Field HR Management Guideline (En) V5-August 2014

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MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

Table of content
Table of content ...........................................................................................................................................2
List of acronyms ...........................................................................................................................................3
0. FOREWORD ...................................................................................................................................4
1. MANAGEMENT PRINCIPLES AND FRAMEWORK ............................................................................5
1.1. Intersection commitment to the Minimum Social Package (MSP) .............................................. 5
1.2. MSFCH – Management Principles and Framework ..................................................................... 8
1.3. National and International personal ............................................................................................ 9

OCG Field HR Guideline 2.

ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL FRAMEWORKS ............................................................................. 12
Legal framework ........................................................................................................................ 12
Working conditions and (Internal) Staff Regulations ................................................................. 13
Staff Regulations and Contracts ................................................................................................. 14
2.4. Contracts of employment - A contract for every situation ........................................................ 15
2.5. Contract cycle............................................................................................................................. 18
2.6. Replacement contract ................................................................................................................ 19
2.7. Contracting in Emergency situation ........................................................................................... 21
2.8. Relocation contract .................................................................................................................... 21
V5 2.9.
Seconded personnel ................................................................................................................... 22
Expatriation process for OCG national staff............................................................................... 24
2.11. Mandate and Service contract ................................................................................................... 28
3. REMUNERATION .......................................................................................................................... 30
3.1. Remuneration policy .................................................................................................................. 30
3.2. Remuneration components ....................................................................................................... 31
3.3. Create a salary scale ................................................................................................................... 33
3.4. Monitoring and revision of salary scale ..................................................................................... 35
4. ORGANIZATION OF THE MISSION ................................................................................................ 36
4.1. Evaluation of the necessary manpower ..................................................................................... 36
4.2. Organisation of Human Resources activities in the Field .......................................................... 37
4.3. HR-Administration Fundamentals: A self-evaluation tool ......................................................... 37
4.4. Managing rules for Standard Classification and descriptions of functions................................ 38
4.5. Organization Chart ..................................................................................................................... 39
5. RECRUITMENT PROCESS, STRATEGY AND TOOLS ........................................................................ 41
5.1. Recruitment & Selection Cycle ................................................................................................... 41
5.2. Selection Process ....................................................................................................................... 44
5.3. The New Employee .................................................................................................................... 49
6. HEALTH POLICY & IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES ...................................................................... 51
7. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT .......................................................................................... 56
7.1. Management recommendations and tools ............................................................................... 56
7.2. Risks of frauds in HR Management ............................................................................................ 56
7.3. Appraisals ................................................................................................................................... 58
7.4. Training and development ......................................................................................................... 58
7.5. End of employment certificate and letter of recommendation ................................................ 60
7.6. Staff Representatives ................................................................................................................. 60
7.7. Reporting.................................................................................................................................... 61
8. CLOSING DOWN A MISSION ........................................................................................................ 62
8.1. Human, social, legal and administrative issues.......................................................................... 62
8.2. Practical issues ........................................................................................................................... 63
Operational Centre Geneva 9. ASSOCIATIVE LIFE ........................................................................................................................ 64
HR Department/ Field HR Service
Field HR Guideline – V.5 / Aug. 2014
| Table of content 1 | Table of content 2
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014
List of acronyms

FAD Field Associative Debate This Field Human Resources Management Guidelines handbook is intended for every (HR)
G/L Guidelines Administrator (Manager or Co-ordinator) or person in charge of Human Resources, at Mission or Project
HoM Head of Mission level. Its access is therefore restricted to coordination teams (Capital & Projects).
HRM Human Resources Management
HRO Human Resources Officer The year 2011 can be considered as a turning point in the way MSF was managing its HR in the field. As a
IC International Council result of numerous discussions on executive Governance between General Directors from all sections,
ISR or SR Internal Staff Regulations these Guidelines are based on agreed management principles at international level, notably for the
MSFCH or MSF-CH Médecins sans Frontières (Switzerland) management of Remuneration (salaries and benefits).
MSP Minimum Social Package
NS National Staff As a rule, MSFCH will always be seeking for coherence among sections, notably when two or more
sections are active in the same country.
RIOD Reunion of International Operations Directors
This guideline should respond to the following objectives:
• Giving an administrative and management framework to anyone involved in
national personnel management
• Providing the field with policies and tools for internal and/or intersection
coherence such as Remuneration and Health policies, rules and recommendations on associative
life, etc. to be implemented
• Giving recommendations on the management of personnel

This Handbook should accompany the development of the HR function in the field and the further
implementation of new HR tools, which started in 2008.
It was built for easy reference, in such a way that updates can easily be made.

Intended as a document under constant revision, it will naturally be further developed to improve the
support to the field and provide better guidance to those responsible for HR Management. Spontaneous
contributions from the field are still greatly appreciated.

This Handbook is also available in French

HR specialists and/or HR Officers at Headquarters in Geneva are at your disposal for any assistance you
may need.

| List of acronyms 3 | FOREWORD 4

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

1.1.2. Contracts
• MSF commits itself to formalize in writing the contract of employment between
• MSF commits itself to respect minors’ rights and not to employ persons under 16
1.1. Intersection commitment to the Minimum Social Package (MSP) years of age (daily workers included).
• MSF commits itself to limit the duration and the number of fixed-term contracts in
End 2009, the 5 operational centres of MSF employed over 18,8391 National personnel and 1,975 accordance to national legislation and the operational needs of the mission. Concerning
International staff, representing in total more or less 50% of operational budgets. duration, no employee will work under a fixed-term contract for more than 2 years. After this
period, an open-ended contract must imperatively be offered.
In November 2004 the International Council of MSF, recognizing that a great part of MSF • MSF commits itself to limit to three months the regular hiring of a daily worker;
humanitarian and medical actions are carried out by National Staff, emphasized in a resolution that
after this period, a fixed-term or open-ended contract must imperatively be offered.
MSF must act as a socially responsible employer by encouraging and facilitating the involvement of
qualified national staff in MSF projects and supporting their development to positions of • MSF commits itself to establish a probation period of 6 months maximum for an
responsibility in the coordination of MSF activities. open-ended contract. For a fixed-term contract, the maximum probation period will be half of
the contract if the law allows it (with a maximum of 6 months).
Referring to the I.C. resolution and to ILO (International Labour Organization) Conventions, MSF
defined a list of minimal rights and advantages for the National Personnel in a mandatory charter 1.1.3. Working conditions
called “Minimum Social Package” (March 2006) to implement in each mission. When the labour law • MSF commits itself to provide a healthy work environment and to prevent work
of a country gives less rights and advantages than the ones defined in this minimum social package, accidents and professional diseases by providing the necessary security conditions.
missions have the obligation to compensate up to the level of the Minimum Social Package.
• MSF commits itself to follow national law with regard to working hours.
The Minimum Social Package (MSP)forms the guiding principles of MSF-CH policies and procedures. Nevertheless, working hours cannot exceed, on average, 48 hours a week. In conformity with
the ILO (Convention C30), permanent exceptions to the 48 hours rule may be allowed for
The principle of the “Minimum Social Package” is that MSF guarantees minimum social rights to certain categories of employees whose work is inherently intermittent, such as housekeepers,
all national employees, replacing or supplementing what national laws do not guarantee. In that guards or maintenance workers for the working premises and warehouses. MSF will allow these
respect, MSF-CH has issued Standard Internal Staff Regulations that include all key elements of exceptions, within a limit of a maximum of 60 hours a week, according to the conditions
the MSP defined by the C30 convention, and only if these exceptions are allowed by the national labour
law of the country.
• MSF commits itself to give at least one 24-hour rest day every 7 days.
MSF commits itself to be a responsible employer for the national staff in all its missions
• MSF commits itself to establish a maximum ceiling of 12 hours of overtime per
employee per working week. This overtime must be compensated (whether in the form of
1.1.1. General principles additional payment or additional time off).
• MSF commits itself to respect the labour law of the country, especially where the • MSF commits itself to give at least 30 calendar days of vacation (paid holidays +
dispositions related to the social security of the employees are concerned. national official holidays) per year to its employees.
• MSF commits itself to respect the principle of equity between men and women in
terms of salary, recruitment, access to training, advancement, and so forth. 1.1.4. Remuneration
• MSF commits itself not to discriminate, at any step of its staff management, on the • MSF commits itself to pay at least a net minimum salary equal to or equivalent in
basis of religious, ethnic, political or philosophical factors, and in terms of recruitment, not to kind to two (2) US dollars per day or (sixty (60) US dollars per month being according to UNDP
discriminate on the basis of handicap or chronic illness. poverty threshold).
• MSF commits itself not to tolerate cases of abuse of power within its teams, to • MSF commits itself to pay at least a salary equal to the minimum salary defined by
investigate reported cases and to take adequate disciplinary measures against people national law.
responsible for such abuses. • MSF commits itself to take into account the seniority of the employee in the
• MSF commits itself to monitor on a yearly basis the economic situation of each
country it works in, and to put in place a system of adjustment of remuneration according to
economic factors.
In Full Time Equivalent (FTE)
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

1.1.5. Redundancy package in case of project • To pay salaries according to national laws and to provide a minimum net salary equivalent to at
closure/reduction least two (2) US dollars per day or (sixty (60) US dollars per month being according to UNDP the
• MSF commits itself to pay up to one month of salary per year worked with MSFCH, threshold of poverty).
inclusive of legal indemnities with a ceiling of 10 years, to each employee in case of economic • To pay salaries regularly.
redundancy. • To have working hours and overtime regulations in place, and to compensate for overtime.
• Contracts terminated for reasons other than reduction of activities will be • To have sick leave regulations in place.
adjudicated according to the national law of the country.
• To take measures to prevent accidents and injuries linked to the working environment and to
inform the workers about their exposure to risk and about prevention measures.
1.1.6. Health care
• To respect freedom of association and expression.
• MSF commits itself to provide access to health care to its national staff and their
eligible dependents according to the “Health Policy for National Employees” which should exist
in each mission. 1.2. MSFCH – Management Principles and Framework
• MSF commits itself to provide, if the local social security system does not cover
these amounts, 18 months of salary in case of permanent disability or death caused by a work Content: The fundamental management principles for National Staff (NS) establish anchor points for
accident. Partial disability will be considered on a case-by-case basis according to national the management framework.
norms. Daily workers are included in this policy.
• MSF commits itself to provide, if the local social security system does not cover Objective: Establish a political framework for NS management common to all MSF missions, based
these amounts, 6 months of salary in case of permanent disability or death caused by a non- on the “Chantilly Principles”, ”La Mancha agreement”, the “Minimum Social Package “ (based on the
occupational accident. Partial disability will be considered on a case-by-case basis according to international conventions of the International Labour Organization) and the IC resolution of
national norms. November 21, 2004, notably:

• MSF commits itself to pay salaries during sick leave, if the national social security MSF-CH’s primary responsibility is to improve the quality, relevance and extent
system does not provide it. This coverage should follow these conditions: of its own assistance
first four (4) months: 100% of salary MSF-CH staff members are personally responsible and accountable for their own
the next four (4) months: 75% of salary conduct, in particular regarding abuse of power
the following four (4) months: 50% of salary MSF-CH needs to provide fair employment opportunities for all staff based on
• MSF commits itself to provide 14 weeks of maternity leave for its national staff, individual competence and commitment rather than mode of entry into the
which may start a maximum of six weeks before the foreseen date of birth. organization (either through national or international contract) in order to fully
• MSF commits itself to protect pregnant employees whose work within the mission engage its staff, thereby strengthening MSF-CH operations
might put their pregnancy at risk. MSF-CH wishes to be a socially responsible employer and has therefore legal
and ethical responsibilities in this respect
1.1.7. Freedom of association and of speech MSF-CH promotes the enhancement of responsibilities of NS in management
MSF commits itself to respect freedom of association and of speech in its missions. MSF will not positions, including at co-ordination level
hinder methods of social consultation (collective negotiations, employee representatives, etc…).
The organization must ensure that the staff representatives are not subject to discrimination 1.2.1. Preamble
and have access to the employees as well as to the information necessary to carry out their • MSF-CH recognizes that most of humanitarian and medical actions are led by NS
mandate, except for information concerning employees who have not explicitly agreed to the
use of their file, and except for information whose dissemination could constitute a threat to the • The Human Resources (HR) policies of MSF-CH recognize the important
security of the people working in the projects. contribution of the National Staff, their key role as interface between MSF-CH and its
environment, and their potential to promote values defended by MSF-CH.
1.1.8. Subcontractors • The management framework and the standard tools are essential components of a
• MSF should take care that the subcontractors working with the organization respect minimum sound HR management in the extremely varied contexts in which MSF-CH is conducting its
standards towards their workers (permanent, casual or daily workers) to respect the law of the operations.
country, especially with regard to dispositions related to the social security of permanent
• These components are developed to promote the MSF-CH goals and values that
every employee is bound to demonstrate by their attitude and behaviour in the field.
• Not to discriminate, at any step of its staff management, on the basis of religious, ethnic,
political or philosophical factors. • All MSF-CH employees need to be made aware of and/or trained in directives in the
field of HR management to counter the negative impact of the rapid turnover of MSF-CH
• Not to employ children under the age of 16.
international personnel.


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

• Equity between its personnel (national and international) is a fundamental principle • in MSF-CH, the Executive board has decided that the only position remaining in the
for MSF-CH that should be sought in every occasion. hands of an International Staff is the Head of Mission.
• MSF-CH promotes and facilitates the involvement of National Staff in the
• For all other functions, the choice of personnel should be made on competences
associative life of MSF.
and abilities to perform in given situations. Should required skills not be available
locally, coordination should consider staffing its structure with “imported” competent
resources (relocated, international, etc.).
1.2.2. Principle of decentralized management
As soon as the mission avails itself of the services of an individual, it becomes an employer and its legal
representative is the Head of Mission (HoM). •
The HR Coordinator working under the supervision of the HoM, is responsible for the management of
NS. However, a NS holding a key position will be subject to an individualized career follow-up by the National status
HQs. Citizens of a country or legal residents employed in that country are offered national contracts.
An international staff returning to his own country must be offered a National staff contract.2
The role of the HQ is to draw up a general management policy, lay down basic principles, supervise
management in the field, supply management tools, and provide technical support. In addition, HQ International status
notably approves salary scales, classification of functions, internal staff regulations, health and training People of all nationalities, recruited in Switzerland (or by partner sections) to work outside their
policies. places of origin/residence, depending on MSF-CH needs, are offered an international contract,
respecting intersectional agreements.
1.2.3. Principle of responsible employer
MSF-CH engages itself to act as a social employer in all its missions. This engagement, called « Minimum 1.3.2. Complementarity of statuses
Social Package », includes the following principles:
View of context (political, medical, cultural, etc.): Beside contractual differences, the existence
• Respect the labour law of the country, notably to respect disposition related to
of both International and national staff in a mission is complementary. As a foreigner, the
social security of the employees. Consider the local practice and customs.
international staff brings a new and potentially more diversified and “neutral” view. The
• Respect equity between men/women in terms of recruitment, remuneration,
National personnel work in a context to which they belong and for which they have a better
access to training, promotions, etc.
understanding (culture, language, network and proximity).
• Non-discrimination, in any management steps, of persons due to religious, ethnical,
political or philosophical factors, of disabled persons or persons affected by a chronic disease.
Security: The Head of Mission/Field Coordinator are responsible for security issues but National
• Formalization of employment conditions in terms of contract, working conditions,
Personnel are essential in collecting information, sometimes taking risks for their own safety.
remuneration, health coverage, economic dismissal, holidays and circumstantial leave of
General knowledge / Memory: Knowledge of a country goes far beyond the length of MSF
• Respect freedom of expression and association. CH’s usual assignments and prevent the expatriate to understand subtlety of culture (customs,
• To be attentive that MSF-CH’s subcontractors respect the above-mentioned habits, traditions and what is left unspoken) languages (dialects, body language), geography and
principles history, as well as economy and politics
1.3. National and International personal Whereas the International staff stays on a mission for a relatively short period, National
personnel keep the position and therefore, are important actors in the memory of a Mission,
1.3.1. National & international statutes providing continuity and coherence as oppose to turnover and repeated “new” ideas.

