Modi®cation of Epoxy Resin Using Reactive Liquid (ATBN) Rubber
Modi®cation of Epoxy Resin Using Reactive Liquid (ATBN) Rubber
Modi®cation of Epoxy Resin Using Reactive Liquid (ATBN) Rubber
Epoxy resins are widely utilised as high performance thermosetting resins for many industrial applications but
unfortunately some are characterised by a relatively low toughness. In this respect, many eorts have been made to
improve the toughness of cured epoxy resins by the introduction of rigid particles, reactive rubbers, interpenetrating
polymer networks and engineering thermoplastics within the matrix.
In the present work liquid amine-terminated butadiene acrylonitrile (ATBN) copolymers containing 16% acrylo-
nitrile is added at dierent contents to improve the toughness of diglycidyl ether of bisphenol A epoxy resin using
polyaminoimidazoline as a curing agent. The chemical reactions suspected to take place during the modi®cation of the
epoxy resin were monitored and evidenced using a Fourier transform infrared. The glass transition temperature (Tg ) was
measured using a dierential scanning calorimeter. The mechanical behaviour of the modi®ed epoxy resin was eval-
uated in terms of Izod impact strength (IS), critical stress intensity factor, and tensile properties at dierent modi®er
contents. A scanning electron microscope (SEM) was used to elucidate the mechanisms of deformation and toughening
in addition to other morphological features. Finally, the adhesive properties of the modi®ed epoxy resin were measured
in terms of tensile shear strength (TSS).
When modifying epoxy resin with liquid rubber (ATBN), all reactivity characteristics (gel time and temperature,
cure time and exotherm peak) decreased. The infrared analysis evidenced the occurrence of a chemical reaction between
the two components. Addition of ATBN led to a decrease in either the glass transition temperature and stress at break
accompanied with an increase in elongation at break and the appearance of some yielding. As expected, the tensile
modulus decreased slightly from 1.85 to about 1.34 GPa with increasing ATBN content; whereas a 3-fold increase in
Izod IS was obtained by just adding 12.5 phr ATBN compared to the un®lled resin. It is obvious that upon addition of
ATBN, the Izod IS increased drastically from 0.85 to 2.86 kJ/m2 and from 4.19 to 14.26 kJ/m2 for notched and un-
notched specimens respectively while KIC varies from 0.91 to 1.49 MPa m1=2 (1.5-fold increase). Concerning the adhesive
properties, the TSS increased from 9.14 to 15.96 MPa just by adding 5 phr ATBN. Finally SEM analysis results suggest
rubber particles cavitation and localised plastic shear yielding induced by the presence of the dispersed rubber particles
within the epoxy matrix as the prevailing toughening mechanism. Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
0014-3057/01/$ - see front matter Ó 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
PII: S 0 0 1 4 - 3 0 5 7 ( 0 1 ) 0 0 1 9 4 - X
252 N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264
decreasing other important properties such as modulus perature shifts in the location of the b peak were also
and heat distortion temperature. Most of the reported observed.
studies were carried out using glass beads, alumina tri- Similar work has been done by Sanjana and Ku-
hydrate, silica and one of the most successful involves pchella [19]; they found that fracture toughness and
the addition of a suitable rubber such as liquid amine- dynamic mechanical properties are aected by rubber
terminated (ATBN), carboxyl-terminated (CTBN), hy- content, rubber/epoxy compatibility and changes in the
droxyl-terminated (HTBN) copolymers of butadiene curing agent stoichiometry. It is interesting to note that
and acrylonitrile and more recently through the use of the tensile modulus of the chemically reacted system
thermoplastics (polyphenyl oxide: PPO) and interpene- increases slightly with increasing rubber inclusions in
trating polymer networks (IPN) structures. low HTBN content formations (<6%).
