Important Questions
Important Questions
Important Questions
1. What is OOPS?
2. What is abstraction?
3. What is data abstraction?
4. What is data hiding?
5. Reverse a string without using an inbuilt function.
6. Main pillars of OOPS?
7. Elaborate about the main pillars of OOPS?
8. What is encapsulation?
9. Find out the frequency of an element in the string?
10. What you like about python?
11. How python helped you in making projects?
12. What is DBMS?
13. What is DSA & its types?
14. SQL query to find max salary?
15. Second largest in array?
16. What is pointers?
17. How do we call a function?
18. Which concepts did you learnt in python & C?
19. MATLAB based for EE students (What is MATLAB)?
20. Write a program to swap two number.
21. Difference between if Statement and switch case statements?
22. String c=move_string(“5”)
What is its output?
23. Compare two numbers without using comparison operator & arithmetic
operator(Answer: Bitwise Operator)
24. Print the pattern :
7 8 9 10
25. Print the pattern :
26. If ()
Difference between “==” and “===” in java script
27. Difference between python and C++?
28. Print pattern”:
29. How to remove duplicates from the array?
30. What is inheritance?
31. What is hashset in java?
32. Linked list implementation?
33. Difference between stack and queue?
34. Difference between class and object?
35. What is embedded system?
36. Code for printing squares difference between while and do-while loops?
37. About SQL?
38. Difference between C, C++ & Python.
39. SQL query -> inner join, left join & full join.
40. Write factorial program.
41. Bubble sort perquisites.
42. About Call by value & call by reference.
43. Suppose word =”Wednesday”:
Print the 2nd& 8th character.
Condition: If the 8th character is not there than program must not run an error.
For ex: - when the word is: “The”.
44. Write Armstrong number program.
45. Write palindrome number program.
46. Write program for sorting.
47. Situation based questions on OOPS.
48. Branch related questions.
49. Push-pull amplifier.
50. Difference between electrical and electronics.
51. About Devops is used & why.
52. Why git is used?
53. Program to insert elements in an array & pop them one by one.
54. Program to remove duplicate elements from an array.
55. Is Java script asynchronous? Why?
56. How will you hide the button at some specific events?
57. Print the pattern: