Arts 2 and 3
Arts 2 and 3
Arts 2 and 3
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K-12 CG Code
st st
1 The learner… The learner… Week 1 / 1 Q
1. describes the different styles of Filipino
artists when they create portraits and still life
understanding on creates a A2EL-Ia
lines, shapes, (different lines and colors)
composition/design by
and colors as translating one’s 2. differentiates the contrast between shapes Week 2 / 1st Q
elements of art, imagination or ideas that A2EL-Ib
and colors of different fruits or plants and
and others can see and
flowers in one’s work and in the work of others
variety, appreciates
proportion and 3. draws the different fruits or plants to show Week 3 & 4 / 1st
contrast as principles overlapping of shapes and the contrast of Q
of art colors and shapes in his colored drawing
through Week 5 & 6 / 1st
drawing 4. draws from an actual still life arrangement Q A2EL-Id
Week 8 / 1st Q
6. narrates stories related to the output A2EL-Ih-3
2nd The learner… The learner… 1. describes the lines, shapes, colors, textures, Weeks 1 & 2 / 2nd
and designs seen in the skin coverings of Q
demonstrates creates a composition or different animals and sea creatures using visual A2EL-IIa
understanding of design of a tricycle or arts words and actions.
using two or more jeepney that shows unity 2. designs with the use of drawing and painting Weeks 3 & 4 / 2nd
kinds of lines, colors and variety of lines, materials the sea or forest animals in their
and shapes through shapes, habitats showing their unique shapes and
repetition and and colors features, variety of colors and textures in
contrast to create their skin. Q A2EL-IIb
3. creates designs by using two or more kinds Week 5 & 6 / 2nd
of lines, colors, and shapes by repeating or Q A2PL-IIf
contrasting them, to show rhythm
4. uses control of the painting tools and Week 7 & 8 / 2nd
materials to paint the different lines, shapes Q A2PR-IIg-1
and colors in his work or in a group work
5. design an outline of a tricycle or jeepney on Week 7 & 8 / 2nd A2PR-IIg-2
a big paper with lines and shapes that show Q
repetition, contrast and rhythm
3rd The learner… The learner… Week 1/ 3rd Q
1. differentiates natural and man-made objects
with repeated or alternated shapes and colors
demonstrates creates prints from natural A2EL-IIIa
and materials that can be used in print making
understanding of and man-made objects
shapes, textures, that can be repeated or 2. creates a consistent pattern by making two Week 2/ 1st Q
colors and repetition alternated in shape or A2PL-IIIb
or three prints that are repeated or alternated
of motif, contrast of color.
in shape or color
motif and color from
nature and found creates prints with 3. carves a shape or letter on an eraser or Week 3-4 / 1st Q
objects repeating, alternating or kamote, which can be painted and printed
contrasting color or size or several times
texture 4. creates a print on paper or cloth using cut- Week 5-6 / 1st Q A2PR-IIIg
out designs
Week 7-8 / 1st Q A2PR-IIIh-3
5. participates in a school/district exhibit and
shows skills in making a
culminating activity in celebration of the
clear print from natural
National Arts Month (February)
and man-made objects
4th The learner… The learner 1. discusses the artistry of different local Week 1/ 4th Q
craftsmen in creating:
demonstrates creates a 3-dimensional 1.1 taka of different animals and figures
understanding of free-standing, balanced in
shapes, texture, figure using different Paete, Laguna
proportion and materials (found materials, 1.2 sarangola or kites
balance through A2EL-IVa-1
recycled, local or 1.3 banca, native boats from Cavite, and
sculpture and manufactured) coastal towns
3dimensional crafts
2. Answers a brief diagnostic assessment on Week 2/ 1st Q
giving value and importance to the
creates a 3-dimensional
craftmanship of local artists.
free-standing, balanced
demonstrates figure using different 3. identifies 3-dimensional crafts found in the 3-4/ 1st Q
understanding of materials (found materials, locality giving emphasis on their shapes,
shapes, texture, recycled, local or textures, proportion and balance
proportion and manufactured) 4. executes the steps in making a paper maché Week 5-6/ 1st Q A2PR-IVd
balance through with focus on proportion and balance
sculpture and
3dimensional crafts 5. creates a clay human figure that is balanced Week 7-8/ 1st Q
creates a 3-dimensional and can stand on its own
free-standing, balanced
figure using different
materials (found materials,
recycled, local or
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K-12 CG Code
1st The learner... The learner… 1. distinguishes the size of persons in the Week 1/ 1st Q
drawing, to indicate its distance from the viewer A3EL-Ia
demonstrates creates an artwork of
understanding of people in the 2. shows the illusion of space in drawing the Week 2/1st Q
lines, texture, shapes province/region. A3EL-Ib
objects and persons in different sizes
and depth, contrast On-the-spot sketching
of plants trees, or 3. explains that artist create visual textures by Week 3/1st Q
(size, texture) A3PL-Ic
buildings and using a variety of lines and colors
through drawing
geometric line designs 4. discusses what foreground, middle ground, Week 4/1st Q
and background, are all about in the context of A3PL –Id
a landscape
shows a work of art
5. describes the way of life of people in the Week 5/1st Q
based on close A3PL-Ie
observation of natural
objects in his/her
surrounding noting its 6. Creates a geometric design by contrasting two Week 6/1st Q
size, shape and texture kinds of lines in terms of type or size. A3PR-If
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K-12 CG Code
2nd The learner... The learner... 1. Discusses the concept that there is Week 1/ 2nd
demonstrates creates an artwork of harmony in nature as seen in the color of A3EL-IIa
understanding of people in the landscapes at different times of the day Ex:
lines, textures, province/region onthe- 1.1 landscapes of Felix Hidalgo,
shapes and balance spot sketching of Fernando Amorsolo, Jonahmar Salvosa
of size, contrast of plants, trees and 1.2 Still’s life of Araceli Dans, Jorge Pineda,
texture through building and geometric Agustin Goy
drawing line designs
2. Discusses the concept that nature is so rich Week 2/ 2nd Q
applies knowledge of for no two animals have the same shape, skin
planes in a landscape covering, and color
(foreground, middle 3. demonstrates how harmony is created in an Weeks 3 & 4/ 2nd Q
ground and artwork because of complementary colors and A3PL-IIc
background) in
painting a landscape
4. paints a still life by observing the different Weeks 5 & 6/ 2nd Q
creates an artwork of shapes, color, and texture of fruits, drawing A3PR-IId
people in the them overlapping and choosing the right colors
province/region onthe- for each fruit
spot sketching of 5. creates new tints and shades of colors by Weeks 7 & 8/ 2nd Q
plants, trees and mixing two or more colors A3PR-IIe
building and geometric
6. paints a landscape at a particular time of the Weeks 7 & 8/ 2nd Q A3PR-IIf
line designs
day and selects colors that complement each
other to create a mood
applies knowledge of 7. discusses the characteristics of a wild animal Weeks 9 & 10/ 2nd
planes in a landscape by making several pencil sketches and painting Q A3PR-IIg
(foreground, middle it later, adding texture of its skin covering
ground and
8. explains the truism that Filipino artists Weeks 9 & 10/ 2nd A3PR-IIh
background) in
painted landscapes in their own a particular Q
painting a landscape
style and can identify what makes each artist
unique in his use of colors to create harmony
Quarter Content Standards Performance Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K-12 CG Code
3rd The learner... The learner... 1. Discusses the concept that a print made from Week 1 / 3rd Q
objects found in nature can be realistic or A3EL-IIIa
demonstrates exhibits basic skills in 2. explains the importance and variety of Week 2 / 3rd
understanding of making a design for a materials used for printing
shapes, colors and print and producing 3. Demonstrates the concept that a print design Week 3 / 3rd Q
principle repetition several clean copies of
may use repetition of shapes or lines and A3PL-IIIc
and emphasis the prints
emphasis on contrast of shapes and lines
through printmaking
(stencils) manipulates a stencil 4. Executes the concept that a print design can Week 4 / 3rd Q
with an adequate skill be duplicated many times by hand or by A3PL-IIId
to produce a clean machine and can be shared with others
print for a message, 5. explains the meaning of the design created Week 5 / 3rd Q A3PR-IIIe
slogan or logo for a 6. stencils a paper or plastic sheets to be used rd
Week 6 / 3 Q
Tshirt, poster bag A3PR-IIIg
for multiple prints on cloth or hard paper
produces at least 3 7. writes a slogan about the environment that Week 7 / 3rd Q A3PR-IIIg
good copies of print correlates messages to be printed on T-shirts,
posters, banners or bags
using complementary 8. participates in a school/district exhibit and Week 1 / 4th Q
colors and contrasting culminating activity in celebration of the
shapes National Arts Month (February) A3PR-IIIh
4th The learner... The learner... 1. identifies different styles of puppets made in Week 1 /4th Q
demonstrates creates a single puppet the Philippines (form Teatro Mulat and Anino A3EL-IVa
understanding of based on character in Theater Group)
shapes, colors, legends, myths or 2. discusses the variations of puppets in terms Weeks 2-4 / 4th Q
textures, and stories using recycled
of material, structure, shapes, colors and A3PL-IVb
emphasis by and hard material
variation of shapes intricacy of textural details
and texture and creates a mask or 3. creates a puppet designs that would give a Week 4 / 4th Q
contrast of colors headdress that is specific and unique character, with designs of