MSF-CH has different employment contracts to respond to various operational needs. These Dissemination of MSF principles
statuses, based on the official residence or place of major interest (family), are aiming at the MSF values are stated in the Charter and accepted by every employee (ISR). Both National and
utmost coherence and equity among MSF-CH’s populations and contractual statuses. International personnel should therefore defend these values.
HR’s main role is to assist technical departments formulate the needs regarding personnel and As members of a civil society, National staff are the first promoters of these values among the
search for adequate technical skills, experience, etc. MSF-CH wants to provide the best possible population, disseminating the image of MSF(-CH) to beneficiaries, partners, authorities, etc.
care to assisted populations. This objective can be fulfilled thanks to stated required International staff must therefore contribute to the best possible image of MSF, also complying
competences (job descriptions) and their availability, or not, on the local labour market. with national/local laws and customs.
• For obvious reasons, certain functions will not ever be under international
status (security guards, nurse helpers, etc.) Experience / Technical know-how: National personnel are generally employed by a Mission

HR is currently working on this particular situation, notably for employees without recognized residence
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

for several years and have acquired a solid experience in their activities, within the Project.
International staff also bring their experience from other missions/contexts/projects and can
provide another perspective on the care to be provided. MSF-CH needs the right competences 2. ADMINISTRATIVE AND LEGAL FRAMEWORKS
for a given position but also continuity in its operations. Therefore, MSF-CH has to take
advantage of National personnel, not only to develop their skills but also to enhance their
2.1. Legal framework

An adequate legal framework is essential to avoid conflict with national or local authorities and to avoid
prosecution where MSF-CH would be accused of not respecting the law (repeated lawsuits, huge fines to
Communication / Networking and Lobbying International staff still often assure links to pay or even expulsion from the country).
operational communication. National personnel have a better understanding of the networking The (HR) HR Coordinator and the Head of mission (MSF representative in the country) must become
system within the country (partners, authorities, civil society). Both can contribute to lobbying familiar with and understand the legal framework in which MSFCH action is taking place.
strategies: international staff with direct links to their desks, and national personnel as part of 2.1.1. In practical terms
civil society. In the Memorandum of Understanding signed between MSFCH and the Government, MSFCH must
clearly be authorized to recruit the personnel needed for its operations, also during the initial phase,
Witnessing, being part of the Charter, is one of the “moral duties”. International when the association is not yet officially registered.
staff when returning to their country of residence and locally for National personnel, when
security situation allows and with the agreement of the Head of Mission (e.g. HIV/Aids MSFCH has developed a standard reference package, to be adapted to each mission, made up of:
programme) • Internal Staff Regulations (+ Health Policy and Harassment procedure)
• Contracts responding to various situations (+ eventual Appendices + Job
Equity in Management Equity in management is a must and can prevent abuse of power. The descriptions)
management of human resources concerns everyone holding a position and having a certain
level of responsibility Hire the services of a recommended national lawyer or legal advisor to explain the
. standard legal package in the country. If possible contact several legal advisors to compare
In that respect, there’s no difference between International and National staff when fulfilling information to make a better choice and find someone with whom you can communicate without
identical functions and responsibilities. the need of an interpreter => See HR documentation site : legal issues =>essential Documents

Positions of responsibility: MSF expects from its Coordinators and other Managers to Provide Headquarters with contact details of the legal advisor working for MSF-CH.
have management and/or strategic skills. They act as representatives of the association This allows lawyers at HQ, if necessary, to get in contact with the legal advisor in the field.
at national and project levels.
Collect and read legal texts, but also try to understand the “spirit” of laws.

This means that MSF must evaluate the advantages and risks of matching a given individual in a position Keep a written record of all the questions and ask a written answer from the lawyer
of responsibility.
Double-check important information, asking for copies of legal documents on which
Apart from the risk assessment, potential and capacity of National staff to endorse positions of the lawyer’s advice is based or ask for a written legal advice.
responsibility should be promoted through training, follow-up and evaluations, together with the HRO
in Geneva. Always stay in control of the situation and decision-making. Sometimes, it is better to
go directly to the concerned authorities (e.g. Ministry of Labour).

Follow changes in the national legislation, especially in countries undergoing major

political changes or restructuring. Amendments to the law may occur at any time!

If you don’t understand the national language, use a translated document, and
identify a national colleague (HoM Assistant, HR Manager, etc.) to verify its quality but be very
cautious with the translation as a bad one may lead to serious problems!
You can also ask the embassy or an international company if they possess an official translation of
legal documents in an international language you understand.

Countries/regions with no written formal legislation:


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

These are exceptions (e.g. Somalia). Nevertheless, it does not mean “lawless”! All societies have a MSFCH, as an employer, has the moral obligation to provide correct working conditions:
form of social structure regulating and defining the social relationships among individuals; it can • Provide appropriate means to carry out activities. (work equipment and
be written or even oral, but it exists, and you have to build MSFCH’s relationship taking into identification)
account this particularity. • Ensure good hygiene and safety: According to conventions and
recommendations of the WHO and the ILO and standards in force in the country (personal
2.1.2. Difference between legislation and jurisprudence protective equipment, evacuation plan, etc).
• Legislation constitutes the legal framework in which our action is taking place, it is • Create a positive work environment. (shelter, eating areas, etc.).
the law.
2.3. Staff Regulations and Contracts
• Jurisprudence is the way the courts (so the judges) have previously decided on a
matter; it constitutes in fact the legal interpretation of the legislation.
Content:Guidelines for drafting or revising the Staff Regulations and the
associated employment contracts for a Mission.
2.1.3. Labour Inspection
In most countries, Labour Inspection should be considered as a partner. Before proceeding to a
collective major review of your system (new salary grid, dismissal, Internal Regulations, etc.) ask for
advice or green light to the Labour Inspection. • Ensure that the Missions have Staff Regulations that are legally well structured
and complete, making it possible to streamline major, costly undertakings, as well as
2.1.4. International and national laws providing a qualitative guarantee for the standard Regulations and enabling their quick
adaptation to the legislation of each country;
• Linked to international laws and Conventions:
Universal Declaration on Human Rights / U.N. General Assembly3 • Unify the content of the various regulations used by each of the Missions in a
single, document, which can be easily checked by the specialists at the headquarters;
Refugee’s status, art. 24 / Geneva Convention4 (same rights than a national in
• Minimise the risk of legal action (the more comprehensive and precise our
term of working legislation and social security)
regulations, the less open they will be to divergent interpretations and the risk of disputes);
Declaration on the Rights of the Child / U.N. General Assembly • Establish a succinct employment contract of which the Regulations are an
ILO (International Labour Office) Conventions5 integral part;
• Ensure that any subsequent amendments to the Regulations that alter the
• Linked to National Labour law: rights of national employees are notified to them (in the interest of prevention).
Internal Regulations
Contracts ! Although Swiss law is not applicable in the different countries in which these
Salary and its components Regulations are to be enforced, MSFCH’s standard staff regulations have been significantly
shaped by it. However, in places, the spirit of Anglo-Saxon law has also been incorporated, to
Legal deductions, social security and medical coverage
cover the greatest number of situations (e.g. sanctions and disciplinary measures).
Taxes ! MSFCH’s standard staff regulations reflects the way in which MSF wishes to
Disciplinary process and termination of contract resolve different situations, guarantee a working framework that respects the MSF Minimum
Organization of administrative tasks in term of archiving (legislation may require Social Package and promote its Principles.,
records to be kept for a certain number of years) ! These standard Staff Regulations are a synthesis of dozens of documents
Welfare of workers (produced by MSF and others), whose content has been reworked point by point in order to
produce a complete, precise and exhaustive text.
2.2. Working conditions and (Internal) Staff Regulations
The HR SPECIALIST together with HR and legal teams in Geneva are responsible for the process of
drafting or revising the country’s Staff Regulations together with the (HR) Coordinator and local
2.2.1. Working conditions lawyer.
Working conditions can be defined as all the necessary elements needed to carry out
professional activities in a safe and healthy environment. This includes working tools as well as
elements of comfort, allowing the personnel to better dedicate themselves to their work. The 2.3.1. drafting or revising the Staff Regulations and
impact of proper working conditions should not be underestimated. contracts

A. Understanding of legal context and in emergency:

Submit the following list of questions to the lawyer: => See HR documentation site: IR =>essential
4 Documents
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

These answers will serve as guidelines to start dealing with HR issues in the immediate and long The lawyer appointed to the revision of these documents should therefore only comment on
term phases. The team in Geneva may ask direct questions to the lawyer if necessary. mandatory provisions not respected by the standard documents.

B. Verification of documents (Regulations and contracts) by the Mission’s legal adviser => See Every situation has its own contract. Please refer to your HRO in Geneva and to your lawyer when
HR documentation site: IR =>essential Documents legal issues are at stake or when facing a particular contractual situation.

MSF-CH has developed a standard legal package, aiming at simplifying the role of the (HR)
C. When a Mission is set up or Staff Regulations are revised, the content of the standard Staff Coordinator) reducing costs and preserving format and legal and political content as much as
Regulations should be adapted to the national legislation by a lawyer from the country possible. The contractual documents consist of:
concerned, together with MSF-CH lawyer in Geneva.
1. Contract (with a limited content)
2. (Extensive) Internal Staff Regulations
! Insofar as is permitted by national legislation, the relationship between MSF-CH and its 3. Job description (adapted to the reality)
employees will be governed by the Staff Regulations. In other words, if the national law in 4. Health cover Summary for NS
question contains non-mandatory provisions which are less stringent than those established
in the Regulations, the Regulations will prevail (e.g. although the legal compensatory payment
2.4.1. Basic employment contract
in the event of the cessation of activities = ½ month’s salary per year of service, MSF-CH pays a
Definition: An individual contract of employment commits the employee to work for an employer for
full month).
a definite or indefinite period and the employer, to pay him/her a salary for an agreed number of
hours worked. The same applies for an employee committed by hour, half- or full day or on a part-
! However, if the national law contains mandatory provisions which are more stringent or time basis.
are not provided for in the standard Staff Regulations, said Regulations will be adapted to the
legal requirements of the country concerned. • Apart from the daily contract, the absence of a written contract is dangerous: if a person is
employed regularly over a certain period of time, most legislation will de facto consider it as an
D. In particular, the lawyer must point out any mandatory national provisions which are more open-ended contract, with all rights and obligations that this entails.
stringent or are not provided for in the Staff Regulations.
• All employees, including daily workers, are subject to usual check by MSF-CH of capability to
E. Practically, the lawyer should highlight the articles of the Staff Regulations that need to be work prior to employment (fit for work, legal authorization to work, ID Card, etc.) Basic
adapted to national law, and detail the legal text, using the approriate template: => See HR employment contracts
documentation site: IR =>essential Documents
2.4.2. (Single) Day contract
The daily worker is hired for a short-term activity
F. Direct contacts between HQ and local lawyers could be established to complete the documents.
• Except if prescibeted differently by law, MSFCH limits the hiring of a daily to a maximum
G. Validation of documents by the Headquarters: The HR specialist team will finalize the Staff cumulative period of three (3) months calculated on a 6-month period; beyond this , a Fixed-
Regulations and employment contracts for the country concerned and will coordinate any term or Open-ended employment contract should be signed!
amendments proposed by the lawyer, the Mission coordination team and the Cell.
H. Registration with the Labour Inspection : Once approved by all interested parties and where • Check with national law if a written contract is needed (usually not). If not, present the
possible, the Staff Regulations and employment contracts should be approved by the Ministry of expenses against a receipt rather than on the salary pay sheet, not to generate confusion with a
Labour or its representative. regular worker.

I. International Legal database : Thanks to the “legal bases”, a list of all specific mandatory Daily workers are not subject to benefits as described in the Internal Staff Regulations, except for
provisions in every country isavailable to facilitate future management of the legal framework of coverage in case of occupational accidents (but beware exceptions as they may also exist according
the country concerned and can easily be shared with other MSF sections, saving time and to national legislation! – e.g. Kenya).
2.4.3. Fixed-term contract
2.4. Contracts of employment - A contract for every situation • A fixed-term contract is a written contract of employment :
In accordance with the freedom of contracting, the employer (MSF-CH) should be entitled to for a designated period of time
propose different contracts of employment. or related to the fulfilment of specific conditions such as the completion of
The Internal Staff Regulations (ISRs) and the standard contracts reflect the contractual specific works or the temporary substitution of another employee during a period
relationship that MSF-CH has decided to offer its staff employed in the field. These documents are of absence. The fulfilment of these conditions necessarily results in the end of the
always adapted to the national legislation of the country concerned. employment relationship.


