RAC Data Book
RAC Data Book
RAC Data Book
1. Refrigerants P-H Charts & Tables (SI Unit)
Table 1.1: Refrigerant 12 (Dichlorodifluoromethane) Properties of Saturated Liquid and Saturated Vapor
Table 6.1: Thermodynamic Properties of Moist Air at Standard Atmospheric Pressure, 101.325 kPa
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Table 6.2: Thermodynamic Properties of Water at Saturation
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7. Thermal Resistance & Other Properties of Building Materials
Table 7.1: Thermal Resistance of Unit Areas of Selected Building Materials at 24C mean temperatures
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*** Note: Use the following equation for direct unit conversion
Thermal Resistance : 1 h.ft2.F/BTU = 0.17611 m2.K/W
1 m2.K/W = 5.62787 h.ft2.F/BTU
1 m.K/W = 1.7307 h.ft.F/BTU
1 h.ft.F/BTU = 0.57778 m.K/W
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient : 1 BTU/h.ft2.F = 5.67826 W/ m2.K
1 W/ m2.K = 0.17611 BTU/h.ft2.F
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8. Heat Transfer Through Opaque Surfaces
Table 8.1: Cooling Load Temperature Differences (CLTD) for Different Flat Roofs (Ref: Ashrae Fundamentals 1997, I-P Unit)
***Note: All the tables for wall & roof can be used for 0N to 50N without significant error.
***Note: All the tables for wall & roof can be used for 0N to 50N without significant error.
***Note: All the tables for wall & roof can be used for 0N to 50N without significant error.
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Table 8.2: Roof Numbers Used in the Previous Table
*** Note: Use the following equation for direct unit conversion
Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice-versa: 1 C/5 = (F-32)/9
Thermal Resistance : 1 h.ft2.F/BTU = 0.17611 m2.C/W
1 m2.C/W = 5.62787 h.ft2.F/BTU
***The reciprocal (inverse) of thermal resistance is overall heat transfer coefficient (U),
So for particular ‘U’ value, use the inverse of the thermal resistance
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Table 8.3: Cooling Load Temperature Differences for Different Flat Roofs (Ref: Edward G. Pita’s Book, I-P Unit)
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Table 8.4: Cooling Load Temperature Differences (CLTD) for Different Flat Roofs
(Ref: Stockers Jones’s Book, SI Unit)
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Table 8.5: Code Numbers with Description of Different Building Materials (I-P Unit)
*** Note: Use the following equation for direct unit conversion
Length/Width/Diameter (Dimension) : 1 inch = 2.54 cm
1 inch = 25.4 mm
1 inch = 0.0254 m
1 meter = 39.37 inch
1 millimeter = 0.03937 inch
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Table 8.6: July Cooling Load Temperature Differences (CLTD) for Sunlit Walls 40°North Latitude (Ref: Ashrae Fundamentals 1997, I-P Unit)
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*** For SI or MKS unit use the following formula for corrected CLTD,
Corr. CLTD = CLTD + (25 - tr) + (tm-29), Where all the temperatures are in degree Celsius
*** Note: Use the following equation for direct unit conversion
Celsius to Fahrenheit and vice-versa: 1 C/5 = (F-32)/9
Thermal Resistance : 1 h.ft2.F/BTU = 0.17611 m2.C/W
1 m2.C/W = 5.62787 h.ft2.F/BTU
***The reciprocal (inverse) of thermal resistance is overall heat transfer coefficient (U),
So for particular ‘U’ value, use the inverse of the thermal resistance
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Table 8.7: Wall Types (Used in the Previous Table), Mass Located Inside Insulation.
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Table 8.8: Wall Types (Used in the Required Table), Mass Evenly Distributed.
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Table 8.9: Wall Types (Used in the Required Table), Mass Evenly Distributed.
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Table 8.10: July Cooling Load Temperature Differences (CLTD) for Sunlit Walls 40°North Latitude (Ref: Edward G. Pita’s Book, I-P Unit)
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Table 8.11: Wall Construction with Group Description Used in the Previous Table
*** Note: Use the following equation for direct unit conversion
Weight per unit area : 1 lb/ft2 = 4.8824 Kg/m2
1 Kg/m2 = 0.204816 lb/ft2
Overall Heat Transfer Coefficient : 1 BTU/h.ft2.F = 5.67826 W/ m2.C
1 W/ m2.C = 0.17611 BTU/h.ft2.F
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Table 8.12: July Cooling Load Temperature Differences (CLTD) for Sunlit Walls 40°North Latitude
(Ref: Stocker Jones’s Book, SI Unit)
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Table 8.13: CLTD Correction For Latitude And Month Applied To Walls And Roofs, North Latitudes,
Table 9.1: Maximum Solar Heat Gain Factor (SHGF), BTU/h.ft2 for Sunlit Glass, North Latitudes
Table 9.3: Shading Coefficient (SC) for Glass wih or without Shading Devices (I-P Unit)
Table 9.2: Maximum Solar Heat Gain Factor (SHGF), W/m2 for Sunlit Glass, North Latitudes
*** Bangladesh Coordinates is: 23.6850° N, 90.3563° E and due to lack of data 32N can be used.
*** Note: Use the following equation for direct unit conversion
Heat Flux Density : 1 BTU/h.ft2 = 3.1546 W/ m2
1 W/ m2 = 0.3170 BTU/h.ft2
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Table 9.6: Cooling Load Temperature Differences for Conduction through Glass
Table 9.4: Cooling Load Factors (CLF) for Glass with Interior Shading
Table 9.5: Shading Coefficient (SC) for Glass wih or without Shading Devices (S-I Unit)
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Table 9.7: Cooling Load Factors (CLF) for Glass without Interior Shading, in North Latitude Spaces Having Carpeted Floors
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Table 9.8: Cooling Load Factors (CLF) for Glass without Interior Shading, in North Latitude Spaces Having Un-Carpeted Floors
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Table 9.9: Cooling Load Factors (CLF) for Glass with Interior Shading, in North Latitude (All Room Constructions)
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10. Internal Heat Gain
Table 10.1: Cooling Load Factors for Lighting
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Table 10.3: Rates of Heat Gain from Occupants (People), Btu/h, of Conditioned Space
Table 10.2: Rates of Heat Gain from Occupants (People), W, of Conditioned Space
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Table 10.5: Sensible Heat Cooling Load Factors (CLF) for People
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Table 10.6: Rates of Heat Gain from Equipment
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Table 10.7: Heat Gain from Typical Electric Motors
***Unit Conversion
Power : 1 W = 3.4121 Btu/h
1 Btu/h = 0.29307 W
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Table 10.10: Outdoor Air Requirements for Ventilation
Figure 11.1: Friction Chart for Round Duct ( = 1.20 kg/m3 and = 0.09 mm)
Table 11.1: Circular Equivalents of Rectangular Duct for Equal Friction and Capacity
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Figure 11.2: Pressure Drop in Straight, Circular, Sheet Metal Ducts 20C air, Absolute
Roughness 0.00015m
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Table 11.2: Equivalent Flat Oval Duct Dimensions
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12. Physical Properties of Materials
Table 12.1: Properties of Vapors
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Table 12.2: Properties of Liquids
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Table 12.3: Properties of Solids
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