ASTM - Aceptables Por ASME - 2019
ASTM - Aceptables Por ASME - 2019
ASTM - Aceptables Por ASME - 2019
SA-31 14 Identical except that 3.1.7 has been deleted, Note 1 has been revised for 00 through 14
ASME and certification is mandatory in 14.
SA-47/SA-47M 99(R14) Identical except for the deletion of welded repair references in 11.2 and 84 through 99(R14)
11.3 and mandatory certification in 14.1.
SA-53/SA-53M 01 Identical except for the insertion of test practices in 11.1, and editorial 88a through 01
corrections to Table X4.1.
SA-134 96(R12) Identical except for additional requirement as shown in the 85 through 96(R12)
SA-182/SA-182M 18 Identical except for the inclusion of F316Ti in para. 7.3.1 and the 87a through 18
removal of reduced strength levels for thicker sections of Grade F53
in Table 3.
(a) S32202 (F66) heat treatment range shall be 1,870°F to 1,975°F
(1,020°F to 1080°C) for ASTM editions prior to -09a
(b) S32202 (F60) min YS in Table 3 shall be 70 (485) in all ASTM
(c) S30815 (F45) and S32228 (F56) direct or indirect in-process heat
treatment is prohibited for ASTM editions prior to -07
(d) K90901 (F91), other acceptable editions are limited to -18
(e) K91061 (F911), other acceptable editions are limited to 05 or
SA-194/SA-194M 12 Identical. For Grades 2H, 2, 4, 7, and 16, other acceptable ASTM Editions 87 through 12
are limited to -03 and later. For Grades 2HM and 7M, other acceptable
ASTM Editions are limited to -04 and later.
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Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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Table II-200-1
Other Acceptable ASTM Editions (Cont'd)
Specification Adopted Description Other Acceptable Editions
SA-213/SA-213M 18 Identical except for the additional H Grade heat treatment requirements 01a through 18
in 6.2. For Grades T911, T92, and T122, other acceptable ASTM
editions are limited to 06a and later. For Grade T23, other acceptable
ASTM editions are limited to 09a and later. For Grade T24, other
acceptable ASTM editions are limited to 10 and later. For Grade T91,
other acceptable editions are limited to -18.
SA-216/SA-216M 07 Identical except for addition of 2.3 and editorial differences in 2.1 and 84b through 07
SA-232/SA-232M 91 Identical …
SA-234/SA-234M 18 Identical. For Grade WP91, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited 82a through 18
to -18. For Grade WP91, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited
to -05 and later.
SA-240/SA-240M 17 Identical except for UNS S31050, other acceptable ASTM editions are 88c through 17
limited to -04 and later. For UNS S32906, other acceptable ASTM
editions are limited to -07e1 and later. For UNS S38815, other
acceptable ASTM editions are limited to -16 and later. For UNS
S32101, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited to -05 and later.
SA-249/SA-249M 16a Identical except for the deletion of S5, which allows lower mechanical 88b through 16a
properties, and for Section I only, S9 is mandatory when 100% joint
efficiency is required. For UNS S31040, other acceptable ASTM
editions are limited to -10a and later.
SA-250/SA-250M 05(R14) Identical except that Supplementary Requirement S1 is mandatory 88a through 05(R14)
when 100% weld joint efficiency is required.
SA-263 12 Identical. In cases where cladding is used in the design strength 88 through 12
calculations and welding is used to join multiple alloy cladding plates,
ASTM editions prior to 12 are not acceptable unless welding was
performed by an ASME Certificate Holder.
SA-264 12 Identical. In cases where cladding is used in the design strength 88 through 12
calculations and welding is used to join multiple alloy cladding plates,
ASTM editions prior to 12 are not acceptable unless welding was
performed by an ASME Certificate Holder.
SA-265 12 Identical. In cases where cladding is used in the design strength 88 through 12
calculations and welding is used to join multiple alloy cladding plates,
ASTM editions prior to 12 are not acceptable unless welding was
performed by an ASME Certificate Holder.
SA-266/SA-266M 13 Identical. ASTM editions 03 through 11 are acceptable provided the 87 through 13
term "hubbed flanges" is replaced with "hubbed flat heads" in para.
SA-276 97 Identical …
SA-278/SA-278M 01(R11) Identical except for an editorial change to 5.1.1 and a change to 16.1 85 through 01(R11)
making certification mandatory.
Copyright ASME International (BPVC)
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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Table II-200-1
Other Acceptable ASTM Editions (Cont'd)
Specification Adopted Description Other Acceptable Editions
SA-285/SA-285M 17 Identical 82(R87) through 17
SA-302/SA-302M 17 Identical. ASTM editions prior to -12 are acceptable provided that any 82 through 17
accelerated cooling of plates as permitted in 5.3 is followed by
SA-307 10 Identical except for the deletion of the term “private label distributor” 00 through 10
and “as appropriate” in para. 13.1.1.