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

! Be careful of legislation requesting a written confirmation of termination on agreed date 2.4.4. Open-ended contract
(e.g. Kyrgyzstan) • An Open-ended contract is a written contract of employment with no definite date of
• It can be renewed by written agreement as many times as permitted by the local • According to circumstances, the contract may be terminated on the initiative of the
legislation concerned, but not beyond a maximum cumulative period of 2 years. employer, the employee or by mutual consensus.
Beyond that period, any contract renewal must take the form of an open-ended contract
• The termination should always be justified to the other party and usually results from one of
• Specific features and drawbacks of a fixed-term contract: the following reasons: resignation, end of project, reduction of Mission’s activities, restructuring,
disciplinary violation or unsuitability to the job, retirement, death.
! Termination by MSF before the expiration date: in many countries, the employer has the
obligation to pay for the totality of the term except for overriding causes such as evacuation, 2.5. Contract cycle
end of mission or serious misconduct. All employment contracts will be generated based on contract templates provided by your HR
Specialist and adapted to the legal and administrative framework of your mission.
! In case of closure, it is important to check the legal and local possibility to stop an FTC
before the end of the contract or the fulfilment of the specific conditions. It is absolutely The legal responsibility is held by the HQ; only the legal department is entitled to create new models
necessary to request the advice of the local lawyer on how to proceed so as to prevent of employment contract, at the request of the HR Specialist. You are not allowed on the field to
possible litigation. create a new contract template provided by headquarters. Your HR Specialist will provide you with
at least the most commonly used models (first open –ended contract, the first fixed-term contract,
! Limitation of duration: most legislations limit the duration of fixed-term contracts (up to renewal of fixed-term contracts, renewal of fixed-term contract indefinite duration, etc.).Other
one year generally) as well as the number of times they can be renewed within a given models, designed to address exceptional situations out of generic cases will be developed by your
period. In any event, MSFCH limits the cumulative duration of an employees’ FTCs to 2 field HR specialist at the demand of the missions. If you are facing the particular case of an employee
years: not within any contract templates available on your mission, you can contact your HR Specialist to
request him/her to create a new contract model, describing in detail the situation you face. Your
! Motivation: a fixed-term contract can sometimes lend a feeling of job insecurity contact HR Specialist shall then contact a lawyer to draft a new model and get it to you as soon as
detrimental to motivation. possible (if the situation is extremely unusual, the lawyer will draft a contract registered for this
person, who will not intended to be used for other employees). This process can take from several
! Trial period: in some countries, fixed-term contracts cannot contain a trial period. hours to several days depending on the complexity of the application and / or availability of the
lawyer. So thank you to anticipate your requests so that this process does not slow down your
! Renewal clause: MSF-CH excludes the automatic renewal clause in FTC as it prolongs the administrative management of the new contract.
working relationship under the same conditions.
In addition to regular contracts, other contracts template are ready for most common situations of
Caution. If the employee continues to work after the term expires, even if there is no change in working conditions, as described hereafter.
renewal clause, the legislation may consider this as an open-ended contract with all the 2.5.1. Changing employees’ rights or obligations?
obligations that this entails. In 2009, MSF-CH has undertaken the implementation of new HR policies and tools, also aiming at
providing coherence among all Missions.
If both parties wish to continue the employment relationship, at the expiry of a Fixed-Term In addition, there is a political willingness to streamline means and projects at international level,
contract, MSFCH may: especially when different MSF sections are operating in the same country.
• Renew the contract for another fixed term. This contract excludes a new trial period:
• Offer the employee an open-ended contract for an undetermined period As a result, employment conditions are subject to change and coordination must be particularly
careful in this process.
• MSFCH can also decide to modify the conditions of the new contract. In this case, the
employee is free to accept or to refuse the new conditions that MSFCH is offering. He/she When these changes are in favour of the employees or neither deprive them of any rights nor
cannot, however, demand the continuation, or the addition, of previous rights. impose new obligations, a unilateral decision can be taken by MSF-CH.
Please refer to chapte “Changing working conditions” below for additional information on these
situations and contact your HRO at HQs without delay! Problems may come when “essential rights” are concerned (freezing of salary, reduction of the
percentage of seniority, etc.)
Legally speaking, it is difficult or impossible to suppress essential rights without the agreement of
the other party. In this situation, MSF-CH has no choice but to seek the consent of the employees
concerned by the (essential) changes. If a person accepts a right being withdrawn, he/she becomes
bound by this new agreement.


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

In both situations, the HR coordinator together with other coordinators must present the changes replacement (see section 2.6.1) or ask another employee of the mission to temporarily assume part
to all employees with the objective of reassuring and convincing them. (see section 2.6.2) or all (cf . section 2.6.3) the duties and responsibilities of the absent person.

Beyond this global communication, coordination should expect reluctance and/or refusal from 2.6.1. Replacement by an external person
concerned employees. Individual discussion must take place to dispel all doubts or We talk about replacement by an external staff if a person specifically recruited to replace a
misunderstandings. temporarily absent employee.

At last, if an employee refuses the proposed changes, MSF-CH will either: • This person will be offered a special type of "fixed-term contract for replacement",
• Keep the employee under the same conditions or whose length will be linked to the absence of the person being replaced
• Dismiss the employee if the local legislation allows (probably with full dismissal package). • At the end of the replacement either at the return of the person replaced or before or
for any valid reason, the contract of the employee will end.
In order to act correctly, and to protect itself against possible future litigation, MSF-CH has decided
to formally notify its employees of the new contractual conditions. 2.6.2. Partial replacement by another MSF staff
The change of contract will be the basis of this notification (the employee certifies in his/her Is considered as partial replacement when an employee X whose position A has ceased for more
contract to have received the new ISRs and the job description, and accepts the cancellation of the than one month to assume some of the duties and responsibilities of his position A to assume the
previous conditions). This will protect MSFCH from any future possible claims. rest of the time some of the duties and responsibilities of a position B to partially replace a Y
employee normally occupying the position B.
Problems may however arise due to the specific conditions of the Internal Staff Regulations
and/or the contracts actually in place in each Mission. The HR Administrator should therefore The first month will be used to evaluate the setting of the replacement AND the ability of the staff
compare the ISRs and the contracts, plus any internal procedures currently in place in the Mission, to fulfil the requirements. During this first month, it’s imperative that the supervisor :
with the revised documents (by the MSF-CH lawyer in Geneva). Evaluate which tasks from the original position of the staff who is doing the
replacement will not be performed.
If the revised version cancels existing rights or imposes fundamental obligations on the Evaluate which tasks of the position of the replacement will be taken in charge by
employees, the HR Administrator must inform the Cell as soon as possible in order to decide on the employee.
the best course of action. Evaluate which percentage of hours of work will be devoted to the new tasks
Create a job description adapted to these tasks identified for the duration of the
It is possible that, under the new salary scale, MSF-CH decides to temporarily ‘freeze’ the salary of replacement to be joined to the contract
one or more of the employees. Create an amendment or at least a formal document indicating changes and
Depending on the national legislation, the indexation and the calculation of previous years of
seniority constitute an acquired right by the employee. To be checked! • From the second month of replacement, employee X will sign an addendum for partial
replacement and receive a replacement premium equal to the difference between the salary of
Good communication is essential. The earlier the employees and/or the staff representatives the position B WITHOUT seniority and the salary of position A. If the salary of the position B is
understand the reasons for these changes and measures, the easier will be the task of the less than the salary of the position A, no bonus will be paid.
Administrator dealing with the dossier. It should clearly be explained that the change of contracts • After the replacement, the employee will return to its usual position A, and the salary
aims at clarifying and harmonizing working conditions within the Mission Country, and at MSF-CH’s corresponding to his position with his/her seniority for the position and his seniority in the
level. position

Depending on the individual situation, MSF-CH may need to negotiate, to terminate the contract of 2.6.3. Total replacement by another MSF staff
the employee or even, to review the freezing of salaries. Is considered total replacement, if X employee whose position A temporarily ceases to assume all
the duties and responsibilities of his position A to temporarily assume all the duties and
HR SPECIALISTS unit at HQs will assist you in the process of changing the employment conditions responsibilities of a position B in order to completely replace an employee Y usually occupying the
and contracts. position B
These situations will be dealt in collaboration with the HRCO, the Cell and the lawyers (Mission
• From the first day of replacement, the employee will sign an addendum X for total
and Geneva).
replacement and receive an employee X will sign an addendum for partial replacement and
receive a replacement premium equal to the difference between the salary of the position B
WITHOUT seniority and the salary of position A. If the salary of the position B is less than the
2.6. Replacement contract salary of the position A, no bonus will be paid.
In case of a temporary absence of an employee (sick leave, maternity leave, accident, etc.), it may be • After the replacement, the employee will return to its usual position A, and the salary
necessary to replace him/her. For this, we will either hire someone specifically to make the corresponding to his position with his/her seniority for the position and his seniority in the
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

2.7. Contracting in Emergency situation 2.9. Seconded personnel

emergencies do not mean absence of management systems, bypassing all rules and using shaky tools.
Coordination between HR Administrator and HR Specialist/Lawyer at HQs is essential. Content: Procedure to allow departure of professionals under National Staff contract to another
• Make sure the Memorandum of Understanding signed with the National Authorities (MoH, Mission-country, under secondment contract.
MoFA) allows MSFCH to employ personnel.
• Ask the salary scale and other basic working conditions to the Ministry of Health and other • Ensure that all contractual aspects are covered, including legal taxation of any additional
comparable employers (other MSF sections or NGO). remuneration, in the Mission-country of origin.
• Ensure that all administrative aspects such as medical/accident coverage, re-billing of costs to
• Identify a local lawyer and Submit immediately the standard documents (Questions to the Mission-country of destination, etc. are respected.
Lawyer, Standard Internal Staff Regulations and standard contract modelss) for adaptation to • Ensures a smooth coordination and information flow between the Headquarters, the Mission-
national laws; copying HR Specialist/HRO in Geneva (please refer to: drafting or revising the country of origin and the Mission-country of destination.
Staff Regulations and contracts for a Mission above)
2.9.1. General considerations
• Co-ordinate revision of MSF-CH standard documents between the local lawyer, the HR • A Mission set-up is built according to given strategies (First Missions, retention of
Specialist/Lawyer at HQ and the Cell, competencies, extended duration of mission, enhancement of responsibilities of NS, etc.)
• A Mission locally recruits the personnel needed for its own operations. Nevertheless, it can
• Ask National Social Security and Tax Office to give you all necessary information for
also participate to MSFCH operational strategies, notably thanks to the secondment of
registration and salary management, a.
• A seconded person is a professional under national staff contract who can respond
• Use the services of daily workers for the initial phase.
voluntarily and temporarily to the needs of another Mission-country.

2.8. Relocation contract • Secondment serves 2 main purposes:

1. Supporting another Mission (gap filling)
As a rule, MSFCH recruits its personnel locally, i.e. where the project is located. 2. Gaining additional experience to reinforce competencies and/or in view to take
more responsibilities in the staff country of origin and/or prior to apply for an
When competencies are scarce or impossible to find at the Project location due to factors such as international contract. However, the secondment does not provide any guarantee in
remote areas, tense situations, etc., MSFCH may have to recruit some of its personnel from other that respect.
areas in the country.
• The secondment does not constitute an international contract but an addendum to an
MSFCH commonly refers to this type of situations as “relocation”, but the status name should be existing national contract. This addendum being part of the basic contract of employment, it
aligned with the local law, in order to avoid create confusion. could be subject to social deductions and/or taxes. The Mission-country of origin must enquire
about these issues to the concerned authorities.
According to the country’s law, contracting people for a place of work which is different from their
place of official residence and/or from the place where they were recruited can imply specific • The HR Officer (HRO), Pool Manager (GPO), Head of Mission (HoM) and/or the technical
contractual terms and conditions, such as for example: referent can propose an employee ready to volunteer as candidates for secondment.
• Transport paid by the employer between the place of official residence/place of recruitment HoM and/or HR Coordinators should regularly inform their respective HROs of any availability of
and place of work at the beginning and end of contract and for holidays highly qualified personnel for short missions abroad (min. 1 month – max. 3 months). In
• A one-off setting-up allowance and/or a monthly accommodation allowance when the exceptional cases, missions could be extended to a maximum of 6 months.
employer does not provide a furnished accommodation at the place of work • Because many parties are involved in the process, the HR Administrator of the concerned
Mission-country (origin of secondment) at HQs will be the focal point coordinating the
Besides legal obligations, MSFCH might, if necessary, specify other conditions in the contract, administrative process.
such as for example:
• Accommodation in an MSFCH compound, especially when security is an issue 2.9.2. Step-by-step procedure
• A monthly cost-of-living adjustment allowance when a difference in cost-of-living is clearly Human Resources (HQ)
established between the place of official residence/place of recruitment and place of work
a) Being aware of specific competencies needed in another context, the HRO contacts the HR
• Evacuation for medical emergency or security reasons. Coordinator of the Mission to evaluate the availability of the employee for a given mission
To establish a specific model of contract, please refer to the local lawyer and to your HRO and abroad. The information is relayed to the GPO who will collect appraisal forms at the end of the
Field HR Specialist at HQs. assignment.


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

b) Having received the approval of the Mission-country of origin, the GPO will proceed with the a) Ensures that operations of the Mission-country of origin are not jeopardized by the absence of
matching of the person and launch the administrative process with the HRO: the employee. A possible replacement can be organized by the Mission if need be. In that case,
a daily contract or a Fixed-term contract (FTC) can be offered to this replacement. In this case,
The HRO (desk from hosting Mission or “client”) will ensure that the nationality of the the FTC is special as it should be specific to the period of replacement and stopped in case of
seconded person does not present any risk in the Mission-country of destination and early return of the seconded person. Please ask your lawyer and your HRO about the
proceed with visas and any other authorization (e.g. travel permits) together with the feasibility of such contract.
concerned HR administrator at HQ. b) Ensures that the employee has a (valid) passport and/or other travel documents (e.g.
vaccination leaflet)
The HRO, together with the concerned HR Administrator at HQ, will ensure that the c) Prepares the Mission Order and the contract addendum to be signed prior to the staff
location for a sanitary evacuation is clearly identified and that medical cost are either departure, and in coordination with the HRO/HRNS Officer
covered by a local insurance company or from HQs. d) Organizes travel arrangement to Geneva or final destination (if no briefing in Geneva required)
Human Resources Coordinator (Mission-country of destination)
The HRO will coordinate any information between Mission-country of origin and
destination. a) Organizes the arrival of the seconded colleague as for any other international staff.
b) Collects and transmits to the Finance Administrator, the Mission-country of origin and HQ all
If relevant, the HR Administrator and the HR specialist at HQ will calculate a top-up ,. relevant information for HR administration purpose (days off, etc.)
Pays perdiem, etc.
The HRO will organize eventual briefing and travel arrangements together with the HR
Please contact HQ for further information
Administrator at HQ.