Considerable work relating to particulate ®llers eect A study which has included measurements at tem-
on the mechanical properties of thermoplastic and peratures in the ( 110 to 20 °C) range [20] showed that
thermosetting polymers has been reported in the litera- the CTBN (27% AN) modi®ed material which has both
ture. Parameters such as volume fraction of ®ller [2±6], the smallest particles and the highest toughness at room
the particle size [4,6±8], the modulus and strength of the temperature generally shows no further reduction in GIC
®ller [3,9], the resin±®ller adhesion [3] and the tough- at temperature below 80 °C and for materials con-
ness of the matrix have been extensively studied. The taining CTBN (with 18% and 10% AN) however the GIC
variation of some of these parameters leads to im- values continue to drop signi®cantly below 80 °C, and
proved toughness of the ®lled material while increasing at 110 °C approaches the level of pure epoxy.
its strength and modulus. Several studies have demon- Kinloch and co-workers [21,22] have found that the
strated that the fracture energy of ®lled epoxies reaches a toughness of CTBN modi®ed thermosets increases with
maximum at a speci®c ®ller content [2±5,10]. volume fractions of the dispersed rubbery phase, but the
Recently, highly crosslinked thermosetting resins modulus and yield strength usually decrease slightly.
have been toughened by tough, ductile, chemically and Bucknall and Partridge [24] observed that the misci-
thermally stable engineering thermoplastics such as bility of a particular grade of CTBN rubber depends on
polyethersulfones [11,12], polyetherimides [13], phenolic the type of epoxy resin used. Rubber-particle size ap-
hydroxyl-terminated bisphenol A polysulfone [14], and peared to be another material parameter that in¯uences
PPO [15]. the fracture toughness of rubber-modi®ed epoxies.
IPNs are a novel type of polymer alloys, intended in Bartlet et al. [25] observed an optimum of the me-
the case of epoxy resins to modify this latter in terms of chanical properties for 15% of initial CTBN; this tough-
impact resistance. Interpenetrating or the permanent ening eect is attributed to the presence of small rubber
entanglement usually leads to improved compatibility particles with a narrow size distribution.
which means a decreased degree of phase separation. For this reason Pearson and Yee [26] have used
Morphology, which plays a major role in aecting IPN several liquid rubbers (CTBNs) which produced pre-
properties is controlled by the chemical compatibility of cipitated rubber particles with a variety of diameters.
the polymers, interfacial tension, crosslinking densities They found that the fracture toughness is very depen-
of the networks, polymerisation method, and the IPN dent on particle size where large particles provide only
composition [16,17]. a modest increase in fracture toughness via a parti-
The most successful method to toughen epoxy resins cle bridging/crack de¯ection mechanism. In contrast,
involves the addition of suitable rubbers which are co- smaller particles provide a signi®cant increase in tough-
polymers with variable acrylonitrile content to the un- ness through cavitation-induced shear banding.
cured epoxy resin. The eect of the acrylonitrile content Kunz et al. [27] compared the morphology and
of copolymer type, MW , concentration and solubility toughness of two types of rubber-toughened epoxies
parameters of the rubber and its functional end groups (ATBN and CTBN). ATBN modi®ed epoxies have a
on the fracture toughness or on the impact strength of diuse-appearing interface between the dispersed rubber
the epoxy resin have been studied. In these studies, ep- phase and the epoxy matrix attributed to an irregu-
oxy resins were modi®ed with liquid CTBN [18±28], lar particle shape which unexpectedly, produces the
ATBN [27,29±31], HTBN [32] and epoxy-terminated same toughness as the more spherically shaped particles
(ETBN) [29,33±35] copolymers of butadiene and in CTBN modi®ed epoxies. They also suggested that
acrylonitrile. toughening is not enhanced by large particles instead,
Kalfoglou and Williams [18] have studied the dy- toughness may be dependent on small particle concen-
namic mechanical properties of a CTBN modi®ed di- tration.
glycidyl ether of bisphenol A (DGEBA) epoxy resin. Verchere et al. [28] have found that the miscibility of
They found that the addition of CTBN, at least at levels epoxy (DGEBA) decreases when decreasing the acrylo-
below 20 phr, resulted in the enhancement of b the re- nitrile content from 26% to 10% of CTBN whereas in-
laxation peak occurring at around 40 °C. Small tem- creasing Mn from 349 to 383 g/mol led to a signi®cant
N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264 253
shift in the miscibility. This eect is due to the increase in of modi®ed epoxy resins was evaluated in terms of the
secondary OH group concentration. Izod IS (high speed of crack propagation), the critical
Montarnal et al. [33] discussed results for an ETBN stress intensity factor (low speed of crack growth), and
modi®ed DGEBA epoxy cured with MNDA. The ob- tensile properties (stress and strain at break, tensile
tained results showed that both gelation and vitri®cation modulus, and energy at break) at dierent modi®er
were delayed in the rubber modi®ed system and phase contents. The fractured surfaces were studied using a
separation occurred prior to gelation and vitri®cation. scanning electron microscope (SEM) to elucidate the
Raising the cure temperature from 27 to 100 °C in- mechanisms of deformation and toughening as well as
creased the average diameter of particles from 0.5 to 1.1 other morphological features. Finally, the adhesive
lm with a nearly constant volume fraction. Similar re- properties of the modi®ed epoxy resin were evaluated in
sults were obtained by Verchere et al. [34] for another terms of tensile shear strength (TSS).
