Points to remember:
A well-written notice must inform the readers about the 5 Ws: — What is going to happen,
(that is, the event) — Where it will take place — When it will take place (that is, the date
and time) — Who can apply or is eligible for it — Whom to contact or apply to (that is, the
issuing authority)
Only the most important points should be written.
A.O.D. – that is, any other detail given in the question.
One is free to add any relevant information not included in the question.
The sentences should be short and grammatically accurate.
They should be in the passive voice as far as possible.
The notice should be presented within a box.
The word limit for a notice is 40–50 words (only the words in the body of the notice are
A notice must be catchy and appealing – it should attract the reader’s attention at once.
Increase the visual appeal of your notice by using bold letters, catchy slogans, striking words
and phrases, etc.
Standard abbreviations are allowed.
Date of Issue
Main Body. Should give all the relevant information about the event to be conducted. Should
address things like what, how and when. Other information that you think pertains to the issue at
hand should all be dispensed. It should not be excessively long.
Date of Event:
Time of Event:
Venue of Event:
Roopa Bhakt
Cultural Secretary
It is the systematic noting down of the important points while reading a text. Helps to revisit the
major ideas of the work at a later time. Involves both reading and writing skills. Can be effectively
used to organize any amount of data, once mastered.
The students are required to read the passage to get a gist of the passage, to know what it is
all about, or what the theme is.
The main idea or the central theme of the passage should be found out.
The important points related to the main theme are noted.
Add the sub-points, which supplement the main points. There is no need to
give examples.
Keep the numbering uniform. For eg. Main headings can be marked as I, II,
III, IV, etc, subheadings may be labeled as a, b, c, d, and sub-sub-heading
may be noted as (i), (ii), (iii), (iv).
1st Method:
I. Heading
I. A____________________________
I. B _____________________________
I. C ______Sub-sub-heading__________
II. Heading
II. A ________________________________
II. B ________________________________
III. Heading
III. A __________________________
IV. Heading
IV. A____________________________
IV. B _____________________________
IV. C ______Sub-sub-heading__________
1. Heading
1.2 _____________________________
1.3 ______Sub-sub-heading__________
2. Heading
2.1 ________________________________
2.2 ________________________________
3. Heading
3.1 __________________________
4. Heading
4.1 ____________________________
4.2 _____________________________
4.3 ______Sub-sub-heading__________
Key: Put the key in a box. Use standard abbreviations, can use first few words of the word like sub
for subject, can use first and last few words of the word like w’out for without, can use common
symbols like @, +, and make use of other abbreviations like i.e., eg. viz, etc.
Summary – Write a summary of the passage using your notes. It should be roughly about 4
sentences/ 1/5th of the passage.
The work of the heart can never be interrupted. The heart’s job is to keep oxygen rich blood flowing
through the body. All the body’s cells need a constant supply of Oxygen, especially those in the
brain. The brain cells live only four to five minutes after their oxygen is cut off, and death comes to
the entire body. The heart is a specialized muscle that serves as a pump. This pump is divided into
four chambers connected by tiny doors called valves. The chambers work to keep the blood flowing
round the body in a circle. At the end of each circuit, veins carry the blood to the right atrium, the
first of the four chambers. 2/5th of the oxygen is by then used up and it is on its way back to the
lung to pick up a fresh supply and to give up the carbon dioxide it has accumulated. From the right
atrium the blood flows through the tricuspid valve into the second chamber, the right ventricle. The
right ventricle contracts when it is filled, pushing the blood through the pulmonary artery, which
leads to the lungs – in the lungs, the blood gives up its carbon dioxide and picks up fresh oxygen.
Then it travels to the third chamber the left atrium. When this chamber is filled it forces the blood
through the valve to the left ventricle. From here it is pushed into a big blood vessel called the aorta
and sent round the body by way of arteries.
Heart disease can result from any damage to the heart muscle, the valves or the pacemaker. If the
muscle is damaged, the heart is unable to pump properly. If the valves are damaged blood cannot
flow normally from one chamber to another, and if the pacemaker is defective, the contractions of
the chambers will become un-coordinated.
Until the twentieth century, few doctors dared to touch the heart. In 1953 all this changed after
twenty years of work, Dr. John Gibbon in the USA had developed a machine that could take over
temporarily from the heart and lungs. Blood could be routed through the machine bypassing the
heart so that surgeons could work inside it and see what they were doing. The era of open heart
surgery had began.
In the operating theatre, it gives surgeons the chance to repair or replace a defective heart. Many
parties have had plastic valves inserted in their hearts when their own was faulty. Many people are
being kept alive with tiny battery operated pacemakers; none of these repairs could have been
made without the heart – lung machine. But valuable as it is to the surgeons, the heart lung
machine has certain limitations. It can be used only for a few hours at a time because it’s pumping
gradually damages the bloods cells.
1. Function of Heart
1.1 Vital for living
1.1.1 Never stops wrkg.
1.2 Supplies oxygen rich blood to diff. Parts of the body.
Diff. Different
inv. Invented
div. Division
chamb. Chambers
hist. - History
hrs. Hours
An organized meeting needs a well-written agenda. By sticking to a detailed, yet flexible agenda,
you can keep your meeting streamlined and focused, ensuring that you meet all of your goals for
your meeting in the shortest amount of time.
Objective: State the Objective for which the meeting has been called (1-3 Sentences should be
more than enough to adequately and concisely state the Objective). This is basically talking about
what the meeting will cover, without going into any details.
List the things to happen briefly in short phrases, though grammatically correct language. Use the
kind of language you use for note making. In fact, the schedule is sometimes converted into a
longer version by making it into an outline.
The tasks assigned to various individuals with regard to the topic under discussion.
This is the Book Club’s Meeting, therefore this is a schedule for what will take place in the
meeting. Having the schedule ensures that the entire programme follows the designated slots.
THIS IS THE WEEKLY BOOK CLUB MEETING and the agenda is of the meeting that is happening,
NOT some meeting decided for the future. This is presently taking place.
Objective: Weekly discussion of club’s book. This week, it’s The Wednesday Letters. Assign leader to
ask discussion questions and have lengthy discussion.
Food set-up: Taylor O’Connor
Discussion questions: Gaby Moore
Desserts: Megan Mark
Yours Sincerely
Your Name
Company Name
Company Address
Company Contact Details
Yours Sincerely
Your Name
Name of Official
Designation (Customer Service Manager if you don’t know either)
Company Name
Company Address
Yours Sincerely
Your Name
Company Name
Company Address
Company Contact Details
Yours Sincerely
Your Name
5. Informal Letter
Address of Sender
Yours Truly
Your Name
3. Complaint Letter
On 3rd April, 2016 at 4:54pm I ordered an Uber cab from my mobile application. The driver Ram Lal
(DL13C4146) duly accepted the ride and as per the map, was only at a distance of 4 minutes from
my location. A call to Mr. Lal confirmed the same. However, after waiting for ten minutes I decided
to contact him again. Mr. Lal did not take my calls for the next half an hour upon which I promptly
cancelled the ride, citing ‘Driver is Late’ as reason for the same. Within five minutes, I received five
threatening messages from Mr. Lal regarding the ride cancellation. I did not reply, and I would like
to lodge a formal complaint with Uber regarding this incident. Kindly ensure that your drivers’ are
thoroughly vetted before integrating them into the system.
I hope that such incidents are not repeated as they mar the corporate image of the company and
deter customers from using the app. I am expecting a speedy resolution of this complaint and
details of the same to be communicated to me at the earliest.
Yours Sincerely
Aayushi Sinha
Sales Head
Delhi Press
4. Sales Letter
5. Informal Letter
6, C.R. Park
Near Police Chowki
Delhi – 110034
Dear Sameera
I hope this letter finds you enjoying the fruits of personal and professional success. I heard about
your promotion from mother the other day and I thought this would be the perfect time to
communicate my heartiest congratulations to you on this splendid achievement. I wish you the
utmost success and creative satisfaction in your chosen field.
How is everybody at home? Let us make a plan to meet if you decide to visit Delhi anytime soon. I
would love to show you around town and perhaps catch up over a cup of coffee. It has been so long
since we sat across from each other and discussed the vagaries of life.
Eagerly awaiting your response to my letter. Give my love to Shobha aunty.
Yours Truly
Application Letter: Format will be the same as the basic business letter. If you are applying for a
job, then draft a cover application letter and make a CV. (This would be the safest route). For the
CV, I am attaching the format with the email. It is one that was given by the placement cell of
SRCC and I think it will stand you in good stead, in general, and specifically for the paper as well!
(Alter the format if the company does not have a letterhead. You can always fabricate one for the
exam of course!)
Company Name
Company Address
Company Numbers
Official Name
Marvel Enterprises
G-123, Greater Kailash 2
Delhi – 110054
Tel. No. 01122724567
The JSKL Marketing Presentation you prepared last week to showcase our new production line was
Your enthusiasm, sales strategy, and product knowledge were comprehensive and were
instrumental in getting Mr. Lockhart on board.
Thank you for the outstanding work and dedication. Your bonus checks shall be duly handed over
next week.
Vikram Chakravorty
Executive Manager
Members Present:
Members Absent:
Approval of Minutes:
Agenda Item 1:
Agenda Item 2:
Agenda Item 3:
Members present:
Chair Jessalyn Boyce
Grace Grayson
Natalie Wilcox
Jon Mitchell
Luna Stanford
Sierra Winchester
Adam Monroe
Dick Richards
Nick Nicholas
Approval of Minutes:
Motion from Jon Mitchell: To select Luna Stanford’s manuscript for critique
Vote: 6 in favor, 2 against, 1 abstain
Resolved: Motion carried; Luna Stanford’s manuscript accepted for critique
Motion from Luna Stanford: To replace the meeting table using committee funds
Vote: 3 in favor, 4 against
Resolved: Motion failed
Amendment: Nick Nicholas volunteered to repair the table at no cost
Motion from Sierra Winchester: To subscribe to Writer’s Digest using committee funds
Vote: Motion carried
Resolved: Subscription to Writer’s Digest to be purchased using committee funds.
Amendment: Subscription will be in the name of Chair Jessalyn Boyce at special two-year rate
Announcements: Next month’s meeting stands postponed due to the upcoming writer’s
conference preparation.
Title Page: Heading of the Report, the Authority to whom the report is addressed, the date of
submission, and the name of the person writing the report.
Table of Contents: Title and page numbers of all the chapters including the list of illustrations,
charts, and diagrams, if any.
Synopsis/Summary: Abstract that gives a brief summary of the entire report – from objective to
methodology to findings and recommendations should be concisely summarized.
Introduction: Terms of reference (scope and limitation of an activity), subject of study, its
importance, definition of technical terms.
Methodology: Method adopted by the person writing the report to address the issue.
Recommendation: Suggestions that emerged as a natural outcome of the findings and analysis.
Appendix: Contains all secondary material that you used in the order that you used it. Illustrations,
charts, diagrams.
Eg. I have drafted this on my own. Just use it to understand the usage of the different headings. It
might not be the most succinct or eloquent take on the format.
A comprehensive report excavating the causes of a fire that recently broke out at SRCC. Eyewitness
interviews, forensic data, and the Fire Department’s findings have been utilized to posit an
appropriate response, to avoid the recurrence of such disasters. The Staff Council recommends the
creation of a Disaster Management Committee to spread awareness and additionally suggests
immediate emergency measures.
The report contains an interrogation of the recent fire that gutted room CL1 (Computer Lab 1) at
Shri Ram College of Commerce in the late afternoon of 30 th April 2016. Using an amalgamation of
eyewitness accounts, coupled with a site analysis, and other authoritative material, attempts have
been made to isolate the cause of the fire, and the necessary suggestions to mitigate future such
disasters in the college.