Transport, passport & visa costs from the Mission-country of origin must be rebilled to 2.10. Expatriation process for OCG national staff
the client-mission via code 5821, in compliance with the standard mission-to-mission re- OCG chose to review its expatriation process in order to:
billing procedure (=only if cost is above the current minimum amount for rebilling). • Fit with our operational strategy and needs,
• Internally harmonize the recruitment process for international and national staff;
If the secondment is for less than 1 month, the origin-mission will not rebill the payroll- • 3Harmonize process at intersectional level among different Operational Sections (OCB,
expenses of the seconded employee to the client-mission: those expenses will be absorbed OCBA).
by the origin-mission (but allocated to private funds) Therefore, National / Regional Staff are now welcomed to send their application for expatriation
directly to HQ. Coordination team remains the focal point for references and feedback during the
When the secondment exceeds 1 month (30 days), all payroll expenses associated with recruitment process as any normal “employer». This new policy will allow guaranteeing equity in
the seconded employee (included related social charges) must be re-billed to the Mission- recruitment process and an easier access for National / Regional Staff to the HQ.
country of destination.
2.10.1. Preamble
HR and Finance Administrators from the Mission-country of origin will transmit to
Expatriation approach is legitimate and supported by the HR department. However, it is neither a
their counterparts in the Mission of destination and the concerned HR Administrator at
right, nor an obligation, nor a mandatory evolution in the career of National / regional Staff. For this
HQ, summary giving full cost of the seconded employee during the secondment period.
reason, each expatriation application will be treated as any other international application by the
This information will be needed for Saga entry: Pool managers in Geneva, to guarantee equity of treatment, case by case. The necessity for the HR
Coordinator and / or Field Coordinator to do regular information sessions about expatriation at field
• using the accounting code 5821 (instead of the current “class 6“ account) level has to be kept active and remains extremely important. Access to the information has to be
• indicating the accounting code and the project code of the Mission-country of reinforced. As we do for external candidates with Information session in Switzerland, explaining
destination on the second line of the expense’s description. NB Only 50 characters conditions of expatriation, stakes and risks (such as lack of available positions etc).
will be transferred to the receiving mission, so the total of description line 1 and 2
must not exceed 50 characters. 2.10.2. Principles
• a copy of the pay sheet issued by the Mission-origin must be sent to HQ with • OCG is not pro-actively encouraging expatriation as it is really an individual approach,
the monthly accounting closing package but wants to communicate better about this option and to make it more accessible.
Those expenses will then be re-billed by the accounting Unit from HQ to the Mission- Applications coming from National / regional staff will be treated objectively, taking into
Country of destination via the ECA files sent from GVA (in the mean time, they can already account the experience and commitment of the person to MSF.
appear in the simulations). • Every candidate for expatriation will have to strictly follow the OCG recruitment process.
All other expenses occurring at the place of secondment will be computed directly in the • Expatriation has to be seen as a different approach than Secondment. These are two
accounting of the Mission-country of destination (local travel, housing, per diem etc…). different HR processes. Secondment could facilitate the way to the expatriation, but it is
neither mandatory as pre-condition, nor a test for expatriation. (Contrary to secondment,
Human Resources Coordinator (Mission-country of origin)


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

and once the expatriation is launched and confirmed, there is no guarantee that the national • Additional references could be asked from previous employers if other previous relevant
position previously occupied is kept for the newcomer in the pool). professional experiences
*** No departure with family or dependant is authorized for the first mission, as for the
Who is susceptible to apply? international staff; family posts are rare and mainly reserved to coordinators. (Health and/or
• National or Regional staff currently working with OCG. social insurance of dependants are NOT covered by MSF after recruitment, as for the
• National or regional staff having left OCG less than 12 months prior to application. international staff, if it’s not a family posting).

(Those who have left OCG for more than 12 months can apply via MSF website (, as Indemnity: will be aligned to the IRP2 policy; calculated according to the OCG salary policy. (See
external candidates. package Carnet de Route).

How to apply? Personal qualities and capabilities are important and will be assessed:
The candidate to the expatriation has to send by email: • Commitment to MSF and Humanitarian action
• Application form • Flexibility and open-mindedness, tolerance towards diversity
• Detailed Curriculum Vitae • Team spirit
• Cover letter (expectations, career prospective, • Autonomy, maturity and sense of initiative
• Motivation for humanitarian commitment…) • Managerial competencies a plus
• Diplomas, work certificates. • Integrity and neutrality
• Last evaluation (the most recent one)
• For MDs: proof of registration to the Medical National Council. 2.10.3. Administrative issues
• If the applicant is invited at the HQ for the interview, days of absence from the field
Where? have to be deducted from his/her annual leaves. (The total duration of recruitment process
The complete file has to be sent directly to the Pool manager concerned (see list of Geneva Pool should not exceed 4 days, travelling time included). (The coordination can take the decision
managers attached) The applicant will be informed, by email, about the reception of his/her file to compensate this absence locally, with overtime or compensation, if they evaluate that
directly, within a period of 3 weeks maximum. the employee cannot deduct days from annual leaves).
• Travel costs from the mission (field or coordination) to Geneva and accommodation are
Procedure of recruitment: see outline covered by MSF
• Visa + insurance are covered by MSF (facilitated by HR team at field level)
Recruitment criteria are based on current and future operational needs: • Passport procedure has to be managed by the applicant; help from the coordination
Recruitment and expatriation criteria used in both processes are continuously updated and flexible team could be proposed.
based on OCG HR operational needs. Recruitment and Pool management Unit has its own objectives • The applicant in Geneva should receive a perdiem during the duration of his/her stay.
for each pool based on the annual operational plan, on the OCG operational strategy, but does not (ARH in charge)
define specific targets or quotas in terms of expatriation of national / regional staff. So the
Recruitment Unit adjusts recruitment of each profile on the buffer that is periodically agreed with 2.10.4. Recruitment process
Operations. Priority will be given to applicants assessed as having potentiality to quickly be 1. Send the complete application file to the Pool Manager (GPO) concerned. We advise
developed as coordinator. the applicant to inform his/her HRCO or FieldCo if at field level.
2. An email will be sent by the GPO to the applicant to confirm the reception of the file (in
Compulsory criteria a 3 weeks period).HRO has to be in CC mail for information.
As a reminder, expatriation is a voluntarism approach and cannot, in any case, be forced or imposed. 3. The GPO will inform the HRCO of the application.
If it is not an aim in itself, it is a personal and mature choice, with all consequences it may have. This 4. The GPO will evaluate the file according to the criteria pre-defined and share with
choice has to be driven by a real willingness to become an active member of OCG at international Technical department (if required)
level. The applicant to expatriation is committing to demonstrate availability and flexibility required 5. If the first screening results in a negative decision a direct response will be sent to the
by operational needs. Applications must match with Operational needs of OCG. applicant.
• Appropriate professional and / or academic background 6. If the first screening is positive, the applicant will be contacted in order to organize the
• Professional experience; quality is more relevant than quantity. However, 2 years of interview (preferably, a face-to-face interview in Geneva (transport + accommodation
professional experience (on equivalent position the person is applying for) and at least 12 covered by MSF); Skype could also be used. (A maximal effort will be done to invite
months of experience with OCG. applicants to the HQ, respecting potential budget constraints).
• Studies / training : relevant ones with OCG a plus 7. The applicant will have to pass:
• Languages: Mastering English OR French is compulsory. (Arabic, Spanish, Portuguese, - HR interview run by the Pool manager or the Recruiter
Russian, a plus) - Technical test (if required by the Technical department)
• Performance appraisal (references will be taken from the line manager / coordination - References will be taken (coordination team and / or line manager and / or Cell referent)
team; advice from cell referents’ opinion can also be solicited).
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

8. If the outcome of the recruitment is negative, the applicant will be personally informed
by the GPO.
9. If the outcome is positive, the applicant will be personally informed by the GPO. He/she
will immediately integrate the international pool.
10. In collaboration with the Coordination team, the GPO will discuss the timing and details
of the end of contract at mission level for an international assignment. The aim is to allow
the mission to anticipate the departure of the person, to organize his/her replacement
under the best conditions and not disrupt the activities in the project. However, the
expatriation cannot be blocked at field level over a too long period of time.
11. Participation to OCG PPD has to be organized (according to availabilities of place and
operational needs).
12. The GPO will be the focal point for the newcomer in the international pool for any
further placement discussion.
Pool managers do their best to find the right assignment at the right time, but it may
happen that there are no field HR needs matching the expatriate’s profile on time. Some
duration of stand-by could occur and this without being under a MSF contract.
Contractually speaking, MSF has no formal obligation to propose a post if there are no
obvious operational needs. Nevertheless, the file could be transmitted by the GPO to other
MSF sections if OCG has no possibilities of placement, within a reasonable period of time.

(*according to the possibility to integrate a session)

Pool Management Team

• Logistics Pool:
• Finance / HR / Communication pool:
• Medical-Epidemio-GAS-Mental health-PSEC-Lab:
• Nurse / midwife / pharmacist:
• HoM / PC / Dep HoM / health promoter:


• See HR documentation site=> Mobility\EssentialDocuments

2.11. Mandate and Service contract

2.11.1. Mandate


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

Definition: The mandate is a contract between a Client (MSFCH = Mandant) and a Professional
Agent(Mandataire) committing to manage the case submitted to his/her expertise or the 3. REMUNERATION
services concluded in the convention.

• Contrarily to the Business contract promising the realization of a piece of work, the mandate
only commits to handle a case (lawyer, consultant, etc.) or render a service (interpreter, 3.1. Remuneration policy
photograph, architect, etc.) but does not guarantee a result.
• Contrarily to the Employment contract based on a dependency relationship, the Professional Content: Managing directions with regards to remuneration (salary, allowances and social benefits).
Agent performs its job freely and bears economical risks of its activities.
• This is not an Employment contract! No social deductions or taxes are operated from the Objectives: MSF-CH offers remuneration conditions based on MSF’s Minimum Social Package,
invoice given by the Professional Agent. Labour authorities carefully watch employers International Labour Office (ILO) recommendations and local labour market as defined separately.
potentially abusing this status! Seniority is the only criteria for individual salary progression in the same position.

=> See HR documentation site : mobility =>essential Documents Remuneration conditions are explained in separate documents (market benchmarking, cost of living,
etc.) and take into account the following:
• Remuneration should always comply with local legislation
2.11.2. Service contract • Whenever possible, MSF-CH should recruit qualified employees, according to given criteria
Definition: The service contract is a contract through which one of the parties (contractor) commits to for the position and considering high operational expectations. Remuneration is essentially
complete a piece of work for an amount agreed with the other party. Its guarantees a result: based on responsibilities held and direct involvement in operations.
e.g. repair of a car, building of a house, etc. • MSF-CH has decided to be positioned around the median of the market survey conducted
amongst agreed national and international comparators. Remuneration should however
• Task to be performed is clearly stated as well as the payment due on successful completion remain competitive, especially for key-positions that are essential to carry out operations.
of the task. (e.g. digging 100 latrines, laying a concrete slab, building a wall, repair of a car, • Remuneration should be connected to the above criteria and to the local market. In
maintenance of A/Cs, etc.) addition, MSF-CH will always seek harmony with remuneration offered by other Operating
• Side benefits should be streamlined to the strict legal minimum.
Don’t hesitate to seek advice from your HRO at HQs!
• MSF-CH commits itself to pay at least a net minimum salary equal to or equivalent in kind
to two (2) US dollars per day or sixty (60) US dollars per month.
• Payment in kind (e.g. food) in lieu of regular salary should only be considered in exceptional
circumstances and given up as soon as the situation allows.
• Unless previously validated by the Cell as an exception, the implementation of a
remuneration system is never retroactive.

Remuneration is based on 5 pillars:


Compliance Financial
to the law resources


External equity: Internal equity:

Ex. market Ex. function


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

For intersection compensation & benefits principles and details please refer to the “common Some salary components are not subject to Social security contributions, but this
Frame”: This intersectional document provides a minimum reference package common to all depends entirely on the national legislation.
MSF sections See HR documentation site=>Remuneration\EssentialDocuments
What to check in legal terms?
Is there a social security system? Is it mandatory to contribute to it?
What is the basis on which social security contributions are to be calculated
3.2. Remuneration components
How to calculate the employee’s and employer’s contributions
What are the registration modalities for all the employees, and the employer’s declaration
3.2.1. Definitions modalities (frequency of payment, form, etc.)
• Basic salary: is the salary provided by the employer to remunerate for a given job What is the coverage of social security and how to claim benefits to the system?
without any other bonus or allowance
• Allowance: Benefits in cash or in kind, given to some (or all) employees.
Examples: family allowances, housing allowance, etc. 3.2.4. Income taxes
• Compensation: Sum of money paid as compensation for one-off expenses.
Examples: transport, relocation, etc. In most countries, every resident is required to pay taxes on his income.
• Bonus: Exceptional sum of money paid by way of a salary adjustment.
o A bonus may be single or multiple (cost-of-living). By nature, it should be identifiable In most countries, the employer has to for
as a separate element from the basic salary. - deducting income taxes from the salary before payment,
o A post adjustment bonus can be decided during the benchmarking of salaries for - submitting a monthly declaration to the Income Tax Office
positions that have been graded too low by MSF-CH. This type of bonus can also be - making the payment to the Ministry of Finance.
decided by the Head of Mission (after consulting the Cell) if the salary offered for a
particular position is too low to recruit the qualified staff that the Mission needs. In Definition of “taxable income” varies from country to country. Usually family
these cases, we will ensure that this bonus is also indexed when the cost-of-living and allowances and employee’s Social security contributions are exempted from income
seniority adjustments are made. taxes.
o Contact the National Staff HR team for further information.
Declaration of income taxes: depends on who holds the responsibility:
3.2.2. Legal deductions and other remuneration elements - if employer’s responsibility: the employer must have a “contribution number” and
For most legislation, the employer is responsible for deducting the social security contribution and monthly (sometimes yearly) fill out all declarations
income taxes from the salary of each employee, and for paying them to the competent government - if employee’s responsibility: each employee has a “contribution number”; he either
bodies. deals with the declaration himself, or the employer takes care of it and attaches a
list to his declaration of all his personnel by identification number along with the
As long as those deductions are mandatory in a country, whether they function or not, MSF has to corresponding contribution
contribute to the concerned systems (social and fiscal)
What to check in legal terms?
3.2.3. Social Security Are income taxes mandatory? Is the income tax system enforced? Who is responsible for
There is a National Institute of Social Security in most countries where MSF intervenes. payment/declaration? What are the declaration modalities
Social security aims to ensure the employees and their families protection in terms of What is the basis on which taxation is to be calculated (find out all exemptions and optimise
unemployment, pension, death (orphan’s indemnities), family allowances, healthcare, them)?
occupational accident/ professional sickness, and annual holidays. What is the taxation rate?