epoxide type. It was found that the value of glass tran-
sition temperature decreases in a roughly linear way
with the initial amount of rubber added to the formu-
lation; and that the above value does not depend on cure 2. Experimental
temperature for a given rubber concentration. In an-
other paper [35] they have analysed and discussed the 2.1. Materials
mechanical properties. It has been shown that IS, frac-
ture toughness (KIC ) and fracture energy (GIC ) increased The materials used are: DGEBA Araldite GY 260,
slightly with increasing volume fraction of the dispersed epoxy resin with a MW of 381 (without diluent), an
phase. They also found that the variation of the mean Epoxy index (Eq/kg) of 5.1±5.4 and Epoxy equivalent (g/
diameter between 0.27 and 0.46 lm for the same volume Eq) of 185±196 from Schering Company France. The
fraction of the rubber phase has no signi®cant eect on curing agent is polyaminoimidazoline (EUREDUR 460)
the mechanical properties. with an amine index of 230±260 from Schering Com-
Hwang et al. [29] used ETBN and ATBN to establish pany France. The modifying agent is an ATBN co-
the relationship between the microstructural parameters polymer 1300 16 with 16% of acrylonitrile liquid
and mechanical properties. They found that IS, plane reactive rubber with 16% of acrylonitrile from BFGood-
strain fracture toughness and fracture energy were in- rich Hycar Chemical group. For the adhesive tests, alu-
creased while Young's modulus and yield strength de- minium plates (l 100 mm, w 23 mm, t 2 mm)
creased slightly with rubber incorporation. The ATBN were used as substrates.
toughened system with the greatest amount of epoxy
sub-inclusion formation in the rubbery phase demon- 2.2. Sample preparation
strated the best fracture toughness. In fact, the adequate
choice of cure conditions is of more importance than 2.2.1. Epoxy/amine-terminated butadiene acrylonitrile/
rubber presence; hence the fracture toughness changes curing agent
by a factor of about 2.7 by varying the cure conditions Resin and rubber (5±20 phr) were ®rst mixed to-
while it has been shown that rubber (ATBN) addition gether and heated for 15 min at approximately 60 °C in a
does not necessarily lead to an increase in fracture re- water bath and degassed while stirring. Once the mixture
sistance. Furthermore, it has been found [30] that the had cooled to below 60 °C, the curing agent which was
KIC value of the pure resin cured at 120 °C is much heated to approximately 40 °C was then added prior to
higher than the values of the 10% ATBN epoxy blends hand mixing for a short time (1±2 min). Next, the resin
cured below 80 °C. Curing at low temperature promoted mixture was poured into a polyurethane (PTFE) coated
the formation of homogeneous materials with poor mould, cured for 24 h at room temperature, and then
fracture resistance whereas at high temperature tough post-cured at 120 °C for 3 h. At this stage the cured
heterogeneous blends were obtained [30,31]. specimens were allowed to cool slowly in the mould at
This work is an exhaustive study of the eect of a room temperature.
reactive liquid rubber on most physico-chemical prop-
erties of an epoxy resin. It attempts to improve the
toughness of DGEBA epoxy resin using polyaminoimi- 2.2.2. Adhesion preparation
dazoline as a curing agent. The modifying agent is liquid The aluminium specimens were immersed for 10 min
ATBN copolymers containing 16% acrylonitrile. The at 65±70 °C in a 25% sulphuric acid and 2.5% sodium
chemical reactions that possibly take place during the dichromate solution prior to their washing with water
modi®cation of the epoxy resin were monitored using a and acetone successively before bonding [36]. About 0.1
Fourier transform infrared (FTIR), while glass transi- g of epoxy/ATBN/curing agent adhesive (prepared as
tion temperature (Tg ) was measured using a dierential indicated previously) was manually spread as uniformly
scanning calorimeter (DSC). The mechanical behaviour as possible on both surfaces of the substrates (4.6 cm2 ).
