Outline Format For Preaching A Sermon
Outline Format For Preaching A Sermon
Outline Format For Preaching A Sermon
1. Base text (Biblical text or texts on which the preaching or sermon will focus)
2. Topic (What the sermon will be about)
3. Title (what is the name you will give to the sermon)
4. Introduction
You can choose between: telling true stories, illustration with videos, images,
biblical context of the passage to be used, poems, etc.
The goal is for you to capture the listener's attention in this part.
In your written sermon you must detail what you will talk or show in this part
5. Development and application of the text: (types of sermons, choose one) o Textual
As a base a single Bible verse
Explain word by word or phrase by phrase applying it to current life
▪ Example: Philippians 4:13
o Investigate and explain extensively what the word
“everything” refers to and in the same way with the other
divisions I can do it
In Christ
that strengthens me
o Thematic Sermon:
Choose a topic to discuss
Search several biblical texts that have to do with this topic
Explain each verse we choose by applying it to current life
▪ Example: Sermon topic: The love of God
John 3:16 (sacrificial love)
o Explain in an extensive way the love of God in this verse
and so with the other divisions
Psalms 136:1 (love that understands and forgives)
Psalms 86:15 (love that does justice)
o Expository sermon:
Choose a biblical story or an extensive passage (5 verses or more)
Investigate the literary context, something that is not seen in the text but
can be revealed to me in history books or in an exegesis
Tell the story applying each event that we feel is relevant to current life.
6. Conclusion
o You must specify what your words will be to use to close your preaching
7. Prayer and ministration
o Write a base prayer that will help the congregation or audience put into practice
what you have taught them in light of God's Word.