Hands-On Exercise No. 1 Batch-02 Graphic Design Total Marks: 10 Due Date: 04/08/2022
Hands-On Exercise No. 1 Batch-02 Graphic Design Total Marks: 10 Due Date: 04/08/2022
Hands-On Exercise No. 1 Batch-02 Graphic Design Total Marks: 10 Due Date: 04/08/2022
1 Total Marks: 10
Graphic Design Due Date: 04/08/2022
Please read the following instructions carefully before submitting this Hands-on Exercise:
• Use MS Word to prepare exercise solution.
• You may consult tutorials and videos if the concept is not clear.
• Your submitted exercise will not be considered/counted if:
▪ It is submitted after due date.
▪ It is not in the required format (.doc or .docx)
▪ It does not open, or file is corrupt.
▪ It is copied (partial or full) from any source (websites, forums, students, etc.)
Learning Outcome:
• Principles of design and their graphical representation using basic shapes and lines.
• Use of positive and negative space.
• How to create patterns with the help of basic shapes using your creativity.
Problem Statement:
In the video lectures, you learned about the principles of design i.e., Balance, Emphasis, Proximity,
Contrast, Proportion and Repetition.
Make two basic design compositions with the help of geometrical shapes i.e., Square, Circle, Triangle,
Rectangle and basic lines, based on the above-mentioned principles of design.
You can make your Basic designs compositions by hand on white chart paper using color markers or
poster colors (whichever is available easily). The size of the basic design pattern should be 3x3 inches.
You have the freedom to show your creativity by manipulating the basic shapes and lines, but we
recommend using minimum shapes and colors in the design.
After completing the task take screenshots/pictures of the basic design, insert them in MS Word file and
upload it on the LMS.
• Only two compositions are required, but you can submit as many compositions as you want.
• It is recommended to make these basic design compositions by hand, but you can also make them
on any computer software (MS Word, Paint, etc.).
• Reference basic design image are given below for the inspiration, but please don’t copy these
examples and try to create a different design:
How to submit solution file on LMS?
Please perform the following steps for submitting your solution using LMS: