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Add Some Mental Might

To Your Game
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Table of Contents
Cover Image Ardon-nue “Breaking Fire” Page 37 Lizard of the Dragon Fang
Foreground image by Eric Lofgren, By Raging Swan Press
Background image by James “Devin Night” Hazlet Review by Thilo “Endzeitgeist” Graf
Page 4 Table of Contents Page 40 Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Le Loup
Page 6 Guest Editorial By Rite Publishing
by Ben McFarland Review of Thilo “Endzeitgeist” Graf

Articles Page 42 NeoExodus Chronicles - World of Exodus

Page 8 Pyroclastic Creature and Ardon-nue By Louis Porter Jr. Design
by Steven D. Russell; Review by Megan Robertson
Illustration by Eric Lofgren
Page 44 #30 Unique Magical Blades
Page 14 Sacred Beasts: Priests of Fur and Feathers By Rite Publishing
by Jonathan McAnulty Review by Megan Robertson
Illustrations by Arthur Rackham and Public Domain
Page 46 Advanced Feats: Visions of the Oracle
Page 18 Malevolent Manifestation By Open Design
by T. H. Gulliver Review by Shane O’ Conner
Illustrations by Arthur Rackham and Public Domain
Page 48 101 9th Level Spells
Page 21 Synergixxik By Rite Publishing
by Michael Welham Review by Shane O’ Conner
Image by Public Domain
Page 49 Bonus Article Compassionate Sons
Page 25 The Riderless Horse (Paladin Archetype)
By Creighton Broadhurst by Steven Russell
Illustration by Dr. John Johnston Illustrations by Arthur Rackham and Dante Gabriel

Interview Page 51 Open Game Licence

Page 30 Twenty Questions with Tim Hitchcock!
By Steven D. Russell

Attached Free Map tiles by Michael Tumey! See the

Reviews Back Cover for Details!
Page 33 Inkantations
by 4 Wind Fantasy Games
Review by Dark Mistress Editor in Chief: Dave Paul
Advertising Manager Hans Cummings
Page 35 #30 Haunts for Ships and Shores Publisher Steven D. Russell
by Rite Publishing
Review by Dark Mistress

Compatibility with the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game requires the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game from Paizo Publishing, LLC.
See for more information on the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game. Paizo Publishing, LLC does not
guarantee compatibility, and does not endorse this product.

Pathways #2 © 2011 Steven D. Russell, Open Gaming License Copyright © 2007 Wizards of the Coast. All rights reserved,
Pathfinder is a registered trademark of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game and the Pathfinder Roleplaying
Game Compatibility Logo are trademarks of Paizo Publishing, LLC, and are used under the Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Compatibility License. See for more information on the compatibility license. All
product covers are the trademarks of their respective companies and are used with permission.

“With the pencil-sketch art, the simple layout and the old-school stat blocks,
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-Danny “Bartoneus” Rupp,

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“The art is well-done, far above what you expect in independent RPGs. The
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-Ed Grabianowski,
Available in PDF or Print on Demand from
David Paul had a conference to something to be said for taking our time with design
attend so Ben McFarland is writing and publication. I think we, as a community, would
a guest Editorial for us this month. benefit from longer production periods and bigger
Ben is an ENnie award winning projects. There is something to be said for tackling a
designer (Tales of Zobeck) and is the 100+ page supplement or adventure anthology. We've
lead designer on The Breaking of all grown so accustomed to immediate gratification,
Fostor Nagar and Streets of Zobeck clattering at our keyboard and having something
novel appear on our screens in moments, we forget
about the sense of accomplishment inherent in
How much is too much? reaching for something grand and maybe just a little
too ambitious, and succeeding. Its why I enjoy
In Brewster's Millions, Richard Pryor is given a patronage projects.
ridiculous sum of money and told, "Spend it all, and
I'll give you even more. Fail to spend everything, and It has been said time and again—what we enjoy in this
you get nothing." He is forced to mindlessly purchase hobby is a labor of love. You will not grow rich doing
and donate, buy lunches and artwork, trying to burn it, and in fact, the surest way to make a small fortune
through his smaller inheritance so that he can enjoy in this business is to start with a large one. Considered
even more. Hilarity ensues as John Candy and in that light, why do we rush? Why does there seem to
Richard Pryor hard work to furiously churn out that be this mad need to publish, publish, publish? Our
constant stream of expenditures, and the exercise's industry is much different than it was in its hoary days
lesson is straightforward: appreciate what you have of wargamers and white boxes, but the social nature of
and use it wisely. our hobby has remained the same. Do we hurry at the
table so we can power through as many encounters as
When I look at the current state of the Pathfinder possible before the session ends, or do we laugh and
market, I wonder if we, as an audience, are not joke, tell stories and collaborate, having fun while we
encouraging a certain amount of thrashing product play a game with friends?
generation. Twitter and Facebook give us immediate
access to designers. Forums offer up regular and This is a slow hobby, one we savor and indulge like a
constant communication, and chat rooms provide the fine liquor or an expensive meal. We invest days,
next best thing to catching a publisher or designer at weeks, even months and years into the development
the supermarket. Our ability to interact with people of plotlines and characters, building experiences and
who create the hobby has never been greater, but with friendships which can last even longer. It should not
it has come a heightened pace of discourse. feel as if taking a vacation means sacrificing
participation in a score of community discussions or
But so what? What difference does it make that we having a dozen new products slip away into the ether
enjoy a golden age of nearly unfettered and instant of the next forum page.
interaction with designers, artists, cartographers and
publishers, where our every question can be answered So what do I suggest?
in hours if not moments? Why does matter?
I would like to see greater plans and grander schemes.
The answer is this: pace. I want big frameworks, with lots of story seeds and a
pack of interesting supporting characters I can spin
We are seeing new products announced and released into other adventures. I want to see mechanics
everyday. New systems. New games. New settings. experimentation combined with solid design and
New supplements. New rules. New options. New. rigorous playtesting, wrapped up with a tight
New. New. New. manuscript littered with insights from the creator
about why certain choices were made and what were
New. the paths not taken. I want the tools to expand the
material beyond the initial arc and better integrate it
There's so much material being generated out in the into my own existing games so I can create a more
ether that I worry we're dangerously close to a sort of ubiquitous experience—one my players can relate to
Brewster Thrashing, a furious generation of output other gamers and enjoy a shared cultural background.
with an unspoken fear that if we don't create Think about it. Old school players will fondly recall
something new and bright and shiny and offer it up to old adventures and settings, joking about details and
the Pathfinder audience yesterday, we won't be given situations they all know, despite never playing with
a tomorrow. We figure out some idea, any idea, carve one another. We have to dream bigger in order to
out a bit of the marketplace and begin making things create the sort of stories with that impact and it may
we love—but too fast, I think. How much from these mean slowing down. We should strive to create those
new products can we manage to incorporate into our dreams now.

In a world of tweets, streaming updates, constant -Ben McFarland

emails and 24-7 forum posts, I think there is

Pyroclastic Creature Template
Deities and extradimensional lords with dominion over volcanoes sometimes grant their agents special powers,
infusing them with the essence of the combined elemental forces of air, earth and fire. These powers remain a legacy
to the creature’s descendants and, sometimes, can even be passed on in secret ceremonies in such a way that
pyroclastic creatures occasionally become races unto themselves.
Pyroclastic creatures share a special bond. They look as if there were made of naught but brimstone. They tend to
be heavy-bodied with a dark, ashen color. Their bodies often bear cracks that are red, orange, or yellow in color.
Creating a Pyroclastic Creature
“Pyroclastic” is an inherited or acquired template that must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire.
can be added to any corporeal creature. A pyroclastic Weapons that can deal additional cold or fire damage,
creature uses all the base creature's statistics and such as a flaming or icy burst weapons, are immune
special abilities except as noted here. to this effect. This effect does not avoid or ignore
CR: +1 Pyroclastic Aura (Ex): A pyroclastic creature
exudes a smoky poisonous gas in a 50-ft. radius that
Type: The creature gains the elemental subtype of the causes 1d6 points of Constitution damage per round if
elements that infuse it: air, earth, and fire. inhaled (Fort save negates: DC 10 + 1/2 pyroclastic
creature's HD + pyroclastic creature’s Con modifier
Defenses/Qualities: Not subject to critical hits or [or its Cha modifier if it is an construct or undead
flanking. Does not take additional damage from creature], the DC increases by 1 per previous save).
precision-based attacks (such as sneak attack), does The smoke obscures vision, giving concealment (20%
not breathe, eat, or sleep; Immune acid, bleed, miss chance) to characters within it. A pyroclastic
electricity, fire, paralysis, poison, sleep, sonic, and creature can suppress or activate this ability as an
stunning; Weakness vulnerability to cold immediate action.
Pyroclastic Breath Weapon (Su): Using this
Speed: A pyroclastic creature retains the base breath weapon is a standard action. A pyroclastic
creature’s speeds and gains a new speed according to creature can only use its breath weapon attack once
the element that infuses it, as given in the following every 1d4 rounds, even if it possesses more than one
sections. If the base creature already possessed the breath weapon (such as a dragon). A pyroclastic
mode of movement that the element would grant, the breath weapon always starts at an intersection
pyroclastic creature adopts the higher of the two adjacent to the dragon and extends in a direction of
speeds. the pyroclastic creature's choice. A pyroclastic breath
weapon is a cone with a range based on the base
• Fly Speed: (perfect maneuverability) equal to its creature’s size (as a true dragon, see Pathfinder
highest speed or increase existing fly speed and Bestiary). This breath weapon deals 1d10 points of
maneuverability to equal its highest speed. damage per HD the base creature possesses with half
the damage being bludgeoning and the other half
• Burrow Speed: equal to half its base speed or being fire. Those caught in the area can attempt
increase existing burrow speed to equal its base Reflex saves to take half damage. The save DC against
speed. a breath weapon is 10 + 1/2 pyroclastic creature's HD
+ pyroclastic creature’s Con modifier (or its Cha
Special Abilities: A pyroclastic creature gains the modifier if it is a construct or undead creature). In
following special abilities. addition, the cone of gas is poisonous; creatures that
Lava Burn (Ex) A pyroclastic creature’s melee are exposed must make a successful Fortitude save
attacks deals 2d6 fire damage in addition to damage (same DC negates) or suffer 1d6 points of Constitution
dealt. Those affected by the lava burn ability must also damage per round A pyroclastic creature can use its
succeed on a Reflex save or catch fire, taking 2d6 for breath weapon when it is grappling or being grappled.
an additional 1d4 rounds at the start of its turn (DC 10
+ 1/2 pyroclastic creature's HD + pyroclastic Abilities: Increase from the base creature as follows:
creature’s Con modifier [or its Cha modifier if it is a Str +6 (+3 to melee attack and damage rolls (and
construct or undead creature]). A burning creature thrown weapon damage rolls), Climb and Swim
can attempt a new save as a full-round action. checks, CMB, CMD, Strength checks, and any of the
Dropping and rolling on the ground grants a +4 bonus base creature’s Strength-based DCs), Con +4 (+2 to
on this save. Creatures that hit a pyroclastic creature Fort, +2 hp per HD, and the pyroclastic creature’s
with natural weapons or unarmed attacks take fire Constitution-based DCs) if the base creature has a
damage as though hit by the pyroclastic creature and Constitution score.
must make a Reflex save to avoid catching on fire. If a
pyroclastic creature is hit with a manufactured Environment: As base creature, plus any mountain
weapon, the weapon takes fire damage as though hit and elemental borders of air, earth and fire.
by the pyroclastic creature's lava burn ability and

