Common Provide Effective Customer Service
Common Provide Effective Customer Service
Common Provide Effective Customer Service
Welcome to the module in Provide Effective Customer Service. This module contains training materials and
activities for you to complete.
The unit of competency “Provide Effective Customer Service” contains knowledge, skills and attitudes
required Commercial Cooking. It is one of the specialized modules at National Certificate Level (NC II).
You are required to go through a series of learning activities in order to complete each learning
outcome of the module. In each learning outcome are Information Sheets and Resource Sheets
(Reference Materials for further reading to help you better understand the required activities). Follow
these activities on your own and answer the self-check at the end of each learning outcome. You may
remove a blank answer sheet at the end of each module (or get one from your facilitator/trainer) to write
your answers for each self-check. If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask your facilitator for
Recognition of Prior Learning
You may already have some or most of the knowledge and skills covered in this learner’s guide because
you have:
If you can demonstrate to your trainer that you are competent in a particular skills or, talk to him/her about
having the formally recognized so you don’t have to do the same training again. If you have a qualification
or Certificate of Competency from previous trainings, show it to your trainer. If the skills you acquired are
still current and relevant to the unit/s of competency they may become part of the evidence you can present
for RPL. If you are not sure about the currency of your skills, discuss this with your trainer.
At the end of this module is a Learner’s Diary. Use this diary to record import dates, jobs undertaken
and other workplace events that will assist you in providing further details to your trainer or assessor. A
Record of Achievement is also provided for your trainer to complete the module.
This module was prepared to help you achieve competency, in Providing Effective Customer Service.
This will be the source of information for you to acquire knowledge and skills in this particular trade
independently and at your own pace, with minimum supervision or help from your instructor.
• Talk to your trainer and agree on how you will both organize the training of this unit. Read
through the module carefully. It is divided into sections, which cover all the skills and
knowledge you need to successfully complete this module.
• Work through all the information and complete the activities in section. Read information sheets
and complete the self –check. Suggested references are included to supplement the materials
provided in this module.
• Most probably your trainer will also by your supervisor or manager. He/she is there to support
you and show you the correct way to do things.
• Your trainer will tell you about the important things you need to consider when you are
completing activities and it is important that you listen and take notes.
• You will be given plenty of opportunity to ask questions and practice on the job. Make sure you
practice your new skills during regular work shifts. This way you will improve both speed and
memory and also your confidence.
• Talk to more experience workmates and ask for their guidance.
• Use the self-check questions at the end of each section to test your own progress.
• When you are ready, ask your trainer to watch you perform the activities outline in this module.
• As you work through the activities, ask for written feedback on your progress. Your trainer
keeps feedback/pre-assessment reports for this reason. When you have successfully
completed each element, ask your trainer to mark on the reports that you are ready for the
• When you have completed this module (or several modules), and feel confident that you have
had sufficient practice, your trainer will arrange an appointment with registered assessor to
assess you. The results of your assessment will be recorded in our competency Achievement
Qualification : Cookery NC II
This module deals with the knowledge, skills and attitudes in providing effective customer service. It
includes greeting customer, identifying customer needs, delivering service to customer, handling
queries through telephone, fax machine, internet and email and handling complaints, evaluation and
You will be assessed by your instructor as prescribed in the competency standard upon completion of this
Learning Outcomes:
1. Apply effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to respond to customer needs.
2. Provide prompt and quality service to customer.
3. Handle queries promptly and correctly in line with enterprise procedures.
4. Handle customer complaints, evaluation and recommendations.
Performance Criteria:
1. Apply effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to respond to customer needs.
1.1 Greet Customer
• Guests are greeted in line with enterprise procedure
• Verbal and non-verbal communications are appropriate to the given situation
• Non-verbal communication of customer is observed responding to customer.
• Sensitivity to cultural and social differences is demonstrated
3.1 handle queries through telephone, fax machine, internet and email
• use telephone, computer, fax machine, internet efficiently to determine customer
• queries/ information are recorded in line with enterprise procedure
• Queries are acted upon promptly and correctly in line with enterprise procedure
4. Handle complaints, evaluation and recommendations
- Interactive communication with others
- Interpersonal skills/ social graces with sincerity
Safety Practices
- Safe work practices
- Personal hygiene
- Attentive, patient and cordial
- Eye-to-eye contact
- Maintain teamwork and cooperation
- Selling/upselling techniques
- Interview techniques
- Conflict resolution
- Communication process
- Communication barriers
Effective communication skills
Non-verbal communication - body language
Ability to work calmly and unobtrusively effectively
Ability to handle telephone inquiries and conversations
Correct procedure in handling telephone inquiries
Proper way of handling complaints
Written examination
Practical demonstration
Learning Outcome #1: Apply effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to respond to
customer needs.
