This document provides summaries of special counters that can be drawn and played during a WWII miniature wargame battle representing the fall of the Reich in 1945. The counters include:
1) An air attack counter representing close air support that has a chance of bringing in aircraft to aid the drawing player's battlegroup.
2) An ammunition low counter that can be played on an enemy unit to represent running low on ammunition and potential consequences on die rolls.
3) A mine strike counter that can be played on vehicles and represents the chance of hitting a mine with consequences on die rolls.
4) Additional counters involving confusion, breakdowns, and special rules related to the desperation of the German forces as the
This document provides summaries of special counters that can be drawn and played during a WWII miniature wargame battle representing the fall of the Reich in 1945. The counters include:
1) An air attack counter representing close air support that has a chance of bringing in aircraft to aid the drawing player's battlegroup.
2) An ammunition low counter that can be played on an enemy unit to represent running low on ammunition and potential consequences on die rolls.
3) A mine strike counter that can be played on vehicles and represents the chance of hitting a mine with consequences on die rolls.
4) Additional counters involving confusion, breakdowns, and special rules related to the desperation of the German forces as the
This document provides summaries of special counters that can be drawn and played during a WWII miniature wargame battle representing the fall of the Reich in 1945. The counters include:
1) An air attack counter representing close air support that has a chance of bringing in aircraft to aid the drawing player's battlegroup.
2) An ammunition low counter that can be played on an enemy unit to represent running low on ammunition and potential consequences on die rolls.
3) A mine strike counter that can be played on vehicles and represents the chance of hitting a mine with consequences on die rolls.
4) Additional counters involving confusion, breakdowns, and special rules related to the desperation of the German forces as the
This document provides summaries of special counters that can be drawn and played during a WWII miniature wargame battle representing the fall of the Reich in 1945. The counters include:
1) An air attack counter representing close air support that has a chance of bringing in aircraft to aid the drawing player's battlegroup.
2) An ammunition low counter that can be played on an enemy unit to represent running low on ammunition and potential consequences on die rolls.
3) A mine strike counter that can be played on vehicles and represents the chance of hitting a mine with consequences on die rolls.
4) Additional counters involving confusion, breakdowns, and special rules related to the desperation of the German forces as the
The document outlines various special rules and counters that can be used in wargames representing battles in World War 2, including rules for close air support, mechanical issues, low ammunition, and other unpredictable events.
The special counters like air attack, confusion, mine strike, and breakdown can have different consequences depending on the roll of a die. Some allow immediate orders or damage enemy units, while others might immobilize or destroy vehicles.
The breakdown and ammunition counters can result in vehicles becoming immobilized, taking damage, or needing to withdraw from battle if critical failures occur or ammunition runs out. This can represent the unpredictable nature of mechanical faults and supply on the battlefield.
Air Attack Ammunition Low Mine Strike
If you draw an Air Attack counter, then On WW II battlefields, mines could An enemy unit is running out of am- there is a chance than an aircraft is crop up anywhere, and an unlucky munition. The counter is immediate- inbound on a ground attack mission to vehicle might roll over one at any ly played on any enemy infantry unit aid your battlegroup. Place the counter time. Play the Mine Strike card on or deployed gun. If it is played on a on the edge of the table. At the start of any enemy vehicle that moved this deployed gun that has a loader team the player’s next turn, roll a D6. On a turn or last turn (it cannot be played attached, immediately remove the 5+, an aircraft will arrive. Roll again on on static vehicles), and roll a D6 on loader team (this event does not the Close Air Support Table in the the Mine Strike Table below. require a Battle Counter) and roll a battlegroup’s Army List to determine D6 on the table below -they won’t Mine Strike Table exactly what type of aircraft it is, and hang around with no ammo to carry. roll again for how that aircraft is 1 Friendly Fire This counter cannot be played on a armed. A failed roll means no aircraft It is not an enemy vehicle vehicle. arrive at this time. but one of your own that has hit an uncleared friend- Note: If the battlegroup includes a unit ly mine. Your opponent with the Air Spotter special rule, then AMMO TABLE the chance of an aircraft arriving will may now place the Mine be increased, as per the special rule Strike Counter on one of 1 No Effect section. your vehicles and roll on The unit has just enough this table again. This can ammunition to get by to happen repeatedly. the end of the battle. Beyond the Call of Duty 2-5 KABOOM! Immediately play this counter on one 2-3 Almost Empty The vehicle takes a hit with of your own units (any unit you like). It The unit can take one more a penetration value of 5 may take a “Beyond the Call of Duty” shot, and then is out of against its rear armor. test, and if passed, then that unit may ammunition. They then immediately be given an order out of cannot fire again until they the normal sequence. 