254 N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264
After deposition of the adhesive on the substrate sur- 3.2.2. Izod impact strength
faces, and forming an adhesive layer, a 1500 g weight Izod IS was measured according to ASTM D 256
was placed over the overlap area of sample to ensure using a standard notched (1 mm) specimen. Samples
continuous contact for 24 h at room temperature. The were prepared by casting into rectangular shaped cavi-
sample was then post-cured at 120 °C for 3 h. Before ties (65 15 4 mm3 ). Tests were run on a TMT N 431
curing, the excess of adhesive was cleaned o the joint impact tester type machine equipped with a hammer. Six
using a knife. samples from each formulation were broken. Average IS
values along with the standard deviations were reported.
The Izod IS is calculated as follows:
3. Testing
U1 U2
w at
3.1. Characterisation methods
where U1 is the impact energy (kJ), U2 , the residual
3.1.1. Reactivity energy (kJ), w, the specimen width (m), t, the specimen
Additives are known to have a direct in¯uence on the thickness (m), a, the notch length (m).
curing parameters like gel time, cure time, gel tempera-
ture and cure temperature of the resin. For exothermic
3.2.3. Critical stress intensity factor
curves, 15 g of epoxy resin was cured with stoichiometric
The fracture toughness was measured in terms of
content of curing agent and various ATBN content in a
critical stress intensity, KIC . Fracture toughness values
glass beaker. This beaker was immersed in an oil bath
have been determined using pre-cracked (0.9±1 mm),
(80 °C) and the temperature was recorded using a
single edge notched specimens in three point bending
thermocouple. Finally, the cure conditions were deter-
with a span of 50 mm dimension. These tests were per-
mined from the exothermic curves i.e. temperature as
formed using an Instron tensile machine type 1185 at a
function of time.
crosshead speed of 5 mm/min at room temperature. KIC
was determined according to ASTM E 399±78, using the
following relationship [37]:
3.1.2. Infrared spectroscopy (FTIR)
FTIR spectroscopy has been used to monitor the 3PSa1=2 Y
extent of cure of the DGEBA/ATBN/hardener epoxy KIC
resin system and the reactions which occur when such
modi®ers are used. For the infrared (IR) measurements, where P is the critical load for crack propagation (N), S,
a small portion of the cured epoxy system was ground to the length of the span (mm), a, the pre-crack length
a ®ne powder, mixed with potassium bromide (KBr) (mm), t, the specimen thickness (mm), w, the specimen
powder and pressed into a pellet. FTIR spectra were width (mm), Y , the geometrical factor given by
recorded on a Perkin Elmer 1000 PC spectrometer.
Y 1:93 3:07
a=w 14:53
a=w2 25:11
3.1.3. Dierential scanning calorimetry
The glass transition temperature (Tg ) of cured and
modi®ed DGEBA resin with various ATBN rubber 3.2.4. Adhesive properties (tensile shear strength)
content were measured at a heating rate of 10 °C/min The TSS test was carried out on an Instron tensile
using a Perkin Elmer DSC 7 dierential scanning calo- testing machine at a crosshead speed of 10 mm/min and
rimeter. at room temperature. TSS values reported represent the
average of 6±8 samples. The TSS is given as follows:
3.2. Mechanical properties evaluation TSS F =A
3.2.1. Tensile properties where F is the force at fracture (N) and A, the surface of
The load±elongation curve was obtained using an bond area (m2 ).
axial extensometer coupled to an Instron mechanical
tester with a 5000 N load cell and a crosshead speed of 3.3. Scanning electron microscopy analysis
10 mm/min. All tests were performed at room tempera-
ture according to BS 2782 method 302 A. Using the Impact fractured surfaces of samples of epoxy resin
load±elongation curves tensile strength and modulus of modi®ed with dierent ATBN content were coated with
elasticity with dierent contents of ATBN were obtained a thin palladium layer and examined using a scanning
(the tensile modulus is taken at 0.2% extension). electron microscope (SEM, Philips XL 20).
N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264 255
4. Results and discussion with the epoxy resin some of the exothermic energy re-
leased during epoxy crosslinking might have been con-
4.1. Characterisation sumed by ATBN resulting in a decrease in gel and cure
time (more rapid reaction) as well as a decrease in the
4.1.1. Reactivity exotherm peak. Frigione et al. [38] have reported that
The eect of ATBN on the reactivity of epoxy resin is the use of ATBN rubber modi®ers is attractive because
summarised in Table 1. The exothermic curves for both of the high reactivity of the end groups with the epoxide
neat and 12.5 phr ATBN modi®ed epoxy resin is illus- ring which will result in shorter gel times.
trated in Fig. 1. The temperature evolution during
crosslinking reaction is recorded as function of time.
4.1.2. Infrared spectroscopy
Using the cure curve, the gel time, gel temperature,
Series of IR spectra (Fig. 2(a) and (b)) have been
exotherm peak and cure time have been obtained. The
obtained to evidence the occurrence of any chemical in-
exotherm peak during crosslinking reaction of both neat
teraction between epoxy resin and ATBN. Fig. 2(a) and
and 12.5 phr ATBN modi®ed epoxy resin reached a
(b) are the magni®cation of IR spectra of hydroxyl and
maximum at 112.5 °C after 19 min and 103.5 °C after 16
epoxy group in epoxy/ATBN/hardener reaction mixture
min respectively. The increase in temperature of these
respectively. A comparative study of such spectra will be
compounds might be attributed to the energy released as
used to draw conclusions relating to the chemical link-
the epoxy groups react.
ages formed during the modi®cation reaction. The main
On adding ATBN, all reactivity characteristics (gel
conclusion drawn is that an incomplete chemical reaction
time and temperature, cure time and exotherm peak)
between the epoxy and the hardener led to the appear-
decrease as shown in Table 1. Such behaviour can be
ance of epoxy absorption peaks at 876 cm 1 .
explained by the fact that during the reaction of ATBN
Fig. 2(a) and (b) illustrate a magni®cation of the IR
transmission spectrum of neat epoxy further to its
modi®cation with dierent ATBN contents (5, 10, 12.5,
Table 1 15 and 20 phr) at speci®c intensity peaks (hydroxyl and
Eect of ATBN content on the reactivity of epoxy resin epoxy). For simplicity and clarity only spectra of neat, 5
ATBN Gel time Cure time Gel tempera- Exotherm and 15 phr ATBN modi®ed epoxy resin are shown. It is
(phr) (min) (min) ture (°C) peak (°C) interesting to note, on the one hand, (Fig. 2(a)) that the
0 13.0 19.0 93.5 112.5 absorption of the hydroxyl group at 3400 cm 1 in-
5.0 12.0 17.0 92.0 108.0 creases upon addition of 5 phr ATBN and remains rela-
10.0 10.5 16.5 91.5 103.0 tively constant upon further addition of ATBN. This
12.5 11.0 16.0 91.0 103.5 increase in hydroxyl intensity peak has been attributed
15.0 10.0 16.0 89.0 100.5 to the following factors: ®rst the reaction between the
20.0 10.5 17.0 83.0 96.0
amine group of ATBN and the unreacted parts of epoxy
Fig. 1. Exothermic curves of both neat epoxy (0 A) and 12.5 phr ATBN (12.5 A) modi®ed epoxy resin.
256 N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264
Fig. 2. Magni®cation of the IR spectra in epoxy/ATBN/hardener reaction mixture of: (a) hydroxyl groups, (b) epoxy groups.
resin cured at room temperature [40], second the unre- The above results concerning the decrease in epoxy
acted amine group (either of ATBN or hardener) ab- groups intensity peaks are further con®rmed by a
sorbing at the same wavelength as the hydroxyl group quantitative measurement of the degree of cure. This has
and ®nally the creation of hydrogen bonding between been achieved by monitoring the ratio of the absorbance
amine, ether and OH groups within the mixture. On the of epoxy (876 cm 1 ) to that of an aromatic carbon±
other hand Fig. 2(b) shows that the absorption of the hydrogen deformation band at 828 cm 1 (unreacted
unreacted epoxy group at 876 cm 1 decreases drasti- group). These ratios are plotted against ATBN con-
cally upon addition of merely 5 phr ATBN. This is to be tent and presented in Fig. 3. This ®gure indicates clearly
considered as a clear indication of the reaction of ATBN that the absorbance ratio decreases drastically at 5 phr
with epoxy resin. ATBN then levels o.
N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264 257
4.1.3. Dierential scanning calorimetry tributed to an increase in the dissolved rubber within the
Fig. 4 shows the glass transition temperature (Tg ) as epoxy matrix. The Tg falls from 75 °C for neat epoxy
obtained from DSC thermograms of epoxy resin against resin to 68 °C for 20 phr ATBN modi®ed epoxy resin.
