted this reward 10% off
upto 100 rupees

1 extra title for next to next month

Future rewards
Online Entry to live event of book by xyz
Feature #3 Audible Regional Feature

Audible Regional
India being a secular country and having different
languages in every state and region with only 12%
population understanding and speaking in english, it
creates an opportunity to serve content in regional Your score
language. 14 hrs completed 6hrs remaining

Audible Regional will allow user to view content of their Today's listen time: 1hr 12 mins

preferred language. You need to complete 6 hours of listening to

achieve next milestone.


Benefits: 10% off

upto 100 rupees
1 extra title free
next to next month

People struggling with english and other language

content can focus on their preferred language English हिन्दी ગુજરાતી Languages to select from
More user retention and acquisition in India.
Feature Success Metrics

Feature Metric
1. Number of users engage in the posts.
2. Number of posts save.
3. Number of post creation.
4. Number of hashtags being used.
Audible 5. Number of people listening to trending audio content.
6. Number of people like posts, comment, share and react.

1. Number of times user click to view audible score and rewards.

2. Rise in listening time of user.
Score 3. Number of times user avail the reward.

1. Number of users choosing regional language than english.

2. User's listening time in regional language against english
Regional language.
Go To Market Strategy

Phase 1: Market Research Phase 2: Beta version

Doing surveys, interviews will help to Development of features and Beta roll out
understand market need and trend in India. to targeted sample population of India.

Phase 4: Final release Phase 3: Improvement on Beta

Rolling the final version of the features by Feedbacks from sample population and
introducing with the help of notifications alignment of actuall results to expected
and homescreen directions to users. will improve our features.
Framework Prioritization

Feature Retention Activation Revenue Referral Acquition

Social Audible 5/10 6/10 40%-70% + 2/10 30% +

Audible Score 6/10 8/10 60%-100% + 4/10 40% +

4/10 5/10 20%-50% + 3/10 30%

Acquisition – How are people discovering our product or company?

Activation – Are these people taking the actions we want them to?
Retention – Are our activated users continuing to engage with the product?
Referral – Do users like the product enough to tell others about it?
Revenue- Are our personas willing to pay for this product?)

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