Social security contributions are usually made up of two parts: 3.2.5. Other taxes
- one part payable by the employer (usually the biggest)
- the other part payable by the employee. Other form of taxes may exist in a country, or may be imposed due to special circumstances
Keep yourself informed and consult your legal advisor and legislation updates.
They are both calculated from the same amount (gross salary), but only the part payable
by the employee is deducted from the pay; the employer’s part is to be paid in addition to
the gross salary itself.
e.g.: Gross salary is equal to 100, the employee’s Social security contribution is 2% and the
employer’s is 5%. The employee’s taxable income will be 98, the employer will disburse 105
and the Social security will get 7 in total.

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

3.3. Create a salary scale d. Labour law changes

e. To evaluate a new or particular function on the market
3.3.1. Benchmarking of salaries f. Introduction of new HR management tools
To determine or re-evaluate its remuneration (salary and social benefits) on a given local labour
market, at a given moment, MSF-CH conducts a thorough study called Benchmarking.
Once salary scale is defined a daily workers scale will have to be determined. Please contact your
A Benchmarking consists in collecting and analyzing objective information on salaries and social field HR specialist at HQ for advice.
benefits offered by a set of comparators (international and local NGOs, international agencies, local
private and public structures) for a selection of functions from MSFCH function grid. 3.3.2. Seniority in the function
The rate of increase of salaries linked to seniority in the function is fixed at 2% (unless prescribed
It is a major and complex exercise which is conducted by an expert that is external to the mission, so differently by law) per year of experience on a given function, with a ceiling fixed at 10 years.
as to guarantee a technical and neutral approach.
year year
The Benchmarking results will allow determine the 25th percentile, the median salary and the 75th year 0 year 1 year 2 year 3 year 4 year 5 year 6 year 7 year 8 year 9
10 11
percentile of the market for each analysed function.
Level 1 100 102 104 106 108 110 112 114 116 118 120 120
Median: The median is the middle value of a set of data. The median is the point at which exactly half of
the data are above and half below. These halves meet at the median position. Principles linked to seniority in the function
! The median is not the same thing as the average! • Seniority in the function leads to a salary increase after each completed year of
25th percentile (or 1st quartile) experience on a given function. This seniority is limited to 10 years, unless the laws of
75th percentile (or 3rd quartile) the country provide for a higher ceiling.

Examples: in this example, the median would be equal to 26 (vs 40 for the average) • Seniority in the position is calculated in months, according to the following rule:
o For each month in which the person has worked 15 or more days in the same
10 15 17 20 22 30 45 60 80 99 function: one month of seniority is acquired
o For each month in which the person has worked 14 days or less in the same
function: no seniority is acquired

1st quartile Median 3rd quartile • Experience acquired in a given function with another MSF section is valued in the same
way as experience acquired within MSF-CH. Experience acquired with organizations
other than MSF is NOT taken into account for seniority.

To build a new salary scale in line with MSF remuneration policy, the following criteria will be taken • Experience acquired under a fixed-term contract (FTC) is valued in the same way as
into consideration: experience acquired under an open-ended contract (OEC). Only experience acquired as
• For levels 1 and 2, MSFCH salaries will be established between the 25th percentile and a daily worker is NOT taken into account for seniority.
market median.
• For levels 3 to 8 on the function scale, MSFCH salaries will be established around the • Seniority in the function returns to zero in the event of an interruption of more than 24
median of the market months between two experiences on a given function. In this case, MSF considers that
• For levels 9 to 15 MSFCH salaries will be established between the median of the market the experience acquired has become "obsolete".
and the 75th percentile
• As much as possible, have an evolution of 15% between grades of a same professional • Seniority in the function returns to zero in the event of a change of function
category (e.g. between level 6 and 7, belonging to the category « Supervisors, specialists & Note: If the change of function occurs during the contract (FTC or OEC), and the reset of
consultants »), and an evolution of 30% between professional categories (e.g. between level seniority drives down the salary of the employee, the situation will be systematically
10 belonging to the category « Activity Managers » and level 11 belonging to the category « analyzed in detail with your coordination and the HR Specialist in HQ.
Coordinators »)
N.B.: MSF distinguishes between seniority in the function and seniority within MSFCH:
A full benchmark is essential when every 3-5 years or when: • Seniority in the function: leads to a salary increase for the employee after each
a. MSF-CH opens a new Mission and needs to determine its remuneration package completed year of experience in a given function, regardless of the MSF section in which
b. Labour market has significantly changed (e.g. upon arrival of new employers on the that experience is acquired.
market: Oil companies, UN agencies, other NGOs) • Seniority within the organization (MSF-CH) is considered only under specific
c. MSF-CH is facing difficulties in recruiting or keeping qualified staff circumstances, such as calculation of the compensatory payment to an employee who is
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

laid off because of the termination or reduction of our activities. Seniority within the
organization takes into account the number of months the employee worked for MSF- 4. ORGANIZATION OF THE MISSION
CH, regardless of the function(s) held.
4.1. Evaluation of the necessary manpower
3.4. Monitoring and revision of salary scale
The evaluation of the manpower is the result of a close collaboration between the head of
HR coordination should monitor its remuneration on a regular basis, and at least yearly,
mission/field co– and other key actors concerned (other members of the coordination team, etc.
If every Heads of Activity are responsible to propose a set-up responding to their activities, the
• The follow-up of the benchmarking data: every year in May (unless a full HR Coordinator/HoM should provide advices and recommendations for an optimal structure.
benchmarking survey has been run recently), the HR coordination should contact ! Balance the objectives of the programme and the means.
each comparator of the last benchmarking survey to inquire about any changes In HR terms: balance ‘the human needs’ and the ‘available human potential’ to
implemented and/or forecasted in their remuneration, either generally on the achieve your objectives
whole scale or more specifically on some functions. This follow-up will allow us to
evaluate if MSF-CH is still well positioned on the market according to the 4.1.1. Assessment of the total workload
remuneration policy. See HR documentation site : Remuneration =>essential
• Prerequisite: evaluation can only be carried out if:
• the overall objectives of the programme have been set
• The cost-of-living monitoring, based on: • the actions and means to reach these objectives have been defined
o Analysis of official national (governmental statistics bureau, national • In some cases standard norms exists and are available through technical referents
bank, economical missions or representations) and international (World (ratio, standard setup , etc.)
Bank, World Food Program, International Monetary Fund, economic • Defining how to meet the objectives of the programme and thus carrying out an
intelligence unit, etc.) index (Consumer Price Index, Inflation rate, other appropriate evaluation of the needed manpower entails:
indicators). • Looking at the current situation
• Considering added value of international staff positions versus national staff.
o Implementation and monitoring of MSF-CH foodbasket, in addition to the Sometimes it is a case by case examination of what is the best suitable profile
analysis of official index. Foodbasket will provide the Mission with (national or international) taking into account the composition of the team, situation
indications on price trends, very useful in case of absence or lack of of the context etc
reliability of official data, or to complete official data with distinct data • Fixing a time-span to the objective
for capital and projects for example. It is recommended to carry out this • Taking the context into account
survey on a monthly basis, so as to address unstable and/or highly
• Roles distribution is based on planned activities and corresponding tasks:
inflationist contexts, but also more generally in order to guarantee the
• Make sure the organization of the different departments is clear (organization chart)
most reliable data.
• Ensure that the roles and responsibilities of each member are well defined (job
For more details about composition and monitoring of foodbasket, refer to the descriptions)
“Procedure” worksheet of the Standard foodbasket template available in the See HR • Integrate all field positions (international and national) in the workload evaluation
documentation site : Remuneration =>essential Documents (organization chart).
This data will be analysed by HR Coordination in order to recommend, if necessary, an • (Re-) assess the existing workforce:
indexation of salaries to be integrated in the mid-term budgetary revision. On top of the • Maybe work can be redistributed among employees already present
update of benchmarking data and analysis of the cost-of-living evolution, other elements • Keep in mind that the more manpower you have, the more complex the potential for
such as operational perspectives, budget constraints and/or legal/governmental constraints organization, supervision and relational problems!
should be taken into consideration.
4.1.2. Re-evaluating internal organization
Note: Adjustment of salary scale to inflation and/or evolution of the market is neither
• Check the job description of all team members:
automatic nor systematic.
This is essential for real teamwork (e.g. an extra person in the logistic team), as each
team member will be working towards similar, interrelated objectives.

. • Develop the job description: Develop the job profile based on this re-evaluation. This tool
will be essential in the recruitment process and will give a clearer picture of who does what
to which end and makes it clear who is responsible and accountable to whom.

• Update the organization chart


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

This will give a clear picture of the different positions in the mission and which
profiles are needed, how they interact and on which level of the functional scale they
are. 4.4. Managing rules for Standard Classification and descriptions of functions

4.1.3. Create a new position? Content: Managing rules with regards to MSF-CH standard Classification
• Avoid excess: and description of functions.
• Organizations tend to overgrow and to auto-produce work (Parkinson’s Law).
• Balance workload and delegation: Assess possibilities of delegation. Objectives: 1. To allow a proper organizational set-up in every MSF-CH Mission
• Avoid becoming a “micro manager” spending time organising/leading others work. based on institutional quality standards.
Have a “Helicopter view”. 2. To ensure HR management coherence at MSF-CH- and international
• Lack of personnel may be more a feeling rather than a reality, due in fact to poor level.
organization! In such case, hiring is certainly not the solution, and might even add to 3. To enhance responsibilities of National Staff up to co-ordination level.
the problem. 4. To follow management indicators at national and international level.
When evaluating the required manpower before recruitment, consider the following 5. To rationalize managers’ work in the field.
• Before creating a new position find the right balance between excess and restrictions 4.4.1. Definitions:
of manpower The Classification of functions determines the grade level of each position in the organization, on
• Re-evaluate the project or department organizational structure if necessary the basis of established criteria, to ensure that positions with the same level of responsibilities and
• Have budget approval for new positions duties are graded at the same level.
The Classification of functions refers to precise information about the nature and the activities of
4.2. Organisation of Human Resources activities in the Field jobs, thereby facilitating other personnel management processes.
Every department must be organised to meet operational objectives and is adequately ! This essential tool is built to respond to MSF-CH operations in the field and is
structured to be both efficient and cost effective. compatible with the Classification of all other MSF’ sections.
The job description provides the scope of responsibilities, major activities inherent in the function,
As support activities to operations, HR and administration’s structure was developed to respond reporting relationship and requirements.
to these objectives with the following HR profiles:
! MSF-CH has prepared standard function descriptions to help the field in hiring the
• 2 levels of Assistants for administrative daily tasks (absence, salaries, etc.)
right person for the right position. It provides a basis to be elaborated on by the field and
• 1 level of Officer for Monitoring processes (i.e. Homere) and supervision of assistants can aid the following processes:
• 2 levels of Managers to cover all HR activities and/or specialised in one or more fields.
• 1 level of Coordinator Recruitment
4.3. HR-Administration Fundamentals: A self-evaluation tool Career evolution
MSFCH has adopted a simple tool to determine the level of quality of most of its processes: Training identification
logistics, Finance, HR-Admin, etc. See HR documentation site : Reporting-Follow up =>essential
4.4.2. Classification of functions
to evaluate the quality of your current HR activities and to serve as priority list for your At MSFCH, Headquarters manages the Classification of functions. No function can be created by the
successor. field for the sake of coherence. In case of need of a non-existing function, please ask HR
SPECIALISTS at HQs for further assistance.
For your information: A complete revision of this tool is under process.
Job description :
! The standard documents were prepared by the functional departments at HQs and can be
subject to change.
! The template provided enables the field to adapt and/or complete the function
description based on the effective activities/responsibilities in a given context,
transforming it into a job description or description of post or position.

Example: Telephone-operator - Receptionist. Major activities could be:


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

• Welcoming of visitors and dispatching of calls - 55%

• Administrative Support - 20% • It evolves according to the work force and the objectives of the structure., as well as to the
• Secretarial Support - 15% competencies available.
• Radio operation - 10%
• The organization chart can only be fully efficient when completed with the job description;
! When the activities do not require a full-time person, consider part-time contracts rather this presents the activities and the level of responsibility attributed to the person holding
than mixing activities and/or responsibilities of various nature and/or level. the position.
! In case of need of a polyvalent position, avoid titles trying to identify the various activities
(e.g. Assistant-Field co-ordinator/Pharmacy manager). Chose the most relevant - • One organization chart (including expatriate and national personnel) must be elaborated for
Assistant-Field co-ordinator – and add the pharmacy management as a responsibility. each project site and, in larger missions, for each structure (one for administration, one for
logistics, one for feeding centres, etc.)
! A job description is part of the contract. Therefore, avoid being too precise not to limit the
potential evolution of the position.
• Update it regularly. When there are changes in personnel, do not change the structure of
! In case more precise details are needed, tasks could also be described. Repetition of the organization chart unless there is a major change in the distribution of tasks and
procedures or security or medical protocols must be avoided but referred to when responsibilities
necessary (e.g. must respect the protocol for washing hands prior to enter the OT).
! Local titles can be used as long as they can clearly be related to standard functions. 4.5.3. How to elaborate an organization chart?
Prerequisite: elaborating an organization chart requires that each Job descriptions are updated
4.4.3. Standard Classification of Functions according to the Classification of functions and standard descriptions of functions.
MSFCH Standard Classification of functions includes the following tabs:
1. a classification by Department • Place the different positions at their defined level in the organization chart
2. by career path
3. Spanish and Portuguese version (unhide columns e to j) • Establish the liaisons between the different functions based on hierarchy

=> See HR documentation site : Function grid =>essential Documents and/or job • One position might be higher than another in the function scale but both may have the
description=>essential Documents same direct relationship to a supervisor

4.4.4. International Field function grid (IRFFG) • Each “box” can contain:
o Position
Starting from July 2014 a new international common field function grid exists, this grid is currently o Name of the person covering the position (and replacement if due)
under final validation and will be implemented in the field over time for more information please o Starting and ending dates of contract (for international staff only)
see you HR specialist

4.5. Organization Chart

4.5.1. Definition
The organization chart is a diagram showing the organizational structure of the various functions
and the hierarchical relation between them. Dotted lines can be added when functional reporting
must be revealed.
The chart allows a quick identification of the different levels of responsibilities.

