Online Loan Application and Verification ForPerson

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The key takeaways are that the document discusses designing an online loan application and verification system.

The purpose of the online loan application system is to provide an easy way for users to apply for loans online and get information about loan application anytime from anywhere.

The different user types in the system are loan applicants/customers, loan verification officers from the bank, and CIBIL officers.


and Verif
al Loan
Nirmala Ganiger
, M.Swathi
, Chaitanya Gorthi
, Kavana T.G
Asst. Professor

 Department of CSE,
Ballari Institute of
Technology and
Management, Ballari,
B.E Students,
Department of CSE,
Ballari Institute of
Technology and
Management, Ballari,

Online loan application

is a project developed to
provide an easy way to
apply loan. Users can
getinformation about
applying loan and can
apply online. By using
this application user’s
can save lot of time.
Users needto fill the
details of identity cards
like PAN and bank
account details. All the
user’s details will be
verified by the
bankauthority and status
of loan. User can get
notification regarding
loan whether approved
or rejected. Users can
downloadthe details of
the loan after approved.
User can apply get all
the information about
the loan from anywhere
and atanytime.
: CIBIL(credit
Information Bureau
The portal has 3 user
types namely Loan
Applicant or Customer
and the Loan
Verification officer of
the bank andCIBIL
officer. The security and
data privacy is at the core
of the design of the
portal, data can be
accessed only
beregistered users and
they can only access data
that is relevant to them.
The authenticated
applicant will get access
to theLoan Application
Form which includes
several fields like loan
amount expected, value
of the supporting
documents,age, gender,
address, if there are any
previously existing loans
and the liability
remaining in existing
loans. If Applicantis
accessing the portal the
first time, then he/she
should enter the
complete details in the
user Registration
page.The Loan requests
submitted by the
applicants will be viewed
by the Verification
officer from the bank,
they gothrough all the
details including the
supporting documents.
Once the officer verifies
the CIBIL link and they
providescore once credit
details in other banks, the
officer will approve the
loan application. If the
details are found
notmatching the officer
can reject the
application. All the
status updates will be
notified to the
concerned users
design and
develop smart online
loan application and veri
fication system
for PKGB by eliminating
the manualprocess by
completely digitising the
The customer can
register loan in this
banking system only if
we havecredit account in
same bank.The loan
approval process is done
only for registered
customers .The personal
and verification is done
through CIBIL report
verification with
CIBIL score.The
customer must login
withemail-id and
password.It is only
limited to initial stage of
online approval of
documents by admin.The
customer canlogin and
get approval status only
through website.
author[1] Adewale O
Adebayo, Aibangee
Zandra, Lufadeju
Oluwatosin &
Maradesa Adepeju
“Creationof Loan
A loan is a amount of
money given to an
individual or institution
on the condition that
it will be paid back over
a givenperiod with
interest, with serves as
payment for the use of
money there are various
types of loans such as
credits,finance, and

ISSN(Online): 2319-
8753ISSN (Print): 2347-
(An ISO 3297:
2007 Certified
Vol. 6, Issue 5,
May 2017
Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:
IJIRSET.2017.0605308 970
The manual process of
obtaining and granting
loans is stressfull,
inconvenient and time
wasting for lender
andborrower as well.
There is a need to
automate the loan
processing procedure as
much as possible. The
goal of thisproject is,
therefore, to design and
create loan automation
application software that
can capture the required
loan dataelements only
once, keep such
information secure
throughout the loan
process, convert the
previous hand to
handsystem of obtaining
and granting loans into a
computerized less
stressfull form, keep
track of individuals in
the process,monitor and
track loans given out to
allow better flow and
enhance compliance to
conditions, ensure
security ofinformation
reduce lending life cycle
times,apply appropriate
interest to loans and
notify the concerned
individual onthe progress
of their loan.
2.The author
[2] T.Subbareddy,M.M
eghana and
K.Swathi “online
banking loan services”
This paper mainly
contains the loans
management system was
developed specifically
many of the banks give
loans formanually by this
paper I introducing the
new concept for online
loans services. Now
coming to paper we
thesecurity provided by
who are having
already account in that
particular bank. The
user have to take the one
timepassword then user
take the online loan in
any where in particular
regions. This idea is very
use full for the all
educatedusers, now we
all are uses the ATM.
Why we can provide the
Security? For purpose of
intruder does not allow
thissystem. Because the
intruder does not
know the correct
password and correct
user name. In
this security
provides tothe each and
every banking services.
User receives the
username and password
by email or SMS. The
user get the loanmoney
by ATM..

