1 Process Manaual For Academic Planning & Monitroring 2

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P-14, Rajiv Gandhi Info Tech Park, Phase – 1,

Hinjawadi, Pune – 411057, India

I n t e r n a l Q u a lit y
Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Version No. 1.0
Issue Date 10/06/2016
International Institute of Information Technology

Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC)

Academic Year 2016 -2017

Process Manual for

Academic Planning and Monitoring
 Introduction:
Good quality academic planning and monitoring is an essential element in providing
consistent response to ensure a sustainable future for the institute. Naturally it is important
that academic planning and monitoring process is consistent and understood, as is monitoring
overall performance.
The planning and monitoring process therefore needs to be open and transparent in order to
improve dialogue and understanding between the all stakeholders of institute

The purpose of academic planning and monitoring process is

 To ensure that all departments have done proper planning before the start of semester for
conduction of lectures, practicals, and other co curricular and extracurricular activates.
 To ensure that effective teaching learning is taking place throughout the semester.
 To ensure that fair continuous assessment and evaluation is taking place to support
teaching learning

The rest of this manual describes the constituent parts of the academic planning and
monitoring process and includes guidance on process and documentation requirements.

 Process Input:
To start academic planning and monitoring process following inputs are needed
 Academic Calendar of Affiliating University (SPPU)
 Circular from SP Pune University exam sections regarding schedule of online exam
and INSEM exam
 University syllabus from respective Boards of Studies (Bos)
 Institute defined Vision, Mission, POs Short term goals, Long term Goals

 Process of Effective Academic Planning and Monitoring:

The process of academic planning and monitoring should be carried out through a systematic
procedure as shown in the flow chart and explained in detail as below:
1. Preparation of Institute Academic Calendar
At the beginning of each semester the Savitribai Phule Pune University (SPPU) gives
academic calendar and guidelines about the dates of commencement of the semester,
end of the semester, In-semester and End-semester examinations, Online
examinations, Oral, Practical examinations, holidays etc.
Principal will take inputs through IQAC, and various departments. Based on these inputs
Principal, Dean Academics, Head of the Department (HOD), Coordinator Cultural
Activities will discuss and prepares the academic calendar for the institute. The academic
calendars consist of plan of conducting in-house class tests, examinations, mock
practical / oral examinations, university examination schedules etc. It is then
distributed to all the departments.

Process Manual for Academic Planning & Monitoring 1

2. Preparation of Departmental Academic Calendar
Each Head of the Department along with departmental academic coordinator will prepare
their Department Academic Calendar in consultation with faculty members in the
Academic calendars of departments must include tentative dates of class test, dates of
value added courses, extra and co-curricular student activities, departmental Student
Association activities, mock practicals, dates for submissions, project reviews etc.
Planning of student activities both extra and co-curricular shall be done in co-ordination of
respective college level coordinators.

Process Manual for Academic Planning & Monitoring 2

Academic Planning and Monitoring Process

Preparation of Institute Academic Calendar

Preparation of Department Academic

Calendar Elective/
& Course Course
Circulars Choices by
Choices by Allocation

Preparation of Preparation of Preparation of

Time Tables Teaching plan, Course File
Lab Plan
BoS Instruction Internships,
from Industrial
Faculty Course Visit

Value Added Innovative

Courses / Teaching
Guest Lect. Methods /

Daily Class Academic

& Lab Monitoring Continuous
Institute Monitoring Assessment
PO, Goals Attendance
Monitoring Communication
to Parents

Academic Planning and Monitoring Process

Process Manual for Academic Planning & Monitoring 3

3. Allocation of courses to faculty
Course allocation is to be done by heads of departments by the end of previous semester in
order to enable faculty members to start their preparation in vacation for the courses
allotted to them. The steps to be followed by departments are
 Collecting electives choices from the final year students
 Collecting the course choices from faculty members
 Finalisation of electives considering the student choices, faculty choices, faculty
expertise and previous experience of faculty members.
 Calculation of theory and practical teaching hours as per the finalised electives
and university structure
 Allocation of courses to faculty

4. Preparation of all timetables (Class/ Class Room/ Lab and faculty timetables)
Preparation of all time tables including class wise, faculty wise, class room wise and
laboratory wise must be completed by respective time table co-coordinators of the
departments before the commencement of semester. Same shall be approved by head of
department and principal.
Time tables must include 2 slots of two hours per week for training and placement
activities, each slot on different days. The slots for training and placement activities shall
be planned in co-ordination with training and placement cell.
Class room occupancy and laboratory occupancy are to be displayed for class room and

5. Preparation of Teaching Plan, Lab plan, CO PO PSO Correlation

Affiliating University prescribes the syllabus which specifies the number of lectures per
week, list of recommended books and assessment scheme of internal and external marks.
Every faculty member will prepare the teaching plan, lab plan of entire semester in-line
with the syllabus, department’s academic calendar and class time table.
Detailed unit-wise and date-wise plan for theory as well as lab will be prepared as per
Also each Faculty will represent the course outcomes correlation with Program outcome
and program specific outcome with help of CO-PO matrix and CO- PSO matrix.
Teaching plan and CO, PO, PSO Correlation shall be approved by head of department,
dean academics and principal.

