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AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Personal Pronouns: Pronome Sujeito e Pronome Objeto�������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Personal Pronouns�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Personal Pronouns: Pronome Sujeito e Pronome Objeto

Personal Pronouns
Há dois tipos de pronomes pessoais: os Subjective Pronouns e os Objective Pronouns.
Os Subjective Pronouns funcionam como sujeito da frase, ou seja, aquele que faz a ação do verbo.
Por este motivo, são usados antes do verbo.
Já os Objective Pronouns funcionam como o objeto da frase, ou seja, aqueles que sofrem a ação
do verbo. Logo, são usados depois do verbo.










Usados Antes do Verbo Usados Depois do Verbo

Ex.: I want to talk to her about the problem.

Ex.: John and Meg study with Bob.
(He) (her)
Ex.: Jane is worried about Susan.
(She) (her)
President Obama to Sleepy Air Controllers: ‘Better Do Your Job’
Lisa Stark and Andrew Springer
President Obama lectured air traffic controllers in an exclusive interview with ABC News, im-
pressing on them the enormous responsibility of safeguarding flying passengers and telling them,
“You better do your job.” The president spoke after several controllers were caught asleep on the job
and the man in charge of air traffic control, Hank Krakowski, resigned on Thursday. “The indivi-
duals who are falling asleep on the job, that’s unacceptable,” the president told ABC News’ George
Stephanopoulos in an exclusive interview on Thursday. “The fact is, when you’re responsible for the
lives and safety of people up in the air, you better do your job. So, there’s an element of individual
responsibility that has to be dealt with.”
Five controllers have been suspended for apparently napping on the job while planes were trying
to land at their airports. The president said a full review of air traffic control work shifts is under way.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

“What we also have to look at is air traffic control systems. Do we have enough back up? Do we
have enough people? Are they getting enough rest time?” Obama said. He added, however, “But it
starts with individual responsibility.” In March, two commercial airliners were forced to land unas-
sisted at Washington, D.C.’s Reagan National Airport after a controller apparently fell asleep. Just
days later, two controllers at the Preston Smith International Airport in Lubbock, Texas, did not
hand off control of a departing aircraft to another control center and it took repeated attempts for
them to be reached. On Feb. 19, an air traffic controller in Knoxville, Tenn., slept during an overnight
shift. Sources told ABC News that the worker even took pillows and cushions from a break room to
build a make-shift bed on the control room floor. And this month, there were two more incidents.
A controller fell asleep on the job in Seattle, and days later a controller in Reno was snoozing when a
plane carrying a critically ill passenger was seeking permission to land. The FAA and the controller’s
union have been studying the fatigue issue for over a year and their report finds that “acute fatigue
occurs on a daily basis,” and “fatigue can occur at any time, on any shift.”
Sleep experts suggest midshift naps
Some sleep experts said controllers are ripe for fatigue because they often bounce between day
shifts and night shifts. “When we’re constantly having to adjust to different work schedules, our
body is always playing catch up,” said Philip Gehrman, Director of the Behavioral Sleep Program at
the University of Pennsylvania. Controllers on the night shift have another hurdle: they often work
in dim light conditions with little stimulation between radio calls. “That’s exactly the kind of type
of task that’s hardest to maintain, when you’re at the wrong point in your biological rhythms,” said
Gehrman. One recommendation from the government study suggests allowing controllers to take
scheduled naps, with breaks as long as two and a half hours to allow for sleeping and waking up.
Sleep experts said a long break in the middle of an eight hour overnight shift would help, but it
might be a tough sell politically. It has taken decades to try to come up with new fatigue rules for
pilots and it may not be any easier when it comes to controllers.
01. In Text II, in terms of reference, the boldfaced pronoun
a) them in “and telling them” (line 4) refers to passengers (line 4).
b) it in “But it starts with individual responsibility.” (lines 26-27) refers to time (line 24).
c) them in “for them to be reached” (lines 35-36) refers to controllers (line 32).
d) they in “they often bounce” (line 53) refers to experts (line 52).
e) it in “it may not be any easier” (lines 72-73) refers to shift (line 70).
01 - C

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Possessive Pronouns and Reflexive Pronouns�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Possessive Pronouns����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Reflexive Pronouns�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Possessive Pronouns and Reflexive Pronouns

Possessive Pronouns
Há dois tipos de pronomes possessivos: Os Possessive Adjectives e os Possessive Pronouns.
Os Possessive Adjectives são seguidos de um substantivo.
Já os Possessive Pronouns não podem ser seguidos de um substantivo. Eles são usados depois do
substantivo ao qual se referem, para evitar redundância.










Antes do Substantivo Depois do Substantivo

Ex.: I have my friends and you have your friends.