rdon-nue “Breaking Fire” Tactics
CR 23 Before Combat: Ardon-nue always has a one step
beyond active and a contingency (teleport) ready if he
XP 819,200
becomes helpless. He often casts time stop followed
CE Colossal dragon (fire)
by protection from energy (cold), displacement,
Init +2; Senses dragon senses, smoke vision;
Perception+38 haste, see invisibility, spell turning and stoneskin
(often quickening these spells).
Aura fire (10 ft., 2d6 fire), frightful presence (360 ft.,
Combat: The following round he uses a quickened
DC 30), pyroclastic (50 ft., DC 35)
dispel magic on a single opponent followed by his
pyroclastic breath weapon, then moves in so that next
Defense round he can engage in melee and threaten as many
AC 39, touch 0, flat-footed 39 [20 % miss chance] foes as possible taking advantage of his three auras.
(-2 Dex, +39 natural, -8 size) He uses wall spells or quickened suggestion to stop
hp 507 (29d12+319) those who flee that he wants to detain.
Fort +27, Ref +14, Will +24 Morale: Fearless, as Ardon-nue depends on his
Defensive Abilities lava burn (DC 35), not subject teleport contingency to remove him from danger.
to critical hits or flanking, does not take additional
damage from precision-based attacks (such as sneak Statistics
attack), does not breathe, eat, or sleep
Str 49, Dex 6, Con 33, Int 22, Wis 23, Cha 22
DR 20/magic; Immune acid, bleed, electricity, fire,
Base Atk +29; CMB +56; CMD 64 (68 vs. trip)
paralysis, poison, sleep, sonic, and stunning; SR 33
Feats Cleave, Critical Focus, Greater Vital Strike,
Weaknesses Vulnerability to cold
Improved Critical (bite), Improved Initiative,
Improved Iron Will, Improved Vital Strike, Iron Will,
Offense Multiattack, Power Attack, Quicken Spell, Quicken
Speed 40 ft., burrow 20 ft., fly 250 ft. (perfect) Spell-like Ability (Suggestion), Staggering Critical,
Melee bite +40 (4d8+28+2d6 fire/19-20), 2 claws Vital Strike, Wingover
+37 (4d6+19+2d6 fire), 2 wings +35 (2d8+9+2d6 Skills Appraise +38, Bluff +38, Diplomacy +38, Fly
fire), tail slap +35 (4d6+28+2d6 fire) +14,Intimidate +38, Knowledge (arcana) +38,
Space 30 ft.; Reach 20 ft. (30 ft. with bite) Knowledge(history) +38, Perception +38, Sense
Special Attacks breath weapon (70-ft. cone, DC 35, Motive +38,Spellcraft +38, Stealth +14, Use Magic
24d10 fire; or 29d10 bludgeoning and fire plus poison Device +38
—contact; save Fort DC 35; frequency 1 round; effect Languages Abyssal, Common, Draconic, Dwarven,
1d6 Con; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution- Giant, Ignan, Orc
based, crush (Large creatures, DC 35, 4d6+24),
incinerate, lava burn (DC 35), manipulate flames, Ecology
melt stone, tail sweep (Medium creatures, DC 27,
2d8+24) Environment Questhaven Caldera
Spell-Like Abilities (CL 29th; concentration +35) Organization solitary
At will—detect magic, discern location, find the path, Treasure triple
pyrotechnics (DC 18), suggestion (DC 19), wall of fire
3/day- quickened suggestion (DC 19) Special Abilities
Spells Known (CL 19th; concentration +25) Fire Aura (Su) Ardon-nue is surrounded by an aura
9th (4/day)—time stop, one step beyond*
of intense heat. All creatures within 10 feet take 2d6
8th (6/day)—khan’s command*, prismatic wall,
points of fire damage at the beginning of the dragon's
7th (6/day)—limited wish, spell turning, steal the
Incinerate (Su) Ardon-nue can incinerate creatures
painful memory*(DC 23)
in its fiery breath. A creature reduced to fewer than 0
6th (7/day)—bind group* (DC 22), contingency,
hit points by its breath weapon must make a Fortitude
greater dispel magic
save (DC 35). Failure indicates that the creature is
5th (7/day)—deliver message (DC 21), polymorph,
reduced to ash. Creatures destroyed in this way can
telekinesis (DC 21), teleport
only be restored to life through true resurrection or
4th (7/day)—charm monster (DC 20), enervation,
similar magic.
greater invisibility, stoneskin
Manipulate Flames (Su) Ardon-nue can control
3rd (7/day)—dispel magic, displacement, haste,
any fire spell within 10 feet per age category of the
protection from energy
dragon as a standard action. This ability allows it to
2nd (8/day)—alter self, detect thoughts, invisibility
move any fire effect in the area, as if it were the caster.
misdirection, see invisibility
This ability also allows it to reposition a stationary fire
1st (8/day)—alarm, grease (DC 17), magic missile,
effect, although the new placement must be one
shield, true strike
allowed by the spell. Finally, for 1 round following the
0 (at will)—arcane mark, bleed (2), light, magehand,
use of this ability, the dragon can control any new fire
mending, message, open/close, read magic
spell cast within its area of control, as if it were the
This diabolical dragon looks as if it were entirely made from brimstone. With dark ashen colored scales. Its skin
bares cracks that are a burning red in color..
caster. It can make all decisions allowed to the caster, the path of destroying the Questor’s Society. I have
including canceling the spell if it so desires. defeated Biisir, “Discord’s Essence,” a body-jumping
Melt Stone (Su) Ardon-nue can use its breath spirit of an entropic dragon. I granted him quarter as I
weapon to melt rock at a range of 100 feet, affecting a did not wish to see such a wonderful tool destroyed.
5-foot-radius area per age category. The area becomes He now serves me as a tool to make the Society work
lava to a depth of 1 foot. Any creature in contact with to stop a civil war, but that is not my true plan, or is
the lava takes 20d6 points of fire damage on the first it?
round, 10d6 on the second, and none thereafter as the
lava hardens and cools. If used on a wall or ceiling,
treat this ability as an avalanche that deals fire
damage. Knowledge (local)
Smoke Vision (Ex) Ardon-nue can see perfectly in Common (DC 23): This elemental dragon is
smoky conditions (such as those created by Ardon-nue, “The Breaking Fire”, a manipulative and
pyrotechnics). powerful beast that seeks out challenges it deems
worthy of its abilities.
Description: Uncommon (DC 28): Related to a red dragon,
other creatures similar to this are known as
“I have seen a swarm of ants take down a lion, “pyroclastic creatures;” read excerpt from Dragons of
and this is what the Questor’s Society is, a Questhaven.
swarm of adventurers. They have the potential Rare (DC 33): The Breaking Fire is difficult to
to take down any great wrym, but especially if discern as it is immune to divination and is often
that dragon is a fool. This is why I move either in disguise or surrounded by a cloud of toxic
cautiously, this why I move clandestinely. It is super-heated gas, and when people do see him, they
also, why I must break them. often flee. Attacks against him must overcome the
elemental energy sustaining him. Nearly all physical
Excerpt from Dragons of Questhaven by Qwilion of and energy attacks are useless and only archmages
Questhaven. have a chance of affecting him with magic. Beyond the
powerful attacks associated with dragons, Ardon-nue
My sleek frame belies my size and power, and earned his epithet using his devastating volcanic
from a distance many do not appreciate that I am breath weapon, which leaves nothing of its victims but
truly a great wyrm. I care not, for in reality few ever ash and can turn normal stone into lava. Ardon-nue
see me in my true form. I often travel about in the also has a supernatural control of all forms of fire.
form of other creatures, walking the very streets of Obscure (DC 43): Spells and effects that result in
Queasthaven, or flying about disguised as other freezing temperatures and can overcome his defensive
dragons, making use of their good name or tarnishing spells are the most likely to succeed.
the names of other dragons. I do not allow my pride to Epic (DC 53): If one wishes to avoid being
rule this form and I have appeared both as prince and destroyed by the Breaking Fire one need only prove
pauper. useful to him, as he is loath to discard what he
I do not have allies, I have tools, which I value, perceives as a valuable resource.
but I understand when I am the best tool for a job. I
do not serve, but others do serve my goals. I also do
not engage in the petty evils of my cousins as it wastes New Spells
valuable assets and may even turn a tool against me. I Bind Group
still believe in the polite forms of old, and being School: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-
helpful so long as it does not cost me. First and Affecting]; Level: Brd 6, Sor/Wiz 6
foremost, though, I am in a grand war against a vast Casting Time: 1 standard action
force of adventurers. I take chances but I do not Components: V, S, F (tiny anchor)
ignore the odds. Range: Medium (100 ft. + 10 ft./level)
You have to understand I came here for the Target: One creature/level, no two of which can be
challenge. The Questor’s Society overthrew a lich’s more than 30 ft. apart and one geographic location,
empire that had lasted for a thousand years. For now I building or conveyance.
manipulate the enemies of the protectorate into Duration: Permanent (D)
confrontations with the society, sapping their strength Saving Throw: Will negates;
and assuring the defeat of these potential enemies. I Spell Resistance: Yes
have even corrupted a few companies into my service, You bind a group of people to a specific place. Those
though only a loyal few know who they truly work for. bound are unable to leave the chosen site (a ship, a
However, if the Questors do kill me, that shall truly building, a dungeon complex, etc.). They may act
release the Breaking Fire. I also am looking for the normally, but cannot move beyond the place’s
right mate to continue my line but finding a true equal confines. They can climb to the top of the building,
has been a lonely task, so I have stopped limiting descend into the bowels of a cellar, or shoot arrows
myself to my own species. from the porch or whatever they choose, as long as
I helped create the Questor Society to overthrow they do not leave the site. If they are forcibly removed
Cynmark the Dread Lich. Now I have set myself upon from the site they make every effort to return to the

site as soon as possible, by the fastest means possible. but such a ward does not prevent establishing khan’s
The spell will even hold a group to the location if the command, nor dispel it.
place is ruined, sinks, or has been disintegrated. The
spell only ends if the spell focus is broken, ruined, One Step Beyond
dispelled or the focus is taken beyond the range of the School: Abjuration; Level: Clr 9, Sor/Wiz 9
spell. Often the focus is hidden by the caster some 100 Casting Time: 10 minutes
ft. or so outside the site. Components: V, S, M (1,000 gp gem per creature)
Range: Touch
Deliver Message Target: One creature per level
School: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind- Duration: One day/level
Affecting]; Level: Brd 5, Clr 5, Sor/Wiz 5 Saving Throw: Will negates (harmless);
Casting Time: 1 standard action Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
Components: V, S The targets protected by this abjuration remain
Range: Close (25 ft. + 5 ft./2 levels) completely immune to divination spells of any level,
Target: One creature including discern location and even a wish or miracle
Duration: 1 week/level or until discharged (D) spell used as a divination. Similar to mind blank, this
Saving Throw: Will negates; Spell Resistance: Yes spell provides foolproof protection against scrying and
You tell the subject to deliver a message to a third mind-reading attempts of any kind, and the subjects
person. The subject is compelled to say exactly what cannot be seen with a spell like arcane eye. An
you tell him to say the next time he encounters the invisible character protected by this spell would also
other person. Until the message is delivered, the not be seen by see invisibility or true seeing spell.
subject is compelled to find the person as if under the
effect of a lesser geas spell. Although the subject Steal the Painful Memory
knows he must fulfill his geas, he cannot actually School: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind-
recall the message until he has delivered it. Creatures affecting]; Level: Clr 7, Sor/Wiz 7
often use this spell to deliver secret messages to their Casting Time: 1 hour
followers. All of the effects listed in lesser geas Components: V, S, F (accurate written record of the
involving the prevention of the target’s fulfillment of event)
the geas apply to deliver message. Range: 1 mile/level
Target: See text
Khan’s Command Duration: Permanent
School: Enchantment (Compulsion) [Mind- Saving Throw: Will negates;
Affecting]; Level: Sor/Wiz 8 Spell Resistance: Yes
Casting Time: 1 standard action Sometimes information is best left unknown. Perhaps
Components: V, S, M (2,000 gp diamond) a village doesn’t want to remember a particularly
Range: Unlimited horrible murder, or the shameful act of one of its
Target: One named creature members. In this case, a powerful spellcaster can use
Duration: See text steal the painful memory to remove all recollection of
Saving Throw: None; Spell Resistance: Yes the event from the minds of the community. Steal the
A specific creature you name (a creature without a painful memory allows you to strip away all memories
name is immune) must travel, using its fastest means of a particular event. You must be able to describe the
possible (including magical items or spells if prepared event in approximately 12 words or less. For example,
or available), to appear before you, standing close any of the following would work: “Forget that Shaeryn
enough to touch. Once the creature arrives at that ever existed”; “Forget that Shaeryn was murdered”; or
spot, the spell ends. “Forget that Prince Korrin murdered Shaeryn.” The
The creature may have to go through threatened or gap in memory will be filled in by the simplest
dangerous areas (passing by guards or moving solution, and all people affected by the spell will share
through a wall of fire) or may even have to break this memory. Told to forget a murder, they will believe
through a barrier (like a wall of ice) to get to you. A that the victim moved away; told to forget the identity
barrier that requires more than 10 rounds to get of the murderer, they will believe that the crime was
through is considered impassable for the purposes of never solved or that the unknown murderer escaped.
this spell. The spell ends immediately if the creature The targets of steal the painful memory must be
physically cannot reach you—including a situation linked in some way. They could be members of the
forcing the creature to pass through an area that same community, the same guild, the same religion,
would, without a doubt, kill it. For example, a creature or the same party of adventurers. The power of the
with only 25 hp that must navigate a pool of lava to spell spreads out in a radius from your location until it
reach you is unaffected by the spell, as is a creature on reaches the maximum range. A successful dispelling
another plane that has no planar travel ability. If you restores the memories of a single individual; it
cast the spell and then move to a spot where the requires a limited wish, miracle or wish to restore all
creature cannot reach you, you have freed it from the the memories of those affected. Touching the spell
compulsion. focus restores your memories as well. Destroying the
While under the effects of protection from evil or a spell focus restores the memories of all the affected
similar spell, the subject can ignore the compulsion, creatures.