Verbal communication
The basis of communication is the interaction between people. Verbal communication is one way for
people to communicate face-to-face. Some of the key components of verbal communication are sound,
words, speaking, and language.
At birth, most people have vocal cords, which produce sounds. As a child grows it learns how to form
these sounds into words. Some words may be imitative of natural sounds, but others may come from
expressions of emotion, such as laughter or crying. Words alone have no meaning. Only people can put
meaning into words. As meaning is assigned to words, language develops, which leads to the
development of speaking.
The actual origin of language is subject to considerable speculation. Some theorists believe it is an
outgrowth of group activities such as working together or dancing. Others believed that language
developed from basic sounds and gestures.
Over 3,000 languages and major dialects are spoken in the world today. The development of
languages reflects class, gender, profession, age group, and other social factors. The huge variety of
languages usually creates difficulties between different languages, but even within a single language
there can be many problems in understanding.
Through speaking we try to eliminate this misunderstanding, but sometimes this is a very hard thing to do.
Just as we assume that our messages are clearly received, so we assume that something is important to
us, it is important to others. As time has proven this is not at all true. Many problems can arise is speaking
and the only way to solve these problems is through experience.
Speaking can be looked at in two major areas: interpersonal and public speaking. Since the majority of
speaking is an interpersonal process, to communicate effectively we must not simply clean up our language,
but learn to relate to people.
In interpersonal speaking, etiquette is very important. To be an effective communicator one must speak in
manner that is not offending to the receiver. Etiquette also plays an important role in an area that has
developed in most all business settings: hierarchical communication. In business today, hierarchical
communication is of utmost importance to all members involved.
The other major area of speaking is public speaking. From the origin of time, it has been obvious that some
people are just better public speakers than others. Because of this, today a good speaker can earn a living
by speaking to people in a public setting. Some of the major areas of public speaking are speaking to
persuade, speaking to inform, and speaking to inspire or motivate.
Etiquette, one aspect of decorum, is a code that governs expectations of social behavior, according to the
contemporary conventional norm within a society, social class, or group. Usually unwritten, it may be
codified in written form. Etiquette usually reflects formulas of conduct in which society or tradition has
invented. Etiquette may reflect an underlying ethical code, or in may grow more as a fashion, as in
eighteenth century Britain were apparently pointless acts like the manner in which a tea cup was held
became associated with the upper class. Like “culture”, it is a word that has gradually grown plural,
especially in a multi-ethnic society with many clashing expectations. Thus, it is now possible to refer to an
“etiquette” or a “culture”, realizing that this may not be universal. In Britain, though, the word etiquette has its
roots in the eighteenth century, becoming a universal force in the nineteenth century to the extent that it has
been described as the one word that aptly describes the life during the reign of Queen Victoria.
Etiquette codes prescribe and restrict the ways in which people interact with each other, based on respect
for other people and the accepted customs of a society.
Modern etiquette codifies social interactions with others, such as:
The etiquette of business is the set of written and unwritten rules of conduct that make social interactions
run more smoothly. Office etiquette in particulars applies to co-work interaction, excluding interactions with
external contacts such as customers and suppliers. Both office and business etiquette overlap considerably
with basic tenets of netiquette. The conventions of office etiquette address unique, office environmental
issues such s cubicle life, usage of common areas, meetings, and other forms of social interaction within the
context of a work setting. The rules of office etiquette may vary by region, office size, business specialty,
company policy, and, to certain degree, various laws governing the workplace. Larger organizations tend to
have stricter, expressly written rules on etiquette. These rules are often echoed throughout and industry or
economy. For instance, 49% of employers surveyed in 2005 by the American National Association of
Colleges and Employers found that non-traditional attire would be a “strong influence” on their opinion of
potential job candidate.
Non-verbal communication
Is more broadly based. It includes tone of voice, facial expression, eye contact, body posture, gesture, body
movement, physical appearance including dress, and use of space. Because we have been trained for
years to use language, we can manipulate and disguise our verbal message with ease.