I have my friends and you have yours.
Ex.: These are my books. Where are your books?
These are my books. Where are yours?
Reflexive Pronouns
Os pronomes reflexivos concordam com os pronomes pessoais (sujeitos das frases). Eles podem
se referir ao sujeito ou ao objeto da frase.
Os pronomes reflexivos possuem 3 usos:
a) Uso reflexivo
b) Uso enfático
c) Uso idiomático






Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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AlfaCon Concursos Públicos




a) Uso reflexivo – para indicar que a ação reflete-se no próprio causador:

Ex.: The man cut himself.
b) Uso enfático – para dar ênfase (destaque) a uma pessoa ou objeto:
I myself fixed the computer.
Jane herself cleaned the house.
c) Uso idiomático – é frequentemente usado com a preposição “by” para substituir a palavra
“ALONE” (=só; sozinho):
I finished the report alone. = I finished the report by myself.
Read the excerpt and answer questions.
Many people think that dialects are corrupt versions of the standard language, and that dialect forms
are mistakes, made by ignorant people who have not learnt correct grammar. In fact, this is not at all true:
dialects have their own systematic – but different – grammars. Dialect forms are not incorrect in _____
but they can be out of place in formal styles where only the standard language is normally used.
(Adapted from Practical English Usage by Michael Swan)

01. Fill in the blank with the suitable option

a) their.
b) itself.
c) theirs.
d) themselves.
02. In “...they can be out of place in formal styles where...”, the words in bold type mean
a) lost.
b) obvious.
c) inappropriate.
d) in the incorrect order.
03. The first paragraph in the excerpt leads to the conclusion that
a) ignorant people make more grammar mistakes.
b) mistakes made by ignorant people are seldom seen as dialects.
c) more often than not, dialects corrupt the standard language.
d) a large number of people assume dialects are incorrect forms of the language.
01 - D
02 - C
03 - D

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Simple Present: Verb to Be����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Verb To Be����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Verb to Be = Ser / Estar�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Verb to Be – Form����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
There to Be – (Haver)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Verb Have�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Simple Present: Verb to Be

O Simple Present é mais usado para falar de coisas que acontecem habitualmente e verdades ab-
solutas, entretanto, ele pode ainda ser usado para falar do futuro ou até mesmo do passado!
Verb To Be








Verb to Be = Ser / Estar

Ex.: I am a doctor. = Eu sou um médico.
Ex.: I am tired. = Eu estou cansado
Ex.: They are students. = Eles são alunos.
Ex.: They are worried about the test. = Eles estão preocupados com a prova.
Verb to Be – Form
Ex.: I am tired.
Ex.: I am not tired. / I’m not tired.
Ex.: Am I tired?
Ex.: Why am I tired?
Ex.: She is beautiful.
Ex.: She isn’t beautiful.
Ex.: Is she beautiful?
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Ex.: We are lost.
Ex.: We aren’t lost.
Ex.: Are we lost?
There to Be – (Haver)
O verbo haver é comumente confundido com o verbo ter no Português. Hoje eles podem ser in-
tercambiáveis dependendo do contexto. Isso quer dizer que já se aceita dizer “Há muitos carros nas
ruas” e também “Tem muitos carros nas ruas. Entretanto, essa troca não é permitida no Inglês. Os
verbos “ter”e “haver” possuem significados totalmente distintos em inglês.
O verbo There To Be não precisa estar relacionado a um sujeito.
There is too much pollution nowadays.
(Há muita poluição hoje em dia.)
There are many students worried about the results of the test.
(Há muitos alunos preocupados com os resultados da prova.)
Verb Have
O verbo Have precisa estar vinculado a um sujeito para que faça sentido.
They have many children.
(Eles têm muitos filhos.)

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Simple Present – Other Verbs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Simple Present – Form������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Simple Present – Other Verbs

O Simple Present é mais usado para falar de coisas que acontecem habitualmente e verdades ab-
solutas, entretanto, ele pode ainda ser usado para falar do futuro ou até mesmo do passado!

Como saber se um verbo está no Simple Present no texto da prova?








Simple Present – Form

Ex.: I like to read.
Ex.: I don’t like to read.
Ex.: Do you like to read? > Why do you like to read?
Ex.: She likes to read.
Ex.: She doesn’t like to read.
Ex.: Does she like to read?
Ex.: Jane usually travels to the beach at weekends.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Ex.: The moon is our natural satellite.
Ex.: The bus leaves at 10 o’clock.
Ex.: In 1945 the World War II ends.
Anyone who has ever worked in an office remembers giant filing cabinets filled to the brim with
paper documents. Modern companies are taking steps to eliminate this mess. With our daily and
office lives becoming more and more digitized, the natural next step for these clusters of paper lies in
the computer. Document scanning makes all your important records just a click away.
The right option
What should you look for when choosing a computer company?
→→ Customer Service – if possible, talk to someone at the company to analyze the level of help they
are willing to give in set up, etc.
→→ Ease of Use – find out if the scanned documents are software specific.
→→ Options – determine which document storage routine is best for you. While online access will
work for some, others might prefer in-house storage
→→ Maintenance – how involved is the company willing to be with repairs and upgrades in the future.
Where to keep your documents
There are several types of document storage one can take advantage of. It’s important to research each
one and determine which is best for you, so you can get the most out of your document storage experience.
Different methods are going to work for different companies. There are several options out there
for paperless filing, such as compact disc storage, webaccessible document storage, jukebox raid
storage devices, COLD (Computer Output to Laser Disk) / ERM (Enterprise Report Management)
applications, and microfilm. Below, we’ll take a closer look at the first two types, their benefits and
drawbacks. Ultimately, it’s up to you to decide which method is best for your needs.
Compact disc storage
The most simple, and usually least expensive, method is document conversion to compact disc.
Depending on where you go, you’ll find different types of compact discs offered. Make sure to get a
compact disc that is compatible with all CD-Rom drives. Compact discs are perishable and easily mispla-
ced. It’s a good idea to copy all the files directly into a hard drive or two, so you can be sure to have back up.
Web-accessible document storage
Imagine simply logging into a secure website and instantly having access to all your company’s files.
Generally, the online document storage company will provide you with all sorts of grouping,
search and filing options. Take a look at the available web options offered by your document scanning
service. It’s important to feel secure (and to be secure) when accessing your documents, so do your
research on this one before you commit.
By Taylor Hartley