1. Site analysis – Proper sweep of room CL1 by a panel of trained college staff.
2. Eyewitness Accounts – Two students, Kirti Mohan (18) and Satyam Anand (19) were near
the room at the time have offered the first hand reports of what they saw near the room.
3. First on the scene, Mr. Radhe, also offered his testimony.
4. Fire Department Report – Mr. Abhinav Jha, Division Chief, Delhi, made available the official
report on the Fire’s Department’s investigation of the matter.
At 4:30pm, in a fortunately deserted area, a fire suddenly broke out in Computer Lab 1 at Shri Ram
College of Commerce. Two students in the vicinity of the room viewed the smoke and immediately
alerted the college authorities. Mr. Radhe rushed to the area and noticing the spreading fire, called
up the Fire Department for assistance. The Fire Department arrived on the scene at 5:45pm, and
within ten minutes had extinguished the flames. By then, a huge crowd of students had
congregated in the vicinity. The present staff members, who promptly took charge of shepherding
all viewers to safer ground, actively dispersed this group. After the Fire Department had finished its
sweep of the premises, the Staff Council sent in a panel to investigate the room. Upon
comprehensive analysis, it was noted that one of the ACs, being in an improper condition had
sparked off and led to the fiery rampage. The students, Kirti Mohan and Satyam Anand were
thoroughly questioned to determine the extent of their knowledge of the incident. Mr. Radhe, first
on the scene, also offered his part of the story. The laxity in servicing the ACs in this part of the
college must be duly noted and immediately rectified. Moreover, the college has been found
severely lacking in any emergency Disaster Management response to deal with untoward situations
like these.
1. The air conditioners in the Computer Labs have not been routinely serviced and the rooms
have fallen into disrepute.
2. The college has no tangible framework of Disaster Management to deal with situations like
The Council recommends the immediate refurbishment of all Computer Labs, specifically CL1. All air
conditioners in the college should be properly checked so that similar disasters do not arise in the
future. Additionally, the panel recommends the creation of a Disaster Management committee with
routine drills and workshops to provide the college and its students with a proper framework to
deal with natural disasters of this sort.
1. Eyewitness Accounts + Mr. Radhe’s version
2. Fire Department’s Report
3. Site Analysis
Authorized Signatory
Date, Location
“I want to thank Shirley for running a clean campaign and keeping things civil, despite a few of our
heated debates,” Pearson said to a round of applause. Pearson was surrounded by his family,
including wife Trina and son Michael, as well as several top members of his campaign staff. Pearson
only spoke for a few minutes, clearly tired after a long day of awaiting results.
Surrounded by friends and family, Shirley Owens spoke from her office on the other side of town.
“Most importantly, I want to thank the citizens of Danville for participating in the political process,
and I have loved meeting and working with so many of you over the past two years,” she said
before congratulating Pearson on his win. She spoke for ten minutes before taking a few questions.
According to Owens, she hopes to continue working in the local government, although she
announced no specific plans.
Several citizens of Danville were surprised that Owens lost, as she had come out ahead in several
polls taken over the past few months. However, most local residents were not very concerned with
the results, as the majority of the town noted that both Pearson and Owens had similar views on
many popular issues.
This election actually had one of the lowest turnouts in Danville history. Sarah Burgeson, a local
representative who works on the election board, attributed this to people’s lack of concern for
either candidate. “Most people felt David and Shirley had similar views, so they weren’t really
concerned with choosing one over the other,” said Burgeson. Pearson is expected to take over as
mayor at the beginning of next month.
While a News Report will talk about an event and report facts relating to the event, an article is
used to express the writer’s thoughts on an issue. The news report will never be in first person, it
will alternate between third person, and a direct quoting of sources when necessary. Whereas,
an article can be in any person depending on what it is about.