This is not true for the non-verbal channels. Our bodies are pre disposed to convey only the true meaning
of our expressions. This can cause problems when there is a conflict between verbal and non-verbal
messages. When this happens, the listener will only rely on the non-verbal message, confirming the old
truism that action speaks louder than words.
Knowing this, you can see that there are two major benefits to be gained through knowledge of non-verbal
1. First, as receivers of communication (listener), we can look for evidence that will help us understand
more fully the message of the speaker.
2. Second, as communicators (speakers), we can take steps to be sure that our nonverbal behavior is
supportive of the words we choose to say.
Example of non-verbal communication: are services offered to the customer by giving them satisfaction.
1. Appropriate interpersonal skills are used to ensure that customer needs are
accurately identified
2. Customer needs are assessed for urgency so that priority for service delivery
can be identified
3. Customers are provided with information
4. Appropriate rapport is maintained with customer to enable high quality service
5. Personal limitation in addressing customer needs is identified and where
appropriate, assistance is sought from supervisor
6. Opportunities to enhance the quality of service and products are taken
wherever possible
- Interactive communication with others
- Interpersonal skills/ social graces with sincerity
Safety Practices
- Safe work practices
- Personal hygiene
- Attentive, patient and cordial
- Eye-to-eye contact
- Maintain teamwork and cooperation
- Selling/upselling techniques
- Interview techniques
- Conflict resolution
- Communication process
- Communication barriers
Effective communication skills
Non-verbal communication - body language
Ability to work calmly and unobtrusively effectively
Ability to handle telephone inquiries and conversations
Equipment Materials
LCD Projector (optional) Books and Videos relating to
Overhead Projector (optional) customer service and service
VHS/DVD player philosophy
Video camera Books, brochures, manuals
Written examination
Practical demonstration
Learning Outcome #1: Apply effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills to respond to
customer needs.
1. Speak with clarity. Check if you are understood when sending the message.
2. Speak in audible, relaxed and natural manner, maintain conversational tone and volume.
3. Observe right speed, not too fast or too slow.
4. When receiving messages, always seek to clarify or confirm anything that sounds unclear.
“I see your point”. I understand what you mean. However I feel that…”
6. Make it a habit to use magic words like: May I, kindly, please do you mind, I’m sorry etc.
“May I have your name sir?” Instead of “What’s your name?”
“May I know who’s on the line, Please?”, rather than “Who’s this?”
“What can I do for you Ma’am/Sir?” rather than ask “what it is sir?” or “What do you want from _____.”
7. Avoid saying directly No or cannot be when turning down a request. One diplomatic way of doing is to
“I really wish we could satisfy your request, however… I hope you understand.”
8. Be sensitive to the feeling and self esteem of others. Avoid words or expression that hurt feelings and
shutter other’s self esteem.
9. Listen with interest and undivided attention. Nod if you agree, ask questions, Paraphrase statements to
10. Be honest and accurate in giving information, do not bluff. Admit it if you don’t know the answer to
an inquiry but instead of saying “I don’t’ know”, say, “I’m sorry, I don’t have that information right now but
let me find out for you and I’ll get back to you as soon as I have the information. May I have your name
and phone number?
Or you can refer the inquiring person to the right official or department. “Ma’am/Sir., I wish to refer you to
_____. He got all the information you need. Would you like me to connect to his/her office now?
Verbal Communication: (Note- Though you are not a waiter or a server, the following are good verbal
The guest may be meet and seated by the Reception waiter or M’D. if the guest is meet by M’D, the guest
gets a good impression of the hotel dining room and the hotel itself. It also allows the M’D to control the
traffic in the dining room. In some hotel and restaurant, the guests are allowed to choose the table they
would like to seat in. However, in some establishments, simply they are shown to their tables.
Say good morning/ Evening Madam/Sir, may I lead you to your table?
• Approach the guest with kind, warm words of greeting like “Good Morning Sir/Madam”, (as the case
may be) with a smile.
• Guest will inform if they have a reservation. If none, ask “how many are you in your party
• When it appears that guest is alone, “Table for one Sir?” instead of
“Are you alone sir?”
• Take a clean menu cards and lead the guest to their table.
• Open menus are presented to each guest from the left of the guest with a blended hip. Then ask,
“Would you like to see the menu sir?”
