Analysis of Cntfet - Maeux PDF
Analysis of Cntfet - Maeux PDF
Analysis of Cntfet - Maeux PDF
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6 authors, including:
C. Maneux S. Fregonese
University of Bordeaux French National Centre for Scientific Research
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All content following this page was uploaded by C. Maneux on 22 May 2014.
Abstract— On the basis of acquired knowledge, we present a scattering mechanisms (phonons, impurities) have been
DC compact model designed for the conventional CNTFET (C- theoretically evaluated in a reduced number of cases. A
CNTFET) featuring a doping profile similar to n-MOSFET. second serious difficulty is the experimentally observed
The specific enhancement lies on the implementation of a dispersion of device characteristics. This dispersion is
physical based calculation of the minima of energy conduction generally assigned to the variability of metal/nanotube
subbands. This improvement allows a realistic analysis of the
interfaces at the molecular scale. So, to obtain predictive
impact of CNT helicity and radius on the dc characteristics.
The purpose is to enable the circuit designers to challenge circuit simulation results, it is mandatory to precisely
CNTFET potentialities for performing logical or analogical understand transport phenomena in CNTFET at the
functionalities within complex circuits. molecular scale. Hence, considering a single walled,
semiconducting carbon nanotube as the channel of a CNT-
Keywords— Carbon nanotubes FET (CNTFET), ballistic FET including source, drain, gate electrodes, the circuit-
1-D theory, compact modeling. compatible model should describe the transistor one-
dimensional (1-D) electrostatics in its ballistic limit of
I. INTRODUCTION performance. Moreover, for convenient and efficient circuit
simulation, the circuit-compatible model has to be suitable
C ARBON nanotubes are promising candidates for
passive or active elements in post-CMOS
nanoelectronics. During the last decade, the group of
for a wide range of CNTFETs diameters ranging from 0.6 to
3 nm and for varied chiralities as long as they are
semiconducting. Although such model derives from
Ph. Avouris brought experimental evidences that CNTFETs
required approximations and simplifications to develop
could have better performances than ultimate silicon
analytical expressions, strong foundation of the underlying
MOSFETs [1]. Similar results were obtained in the group of
physics of operation [3] determine the accuracy of the
H. Dai [2]. For now, many experimental groups are
circuit transfer (dc) characteristics together with the
studying CNT based devices, covering various topics:
transient response.
- the influence of the metal used for the contacts to
This paper described the DC operation of a ballistic 1-D
control charge injection efficiency,
CNTFET compact model. Section II describes the carbon
- their frequency dependent behaviours,
nanotube within a transistor configuration and the equations
- their new promising functionalities.
associated with its intrinsic operation. The implementation
However, to predict the ultimate performances of these
of an accurate physical based calculation of the minima of
novel nanodevices, and to further offer guidance and cost
energy conduction subbands is consistent with an
reduction of the technological development, accurate and
improvement of the description of the total charge on the
reliable simulation tools appears as key issues. Indeed, as
nanotube. As this charge induces a voltage drop across the
the micro-electronics companies show an increasing
gate insulator, it directly impacts on the dc characteristics.
concern with post-CMOS technologies, there is a strong
Section III presents an analysis of the dc characteristics as a
demand for simulation tools. In particular, companies that
function of the total charge on the CNT defined according
develop circuit simulation softwares try to include
to its helicity and radius.
modelling of nanodevices-based circuits in their available
products. For CNT devices, as well as for other molecular
electronics devices, it is necessary to develop new models,
since the standard approximations and models used for
MOS electronics may loose their applicability range. A first
difficulty arises from the fact that intrinsic transport
properties of CNTs are much less understood than their bulk
semi-conductors counterparts, widely used in
microelectronics. The energy band structure strongly
depends on the nanotube helicity and radius, and the
- z given by z 2 + E C2 − E C = E , where E is he
electron energy referenced from EC which is
replace by E Cp = ∆ p − VCNT since (i) all energy
subbands are considered and (ii) the energy
subbands are lowered by VCNT.
a2 C
The drain current equation derives from the Landauer
[10] formula which describes the ballistic transport with
perfect contacts. Its expression represents the sum of the
energy subband contributions of two terms. The first term
represents the occupation of the +k states from the source
up to µS and the other represents the occupation of the –k G
Fig. 3. Rolling up an infinite strip of graphene with width C . The lattice
states from the drain up to µD; the difference between µS
and µD results from the bias VDS applied between source vector C defines uniquely the nanotube. The unit cell of the tube is
and drain (Fig. 2a)): G K
defined by vector C and the primitive translation T of the nanotube.