through sculpture imaginary in design varied shapes and colors on puppets to show
and crafts using found and the unique character of the puppet/s
recycled materials 4. constructs a simple puppet based on a Week 5 & 7 / 4th Q
character in a legend, myth or story using A3PR-IVe
demonstrates demonstrates basic recyclable materials and bamboo sticks or twigs
understanding of skills in constructing a 5. manipulates a puppet to act out a character in Week 5 / 4th Q
shapes, colors, puppet made from a a story together with the puppets A3PR-IVf
textures, and hard and stick, which 6. utilizes masks in simple role play or skit Week 6 / 3rd
emphasis by can be manipulated
variation of shapes A3PR-IVf
and texture and
contrast of colors
through sculpture 7. performs as puppeteer together with others, Week 7 / 3rd Q
and crafts in a puppet show, to tell a story using the
puppet he/she created
Grade Level: Grade 2
Subject: Health
displays self-management skills in H2PH-IIij-8
Week 7
caring for the sense organs
3rd Quarter 1. demonstrates 1. consistently adopts describes healthy habits of the
Week 1 to Week 2 2FH-IIIab-11
understanding of healthy family family
healthy family demonstrates good family health H2FH-IIIcd-12
habits and practices Week 3 to Week 4
habits and practices
2. demonstrates an 2. demonstrates
understanding of positive expression of
managing one’s feelings toward explains the benefits of healthy Week 5
feelings and family members and expressions of feelings
respecting ways of coping with
differences negative feelings expresses positive feelings in
Week 6 H2FH-IIIgh-14
appropriate ways
demonstrates positive ways of
expressing negative feelings, such H2FH-IIIij-15
as anger, fear, or disappointment Week 7 to Week 8
displays respect for the feelings H2FH-IIIj-16
of others
4tth demonstrates an demonstrates consistency
discusses one’s right and
understanding of rules in following safety rules at Week 1
home and in school. responsibilities for safety
to ensure safety at H2IS-IVa-12
home and in school identifies hazardous areas at
Week 2 H2IS-IVbc-13
identifies hazardous household
products that are harmful if
ingested, or inhaled, and if Week 3 H2IS-IVde-14
touched especially electrical
recognizes warning labels that Week 4
identify harmful things and H2IS-IVf-15
explains rules for the safe use of
Week 5 H2IS-IVg-16
household chemicals
follows rules for home safety Week 6 H2IS-IVh-17
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.
demonstrates good
selfmanagement and good-
decision Week 7 to Week 8 H3DD-IIij-8
making-skills to prevent common
3rd Quarter demonstrates demonstrates critical H3CH-IIIab-1
defines a consumer Week 1 to Week 2
understanding of factors thinking skills as a wise
that affect the choice of consumer explain the components of
health information and consumer health
products discusses the different factors
that influence choice of goods Week 3 Week 4 H3CH-IIIbc-4
and services
describes the skills of a wise
Week 5 to Week 6
demonstrates consumer skills for
given simple situations
identifies basic consumer rights Week 7 to Week 8 H3CH-IIIfg-7
practices basic consumer rights
when buying
discusses consumer
Week 9 H3CH-IIIi-10
identifies reliable sources of
Week 10 H3CH-IIIj-11
health information
4th Quarter demonstrates demonstrates
understanding of risks to consistency in following explains road safety practices as
Week 1 to Week 2
ensure road safety and in safety rules to road a pedestrian H3IS-IVab-19
the community. safety and in the
explains basic road safety H3IS-IVcd-21
practices as a passenger
Week 3 to Week
demonstrates road safety
practices as a passenger H3IS-IVcd-22
describes dangerous,
destructive, and disturbing road
Week 6 H3IS-IVf-24
situations that need to be
reported to authorities
displays self-management skills
Week 7 H3IS-IVg-25
for road safety.
identifies hazards in the
Week 8 H3IS-IVh-26
follows safety rules to avoid
Week 9 H3IS-IVi-27
accidents in the community
recommends preventive action Week 10 H3IS-IVj-28
for a safe community
* These learning competencies were rephrased and deemed essential in the achievement of content and performance standards.
Quarter Content Standards Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner The learner performs body 1. Creates body shapes and actions Weeks 1&4
demonstrates shapes and actions properly.
understanding of body
shapes and body
actions in preparation PE2BM-Ie-f-2
for various movement
2nd The learner The learner performs 1. Describes movements in a Weeks 1&2
demonstrates movements accurately location, direction, level,
understanding of involving locations, directions, pathway and plane
locations, directions, levels, pathways and planes. PE2BM-IIa-b-17
levels, pathways and
The learner The learner performs 1. Moves: at slow, slower, Weeks 1&8
demonstrates movements accurately slowest/fast, faster, fastest
understanding of involving time, force, pace
3rd movement in relation and flow. using light, lighter, lightest/strong, PE2BM-IIIc-h-19
to time, force and flow stronger, strongest force with
Quarter Content Performance Standards Most Essential Learning Competencies Duration K to 12 CG Code
The learner The learner performs body 1. Describes body shapes and actions Weeks 1&2
demonstrates shapes and actions properly.
1st understanding
of body shapes
and body
actions in preparation
for various
⮚ at slow, slower,
slowest/fast, faster,
fastest pace
using light, lighter, lightest/strong,
stronge r, strongest force with
smooth ness
3. Demonstrates movement skills in This competency is PE3MS-IIIa-h-1
response to sound already embedded
in other LCs.
4. Engages in fun and enjoyable This competency is PE3PF-IIIa-h-2
physical activities already embedded
in other LCs.
The learner The learner performs 1. Participates in various movement Weeks 1&2
demonstrates movement activities involving activities involving person,
understanding of person, objects, music and objects, music and environment
movement environment correctly PE3BM-IV-a-b-20
4th activities relating to
person, objects, music
and environment