6 Critical Damage are resupplied. Regardless of armor, the mine damages the vehicle 4-5 Out of Ammo Confusion so badly, the crew aban- The unit cannot fire again dons it. The vehicle counts The battlefield is a chaotic place, until resupplied as destroyed. things go wrong, people or units do not act as their commander wishes, 6 Out of Ammunition confusion may reign as shells land The unit is out of ammuni- (friendly and enemy) and units can tion and quits the battle- easily be fired upon by their own side. The Confusion counter represents this field in search of more, it unpredictability. Play this counter on counts as destroyed. any enemy unit. It must immediately take a Unit Morale test, just as if it had been hit by fire. Breakdown FALL OF THE REICH SPECIAL COUNTERS In battle, moving off-road and pushing equipment to its limits, vehicles can suffer mechanical “Alles fur Deutchland” player rolls 2D6 and adds the problems. Immediately play this result to his total BR rating This special rule applies to all Ger- counter on an enemy vehicle (but for the rest of the battle. man Battlegroups, regardless of not an aircraft). Roll a D6 on the which army is being used, when If the Allied player (British, Breakdown Table below. fighting battles in 1945. American, or Russian) draws the “Endkampf” counter, Note: If your battlegroup contains With the German Army collapsing then given the hopeless odds any vehicles with the Unreliable and enemies advancing across (generally the wider war special rule, you MUST play the Germany from all directions, beyond this battlefield), the counter on one of them instead; many German soldiers fought on German battlegroup’s will to see the Unreliable unit special rule with a courage born of despera- fight on is collapsing fast, for full details. tion and despair -with little choice and many of its men (and (even though the war was lost) boys) are seeking to run or but to sell their lives dearly. BREAKDOWN TABLE surrender, rather than fight To represent the desperate “last and die. On playing the stand” nature of much of the counter against the German 1 No Effect fighting, the German player may Battlegroup, its commander Something’s clanking, but the ve- elect to use any of the special, must immediately take addi- hicle will struggle on until the end non-numbered battle counters he tional battle counters. of the game. draws from the pot as “Beyond the Call of Duty” tests (see the The number depends on the 2-5 Immobilized main rulebook), and play them on size of the game: The vehicles sputters to a stop. It is any of his units as normal. This includes the Air Attack, Break- In a Squad game – 2 immobile for the rest of the game, down, and Confusion counters, Counters unless it can be repaired. which he can choose to use as In a Platoon game – 3 normal, or for a “Beyond the Call 6 Severe Breakdown Counters of Duty” test. The vehicle breaks down badly, In a Company game -4 perhaps catching fire as well, and Counters the crew abandons it. Count the Endkampf vehicle as destroyed. In a Battalion game – 5 The German’s unpredictable re- Counters solve, to either fight to the last, These counters are then or to give up all too easily, is rep- treated as normal, including resented in the game using a spe- any special counters. cial battle counter. It is called “Endkampf” and when drawn, it must be played immediately.
If the German player draws the
counter, then his men have the extra resolve to fight to the last, regardless of losses – perhaps to safeguard local homes or refu- gees, or to buy extra time for other defenders to prepare fur- ther down the road. The German Artillery Support Ammo mobilized. Low – German Only Ammo Low Chart – German 5-6 The vehicle is completely Only out of fuel and the crew This counter may only be 1 The unit has just enough abandons it. The unit played against the German ammo to get through to the counts as destroyed, take player. end of the engagement. a battle counter for its A German off-table artillery or loss. mortar battery is running out 2-4 The unit has one more of ammunition. Nominate a shot and then they are out single off table battery and roll of ammo and cannot fire Dud Panzerfausts – German Only a D6. If there are no German again until they are resup- off table batteries, this counter plied. This counter may only be played counts as a 0 instead. against the German player. 5-6 The unit is out of ammu- Artillery Support Ammo Low nition altogether and with- Roll a D3 (a D6 divided by 2, drop Chart draws from the field to resup- fractions), play this counter on the ply. The unit counts as de- resulting number (1-3) of German 1 The guns or mortars stroyed, take a battle counter infantry units armed with Pan- have just enough ammo to for its loss. zerfausts chosen by the counter get through to the end of drawer. the engagement. Out of Fuel – German Poor manufacturing quality or sabo- 2-4 The guns have one Only taged warheads mean the weapons more shot each and then are useless and cannot be used for This counter may only be they are out of ammo and the rest of the game. played against the German cannot be used again. player. If there are no German units with 5-6 The guns are out of Panzerfausts, treat the counter as a 0 Play on a single German vehi- counter again. ammunition altogether and cle and roll a D6. If there are begin to withdraw, take a no German vehicles on the battle counter for the loss of table, this counter counts as the guns support. a 0 instead. Alternatively, play this Out of Fuel Chart – against the next scheduled German Only German timed barrage, which is then cancelled and 1 The vehicle has does not happen. just enough fuel to get through to the Ammo Low- German Only end of the en- This counter may only be gagement. played against the German 2-4 The vehicle has player. enough fuel for Play against a single German one more move non-AFV unit and roll a D6. If and then it’s there are only German AFVs fuel tanks are on the table, this counter empty. The ve- counts as a 0 instead. hicle is then treated as im-