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

01. The main purpose of the text is to

a) convince companies to eliminate paper documents and store them digitally.
b) justify why some document scanning services are not trustable.
c) describe in detail all types of document storage available in the market.
d) present the best method of storing documents in the office.
e) criticize organizations that still keep paper documents in messy filing cabinets.
01 - A

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Present Continuous���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Present Continuous – Form���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Present Continuous
Também chamado de Present Progressive, normalmente O Present Continuous é usado para
indicar uma ação que está acontecendo agora (neste momento) e que ainda não acabou. Ele pode,
entretanto, indicar outros tipos de ação como veremos adiante.

Present Continuous – Form

O Present Continuous é formado pelo Verbo To Be no presente, acrescido de outro verbo na
forma do Gerúndio.
Ex.: I am studying now.
Ex.: My father is working now.
Ex.: My father isn’t working now.
Ex.: Is my father working now?
Ex.: Why is my father working now?
Ex.: Jane is studying in her room now.
Ex.: I am living with some friends until the end of the month.
Ex.: We are traveling to London next month.
Ex.: My car is always breaking down.
Tudo o que está acontecendo possui ING, mas nem tudo o que possui ING está acontecendo!
1) Smoking is bad for you.
(Fumar faz mal à você.)
2) I like dancing
(Eu gosto de dançar)
3) I am interested in learning French.
(Eu estou interessado em aprender francês.)
4) It is a boring movie.
(É um filme chato.)

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

A neurological team working in second World War prefabs at Bristol’s Frenchay hospital has de-
veloped a new treatment that is reversing the distressing effects of Parkinson’s disease. The team, led
by consultant neurosurgeon Steven Gill, is the first in the world to infuse a substance called GDNF
directly into patients’ brains to reactivate damaged cells. The five volunteer patients, men aged between
42 and 62, are continuing to improve. Frenchay hospital is now leading a worldwide study into the use
of GDNF to find the optimum dosage. But the team’s work is being hampered by a shortage of beds to
accommodate the trial patients during the detailed assessment needed to monitor treatment.
Gill believes the technique is the most exciting development in the treatment of Parkinson’s
in years. “The prospect of reversing the process opens the way for treating a range of neurological
conditions such as Alzheimer’s disease, Huntingdon’s chorea, motor neurone disease, stroke and
multiple sclerosis.“
01. In the text, “led by neurosurgeon Steven Gill” is the same as saying:
a) which neurosurgeon Steven Gill leads.
b) which was led by neurosurgeon Steven Gill.
c) of which neurosurgeon Steven Gill used to be a leader.
d) that leads neurosurgeon Steven Gill.
02. Gramaticalmente, “patients’s brains” equivale a:
a) the patient brains
b) brains of a patient.
c) the patients of the brains
d) the brains of patients
03. No texto, “hampered” significa:
a) desenvolvido
b) incentivado
c) impedido
d) golpeado
01 - A
02 - D
03 - C

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Articles: Artigo Definido e Artigos Indefinidos����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
The Definite Article (Artigo Definido)��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
The Indefinite Articles (Artigos Indefinidos)����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Articles: Artigo Definido e Artigos Indefinidos

Embora muitos acreditem que é fácil usar corretamente os artigos na língua inglesa, isso não é
verdade. Felizmente, a maioria dos erros envolvendo os artigos não interfere muito no aspecto comu-
nicativo da língua inglesa. Entretanto, é bom que saibamos usá-los corretamente sempre que possível.

The Definite Article (Artigo Definido)

O artigo definido THE é usado para particularizar o substantivo, ou seja, significa que sabemos de
qual substantivo se trata. “THE” significa: o / a /os / as. Portanto, podemos usá-lo no singular e no plural.
Para o uso correto do pronome definido THE, é necessário que se observe o contexto daquilo que
se diz, ou daquilo que se lê.
Observe alguns casos específicos para o uso do artigo definido THE:
1) Quando falamos de algo que é único na espécie:
Ex.: I haven’t seen the sun for days. (não tenho visto o sol há dias)
I love to stare at the moon. (eu adoro ficar olhando para a lua)
Have you ever heard of the 100 Year’s War? (você já ouviu falar da Guerra dos 100 anos?)
Outros exemplos: the world / the Earth / the planets / the Chinese / the Simpsons.
O mundo / a Terra / os planetas / os chineses / os Simpsons
2) Ambiente Físico – usamos o artigo definido THE quando falamos de nosso meio ambiente,
clima, enfim, do mundo a nossa volta. Isto porque o uso do THE sugere que todos estão familia-
rizados com o que estamos falando.
Ex.: There’s so much about the sea that we still don’t know.
If you could, what would you like to know about the future?
(Há tanto sobre o mar que ainda não sabemos)
(Se você pudesse, o que você gostaria de saber sobre o futuro?)
Cuidado! Não usamos artigo definido com as palavras nature, space ou society quando estas
possuem uma ideia generalizada. Compare:
Ex.: 1 – “It’s best to let nature take its course.” (É melhor deixar a natureza seguir seu curso)
2 – Chemists study the nature of gases. (Os químicos estudam a natureza dos gases)
No primeiro exemplo temos uma ideia generalizada da natureza enquanto que no segundo,
falamos dos gases especificamente.
3) Não usamos com nomes próprios.
Ex.: John lives in London. (Not: The John lives in the London)
Cuidado com nomes de países! Normalmente também não se usa o artigo definido THE com
nomes de países, porém há algumas exceções.
Ex.: China is the most populous country in the world.
The United States / The Philippines / The Netherlands
4) Não usamos THE antes de pronomes possessivos.
Ex.: This is my brother. (Not: This is the my brother)

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

5) Musical Instruments vs. Sports + “play”.

Ex.: He plays the violin very well.
They play soccer every Friday.
Só se usa THE após o verbo “play” quando se trata de um instrumento musical.

Podemos pronunciar “the” de duas maneiras:
1) The = /θί:/ quando for usado antes de palavras que comecem por som vocálico.
The = quando for usado antes de palavra que comece por som consonantal.
Ex.: The ice is melting. (O gelo está derretendo)

The snow is melting. (A neve está derretendo)

The Indefinite Articles (Artigos Indefinidos)

Os artigos indefinidos são “a” e “an” . Ambos significam “um” ou “uma”. Logo, só poderão ser
usados no singular, com substantivos contáveis. No caso de termos substantivos chamados incon-
táveis, usaremos some quando quisermos dar a ideia de plural. Para usarmos os artigos indefinidos
de maneira correta, basta prestarmos atenção à pronúncia das palavras para diferenciarmos o uso
do “a” do uso do “an”. Para que possamos saber se uma palavra começa com um som vocálico ou
consonantal, é necessário que recorramos à fonética da língua inglesa.
1) a = usado sempre antes de palavras que começam por um som consonantal, ou seja, a palavra
deve começar com um som de consoante, mesmo que seja uma vogal.
Ex.: Everybody dreams about having a house.

I’m saving up money to buy a motorbike.

Outros exemplos:
a book; a ewe; a European man; a uniform; a one-pound coin ; a year
Portanto, cuide com palavras como yacht, woman, university e yard que seguem o mesmo racio-
cínio acima. Elas começam respectivamente pelos sons /j/;/w/;/jυ/;/j/.
→→ Perceba que o fato de a palavra começar por uma vogal não significa que não possamos usar o artigo
indefinido “a”. O que realmente determina o uso de “a” é o som que começa a palavra em questão.
2) an = usado sempre antes de palavras que começam por um som vocálico, ou seja, a palavra deve
começar com um som de vogal, mesmo que seja uma consoante.
Ex.: He should eat an orange a day to have more vitamin C in his diet.

Outros exemplos:
→→ an apple ; an experience; an hour; an heir; an honor; an honest person

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Estas palavras começam por som de vogal segundo a fonética, logo são precedidas do artigo
an. As palavras hour; heir; honor e honest possuem “h” mudo, logo, fica valendo o som da próxima
letra fazendo com que elas sejam precedidas de an. O mesmo vale para as suas derivadas: heiress,
honorable, honesty, etc.
Read the text.
According to recent medical research, sleeping more than nine hours or less than six hours a
night can shorten your life expectancy. Those who are likely to live longest are people who regularly
get between seven and eight hours a night.
A new survey of 10,000 adults conducted by the Better Sleep Council (BSC) found that few people
understand the important role sleep plays in normal daily brain functions and many people actually
reduce their brainpower by getting too little sleep.
One in three adults admit that they do not get enough sleep, and lack of sleep is leaving millions
of people without the energy to work as hard as they should.
Although a large number of people say that they need to be mentally alert in their work, over
half of the people interviewed say that they sleep more than seven hours a night at the weekend. This
suggests that a significant number of people try to catch up on their sleep at the weekend instead of
getting enough sleep during the week, when they most need it.
According to this survey, nearly half of the population believe that the Brain rests when the
body sleeps. In fact, the opposite is true. Sleep allows the brain to go to work, filing and storing the
day’s events. “Most people incorrectly think the brain is resting or recuperating during sleep.
Actually, some parts of the brain are more active when you are asleep,” confirms Dr Mark
Mahowald, director of the Minnesota Regional Sleep Disorder Center. “Your brain is like a cluttered
desktop at the end of the Day. At night, when you are asleep and no more information can be put on
the desk, or in your brain, it can the file away the information.”
(adapted from:KAY, SUE & VAUGHAN, Jones. Inside Out. Oxford: Macmillan Heinemann,)

01. “Those” refers to people who sleep:

a) less than six hours on weekdays;
b) more than nine hours every day;
c) between seven and eight hours a night;
d) up to seven hours during weekends.
02. The word role (line 6) means:
a) thought
b) work
c) aim
d) function
03. A BSC survey found that:
a) more and more people are sleeping less nowadays;
b) most people are not aware of the importance of sleep;
c) many people always prefer to sleep during weekends;
d) people produce less when they sleep too much.
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04. The word lack (line 9) means:

a) excess
b) absence
c) disorder
d) change
01 - C
02 - D
03 - B
04 - B

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Simple Past�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Verb to Be�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Verb to Be = Ser / Estar�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Verb to Be – Form����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

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Simple Past
O Simple Past é um tempo verbal usado para indicar ações completas no passado com tempo definido.
Verb to Be







Verb to Be = Ser / Estar

Ex.: I was sick last night.
Eu estava doente noite passada.
Ex.: I was short when I was a kid.
Eu era baixo quando era criança.
Ex.: They were tired after the game.
Eles estavam cansados depois do jogo.
Ex.: They were friends in the past.
Eles eram amigos no passado.
Verb to Be – Form
Ex.: She was tired.
Ex.: She wasn’t tired.
Ex.: Was she tired?
Ex.: Why was she tired?

