Brigada Eskwela Aip
Brigada Eskwela Aip
Brigada Eskwela Aip
Project tittle Objective Time Frame Resources Persons Involved Strategies Means of Verification
Organization committee To function and coordinate June 29, 2020 P.T.A funds School Heads, Teachers, Organized through a Letter; Minutes of the
for BE 2019-2020 organize committee for the MOOE Parents, LGU meeting meeting pictures
success of BE Donation
Advocacy and Marketing of To promote public June 29- July 3 2020 MOOE SH, Teachers and Hanging of streamer in a Pictures, minutes of
BE 2019 awareness and encourage Stakeholders conspicuous place meeting, attendance
involvement in BE
Cleaning of school To clean school premises June 29- July 3 2020 PTA funds, MOOE SH, Teaching Staff, parents Advocacy and lobbying Letter, pictures and
premises attendance
Repairing of school Repair of school doors and June 29- July 3 2020 MOOE SH, Teaching Staff, parents Identify stakeholders with Pictures, BE attendance
facilities windows skills to do the job/work
Wash facilities Repair of wash facilities June 29- July 3 2020 MOOE SH, Teaching Staff, parents Pictures, BE attendance
To produce another wash
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