• Then ask, “Would you like to order now sir?” Get the order. Repeat the order for clarification by
saying, “May I read back your order, sir?” When a traveler woman eats with a man, she will never
always give her order directly to the waiter. She’ll give it to her mate companion and the man gives
the order to the waiter.
For Verbal Communication try these exercises on Hook, Line, Sinker, and Paragraph
Fresh Fruit
“For a quick, light start, don’t miss our fresh fruit”. “We offer a choice of grapefruit, melon, banana or a fruit
cocktail. It is healthy and delicious!”
“For a healthy choice this morning I recommend having some delicious Yogurt. We offer a variety of low-fat,
fruit flavored and pain. It will please your palate!”
If you’re in the mood for a traditional breakfast favorite we offer Hot and Cold Cereal selections. For the cold
we offer corn flakes. Raisin Bran, Rice Krispies, Frosted Flakes, Froot Loops, KO’s and Low Fat Granola.
Our hot selections are the American Favorites, Oatmeal or Cream of Wheat. You will love it!
For a delicious way to start your day try our Muesli. It is bountiful mixture of toasted whole grain flakes, and
sun dried raisins the dates and almonds are sweetened with brown sugar. It is wonderful!
If you love omelets treat yourself to one this morning. We offer a Denver Omelet with sautéed bell peppers
and onions folded in before cooking or Chopped Ham and plain cheese or plain folded omelet. We serve it
with our oven roasted potatoes and if you choose we can make it with eggbeaters. I know you will love it!
morning/afternoon/evening, Mr._______
or sir/ladies, May I suggest a table for you?
When in doubt as to the number of Guest, ask “How many in the party,
sir/madam?” Don’t say: “How many are you?” or Table for
3 or 4?
Before guests get seated: “Will this table be alright for you sir/ladies?”
“May I get you a bottle of chilled beer or a martini perhaps before we serve you dinner?”
When offering drinks to several guests in one table, use a variety of phraseology so as not to sound
Example: for the first lady, ask: “Madam, may I offer you a glass of refreshing drink for you to start with?”
For the other lady: “and for you, madam would you like to join her for a glass of ________ or will you have a
cocktail instead?”
For the gentleman: “and our gentleman, shall I get you bottle of beer or a shot of brandy?”
And for the host: “and you sir, what drink do you like to start with?”
For wine order, suggest appropriate wine after the taking of food order:
“Sir. May I suggest a bottle of red wine/ white wine to complement your meal or perhaps you’d like to see
our wine list for you selection.”
For Scotch: “would you like your Scotch to go with water, Soda or ale on the side?”
Offer “Drinks of the month” or other drink specialties. “Do you like to try our famous (or fascinating) drink of
the month, the __________? It’s a very special concoction of our Bar Manager. I’m sure you’ll like it.”
If ask about the cocktail mention the base: for example, peach daiquiri. “It’s a perfect blend of light rum and
local peaches.” for Irish coffee: “it’s fascinating blend of Irish Whiskey and hot Coffee topped with whipped
When offering drinks to several guests in one table use variety of phraseology so as not to sound
monotonous. Example: for the first lady, ask: “Madam, may I offer you a glass of refreshing drink for you to
start with?” for the other lady: “and for you, madam, would you like to join her for a glass of refreshing drink
for you to start with?” for the gentleman, “shall I get you a glass of beer or a shot of brandy?” and for the
host: “and you sir, what drink do you like to start with?”
When glass is almost empty, offer another drink. “Shall I get you another round of (mention drink)
For a wine order, suggest a appropriate “Sir, May I suggest a bottle of red
wine/ white wine wine. After the taking of food order to
complement your meal or perhaps, you’d like to see our
wine list for your selection.”
If guest is ready to order wine, say: “Sir, if you are ready or you have
decided, may I take your wine order?”
or “Sir, if you are ready or you have
decided, may I take your wine order?”
After taking wine order “Thank you very much, sir, you’re
having a bottle of (Name of wine).
Writer present bottle Upon presentation, say “Sir or Mr. ________ may I present to you your
bottle of __________} with a very good vintage year (if
vintage is indicated) of (year), a heavy bodied red wine?”
Before opening, say “Shall I open the bottle for you?”
After tasting, attendant will say “You are real connoisseur. It’s perfect choice. It’s first
Presenting the menu “May I present to you the menu for your selection.”