SA-311/SA-311M 04(R10) Identical except for the deletion of 5.1.11, revision of Table 1 footnote A, 90b through 04(R10)
and editorial change to 5.1.9, and 11.1 revised to make certification
SA-312/SA-312M 15 Identical except for the revision to 6.2 to add "H" grade heat treatment 88a through 15
requirements. For UNS S31035, ASTM editions prior to 14 are
acceptable provided that corrections to the chemical composition in
Table 1 are met. For UNS S34051, ASTM editions prior to 14b are
acceptable provided that the nickel composition in Table 1 is met.
SA-325 10 Identical except for the deletion of the term “private label distributor” in 86a through 10
15.1 and 15.5
SA-333/SA-333M 16 Identical. For Grade 6, acceptable ASTM editions are limited to 11 and 94 through 16
SA-335/SA-335M 18 Identical except for the revision to 9.5 to replace the words "as agreed 10b through 18
upon in accordance with Note D in Table 2" with "performed." For
Grades 23, 91, and 911, other acceptable ASTM editions are limited to
SA-336/SA-336M 18 Identical. ASTM editions prior to 15 are acceptable provided the term 06a through 18
"hubbed flanges" is replaced with "hubbed flat heads" in 3.4. For
Grade F5a, ASTM editions prior to 15 are acceptable provided the
minimum temperature is 1,250°F.
SA-350/SA-350M1 02b Identical except for the deletion of 6.1.2 and 14.1, revision to 14.2.5, and 87 through 02b
test reports have been made mandatory.
SA-354 11 Identical except for the deletion of the term “private label distributor” in 86 through 11
15.1 and 15.3.5.
SA-358/SA-358M 15 Identical except for the deletion of for HT-O pipe and for 88 through 15
HT-SO pipe, and editorial correction in 1.4. For products ordered to
Section III and Section VIII, Division 1 of the ASME Boiler and
Pressure Vessel Code, Supplementary Requirement S8 is mandatory.
Copyright ASME International (BPVC)
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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Table II-200-1
Other Acceptable ASTM Editions (Cont'd)
Specification Adopted Description Other Acceptable Editions
SA-376/SA-376M 06 Identical except for the deletion of HT-O option from 6.2 and 14.1 and 88 through 06
clarification of heat treatment requirements in 6.2.
SA-387/SA-387M 17a Identical. For Grade 91, acceptable ASTM editions are limited to -11 and 88 through 17a
SA-403/SA-403M 15 Identical except for the correction of Table 2 Ni minimum for Grade 86 through 15
WP S38815, clarified heat treatment requirements in 6.1 and 6.4, the
deletion of 5.14 and 5.15, and the deletion of revised tensile
requirements for Grades 321 and 321H in Table 5. For H Grades,
other acceptable ASTM editions are limited to -02 and later.
SA-409/SA-409M 15 Identical except for clarified heat treatment requirements for H grade 01 through 15
stainless steels and S30815 in 5.3.1, deletion of and for
the non-heat treated pipe provisions, and the inclusion of a grain size
requirement in 5.1.1 for H grade stainless steels and S30815. A
requirement for ASME Stamping has been added. For grade S31727
and S32053, ASTM editions are limited to 08a and later. For S20100,
S20153, and S31254, ASTM editions are limited to 13 and later. For
S31266, the ASTM edition is limited to 15.
SA-437/SA-437M 12 Identical 84b through 12
SA-449 10 Identical except for requiring all mating fastener components to be 87 through 10
coated by the same zinc-coating process in 5.1.4, the removal of
reference to bolts in 6.4, and the deletion of the term "private label
distributor" in 16.1 and 16.3.2.
SA-451/SA-451M 06(R10) Identical except for editorial differences in 15.1. 80(R85) through 06(R10)
SA-476 00(R14) Identical except for editorial changes in 4.1.6 and 13.1 to make 82 through 00(R14)
certification mandatory.
SA-479/SA-479M 15 Identical except for minor editorial changes to Tables 1 and 2 in earlier 87b through 15
editions. For Grade S32654, ASTM editions are limited to 11 and later.
SA-508/SA-508M 16 Identical except for revision prior to -05b. For these A966/A966M 87 through 16
added to 2.1, 3.1, and 7.2.1 revised to allow A966 in revisions prior to
-05ε1 reference to Notes 2 and 3 in should be 3 and 4
Copyright ASME International (BPVC)
Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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Table II-200-1
Other Acceptable ASTM Editions (Cont'd)
Specification Adopted Description Other Acceptable Editions
SA-516/SA-516M 17 Identical. The reference to Footnote B in Table 1 shall apply to the -04, 86 through 17
-05, and -05e editions.
SA-517/SA-517M 17 Identical except that Footnote A also applies to Boron in Table 1. 87a ε1 through 17
SA-533/SA-533M 16 Identical 87 through 16
SA-563 07a(R14) Identical except for deletion of the term “private label distributor” in 84 through 07a(R14)
paras. 14.7 and 14.9 and editorially corrected title.
