64013-Alien Influence
64013-Alien Influence
64013-Alien Influence
alien influence
The material presented here is heavily inspired by games like
Gamma World and Spelljammer, and adventures like the
classic Expedition to the Barrier Peaks. The ambition here is
not to explain away the magic of the warlock with high-tech
gadgets, but to add a layer of mystery through the inclusion of
enigmatic and alien equipment that isn’t strictly magical.
Successfully incorporating this tone requires resisting the
urge to use scientific jargon as an explanation for the
workings of fantastical effects. A light touch is required to pull
this off. Simply including robots, alien, and laser guns is
enough – focusing on details starts to strip away the mystery
and replace it with scientific certainty.
Of course, you don’t have to follow those guidelines. You
can push your campaign into full-blown sci-fi territory if you
so desire. Warlocks with the Traveler Between the Stars
patron might be clones or artificially biological lifeforms.
Injections of nanites or the use of genetically engineered
creatures might explain the origins of the magic used by
these warlocks. Whatever you decide to do, the following
suggestions can help flavor your pact boon.
Pact of the Chain. The Traveler Between the Stars has visited
countless world, so your familiar could be any kind of
organism. It could also be a synthetic organism, android, or
fully robotic. If your DM allows, the utility drone is a
particularly suitable option for your patron.
Pact of the Blade. Your blade is likely made of an unearthly
material – reinforced ceramics, a paper-thin unbreakable
metal, or a shimmering blade of force.
Pact of the Tome. Odds are good that your patron allows you
to use a transparent glass tablet as your Book of Shadows, but
a device that stores your spells as digital music recordings of
the magical formulas you know can also convey a
technological and otherworldly aspect for your character.
Tiny construct, neutral
Armor Class 14 (natural armor)
Hit Points 10 (3d4 + 3)
Speed fly 25 ft. (hover)
Kardeshev Rarity
Kardeshev Scale Minimum Character Level
Level I 3rd or higher
Level II 7th or higher
Level III 12th or higher
Timeworn Malfunctions
d6 Malfunction Result
1 The device sparks and sputters, but does not activate.
You must wait its cooldown period before using again.
2 The device activates normally, but deals half damage or
operates for only half as long.
3 The device activates and functions normally.
4 The device experiences a power surge. Damage dealt
with the device is maximized, but it must cooldown for
twice as long as normal.
5 The device activates and functions normally, but exudes a
30 foot aura that functions as an antimagic spell. This
aura persists for 1 hour.
6 The device explodes, dealing 1d6 piercing, 1d6 force,
and 1d4 radiation damage to all creatures within 30 feet.
Devices or Spells?
Nearly all the equipment here is modeled after a spell or
designed like an invocation or magic item. There is nothing
preventing you from deciding that every spell your warlock
casts is in truth merely the result of one of her expansive
collection of alien devices (though this quickly degrades the
sci-fantasy theme in the ways described earlier).
If you’re a Dungeon Master, changing the description of a
magic item to something that seems more technological in
nature is an easy way to create rewards for science fantasy
themed games. You can also reward characters with a limited
number of uses of one specific spell, describing the strange
and alien machine recovered that produces the effect when
activated. This single document is far too small to detail all
the possibilities.
Radiation Exposure
RAD Exposure Duration Saving Throw DC
1 24 hours. 10
2 12 hours. 12
3 1 hour. 15
4 10 minutes. 17
5 At the start of every turn. 20