Pharmacy Management System
Pharmacy Management System
Pharmacy Management System
My profound gratitude to Almighty Allah for the knowledge, wisdom
and understanding that he bestowed on me to carry out this project.
I appreciate my supervisor Prof. Wan Fang for the supervision and
support that he gave, which helped the progression and smoothness
of the project. The co-operation is much indeed appreciated.
This project is insight into the design and implementation of a Pharmacy
Management System. The primary aim of is to improve accuracy and enhance
safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical store. Today management is one of
the most essential features of all form. Management provides sophistication to
perform any kind of task in a particular form. This is pharmacy management
system; it is used to manage most pharmacy related activities in the pharmacy.
Pharmacy management system is a management system that is designed to
improve accuracy and to enhance safety and efficiency in the pharmaceutical
store. It is a computer based system which helps the Pharmacist to improve
inventory management, cost, medical safety etc.
The system allows the user to enter a manufacturing and expiry date for a
particular product or drug during opening stock and sales transaction. The
system will also give report showing the list of products expiry after a specified
date before the product eventually expires. It also involves manual entry upon
arrival of new batches of drugs and upon drug movement out of the pharmacy
for a certain period, e.g. every month, the pharmacist may want to generate
report for the movement of drugs in and out of the pharmacy, getting
information about the drugs e.g. expiry date, date purchased, number of drug
type left, location of a drug in the pharmacy.
At present, manual system is being utilized in the pharmacy. It requires the
pharmacist to manually monitor each drug that is available in the pharmacy.
This usually leads to mistakes as the workload of the pharmacist increases.
The aim of this project is to develop a software for the effective management
of a pharmaceutical store that will be able to achieve the following objectives:
The scope of this project is limited to the activities of a pharmaceutical store
which includes will improving health outcomes, reduce hospital and long term
care admissions, enhance access and care in the Estate and surrounding
communities and ensuring best use of resources, the use of a computer based
management system for improving the efficiency of a pharmacy is needed and
it is an essential part of any modern continuously evolving society.
The system will not be able to handle drug prescription, drug to drug
interaction. The system will not be able to handle contraindication and
polypharmacy in a prescription; this implies that these services will be
manually completed by the pharmacist.
PMS = Pharmacy Management System
DBMS = Database Management System
GB = Giga Byte
- Barbara Griggs. Green Pharmacy: The History and Evolution of Western
Herbal Medicine, Second Edition. Viking press, (1982). Pg 93-97.
- Charles E. Rosenberg, Morris J. Vogel. The Therapeutic Revolution: Essays
in the social history of American Medicine, Second Edition. University of
Pennsylvania press, (1979). Pg 174.
- Peter G Homan, Briony Hudson, Raymond C Row. Popular Medicines: An
- Leslie G. Mathews. History of Pharmacy in Britain. Edinburgh, E&S.
Livingstone(1962). Pg 213-223.
- History, Fourth Edition. Trade paperback, Pharmaceutical press (2008).
Pg. 127.
- Stuart Anderson. Making Medicines: A Brief History of Pharmacy and
Pharmaceuticals, Sixth Edition. Jessica Kingsley publisher, (2005). Pg 214.
- Charles E. Rosenberg. History of Medicine and Allied Sciences, Seventh
Edition. University of Pennsylvania press, (2003). Pg 197.
2.1 Functional Requirements
Selecting Or Writing Requirements for a Pharmacy Management System (PMS)
presents significant challenges and requires considerable insight, particularly
for those in the midst of the initial confusion caused by a newly automated
medication-use process. To address the majority of operational transformations
driven by supporting medication management systems, the PMS must be able
to communicate and exchange data accurately, effectively, consistently, and
multi-directionally with other medication systems, as well as non-medication
systems, and, more importantly, be able to use the information that has been
Traditional pharmacy systems that have focused on and isolated the
transcription, preparation, and distribution phases of the medication-use
process are now being looked upon as the hub for communicating meaningful
information outside the pharmacy domain. The next-generation pharmacy
information management systems must distance themselves from previous
requirements for integration and interfacing and move towards system
interoperability, allowing for real-time sharing of information across the
medication-use cycle. They must move beyond system analysts and or
pharmacists maintaining and managing dictionary tables and medication
information, and require the real-time transmission of drug knowledge from
expert resources directly into the application with little or no manipulation.
Capturing the services, tasks, or functions a pharmacy information
management system is required to perform within the framework of today’s
complex medication-use process calls for broader insight into how information
may be shared outside the pharmacy realm. The sequence and extent of
interactions between systems and providers necessary to deliver these services
or functions have greater implications than previously performed with PMS.