If they are ready for order “If you are ready, may I now take your
If they take time in ordering and you “I’ll be back for you shortly.” You
have other guest waiting leave them and say:
If they cannot make up their mind “May I suggest some items? For the main course give
your you have a choice of _________, __________
Offer house specialties “Would you like to try the specialty of the house. Its:
give brief description of item)” Add: “I’m sure you’ll
like it.”
For merchandising appetizer “For your starter, may I recommend a light appetizer?
We have _________.” “May I also get you hot
steaming soup?”
Offering hor d’ ouvres (for bars) “Sir/madam, you’ll perhaps enjoy your drink better
with a serving of hor d’ ouvres. Shall I get you
calamares, chicken wings or _________?”
As you approach the table “Excuse me, sir/madam, May I clear the table now?”
Or, may I take the plate,”
Equipment Materials
LCD Projector (optional) Books and Videos relating to
Overhead Projector (optional) customer service and service
Computer philosophy
VHS/DVD player Books, brochures, manuals
Video camera
Written examination
Practical demonstration
In the restaurant, we sell not only food and beverages but also service. Remember this: customers
judge a food service enterprise not only by the quality of food, tableware and décor but also by the kind of
people who serve them.
Always be courteous to the guest because they are the “Life Blood” of the hotel or restaurant. To be
courteous is to be gracious, well behave and well mannered. Smile even if it kills you. Never face your
customer without a smile. Adhere to the Chinese saying “Never open your store without a smile”.
Make a good first impression, walk tall, alertly with grace and selfconfidence. Always be neat, well
groomed. Always be generally interested with your guest. Always greet your guest warmly and graciously.
Always look directly at them saying, “Good Evening”, (If the guest has been away for a long time and has
just come back say, Good evening madam/ Sir, we missed you Madam/Sir.
There’s just something about internet users: they are far less forgiving than the folks who opt to use the
phone for the customer service issues.” – Rob Godfellow, Independent consultant, Customer Care
__________________1. Always be courteous to the guest because they are the “Life Blood” of the hotel or
__________________2. Make a good first impression, walk tall, alertly with grace and selfconfidence.
Always be neat, well groomed. Always be generally interested with your guest. Always greet your guest
warmly and graciously.
__________________5. In the restaurant, we sell not only food and beverages but also service. Remember
this: customers judge a food service enterprise not only by the quality of food, tableware and décor but also
by the kind of people who serve them.
- Interactive communication with others
- Interpersonal skills/ social graces with sincerity
- Attentive, patient and cordial
- Eye-to-eye contact
- Maintain teamwork and cooperation
Interview skills
Ability to work calmly and unobtrusively effectively
Guidelines in handling complaints
Procedures in responding and resolving complaints
Equipment Materials
LCD Projector (optional) Books and Videos relating to
Overhead Projector (optional) customer service and service
Computer philosophy
Written examination
Practical demonstration
There are customers that are hard to please. Some are negativist who attempt to gain attention and
recognition by way of negative comments. If such patrons are not properly handled, the said customers can
make a fuss out of the situation and create a scandal in the dining room. Dining staff must therefore be
knowledgeable and discreet in handling situations.
2. Ask for details about the objection or comment so that appropriate action can be done.
Customer: Your food is lousy.
Serve: What is that you are not satisfied about with our food?
3. Make the negativist feel that his opinion is important and that he is understood.
This is done by way of acknowledging the objection or comment without expressing explicit disagreement or
defensive or evasive reaction.
I see your point sir “I understand what you mean” Never say: “No, I
don’t agree to that”.
4. Restate the objection. When one restates an objection he can accomplish a number of things. First
of all, he can put the objection into his own words and in the process of doing so, soften the language and
shift the emphasis.
In the following example, the objection is rephrased so it ends up as very effective compliment of the
salesman’s products.
Customer: “I pay only P 35.00 for my beer in Café…”
Customer: “Your wines are very expensive”
Captain: “Yes. There are expensive ones and these are the imported items and of premium brand. But they
are certainly the best for a man of fine taste like you. Don’t you think so?
Server: “Yes sir, our steak costs a little higher than other restaurants but it is certainly tender and juicy and
comes in sizable portion and accompaniments.”
10. Avoid over-reacting. One must learn to relax and control one’s temper even if the person is shouting
at the peak of his voice.
