8.1 03 - Facebook Ads - The Basics

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Section 3: Overview:

In this section, you're going to learn how powerful Facebook Ads actually are. And trust me,
although you think they're powerful, they are even more powerful than you actually think. I'm
going to show you how Facebook Ads actually work as well. It's good to understand this from
the start as it's going to help you learn way faster than someone who doesn't actually
understand how they work. I'm going to show you how you can set up your Facebook
advertising account from scratch. I'll be going over the key ad policies that you need to be aware
of. This video in particular is very, very important as, if you don't understand the Facebook Ad
policies, what can happen is that your Facebook Ad account can actually get banned and
suspended, meaning that you can't run any ads going forward. So definitely pay attention to that

I'll also be covering the Facebook Ad structure as well. So really just giving you a bird's eye view
on the whole Facebook Ad structure, the auction, and how it all works.

So without further ado, let's get started.

Section 3: How Powerful Are Facebook Ads:

I get asked this question quite a lot, it's typically by beginners who are new to the industry.
They've read a random blog online saying that Facebook ads aren't that powerful and that they
don't really work, and all other sorts of myths. So in this video, I want to prove to you with some
examples showing you some real case studies, just how powerful Facebook ads truly are. And
what better way to do that by showing you some real case studies.

So we can actually go to facebook.com/business/success and Facebook will actually show you

tons and tons of success stories all using Facebook ads. Now, the great thing about this page is
that you can actually down by specific business size. For example, you can go for an agency
case study, a large enterprise, a small or medium-sized enterprise. You can also break it down
by objective as well. So what was the main goal of that campaign? Was it to generate more
brand awareness, was it to install more apps, more website clicks, store traffic, and so on and
so on. You can break this down even a further level as well by industry. You can even go for
products and you can also go for regions as well. So I highly recommend that you go over to
facebook.com/business/success and have a look at any business in your specific industry and
really learn exactly what they did with Facebook ads to generate some awesome results. So
what I've done is I've picked out three case studies and what I'm going to do in this video is walk
you through each of them step-by-step, analyze them, and break them down.

So there's free companies we're going to be looking at in total. The first is a local business,
which is actually a motor dealership here in the United Kingdom. The second is a business
which has an app. So the main focus of this campaign is to focus on generating more app
installations. And the third business, which we're going to look at is actually a solopreneur, so
someone who runs an online consulting business. So all businesses operate in different
industries and vary in size as well. So hopefully this should give you a really good idea on
exactly how you can use Facebook ads to generate more success for your business, whether
that's more website traffic, sales, and so on. So what we're going to do is look at each of these
one by one. We're going to look at the campaign objectives, the targeting, and most importantly,
the results that they managed to generate.

So let's get straight into it and we'll start off with the first success story, which is by this company
right here, Leeway Motor Company. So Leeway Motor Company is actually a car dealership
here based in the United Kingdom. So before we can figure out exactly how well the campaign
went, what we need to do first is establish what the company's goal was. So as you can see, it
says Leeway Motor Company wanted to drive quality traffic to its website and encourage people
to make online inquiries or call the business to discuss their next car purchase. So the whole
campaign was based on generating more quality website traffic to generate more online
inquiries, which of course will be from people who are interested in buying one of the cars. So
we can actually scroll down and look at the ads that they actually ran to get a good indication of
exactly what ads they were showing to users.

And as you can see, it says Leeway Motor Company, quality used cars at affordable prices. Ask
about our incredible finance offers. Read our reviews on Auto Trader, which is a car platform
here in the United Kingdom. Then you've got finance available, contact us, five star customer
reviews. So this is actually a really good ad. The image they are using is completely relevant to
what the business does, which of course is selling cars. So the image they've used is highly
relevant and is a really good example. So let's go ahead and analyze a copy they've used for
the ad, which is quality used cars at affordable prices. Ask about our incredible finance offers.
So this is also a really good copy as they use the word quality, where quality signifies that they
have really high quality cars and not those cheap cars that typically break down after a month,
so this is a really good use of words in the copy. Quality used cars and typically when you buy a
quality car, it's going to be expensive, but they explicitly say that these cars actually come at
affordable prices.

So if you see this ad and you don't have that much money to spend on a really expensive car,
then seeing that these cars are affordable is going to make it more likely for you to actually click
on this ad and potentially inquire about the services. And of course, as you're probably already
aware, a lot of people don't actually outright buy the cars anymore. What a lot of people actually
do is finance or lease the car as it makes it a lot more affordable to actually buy the car you
want. So what have they done? They've also included that in the copy as well. Ask about our
incredible finance offers. So adding this line is going to make the ad resonate with more people
and definitely the ones who are running on a budget.

So now that we've analyzed the ad creative, it's time to look at the targeting and see exactly
who did they target with these ads. So if we go over to the left hand side, you can see it says
the first step was to reach people who had already made contact with or shown interest in the
company and encouraged them to make an inquiry. To do this, Leeway Motor Company showed
dynamic ads with the lead generation objective to custom audiences of recent website visitors,
people who had previously submitted an inquiry, and people who engage with Facebook page
posts. Now, you're probably wondering what is a lead generation objective. And essentially what
this is, is you can actually set up an ad. And when someone clicks on your ad, instead of
landing on a landing page, they actually click your ad and a box like this opens.

So here we have an ad from Land Rover. This is a lead campaign objective. Once you click get
a quote, it's going to open a page like this where you're entering your full name, your email, and
then maybe another option at the end. So the main objective of this ad is to get a person's name
and the email address, which is what we call a lead. Of course, you can get other items as well,
such as a phone number and so on, but the main objective of a lead ad is to get people's
information. So now we have that clarified, let's go back and continue reading. So to summarize,
Leeway Motor Company, what they did is they targeted people who visited their website and
people who engage with Facebook posts and the campaign they were running was a lead
objective ad.