4.5.2. Why an organization chart?

There is no “standard” organization chart, it is only a tool to visualise a structure; each mission has
to adapt it to its activities and needs. The organization chart favours efficiency and coherence:

1. Situates positions in relation to one another (circulation of information and decisions)

2. Formalises the links between the different levels.

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

5. RECRUITMENT PROCESS, STRATEGY AND TOOLS • Evaluate appropriate recruitment methods

Are there any internal candidates suitable for the position willing to apply? Is passive
Process of identifying and hiring best-qualified candidate (from within or outside of an organization)
recruitment enough (Office entrance notice board)? What sources of recruitment are worth
for a job vacancy, in a most timely and cost effective manner. (
using? Newspaper? Radio?
5.1. Recruitment & Selection Cycle Use the latest version of job profile to advertise the position or hand it out to the interested
Understanding the needs of the organization, recognising the potential of both national and local candidates. It should also include a short description of MSF as a humanitarian organization.
markets and correctly identifying the required competencies will reduce the number of
inappropriate applicants and save time and disillusions! • Proceed with initial selection
First selection is based on CV and/or on Standard Application form + motivation letter. Make
The (HR) Administrator is responsible for co-ordinating the entire process. sure candidates are suitable for hiring (nationality, work permit, valid driving licence for a driver,
and valid references)
Recruitment process has to be fair and transparent and supposes that:
• The needs required to achieve the objectives of the programme have been defined both in • Proceed with testing and interviews
term of quantity and quality (organization chart, job profile, job description) we advice to proceed to testing the selected candidates prior to interviewing the 5 best ones.
• There are available means (financial, infrastructure, material, etc.) to match the required
needs • Consider motivation of candidates
• The administrative framework has been defined (knowledge of the legislation, internal Especially for co-ordination or representative positions
regulations and work contracts, specific rules: e.g. rules for drivers, etc.), salary scale A good matching is not necessarily someone who is very qualified or worse, over qualified (as
(updated if necessary), social benefits, etc. s/he can be bored quickly). It’s sometimes rather someone with lower qualification but high
motivation and potential.
Here are the major steps of the process:
• Set up a selection team • Formalize the hire
Two people would be best; the Administrator and the direct supervisor. One of them should be a Finalize the recruitment process by formalizing the hire, creating a personal file and ensuring the
national staff that can detect and explain some aspects in the personality (cultural, behavioural, integration of the new employee.
communication, etc.) of candidates.
• Communicate decision to non-accepted candidates: standard refusal letter
• Agree on administrative issues (related to the process) Turn down the other candidates through a letter or other methods and file applications with the
The Administrator will explain the steps of the process to interviewers prior the interviews. S/he notes taken during the selection process.
will be part of the selection team. S/he is the only one authorized to discuss salaries and any
other administrative issues with candidates. It is advised to keep the 10 bests candidate’s applications for a while (e.g. 6 months) in the
unfortunate event that the selected candidates does not start or remain long in the position.
• Agree on common selection criteria In the refusal letter, we can mention that “...due to the quality of the application, we would like
Have specific and reasonable number of criteria (avoid too many) and make sure the definition is to keep it on record for a while in case a new opportunity would arise...”
the same for the whole selection team. Nevertheless, check legal obligations related to personal data protection.

According to the context, there may be additional elements to define for the selection of the
right candidate. This information should remain confidential and not given to candidates. 5.1.1. Passive versus Active Recruitment
Example: community problems (avoid recruiting your employee from one clan, family, etc. only)
When opening a vacancy, it is best to recruit from a large number of candidates in order to have
Precision : There’s no permanent reason against hiring person who have relatives already more choice. However be aware that too many applications prolong and complicate the selection
working with MSF in the following conditions : process.
1. The fact should be known (transparency)
2. No risk of power « cumulation » Passive recruitment: No Vacancy
3. the « balance » ethnic, religious, clan… are respected. This means collecting spontaneous applications in the event of a vacancy. In this case:
• Determine the “filtering” methods to use/develop
In order to fine-tune the identification process of competencies, more thorough methods can be • Set up a standard procedure: applicant is asked to fill an application form Define in
applied such as tests, references, etc. advance who collects the CVs.
If you expect many applications, it may be useful to raise expectations and possibly start with a • Make sure applicant indicates how and where s/he can be contacted
test. Short listed candidates will only be interviewed. • Date all application forms and keep them filed by function/profile
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

• For higher and middle management positions, a letter of motivation is required. • Ministry of Labour or equivalent: in some countries, civil servants can take temporary
• Never make promises that cannot be kept, even to persistent candidates! leave to work for another employer: once the contract ends, they return to their former
Active recruitment: Vacant position
It means actively searching for personnel: Needs have been identified, job profile adapted, • National or local press: not only those in an international language but also those in the
recruitment process organized. In this case: local language (if relevant) in order to reach a wider public.

• Check your passive recruitment file • Local radio: very popular means of communication in some countries.
• Co-ordinate with other NGOs present in the country
• Consider mobility of personnel currently under contract, working in other projects or • Specialized publications: generally very expensive but useful to reach a specific target
locations group (medical magazines, etc.)
• Choose realistic channels for publication or communication, depending on job opening
and local practice Whatever the channel chosen, draft the vacancy explicitly and concisely. Pay attention when you
• If local applicants do not have suitable qualifications for the vacancy, look at the draw up the document to avoid wrong interpretation like discriminatory contents of standard
alternatives of recruiting in a nearby town, in the capital or via a business school or advertisement.
university (e.g. difficult to recruit MDs on project level)
5.1.3. Contents of standard advertisement
Internal versus external recruitment The content (based on job profile) will depend on the type of channel but it should include:
Most of the time, vacancies are advertised both within the Mission and externally. Nevertheless, it • General information concerning MSF as non governmental humanitarian organization
can be decided to open it internally only to favour the enhancement of responsibilities of competent • Description of the programme in the country
colleagues. • Precise and clear job title and Work location,
Check if this is legally possible. • Description of vacancy: tasks and responsibilities involved
• Starting date, type of contract (duration if FTC)
It’s important to make the difference between a modification of a job description and a promotion:
• Required qualifications including stress management capabilities
• Information required from applicants (letter of motivation, CV, contact address, etc.)
• Modification of a Job Description: responsibilities and job titles are identical but activities
• Deadline for applications
(nature or volume) may differ following the re-organization of activities.
• MSF contact person and address
• Optional: when and how applicants will be informed
• Promotion: Is a change in the hierarchy corresponding to the vacancy or the creation of a
position of higher responsibilities. And the recognition of competencies to bear these
additional responsibilities. 5.1.4. Answer to the candidates
Always reply to all candidates! It is the image of MSF in the country that is at stake. In case of a
massive recruitment process, you can place an advertisement stating that the vacancy has been filled
• A selection process must be organized internally and externally if number and/or quality
in the same newspaper instead of sending individual replies to all applicants.
of applicants are insufficient.
Identify the best channel to answer. Examples:
5.1.2. Channels of Recruitment
• short listed candidates list is pinned up on inside and outside boards of MSFCH. Thanking
Consider all different recruitment channels available at Mission/Project level. Depending on the
other candidates for their interests with best wishes for their job search could also be
profile required, means of advertisement may vary: e.g. for a guard, it’s less relevant to put an
added. (Mind personal data protection legal obligations)
advertisement in the newspaper than on the office door.
• by e-mail
• The reception area of your office or on the employees’ notice board
• if possible by mail for high position
• Other MSF sections or humanitarian organizations; ask them first! They may have a list of
recommended and experienced employees
5.2. Selection Process
• Notice boards in certain institutions (e.g. training schools of hospitals, technical schools,
university). Please be extremely vigilant when you recruit someone already working in a 5.2.1. Different stages of a selection process:
hospital. (Refer to chapter to related to Ministry of Health personnel) • Self-selection: the applicant decides whether it is realistic to apply by checking the
qualifications and criteria in the advertisement; it is therefore important that the vacancy
description be as clear as possible.

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

Tests can be:

• Selection based on CV and motivation letter: People may have submitted a spontaneous • Written (administrator, accountant, secretary, translator, stock-keeper, etc.)
application. Or apply because they heard of a vacancy without knowing what exact opening • Oral (quick approach to knowledge, e.g. languages)
it is; their profile may not be suitable • Practical (typing for secretary, radio communication for operators, driving for drivers, etc.)
• Technical (regulate a carburettor for a mechanic, create an excel table for an administrator,
• Selection based on interview and eventually, on test results etc.)

5.2.2. Selection Criteria • Conduct the test in a private, comfortable area free of distraction
• Define selection criteria according to job profile and context. Examples: • Administer an identical test under similar conditions to all applicants applying for the same
• Form and content of letter of motivation and CV position.
• Former experience(s): credentials, references, reputation • Explain instructions clearly.
• Nationality, tribe or community (e.g. refugees can only be volunteers in certain countries, • Give each applicant sufficient practice time if needed.
foreigners need a work permit)
• Neutrality (political, religious, etc.)
• Relatives already working with MSF 5.2.4. Selection Interviews
• Relevant skills (e.g.: writing, typing, diagnosing, cooking, translating, filing, driving, Before the interview
reporting, etc.): most of them can be tested • Selection team
• Communication skills, languages • Get the selection carried out by two people at least, so that they can exchange their
• Motivation impressions and focus on different aspects: e.g. the (HR) administrator and the direct
• Authenticity of presented documents (diplomas, certificates, driving licence, reference supervisor. One should be national staff (if not try to add a third person).
letters, registration in the Doctors Order; Doctor practice license) • Take separate notes to collect the maximum of objective information
• General health (MSF does not discriminate on this criteria but considers that health status
may hamper deployment of tasks or endanger the employee; MSFCH is also considering that • Preparing the interview
disabled persons can adequately fulfil required tasks)
• Personal presentation and attitude during the interview • Location (no disturbance, quiet place)
• Other personnel conducting the interview if relevant (e.g. future supervisor)
A simple methodology can be applied such as a criteria table: • Division of responsibilities among the interviewers
• Time allotted for the interview
Example: Finance • Structure of the interview (prepare necessary documents, have your questions
ready, have a test ready if language, knowledge or technical skills need to be
Diploma in Min. 2 years Personality & English as 3rd • For the interview, it’s interesting to have questions related to the hard skills and
Mgt exp
Finance exp Motivation language soft skills
Candidate 1 X X +++ - X • Take into account the cultural factor for the interview: it can be useful to let
Candidate 2 X X++ + +++ someone trustful from the national staff read the questions to check if the
questions are culturally correct.
5.2.3. Selection Tests
Testing the applicants can be useful and relevant to confirm their competencies. • During the interview
Timing tests can also be revealing. As an Interviewer, ask questions that are:

The tests can have a double function: • broad, open-ended,

• job-related, objective, meaningful,
• to test the skills of the candidate • direct, clear, understood,
• to short-list the candidates for the interview (in case you received 50 cv’s). • analyzing hard and soft skills
• related to the applicant's:
Two types of test: • education/training,
• transversal: computer skills, test of logic, language, etc • work history in chronological order, (add maybe experience in international
• specific: to the function: mechanics, Finance, medical etc organization, working in teams with people from different cultural background,
NGO environment etc)
• attitudes toward work, people, working conditions,

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

• goals, motivation and self-evaluation, • Pay attention to non-verbal communication (body language)
• possible reaction to specific situations with the job • For example, In Europe, the way hands speak, eyes talk, etc. is used in interviews
• e.g., pressure, peak loads, supervision. to learn more about the candidate. However, this should not be a selection
factor as we are facing people from different cultures, thus their non-verbal
Listen! The more you talk, the less you learn about the applicant. Ask follow-up questions - "how", communication might not mean what we think it does. It is recommended to
"why". Maintain control of the process. If pace lags, or if the applicant talks too much or focuses on refer to “cultural briefings” if existing, or to have the support of a “key” national
irrelevant subjects, say, "Let's go back to..." or "Tell me a little more about..." employee in order to better understand non-verbal communication linked to
• Opening the Interview
• Set Tone, be prompt and welcoming. • Closing the Interview
• Give your name/title clearly. • Make sure that you and the candidate have concluded on common ground:
• Address the applicant by name. • Ask if s/he has any other questions.
• Summarize what has been discussed.
• Initiate a relaxed flow of information • Review the next steps with a clear and honest timetable (and stick to it).
• Draw the applicant into small talk - weather, hobbies, etc. Ask a transition • Be friendly and honest to the end of the interview; don't give false
question such as "How did you happen to become interested in MSF?" encouragement or go into details for rejection.
• Thank the applicant for his/her interest.
• Explain the interview Process
You might say something like: NB: Do not make a job offer or any commitment without prior approval from HR-Administration.
"Before we start, let me give you some idea of what I'd like to cover in the next hour. I want to
review your background to see if this position is suited to your talents and interests. So, I'd like to 5.2.5. Evaluation and Selection
hear about your jobs, education, interests and anything else you'd like to tell me. • Evaluate:
• work experience, education/training,
Afterwards, we will provide you with information about MSFCH and the job, and answer any • motivation and attitude,
questions you may have." • ability to perform the job
• results of the tests
• Take Notes • input from others who interviewed the applicant,
• Tell the applicant that from time to time you will take notes to ensure you • employment verification and references (The Administrator will assume this
remember important points. responsibility if you choose).
• The notes can be used to complete the criteria table (see above).
• Provide honest information about the job, provide a full job description, In this process, you must:
• Explain the operation of the department/group, describe working conditions, • Consult with your Administrator to fix the right salary and starting date to
hours, special policies or procedures of the department / group. initiate the approval process.
• Be realistic, don't minimize or exaggerate activities or responsibilities. • Return the files of all candidates not selected to the Administration to be
kept in the “passive recruitment file” (if law allows).
• Gather additional selection information:
• Details on personal data, qualifications, education and training, experience, 5.2.6. Further Recommendations
former jobs, etc. • Avoid hiring people based on official recommendations, or relatives of officials. It
• Motivation to work with MSF, knowledge of MSF (which also shows how well the could once add unwanted pressure or generate tension in the operation.
applicant is prepared for the interview)
• Expectations in working in an inter-cultural and international environment • A medical exam may be required before confirming the employment of the
• Supervision experience candidate. This can only be linked to a potential risk if the health status of the
• Attitude: initiative, arrogance, sense of teamwork, insecurity, assertiveness, potential employee is not adequate in relation to the task required. e.g.: eye
aggressiveness, etc. exam for a driver
• Appearance. It can be useful to write down elements to remember faces when
dealing with many candidates (or if pictures are not available) but it is not • Be sure of the agreement of the selected candidate before giving a negative
sufficient to hire someone. Professional competencies and capability to work in answer to the others. If the candidate refuses the post, foresee what will be the
the proposed environment remain the key elements for decision. procedure.
• Availability and salary expectations