SA-638/SA-638M 00(R04) Identical except for an editorial correction in 6.2. 87 through 00(R04)
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Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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Table II-200-1
Other Acceptable ASTM Editions (Cont'd)
Specification Adopted Description Other Acceptable Editions
SA-671/SA-671M 16 Identical except for additional requirements that apply as shown in 85 through 16
Specification and, for editions prior to 16, certification for
designations CF and CJ shall include the appropriate ASTM plate
specification grade.
SA-672/SA-672M 14 Identical except that additional requirements apply as shown in the 81 through 14
SA-688/SA-688M 15 Identical. In the case of the -96 and -98 ASTM revisions, solution 88a through 15
treatment of Grade UNS N08367 is mandatory.
SA-691/SA-691M 18 Identical except that the additional requirements apply as shown in the 85a through 18
SA-693 02ε1 Identical except for aligning the elongation requirements for Gr. XM-16 88 through 02ε1
and correction of the max. hardness for Gr. XM-12 and 630 in Table 5.
Also a revision to Note B of Table 1.
SA-723/SA-723M 10(R15) Identical. ASTM edition 02 is acceptable except that for Class 2a the 02 through 10(R15)
minimum elongation shall be 13.5%.
SA-747/SA-747M 04 Identical except for the revision of the mandatory ordering 86 through 04
requirements of 4.1.6 and the mandatory use of Supplementary
Requirement S15 of SA-781/SA-781M.
SA-751 01(R06) Identical except for editorial corrections to an element designation in 89a through 01(R06)
Tables 1 and 2.
Chemical Analysis Test Methods for Steel
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Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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Table II-200-1
Other Acceptable ASTM Editions (Cont'd)
Specification Adopted Description Other Acceptable Editions
SA-765/SA-765M 07(R12) Identical. ASTM editions prior to 04 are acceptable provided the term 94 through 07(R12)
"hubbed flanges" is replaced with "hubbed flat heads" in S9.
SA-770/SA-770M 03(R12) Identical except for editorial correction to Table 2. 86(R90)ε1 through 03(R12)
Tension Testing of Steel Plates
SA-788 15 Identical. ASTM editions prior to 13 are acceptable, provided the term 05c through 15
“hubbed flanges” is replaced with “hubbed flat heads” in S12.
General Requirements for Forgings
SA-813/SA-813M 01(R05) Identical except for the addition of grain size requirements for H grades 88a through 01(R05)
and S30815, the deletion of heat treat omitted options, and adding a
minimum heat treat temperature for S30815.
SA-815/SA-815M 10a Identical except for the deletion of para. 5.9, 5.14 (Class CR fittings), and 86 through 10a
(a) Paragraphs 5.14 and 5.15 deleted for all editions prior to 10a
(b) S32202, para. 7.2.3 filler metal with nominal 23.5% Cr, 12.00% Ni
is not permitted, minimum HT temperature in Table 2 to be 1,870°F to
1,975°F (1 020°C to 1 080°C)
(c) S32808, maximum S in Table 2 shall be 0.010 in all editions
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Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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Table II-200-1
Other Acceptable ASTM Editions (Cont'd)
Specification Adopted Description Other Acceptable Editions
SA-961/SA-961M 07 Identical except for the deletion of the time requirement for purchaser 99 through 07
rejection of material in para. 18.1.
SA-999/SA-999M 18 Identical except for the editions prior to 04a, para. 6.2.1 on grade 04a through 18
substitution of the 04a edition or later applies.
General Requirements, Pipes
SA-1008/SA-1008M 01a Identical except for the addition of on mechanical properties for 00 through 01a
pressure vessel design.
SA-1017/SA-1017M 17 Identical. For Grade 122, acceptable editions 07 and later. For Grade 23, 01 through 17
acceptable editions 11 and later.
(1) SA-350/SA-350M Grade LF2 forgings, made to revisions earlier than the 2001 ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, or to
ASTM Specification A350/A350M with year dates from 1987 through 1997 are acceptable for either Class 1 or Class 2 applica-
tions, unless Supplementary Requirement S4 was used to test forgings at a higher test temperature.
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Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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Table II-200-2
Other Acceptable Non-ASTM Specifications (Cont'd)
Latest Other Acceptable Editions
Specifications Adopted Description [Note (1)]
SA/JIS G4303 2012 Identical except for marking, dimensions, mechanical properties, test 1998 through 2012
reports, and mechanical testing as shown in the specification.
SA/JIS G5504 2005 Identical except for marking, mechanical properties, test reports, and …
repairs as shown in the specification.
SA/NF A 36-215 1997 Identical, except for marking, normalizing rolling, quality, chemical …
composition, steelmaking process, and test reports as shown in the
GENERAL NOTE: The date of publication of the European standards considered in this table is the year of approval of the standard
by CEN. This date appears in the body of the standard on the page starting with EN; dates appearing on the front page of an XX EN
standard (e.g., XX = BS or NF or DIN) correspond only to the date of adoption by each member country.
(1) “Other Acceptable Editions” refers exclusively to non-ASTM and non-ASME specifications listed.
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Provided by IHS under license with ASME Licensee=Khalda Petroleum/5986215001, User=Amer, Mohamed
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