So if we scroll down, we can also get a bit more information about the campaign they run. We
can see they also ran a concurrent campaign to find new prospective customers focusing on
look alike audiences, similar to the re-targeted custom audiences. This way, their ads were seen
by an even wider, yet highly relevant audience of people who are likely to take action. So this is
actually really clever with what they'd done. So essentially in a nutshell, they created an ad to
show to everyone who's visited their website and engage with Facebook posts as they know
these people are already interested in what they have to offer, as they have already been on the
website in the first place, then they then uploaded this database into Facebook. Facebook has
then analyzed a list of all those potential customers and then created their own look alike
audience, which Facebook are going to show the ads to. So if you're wondering what a lookalike
audience actually is, well, in the words of Facebook, a lookalike audience is a way to reach new
people who are likely to be interested in your business because they're similar to your best
existing customers. So hopefully, you can see exactly what Leeway Motor Company did. It was
actually really, really clever and it worked out really, really well for them.

Now, another thing which they also did in the targeting is that they didn't show the ad to all types
of people. So what do I mean by that? So you can see it says, the team also used a slideshow
format in ads that showed to car base interest audiences, AKA segmented by gender and age.
So they probably have some data which shows them, "Hey, younger people are more likely to
buy a sports car and the older population more likely don't really care about how sporty a car
looks. They want a car to be more practical." So what they could have done in this example is
show the sporty cars to a younger generation and then show them more practical cars that
aren't that sporty to the older generation. And of course, it also broke this down by gender as
well. So they might have a lot of data which shows that maybe men like to drive Mercedes and
women like to drive Audis. So as a result, they're going to show Audis to women instead of men.

So as you can tell, they took the targeting very, very seriously and got into quite some detail in
exactly who their target audience is. If we scroll down to the bottom of the page, we can have a
look at the products they use which is dynamic ads, the slideshow which we just covered,
custom audiences which of course with reaching people already on the website, and they've
done the lookalike audiences as well, which is what we've just covered. So how did the
campaign do with this amazing creative and having this extensive targeting options? Well, if we
scroll to the top, we can have a look at the results.

So you can see the campaign led to a 27% higher reach. It had a 31% increase in new website
visitors, which is a big increase and they had a whopping 203 sales inquiries generated by the
campaign. Now, I'm not too sure how long the campaign ran for, but for a local business, this is
a lot of inquiries. You can also see that they 2x their monthly sales, compared to the same
period of the previous year. So they basically doubled the sales from running a Facebook ad
campaign. So that is it for the first example.

And in the second case study, we're going to be analyzing this business right here, where the
primary focus is to generate more app installations. So a completely different industry, yet
they're still using Facebook ads and they're getting tremendous results. So Linxo is actually an
app that allows customers to manage multiple bank accounts and budgets from a single
interface. So it's kind of an app to do with your finances and managing your money a lot better.
So if we scroll down and look at the main goal of the campaign, you can see that the main goal
of the campaign is to increase the number of people using the app.

So it wasn't just generating more app installations. It was actually making sure that the people
downloading the app are actually using the app. So you can see they actually ran a targeted
campaign to communicate with new customers and yield a higher return on investment. So if we
scroll down and look at the main solution, you can see that they mainly focus on brand
awareness. And when it comes to targeting for this campaign, they really focused on lookalike
audiences, which of course I just covered not too long ago. So for this campaign, they weren't
really interested in generating more leads. Of course, every campaign has its own objective.
And in this campaign, the main objective was to generate more mobile app installations, which
of course they wanted high quality mobile app installations from users which actually use the

So a mobile app installation is actually a really good thing you should use if you have an app,
which you'd like to promote. So if you go over to Facebook page and get a bit more information
about what actually mobile app installations are. Essentially, these are ads which link directly to
the app store where you can download the app. So instead of people seeing your ad, clicking on
a landing page, and then clicking another link to go to the app store, this makes conversions
way more likely as people actually have less clicks to make. So whether you have your app on
the Apple store, Google play, or the Kindle Fire store, you can actually link your app directly to
your ad. So this would have a big boost on app installations, for sure.

So if you go back to this example, you can see that it's exactly what they were using, mobile app
installations. So instead of using images, they actually use short video ads, which of course are
more engaging. The only downside to using a video ad is that, of course, it's going to require
more work on your end before you can get the ad live. So we can actually look at the ad they
ran right here. It says, and if you could predict your budget and never be found at the end of the
month. Of course, bear in mind, this is actually a French company, so this is translated. So it
doesn't read perfect English, but you can get the idea of what they're trying to get across. It's all
to do with budget and managing your money. The image, it seems like we have a really chilled
out lady right here having a coffee, most likely checking her finances and she's smiling, so she
has nothing to worry about whatsoever. And that is because she's obviously using the app to
manage her finances. So again, this is a really good ad and it's definitely going to resonate.

And we can also see that they actually chose to run this ad on Instagram as well, which is really
good and you can see the products they use throughout this campaign was obviously the ads,
the video, the Instagram ads, the lookalike audiences, the app installs as a main objective, and
obviously the main goal of a campaign was to raise awareness and promote the app. So again,
they got the targeting really, really good and they had a really good Facebook ad creative. So
both these two things are really important.

Let's scroll back to the top and see exactly how the campaign performed. So they had a 31%
reduction in cost per action. This is in comparison to the marketing activities that they were
using before. They had a 40% increase in app installations, which is absolutely massive. So that
was a big success for sure. And their even bigger success is that it had 50% of active users
generated by Facebook traffic. So yes, it had a 40% increase in app installations, but half of
those people who installed the app continue to use the app and were active users. So this is
really important and actually makes quite a big difference to a business as there's no point of
people installing your app if they're not going to use the app, as of course, you won't really make
that much money in the long term. So this was a really good campaign. And as you can see, it
comes down to really good targeting and having a good Facebook creative.

So that is it for the second case study and it's time to move on to the third and the final case
study, which is this woman right here. Her name is Mirka. She is based in the Czech Republic
and her business is online consulting in the astrology niche. So if we scroll down and look at her
goal, this is actually really, really interesting because her campaign and her business is really,
really niche. So you can see, it says Mirka relies on Facebook to find and engage relevant
audiences for her personalized forecasts. So what does that mean her personalized forecast?
Well, if you read a little bit about her story, you can see a childhood interest in astrology set the
stage for Mirka's eventual profession. A self-taught astrologer, Mirka has spent 18 years honing
her craft and prepared personalized horoscopes for almost 4,000 people. So her business is
based on personalized horoscopes. Now I'm not sure about you, but that is really, really niche,
yet, she's managed to generate really good results from utilizing Facebook ads. So hopefully
this gives you a really good indication of no matter what business you operate in, how small or
how niche your offering is, you can definitely still use Facebook ads to generate great results.

I mean, I've never heard of personalized horoscopes in my life, but as you can see, she's got a
really good campaign. So let's walk through the details of the targeting and actually have a look
at her main Facebook creative. So as you can see for her campaign targeting, she used custom
audiences from her website. So this is another example of just how well using custom
audiences from your website can be and she also used lookalike audiences. So you're always
going to see these two in tandem as once you have your audience from your website, it's not
that hard to actually find a lookalike audience, which is also going to perform pretty well. So her
targeting on the whole was really good and really granular and she basically targeted people,
which she knows are going to be interested in our product and her services. So she's creative,
of course, as she's from the Czech Republic, it's not actually in English at the moment, but I'm
assuming these are all people that resonate with her business.

So she's got a female in this one right here, her reflection, I guess to do with a horoscope, who
she is, what she's about. So a really good image here, for sure. I assume this is the word
horoscope, so it's actually got the words of what potential customers would search for which is
really good. If we scroll along and look at another ad, you can see she's got another female
again, so I'm assuming she has data to say that most of her customers are more likely going to
be females, which is why she's using females in all of her ads. And we've got another image
right here. Again, very engaging and very capturing. Again, we have another female once again.
So I hope you can get the idea of what I'm trying to get across. She obviously has a lot of data
on who our customers are, what they're interested in, and what's going to capture their attention.

So the main product she used was paid publishing. She obviously ran ads. She showed her ads
in a mobile newsfeed. She's done conversion tracking just to see how many people are actually
getting in touch with her. She had custom audiences which I just covered, lookalike audiences
and the main goal was to drive online sales. So how did this campaign actually perform? Now,
remember this is a solo preneur. This isn't a massive business out there with hundreds of staff.
This is literally someone who has an online consulting business and wants to utilize Facebook
ads. So you can see she actually had up to 30% increase in monthly revenue, which is a
massive increase for sure, especially just for one person. She had a 70% average return on ad
investment. So essentially for every one pound or $1 she spent, she got 70% of that back,
which is absolutely amazing. And she also had a free time increase in return on ad investment.
So what that basically means is that for every one pound or $1 she spent on ads, she generated
free dollars back in return. I mean, how about that?

If you can have a blueprint where every time you put in one pound you get free pound back out,
that is literally a blueprint which any business would like to have, as you can literally keep
throwing money at that and you'd know you're going to get all your money back because you
have a 3x return on investment. So hopefully these three examples gave you a really good idea
of just how powerful Facebook ads can be for literally any business out there, no matter how
niche your business is, even if it's selling personalized horoscopes for example. So hopefully
you found this useful and it really gives you some inspiration to really take Facebook ads
seriously and take it to the next level and start pushing your business in the right direction. I truly
mean it when I say Facebook ads have the potential to transform any business out there. So
that brings this video to the end and I'll see you in the next one.

Section 3: How Do Facebook Ads Work - The Auction:

In this video, I wanted to give you a bit of background as to how Facebook ads work before we
dive in and start creating the actual ads. Understanding how Facebook ads work will make the
whole ad creation process so much easier to understand. So here's the biggest thing which you
should be aware of as a majority of people don't actually know this.

The Facebook ads platform is actually an auction. So whenever you're creating a new campaign
on Facebook, you're literally joining a huge worldwide auction. You'll be competing with
hundreds and thousands of advertisers to buy what Facebook is selling, which is real estate on
the newsfeed, Messenger, the Audience Network, the mobile apps to display ads to the users.

Now, while Facebook will try to satisfy every advertiser out there, the space for advertisement is
pretty limited despite as many users as Facebook has. Now, hopefully you enjoy the image I
have on my screen, just showing you how packed it can be. But essentially sometimes
Facebook won't be able to fulfil all of the requests it has for advertisements.

So when this happens, the highest bidder will get the most placements. The amount you pay for
a click or 1,000 impressions or a conversion is not what you're actually going to pay. It's just the
maximum amount that you're willing to pay to win the bid. Now it's good to note that Facebook
will always make you pay only the lowest amount possible to win a bid to have your ad
displayed. That means if your competition has a bid of 20 P and you have a bid of £10, then you
will only have to pay 21 P because it's only one penny higher than your competition.

Let's imagine Facebook has free available spots to display ads, and there are four different
advertisers all bidding for the same spots. Then this is how it would work out. Let's imagine
you've got advertiser one who has a bid of 30 P, you've got advertiser two who has a bid of 50 P,
you've got advertiser three who also has a bid of 50 P. Then we have advertiser four who has a
lot of money in his pocket, and he has a bid of £10.

Now, one thing I want to note as well, that the real system is obviously a way more complicated
than this. This is just a hyper simplification version, just to give you an idea of exactly how it
would work. So in this scenario of where there's only three spots available, advertiser one would
be most likely left out and would receive low to zero impressions.

Advertisers two and three will both get a good amount of impressions at a price of somewhere
between 31 Pence and 50 P. And advertise a four Will get the most amount of impressions at a
price just above those of two and three, so around 35 P to 60 P. No way is he or she going to be
paying £10. So there are two important takeaways here.