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

• Be clear with the conditions of employment. Make sure candidate understands • Provide ID and other material if required (tools, boots, uniform, working clothes, or any other
correctly. equipment)
• Have the signed contract filed in the employee’s individual file
• Verify the diplomas (original only or conformity certification of the copy) of the new • Express mutual expectations (objectives that will be lately – 3 months – appraised) and set
hired especially for medical and paramedical. priorities to formalize the first stage in the process of supervision and coaching of the employee.
The Study University has to be on the WHO list and the registration of Medical
Doctor should be done on the Medical Council. • Introduce the new employee to MSF colleagues
The above-mentioned list concerns employees signing a contract only. For daily workers, procedure is
5.3. The New Employee simplified, but a briefing remains important to avoid confusion and misunderstanding.
Selection process is over but several points have to be dealt with before:
5.3.3. Initial Briefing
5.3.1. Individual file The direct supervisor briefs on the specific position whereas the administrator gives a more overall
1. Open an individual file with at least the following sections and documents: administrative and security briefing. Other actors must also part of the briefing plan.
• General information about MSFCH, the movement, its charter, its objectives, its international,
a. Personal data: humanitarian and non-lucrative aspects, etc. Information about MSFCH financial resources.
Photocopy of identification card and driving licence (if applicable) • Detailed information about MSF projects in the country, including their history, policies and
Correct address and contact numbers future plans/objectives and resources.
ID pictures • Explanation about the project’s organizational structure (hierarchical and functional –
Civil status certificate and family composition certificate (without his document the organization chart), meetings and communication, etc.
employee cannot benefit from family allowances) (add: as defined in the labour law • Introduction to (the relevant part of) the security plan. Make clear that MSF limits the
or as stipulated in the IR/MSP what is meant with dependents) evacuation from a Project to relocated staff only. In the event of acute security problems in the
If foreigner, the work permit whole country, emergency evacuation is limited to expatriates only.
Official certificate of good conduct if customary • General information about the training policy
Certify copy of diplomas or a copy signed by HRCO attesting having seen the original
diploma. Please note that the certify copy of diplomas is required for medical and 5.3.4. Induction of the new employee
paramedical function. The previous experience does not attest the diploma which is • Introduce him/her to all future colleagues presenting his tasks and responsibilities and giving him
a requirement before hiring. an overview of theirs.
b. Medical data: • MSF considers induction as an important and essential moment in the life of an employee and
Medical certificate (refer to MSFCH health policy) has developed a complete package on induction ,
Social security number, if applicable please refer to : HR documentation=>induction-briefing
c. Contractual data: • Make a more in-depth presentation to the new employee’s direct colleagues (small group or
Contract individual meetings can be organised). The supervisor is the best person to do this.
Job description
Document that Internal Staff Regulations are read and understood by the employee 5.3.5. The probation period
Who to contact in case of emergency • At the beginning of the contract, the supervisor and the employee agree on the
In case the employee is a relocated employee: to be added on the evacuation list objectives to be reached at the end of the probation period. These objectives relate to
d. Correspondence attitudes and actions.

5.3.2. Information day • The period is meant for both the employee and MSF to decide on the continuation or not
This very special day must be well prepared as much for the professional image of MSF’s as of the collaboration.
enhanced integration and efficiency. HR administration and direct supervisor are in charge of their • At the end of the probation period, the supervisor will carry out a written short
respective parts. evaluation of the objectives set (see chapter Appraisals).
• The general performance will be the base for decision to stop the contract or not.
• Discuss and sign contract, Internal Staff Regulations and job description to make sure the same • However, one should not wait the end of this period to intervene in case of poor
information is shared and understood (avoid confusion, possible frustrations and conflict) performance or inappropriate behaviour or attitude.
• Explain MSF charter, work contract and specific provisions (e.g. night shift) Internal Regulations
(behaviour and sanctions), health coverage, training policy and any other relevant documents.
• Explain organization chart and his/her position in the management lines.
• Special rules applying to certain functions (e.g. for drivers, radio operators, vaccination
campaigns, etc.

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

Internal working groups, including representatives of HR Officers, Medical

6. HEALTH POLICY & IMPLEMENTATION GUIDELINES Department, FinOps, National Staff Unit;
Close follow-up by Medical and Finance Directors and General Direction

Below is the original memo officially launching MSFCH Health Policy early 2010. 6.1.2. A set of 2 documents
A revision of this Policy was conducted following recommendations made by all Medical Directors As the final package was entirely reformulated to have an appropriate wording from a legal point of
of the 5 sections and the IDRH. The attached documents are now updated consequently (version view, the structure was also subsequently reshuffled.
It contains:
Since the position of Health Staff Doctor now exists at HQs, we kindly ask the Medical 1) The “Health Policy and Guidelines for Field National Staff - 2010” & 10 Appendices
Coordinators to liaise directly with him for any questions related to National Staff health.
This is the core document, defining the level of health care, the beneficiaries, the
This document aims at presenting the main elements of the final version of “MSF-CH Health Policy scope, the coverage and the financing system of the Health Policy that MSF-CH
and Guidelines for Field National Staff - 2010” in order to facilitate its implementation in every will endeavour to introduce and implement within the limit of Mission-countries
Mission. possibilities.
Though most Missions already implemented a health care system for their national employees, the These documents are to be strictly circulated within the coordination teams and
rationale of having a proper MSF-CH Policy relies on the following: will serve both as reference documents and internal guidelines.

Compliance with the IC resolution of 2004, stating MSF as a socially responsible For practical reasons, Appendices were filed in another folder: “MSF-CH –
employer Appendices 1-8 to Health Policy and Guidelines – 2010”
Introduction of a Minimum Social Package for MSF-CH staff in all Missions 2 additional appendices: “MSF-CH HIV Policy (9) and MSF-CH TB Policy (10)”
Adequacy, consistency, equity from one Mission to another and vis-à-vis other MSF
These appendices are addenda to the general Health Policy; they focus more
sections and humanitarian actors
specifically on the beneficiaries of such policies, the level of medical follow-up, care
Improvement of monitoring of quality and costs of health care for National Staff
and treatment expected, and on staff information and prevention. They are
therefore subject to the same limitation of dissemination than the core document:
6.1.1. Background for coordination teams only.
The drafting of a “Health Policy and Guidelines for Field National Staff” was initiated 2 years ago by
the Field HR Unit together with the Medical department. The process followed different steps: 2) “MSF-CH – Health Cover for National Employees - 2010 – Appendix I to Staff
Field consultations (interviews of Medical Coordinators) Regulations”
Benchmark with other sections (as most operational centres already had or were in This document is the result of document 1) above and aims at giving a frame to
the process of finalizing their own policy) Coordination teams for the adaptation of the Policy to the context of the Mission; when
Cross-checking with the Standard Internal Staff Regulations and integration of the completed and properly validated at Mission and Cell level, this document will be
main elements concerned attached to the Internal Staff Regulations of every Mission.
Update and development of specific appendices for TB and HIV by the Medical
department The “MSF-CH - Health Cover for NS Summary - 2010” document is the
information to be posted on the notice board of every Project and/or at disposal
In April 2008, this led to a first draft document that already defined the main lines of the policy: the of the staff.
principles, the level of medical coverage granted, the exceptions related to chronic diseases, HIV and
TB, the preventive care and protection measures.
6.1.3. Main elements of the Policy
Most fields already received this draft document and are using it as a support for their daily
management. You will find below major highlights of the Policy. For exact and exhaustive presentation, please refer
The final document herewith attached contains amendments mostly related to legal and financial directly to the set of documents.
elements. As a “Policy” validated by the Management Team of MSF-CH, and as an addendum to the
Missions’ Internal Staff Regulations, the present document generates rights for the employees but The present Policy makes a clear difference between the level of care granted and the financing
also, obligations for MSF-CH. system. MSF-CH endeavours to propose a certain level of health cover to Field National Staff on one
hand and the financing via three pillars. Per order of preference: the National Social Security System,
For these reasons, MSF-CH decided to update and formalize its managing principles including major a Private Insurer or MSF-CH itself acting as a self insurer.
consultations, notably with:

External lawyers

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

Legal Frame End of contract: financial support 12 months max; In case of country
withdrawal, hand-over to private structure (payment 12 months) or
Main Beneficiaries are MSF-CH Field National Employees and their Legal Dependants
endeavour to provide 12 months drugs in advance
provided Employee has completed a Waiting Period (“délai de carence”) of 2
• Specificity HIV+ Beneficiaries
Employees still under Waiting period and Daily workers are covered for occupational For Open-Ended contract or Fixed-Term contract of minimum 12 months
accident/disease, emergencies and can benefit from a PEP. MoH and subcontracted required
staff are excluded.
• Other
Entry into Force: finalization by coordination team, validation by HoM and Cell, Malaria prevention and treatment, vaccination, maternity and
attachment to the Internal Staff Regulations. breastfeeding, occupation and non occupational accident: please refer to
the attached Policy.

Level of Health Coverage granted: The WHAT? 6.1.4. Major focuses

Main elements: OPD (consultations, drugs and exams), specialists consultations, Confidentiality
Hospitalization, Preventive Care, Chronic diseases, HIV, TB
Excluded Care: Aesthetic Care, Cosmetic and plastic surgery (please refer to the The Appendix 1 presents recommendations that coordination teams should follow to
Policy for complete list) ensure confidentiality while having a proper management of finance.
Practically, two different types of set-up are recommended: agreement with local
MSF-CH neither considers medical reference/treatment outside Mission-country nor medical structures (differentiation of medical listing/diagnosis sent to MedCo and the
medical evacuation outside the normal working place. bills sent to the Administrator for payment); if not possible, a system of sealed envelops
can be implemented.

Health Structures: The WHO? Monthly monitoring

Per order of preference and in function of what is available in the Mission-country: The Appendix 2 lists the administrative and financial data related to the present Policy.
1) public facilities (if proven to be functional), HR coordinators/Administrators need to monitor the process regularly at field level. The
2) private facilities objective is to ensure a proper financial monitoring of expenses related to health
3) MSF-CH facilities (in case there is no other option) coverage of Field National Staff.
Ceiling on expenses
Exceptions are of course considered for emergencies.
The Appendix 2 also presents a system setting a ceiling on expenses, i.e. a maximum
amount per beneficiary per year above which specific validation procedures must be
Financing system: The HOW MUCH? launched. The objective is more to make sure that the policy is managed within a givrn
Per order of preference: framework allowing exceptional cases to be treated on an ad hoc basis (very specific
1) NSSS: National social security system cases of medical evacuations or social cases for instance). Each Mission will have to
In most cases, contribution employers and employees are set by law propose a ceiling based on local cost of care (to be validated at Coordination team and
2) Private insurance Cell levels).
3) MSF-CH as a self-insurer
90% OPD, 100% hospitalizations and chronic diseases 6.1.5. Responsibilities
In case of use of MSF-CH medical facilities: usual patient routing path, health
care is free of charge Person in charge Coordination Team Cell

MSF-CH endeavours to introduce the level of health care mentioned above (The
(1) Med Co RMP
In case the insurer 1) NSSS and/or 2) Private insurance does not cover the entire
scope of care expected, MSF-CH will then act as a self-insurer and ensures a top-up. (2) HR Co HRO
Exceptions: Chronic diseases, HIV and TB
• Coverage: 100%
• Termination of contract

MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

The Medical Coordinator is in charge of the implementation and management of the present Policy,
together with the administrative support of the HR Coordinator. Therefore, the responsibility of the 7. HUMAN RESOURCES MANAGEMENT
daily management lies at field level.

At Headquarters level, the RMPs, assisted by the HROs, ensure that the Policy is in place in the
7.1. Management recommendations and tools
Missions-countries they follow. They also support the field teams for any technical questions MSF-CH mission must make the best possible use of all its resources both financial and human to
(medical or administrative) they might have. carry out its humanitarian mission according to the “Chantilly Principles”. This implies using to best
advantage the skills and abilities of all staff members, whether international or national employees
The Medical Director together with HR SPECIALISTSHR SPECIALISTSHead of Unit will act as focal so as to create, maintain or develop the structures most suited to operational requirements. National
points for the “maintenance” and the update of the Policy itself. Staff can therefore be assigned to position of responsibility up to co-ordination level.
Documents under: HR documentation => Health
The decision to assign an employee to a position of responsibility must be taken by the Head of
Mission in consultation with the functional co-ordinator, the HR coordinator and the concerned
employee on one hand, and the Cell at HQs on the other hand, based on:

• A review of potential risks for both the employee and MSF-CH, and the assurance of the co-
ordination team to create a favourable working environment.
• A clear description of function setting the required competences, the limits of the employee’s
responsibilities (political, financial, representation), the hierarchical bounds and the
communication channels between field and HQs
• A medium-term career plan (proposed objectives, training, supervision, coaching) including
regular scheduled appraisals
• A personal capability to be fully responsible and accountable for its own conduct, in particular
regarding abuse of power

To maintain mobility of personnel, assignments on such positions are limited to 3 years. Legal aspects
must therefore be taken in consideration beforehand. Note: This is generally not legally possible.
Please refer to your HRO for further assistance.

The employee should take on responsibility for his/her new post several months before the end of
assignment of the expatriate concerned, in order to guarantee the transfer of all useful information
and skills, and to enable the National employee to gain full autonomy.

7.2. Risks of frauds in HR Management

7.2.1. Recruitment
• Recruitment: in some contexts, the applications can be screened prior to actually being handed to
the HR manager (ethnic reasons, friendships, etc…).
o Suggestion: allow anyone to apply (even when compound is closed) by installing a mailbox
on the gate. The mailbox should be locked and the HR manager is in charge of emptying it on
a regular basis.