Além do verbo To Be, há dois tipos de verbos no Simple Past. Os Verbos Regulares e os
Verbos Irregulares.
REGULAR VERBS – São acrescidos de “ED” ao final do verbo para formar o passado.
Work – worked
Watch – watched
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IRREGULAR VERBS – Não são acrescidos de “ED” para formar o passado.

Go – went
Cut – cut
Ex.: I worked a lot yesterday.
Ex.: I didn’t work a lot yesterday.
Ex.: Did you work a lot yesterday?
Ex.: She went out last night.
Ex.: She didn’t go out last night.
Ex.: Did she go out last night?
Observe the fragment taken from the blues Blow Wind Blow (Muddy Waters, Paul Butterfield) to
answer the questions.
When the sun rose this morning,
I didn’t have my baby by my side.
When the sun rose this morning,
I didn’t have my baby by my side.
I don’t know where she was,
I know she’s out with some another guy.
01. According to it, the author
a) affirms he doesn’t have his lover with him.
b) wishes she had another man.
c) wants her back anyway.
d) believes she will return that morning.
02. The sentence “I don’t know where she was”
a) must have the order of its elements changed to be correct.
b) is grammatically correct.
c) should have the question word replaced by another one to be right.
d) needs a question mark to be right.
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03. In the context of the song, the word “when” can be substituted for
a) while.
b) even though.
c) considering that.
d) by the time.
01 - A
02 - B
03 - D

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Past Continuous��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Past Continuous – FORM��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Past Continuous – FORM��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

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Past Continuous
O Past Continuous é usado para nos referirmos a algo que estava acontecendo em torno de
um momento específico no passado ou que estava acontecendo o tempo todo num período de
tempo no passado.
Past Continuous – FORM
O Past Continuous é formado pelo Verbo To Be no passado acrescido de outro verbo na
forma do Gerúndio.

Ex.: I was studying when you called me last night.

Past Continuous – FORM
Ex.: John was studying.
Ex.: John wasn’t studying.
Ex.: Was John studying?
Ex.: What was John studying?
a) O Past Continuous é usado juntamente com o Simple Past quando dizemos que algo aconteceu
enquanto outra ação estava em andamento.
Ex.: I was taking a shower when Jane called me.
b) O Past Continuous pode ainda ser usado para indicar duas ações que estavam acontecendo
Ex.: Bob was studying while Jane was cooking.
Tudo o que está acontecendo possui ING, mas nem tudo o que possui ING está acontecendo!
1) Smoking is bad for you.
(Fumar faz mal à você.)
2) I like dancing
(Eu gosto de dançar)
3) I am interested in learning French.
(Eu estou interessado em aprender francês.
4) It is a boring movie.
(É um filme chato.
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01. Complete the sentences with the Simple Past or the Past Continuous of the verbs in brackets:
a) As I _____________ (drive) home, a policeman __________ (stop) me and _______
(ask) me for my driving license.
b) Last night when I ________ (arrive) home, my parents _______________ (have) dinner.
c) The secretary ___________ (type) a letter when her boss _______ (ask) her for some coffee.
d) When I __________ (wake) up this morning it _______________ (rain).
01 - a) was driving / stopped / asked
b) arrived / were having
c) was typing / asked
d) woke up / was raining

Conjunções são palavras que unem orações em frases. Além de formar frases, as conjunções
também nos mostram como os significados de tais orações estão relacionados, dão sentido e coerên-
cia ao texto deixando-o mais bem articulado.
As conjunções podem ser coordenativas ou subordinativas.
As conjunções coordenativas unem duas orações que são gramaticalmente independentes uma
da outra. (and ; or; but; etc.)
Ex.: I like music. I don’t play any musical instrument.
I like music but I don’t play any musical instrument.
As conjunções subordinativas servem para unir uma oração que é parte de outra, ou seja, uma
oração que depende da outra. Por isso, tal oração é chamada de oração subordinada.
(because; although; when; etc.)
Ex.: I don’t smoke. It is bad for my health.
I don’t smoke because it is bad for my health.
Conjunção Tradução

And e

But mas
Or ou

Although/though embora

However apesar de; entretanto

In spite of/despite apesar de

When quando
Whenever sempre que

While enquanto; enquanto que

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As soon as logo que

Till/ until até

In order to a fim de

So that de modo que

Because por que

As porque; , assim que

Since desde; já que; porque

Therefore portanto

Nevertheless todavia; contudo

Besides além de

Moreover além do mais

Unless a menos que

Young, liberal and in command Source: April 16, 2004 (Adapted)

On Thursday April 15th, the challengers won a crucial battle in their bid to overturn South
Korea’s conservative, elitist and business-driven political system. ______ (1) the country’s voters
have been able to choose their leaders freely since the late 1980s, many of them, especially younger
ones, still consider their brand of democracy to be corrupt, outdated and unfair.
01. Gaps no.1:
a) However
b) Although
c) Despite
d) Though
e) Nevertheless
01 - B