Sacred Beasts: Priests of Fur and Feathers
by Jonathan McAnulty
The beasts of the field, and the birds of the air, fill the
world around us, playing a myriad of roles in an
intricate dance of life. From the smallest to the
greatest, each is a masterful work, perfect for the task
assigned to it. Priests with access to the animal
domain celebrate the existence of each animal and
seek to learn spiritual truths through the study of the
same. The exact nature of how a religion glorifies
animals is largely alignment-dependent. Evil beast-
worshipers frequently focus upon the violent aspects
of the animal kingdom, glorifying predators over prey
and finding encouragement for their own base deeds
in the primal nature of the wild. Neutral clerics with
the animal domain are likely to focus on the intricate
balance between all forms of life. Good-aligned
religions tend to view the animals as gifts from the
gods, provided for the good of all, and in need of care
and nurturing.

Even within the doctrinal tenets suggested by

alignment, various religions with an interest in
animals will have vastly different positions concerning
the role of beasts in the world. Indeed, one of the most
important things to know, in order to properly
understand the doctrines of a religion in regards to its
views on animals, is the relationship they perceive to
exist between man and beast. There are basically three
positions. Most hold intelligent life to be inherently
superior to unintelligent life. In such a worldview,
man is master and the animals are servants.
Meanwhile, some teach that all life, regardless of
intelligence or size, has equal worth and there is no interest in one sort of animal over another. Generally,
difference in the eyes of the gods between the life of a such religions do not have full access to the animal
man and the life of an ant. Finally, a few religions hold domain and priests must always choose the preferred
animals to be inherently superior to the intelligent subdomain.

In discussing religions with animal-centric dogmas,

Sacred Tomes of Beasts
one should never forget the central role of the divine. GMs can use the following texts as religious books in
While there are some religions which worship the their campaigns. Each of the following sacred writings
creatures themselves as inherently praiseworthy, most is associated with the domain of animals, or one of its
accept that the animals are the creation of a higher associated subdomains.
power. In these churches, animals are not worshiped,
rather, the nature of the animal helps to reveal the Sayings from the Ancient Wood
nature of the divine. Even here the lessons learned A collection of animal-oriented parables and proverbs,
still vary from one religion to another. Theologians diligently compiled from a number of divinely
serving kindly gods frequently derive lessons from the approved sources, this popular book teaches simple
animal kingdom regarding divine wisdom and lessons in an engaging way. The practical advice
benevolent forethought. Others, worshiping less within deals with issues of morality and day-to-day
benign masters, teach dogmas concerning the savage life, providing guidance for families, business and
power and ruthless nature of their god. governance. Though it is regarded as scripture,
Sayings from the Ancient Wood finds employment in
There are two major subdomains within the animal any number of settings. Priests use it for homilies.
domain: fur and feathers. The fact that some priests Parents use it for a bed-time story book and
with access to the animal domain instead choose one entertainers frequently memorize the stories to share
of these subdomains generally has less to do with with their audiences.
dogma than with the personal interest of the priest.
Certain minor deities, however, do possess a greater

The Feathered Chorus
This illustrated hymnal contains a collection of fifty
spiritual songs, each with an avian theme. The title of
the book is taken from the title of the first song within
the book. The hymns were written by a talented priest
and they are generally accepted as having been
divinely inspired. Celebrating different aspects of life,
these psalms are frequently used in informal
gatherings and are quite popular, even among those
who do not belong to animal-oriented faiths. Because
of the popularity of the songs, characters who use the
hymnal in conjunction with a Perform (sing) skill
check receive a +2 circumstance bonus to the effort so
long as the audience is good or neutral in alignment.

The Red Tooth shaken or panicked condition from any animal within
range of your channeling. All animals within range of
This seven-chapter book is a tome used by evil cults your channeled energy also receive a +1 sacred (or
and is always bound in dark red leather. Each chapter profane) bonus to all d20 rolls for a number of rounds
describes a different natural predator, from large to equal to the number of dice you would normally roll
small (bear, tiger, shark, wolf, snake, tarantula and when channeling (2d6 equals 2 rounds, 3d6 equals 3
mantis), detailing its method of hunting and deriving rounds, etc.).
spiritual applications from the same. The book
glorifies stealth, strength, and violence. Doctrinally it Natural Theologian
advocates using whatever means necessary to bring Your study of theology has broadened your
down one's enemies and nestled within its natural understanding of the natural world.
lessons are many perverse doctrines. Though good- Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, must
aligned religions detest the book, it occasionally finds possess either the animal or plant cleric domains
its way into the homes of naturalists and hunters Benefits: For every 5 ranks you possess in
where it works mischief. Anyone using the book to Knowledge (religion) you gain a +1 competence bonus
study or hunt any of the animals mentioned may add to Knowledge (nature) skill checks.
a +2 circumstance bonus to Knowledge (nature) or
Survival skill checks. There are rumors of more Persuasive Theologian
powerful copies of the book capable of magically Your study of theology and the scriptures makes you
increasing the faithful's ability to intimidate and more persuasive.
deceive. Prerequisites: Knowledge (religion) 5 ranks, must
personally possess at least one copy of a book of
New Feats scriptures relevant to your personal faith
Artistic Focus (Animals) Benefits: For every 5 ranks you possess in
Your ability to create aesthetically pleasing animal Knowledge (religion) you gain a +1 competence bonus
images enhances the value of your crafted items. to Diplomacy and Performance (oratory) skill checks,
Prerequisites: Craft (any) 3 ranks so long as the things you are advocating or speaking
Benefits: So long as you include an image or figure about are in harmony with your chosen faith.
of an animal somewhere in or on an item you make
using the Craft skill, the selling price of that item Skilled Combat Handler
increases by 30%. This increase in price does not Animals respond quickly and smoothly to your
affect the cost or difficulty of crafting the item, only commands in combat.
the market value of the item. The additional value is Prerequisites: Handle Animal 3 ranks
added after calculating the initial price. Thus an item Benefits: Trained animals under your command,
which cost 50 gp to make, and would normally sell for and your animal companions, have a +2 bonus to
100 gp, would instead have a value of 130 gp. initiative. Additionally you have a +2 competence
Normal: The normal price of an item is double the bonus to any Handle Animal skill checks made while
cost of crafting an item. in combat.

Divine Animal Whisperer Channeling Effects for the Feather and

Your channeled energies are capable of blessing,
calming and soothing animals. Fur Subdomains
Prerequisites: 3rd level Cleric or Druid with the The following effects use and supplement rules from
animal domain or one of its subdomains The Secrets of Divine Channeling. If you do not have
Benefits: As a standard action, which does not that book, sensorial imagery describes noticeable
provoke an attack of opportunity, you may use one of effects which accompany the use of channel energy.
your uses of channel energy to remove the frightened, Minor channeling effects are available to characters
through either GM fiat, or the possession of the normally roll when channeling energy (3d6 equals 3
appropriate trait or class. Combat Channeling effects minutes, etc.).
and Major Channeling effects are made available to a
character through the acquisition of the appropriate Fur Domain
feats. The DC of any saving throw is 10 +1/2 character Sensorial Imagery: Light brown energy, slowly
level + Charisma modifier. Effects granting bonuses darkening as it expands, a low grumbling sound,
are either sacred or profane bonuses. None of the similar to a growl, and the faint smell of musk
effects stack with themselves, though they may stack Minor Channeling Effect: Heightened Senses:
with other, similar effects. For more information, As a swift action, which does not provoke an attack of
consult The Secrets of Divine Channeling. opportunity, you can utilize one of your uses of
channel energy to momentarily improve all of your
Feather Domain senses, adding a bonus to a single Perception skill
Sensorial Imagery: Light brown energy, tinged check. The amount of the bonus is equal to the
with a shifting kaleidoscope of colors, and a soft number of dice you would normally roll when
trilling sound channeling energy (1d6 equals +1, 2d6 equals +2,
Minor Channeling Effect: Light as a Feather: etc.).
As a free action, you can utilize one of your uses of Combat Channeling Effect: Animal Reflexes:
channel energy to make yourself temporarily lighter, As a swift action, which does not provoke an attack of
reducing the amount of damage taken from a fall, opportunity, you may employ one of your uses of
similar to the effects of a feather fall spell. When channel energy to grant all those within range of your
channeling reduce the amount of damage by 10 ft. for channeling a bonus to their Reflex save. This bonus is
each die you would normally roll for channeling (1d6 equal to the number of dice you would normally roll
would deduct 10 ft., 2d6 would deduct 20 ft., etc.). when channeling (2d6 equals +2 to Reflex saves, 3d6
This effect must be used at the time of the fall and equals +3, etc.) and lasts for 1 round. This effect is not
affects only a single fall. subject to Selective Channeling.
Combat Channeling Effect: Song of Confusion: Major Channeling Effect: Nimble as a Beast: As
As a standard action, which does not provoke an a free action you can utilize one of your uses of
attack of opportunity, you can use one of your uses of channel energy to temporarily make yourself more
channeled energy to create an overwhelming nimble and quick, adding a bonus to your Dexterity
cacophony of sounds similar to a chorus of hundreds and increasing your speed. For every die you would
of songbirds. The effect lasts for a number of rounds normally roll when channeling, you add +1 to your
equal to the number of dice you would normally roll Dexterity and increase your speed by 5 ft. (3d6 would
when channeling energy (2d6 equals 2 rounds, etc.) equal a 15 ft. increase in speed and +3 to Dexterity).
and affects all those within range of your channeling. This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to half
The effect makes verbal communication impossible the number of dice you would normally roll when
within the area of effect for creatures more than 5 ft. channeling (3d6 equals 1 rounds, 4d6 equals 2
away from each other. Additionally, anyone other rounds, etc.).
than yourself trying to cast a spell while within the Major Channeling Effect: Beast Tongues: As a
area of effect must succeed at a Concentration check standard action, which does not provoke an attack of
to do so, where the DC is equal to 10 + the level of the opportunity, you may use on of your uses of channel
spell they are casting. Creatures immune to sonic energy to grant the gift of tongues to any animal
energy are immune to this effect. within range of your channeling. All animals affected
Major Channeling Effect: Swift Flight: As a swift by this effect can verbally communicate as if affected
action, which does not provoke an attack of by the tongues spell. The effect only affects creatures
opportunity, you can utilize one of your uses of with the animal type. It does not affect magical beasts
channel energy to increase your flight speed by 60 ft. or augmented animals. The effect lasts for a number
(40 ft. if you are wearing medium or heavy armor). of rounds equal to the number of dice you would
This effect lasts for a number of rounds equal to the normally roll when channeling energy (3d6 equals 3
number of dice you would normally roll when rounds, etc.).
channeling energy (3d6 equals 3 rounds, etc.). If you
did not have a fly speed prior to this effect, you gain a
fly speed of 60 ft. (or 40 ft. if you are wearing medium
or heavy armor) for the duration of the effect.
Major Channeling Effect: Swallow's Blessing:
As a standard action, which does not provoke an
attack of opportunity, you can use one of your uses of
channel energy to temporarily improve the flight skill
of all those within range of your channeling. All those
affected by this effect gain a bonus to any Fly skill
checks equal to the amount of dice you would
normally roll when channeling energy (3d6 equals +3,
4d6 equals +4, etc.). This bonus lasts for a number of
minutes equal to the number of dice you would
Malevolent Manifestation
By T. H. Gulliver

In Peter Underwood’s Gazetteer of Scottish Ghosts—a

collection of legendary hauntings of castles and rocky
moors—I find very few of the dangerous haunts that
you might use to tear your PCs’ sanity from them, to
push them off of towers, or set their clothes ablaze.
The majority of hauntings in our world are fairly
mundane, disturbing but relatively harmless. In #30
Haunts for Houses and #30 Haunts for Ships and
Shores, I call these minor haunts.

