1 Process Manaual For Academic Planning & Monitroring 2
1 Process Manaual For Academic Planning & Monitroring 2
1 Process Manaual For Academic Planning & Monitroring 2
I n t e r n a l Q u a lit y
Assurance Cell (IQAC)
Version No. 1.0
Issue Date 10/06/2016
International Institute of Information Technology
The rest of this manual describes the constituent parts of the academic planning and
monitoring process and includes guidance on process and documentation requirements.
Process Input:
To start academic planning and monitoring process following inputs are needed
Academic Calendar of Affiliating University (SPPU)
Circular from SP Pune University exam sections regarding schedule of online exam
and INSEM exam
University syllabus from respective Boards of Studies (Bos)
Institute defined Vision, Mission, POs Short term goals, Long term Goals
4. Preparation of all timetables (Class/ Class Room/ Lab and faculty timetables)
Preparation of all time tables including class wise, faculty wise, class room wise and
laboratory wise must be completed by respective time table co-coordinators of the
departments before the commencement of semester. Same shall be approved by head of
department and principal.
Time tables must include 2 slots of two hours per week for training and placement
activities, each slot on different days. The slots for training and placement activities shall
be planned in co-ordination with training and placement cell.
Class room occupancy and laboratory occupancy are to be displayed for class room and
8. Academic Monitoring
HOD, Department Academic Coordinator, Dean Academics, and Principal will
monitor the progress of syllabus coverage. The number of lectures planned and the
number of lectures actually conducted will be monitored, and necessary corrective
actions will be taken for filling the gap.
Following activities related to academic monitoring should be carried out
Daily class and lab session monitoring
Attendance Monitoring (Subject-wise, Class-wise)
Slow and advanced learner activity monitoring
Syllabus coverage monitoring
Continuous Assessment monitoring
Internal Examination schedule, result analysis
Upload of assignments, video lectures, and class notes on MOODLE
Communication to parents through letters and SMS.
Expected Outcome
Timely conduction of academic activities
Timely maintenance of Records
Improvement in University Result