The first is if you try to bid too low, then your campaign may not get the exposure it deserves
and you won't reach any of your goals. Remember, you always get what you pay for, this is
especially true when it comes to Facebook ads. The second takeaway is don't worry about
bidding a higher amount. You'll still end up paying the lowest amount possible in the auction to
get your ad delivered.
So that's really important to note, some people might think if I put my maximum bid as £10, then
I'm going to pay £10 every time someone clicks my ad, it doesn't really work like that. You're
only going to pay one penny more than the highest bidder below you.

Now, of course, Facebook is a massive company, so it's a little bit more complicated than just
having a high bid. There are a lot of other contributing factors as well. And these are the three
biggest factors that can affect if you win the bid or not.

Number one is your bid as we just run through. So when you go ahead and start to create your
first Facebook ad campaign, as we're going to do very shortly under the second level of your ad
campaign, which is what we call your ad set level. You have an option under Optimization and
delivery. And this option is referred to as cost control.

Now, as the Facebook ads platform is basically an auction. It only makes sense that the more
you're willing to pay, the more likely you are to win the auction. So if you go with automatic
bidding, then there's a good chance you'll be just fine. So automatic bidding is basically where
you leave this box right here, Cost control. When you leave it completely blank and you don't put
in any figures whatsoever.

So when you leave this box blank, what happens is Facebook is going to ensure that your bid
will be high enough to win the auction you are in. So if you did want to specify a specific price
that you want to pay, then you simply do that by clicking Show more bid strategies right here.
Then once you click that, this box is going to expand and it's going to look like this, where you
have two different options. One's going to be called Cost cap, and the other is going to be called
Bid cap.

So if I was to go ahead and put in £5 in the Cost control box, and then go for Cost cap, you can
see that the main aim of this objective is that Facebook will aim to get the most amount of clicks
and for the average cost to be no more than £5 using the cost cap bit strategy, as of course, it's
saying £5 as I put in £5 above. So that's going to be a cost cap.

Now, if you opt to go for Bid cap, the strategy which Facebook is going to use is going to be a
little bit different. So again, using the same example of £5, but this time I'm going to change it
from Cost cap to Bid cap. You can see now that Facebook will aim to get the most link clicks
without bidding more than £5 in any auction using the bid cap bid strategy.

Now that might sound a little bit confusing at first, but essentially what that means is if you go for
Cost cap, so this one right here, then this is typically best for getting the most volume. And if you
go for Bid cap, then this is the best for controlling bids in the auction. So which one you opt to
go for depends on the strategy which you would like to achieve for your campaign. Are you
interested in getting the most volume or are you more interested in controlling your bid?

So typically controlling your bids is best for businesses. You understand exactly how much it
costs to generate a sale. They know the sales conversion data, they have all the data in-house
and they know exactly how much is a maximum amount of money that they would like to spend
to acquire a new client. So that is the first thing.

The second thing which has a big impact on if your ad is going to show or not is what we call ad
relevance. So Facebook's ad system is designed to maximize value for people and businesses
as well. So as a result, higher quality ads perform better in the auction. Ad quality is simply a
metric which Facebook uses to determine how good an ad is aka is it high quality or is it low

Ad quality is determined from many sources, including feedback from people viewing or hiding
the ad and assessments of low quality attributes, such as clickbait titles with your ad. So
basically if you set up an ad campaign and in your ad copy, you're making wild and false
promises to customers. Then that's actually going to have a negative effect on your ad quality.

I don't know why, but I see so many people do it. They create a Facebook ad account,
promoting maybe a herbal product. And in the ad copy, they're making all these wild, false
claims. How their product would help with this, help with that and there's no scientific reasoning
behind any of it or whatsoever. So what that results in is you have in a low ad quality and thus
your ad is not even showing any more on the platforms.

Now, when it comes to ad relevance, of course, ads with a high relevance will perform better in
the auction if they're higher quality. And what's good to note as well, is that ads with low quality
ranking tend to typically cost more, which may reduce distribution of the ads and lead to fewer

In fact, in certain instances, if you consistently post lower quality ads, Facebook systems will
start to consider all ads from your page, domain, ad account or any other associated entities as
lower quality aka meaning you will really struggle to generate any traffic when using Facebook
properties. So when it comes to ad relevance, there are five categories your ad can be
classified in total.

We have number one, which is above average. So this is the highest category your ad can be
placed in. If you see this, it means your ads are all going really well, and you're doing everything
great. Then below that, you're going to have an average, which is obviously second. Then we
have three more options below that, which are all below average and they're broken up by

So we have below average, bottom 35% of ads. We have below average, bottom 20%, and we
have bottom 10% of ads. So ideally when you're creating your ad campaigns, you want to make
sure that your relevance is at least average. And that way you will know you are doing better
than the majority of people on Facebook.

And for those wondering, when you do actually go ahead and create your campaign on
Facebook, there is actually a column you're going to see. Hopefully you can see it, is a little bit
blurry as I have zoomed in a lot. But essentially you're going to have a column in your ads
manager, which is basically where you manage your ads. And it's going to let you know exactly
what your ad relevance is. So you can see it says quality ranking and this ad in particular is

So the third and final contributing factor is going to be your estimated action rates. So Facebook
determines your estimated action rates, which are exactly what they sound like by a number of
different factors. So your estimated action rate is essentially how many people face estimates to
take action based on the desired goal of your campaign. So if your campaign is to generate
more sales, then Facebook can automatically predict how many people it thinks would actually
buy your product.

If it's more than great, it will show your ad to more people. If it's less, then Facebook will start to
show your ad less. So this is a metric and we don't actually see it. It all happens behind the
scenes, but we definitely notice a factor. Now, there isn't that much you can do when it comes to
estimated action rates. If you have a targeted ad with a very clear call to action, and then once
people click that button in your ad, they land on a page, which is all about the ad. The whole
buyer funnel is absolutely consistent, then you're not going to have any issues here whatsoever.

Great. So now we have a pretty solid foundation of how it all works. It's time to move on to
create actual Facebook ad accounts. See you in the next one.

