Pharmacy Management System
Pharmacy Management System
Pharmacy Management System
application that uses MySQL as the database. In this project, invoices and receipts are
generated using TCPDF. TCPDF is a PHP-based library for generating PDF documents without
requiring external extensions. It includes complete support for UTF-8 Unicode, bi-directional
algorithm, and right-to-left languages.
Existing System:
The existing system is paper-based involving high amount of paper work and manpower
requirement. Even though computerized systems are used in some places, they are not web-
based and are very insecure and improperly managed. So, the current pharmacy management
procedure is very uneconomical and inflexible to meet user demands.
Proposed System:
The proposed system, being web-based, is very efficient and effective from the point of view of
work productivity and time. It is less tedious to manage operations in a medical store or
pharmacy with such a system. It has all the required modules and is developed with the aim of
managing staffs, schedule, inventories, and relevant things in the medical store.
With this system, the entire operations in medical store is fully automated. Unlike the traditional
system where records were maintained manually, this system maintains records in a database.
Typical example of these records include purchases, counter sales, recorder levels, staffs,
suppliers, customers, monetary transactions, etc.
Listed below are the main users of the system. They are required to register into the system to
access records and details stored in the database. Only the head admin has the privilege or
access over all records and users. The system access to other users in restricted as per their
functions in the medical store.
Head admin
Cashier admin
Manager admin
Pharmacist admin
This pharmacy management system can be efficiently used by any medical store to automate
the process of data management and maintenance of records related to stock, liquid flows,
staffs, customers, and suppliers. New features, modules, and other components can be
incorporated into the system as per user requirements in future.