The minor haunts below are fairly common,

consisting of an unexplained noise, a fleeting glimpse
of something that should not be there, or an unseen
force that pokes about in the material world. Use
haunts like these to get your PCs on their toes, ramp
up the tension, and make them uncertain when to
channel positive energy at some ghastly apparition. By
substituting different visual, auditory, or kinesthetic
effects, you can quickly populate a haunted dungeon
or castle. I provide examples inspired by Underwood’s

Common House Haunt CR 3

XP 800
LE minor haunt (5 ft. by 15 ft. area), persistent
Caster Level 3
Notice Perception DC 13 (to notice the sudden chill
in the air, a gust of wind, a door opening, or the • sets a chandelier spinning
candles flickering) • shifts the position of a coffin so it faces toward a
hp 13; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 day window
Effect This haunt duplicates the effects of unseen • tosses a holy symbol into the fire
servant. An invisible and shapeless force:
• tugs at the horse’s reins This haunt is persistent. The effect may persist for
• pulls keys from a hook and throws them across a several minutes, be repeated several times, or stop
room and start over the course of an hour. The haunt is
• breaks the glass of a window considered active until it stops and remains dormant
• takes swords from their rack and tosses them at the for its reset period of one day. While the haunt is
floor active, it can be neutralized by channelled energy.
• rolls a ball across the floor and down the stairs
• knocks books from a shelf Common Creaks and Groans CR 4
• opens a book to a certain page
XP 1200
• blows candles out or knocks candles over
LE minor haunt (10 ft. by 10 ft. area), persistent
• lifts a torch from its sconce and throws it beneath Caster Level 4
the tapestry Notice Perception DC 16 (to smell something, e.g.
• breaks crockery burnt ashes, a wet dog, rotted meat, blood, damp
• overturns furniture earth, or foul breath)
• tips sculptures from shelves hp 18; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 hour
• pulls bed sheets tightly over a sleeper’s head Effect
• pulls a poker from the fireplace This haunt duplicates the effects of ghost sounds (Will
• knocks from inside the wall DC 10 disbelief). A volume of sound rises, recedes,
• brushes against someone’s face approaches, or remains at a fixed place. It may seem
• gently shakes someone to wake them to originate from outside of the area of the haunt,
• opens the door to a kennel or barn ending when the creature that triggers it exits the
• opens a chest and rummages through the contents area. Those inside the area hear:
• the meowing of an unseen cat

• screeches and chuckles • a face staring back through the glass
• whispering voices • a wretched figure only visible in the mirror
• footsteps walking slowly across the floor of an • a phantom fire spreading up the walls
empty room • thick mold appearing on a patch of wall, quickly
• footsteps almost keeping time with your own spreading before vanishing
• the baying of a distant hound • a rotting man dressed in the clothes used to dress
• heavy panting close behind you kings for burial
• snoring from an empty bed
• a chest being dragged across a wooden floor With a short reset of one minute, it can quickly
• three bumps followed by three crashes reappear somewhere else within the area.
• a distant battle
• a horn blowing mournfully or a drum beating Destruction
• something hard striking flesh and bones If a haunt is annoying enough to the PCs, finding a
• a harp playing a familiar tune way to permanently neutralize it has the potential to
• animals scratching at a door drive the plot forward. Few of these haunts are very
• animals whimpering or whining troublesome. GMs could link their conditions for
• ghastly shrieks destruction to those of other, more difficult haunts.
• a pounding on a door Some examples of conditions for destruction are:

This haunt is persistent and continues for up to three • finding a sword buried in the yard and putting it in
minutes. It appears to cease if creatures leave the a place of honor
proximity during those three minutes, perhaps to • returning a borrowed stone to an old temple
investigate the sound, but then can be heard again if • returning a stolen object to its rightful owner
they return to the area of the haunt. • draining a pond and retrieving an old chest, a table,
or a door
Common Ghastly Apparition CR 5 • unearthing some old clay jars full of ashes and
XP 1600
• returning the a skull to its rightful owner
LE minor haunt (5 ft. by 25 ft. area; or 10 ft. by 10 ft.
area; or 7 ft. radius circle) • blessing an object
Caster Level 5 • offering food
Notice Perception DC 21 (to notice a shadow • reclaiming an object thought cursed or damned
forming, a dimming of the lights, or a wisp of smoke) • spending a night in the haunted space
hp 10; Trigger proximity; Reset 1 minute • burning the building where the offense took place
Effect This haunt duplicates the effects of the spell • discovering the truth behind a lie
silent image (Will DC 11 disbelief if interacted with), • identifying a corpse by name
creating a visual illusion. This image moves but only
within the area of the haunt and then disappears Only award XP for these minor haunts when they are
within one round. Creatures within the area see: combined with other dangers or when PCs find a way
• a scowling woman in green to destroy them permanently.
• a hairy hand, cut from its wrist Add
• a long-haired old man, mouth open in a silent
• a giant standing on a boulder
• blood on their own hands
• the upper half of a woman’s butchered body, gliding
quickly across the room
• the lower half of a woman’s butchered body,
• a man by the road, in wet a cloak, waiting for a lift
• wet paw prints appearing one after the other on the
• a horse and rider charging toward them
• a child standing in the ruins
• a bloody and twisted body suspended on hooks on
the wall
• a body lying across the road in front of their wagon
• a man with three hunting dogs
• puddles of water turning bloody on the old

By Michael Welham
The oversized, green, stick-like insects move about
independently until they perceive a threat. At that
point, they rush toward each other, adjoining legs
until one creature, ten times as large as the
individual insects, remains. The combined creature
spits a glob of acidic goo.

Synergixxik Builder CR 1
XP 400
N Small vermin
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4

AC 15, touch 14, flat-footed 12 (+3 Dex, +1 natural, +1
hp 13 (2d8 + 4)
Fort +3, Ref +3, Will +0
Immune mind-affecting effects

Speed 20 ft.
Melee bite + 2 (1d6 + 1) spittle which affects its opponent as a tanglefoot bag
Special Attacks merge, spit (DC 13 Reflex saves, rather than DC 15). This effect is
Constitution-based. A builder may use this ability
Statistics once every 4 rounds.
Str 12, Dex 17, Con 14, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 3
Base Atk +1; CMB +1; CMD 14 (22 vs. trip) A synergixxik builder acts as the “drone” of a
Skills Perception +4, Stealth +7; Racial Modifiers synergixxik colony, foraging for material which it then
+4 Perception, +4 Stealth uses to help the colony build its mobile hive. An
individual builder eats plants suited for binding
materials to girders (described below), or to dissolve
Ecology material no longer necessary for the hive’s
Environment any functioning. When a creature threatens the foraging
Organization solitary or team (4-8) group, builders spend a round to join together,
Treasure none increasing to a single, Medium-sized creature and
undergoing a metabolic change which makes the
material they carry highly acidic.
Special Abilities
Merge (Ex) As a full round action, a group of at least As with all lower synergixxik, royals spawn builders
4 builders combine into a gestalt form. The resulting are genderless until the hive loses a royal and one of
creature becomes size Medium, increasing its speed to these creatures spontaneously develops into a new
30 ft. The creature gains +2 to its natural armor— royal. No one has been able to successfully predict the
including the size change, its AC becomes 16 (touch selection process. Kings also groom the strongest and
13, flat-footed 13). For every 2 builders (up to a most capable builders to become replacement girders
maximum of 8) in the combined creature, add 10 hit (typically due to those creatures dying of old age,
points, +2 to its base attack, CMB and CMD, and +1 to since a girder’s destruction in battle usually heralds
its bite damage. For example, a creature composed of the hive’s destruction).
4 individual builder synergixxik would have 33 hit
points, and its bite attack would have a +6 to hit, These large, brown, stick insects prowl the plains,
doing 1d6 + 3 damage. Additionally, the combined apparently spoiling for a fight with anything getting
creature’s spit attack improves such that the Reflex in their way. When they spot an opponent, they
saves increase to 15, and the goo does 1d6 points of combine into an incredible specimen with mandibles
acid damage per round. which wickedly gleam with newly forged power.
Spit (Ex) By succeeding at a ranged touch attack (+4
to attack), a builder hits the target with a glob of

Synergixxik Soldier
Soldier CR 3 swarm around the larger creatures which placidly
move forward as a single unit.
XP 800
N Medium vermin
Init +3; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +8
Synergixxik Girder CR 5
XP 1,600
Defense N Large vermin
AC 16, touch 12, flat-footed 14 (+2 Dex, +4 natural) Init -1; Senses darkvision 60 ft.; Perception +4
hp 26 (4d8 + 12)
Fort +8, Ref +3, Will +1
Immune mind-affecting effects AC 18, touch 8, flat-footed 18 (-1 Dex, +10 natural, -1
Offense hp 59 (7d8 + 28)
Speed 30 ft. Fort +9, Ref +1, Will +2
Melee bite + 5 (1d8 + 2) DR 10/piercing; Immune mind-affecting effects
Special Attacks merge
Str 14, Dex 14, Con 17, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 3 Speed 20 ft.
Base Atk +3; CMB +5; CMD 17 (29 vs. trip) Melee bite +10 (2d8 + 5)
Skills Perception +8, Stealth +10; Racial Modifiers Special Attacks merge
+8 Perception, +8 Stealth Statistics
Str 20, Dex 9, Con 18, Int –, Wis 10, Cha 3
Ecology Base Atk +5; CMB +11 (+15 bull rush); CMD 20 (36
Environment any vs. trip)
Organization solitary or team (4-8) Skills Perception +4; Racial Modifiers +4
Treasure none Perception