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Ordem dos Adjetivos���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

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Os adjetivos são palavras que têm a função de transformar os substantivos. Eles não possuem plural
e não possuem formas para masculino e feminino, ou seja, não variam quanto ao número e gênero.
Os adjetivos que descrevem cor, qualidade, tamanho (ex: good; bad; big; small; blue; yellow...)
ou podem ser aqueles que estabelecem restrições à quantidade, posse, distância etc. (ex: my car, few
students, distant place, etc...)
Alguns adjetivos terminam em ED, portanto devemos cuidar com o contexto para que não con-
fundamos com os verbos regulares, que são aqueles que levam ED para formar o passado.
Já outros terminam em ING, exigindo o mesmo cuidado para que não sejam confundidos com
formas do gerúndio.
Alguns adjetivos que levam ED:
aged idoso(a) ragged maltrapilho / áspero
beloved amado sacred sagrado
blessed abençoado wicked perverso / maligno
crooked torto wretched desprezível
cursed amaldiçoado(a) one/three/four-legged de uma / três/ quarto pernas.
naked pelado / nu

Adjetivos que levam ING:

a) This movie is boring. (Este filme é chato)
b) I’m bored with this movie. (Eu fico entediado com este filme)
No primeiro caso, o adjetivo se refere a uma mera característica do substantivo. No segundo
caso, o adjetivo expressa um sentimento de uma pessoa em relação a algo. Sempre que isso acontecer,
devemos usar o adjetivo terminado em ING.
Ordem dos Adjetivos
Existem muitas regras para determinar a ordem dos adjetivos e muitos gramáticos discordam
quanto ao seu uso. Veja algumas das regras mais importantes para sabermos a ordem dos adjetivos
numa frase:
1) Regra Geral: Normalmente os adjetivos seguem a seguinte ordem:
Colour – cor Origin – origem Material – material Purpose – propósito Noun – substantivo
a blue Italian glass flower vase
a brown German pottery beer mug
2) Adjetivos de tamanho, comprimento, altura ou idade geralmente são usados antes dos adjeti-
vos de cor, origem, material e propósito:
→→ a square wooden table. (not: wooden square table)
(Uma mesa de madeira quadrada)
→→ a tall modern glass building.
(um prédio de vidro alto e moderno)
3) Adjetivos de julgamento e atitude geralmente são usados antes de todos os outros.
→→ A silly tall guy. (um cara alto e tolo)
→→ A lovely young man. (um jovem adorável)
4) Números
Também são usados antes dos demais adjetivos:
→→ Six comfortable chairs. (seis cadeiras confortáveis)
→→ The four first days. (os quatro primeiros dias)
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5) Vírgulas
Usamos vírgulas quando temos uma sequência longa de adjetivos, especialmente em descrições
físicas, para adjetivos que dão o mesmo tipo de informação.
Ex.: A lovely, long, cool, refreshing cocktail.
→→ Vírgulas podem ser eliminadas antes de adjetivos comuns curtos:
Ex.: a short(,) dark(,) handsome cowboy.
6) Verb To Be and Copular Verbs
Os adjetivos vêm depois do verbo To Be e dos chamados Copular Verbs – (look, feel, smell, taste,
become, remain, stay, appear, seem and sound).
Ex.: The weather is nice today. (O tempo está bom hoje)
I’m thirsty. (Eu estou com sede)
The film was interesting. (O filme foi interessante)
He’s been tired. (Ele tem estado cansado)
This meat smells good. (Essa carne cheira bem)
That food tastes awful. (Aquela comida está com gosto horrível)
She looks beautiful. (Ela está bonita)
Off the radar screen
Days after Air France’s ill-fated Airbus A330 plunged mysteriously into the southern Atlantic
Ocean four hours after leaving Rio de Janeiro for Paris on May 31st, rescuers were still searching for
debris. The wreckage is thought to lie up to some 3,700 metres below the waves, possibly in one of
the many trenches that riddle the rocky undersea mountain range west of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Its exact location may not be known for several weeks. One of the hazards of flying over oceans is the
lack of radar coverage. Even the latest radar equipment can reach out no more than 550 kilometres
(300 nautical miles) from land.
Once out of radar range, pilots flying intercontinental routes make scheduled radio contact every
half an hour or so with air-traffic control stations, behind or ahead of them, to report their positions.
The rest of the time, no one knows exactly where they are.
A number of countries, especially those surrounded by oceans or by vast expanses of rugged
wilderness are none too happy with this. America, Australia and Canada have been among the most
active proponents of satellite navigation for commercial aircraft.
The Canadian authorities began operation of such a system in January. It uses what is known in
aviation circles as ADS-B, short for automatic dependent surveillance-broadcast.
The technology combines the precise position of the aircraft, as identified by global-positioning
satellites, with data about its flight number, speed, direction and attitude (whether it is climbing,
descending or turning).
Although ADS-B would not have prevented the crash into the Atlantic Ocean, it might well have
helped locate the debris more quickly. Knowing the exact location of the accident would allow rescue
craft to be on the scene within hours, pulling any survivors from the water. That too would be a great
benefit of the new air-traffic-control technology.
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Judge the following items about the ideas and the linguistic structures of the text above.
01. America, Australia and Canada, which are surrounded either by oceans or rough wilderness
are the most active proponents of satellite navigation for commercial aircraft.
Certo ( ) Errado ( )
02. The verb to plunge in “Airbus A330 plunged mysteriously into the southern Atlantic Ocean”
(L.1-2) means to thrust or throw (something or oneself) forcibly or suddenly downwards.
Certo ( ) Errado ( )
01 - Errado
02 - Certo