This will require the pharmacy analyst to develop use cases that go beyond the
traditional acute care and hospital pharmacy settings to adequately represent
the pharmacy management system functional requirements necessary in
today’s environment.
Although the focus of this article is on functional requirements, it is important
for pharmacy leaders to articulate and develop use cases for non-functional
requirements, particularly when direct patient care becomes more dependent
on these systems. Some important non-functional requirements to consider
when evaluating a pharmacy management system include:
System availability
Allowance for maintainability and enhancements
Recovery from failure
Response time
To maintain the integrity of the medication-use cycle, the PMS must effectively
use and communicate information in real time from and to supporting
medication and patient care-related systems. This will facilitate the following
core medication-use functions:
The system should allow the pharmacist the ability to fulfill an order with the
necessary components to deliver an “administrate-able” dose without altering
the integrity of the order or requiring additional communication with the
ordering provider. The fulfillment process should be transparent to the
ordering process and avoid any additional transcription. The pharmacist must
have the ability to edit the provider’s medication order during verification and
fulfillment, with or without requiring the provider’s signature. Customers
should require considerable flexibility within the verification process to address
state board of pharmacy or specific institutional policies pertaining to changing
components of a medication order and required signing1.
The PMS must support systems such as automated dispensing cabinets and
storage and retrieval systems that automate and manage inventory throughout
the receiving, storage, retrieval, and distribution process. Requirements should
User interface
The user interface is friendly which is easy to use. And having attractive frame
structure which is prepared in assumption with other related systems. Also the
user can change him/her user favorite interfaces that Is available in the system.
The diagram above is a system development life cycle that illustrates how the
design of the project is broken down into five different phases, which are
Project Planning, Requirement Gathering, Project Implementation and
Interface Design, Implementation and System Testing, Maintenance and System
The proposed Pharmacy Management System for Boniks Pharmacy and Stores
will start with project planning by determining the users of the system, aims
and objectives of the project. After these, extensive research will be done to
determine how to design an effective system, as well as to review the current
system. Then, the design was with an initial prototype of the system, and then
refined it based on their suggestions. Phases of analysis, design and
implementation were performed iteratively until users and designers agreed on
a final system specification. At this point, the project could move to the final
implementation phase.
Password Varchar (15) Admin password
Table 3.1 Administrator table
Table 3.1 above serves as a repository for administrator details that will be able
to have access to the entire details on the application. It is a table that stores
the administrator login details.
Field Name Field Type Field Length Description
Drug_Name Varchar (15) Drug Name
Drug_ID Varchar (7) Drug Number in
Manufacturer Varchar () Manufacturer
Batch_No Varchar () Batch Number
Production_Date Date/Time () Production Date
Expiry_Date Date/Time () Expiry Date
Dosage Text () Dosage
Reg_Date Date/Time () Registration Date
Quantity Int () Quantity
Cost_Price Int () Cost Price
Interest_Rate Int () Interest Rate
Expected_Sale Int () Expected Sale
Table 3.2 Drug Information Table
This table is named tblDRUG, it depicts the information of the drugs in the
Table 3.2 shows the information about the drugs in the pharmacy and is being
queried from the database on the drug registration page to show all the drugs
for user to select.
Field Name Field Type Field Length Description
USERNAME Varchar (15) Supervisor username
PASSWORD Varchar (15) Supervisor password
Table 3.3 Supervisor Login Table
Table 3.3 above serves as a repository for supervisor details, which will be able
to have access to the required details on the application as stipulated by the
administrator. It is a table that stores the supervisor login details.
Field Name Field Type Field Length Description
USERNAME Varchar (15) Staff Username
PASSWORD Varchar (15) Staff Password
Table 3.4 Staff Login Table
Table 3.4 above serves as a repository for a staff details that will be able to
have access to the required details on the application as stipulated by the
administrator. It is a table that stores the staff login details.
Field Name Field Type Field Length Description
STAFF_NAME Varchar () Staff Name
REGNO Int (6) Registration number
STAFF_SEX Varchar (6) Staff Sex
NATIONALITY Varchar () Nationality
STAFF_STATUS Varchar (15) Staff Status
DOB Date () Date Of Birth
PHONE_NO Int (11) Phone Number
ADDRESS Varchar () Contact Address
STATE Varchar () State
EMAIL Varchar () Email
USERNAME Varchar () Username
PASSWORD Varchar ( 15) Password
Table 3.5 Staff Information Table
Table 3.5 above consist of information of the list and information of the
employed staff in the pharmacy .The information of staff on the required field
can be seen from the table 3.5 above.