11. If an objection comment involves a false accusation against the product, service or company,
discreetly refute the accusation without resorting to put down or insulting statements. One way of doing
this is to cite some credible testimonials of well-known users and also by mentioning the product’s
salability or popularity. This can help to change the biased impression about the product or service.
Customer: I’m disappointed with your Hainanese chicken. It seems that it is not authentically
Never dare to argue nor directly prove him wrong, saying something like:
“How dare you to say that/ we have Japanese chef who prepares
Hainanese chicken.”
“Of course not, we are not of the most authentic Japanese restaurant.”
12. Document all objections and negative comments of customers in a logbook and bring attention of all
concern units of person or present them during operation meeting…
Negative remarks maybe exaggerated but they certainly call to alarm and must be given appropriate
1. Approach the complaining customer properly as you say:
“Anything I can do for you or May I help you sir?”
2. Listen attentively; let him finish his statement before reacting. If the message is not clear: confirm or
“If I got you right sir, you are saying that…”
“I heard you say, the steak is well done, do you mean you ordered something rare or medium well/”
3. Get more details:
Guest : Your service is lousy.
Waiter : What exactly went wrong sir?
: Could you recall the name of the waiter?
: “What particular dish are you referring to?
: “What is it that you are not happy about our food sir?”
4. Be calm and sober even if the customer is rude or shouting at the park of his voice. Be gracious and
courteous no matter how irritating the customer is.
If the guest is very upset, mad or irritated, pacify the guest by saying the magic words like:
“What can I do to make you feel better?” or
“What can we do to compensate for our deficiency?”
7. Never argue nor disagree or indiscreetly prove the customer wrong. If the comment is an unsound
accusation, raise your point by using the Yes-but technique. Acknowledge his comments first before
presenting your point.
“I can see that you are not satisfied with our Bicol Express, and respect your comments. However
many of our guests seem to like the recipe of our chef has prepared. In fact, this dish is one of our
best sellers.”
9. Settle sensitive matters or problems in private so as not to be place the guest in an embarrassing
situation. Example, declined credit card, shortage of cash payment, suspended signing privilege, etc.
The matter should be referred to supervisor who will ask waiter to request the guest to see you at the
Do not say: “My supervisor is calling for you”.
10. Never pass the back (blame) on another person or department in an effort to depend oneself;
12. Should a complaint require a delicate decision or action, or a request that run counter to some
business policies like discount or waiving service charger, etc. refer to the supervisor.
The waiter should tell the guest: “I’m sorry sir but I am not authorized to decide on this matter, may I refer
you to my supervisor?”
13. Take appropriate action immediately and assure the complaining customer that his concern is being
taken seriously and that corrective action shall be taken.
• When the food is spoiled, contaminated with the foreign objector has foul smell, change it and
waive charges for the change item.
• When the complaint is about the taste of the food that is not acceptable to the guest, but said item
is not spoiled nor contaminated, just acknowledge and apologize but a change it is not necessary.
“I’m sorry about that sir, I’ll take your comments and I shall inform the chef about it. Thank you for
your comments”.
• When the customer is exhibiting scandalous behavior like shouting or uttering provocative
statements alert the security officer and get security assistance especially when violent reactions
are already displayed. However, the security officer must be discreet in dealing with the customer.
• Before the security staff take over, the headwaiter must try to pacify the customer first, get him
away from the dining area and talk to him private.
14. Show appreciation rather than irritation upon receiving a complaint or negative remark.
“I have taken note of your comments sir. Thank you for calling our attention. We will so to it that it won’t
happen again”
A Mechanism for gathering feedback regarding guests comments suggestions, complaints and concerns.
These feedbacks must be documented in a logbook and summarized. They should also be communicated
to all concerned officers and staff and to be discussed during meetings and briefing so that the staff should
be alerted of operational deficiencies and that remedial measure can be taken.
IDENTIFICATION: Identify the following statement/s. Write your answer on the space provided.
Providing service to customers generally involves routine jobs that you do so it is important to add that
____________________________3.that makes each customer feel special. Sometimes customer ask
different questions and request special treatment.
___________________________4.This unit sits within the Customer Service Theme of Handling Problems.
This theme covers the behaviors, processes and approaches that are most effective when handling
customer service problems.
___________________________5. This method is usually referred to a “Yes, but.” One may want to refute
an objection and thereby take the edge off it.
4. ICS