ATBN content. Addition of ATBN causes a slight de- This decrease in Tg can be related to the fact that a
crease in the glass transition temperature which is at- chemical reaction occurred between the ¯exible ATBN
Fig. 4. Eect of ATBN content on the glass transition temperature of epoxy resin.
258 N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264
rubbery phase and the rigid epoxy resin as proved pre- deformation with the appearance of an upper yield
viously with the IR results. Similar results have been stress. A similar behaviour is noticed for the remaining
reported elsewhere [40]. concentrations as presented in Table 2. It is reported in
the literature [33] that the lower yield stress values ob-
served indicate that shear yielding might be the pre-
4.2. Mechanical properties
vailing mechanism of deformation in such systems.
As shown in Table 2, a decrease in stress at break
4.2.1. Tensile properties
accompanied by an increase in elongation at break as
Table 2 shows that the tensile properties of epoxy
well as the appearance of yielding are observed. As ex-
resin vary with the ATBN content.
pected, the tensile modulus gradually decreases with
Rubbers are generally well known to aect tensile
increasing ATBN content; a decrease that might be due
properties depending on their compatibility with the
to the eect of the softy segment structure of ATBN.
epoxy matrix, the surface area of contact, particle size,
Similar explanation holds true for the decrease in the
shape and content as well as the intrinsic strength of the
stress at break as a consequence of ATBN addition.
rubber phase.
It is also well known [41] that in order to toughen
Fig. 5 represents the stress versus strain curves of
an epoxy resin with a liquid polymer, ®rst, the liquid
both neat epoxy resin, 12.5 and 15 phr ATBN modi®ed
polymer should form a rubbery second phase which is
epoxy resin. Brittle fracture is evidenced for the neat
dispersed throughout the matrix and second, the rub-
epoxy resin (0 phr) i.e. absence of yielding. Whereas; the
bery second phase should be bonded to the matrix
12.5 and 15 phr ATBN modi®ed epoxy exhibit a ductile
through the functional groups of the liquid polymer.
In Table 2, the strain at break peaks around 15 phr
Table 2 ATBN content; a drastic increase of about 2.5 is ob-
Eect of ATBN content on the tensile properties of epoxy resin served. The magnitude of this optimum value is ex-
ATBN E ry ey (%) rB eB (%) pected to depend on the rubber-matrix compatibility. In
(phr) (GPa) (MPa) (MPa) agreement with many studies [14,40] the tensile modulus
decreases with increasing soft rubber content. It is in-
0 1.8 ± ± 34.4 3.5
5.0 1.7 31.7 3.0 31.3 3.6 teresting to note that the modulus decreases slightly
10.0 1.7 29.8 3.8 28.0 6.0 from 1.85 to about 1.34 GPa with increasing ATBN
12.5 1.6 29.5 4.0 26.9 6.7 content (Table 2). This might be related to the fact that
15.0 1.3 24.1 4.0 21.6 8.8 the modulus of the ATBN is much lower than that of the
20.0 1.4 25.9 3.8 24.6 7.3 epoxy phase. Furthermore, it is common knowledge that
Standard deviation: modulus, EÐ10%; stress at yield, ry Ð6%; an increase in elongation at break can be an indication
strain at yield, ey Ð10%; stress at break, rB Ð5% and strain at of a good adhesion via a chemical reaction between
break, eB Ð12%. ATBN and epoxy resin; a reaction that could be evi-
Fig. 5. Stress±strain curves of neat epoxy, 12.5 and 15 phr ATBN modi®ed epoxy.