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Degrees of Adjectives������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Comparative of Equality����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Comparative of Inferiority�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Comparative of Superiority�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

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Degrees of Adjectives
Normalmente aprendemos algumas coisas básicas sobre os adjetivos em inglês: Eles são usados
antes do substantivo ao qual se referem e depois do verbo To Be. Sabe-se também que eles não sofrem
variações quanto ao número e gênero.
Entretanto, é possível trabalharmos os graus dos adjetivos. Em inglês os adjetivos podem variar
em 2 graus: Comparativo e Superlativo.
Comparative degrees:
a) Equality
b) Superiority
c) Inferiority
Comparative of Equality
as + adjective + as
Ex.: Jennifer Lopez is as beautiful as Angelina Jolie.
Ex.: Jennifer Lopez isn’t as beautiful as Angelina Jolie.
Jennifer Lopez isn’t so beautiful as Angelina Jolie.
Comparative of Inferiority
less + adjective + (than)
Ex.: The interviewee was less articulate than the reporter.
Comparative of Superiority
adjective + ER (than)
more + adjective (than)
Ex.: Tim is taller than his brother.
Women are more emotional than men.
Empirically Based Leadership
A significant area of interest within the US Army empirical literature on leadership is emotional
intelligence (EI), which in recent years has been the focus of considerable attention in relationship to
leadership efficacy. Emotional intelligence involves an awareness of one’s own emotions as well as the
ability to control them, social awareness of others and their emotions, and the capacity to understand
and manage relationship and social networks. In understanding others’ emotions, an important con-
tributing factor to the success of the more effective military officers is their ability to empathize with
their subordinates. In discussing empathy, FM (Field Manual) 6-22 defines it as “the ability to see so-
mething from another person’s point of view, to identify with and enter into another person’s feelings
and emotions”. Empathy is not typically a quality that most soldiers would readily identify as an essen-
tial characteristic to effective leadership or necessary to producing positive organizational outcomes,
but it is an important quality for competent leadership, especially as it relates to EI.
Adaptado de McDONALD, Sean P. Military Review
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01. According to the text, we can state that

a) empathy is part of emotional intelligence.
b) emotional intelligence does not include empathy.
c) emotional intelligence is the ability to avoid empathy.
d) the US Army wants soldiers to hide feelings.
e) the US Army wants leaders to control subordinates’ feelings.
02. In the sentence “ awareness of one’s own emotions as well as the ability to control them...”,
the expression as well as has the same meaning as
a) but.
b) thus.
c) also.
d) unless.
e) then.
01 - A
02 - C

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Superlative Degree�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Inferiority / Superiority����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Superlative Degree
Inferiority / Superiority
a) Superlative of Inferiority
the least + adjective
Ex.: Susan was the least worried student in class.
b) Superlative of Superiority
adjective + EST
the most + adjective
Ex.: Steve is the tallest boy in his class.
Studying is one of the most important things to do in life.
Adjective Comparative (ER) Superlative (EST)

TALL taller (than) the tallest

BIG bigger (than) the biggest
EASY easier (than) the easiest
COY coyer (than) the coyest
DIFFICULT more difficult (than) the most difficult
Irregular Comparative and Superlative forms
good better the best
bad worse the worst
far farther / further the farthest / furthest

For questions 01-08, read the text below and decide which answer (A, B, C or D) best fits each gap.
Saving energy: it starts at home
We already know the fastest, __01__ expensive way to slow climate change: use less energy. With
a little effort, and not __02__ money, most of us could reduce our energy diets by 25 percent or more
− __03__ the Earth a favor while also helping our pocketbooks.
So what’s holding us back? Scientists have reported recently that the world is heating up even
faster __04__ predicted only a few years __05__ , and that the consequences could be severe if we
don’t __06__ reducing emission of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that are trapping
heat in our atmosphere.
But what can we __07__ about it as individuals? Will our efforts really __08__ any difference?
a) least
b) cheap
c) less than
d) cost
a) real
b) more
c) much
d) Expensive
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a) requesting
b) asking
c) doing
d) making
a) then
b) than
c) the
d) them
a) ago
b) behind
c) since
d) last
01 - A
02 - C
03 - C
04 - B
05 - A

