English Letter

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By Fahad Hayat 10-A

Your class has decided to celebrate the end of the school year by visiting a place of
interest. You are the class prefect. Your teacher has asked you to write a letter to the
parents of your classmates to explain your plans.
Write your letter. You must include the following in your letter:
• When and where you are going and details of your travel arrangements
• Why your class has chosen the place and what you will do there
• How the students in your class will benefit from the trip
Cover all three points in detail. You should make sure your letter is polite and
informative. Start your letter 'Dear Parents' and remember to add an
appropriate ending.

Dear Parents,
I am penning down this letter upon the request of my teacher to enlighten you with the
details of our end of school year trip as to clear away all your concerns. After
consulting the students and the school management along with student voting
(transparency was ensured), it has been decided that the destination of the school trip
will be Piazza Campidoglio, a historical place in Rome, Italy.
The field trip will be 70% funded by the school and the parents will only have to pay
$300 each student. At first this price may seem high but believe me, the benefits
outweigh the cost by a ton.
The school has arranged the finest accommodation and facilities for the students to
make this trip as educational and comfortable as possible which is why we have
arranged a 5-night stay at Residenza Maritti, one of the most luxurious and finest
hotels in Rome. We completely understand the parents concern about some other
aspects of the trip but the school management will be sending the official schedule of
the trip to clear away the concerns, if any.
The reason why we chose The Piazza del Campidoglio is because it was the seat of
the Senate, government base of ancient Rome, and site of numerous religious shrines.
It was also used for the administration of justice and was the place that hosted the
Sabines. Its historical importance can enlighten the bright minds of our youth. This
By Fahad Hayat 10-A

building was designed by the famous Italian sculptor Michelangelo; an imposing

bronze equestrian statue of Marcus Aurelius was erected in the centre of the square. It
is currently housed in the Palazzo dei Conservatori and in the square stands a replica
of the Roman Emperor instead. The execution of the plans took so long that
Michelangelo didn’t live to see his work completed. Nevertheless, his designs were
followed meticulously and finished several centuries later. Such important and
beautiful details of such a rich history and culture need to be told to our youth to
develop an interest in the work of the ancient times.

In an epoch marred by the machinations of stereotypes (in context to history) and

conciliated by the trepidation underpinned therein, this trip will give an outlet to our
youth to actually learn about the rich history and culture of people like Marcus
Aurelius and Michelangelo.
In an advancing world, it is natural for humanity to adapt and evolve; Progress is
impossible without change, and those who cannot change their minds cannot change
anything but at the same time, in order to be successful, one has to embrace the past,
learn from it and move on as to not repeat the mistakes.

In order to embrace our ambition for a world better than before, will we embrace our
history and move forward, or will we go down as people similar to misanthropy who
rejected the idea to study the history of mankind solely because discomfort irked
them? Audentes fortuna iuvat- fortune favours the bold. The call is yours. How will
you answer?

Yours sincerely,
Fahad Hayat
Class Prefect

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