Section 3: How To Set Up Your Facebook Advertising Account:

In this video, I'm going to show you how you can create a Facebook advertising account. So the
first thing you need to know is that to create your Facebook advertising account, you do actually
need to have an account with Facebook. So if you don't already have an account with
Facebook, simply head over to facebook.com and then sign up. It will literally take you just a
couple of minutes. So once you've signed up to Facebook, to create your Facebook advertising
account, all you need to do is go over to the top hand side of the menu and click create, and
then scroll down and click add right here. And what this will do is actually load your ads
manager. So your ads manager is essentially where you manage all of the ads which you create
in your account. So, one thing I want to note, which is extremely important, is that if you want to
run Facebook ads, you do need to have a Facebook page set up.

So in my instance, when I went over to Facebook, clicked the plus icon, and then went for an
ad, straight away Facebook loaded the Ads Manager, which is the page I'm on right now.
However, if you don't already have a page created, then instead of landing on this page,
Facebook is going to show you a pop-up like this, "Before you can create an ad, create a page.
With a Facebook page, you can create and manage ads and connect with millions of people
who discover pages every day." So as you can see, number one, you need to create a page and
then you can create an ad. So just as a heads up really, please make sure you have a page
created first as you won't be able to create any ads without it.
Now, if you don't have a paid account created for your business or any page representing
yourself, so maybe you're a solo entrepreneur for example, then please go back to the last
section titled, Facebook Marketing. As in that section, I basically walk you through exactly how
you can create a Facebook page and optimize it step-by-step. So once you have a page
created and you click the plus icon and you've gone to add, this is a page you're going to land
on. So this is a page within the Ads Manager and is basically where you start to create your ads.
However, if you created a page and you're still not seeing a screen like this, then the screen,
you're probably most likely going to see it's going to be this screen right here, where you have a
few different options for choosing your goal. Now, what you want to do if you're on this screen, is
to completely ignore all of these options and then go through this option right here, looking for
advanced tools at the bottom, go to Ads Manager.

So it's really important that when you create Facebook ads, you actually do that from within the
Ads Manager, as that is the main portal where all the magic happens. Sometimes by default,
Facebook will take you through this really basic setup process and the reason why you want to
avoid going from one of these options right here is because the options you actually have within
these options are very, very limited. And you definitely cannot take full advantage of all of the
powerful features that Facebook ads give you. So definitely skip all of this, go ahead and go to
the Ads Manager, and then once you click that link right here, you will land on a page similar to

So as you can see, the first thing Facebook is saying to us is we need to choose a campaign
objective. However, for now we're going to go ahead and close this box as I'm going to go
through all the campaign objectives in quite some detail later on in the course. So let's go ahead
and give that a click. So essentially what we've just done now is set up our Facebook
advertising account. So as you can see, it's very straightforward to set up. There are a few
different ways you can get to this page as I just ran through, it all depends on what defaults
Facebook actually shows you. But essentially before we actually start to go in and create some
actual ads, there's a couple more things which you just want to do, which is going to be under
the settings, which is this icon right here on the left-hand side.

Let's go ahead and give this a click. And then what we want to do is go ahead and click this icon
right here, which is payment settings. This is going to open two options. The first is where we
can add our payment methods. So it's really important that you add a payment method to your
Facebook account if you want your ads to go live. Now, if you don't plan on running any ads,
you just want to kind of get familiar with the interface, figure out exactly how it works, but don't
actually put any ads live, then you actually do not need to add a payment method. It's only
applicable for those who want to actually get added live out there on Facebook and all of the
platforms that they own. So if that's you, go ahead and add a payment method. There's a few
different options you can actually have. You can go for a bank card, you can go for PayPal, or
you can go for online banking. Choose whichever suits you.

So once you've added your payment method, the next thing which you want to do, which is
extremely important, and I'm actually surprised that not that many people will actually cover it, is
you need to set your account spending limit. Well, I say the word need. It's not really a
compulsory thing to do, but I highly recommend you set your account spending limit, as if you
don't, you can very easily end up spending more money than you actually plan to do. So go
ahead and click "Set your account spending limit," and then simply enter in whatever limit you'd
like to spend on your account. And then after that, you'd have to authorize any further spend. So
for example, I can go ahead and put in £100 and that is now going to be my limit.

So as you can see, you can control your advertising costs by setting an account spending limit.
Your ads will be paused when you reach the limit, you set and won't run again until you increase
or remove that limit. So this is really, really important. And I highly recommend that everyone
does that, especially if you are new to running Facebook ads. So once you've added in your
payment methods and you set your account spending limit, we have done everything we need
to do to be able to run our Facebook ad campaigns. So that brings this video to an end and I'll
see you in the next one.

Section 3: Get To Grips With These Facebook Ad Policies:

Before you start creating your Facebook ad, it's important that you understand the key ad
policies for both Facebook and Instagram, because there are definitely some restrictions in
place in terms of targeting and the messaging that you can use. So the best place to read about
all of these policies is going to be on Facebook itself. That is facebook.com/policies/ads. Once
you go to this URL, and of course I will link to this in the resource section of the course, you will
land on a page like this. So there are a few things that you want to bear in mind, and the first is
going to be the ad review process.

When you create an ad on Facebook, it doesn't automatically go live. Facebook actually has an
internal team that reviews the ad and makes sure it complies with all of their policies before it
goes live on all of their platforms. Typically when you submit an ad for review, it's going to take
up to 24 hours to get it approved. Now, the more you use Facebook advertising and the more
ads you run and the longer you've had your Facebook account for, the more likely this review
process is going to be shorter. For example, if you're spending a lot of money on Facebook ads
every single month, and you've got a proven history of never having any issues in regards to
policies, then it's very likely that your ads will be approved almost instantly. However, if you're
brand new to Facebook ads, then please be patient as it can take up to 24 hours. But as I said,
this will improve the longer you continue to run ads for.

Now, if any of our ads do get disapproved, then you will be notified via email. And you can see
you've got some steps to take action if your ad is disapproved. So you can go ahead, either
appeal it, rectify the ad, and then get that ad live on the platform.