N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264 259
denced using IR spectroscopy and explained by the fact the particle size of ATBN which are factors known to
that both ATBN and the curing agent contain amine improve impact properties. Furthermore, the interfacial
groups, one of them hides the eect of the second. adhesion is known to lead to improved stress transfer
while the presence of much tougher phase ®nely dis-
persed in a continuous matrix can increase strength of
4.2.2. Izod impact strength
the overall composition by means of damping the stresses
Fig. 6 represents the Izod IS of the notched and un-
at the point of impact and at the crack tip, hence re-
notched epoxy modi®ed samples as function of ATBN
ducing stress concentration. The results of the present
content. The Izod IS of both notched and unnotched
study seem to be in accordance with previous studies
specimens exhibit a bell shaped curve with a maximum at
12.5 phr ATBN content. Although and within experi-
mental errors, it can be said that 5 phr ATBN seems to be
sucient to bring this drastic increase in IS of unnotched 4.2.3. Critical stress intensity factor (KIC )
samples compared to neat epoxy resin. A slight increase Fig. 7 illustrates the eect of ATBN on the critical
in Izod IS is observed at 12.5 phr followed by a decrease stress intensity factor (KIC ). A bell shaped trend is ob-
at higher ATBN levels. It is obvious that notched sam- served. The addition of 12.5 phr of ATBN led to a 1.5-
ples show lower values than the unnotched ones. The fold maximum increase in the KIC (from 0.91 to 1.49
main reason behind this behaviour is that notches act as MPa m1=2 ) followed by a decrease. A similar behaviour
stress concentrators inducing a decrease in the IS. The to the IS is noticed as well as tensile properties where
energy to initiate a crack is emphasised in unnotched yielding has taken place upon addition of ATBN.
specimens, and this energy is added onto the energy re- The most probable mechanism for the improved
quired to propagate the crack. It has to be reminded that, toughness when the epoxy resin possesses a multiphase
in both cases for notched and unnotched samples, the IS microstructure of dispersed rubber particles arises from
reaches maximum values of 2.86 and 14.26 kJ/m2 at 12.5 a greater extent of energy-dissipating deformations oc-
phr compared to 0.85 and 4.19 kJ/m2 of the unmodi- curring in the material in the vicinity of the crack tip.
®ed resin respectively prior to decreasing with increased Kinloch and co-workers [21,22] and Yee and Pearson
ATBN content. In other words; a 3-fold increase in IS [42] proposed that the deformation processes are (1)
has been obtained by merely adding 12.5 phr ATBN cavitation in the rubber particles, or at the particle/ma-
compared to the unmodi®ed resin for both notched and trix interface, and (2) multiple but localised plastic-shear
unnotched specimens. A behaviour that might possibly yielding in the matrix, initiated by the rubber particles.
be attributed to the improved adhesion between ATBN The localised cavitation of the rubber gives rise to the
and epoxy resin due to the chemical reaction as well as stress whitening often associated with crack growth.
260 N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264
Fig. 7. Eect of ATBN content on the critical stress intensity factor (KIC ) of epoxy resin.
These mechanisms of deformation seem to be supported increasing thereby the toughness of this system. How-
by the results of the present study. ever, when the ATBN content goes beyond 12.5 phr, the
Beyond 12.5 phr ATBN, a decrease in KIC is ob- reactivity of ATBN with the epoxy levels o, phase
served. The eect of the ATBN content on the toughness separation initiates with more unreacted rubber particles
can be explained as follows: with increased ATBN having poor interfacial adhesion and which might pos-
content, the reaction between the ATBN and epoxy in- sibly act as stress concentrators. It can be concluded that
creases so that the ATBN phase becomes more strongly the toughness of epoxy modi®ed with ATBN is deter-
bonded to the matrix leading to better stress transfer mined by the competition between the extent of reaction
at the particle±matrix interface, and the compatibility of spherical (5±10 lm diameter), and uniformly distributed
the ATBN with epoxy matrix [40]. throughout the matrix. Micrograph (f) shows holes rela-
tively deep with dierent diameters as well as a multi-
4.2.4. Adhesive properties (tensile shear strength) tude of ATBN particles coated with epoxy resin. This is
The adhesive properties have been monitored using the onset of phase separation as reported elsewhere [38];
the adhesive TSS versus ATBN content (Fig. 8). It can as it is also to be considered as an indication of strong
be seen that using only 5 phr ATBN led to a two 1.7-fold interactions between the two phases corresponding to
increase in TSS (from 9 to 16 MPa) and remains rela- maximum toughness. In fact, it has been reported that
tively constant with further addition of ATBN. This is in some improvement in the fracture toughness is obtained
agreement with previous results of either IR and IS provided that a phase separation with good interfacial
where it is reported that maximum chemical interaction adhesion is achieved [14]. In addition to that, the results
between ATBN and the epoxy resin occurs at 5 phr suggest that the microvoids are produced during ductile
ATBN content. stable crack growth either by cavitation of the rubbery
Furthermore, it was suggested to use ATBN to im- particles or debonding at the particle/matrix interface.