6. Preparation of Course file

Every faculty will prepares the course file, lesson plan and get it approved from HOD,
Dean Academics and Principal before the commencement of the semester.
Course File should consist of following things
 Theory Teaching Plan
 Lab Plan
 CO PO PSO Correlation document for both Theory as well as lab
 Academic Calendars
 Class Time Table
 Individual Time Table
 Assignment Schedule
 University previous question papers
 Unit wise theory question bank
 Objective question bank (for FE and SE)
 Mock online/unit test record such as Question paper, Attendance, Result
 Assignment/ Tutorial Record
 Continuous assessment record

Process Manual for Academic Planning & Monitoring 4

7. Curriculum Delivery (Theory and Practical Sessions)
The effective implementation of curriculum will be ensured by supplementing
classroom teaching with expert lectures, presentations/seminars, mini projects, in-
house and industry supported projects, tutorials, group assignments, tutorials, case
studies, industry visits, industrial training, internships, hands-in-sessions, e-learning,
NPTEL lectures, MOODLE, assignments, internal-tests etc.
Contents beyond curriculum will be identified and taught both in the classroom and in the
laboratory to expose student learning to recent trends in the industry.

8. Academic Monitoring
HOD, Department Academic Coordinator, Dean Academics, and Principal will
monitor the progress of syllabus coverage. The number of lectures planned and the
number of lectures actually conducted will be monitored, and necessary corrective
actions will be taken for filling the gap.
Following activities related to academic monitoring should be carried out
 Daily class and lab session monitoring
 Attendance Monitoring (Subject-wise, Class-wise)
 Slow and advanced learner activity monitoring
 Syllabus coverage monitoring
 Continuous Assessment monitoring
 Internal Examination schedule, result analysis
 Upload of assignments, video lectures, and class notes on MOODLE
 Communication to parents through letters and SMS.

 Roles and Responsibilities of faculty member involved:

Multiple faculty member may be responsible for carrying out different aspects of an
academic planning and monitoring process as follows:

 Role of Dean Academics

The Dean Academic is responsible for following activities:
 Dean Academics should collect the following information to decide the timeline for
semester plan
 Term start and end dates.
 Public Holidays.
 Dates for Mock online Exam, Mid Term Tests, End Term Test.
 Schedule of faculty feedback.
 Dates for annual events (e.g. Dhruva, I2IT CUP, etc.)
 Term work submission dates
 Guidelines for make-up-classes
 Dean Academics along with all Heads of Department will prepare Academic Calendar
and submit the same to Principal for approval. Same is to be forwarded to all the
departments at least 15 days before commencement of semester.
 The Dean Academics will provide guidelines to department coordinators and collect
information from departmental coordinators and convey it to the Principal for
corrective measures, if required.

Process Manual for Academic Planning & Monitoring 5

 Role of Head of Department (HoD)
The head of department is responsible for
 Course Allocation to faculty
 Preparation of departmental academic calendar
 Preparing Schedule of Industrial Visits, Guest Lectures.
 QIPs (STTP, FDP, conferences, seminars) if any
 Overall monitoring of department and corrective measures if any

 Role of Department Academic Coordinator

The Department Academic Coordinator should monitor:
 Display of Class time table, timely distribution of individual time table.
 Students’ Attendance monitoring.
 Syllabus coverage monitoring.
 Records of sending letters/SMS to the parents regarding their wards’ performance.
 Display of monthly attendance, unit test marks etc.
 Prepare comprehensive department report and submit to the Head of Department
and Principal.
 To conduct interaction with subject teachers (if required) and prepare minutes of
 Conduct mid semester, end semester feedback, Course end survey, Exit survey,
student satisfaction report etc related to academics.
 Noting and reporting status of faculty members reporting late /not reporting to
lecturer / practical session to HoD

 Role of Class Teacher

The class teacher should:
 Ensuring the Roll call list, batches, students’ and their parents/ local guardians’ data
with address, mobile number, email ids etc. is in place.
 Collection and maintenance of Theory and Practical Attendance Record from subject
Teachers and to prepare monthly defaulter students’ list.
 Monitoring conduction of lectures and Practical regularly and making alternative
arrangements in case of faculty is on leave and see that same must be recovered by
subject teacher taking extra lectures if required. He will also inform the Head of
Department about making substitute arrangement for lectures and practical when a
faculty is on leave.
 Communicating class test time table and other academic activities to the students
well in advance.
 Monitoring the syllabus completion (Theory and Practical) fortnightly and
submitting the report to Department Academic coordinator.
 Maintaining informal feedback from students (if any).
 Conduction of subject teachers meeting if required.
 Monitoring leave and late reporting student.

 Role Of Subject Teacher

Subject Teachers will be responsible for all the academic aspects for
 Development of teaching material, planning of lessons, setting up laboratories and
 Preparing and maintaining course file, taking attendance for each lecture/practical.
 Maintaining the daily attendance report and send SMS to the parents of absent

Process Manual for Academic Planning & Monitoring 6

 Providing subject notes, unit-wise question bank, assignments and other course
material to students.
 Periodic conduction of class tests, make-up classes, activities for slow learners and
advanced learners etc.
 Handling unscheduled teaching activities such student counselling, setting and
evaluating test papers, arranging and conducting tests, conduct of Local/University
examinations, implementation of project for students, setting and evaluation.
 Preparation of laboratory manual for their labs and Preservation of sample Journal
 Conduct mock practical/ or oral examination for batch allotted to them.
 Curriculum Development due to the ever expanding demand of knowledge and
changing needs of the industry.
 Student's activities as an adviser to student associations, co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities.
 Administration which may be departmental and or institutional as member /
convener of some committee.
 Professional activities i.e. involvement in professional and technical societies.
 Continuing education activities (FDP/STTP/Seminars/Workshops/Expert Lectures
etc.) both as an organizer and (or) as a participant

 Expected Outcome
 Timely conduction of academic activities
 Timely maintenance of Records
 Improvement in University Result

Process Manual for Academic Planning & Monitoring 7

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