You're probably wondering, "Okay, great, but what makes the ad get disapproved?" Well, this is
what I'm going to run through in this video.

There are a lot of obvious things you shouldn't do when it comes to running Facebook ads, such
as advertising any illegal products or services, selling tobacco, drugs, all the kind of
straightforward stuff, but there's a few definitely interesting ones on there, for sure, such as the
number six, unsafe supplements.

As you can see, it says, "Adverts must not promote the sale or use of unsafe supplements, as
determined by Facebook at its sole discretion." This is the reason why you never really see ads
on Facebook promoting supplement products because it's all down to Facebook sole discretion.
Whether your supplement is safe or not, it doesn't really matter as bad as it sounds. It all comes
down to Facebook's decision. So if you do operate in the supplement industry and that's what
you plan on promoting with Facebook ads, it's definitely worth you investing some of your time
just to make sure that your products are definitely safe and you at least have some certificates
to back that up. Maybe you can run some test or clinical trials just to really prove that your
supplement is indeed safe. So if you do have any issues with Facebook ads and the policies,
you can go ahead and send that certificate across to Facebook and actually appeal the

I have seen a lot of people starting their own supplement businesses in the last few years, and
have run into a few issues when it comes to Facebook ad policies. So definitely ensure you get
enough time and care.

We've got a few more obvious things as well, such as you can't run ads for any weapons,
ammunition, adult products or services, adult content and so on. But number 10 is another really
interesting one. I've actually seen two different businesses in the last six or seven months now I
think in total, have problems when it comes to third party infringement.

Basically what it was, is this guy wanted to start his own t-shirt business and what he was doing,
he was going onto Google, finding these really cool images and then basically sticking that
image on a t-shirt, and then using Facebook ads to promote that t-shirt. Well, the problem with
doing this is that the images he's using from Google, they are not his images and he doesn't
own the copyrights. So what he's essentially doing is stealing other people's images, putting
them on a t-shirt, and then selling it and making a profit. Now the person who owns that image
is not profiting from that whatsoever. So if you do plan on starting your own t-shirt business or
your own printing company, for example, then please make sure the images that you use are
going to be royalty-free as you're going to run into a lot of issues.

Now, if that is you, for example, and you plan on starting your own t-shirt business, then you can
use these two websites right here: pixabay.com, and you can use unsplash.com to find tons of
free royalty-free images that you can print on top of your t-shirts, where you can find tons of
images which you can use, which of course are all royalty free and free to use. Then you can
then overlay those onto your t-shirt and not have to worry about any third party infringement
issues. So another important one to really pay attention to.

We've got a few more other things as well, such as misinformation. Again, if you run any ads,
please make sure what you are saying is indeed 100% correct and factual. You definitely do not
want to misinform people as that can actually cause your ads getting disapproved of. You've got
a few more obvious things as well, such as cheating, deceitful practices, grammar, non-existent,
personal health, and so on. Payday loans is another big one. We speak to a lot of payday loan
companies in London who want to run Facebook ads, but of course we can't actually run any
ads for them as payday loans are not really in Facebook's best interest. And as a result, running
ads for a payday loan is going to be a complete violation of their policies and you're most likely
going to get removed off the platform if you continue to do so.

Now, if you keep scrolling down, there's a lot more other things you need to pay attention to as
well. If we go into restricted content, I want to run through a couple more, which is actually quite

The other is obviously going to be alcohol. Now this one is quite interesting as essentially this is
based on your local laws. For example, in the United Kingdom, to be able to drink alcohol, you
need to be at least 18 years old. That means if you're running any alcohol related ads that you
need to make sure that you're only targeting people that are above the age of 18. If you target
anyone below the age of 18, then you're going to run into some problems. However, if you're
running ads in another country where maybe the minimum age for alcohol is 21, then of course,
you're going to want to update your targeting to ensure you only target people of 21 and above.

And of course there are a lot more other restricted pieces of content as well, such as
subscription services, online pharmacies, ads about social issues, elections and politics. You
probably would have seen that in the news a lot about Facebook ads and politicians and so on.
So definitely worth giving all of these a read just to make sure you're fully clued up on exactly
what you can and what you can't do on Facebook ads.

Now, the last thing which I want to run through is going to be the targeting option. So it's all to do
with the positioning of your ad. And number three is the one which I want to focus on in
particular, which is going to be related landing pages. I don't know why, but I see a lot of people
set up Facebook ads and it's to do with maybe wireless mouses for computers, for example,
and the page you land on once you click the ad, has literally nothing to do with what the ad was
about. So the landing page is not relevant to the ad. Now Facebook has actually cracked down
on this a lot recently, and I'm not sure, like I said, why people continue to do this, but you really
want to make sure that your landing page is relevant to what your ad is about.

And I know it sounds very straightforward and kind of obvious, but believe me, you'll be
surprised how many people just chuck in a random link to any random Facebook landing page,
which has no relation to the ad itself. So please make sure you pay attention to that and keep
things relevant. And of course, if your landing page is relevant to your ad, which of course your
ads should be relevant to your users and the people you are targeting, then you're going to see
more conversions and more success from your Facebook campaign on the whole.

Now there are a lot more other policies you obviously need to bear in mind as well, especially
true if you're running video ads or lead adverts, for example. I mean, any tab you see on the
left-hand side, then you definitely want to check out the policy portal and make sure your ads
are going to be fully compliant. If you do that, you're going to have no issues whatsoever, and
you're going to have a nice smooth journey when it comes to running Facebook ads.

That is it for this video. And to summarize, we've covered the key ad policies which you need to
follow when it comes to running ads on Facebook and Instagram. And now we've got that out
the way, it's time to move on into some more detailed information, which is all about how the
Facebook ad structure works. And most importantly, how you can actually go out there and set
up and start running your own Facebook ads. I'll see you in the next one.

Section 3: The 2 Options You Have When It Comes To Running Facebook Ads:

So once you've created your Facebook advertising account, the next step is to decide on what
tool you are going to use in order to create your Facebook ads. So you really have two different
options, which I'm going to run through in this video, and I'll also run the pros and cons of each.
At the end of the video, I'll give you my recommendation. So the first option you have is going to
boost your post. So you'll see a big boost post button below all of your posts on your Facebook
page. So if you go ahead and give this a click, it will open a page like this, boosting your posts is
the easiest and the fastest way to start advertising on Facebook.

So as you can see, we have a few different options when it comes to boosting our posts. Our
goal at the moment is set to automatic. However, we can go ahead and click change and
actually change the goal of the boost. We can go ahead and click. We want to get more
messages, we want to get more engagement, get more website visitors, or get more leads. So
this is really the main objective of boosting our posts. So Facebook does give you a few different
options. However, it's still a little bit limited in comparison to what you can do in the next tool,
which I'm about to show you.

So you want to go ahead and pick whichever goal is most suitable for you if you decide to use
this tool. Of course, so maybe you want to get more engagement, get more likes and comments
on your posts, you would simply go ahead and click get more engagement, go ahead and click
save, and that is the main goal of your campaign. As a result, you can see Facebook is now
going to show your ad to people who are more likely to react, comment and share on your
posts. You can change the button on your post as well. So at the moment it says send a
message. You can actually change this to any other button you would like, maybe learn more or
sign up. So I'll go ahead and click learn more.

You have a special ad category as well. This is only really applicable if your ad is about social
issues, such as the economy and social rights and so on. You can see, you can obviously click
this button right here and learn more all about that. But nine times out of 10, this probably won't
be relevant to what you are running ads for. Especially, if you are boosting a post like we are
doing right here.

So under the boost your post option, you also have an option to choose your audience. So
people you would like to see your ad. You have your standard audience details, which by default
is going to be set to your country, and it's going to have an age range of 18 to 65. So you can go
ahead and edit this audience as well. So when it comes to editing your audience, I actually
highly recommend that you go out and check your Facebook insights. So that is simply going
over to your Facebook page, going over to insights, and then coming down to people on the left
hand side. Then this will give you an overview of the people that typically interact with your

So in my instance, the majority of people that interact with my page are actually men, 70%. The
age range, which most successfully interacts with my page is 25 to 30. So when I'm actually
boosting my posts, what I want to do is make sure I target men in the age range of 25 to 34. So
I would simply go for 25, like so, and I'll go to 34. I'll show my ad to men like so. This all depends
on the main goal of your campaign. You can also review your data on the insights as well to see
where the majority of your customers are. So in my instance, it's going to be the United
Kingdom. So I can go over here and leave mine as the United Kingdom.

So you can get a bit more granular now in terms of who you're targeting. You can browse the
type of demographics, people you are interested in. For example, you can target people based
on how much money they make by going into finance and then going into income. As you can
see it, you can target household income or the top 10% of the US. You can go for the top 5% to
maybe show your ads to the wealthiest people in the United States, for example. This can work
really well if you have a high-end product. So if your product is really, really expensive, then
you're most likely going to want to show your ad to people that you know have excess money to
spend every single month.

You can also go into interest as well and show your ads to people who have an interest in a
particular thing, such as food and drink, for example. Maybe you have a cooking book, which
you'd like to promote. You can target people who are interested in cooking, baking, recipes and
so on. So you have quite a few different options under detailed targeting. So for my instance of
boosting my posts about SEO, I most likely want to go to business and industry. I'll probably
want to scroll down to entrepreneurship and tick this box right here. As my post is all about
SEO, which is getting a website onto the first page of Google. So who would be interested in
that? Most likely an entrepreneur who is interested in starting their own business, or potentially
starting their own SEO or digital marketing agency.

Of course, the options I'm selecting here are just very broad. It's just to give you an idea of
exactly how this tool works in comparison to the other tool, which I'm going to show you shortly.
So once you're happy with your detailed targeting, you want to go back and click this arrow, like
so. Now, this will give you an overview of all of your audience settings, which you've just
configured. So just be sure to double-check this and make sure it's all correct. At the moment, I
can see I made a small mistake with my one on the age. This should actually be 25 to 34.
However, I've got 25 to 35. So just be very careful as it is very easy to move this toggle one too
many spaces and actually get the wrong age range, which of course was taken from our
Facebook insights data.
So at the moment, you can see it says my potential reach. So the amount of people this ad
could actually reach on Facebook is 1.7 million people. So this is actually still very, very broad.
Although, Facebook deem it as a defined audience, you definitely want to try and play around
with your audience to get it as more specific as possible. As the more specific your audience is,
then the more targeted your ads are going to be, and thus likely the better your ads are going to
perform. So in this instance, instead of me targeting the whole of United Kingdom plus 25
kilometers, which as you can see, has a potential reach of 1.7 million, I could actually delete
United Kingdom from here, and under locations, just target a city within the United Kingdom,
such as London, which of course is the capital of the United Kingdom.

So we have it right here, London, England, United Kingdom. This is a city. So if I go ahead and
click that, you can also update the radius as well. So at the moment, it's set to 40 kilometers at
standard. You can go ahead and just lower that, if you wish, to 35 kilometers or whatever you
deem is going to be relevant. As you can see, that has a big impact on your potential reach. So
I've gone from 1.7 million down to 460,000. So once you're happy with your settings, just simply
ahead and click save audience, and then that is going to go ahead and save all of your settings.

So you can also choose to show your ads to people who liked your page as well, or people who
liked your page and their friends. So you might be wondering, "Well, why do I want to show ads
to people who already liked my Facebook page?" Well, this is because not everyone who liked
your page is going to see your post. For example, if I go over to my Facebook page right here,
you can see I've got this post. It's reached 172 people, and it's got 23 engagements on it.
However, my Facebook page actually has 494 likes and 506 people follow my page. However,
it's only reached 172, which is less than half of this number.