− ∆ P + VCNT
ln1 + exp
4ek B T +∞ k BT The rolled-up nanotube is a one-dimensional periodic
I= ∑
h p =1 (3) structure with a unit cell which is a rectangle defined by the
− ln1 + exp − VDS − ∆ P + VCNT chirality vector C and the primitive translation T . The 2D-
k BT
Brillouin zone of the nanotube unit cell is a rectangle in the
reciprocal space defined by the vectors C' and T'
(with C C' = 1 , C T' = 0 ) as depicted in Fig. 4. In the By stating K in the reciprocal space, the equation (8)
G can be written:
nanotube, the values of the electron wave-vector, K are
restricted additionally by the rotational boundary condition:
E (k1 , k 2 ) = VppΠ 1 + 2 cos(2πk 1 ) + 2 cos(2 πk 2 ) + 2 cos(2 π(k 1 − k 2 ))
K C = 2 πq (6) (9)
where q=0, 1, 2, …, N-1, with N the number of carbon where k1 and k 2 have the following expressions:
pairs in the unit cells. q 2n + m
- k1 = ,
N d R
2 * n2 + m2 + n m ) (7) q 2m + n
dR - k2 = .
N d R
with d R = gcd(2 m + n, 2 n + m) .
G Hence, the values of E (k1 , k 2 ) are successively
Therefore, the allowed values of K lie on N equidistant calculated using (9). Then, the lowest values are ordered to
lines parallel to the tube axis (dotted lines in Fig. 4). select the minima of the 1st, 2nd,…, pth energy subbands, i.e.
b1 ∆1, 2,...,p .
Thermionic emission
() G
E K = VppΠ 1 + 2 cos K(a 1 − a 2 ) + 2 cos K (a 1 ) + 2 cos K (a 2 )
(8) Tunnelling
where G G
- a 1 and a 2 are defined using i and j orthogonal Intrinsic and Extrinsic
vectors: (on-state)
3 1
a1 = − ai + a j ,
2 2 Fig. 5. Conduction and Valence energy band diagram considering the on-
3 1 state and the off-state for the intrinsic CNT and the extrinsic CNT.
a2 = − ai − a j ,
2 2
- K takes successive values corresponding to the
condition stated in (6) where C is defined using
(5) with the n and m parameters.
E. Model implementation ID (µA)
Finally, the compact model of the 1-D CNTFET with the 150
VDS = 0,8 V 5 subbands
4 subbands
implementation of the minima subbands calculation leads to 125 3 subbands
the flow diagram presented Fig. 6. It has been implemented
100 2 subbands
in ADS 2004A simulation tool using VerilogA as
description language. This program calculates the drain 75 1 subband
25 ---- With charge
Fig. 6. Calculation steps for the analytical model. Through n and m 1,3V
____ Without charge
parameters, the SWNT helicity and radius are enter data of the model. The 20 1,1V
ID (VGS,VDS) characteristics are obtained thanks to fitting parameters (α0, 0,9V
α1, α3) of the charge into the channel which determine the channel 15
potential VCNT. 10 0,5V
5 0,3V
0 0,2 0,4 0,6 0,8 1
For a conventional CNTFET featuring n=10, m=11
(diameter equal to 1.4246nm) and an insulator capacity of ID (µA)
17pF/m, the fitting parameters are α0=0.62, α1=0.275V-1, ---- With charge 1,1V
α2=0.015V-2. 20 ____ Without charge
Fig. 7 shows the drain to source current, ID as a function 15
of the applied gate bias, VGS for the contribution of 1, 2, .., 5 0,7V
subbands. Once the gate bias exceeds 0,7V, the curves are 10
with the first subband. Thus, for this diameter and chirality, VDS (V)
the second and third subband contributions are significant. Fig. 8. A conventional CNTFET featuring n=10, m=11 (diameter equal to
However, as this result is obtained with a low value of the 1.4246 nm), with series resistances equal to 25kΩ :
Up : Drain current versus gate bias with drain bias as a parameter.
series resistance, this instance corresponds to a future Down : Drain current versus source-drain bias with gate bias as a
mature technology. parameter.
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