prove the ¯exibility of epoxy adhesives. It can be con- There is now, however, considerable evidence in litera-
sidered that, in the case of aluminium as a substrate, ture [21,22] that the high toughness derives from crack
high temperature is necessary to ensure complete curing. blunting produced by cavitation of the rubber particles
Takemura et al. [39] reported that ATBN is thought to under the triaxial stress state at the crack tip. This
reduce the amount of the unreacted part of the epoxy cavitation lowers the local yield stress and provokes
resin and, if enough time and temperature are available, extensive shear yielding. In addition to that, the presence
perfect curing can be reached leading to maximum of these rubber nodules well anchored to the epoxy
properties with adhesive strengths almost 1.5-fold higher matrix might have caused some localised plastic shear
than those of unmodi®ed resin. yielding leading to the observed increase in toughness.
Once more, these results are in accordance with those of
tensile properties where some yield occurred upon ad-
4.2.5. Fractography dition of ATBN rubber accompanied by an increase in
Fig. 9 represent micrographs of notched impact elongation at break.
fractured samples of 5 phr ATBN (a, b), 10 phr ATBN When adding 20 phr ATBN (Fig. 9(g) and (h)), a
(c, d), 12.5 phr ATBN (e, f) and 20 phr ATBN (g, h). similar morphology as above is obtained with the size of
Micrographs (a) and (b) are a general view and its the nodules almost constant. A layered structure of
magni®cation of 5 phr ATBN modi®ed epoxy resin re- rubber particles can be noticed. The excess of ATBN led
spectively. On adding 5 phr ATBN, some cavitation of to some agglomeration further to the fact that this excess
the rubber particles accompanied by stress whitening has not reacted with the epoxy resin hence the resulting
zones developed on the fracture surface of the modi®ed poor interface. This might explain the observed decrease
epoxy; this stress whitening eect is related to the local in most properties.
plastic deformation at the crack tip. Furthermore, the
cavitation is followed by the onset of the shear locali-
sation process. Similar results have been reported else- 5. Conclusions
where [42]. It has to be mentioned once more that the
signi®cant increase in Izod IS has been obtained at 5 phr Based on the results obtained and discussed previ-
ATBN for unnotched samples. It has been proved using ously the following conclusions may be drawn: With
IR spectra that a chemical reaction has occurred be- ATBN incorporation, the entire cure parameters de-
tween ATBN and epoxy resin leading to strong inter- creased. The IR analysis evidenced the occurrence of
action between the two phases. a chemical reaction between ATBN and epoxy resin
Micrographs (c) and (d) are respectively a general leading to improved compatibility and decreased Tg . On
view and magni®cation of 10 phr modi®ed epoxy resin. adding ATBN the stress at break decreased accompa-
Both a rough fracture surface and homogeneous struc- nied by an increase in elongation at break with the ap-
ture are observed. A denser structure is observed with a pearance of yielding. The tensile modulus decreases
large number of small holes (1.5 lm diameter) acting slightly from about 1.85 to 1.34 GPa with increasing
as stress concentrators. The rubber particles cavitate ATBN content. A 3-fold increase in both notched and
and are suspected to cause some localised plastic shear unnotched IS is obtained by adding just 12.5 phr ATBN
yielding resulting in the observed increase in toughness. (2.86 and 14.26 kJ/m2 ) compared to the un®lled resin
Similar results have been reported by Kinloch et al. [43] (0.85 and 4.19 kJ/m2 ) while KIC varies from 0.91 to 1.49
and Yee and Pearson [42]. MPa m1=2 (1.5-fold increase). Using only 5 phr of ATBN
Addition of 12.5 phr ATBN (Fig. 9(e) and (f)) pro- leads to a 1.7-fold increase in TSS (from 9.14 to16
duces materials containing ATBN nodules perfectly MPa). Finally SEM analysis indicates rubber particles
262 N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264
Fig. 9. Micrographs of impact fractured surfaces of neat epoxy/ATBN: at 5 phr: (a) 300, (b) 1000; at 10 phr: (c) 1000, (d) 2000;
at 12.5 phr: (e) 300, (f) 1000 and at 20 phr: (g) 300, (h) 1000.
cavitation and localised plastic shear yielding induced by epoxy matrix as the prevailing toughening mecha-
the presence of the dispersed rubber particles within the nisms.
N. Chikhi et al. / European Polymer Journal 38 (2002) 251±264 263
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