Special Abilities Ecology

Merge (Ex) As a full round action, a group of at least Environment any
4 soldiers combine into a gestalt form. The resulting Organization solitary, siege engine (4-8), or
creature becomes size Large, taking 10 feet of space foundation (15-20)
and gaining a 10-foot reach as well as a new speed of Treasure none
40 ft. The creature gains +3 to its natural armor—
including the size change, its AC becomes 18 (touch
Special Abilities
11, flat-footed 16). For every 2 soldiers (up to a Merge (Ex) As an action requiring 2 full rounds, a
maximum of 8) in the combined creature, add 15 hit group of at least 4 girders combine into a gestalt form.
points; +2 to its base attack, CMB and CMD; and +2 The resulting creature becomes size Huge, taking 15
to its bite damage. As part of the merge, the creature’s feet of space and gaining a 15 foot reach. The
bite attack becomes the equivalent of a +1 weapon, creature’s DR improves to 20/adamantine and
adding to its attack roll and damage. If 7 or more piercing, and it gains a +6 bonus to its natural
soldiers merge, the creature’s bite attack also gains a armor—including the size change, its AC becomes 23
+1 equivalent melee weapon special ability (typically (touch 7, flat-footed 23). Girders in a siege engine gain
flaming, frost, or shock). For example, a gestalt power in a similar fashion to smaller synergixxik: for
creature formed by a group of 6 soldiers would have every 2 girders (up to a maximum of 8) in the
71 hit points, and a bite attack with a +12 bonus to combined creature, add 20 hit points, +2 to its base
attack which does 1d8 +9 damage. attack, CMB and CMD, and +1 to its bite damage.
Additionally, the creature gains a slam attack which
Synergixxik soldiers defend the hive and carry out has the same attack bonus and damage as its bite
their queen’s battle plans for the colony’s frequent attack. The slam attack has the added benefit of
wars. Stronger individually than builders, they see an bypassing an object’s hardness as if the creature were
even greater increase in power when they combine, made of adamantine. For example, a group of 5
growing to size Large and improving their bite attack girders forms a siege engine which has 99 hit points,
to the equivalent of a magical weapon. and a bite attack (as well as a slam attack) which has
+14 to hit and does 2d8+7 damage.
Soldiers are genderless creatures birthed by Girders forming the foundation of a hive lose their
synergixxik royals. They never have the opportunity to attacks, have hit points equal to the number in the
advance beyond their station like the occasional foundation times 15, and lose damage reduction—
builder would, but soldiers frequently perish in instead replacing it with hardness 20. If the
various skirmishes, so they do not have a lifespan foundation is reduced to 25% of its original hit point
where this would be a concern. total, the foundation breaks apart, reverting to 5
individual girders (each reduced to 14 hit points).
Massive gray stick insects are fused together into a
hive-like structure. Smaller insects of various colors
Ponderous synergixxik girders form the literal Odd for social insects, a synergixxik hive features both
foundation for their colony’s mobile hive. Unlike other a queen and king, which ensures the smooth
lesser synergixxik, girders carry out most of their lives operation of the colony and constantly relay orders
fused with other girders as the underlying structure of telepathically to lesser synergixxik. The king actively
the hive. Occasionally, a cadre of girders gets the directs the colony’s builders, while the queen gives
honor of breaking off from the hive to form a powerful soldiers their orders. The only occasion when they are
siege engine which the queen employs to batter down together is during a new moon, when they reproduce,
defenses. resulting in 10-100 eggs which open in a week’s time.
The royals birth more soldiers than builders out of
As described above, girders derive from the builder necessity, but they always produce an appropriate
ranks. No girder has ever hatched directly from an ratio of both types depending on the colony’s needs.
Unlike lesser synergixxik, royals cannot merge with
Two plump insects fly amongst the hive’s inhabitants, other synergixxik. Scholars postulate the pair’s high
one with the builders and the other with the soldiers. intelligence adversely affects the gestalt mind of a
An electric hum pervades the air around the combined creature. Their telepathic ability offsets this
creatures and throughout the hive, as if one could feel disadvantage by allowing them to effectively
the constant communication from the royal creatures coordinate builders and soldiers.
to their subjects.
The adage “greater than the sum of its parts”
Synergixxik Royal CR 6 definitely applies to the synergixxik (whose spelling is
the same for the singular and the plural). Far larger
XP 2,400 than typical insects, all synergixxik other than royals
N Medium magical beast have the capability to combine together, creating a
Init +5; Senses darkvision 60 ft., low-light vision; gestalt creature in the same image, except much larger
Perception +10 and with greater offensive and defensive power.
Defense Synergixxik royals devote their lives to the
AC 18, touch 15, flat-footed 13 (+5 Dex, +3 natural construction of the hive and warring against other
armor) creatures—including other synergixxik colonies. A
hp 68 (8d10 + 24) king sees himself as a great architect and devises
Fort +8, Ref +11, Will +3 elaborate building plans for the hive, directing
builders to seek out better materials which allow the
Offense hive to withstand constant battles. A queen views
Speed 30 ft., fly 60 ft. (good) herself as a powerful general, crafting strategies and
Melee bite +8 (1d6), sting +8 (1d8 + 2 plus poison) marshalling her soldiers to overrun her foes.
Special Attacks coordinate
The drive for conquest and expansion seems inherent
Statistics to a synergixxik royal, and a builder “promoted” to
Str 10, Dex 21, Con 16, Int 10, Wis 13, Cha 12 royal after the death of its predecessor takes on this
Base Atk +8; CMB +8; CMD 23 (31 vs. trip) attitude immediately. If a colony conquers land
Feats approximating 10 square miles, it seeds the conquered
Skills Fly +20, Perception +10, Stealth +10 territory with 2-3 smaller colonies led by a newly
Languages Common; telepathy (60 ft.) created king and queen. This new colony starts with a
friendly disposition to the parent colony, but the
Ecology synergixxik warlike nature ensures this peaceful
Environment any situation does not last long. This internecine warfare
Organization solitary, pair, or court (1-2 royals, 20- keeps synergixxik colonies from expanding too far,
40 builders, 10-20 soldiers, 15-20 girders) but rumors exist of a massive colony whose hive
Treasure none dwarfs the greatest pyramids.
Special Abilities Arctic synergixxik: This variant species retains all
Coordinate A royal synergixxik within telepathic of the base statistics of the synergixxik, with the
range of a builder or soldier improves its ability to exception of a beetle-like shape and the following: A
protect the hive. A queen grants a +2 morale bonus to builder has a light blue coloration and its spit attack
all soldiers’ attack and damage rolls, while a king’s has the same effect as liquid ice (as opposed to a
coordination grants a +2 morale bonus to Armor Class tanglefoot bag) for an individual builder and the
and saving throws to all its builders. composite creature’s spit inflicts cold damage equal to
Poison (Ex) Sting—injury; save Fort DC 19; 2d6 + 1d6 for every 2 builders. A soldier is white; a
frequency 1/round for 8 rounds; effect 1d3 Dexterity creature composed of 7 or more soldiers forces the
damage; cure 1 save. The save DC is Constitution- victim to succeed at a Fortitude save (DC 19,
based and includes a +2 racial bonus. Constitution-based) or be paralyzed for 1d6 rounds.

The Riderless Horse
By Creighton Broadhurst
Publisher, Raging Swan Press

(EL 3; XP 800) Heal (DC 15): A large pool of drying blood on the
trail strongly suggests that Thunder’s rider was badly
As the PCs journey along a trail or track in a injured.
borderland or wilderness area, a riderless horse Survival (DC 9): The trail of a half-dozen or so
gallops towards them. The encounter starts when the individuals leads away from the road.
horse is 6d6 x 40 ft. away.

The drumming of hooves heralds the arrival of a Thunder Warhorse

galloping, riderless horse. Foam flies from its mouth
and its flanks heave as it nears exhaustion. Streaks of
CR 3
blood splatter its saddle and barding; of its rider, (XP 800)
there is no sign. N Large advanced animal
Init +4; Senses low-light vision, scent; Perception
If the PCs let the horse pass by, the encounter ends. If +10, Sense Motive +3
they try to calm the horse, refer to the relevant Speed 35 ft., base speed 50 ft.
sections below. ACP -3; Acrobatics +1
AC 20, touch 12, flat-footed 17 (-1 size, +3 Dex, +6
Calming the Horse armor [mwk breastplate barding], +2 natural); CMD
If the PCs choose to calm the horse, they have several 23 (27 vs. trip)
options. Fort +9, Ref +8, Will +4
Wild Empathy (DC 15): A successful hp 38 (currently 24) (4 HD)
check improves Thunder’s attitude from indifferent to Space 10 ft.; Base Atk +3; CMB +9
friendly. A failed check unnerves the beast and it Melee bite +7 (1d4+5), 2 hooves +0 (1d6+2)
becomes unfriendly. A DC 20 Wild Empathy check Abilities Str 21, Dex 18, Con 21, Int 6, Wis 17, Cha 11
returns it to indifferent; PCs failing this check renders SQ trained for war
Thunder hostile and he flees. Feats Armor Proficiency (Light), Armor Proficiency
Handle Animal (DC 20): A successful (Medium), EnduranceB
check calms Thunder. A failure increases the DCs of Gear as above plus bit and bridle, military saddle,
subsequent checks by 5. If the PCs fail a DC 25 Handle saddlebags, feed (4 days)
Animal check, the horse runs away. Treasure
Ride (DC 20): A character making this The warhorse and all its equipment is worth 1,326 gp.
check grabs Thunder’s reins and uses them to calm Additionally, if the PCs search Thunder’s saddlebags
the terrified beast. A failure indicates Thunder makes they find:
a full attack on the character. A character first leaping A bundle of fine clothes wrapped in a fur-lined cloak.
into the horse’s saddle (DC 15 Ride check) gains a +5 A small pouch of mixed coins (total worth 38 gp).
bonus on subsequent checks. Three days’ worth of trail rations, two full wineskins
Modifiers: Healing Thunder’s wounds gives and one full waterskin.
the PCs a +10 bonus on any subsequent checks made Miscellaneous camping gear including a bedroll and
to calm it. winter blanket.
Spells: Spells such as calm emotions and Additional items that may lead into the next
calm animals can resolve the situation (dependent on adventure or provide clues as to Thunder’s owner’s
Thunder’s saving throws). identity.
Success: If the PCs calm Thunder, award
them 800 XP. GM NOTES
Failure: If the PCs fail to calm Thunder, he A GM can use this encounter simply as a chance for
canters away. the party’s druid or ranger to shine, as an opportunity
to introduce needed treasures or plot devices or as the
Further Investigations prelude to the party’s next adventure (or side trek).
With a DC 4 Survival check, the PCs follow Thunder’s At the GM’s discretion, the ambush site can
trail down the track. Several miles away, the PCs hold clues to the horse’s attackers and even tracks
discover obvious signs of battle. Successful skill leading to the site of their next adventure. The GM
checks reveal additional information in this area (also should tailor the clues found at the ambush site to suit
see “GM’s Notes” for further information): the next adventure’s main protagonists.
Perception (DC 15): Blood splatters the ground. Alternatively, the PCs can learn nothing
The placement of the pools and spatter indicates at more at the ambush site – simply keeping Thunder
least one attacker was wounded. and the items in his saddlebags as the spoils of an
adventurous life.
The drumming of hooves heralds the arrival of a galloping, riderless horse. Foam flies from its mouth and its flanks
heave as it nears exhaustion.

Twenty Questions with Tim Hitchcock
By Steven D. Russell

1. Could you tell us a little about

Yeah sure, I've been a freelance RPG designer for over
a decade now. I primarily write for Paizo and followed
them from their beginnings with Dragon and
Dungeon Magazine into their own setting and finally
the Pathfinder RPG. Some Pathfinder projects I've
written or worked on (in no particular order) include:
Carnival of Tears, Demon Within, Pathfinder
Bestiary 2, Heart of the Jungle, Pathfinder Annual
#1: Season of the Shadow Lodge; House of the Beast,
Seekers of Secrets, Ultimate Magic, and Stolen Land.
Other projects I've worked on include Slaine d20 and
Purgatorium (Mongoose Publishing), Oathbound
(Bastion Press), Eyes of the Lich Queen and Monster template! I think it really allows a GM to expand on
Manual 4 (WotC), The Great City Campaign Setting existing rules and create some wonderfully
(0One Games). There's a quite bunch more stuff, but challenging critters just by tweaking the base animal.
you said "short". For my home game…dire wooly were-rhino.

4. You have done a lot of work for Mario

2. What is your home game like? Barbati’s 0one games (Zero-one), how did that
I like to run big games with lots of players (usually relationship start and how would you
between 10 and 20). I always have, it just sort of characterize it today?
works out that way. My current game has 9 players in Mario used to work for the Italian publishers of
it, a bit smaller than what I'm used to. Because of the Dragon/Dungeon magazine. He sent me a copy when
size of my games, there's a very 1st edition feel to they released one of my Dungeon adventures (Morte
them, in that I try to avoid a battlemat. It can be tough Di Lashimire). When he started 0one, he contacted
with a lot of the mat-based feats used in current rules, me about doing some short pieces for his awesome
so I might use a mat to show certain things in combat maps. Initially, he gave me free reign to do whatever I
(or at least some basic combat markers). I also have a wanted as well as allowed me to bring in associates
copy of d20Pro, which I've been using quite a bit. I'd from a collective freelancers group I work with known
use it more if I had a laptop to drag about to games— as the Werecabbages. That said, Mario's got lots of
but I don't. It’s an awesome product though. It makes great ideas. He'll send me a concept for a product line
combats run incredibly smoothly. My current game is or something, I'll develop it and then I'll either crank
set in Golarion (Pathfinder's campaign setting). something out or pull in one of my fellow
Though the PC's don't know it yet, they're about to try Werecabbages to finish the work.
their hand at mammoth jousting.
5. What is your favorite Pathfinder
3. What is your favorite Paizo product Roleplaying Game compatible product you
that you worked on and why? worked on and could you tell us a little about
I'm always most excited about the most recent thing it?
I've written. For Paizo, that was “Broken Moon”- the I'm extremely proud of the Great City Player’s Guide
third installment of their next Adventure Path. which one a gold ENnie last year for best electronic
Without spoiling anything, I love the new lycanthrope book. I pulled in a horde of Werecabbages for the

certain alchemical fuels used to power various
automatons and golem-like items. I think John Ling
did a really good job of putting that section together.

8. What was the most challenging aspect

of working on it?
Editing and playtesting are the biggest challenges
toward the completion of any RPG product. These
tasks are the most time-consuming and the easiest to
screw up. I always feel like a piece needs more editing
and playtesting. Game balance is a real easy thing to
disturb, especially with the sheer volume of
overlapping rules.

