Communication Skills - MCM 301
Communication Skills - MCM 301
Communication Skills - MCM 301
Levels of communication
Interpersonal communication
Communication in the Organization: Guiding Principles
Communication Destination
Improving your Listening skills
Nonverbal communication
Barriers to communication
Barriers to communication (continued)
Overcoming communication barriers
Selecting a topic
Thesis statement
Introduction of Speech
Body of Speech
Modes of Delivery
Strategic Oral Delivery
Making a Good Speech
Handling Questions and Answers
Responding Questions & Answers
Significance of the Setting
Visual Aids
Visual Aids(continued)
Group Communication
Elements of Effective written Communication
Elements of Effective written Communication(continued)
Elements of Effective written Communication(continued)
Preparing for Effective Business Writing
Preparing for Effective Business Writing(continued)
Preparing for Effective Business Writing(continued)
Parts of Business Letters
Direct Request Letters
Direct Request Letters (Continued)
Direct Request Letters (Continued)
Good Newsletters
Disappointing Newsletters
Disappointing Newsletters(continued)
Disappointing Newsletters(continued)
Writing Persuasive Message
Writing Persuasive Message(Continued)
Writing Persuasive Message(Continued)
Writing Resume
Writing Resume (continued)
Encoding may be faulty because of the use of ambiguous symbols.
Transmission may be interrupted by noise in the channel, such as a poor telephone
connection, misprinted text, or maybe a typographical mistake.
be exploring.
I. .Main point # 1
necessary to convert a readable piece into a speak-able piece.
speaking them.
Usually, such questions are answered when the presenter states the point that was omitted.
Resentment of the presenter
Exercise control
Sit comfortably
entire ring of slides. If your tray spills, you'll quickly distinguish top from bottom on each slide.
you begin.
produce them.
the paper.
them out.
agreement by giving up some of their demands.
for it is clearly understood.
to ask more specific but related questions about, say, the cost of shipping partial orders.
a. Analyze your purpose
when you applied for credit. Because of this good credit reputation, we do not want you to lose