Week 1 Interview Questions

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1. Oops concept and explain how you have implemented in your project.
2. Finding 3rd highest salary from emp table?
3. Difference b/w union and joins in sql?
4. Apply bonus to employees based on experience in emp table?
5. Abstraction & where it is used in your project?
6. Diff between Abstract class & interface?
7. What is static keyword in Java
8. What method Overloading & Overriding?
9. What are difference between throws and thrown ?
10. How you handle exceptions ?
11. - How many times you can write catch block ?
12. - When finally block get executed ?
13. This keyword
14. Final keyword
15. Static keyword
16. Access modifiers
17. Exception handling types
18. Inheritance
19. Class nd interface difference
20. Abstract
21. Why main method is static?
22. What is Run time polymorphism
23. Difference between list and set
24. Method overloading and overriding
25. Use of constructor
26. Difference between static and non static methods
27. what is the difference between fileinputstream and fileoutpustream.
28. please learn these programs too :
29. Write the code for duplicating a string by using hashmap
30. write a program to count number of words in a string by using hashmap
31. write a program for getting sample word which is in this order
32. what are oops concepts?
33. what is the difference between data abstraction and encapsulation where you have implemented
in your project.
34. what is this and super keyword and difference.
35. SQL where clause, aggregation, group.
36. Primitives and Non Primitives datatypes in java? String is primitive or non primitive
37. What is Hashmap ? Can we store objects in hash map and how to retrieve them?
38. Java- Write a Java program to print 1234 1234 in two rows.
39. Explain Set and Map in Java.
40. Explain inner join and outer join in SQL.
41. Explain about collections.
42. "Move all zeroes to end of array- Given an array of integers,Move the all zero's to end of the
array. Push all the zero’s of a given array to the end of the array.
Example 1: INPUT: myArray={2,5,0,4,2,7,0,0,1,9,4} ---OUTPUT:
43. "Print all the duplicate character and their count in the given string.
Example 1: INPUT : String str=""hcl-tech"" ---OUTPUT :h-2,c-2"
44. Reverse a string preserving space positions. INPUT : "Java is a programming language" ---
OUTPUT : "egau gn a lgnimmargor pasiavaJ"
45. Can we over load main method in java?
46. "Which catch block will get execute first.
There are two catch blocks in first catch block have exception e and second catch block have
arithmetic expections and will expect arithmetic exception in try block then which catch block
will get execute first?"
47. "6. String s1= ""hello""; String s2=""hello"";
If(s1==s2) then tell me if it's true or false."
48. "String s =""hello""; s.concate(""world"");
What is the output?"
49. what is String Pool.
50. difference between String Builder and String Buffer?
51. What are different memory types in JVM
52. what is the difference between ArrayList and Vector
53. what is clone and where did you use
54. How hash map works internally and how its generate hash code?
55. Difference between ETL and SQL ?
56. Is hashmap thread safe?
57. What is stored procedure?
58. Write a query to find 2nd highest salary?
59. For a string ""Welcome to moolya"" write a code in java to print the repeated character and
display how many times it is repeated
60. Given arraylist =[2,5,1,10,20,20,15] Sort them in descending order
61. Write a code to print in the following sequence: 1 2 3 4 hi 6 7 8 9 hi .........1000

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