• Working permits: in some contexts, MSF might receive applications of candidates who are not from
the country and don’t have proper national ID documents.
o Suggestion: if suspicious, check permit/ID with authorities, after having informed the
applicants (don’t want to put him/her in difficult situation without his knowledge and

• Written tests: it is necessary to ensure that the person attending the tests is the person who actually
applied and is potentially going to be hired (seen friends coming instead!).
o Suggestion: ask for ID cards when coming for tests.
MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

7.2.4. Health care

• Diplomas: some diplomas can be self-made and don’t always guarantee that the person is qualified. • Medical bills: in some countries where a clear procedure is not in place, MSF is reimbursing receipts
o Suggestions: organize written tests; compare with others diplomas of same university, issued by un-known doctors/structures, hence making it impossible to check whether the cares were
contact issuer for all medical functions (i.e. MoH, medical university, etc.). Ask for original given and appropriate in case of doubt.
diplomas during recruitment and validate the copy in file after all checks made. o Suggestion: ask the medical dpt to quickly validate a few health structures where all
staff/dependent will have to go for care (or have an internal dr appointed), at least in major
7.2.2. Identification material places of work. Pass an agreement with the medical structures clarifying the level of care we
• MSF-CH ID card: ensure the card has a picture that cannot be removed and a clear visible validity want to give our employees & family (names to be clearly identified on receipts). Each
date. Cards have to be collected on last day of work. receipt to be validated by MSF med department who needs to investigate prior to
o Suggestion: have a validity date equal to end-of-contract date for all CDDs and yearly for all reimbursement if list of care & medications are suspicious.
others. Finance/accountant to collect card in exchange of final payment and returned to HR
for destruction. • Dependents: list of beneficiaries clearly introduced in Homere with b-date according to staff
• T-shirt: are sometimes distributed to every employee (MSF policy?) even if not justified for security regulations (all dependents to be officially justified: birth certificate + study certificate if 19-25 years
reason. old). Printout can be made and given to med department &/or medical structure if requested in
o Suggestion: have some t-shirt designed/printed locally for all national staff (gives a sense of contract.
7.3. Appraisals
7.2.3. Homere
• Payroll: it is sometimes possible that an employee asks to collect his/her salary in a place other than Since the new HR system is based on competencies, appraising staff in its activities/responsibilities
his place of work (i.e. a coordination employee temporary allocated to a field and coming regularly should not be different between International and National staff.
back to the capital, holidays, etc…). The payslip can be printed from the field and the coordination,
but double payment is a risk. For this reason, we invite you to use the standard Field evaluation form( the short version for staff from
o Suggestion: each field is responsible to check, print and sign the payslips of all its employees. level 1 to 4 For staff from level 5 and above the standard version):see HR documentation=>Evaluation
Should the salary be collected in another location, the original signed payslip should be sent
for payment (should it not be feasible to send the payslip physically, it can be scanned but a Please keep in mind that individual evaluations are CONFIDENTIAL documents and should be treated
clear mention “void”, paid in x…. should be mentioned on the original signed doc). as such

• Payroll check: a few data can be either wrong or missing in Homere at the time of payroll print 7.4. Training and development
(seniority, unpaid absences, etc…).
o Suggestion: ensure that seniority check has been performed at one point in time (some
special cases are reported in Homere). Once this is done, the payroll can be checked 7.4.1. introduction
monthly, through random checks, compare all figures/rubrics with previous payroll (using Training has become of the essential component of HR work and has, in these last few years, grown into
export pay) and ensure discrepancies are justified (i.e. seniority should only be increased one of the strategic element for missions and development. The training unit in Geneva has developed
when an additional full-year of work is completed). various policies and support as well as a complete training catalogue.

• Final payment: Homere does not prevent that an employee who was closed and received his final For any question related, please refer to the training brochure (edited every year and available in the
settlement is re-opened and re-calculated in the global payroll, hence double payment. SOS) and/or contact the training unit in Geneva
o Suggestion: all HR fields/capital are responsible to ensure that all employees who departed
during the current months are no longer on final payroll (keep name on a board or check 7.4.2. Continuing Professional Development Policy (CPDP)
with accountant which final settlements have been paid current month and cross-check). 1. Definition and general framework
The aim of the CPDP is to harmonise practices and provide a fair and open tool for all staff.
• Unjustified absence / sick/accident leave after 4 months, etc. Once again, data can be introduced at The CPDP provides the possibility for any employee of the OC Geneva to undergo on-the-job
one point and deleted at a later stage, before printing the payroll. training based on equitable conditions and principles.
o Suggestion: a close follow-up has to be made to ensure that all these data are included in It does not cover internal MSF trainings, as those are required by the organization.
the payroll. Moreover, the various level accesses in Homere prevent some of these It provides a means of addressing individual needs identified in the staff evaluation assessments
operations to be undone. The access level “terrain” should be installed in the fields and in within the framework of skills management.
the capital (asst hr dealing with capital staff). The line managers at the HQ or the HR Manager in the field – or equivalent – are responsible and
accountable for implementation of the CPDP. They can consult the Head of Training for HQ
issues and the Human Resources Officers (HRO) for field issues.


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

2. System and principles

Training days cannot be carried into the next year and cannot be exchanged for any form of
compensation. 7.5. End of employment certificate and letter of recommendation
Access to continuing on-the-job training is not a right, nor is it systematic or compulsory. It is
The work certificate must be issued for all of our employees at the end of their contract; in some
subject to the conditions defined below.
countries their form and content are statutory
3. Conditions
The letter of recommendation is a tool for MSF-CH to highlight the value of some employees.
The employee must be employed under an open-ended contract at the time of the request.
The employee must have completed his/her trial period.
Mainly based on the law requirements, the work certificate testifies of:
The professional development identified must be directly related to the position held.
a) Position assumed
All professional development activities must be compatible with performance of the job by the
b) duration of the contract
employee and his/her workload during the period concerned.
c) reason for leaving
The professional development identified may be undertaken totally, partially or not at all during
the working time of the employee, at the discretion of the line manager.
Based on appraisals of the employee, letter of recommendation testifies of:
• If working time is spent on professional development, the salary of the employee will not be d) responsibilities assumed
affected. e) skills and aptitudes
• In the event that the employee spends time on professional development outside of office f) performance and achievements
hours, no financial compensation will be payable by MSF. g) professional commitment
h) personality traits
No moral commitment is requested.
i) reason for leaving
The employee undertakes to complete the professional development activity, exercising
appropriate diligence in the process. Should the employee fail to complete the activity without
The letter of recommendation should be complete but not exhaustive; relevant but not damaging;
justification approved by the line manager or HR Manager, he/she will be required to reimburse
sympathetic but not complacent.
the cost of the professional development.
Any exception from the CPDP must be justified by:
The letter of recommendation is the responsibility of the Head of Mission. MSF-CH must prevent
• The line manager of the employee and the HR Manager of the mission, and approved by the personal recommendation letters on MSF-CH letterhead. Therefore, s/he must be the signatory,
HoM for employees in the field. even if the Administrator or HR Manager in fact prepares the document, based on the evaluations.
• The line manager of the employee and the Head of Training, and approved by the HR Co-signature with functional Manager or HR Manager/Administrator is also possible.
Director for employees at the HQ.
The letter of recommendation is a useful instrument for the employee to present his/her experience
Requests for professional development activities of duration greater than the annual training
and potential to other employers. For the employer, it is a bit of its image shared with the outside
days entitlement must be addressed within the framework of the loyalty grants policy.
4. Financing For MSF-CH, especially, it is a valuable indicator when personnel are rehired.
MSF covers professional development costs.
In the field, transport and accommodation costs during the professional development activity The letter of recommendation must be used with caution. This tool is not only very time-consuming
may be covered, if the employee is unable to live at home during the training period. but above all can be a double-edged sword.
The employee will be required to pay any other living expenses. The supervisors will have to choose the members of their team who will be eligible to this letter and
The cost of the professional development activity must be paid directly to the training the one who will not. It can create tension in the delicate phase of redundancy.
organisation by MSF. No reimbursements may be paid into a personal bank account.
5. Process Before to use this tools, you must carefully weigh the pros and cons. At least. the Field Coordinator,
the coordination team and the administrative team must be integrate in this decision. Please
Individual professional development needs must be identified based on a staff evaluation or
contact Headquarter for models of recommendation letters.
formal interview.
Approval must be given by the line manager of the employee
7.6. Staff Representatives
• And the Head of the Training Unit at the HQ,
Reminder: the Minimum Social Package (MSP)
• And the HR Manager of the mission, with consultation of the HoM in the field. MSF commits itself to respect freedom of association and of speech in its missions. MSF will not
It is the responsibility of the employee concerned to identify and approve the training hinder methods of social consultation (collective negotiations, employee representatives, etc…).
organisation with the support of the Coordination Team and the Training Unit. The organization must ensure that the staff representatives are not subject to discrimination and
Once approved, payment of the training will be organised by the Training Unit at the HQ and the have access to the employees as well as to the information necessary to carry out their mandate,
HR Manager in the field. except for information concerning employees who have not explicitly agreed to the use of their file,
The individual supervision of the employee is the responsibility of the line manager, both at the and except for information whose dissemination could constitute a threat to the security of the
HQ and in the field. Administrative follow-up in the field must be carried out by the HR Manager. people working in the projects.


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

To this end but also to smoothen the social dialogue between the Coordination and the staff, two majors
documents (Status and functioning of the Staff Committee), adapted from the Staff Committee of MSFCH 8. CLOSING DOWN A MISSION
in Geneva, are attached herewith as a starting point. Please adapt it to the local legislation and your
operational context with your lawyer.
Though closing down a Mission is a process led by Operations, every manager from every activity has a
See HR documentation site=> Staff committee role to play. Different documents exist and we invite you to see in the HR documentation site

7.7. Reporting
8.1. Human, social, legal and administrative issues
To proper monitor its activities, an organization must implement different indicators. In addition, Swiss Closing down a Project/mission is twofold:
law as recently changed and imposes on any company rules related to risks management. It does not
only cover direct financial matters but also activities generating economical risks. For Human Resources, 8.1.1. Human and social issues
provision for potential payment of holidays due to all employees at the end of the year is an example, as For an employee, losing his/her job correspond to losing a mean of existence for a certain
much as the capping of medical coverage or fees and fines in case of dispute before a court. number of people he/she was in charge of, but also a loss of social role and/or the end of
In addition, within MSF-CH or at international level, Headcounts must be provided regularly (Operations something known and secured.
typology, International bureau, etc.). Such situations can generate various emotions, depending on the personal history between the
person and MSF-CH.
For the above-mentioned reasons, (HR) Administrators are kindly requested to complete the following
form, attaching documents when needed, and sending it every month to HQs with the Sitrep or As a socially responsible employer, MSF-CH endeavours to take all necessary measures to
according to specific deadlines smoothen the impact a closure of Mission can have and ask, not only the HR Administrator but
also all Coordinators and Managers, to handle human and social situations with care and
This information is essential to the mutual understanding between Cell and co-ordination actors. Of particular attention to dignity.
course, HQs shall give you as many feedbacks as possible (e.g. Homere monthly report, HR Flash, etc.)
A communication strategy must be elaborated and implemented to reduce rumours and
These data are needed by HR in the first quarter of every following year (February 2014 for year 2013, anxiety.
An official closure ceremony and party is highly recommended as a symbolic manner to
terminate relationship.

8.1.2. Legal and administrative issues

Apart from the economic loss for the region/country, terminating more than 5, 10 or 20
contracts correspond to a mass redundancy for most legislation, subject to conditions such as
social plan and/or financial compensation.

The HR Administrator must check with the legal advisor and/or the relevant Authority both
process and conditions to terminate contracts.

MSF-CH, as other sections, has decided to grant one month salary per year of service, capped at
10 months salary as referred to as the Compensatory payment or Severance pay (art. 57 of
Standard Internal Staff Regulations). Should the law provide more benefits (i.e. Kenya), MSF-CH
will comply with this obligation.

MSF-CH does not yet foresee any specific “outplacement” training facilities when closing down
a Project, considering that training provided during the career of the employee already gives
him/her a good “employability”.

However, it does not mean that MSF-CH does not promote specific actions to help employees as
much as possible and as described below.
Please discuss any particular situation with your HRO.


MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014 MSFCH Field HR Management Guideline V5 – 2014

8.2. Practical issues

All actors (Coordination, Cell and Partners) must agree on a withdrawal plan including timeframe and
budget that will serve as a communication reference during the closing process. MSF is an association. Wherever they work and whatever their position or status is, MSF employees
should have a real opportunity to participate in the associative life. An active associative life allows
8.2.1. Communication members of an association to share a common project, common group of values and principles that are
• Inform national staff about the final closure and the expected timing; outlined in MSF charter. Associative life is vital for MSF. Without it, MSF would risk losing its identity and
the pursuit of organizational or operational identity might override shared values and principles.
• When activities gradually reduce, it is likely that fewer employees will be needed. Plan who
needs to be dismissed and when. Communicate it to the staff. Avoid rumours from spreading, In the associative life, the input from the field, being close to the population MSF wants to help, is
and the atmosphere from being influenced as a consequence, by delaying the process. Be clear crucial for the organization.
and honest about choices made; For the missions, sharing debates and reflection, can also be a source of creativity, new ideas and
dynamic. And for the employee, being involved in the reflection within the association can be a great
8.2.2. Contractual aspects source of motivation as it gives to share and be an actor of MSF development. It allows also people to
• The compensatory payment is meant to cover a period of unemployment. If the employee stay in touch with developments and new policies in MSF, which is the right of each member of an
resigns before the actual termination of the contract; the compensatory payment is not due. association. In MSF, beyond the hierarchy, which is essential for efficiency, everyone has the opportunity
to express their opinion, participate in fundamental choices and in the evolution of the organization.
• Written notice should be given at least xx weeks (depending on national labour legislation) Associative life is the responsibility of each MSF member, be it international or national employee.
before the actual termination of the contract. In case the letter of termination cannot be given
xx weeks before the actual termination of the contract, the remaining time is paid for. In the You, as the person in charge of human resources in the mission, can support the Head of Mission and
letter of termination, redundancy will be mentioned as the cause for termination; play a role in the promotion of associative life: you can ensure that national employees are effectively
involved in the debates and reflection concerning MSF in general and the mission/projects in particular.
• If contracts need to be extended the new contract should be restricted to the planned closing
date. All along the year, promote:
• Discussions and debates,
• If additional staff needs to be hired, contracts should be limited to the remaining time of the • Participation of national employees in reflection of ARO (Annual Review of Operations) and CPP
project. Employees should be informed about the closure of the project in the job interviews. (Country Policy Paper)
• Communication, meetings
8.2.3. Workshops • Access of national employees to your section’s newsletter
• To help employees writing a CV, also keeping in mind the way CVs are usually done in the • Contacts and relationships, for example through informal meetings, parties, particular events,
country; etc.
• To provide employees a space to practice interviews or discuss questions one can expect in a job • Free flowing information within the mission (informal, informative, activist meetings,
interview; newspaper…)
More formally, you should also facilitate the participation of national employees in mini-general
8.2.4. Networking assembly (now known as Field Associative Debate - FAD), and allow those who are unable to attend the
• Offer other NGOs and organisations the services of our staff by distributing a short overview of annual general assembly in Europe, to voice their opinion and to participate in the orientation of the
all employees that will be made redundant with the date of termination of contract, position association. FAD is thus a unique place where national employees can concretely participate in the life of
and experience. To keep it confidential, it should not contain names. The process could even be the association, make a difference by sharing their opinion on essential questions for MSF and propose
more pro-active if time allows; motions that would eventually be discussed and voted during General Assembly. Their participation is
8.2.5. Flexible working hours
How to facilitate the participation of national employees in FADs:
• Allow employees flexibility and/or time off for job hunting.
• Check with the board of your own section the modalities and procedures to become member of
• Reduce working time or if operationally needed, allow employees to stay on an on-call basis;
• Facilitate access to the information: how does the association work, how to become a formal
member of MSF, how to have the right to vote during the Annual General Assembly.
• Explain what the general assembly, FADs and motion are
• Support the organization of FADs (information shared, access to documentation for national
employees, translation available, working schedule allowing people interested to participate
See HR documentation site : Association=>Essential Documents


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