So what this means is that not everyone who follows me has actually seen this post. So I can
then choose to boost this post to my followers to make sure they all see this post. So that's a
really good option if you find that you're not getting that much engagement and visibility from
your current post on your page. So you can also scroll down and check the duration of your ad
as well. So you can have your ad running for five days, four days, however long you'd like. You
can also put in a total budget as well. When it comes to placement, you can choose where you
want your ads to show. You can go on Facebook and Instagram by default.

Now, if you scroll back to the top, you can also see a preview of your ad as well. We know this
ad, as it says, sponsored right here under the page name, which is Josh George. You can see it
says, "Learn more," which is the button we have configured. So it gives you an overview of what
you can expect to achieve as well. So people reached 347 to 1000, and it lets you know what
engagement you should generate on your post as well. One thing to bear in mind is these are all
estimates and Facebook can't actually guarantee that you will achieve these numbers. Of
course, the numbers you are seeing here are going to be relevant to the budget you decide on.

So at the moment, I've got mine to 10 pound, but if I increase that to, let's say 40 pound, for
example, or 50 pound, you can see the numbers obviously increase as well. So hopefully that
gives you a good overview and a good idea of exactly how this tool works. So now we've
covered how you can boost a post and how it all works. It's time to go through the
disadvantages of using this tool.

So one of the biggest disadvantages of using the boost your post option is that you don't have
all of the options available to you, such as different types of bid types, and that can be really
important if you want to become a serious advertiser. There's also a few more options which are
hidden as well. For example, if I go onto audience, you will see that it says, "For more advanced
targeting features, go to the Ads Manager." So although you think you have a few different
options by default within the boost your post option, you can get even more features by using
the Ads Manager, which is actually the second tool, which I'm going to show you shortly.

But one of the biggest disadvantages of using the boost your post option is that this tool is only
really good for boosting a post, AKA increasing the visibility of that specific post to get more
likes and engagement. So the objective for you if you want to use this tool is simply that, to get
more likes and engagement. However, if you really want to generate more website traffic or
generate some app installations, then this wouldn't be the tool to use. However, it's still a great
tool. As you can see, it has a lot of options. It's very quick to set up and it's very easy to use.

So the other tool which I want to show you is going to be this one right here, which you can
access by going to facebook.com, and this tool is called the Ads Manager. So once you log into
the Ads Manager and go ahead and click create, you have a lot more different campaign
objectives which you can select from. You can choose to grow your brand by going for more
brand awareness. You can have a campaign objective as reach. You can have a campaign
objective to generate more traffic to your website, to generate more engagement, which is
basically you're boosting your posts.

So you have the boost your post option within the Ads Manager already, but you have a lot more
different options as well, such as app installations, video views, lead generation, messages. You
can even go for conversions, catalog sales, and even store traffic as well. So that Ads Manager
is essentially a step up from the boost option. The setup process when you create an ad is very
straightforward as well. Facebook uses the same clean, straightforward interface. So you simply
just follow it. It's very straightforward as I'm going to show you in great detail in the next few
videos coming up.

Addition to using the Ads Manager, Facebook also gives you a lot more options when it comes
to creativity. So as you can see, I can create my ad and the creative is going to be the image of
which people see on Facebook. I can go for a single image or a video. I can go for a carousel.
So two or more scrollable images or videos. I can add my own creativity, add a headline,
primary tech description, a link to a website and so on and so on. So way more advanced
features than you have when you use boost a post option. So as a result, Ads Manager is
actually the option that I recommend you use when it comes to creating your Facebook ads. So
now you know where to get started. I'll see you in the next one.

Section 3: Facebook Ad Structure:

So before we dive in and start creating some ads, it's important we run through the Facebook ad
structure first so you know exactly how it all works and come together in terms of the ad creation

So Facebook organizes your ads into three different levels. So let me head over to the ads
manager and I'll show you exactly what those three levels are. So let's imagine I'm going to
create a campaign and the main objective of this campaign is to generate more website traffic. I
would go for traffic under consideration and then go ahead and click continue. And as you can
see on the left-hand side, there are three different levels to this ad. We have the campaign, we
had the ad set, and then we had the actual ad itself. So this can be a little bit difficult to
visualize, especially if you are new to Facebook ads. So what I've actually done is created my
own little chart to help you really get across exactly how Facebook ads are structured.

So at the top you have your campaign. So this is where you select the main objective of your
Facebook campaign. So in my instance, which I just ran for you a few seconds ago, I selected
traffic as the main objective. Below the campaign objective, you have your ad set. So in your ad
set, you would define your audience, your placement, your budget, and your schedule, and then
below the ad set, you'd have your actual ad. So this is where you define your ad creative. So
what images you're going to use, what people will see and what people will land on once they
click on your ad.

The Facebook structure makes it really easy for you to organize and optimize the performance
of your ads. For example, let's just imagine you're running a campaign to generate some more
traffic to your website. So that is the main objective or the campaign to generate more traffic to
your website. So you already established your ad set to the people you are targeting where the
ad is going to be placed, and at the moment you are running two different ads and you've got
tons of different data on both these ads.

Well, you might want to change this first ad to another ad like so to see exactly which one
performs better. Was it the first ad or was it the second ad? Well, with this structure, you can do
exactly that without changing the audience you are targeting. So you can very quickly and very
easily be able to identify which ad is performing the best.

Now, if we go back to our original colors, this also applies to the ad set as well. So maybe you
want to show the same ad as you've got data to show that both ads are performing really, really
well. However, what you want to do in this instance is actually test the audience who are viewing
your ad. So instead of showing your ad to the audience, which you've already defined, you can
actually go ahead and change your ad set to a different audience, but show the same ad.

So hopefully you can see just how powerful this structure is. It gives you tons of flexibility and
tons of different options that you can utilize to optimize your ad, to ensure you achieve the best
performance. So now we understand the high-level Facebook ad structure and how it can help
you optimize your campaign. The next step is to actually create your first ad, which is exactly
what we're going to do in the next video. See you there.

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