9. Did you learn anything while working

on it?
Absolutely. I learn something each time I work on a
project. With the Great City Player's Guide, I think I
got much better at throwing away tons of text. It’s
hard to dump a few thousand words, especially if
they're really good words. But in the end, not
everything is appropriate for a project. I'm always
trying to get better at figuring out what belongs in a
book and what doesn't.

project and it shows a real collaborative effort on their

behalf, yet still retains a solid and focused voice. It’s
kind of an oddball product designed to support Oone
Games Great City Campaign Setting. It's got some
core classes and spells and stuff, specifically geared
towards the Great City or a similarly urban styled
fantasy setting. Like the Campaign Setting, it’s got a
strong gas-light, almost steampunk vibe to it. It’s
pretty stylized stuff, which I think is difficult to pull
off and still remain useful in contexts outside of a
specific setting. I think the book does a good job of
that, which translates into some neat new character
options for players.

6. What was your best moment working

on that product?
Tough question. I mean, I suppose I have "best
moments" working on projects, however I'm kind of
always looking forward to what's next, so nothing
specific stands out. When I work on something, I
often get spurts of "ah-ah" moments when ideas seem
to click together. Those are always fun, but I can't
remember anything specific. Similarly, I can get really
excited by one of my collaborator's posts (we
Werecabbages collaborate via a secret website where 10. Other than your own work, what is the
we post thousands of project threads). I remember best Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible
being really excited about Adam Daigle's guttermage product out there?
concept. But again, I'd be hard pressed to grab a best I'm kind of partial to Tim Connors so Tales of Old
moment. Margrave has a certain amount of appeal to me, but I
also really love Golarion so I suppose I'll go with
7. What do you feel was the most Brandon Hodge's Open Design project Sunken
ingenious part of that product? Empires.
I suppose I like the idea of chemical waste, alchemical
by-products brought on by the result of burning

11. What in your opinion makes a good 13. What advice would you give to would-
Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible be-freelancers?
product? Aside from avoid passive text, know your rules, edit
A good product needs to be properly edited and your work several times and playtest your projects to
playtested. The greatest concept in the world becomes make sure they're not broken… Make sure what you're
poop if it's poorly unbalanced. I also really like writing about going to be fun for the people using it,
products that try to go their own direction using write games because you like designing games, if you
Pathfinder's core rules. I like it when someone takes really want to write short stories or novels… go write
chances and tries to create new elements for the short stories or novels. Lastly, know what you want to
existing structure or creates a new type of setting write about. Find projects you want to work on and try
(rather than their own version of an existing setting.) to work on those—that's where you'll do your best
So concepts such as what you're doing with Kaidan or work, because that's what you'll be happiest writing.
Coliseum Morpheuon hold a certain appeal to me, I'd also suggest starting small—articles and small
because they're not trying to do what Paizo is doing. I adventures are best because you can spend more time
could say the same thing about the new release of editing and playtesting them. You'll make mistakes,
Oathbound Seven. so, the smaller project, the easier it will be to find
them. The less work you leave for the editor, the more
likely the editor will want to work with you.

14. Who is your favorite Illustrator?

Simon Bizley. He's basically a comics guy, however
Mongoose has used his work in their Judge Dread
and Sláine lines (though we're not in Pathfinder
territory here). Of course I like classics as well. I
mean, I'm sure there's one person who'll claim they
don't like Wayne (the face of Pathfinder) Reynolds,
but I won't believe them. I also like Erol Otis and
Chuck Lukacs.

15. What has been your most memorable

fan response to your work?
Charles Evans recently roasted me on the Paizo chat
night, damning me to a miserable death after reading
my Nisroch article in Cities of Golarion. He absolutely
abhorred it and found it entirely and unnecessarily
offensive, an otherwise fantastic book. Apparently, I
am his dark cloud. There is nothing quite so satisfying
as being publicly berated on a live chat.

12. Who is your favorite designer of

Pathfinder Roleplaying Game compatible
You're asking the guy in the writer's collective to pick
16. Could you give us an exclusive hint or
which one of his friends is his favorite?
teaser about an upcoming product you're
working on?
I'm mean, it sounds like a politically safe, blow off the
Currently, I'm developing a pretty neat project for
question, but the truth is, I don't have a favorite. I like
Mario over at 0one called "The Sinking." It’s a semi-
different authors for different things. Right now, I'm
episodic, non-sequential series of short adventures set
really excited to see what kind of adventure Willie
in the Great City, each one having some sort of tie
Walsh is going to release for 0one Games. Willie
(either minor or major) with the recent appearance of
probably wrote half the back catalogue for Dungeon
a massive sinkhole that struck the epicenter of the
Magazine and I really miss his style of gonzo-
city. It’s kind of like a TV series, though the long term
adventure writing. For rules based stuff, I think Owen
goals of the PCs will be more player driven and less
K Stevens over at Super Genius Games writes some
driven by a metaplot. I wrote the series pilot, in which
super tight stuff. I wish my rules work was that tight.
the Sink Hole first appears. It’s kind of a throwback to
70's disaster films, in that the PCs are underground,

investigating criminal activity in the sewers when the but nothing is cooler than running a massive game for
first tremors hit, causing them to become trapped everyone that voted for you. I was so pumped up and
there by cave-ins. Pathfinder fans are the greatest! It was a lot of fun,
which of course is the point. It also feels great to have
17. Do you have any goals as a game your work acknowledged like that, especially when it’s
designer that you have yet to obtain or work you created with your friends.
Yeah, absolutely. I want to be able to rattle off the 19. Wait? You won two ENnies?
Pathfinder core rules from memory. I'd love to get a Yes, best adventure and best e-book, but really the
copy of them on tape so I could listen to them while awards go to the publishers, not the designers. The
driving. I'd also like to attend more conventions, simple truth is Rite Publishing won an ENnie, Tim
because I like cons and running cool events. I think Hitchcock did not. I helped write two books that won
playing is really crucial to game design. ENnies, however a lot of people go into writing and
Unfortunately, time and money create serious designing a book and it’s the proper distillation of all
constraints. I've never done Open Design. I'm still those elements that produce the final result. Good
curious about that, but I'd need the right project and god, without James Jacobs and Wesley Schneider my
I've been (fortunately) too busy to think of one. I'm adventure would be a scattered and undecipherable
working harder at getting my manuscripts tighter pile of notes. Seriously, Ed Greenwood (Forgotten
before I send them in. That’s a matter of me learning Realms) did the monsters in the appendix, and there
to increase my efficiency. I kind of need to improve was an article by Steve Kenson (Mutants and
time management and organization. Masterminds). I mean, with back up like that…

20. Is there anything else that folks should

know about you and/or your work?
Yeah, all my work is secretly penned by Charlie Sheen,
thus all the ENnies… it’s the tiger blood that makes it

18. Can you talk a bit about winning your

ENnie award? (grumbles about being beaten
by you) Which one?
But seriously… I was in Gen Con at the time running
the Pathfinder Special, so I couldn't attend the
ceremony. I told Josh Frost (who was in charge of the
Pathfinder Society at the time) that since he'd damned
me to run a game during the ENnies, he could go to
the ceremony and pick up my award when I beat him
(he was also up for an award for the best electronic
book). So I GMed a game with 70 some odd people in
it while watching the awards over a live feed. It was
awesome! I mean, award ceremonies are cool and all,


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by 4 Wind Fantasy Games
Review by Dark Mistress

Inkantations is 52 pages long. It starts with a cover,

ToC, and credits. (4 pages)

Introduction (3 pages)
This section talks about tattoos, by race, by culture, by
social standing, talking about what may or may not be
popular and why.

Tattoo's and Body Art (11 pages)

This section starts off about the skills and variations
for crafting, knowledge etc. Next it gets into new feats,
there is 27 new feats. Some of the feats are used to
help create tattoo's and others are for exceptional
tattoo's that add mods similar in power to other feats.
Types of tattoo's, it gets into the different types of
tattoo's from text(words), to abstract, symbolic, and
enhanced ones which are created with the help of

Crafting tattoo's is the next, using the crafting skill to

make them, charts for cost, DC's based on size of tat
and the max size a tattoo can be based on the size of
the creature getting it. It also has a small section on
how to take care of a tattoo. Afterwards it gets into
body art, which is branding, piercing, scars etc. After
that we get into equipment section. This has all the lot. Each one is about a full page, with history, what
gear one would need to make tattoo's and the like. The they do and key members in the group.
final part of this section gets into removal of tattoo's.
It ends with a OGL, back cover and 1 ad. (4 pages)
Magical Tattoo's (16 pages)
There is 57 sample wonderious item tattoos. Such Closing thoughts. The artwork is black and white and
items take up a magic item slot. Different magical ranges from pretty good to very good in a couple of
tattoos take up different slots, just as if the PC had a cases. The layout and editing was good, I didn't notice
magic item in that slot. It also gets into spell tattoo's any obvious errors. It is pretty print friendly. The feats
which work basically like a scroll, only they can be mostly seem well done and well thought out and for
images instead of text for the spell and of course they the most part well balanced. There was a couple I was
used your flesh instead of paper. I really liked the idea unsure of but would take play testing for me to make
of spell tattoos, anyone can get one and use them with up my mind. Same is true of some of the magic items
out UMD skill and they don't obviously look like a as well. This book pretty heavily covers everything you
scroll either. Once used the tat remains but the magic might want to know or need to know about tattoos
is released. The only thing I didn't like and I felt it and how to add them to your game. It is not perfect
really needed, was a mechanic for recharging said there was a few things that should have been added
spell tattoos. I mean you could just use the same price like how to recharge the scroll tattoos.
again, but it would have been nice if they had included
a sidebar about it. Also I was very surprised not to see a new domain,
this pretty much seemed to scream to me it needed a
Inkantationists (9 pages) Tattoo domain. While I know this is about tattoos I
This section is about classes that specialize in tattoos. would have liked to have seen more on other body art.
There is a new wizard specialist, Socr bloodline, and a Like Piercings and magic items for that, another 2-6
10 level PrC. The PrC is d8, 4 skills, low BaB, 2 good pages would have been nice covering that, same with
saves, +6 spell casting levels, and then a host of scaring. The book is good, but I felt it could have been
special abilities dealing with tattoos. There is 8 new better. So whats my rating? I am going to settle on a
spells, most of them deal with tattoos but a couple do 4.5 star. It is good, even very good for much of it. It
not. There is also 13 new magic items, some of them gives you all you need to make tattoos a important
are very cool magic items. part of any campaign, but it also left a few things on
the table that could have helped push it up to great.
Organizations and Guilds (5 pages)
This section has 3 sample groups that use tattoos a Trust me, I'm a Succubus.

#30 Haunts for Ships and Shores
by Rite Publishing
Review by Dark Mistress

#30 Haunts for Ships and Shores is 17 pages long. It

starts with a cover and credits. (2 pages)

IC Introduction (2 pages)
The next part is a introduction told from Pers
Veilborn's point of view. It is a very interesting IC
introduction. After the later to his friend it talks about
3 haunts form a IC point of view.

Understanding Haunts (1 ½ pages)

This part talks about what haunts are, how they work,
how to use them etc.