The existing system is a

manual system which
doesn’t maintain details
with proper security and
takes lot of time
inverification of the
documents. It is not a
user friendly interface. It
does allow users to check
their profile and will
notprovide proper
information about the
loan process. It takes lot
of time to the bank
authority to manage
customerinformation. It
required more paper
 Registration: Customer
can register with basic
information like user
name ,mobile
etc...Login: Admin, User
can login with user name
& password.Manage
profile: Admin, user can
manage profile and
update information.
2.Loan Application
:Admin manage loan
application which is sent
by customer using the
system.User provides all
necessary details
likeloan type, interest
rate etc.
3.Supporting document
for uploading
The required customer
details like loan type,
loan interest ,surety for
personal loans are
verified .
4.CIBIL Verification:
The PAN number of
customer is used for
getting CIBIL report
where it gives details of
one’s debt accounts and

ISSN(Online): 2319-8753ISSN (Print): 2347-6710
InternationalJournal ofInnovativeResearch inScience,Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
w w w . i j i r s e t . c o m  
V ol.  6, Issue 5, May 2017
Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0605308 9708
5.Loan approval and status updation:
Once the documents are verified by admin the documents submitted by customers found genuine the loan is
approvedand status is updated if not the loan approval is rejected.
The proposed system provides an easy way to users in applying loan. Users can apply for a loan from anywhere
and atanytime and get notifications. Users can view their profile details and can view all the details of the loan.
Systemprovides download option to download different type of loan form in MS word document. Using this
system bankauthorities can find users details easily .This system is a paperless system by which workload is
is the functional model that describes the structure, conduct, and more perceptions of aframework.
An engineering depiction is a formal portrayal and illustration of a framework, sorted out in a way thatthinksabout
the structure of the architecture which involves framework segments, the connections (e.g. the behavior)amongst
them,and gives a platform from where the items can be attained, and frameworks built up, that will cooperateto
actualize theuniversal framework.Fig 6.1:system architecture
ISSN(Online): 2319-8753ISSN (Print): 2347-6710
InternationalJournal ofInnovativeResearch inScience,Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
w w w . i j i r s e t . c o m  
V ol.  6, Issue 5, May 2017
Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0605308 9709
loan application and verification
The project online loan application and verification system has two use types, one is for customers and other
isbank employee. The system works with two API’s server script for handling front end with java, JSP and
another oneAPI backend with MySQL this is for handling database logic and business communication of loan
application system.Fig 7.1 credit score chartThe customer will be able to login into the system after self
registration. once the registration is successful the customercan apply for loan online via the system. This reduces
the hassle for the customers. Once after the submission of loandetails is successful, It will be processed further by
verifying the details through CIBIL scores and PAN details by thebank employee. After all details being verified
and found valid the loan will be approved by bank employee else theloan will be rejected.finally the status of the
loan can be checked by the customer by logging into the website with validuser credentials.Fig 7.2:CIBIL
verification improvement ratio
ISSN(Online): 2319-8753ISSN (Print): 2347-6710
InternationalJournal ofInnovativeResearch inScience,Engineering
(An ISO 3297: 2007 Certified Organization)
w w w . i j i r s e t . c o m  
V ol.  6, Issue 5, May 2017
Copyright to IJIRSET DOI:10.15680/IJIRSET.2017.0605308 9710
Fig 7.3:customer login into the web portal for loan application
B. advantages of proposed system

To provide a good interaction and communication facilities between customer and administrator.

To provide online back office activities of bank which offers for Personal loan.

To manage customer information data base efficiently through administrator.

To provide facility to generate the reports about loan approval status with the help of CIBIL report very easily.

Reduces the paper work and time consumed in submission and verification of loan request.
The traditional paper based loan application by customer here is replaced by online loan application and
verification system whichhelps the user to apply loan by registration, uploading of documents,
approval or rejection status of loan is done on online by admini,e bank employee with the help of CIBIL
score.The PAN number of customer is used for getting CIBIL report where it gives details of one’s debt accounts
and their payments inother banks. The customer gets loan approval or reject status when he logins, if approved
uploading of documents to admin and thenrest process will be done manually.
Future research might examine optimization of multiple logins, scanning and submission of
original documents through online toadmin. If we want the project implemented for various types of loans
like home loan, vehicle loan we can further extend with googleverification for location tracing. We can also add E-
online loan payments details of the customer until he gets clearance of loanamount.
[1]Adewale O Adebayo, Aibangee Zandra, Lufadeju Oluwatosin & Maradesa Adepeju “Creation

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