Choosing a programming language depends on your language experience and
the scope of the application you are building. While small applications are
often created using only one language, it is not uncommon to develop large
applications using multiple languages.
The propose application to be built is not a web based application that needs
internet facilities to function but a standalone application.
The choice of programming language to use for this programm is visual basic.
The structure of the Basic programming language is very simple, particularly as
to the executable code.
Visual Basic has many new and improved features such as inheritance,
interfaces, and overloading that make it a powerful object-oriented
programming language. It is particularly easy to develop graphical user
interfaces and to connect them to handler functions provided by the
Visual Basic fully integrates the .NET Framework and the common language
runtime, which together provide language interoperability, garbage collection,
enhanced security, and improved versioning support. Visual Basic supports
single inheritance and creates Microsoft intermediate language (MSIL) as input
to native code compilers.
Testing is an integral part of software development processes. This is to ensure
that the quality requirement of the application is not compromised by testing
and debugging program modules before they are integrated, testing the system
to ensure an effective inter-operability after integration.
Debugging has to do with fixing of errors encountered during program
execution. System testing deals with the real life testing of the system, to
ascertain how far it has gone in carrying out the expected task. This was carried
out in two phases.
Number one is the source code testing which examine the logic of the program.
Secondly, the specification testing which involves the examination of the
system as regard to what it should do and how it should be done given specific
conditions. This includes inputting data, collecting its output and comparing it
with the output of the old system and assessing it to see if it can replace the
old system.
- Mouse
- Keyboard
Figure 4.1 shows the select login page. It is the first interface that appears on
the screen when the application is being loaded. This interface displays the
name of the application and some other information about the software. The
page consist of logins that exist for several other levels in the application. They
consist of administrator, supervisor and staff login.
e 4.2 Showing Admin login menu
Figure 4.2 above, shows the admin login area of the application. After a
successful login supplying the correct username and password, it opens into
another page where the activities of the admin module are fully stipulated. The
admin controls all the major activitis of this application. Activities such as
Addstaff, Add Drugs, Change Username and password, Manage drugs, View
sales etc can only be controlled by the admin.
Futhermore,the Admin has control over the supervisor and all other user of
the application.
Figure 4.3 above shows the supervisor login.The supervisor is an employee that
manages the activities of the pharmacy. After a successfu login, some of the
activities that can be performed by the supervisor are Manage drugs, view
sales, view drugs etc.
The supervisor has a high level of acces on the application except for addition a
new staff.
ure 4.4 Showing Staff login
Figure 4.4 above shows the staff login section.The staff is resonsible for
updating the list of drugs in the store.The staff can also engage in buying and
selling of drugs.The staff is required to provide a valid username and password
in other to be able to perform its activities.
ure 4.5 Showing Admin Menu Module
Figure 4.5 above shows the Admin module menue. It list activities that can be
performed by the administrator.the Administrator is the person responsible for
the upgrade,management on the software.the administrator is given an
unlimited access as to performing the operations in the pharmacy.
Figure 4.6 above shows the drug registration form. New drugs brought to the
pharmacy are registered here. It receives the details of new batches of drug in
the pharmacy.
Figure 4.7 above shows the staff registration form. Important information like
the contact details is collected with this form. A login detail that is, a username
and a password is assigned to the new staff as well.
Figure 4.8 above shows the store manager. Here drugs can be sold. The user
will be required to select a category of drug to sell. Drugs in the pharmacy are
categorized based on their function. When the drug needed to be purchased is
selected, the software generates important information about the drug such as
dosage, available quantity, selling price, expiry date, location of the drug in the
pharmacy etc. Also the user can sell drugs, print bill, check all stock, low stock
or check the expired drugs in stock.
Figure 4.9 shows the list of drugs sold in the pharmacy. There is an option to
view the sales in the pharmacy within a specified date.
Designing this application (Pharmacy management system) is not an easy task.
It all started from the requirement gathering and passes through so many other
stages before completion.
Based on the benefits of this system and tremendous value it will add to
customer-user satisfaction, the below recommendation will be considered;
It is recommended that the new system should be used with the necessary
specifications of the system requirements and provision for an uninterrupted
power supply should be made available throughout the hours of operation of
the pharmacy to avoid power outage. There should also be basic computer
knowledge for the users of the software.
It is recommended that the software be improved especially in areas of
accounting as it will be of great impact to the development of retail pharmacy.