Haunts (6 ½ pages)
Next it gets into the 30 haunts, some are or can be
connected while others are always stand alone.
Star-Cursed Sky
Mutiny's Shadow (can be tied to Star Cursed Sky)
Grumbling and Grief (can be tied to Mutiny's
The Sound of Munity (can be tied to Grumbling and
Drunk Crew
The Deep One Rises (can be tied to Drunk Crew)
Common Cry Haunt
Common Drowned Man (can be tied to Common Cry
Haunt) Pers Veilborn (2 pages)
Feeding Frenzy (can be tied to Common Drowned This is the NPC that gave the IC introduction, this is
Man) also the same NPC from 30 Haunts for Houses,
Blasphemer’s Bell – This is the first haunt I had a though he has gained a few levels since then. It has a
problem with, I like the haunt but it makes no effort complete stat block for the NPC.
to explain why the bell is allowed to stay, when
apparently most blame the bell for the problems. It ends with a OGL and 2 pages of ads (3 pages)
Bloody Tide (can be tied to Blasphemer’s Bell)
Wrath of the Wrecked (Can be tied to Bloody Tide) Closing thoughts. I like this one better than the
Flooded Hold (list haunts from 30 House Haunts previous haunts. I thought they was better done and it
book it can be combined with) was nice that they was laid out to be used on their own
Common Biting Wind or how to use them in chains of haunts. I didn't feel
Head Strong Wave (Can be tied to Common Biting any of the haunts was to strong or to weak. My only
Wind) There is a white space gab in the text. I am not two critics I already mentioned. Most of the haunts
sure if it was suppose to be a new paragraph or what, make sense and give a bit of fluff on how they came
It is a minor issue but noticeable. about, I would have liked about a paragraph more
Hungary Sea Haunt (Can be tied to head Strong fluff on each, some more than that. But all and all they
Wave) was well done. So what's my rating? Well it does have
Raging Squall (Can be tied to Hungary Sea Haunt) a couple of minor errors so I am giving it a 4.5 star
Dreaming of a Watery Grave rating.
Driving Sleet
Exhausted Crew Trust me, I'm a Succubus.
Fog Reavers Rock
Jaws that Bite
Past Sin
Sailing Blind
Shadowy Tentacles
The Hailstorm
The Hunger
The Northern Lights
Worms and Maggots
X Marks the Spot

Lizard of the Dragon Fang
By Raging Swan Press
Review by Thilo “Endzeitgeist” Graf

Lizard of the Dragon Fang is 23 pages long, 1 page

front cover, 1 page inside of front cover, 1 page
editorial, 1 page back cover and 1 page containg SRD
and ads, leaving 18 pages of content.

As with all recent TRIBEs-installments, we once again

get some lines from a poem/song/prophecy about the
tribe on the ToC-page - nice. We also, of course, get
the obligatory page introduction to reading the
statblocks for novice DM.

After the one-page chapter title, we get 2 pages on the

history, religion, nomenclature and tactics of the tribe.
Some potential for strife within the tribe is also given

Then, we get a page containing 3 new battle feats for

use by members of the tribe:

-Pierce: You may use a ranged attack to attack an

enemy within range increments of your weapon as a
standard action. If you hit, make another attack at -2
against a target no more than 10 ft. away from the first
one. The second target also has to be within the first
range increment of your weapon. spell list? I think the spell practically screams "Witch".
Oh well.
-Great Pierce: You may use a ranged attack to attack
an enemy within range increments of your weapon as -Swamp Kin (Adp 1, Drd 1, Sor/Wiz 1): Negates some
a standard action. If you hit, make another attack at -2 penalties of moving through bogs. Another spell that
against a target no more than 10 ft. away from the first should also be available to Witches.
one. The new target also has to be within the first
range increment of your weapon. You can continue to -Swamp Kin, Mass (Adp 3, Drd 3, Sor/Wiz 3): As
make these attacks until there are no more valid above, only mass. Dito on the Witches.
targets or you miss. The page also includes a modified spell-list for Adepts
of the Dragon Fang tribe.
-Improved Combat Casting: Stacks with Combat The tribe also has 3 unique magic items, complete
Casting, gain a + 2 to Concentration when grappled, with lore sections and their own pieces of artwork:
reroll one concentration check per day prior to the
result of the first one being known. You have to take -Blood Spiller: A human bane spear that returns to the
the second one. thrower and is made from darkwood.

Ok, I'll have to comment this. I think "Pierce" and -Dragon Fang: Made from the fang of a black dragon,
"Greater Pierce" should also work for piercing this dagger may add acid damage on critical hits.
weapons, but ONLY against additional targets behind
the first one. Otherwise you get a rather comical and -Staff of the Serpent: The staff can cast poison and
ridiculous image of a javelin ricocheting through a snake-related spells, including Snake Staff.
party of PCs. That's just my 2 cents, though.
We also get new spells: After that, we'll get the statblocks of the Lizardfolk,
complete with three encounters (Raid EL 7, Kobold
-Snake Staff (Clr 5, Drd 5): This spell is reprinted Emissaries EL 4 and Swamp Ambush EL 8 - all with
from the APG, courtesy of Paizo, and is marked as information to modify them). Even better, though, we
such. get a cool sample ceremony of the tribe - exactly that
is what makes a tribe come to life in my opinion.
-Acid Bolt (Sor/Wiz 3): Either send clinging acid via Awesome! Thankfully, in contrast to e.g. the Kobolds
touch attack to your enemies or coat a weapon in it. and Troglodytes, the Lizardfolk get an extensive side-
box on environmental modifiers to help you run
-Bite of the Viper (Adp 2, Drd 2): Grants you a encounters in the tribe's given environment, the
poisonous bite weapon. Why is this not on the Witch's swamp. The stats are:

-Dragon Fang Warrior (CR 1)

-Elite Dragon Fang Warrior [warrior 4](CR 3)

-Dragon Fang Scout [expert 4](CR 3)

-Dragon Fang Shaman [adept 2] (CR 3)

-Lizard Familiar (of the normal Dragon Fang


-Dragon Fang Greater Shaman [adept 6] (CR 5)

-Lizard Familiar (of the Dragon Fang Greater


Two variant Lizardfolks are also provided:

-Cliffborn Lizardfolk (CR 1): Better climbers

-Unseen Lizardfolk (CR 1): Chameleon Lizardfolk

We also get the war trident weapon as well as all the

information to make Lizard Kings.

The tribe also features several important personalities

of the tribe and it is here I thought "YES!" to myself:
The personalities come with personality,
distinguishing marks, mannerisms and hooks. Apart
from the King, that is.

-Sesskarr, the Lizard King [Lizardking sorceror (black

dragon bloodline) 9] (CR 11): Sesskarr comes with
almost half a page of his own tale on how he became
what he is now. I loved it and I think it's a nice
substitute for the roleplaying information of the other

-Groth [Troglodyte Druid 10] (CR 10): A twisted, dark

Druid, he urges the tribe and its king toward evil.
-Alssarrass [Lizardfolk Adept 12] (CR 8): Peaceful
wife of Sesskarr and foe of Groth.

-Brethikk [Kobold Fighter 9] (CR 8): Wielder of Blood

Spiller, this former Kobold King now serves as
Sesskarr's bodyguard.

Editing, layout and the b/w-artwork are top-notch, as
I've come to expect of Raging Swan products. While I
personally don't like the Pierce-feats, that's just a
personal opinion. I'd also like to see
information/support for the APG-classes and still
think that some of the spells should be on the spell-list
of e.g. Witches. Apart from that, though, this
installment of the TRIBES-series once again goes up
and beyond what one would come to expect and
finally, we get mannerisms, hooks, etc. for all the
important personalities. The items rock, too. I would
have liked to see more on the tactics of the tribe, but
due to this being my only true criticism of the file, I'll
settle once again for a five-star rating - an excellent
addition to the series.

Faces of the
the Tarnished
Le Loup Solitaire
By Rite Publishing
Review of Thilo “Endzeitgeist”
5 out of 5 Stars!

Faces of the Tarnished Souk: Le

Lup Solitaire is 10 pages long, 1
page front cover, 1 page editorial,
1 page SRD, 2 pages of ads,
leaving 5 pages for the 3
incarnations of Le Loup Solitaire.

The pdf kicks off, as the other

FotTS-books, with a one-page
background of the NPC in
question, including dream-
burning information, a lore-
section and a how-to-use-box,
containing several possible
usages for the NPC.

After that, we get the 3

incarnations of the lonesome
freedom fighter who single-
handedly opposes the Khan. It
should be noted that Rite
Publishing has taken my criticism
of the last FotTs-character to
heart and this time, we once
again get three complex
characters that might be an
evolution of the same being, but
could also be used parallel in the
same campaign as different
beings. NICE!
Who or what is Le Loup Solitaire?
Let's start in an inverted order, at the lowest CR:
-His CR 6 incarnation is a rather mundane half-orc
fighter 3/rogue 4. Ok, but nothing too far out. Layout adheres to the 2-column-RiP-standard, the
two pieces of original b/w-artwork (Le Loup and the
cap) are nice and I didn't notice any editing mistakes,
-His mid-level incarnation (CR 13) goes one step
nor any typos. This is it, once again - beautiful
further: Here, he is a inflicted werewolf half-orc
statblocks, one (or three!) character(s) you
fighter 7/rogue6 and we get stats for both his
immediately want to implement into your campaign.
humanoid and his hybrid form. However, what truly
Statting Lycanthropes, especially at this level, is a
blew me away was:
royal pain and the weapon that will one day be his
own undoing is just rife with tragedy and coolness. I
-His high-level incarnation (CR 21, baby!) is a natural
don't have anything to complain about, this is an
werewolf pack lord half-orc fighter 8/rogue 11 with a
excellent addition to the series, on par with Ahnkar-
magic, silver-bayonet-studded rifle that can be loaded
Kosh - my final verdicts is 5 stars.
with wands (before all the gunpowder haters start
groaning - read again - it's a wand-rifle!). He also gets
the Alpah Cap, which gets it's own piece of artwork
and 2 statblocks are provided - one for his non-animal
hybrid form and one for his animal form. His
statblocks are a beauty to behold and he just oozes

Rite Publishing Presents

101 0-Level Spells

1 st

By Steven D. Russell
Pathfinder RPG: NeoExodus
Chronicles - World of Exodus
By Louis Porter Jr. Design
Review by Megan Robertson
RPG Resource Review
5 out of 5 Stars!

Serving as an introduction to the setting, NeoExodus

Chronicles-World of Exodus jumps straight in with
the history of Exodus. Long and turbulent, and with
strands running through that affect what is going on
there today, the backdrop against which adventures
take place.

Over two thousand years ago the world was under the
control of the First Ones, whose precise nature is lost
in legend, spoken of today as bogeymen and beings of
horror. Apparently their rule was not kind, so
eventually the best of humanity banded together to
rise up against them. Few records remain of precisely
what happened as both First Ones and the champions
of humanity - a combination of intellect called the
Kaga - disappeared, and even though the Kaga still
seem to be around, they're not saying much about
what went or what they have been doing since. The
science and magic of the First Ones faded as humanity
lapsed into barbarism, with but a few scholars
attempting to understand: these few became powerful
sorcerer/kings... and came into conflict with a race of ensured that knowledge of how to use a sword
rodent-like beings, the Cavians, who developed the remained important. Attempts to cement even greater
powers of the mind. Neither were interested in union, by marriage between the imperial houses,
'ordinary' people save as workers and a source of came to naught, and tensions are once more rising as
tribute or warriors when they squabbled. But even the present day - some 90 years after the union -
after they'd fought themselves to a standstill, leaving approaches.
space for the barbarian hordes to arise, they in their
turn replaced the rule of the mage or the psion with It is an interesting approach: most people presenting
equally despotic warlords who relied on brute their campaign setting concentrate on the geography
strength of the sword-arm rather than power of mind and hang the history on the places that are
or knowledge to dominate others. At least the Kaga described... here, the history is paramount with but a
reappeared, and attempted to teach them something single world map at the end so you can find out where
more... the events mentioned in the history occurred.
Moreover, the history concentrates on matters
And so matters continued throughout the ages, with political and that most significant ramification: the
warring tribes raiding one another and fighting for military events that transpire as an extension of the
dominance. Warbands carved out domains, empires politics. Apart from some mention of religion, and
rose and fell, the usual sort of thing. A rich tapestry of that mostly as it influences the political landscape,
history that makes a world a living, breathing very little is told of the history of ideas or the
alternate reality based on a past as real there as our development of scientific or medical knowledge. Who
history is to us. The culmination of warring nobles, were the authors and artists of the ages? Whose
through kingdoms and empires to a final bloodbath of architecture or songs have been remembered long
a century in which just about everyone was after builders and composers were in their graves? It
embroilded in grinding war was finally brought to a brings a powerful introduction yet leaves many spaces
juddering halt by a little-known cult or order that which the inventive may populate for themselves.
combined martial prowess and psionic strength, and
who commanded the warring factions to make peace For those seeking a developed alternate reality, rooted
and form a global union of the four main empires, in in a coherent history and moving forwards in a
which such all-encompassing war would be fought no dynamic manner, this is well worth a look. It promises
more. Nor was it, for the better part of fifty years, but interesting times, in the Chinese sense of being as
then various factions and skirmishes, dissent from much of a curse as an opportunity for participants...
within and without, while not destroying the Union,
Are your characters ready?

Rite Publishing Presents

Faces of the Tarnished Souk:

The Dark Lady Ninyantë,
Mistress of Venom


By Matt Banach and Justin Sluder

#30 Unique Magical
By Rite Publishing
Review by Megan Robertson
RPG Resource Review
5 out of 5 Stars!

Beginning with the tagline

'Because every blade should tell a
story' #30 Unique Magical
Blades lays out details of an
armoury-full of distinctive and
interesting weapons, the sort
that any hero worth his place in a
bard's repertoire should aspire to

There's a table listing the

weapons in value order, from a
mere snip of just over 4,000gp
for a glaive-guisarm called Horse
Daughter's Kiss up to a
staggering 175,000gp for Ice
Queen, a spectacular sword
magically-forged from a single
piece of steel. Each weapon then
gets about a third of a page to
itself, with necessary game
mechanical details, a paragraph
giving its history and another
with a vivid description of the
item... and a full-colour picture.
A reasonably tech-savvy GM
could no doubt extract the
pictures if he wants to display
them to characters picking
through treasure hoards or
receiving rewards from grateful
potentates - despite the 'price
list' at the beginning, these are
not the sort of thing you pick up at
the corner weapons store!

Several of the weapons are truly unique, not just in Even the mages and clerics might be interested, and
terms of story or even powers, but having been crafted those characters who use edged weapons will be eager
to original designs. For example, a pair of hand-blades to get their hands on any that they hear about! A fine
were created at the behest of a halfling monk who example of how to devise individual, interesting
worked as a chef - and Slicer and Dicer bear a passing items.
resemblance to something you might chop herbs with
in the kitchen! Or if you really want strange, how
about an axe which can change from throwing-axe to
great axe according to its wielder's whim...

There is plenty of scope here, from something unusual

to spice up a treasure hoard - and give the characters
something to research - to inspiration for a whole
campaign revolving around one of thse unique
magical weapons. The stories are self-contained
enough that they can be dropped into your existing
campaign world with minimal changes if so desired.

Rite Publishing Presents

Monk Archetypes


By Frank Carr
Advanced Feats: Visions of the
By Open Design
Review by Shane O’ Conner
5 out of 5 Stars!

The oracle class is something I was surprised it took

so long to see. It fulfills several niches that have been
waiting for quite some time now. Mechanically it gives
us a spontaneous divine spellcaster, and thematically
it gives us a character that’s chosen by the gods, rather
than choosing a god of their own. All of which is well
and good, especially with some interesting new
mechanics based around an oracle’s curse, mystery
powers, and revelations…

But it’s nothing that Sigfriend Trent and Open Design

can’t make better.

Advanced Feats: Visions of the Oracle is part of Open

Design’s Advanced Feats series, each of which
introduces 30 new feats as well as a class breakdown
and several sample builds. In this book (as in all of
them) the majority of the feats are thematically
appropriate to the class in question, but only a few of
them are specific to that class.
create or summon). Beyond this, several feats deal
The book begins by examining the various parts of the with metamagic without being metamagic feats
class, weighing its strengths and weaknesses. We’re themselves. Scroll Metamagic lets you apply a
told about the class’s spellcasting potential versus its metamagic feat to spells cast from a scroll, for
skills versus its multiclassing viability, for example. instance.
Each mystery is given a brief look as well, which was a
nice bit of insight. Following this are three new example builds. Each
build specifies a large number of the character
The real meat of the book is its feats, however. variables you should choose to make a character that’s
Designer Sigfriend Trent has beaucoup experience tailored toward a specific area of expertise. The
with feat design, being the editor behind the famous Visionary Healer, for example, tells you what mystery,
Netbook of Feats, and it shows here. Trent gives a few curse, feats, ability scores, etc. to take to be a powerful
sentences of commentary on each feat, offering healing character. The Phoenix is a combination
glimpses behind that curtain that make for great healer and fire-wielder, being able to blast foes with
easter eggs. flame and revitalize allies. Finally, the Savage Seer is
focused around the oracle’s battle abilities, being
Being that the oracle is a full-progression spellcasting capable of dealing damage with sword or spell.
class, many of the feats here deal with magic use in
some regard. Magic Sense, for example, lets you Overall, Visions of the Oracle provides a great mixture
automatically sense magic items and spell effects of feats for characters of all stripes, particularly
around you, and know exactly what a magical effect spellcasters, and quite a few for the oracle specifically.
would have done if you successfully save against it. If you’re overwhelmed by what to make your oracle
Tactical Spellcasting is basically the spellcaster’s character, pick up this book and receive a vision of
equivalent of Spring Attack. Spell Retention lets you what he could become.
retain a spell if you fail a concentration check when
trying to cast. These and others like them offer great
new options for spellcasters.

Apropos of that, one-sixth of the feats in question are

metamagic, ranging from things such as the general
purpose Concentration Spell (increase your spell’s
duration via concentration to the highly specific
Spiritual Armaments Spell (create ghostly
weapons/armor/equipment on undead that you

101 9th
9th Level
By Rite Publishing
Review by Shane O’
5 out of 5 Stars!

I once heard someone say

that playing a full-
progression spellcaster in
Pathfinder is like opening
a long-term stock
portfolio; you’re taking a
number of risks over a
period of time in hopes of
generating great returns.
In this case, those returns
are the 9th-level spells
you get, allowing you to
unleash some of the
strongest effects in the
game. It’s in that spirit
that Rite Publishing
brings the conclusion to
its 101 Spells series: 101
9th Level Spells.

Forty pages long, the PDF

has full nested
bookmarks and allows for
copy-and-pasting. The
pages have very ornate
borders on all sides
(standard for Rite
Publishing) and there are
several black and white
illustrations scattered
throughout, meaning that
this may be tough to

The book opens

immediately to the spell lists.
Unfortunately, the APG classes aren’t given lists here It’s like that for one hundred and one spells.
(nor are they in the individual spell level listings)
which is hopefully something we’ll see in an update. If you’re about to hit that level where you can cast the
Having said that, the spells themselves are what you’d strongest spells in the game, you owe it to yourself to
expect for the top of the line in spellcasting power. pick up 101 9th Level Spells and let the rest of the
party know just who’s the archmage now.
While it’s impossible to review all of the spells in here,
most of what I saw impressed me. Spells like Behind
the Curtain basically let the GM tell you a major plot
point…but if you tell anyone else you’re instantly
destroyed and reality changes to make the revelation
untrue. Psychic Clone basically inserts a mental avatar
of yourself into someone else’s mind, prodding them
and guiding them with various effects and powers in
accordance with your wishes. Ultimate Insight lets
you know virtually all knowledge for a few seconds,
and in that time you can accomplish almost anything.

Compassionate Sons
(Paladin Archetype)
Bonus Article by Steven D. Russell
Illustrations by Arthur Rackham and Dante Gabriel Rossetti

The compassionate sons of Our Queen of Wisdom and

Mercy (Questhaven deity of charity, childbirth,
contrition, dogs, healing, lambs, mercy, peace,
forgiveness, leadership, redemption, and wisdom) are
unique for unlike the other high and might do-
gooders on horseback they dedicate themselves to the
protection of a singular worthy individual rather
seeking to promote the cause of righteousness in the
world at large. In addition, the compassionate sons
are an exclusive brotherhood containing no woman;
their primary role within the Healing Hall of Mercy
appears to be the protection of the matriarchs, who
are constantly going into the gravest dangers –
battlefields, leper colonies, evil lands – in their efforts
to do Our White Lady of Wisdom’s works. I have
encountered a compassionate son warding a male
cleric of Our Grandmother Earth and according to
him; it is not uncommon for their deity to guide them
to protect a creature that while not a member of the
church serves its purposes. Some compassionate sons
are pacifists who seek only to keep their ward from
harm, while others are nearly as militant as the hawks
of vengeance seeking to allow nothing to threaten
their charge, but the majority of them fall somewhere
in between.

-Owain Northway

Paladins of Our Queen of Wisdom and Mercy every two-paladin levels he possesses. These
have focused their gifts on the protection of those who temporary hit points last for 24 hours or until lost.
spend their lives caring for the downcast. Unleashing The subject also gains immunity to any effects and/or
this power takes near utter devotion to the needs of conditions that would be removed by his mercy ability
another singular individual. Compassionate Sons have for 1 minute per paladin class level he possesses. This
the following class features. counts as a use of his lay on hands ability.

At 16th level, a compassionate son can as an

Power of Compassion (Su): At 4th level, a immediate action, for 1 minute per paladin class level,
compassionate son learns to use the power of his faith cause all damage dealt to living creatures within a
for multiple effects. This class feature replaces the 200-ft. radius of the compassionate son to be
paladin's spells class feature. A compassionate son transformed into nonlethal damage. The
does not gain any spells or spellcasting abilities, does compassionate son can use this ability a number of
not have a caster level, and cannot use spell trigger or times per day equal to his Charisma bonus (minimum
spell completion magic items. +1)

At 4th level, the compassionate son as a full- At 20th level a compassionate son can twice per
round action can call upon his deity’s blessing to aid day as an immediate action open up a brief but
in the casting of another’s creatures Conjuration powerful divine conduit between himself and any
(healing) spell. The affected Conjuration (healing) creatures he chooses within 75 ft., taking on the
spell is maximized like an application of the Maximize damage and any other effects and/or conditions that
Spell feat but does not adjust the spells level. A creature suffers from. When a creature in range is hit
compassionate son can do this a number of times per by an attack or fails a saving throw, he can activate
day equal to 3 + his Charisma bonus (minimum +1). this ability and the wounds and/or effects are
magically transmitted to him instead of the original
At 8th level, the compassionate son can grant the recipient. The compassionate son is affected as if he
blessings of her deity with a touch. As a standard was hit by the attack or failed the saving throw, taking
action, she can grant 1d6 temporary hit points for all the damage and suffering all of the adverse effects.

Any resistances or immunities the compassionate son At 17th Level a compassionate son’s shield other
has are applied normally, but he cannot otherwise ability allows him or the ward to choose to take on any
reduce or negate the damage or effects in any way. and/or all the detrimental effects and conditions the
You can use this ability against an effect that also other suffers under. However, if it has a numeric value
targets you or includes you in its area; you suffer the (energy drain, ability damage/drain/penalty, morale
effects for yourself and the targets you spared, penalty etc.) the compassionate son or the ward can
potentially taking damage or suffering other only choose to take on half or none that numeric value
consequences multiple times. rather than its total effect.

At 20th Level, a compassionate son can cause a

Divine Bond (Sp): Upon reaching 5th level, a true resurrection to affect his dead or destroyed ward.
compassionate son forms a divine bond with his god. Once the ward is returned to life though the use of this
This bond is different from the normal two forms a ability the compassionate son is rendered dead (or
paladin can take. The compassionate son cannot destroyed). If the soul of the ward chooses not to
choose the other two forms normally taken by return to life or is unable to be returned to life, the
paladins. compassionate son does not die (nor is he destroyed).
The compassionate son’s bond allows him to A Faithful soul can use this ability once per day, and
become the defender of a special creature selected by can even use this ability if he is an ex-paladin.
his deity (his ward). This ward is usually a cleric of his
deity but his deity could select another creature
important to the faith. If this creature dies, the
compassionate son is treated as an ex-
paladin until he gains atonement or the
ward is returned to life.
Once per round, as an immediate
action, if the compassionate son is in a
square adjacent to its ward and the ward is
subject to an attack, including an area effect,
the compassionate some can subject himself
to the attack in the ward’s stead and the
ward takes no damage. Resolve potential
attacks against the compassionate son
normally, including to hit rolls and saving
Once per day, as a full-round action, a
compassionate son may magically call his
ward to his side. This ability is the
equivalent of a spell of a level equal to one-
third the compassionate son's paladin class
level. The ward immediately appears
adjacent to the compassionate son (no
save). A compassionate son can use this
ability once per day at 5th level, and one
additional time per day for every 4 levels
thereafter, for a total of four times per day at
17th level.

At 8th Level a compassionate son and

the ward always knows the direction where
the other is located, as long as they are on
the same plane, they also share a permanent
status spell in relation to each other.

At 11th Level a compassionate son and

his ward share a permanent shield other
ability with each other as the subject of the
spell effect they can suppress and resume
this ability as an immediate action.

At 14th Level a compassionate son’s

shield other ability grants them the ability to
use the other’s saving throw bonus instead
of their own.

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