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Position of Adverbs������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Advérbios são palavras que dão ou acrescentam significado a um verbo, a um adjetivo ou a um
outro advérbio. Observe:
Ex1.: He ran very slowly. (Ele correu vagarosamente)
→→ O advérbio slowly indica o modo como ele correu, acrescentando um significado a mais ao verbo
ran. Assim, temos uma ideia mais clara e específica de como a ação aconteceu.
Ex2.: That restaurant is reasonably cheap. (Aquele restaurante é razoavelmente barato)
→→ Neste caso, o advérbio reasonably acrescenta significado ao adjetivo cheap.
Ex3.: Paul learns languages incredibly quickly. (Paul aprende línguas incrivelmente rápido)
→→ Neste caso temos o advérbio incredibly acrescentando significado a um outro advérbio; quickly.
Vamos estudar quatro tipos de advérbios: advérbios de modo, advérbios de lugar, advérbios de
frequência e advérbios de tempo.
˃˃ Adverbs of Manner – Advérbios de Modo
Advérbios de modo são aqueles que indicam “como” uma ação acontece.
Ex.: He spoke fast. (Ele falou rápido)
→→ Para descobrirmos se um advérbio é de modo, basta olharmos para o verbo e perguntarmos:
Como? No exemplo acima, basta perguntarmos: “Como ele falou?” Se obtermos resposta para a
pergunta, significa que se trata de um advérbio de modo: Ele falou rápido.
Os advérbios de modo se originam a partir dos adjetivos. Existem algumas regras para formação
de tais advérbios:
1) Regra Geral: acrescenta-se “LY” ao adjetivo.
Ex.: bad – badly
slow – slowly
2) Adjetivos terminados em “Y”: troca-se o “Y” por “I” e acrescenta-se “LY”.
Ex.: happy – happily
easy – easily
3) Adjetivos terminados em “LE”: troca-se o ”LE” por “LY”.
Ex.: simple – simply
incredible – incredibly
4) Adjetivos terminados em “IC”: acrescenta-se “AL” + “LY” ao adjetivo.
Ex.: systematic – systematically
heroic – heroically
5) Exceções: Alguns advérbios de modo não seguem tais regras:
Ex.: good – well
fast – fast
hard – hard
Her job is hard (adjetivo) She works hard. (advérbio)
Ben is a fast runner. (adjetivo) Ben runs fast. (advérbio)
The bus was late / early. (adjetivo) I went to bed late / early. (advérbio)

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Há palavras que terminam em “LY” e não são advérbios. São adjetivos!
˃˃ Adverbs of Place
Todas as expressões de lugar são advérbios de lugar.
Ex.: She burnt herself at home.
He is at the bank.
˃˃ Adverbs of Time
Todas as expressões de tempo são advérbios de tempo.
Ex.: We had lunch at two o’clock in the afternoon yesterday.
˃˃ Adverbs of Frequency
Estes advérbios indicam a frequência com que uma ação está sendo executada. Há dois tipos de
advérbios de frequência:
1) Advérbios de frequência definida – são aqueles em que o intervalo de tempo entre uma ação e
outra é definida, ou seja, intervalos de tempo iguais:
Ex.: I take cooking classes every Friday. (Eu tenho aulas de culinária toda sexta-feira.)
2) Advérbios de frequência indefinida – são aqueles em que se sabe o intervalo de tempo para uma
ação se repetir:
Ex.: I always go to the club. (Eu sempre vou ao clube.)
Outros exemplos de advérbios de frequência:
Adverbs Translation Adverbs Translation
always sempre once a week uma vez por semana
seldom raramente twice a week duas vezes por semana
sometimes ás vezes at weekends nos fins de semana
never nunca every other day dias alternados
often frequentemente every day todos os dias
usually geralmente three / four times a week três/quarto vezes por semana
frequently frequentemente etc..

Position of Adverbs
Adverbs of Frequency
Os advérbios de frequência podem ser colocados em diferentes posições numa frase:
1) Advérbios de Frequência Indefinida:
a) São usados após o verbo “To be”:
Ex.: Some people are always complaining about everything.

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b) Na frente dos demais verbos:

Ex.: They usually play soccer at weekends.
2) Advérbios de Frequência Definida:
a) São usados sempre no final da frase:
Ex.: We go to the beach every year.
→→ Há casos em que os advérbios podem se usados em outras posições numa frase, como por exemplo
o advérbio de frequência indefinida “sometimes”. Ele pode ser usado no início, meio ou fim de
uma mesma frase:
Ex.: Sometimes I go to the park.
I sometimes go to the park.
I go to the park sometimes.
Adverbs of Manner; Place and Time
Para os advérbios de modo, lugar e tempo seguimos regras um pouco diferentes dos advérbios
de frequência:
1) Para verbos de movimento, a ordem fica:
Ex.: They got there precisely at 9 o’clock.
São alguns verbos de movimento: arrive / go / come / walk / run / etc.
2) Para os demais verbos, a ordem fica:
Ex.: We spoke loudly at the cinema yesterday.
Se um dos três tipos de advérbio não existir na frase, a ordem continua sendo a mesma.
Managing government has never been more challenging. Public sector leaders face increasing
expectations from citizens, businesses, elected officials, and employees. Pressed to provide services
and information more quickly and cost effectively than [ADVERB], they are often saddled with
legacy information systems that fail to leverage current technology or provide an enterprise-wide
view of government.
To meet these challenges, Oracle introduces Oracle iGovernment, a platform for innovative, in-
tegrated, and intelligent operations that lets you tear down silos and link frontand back-office ope-
rations while reducing costs and increasing responsiveness. With Oracle iGovernment you can mo-
dernize your IT infrastructure, increase efficiency and transparency, and improve service delivery.
01. A palavra que preenche corretamente a lacuna [ADVERB] é
a) today.
b) past.
c) always.
d) ever.
e) never.

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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02. A tradução correta, dentro do contexto, para “To meet these challenges” é
a) Descobrir essas mudanças.
b) Para implementar essas mudanças.
c) Para enfrentar esses desafios.
d) Para evitar esses desafios.
e) Encontrar esses desafios.
01 - D
02 - C

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Degrees of Adverbs����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Comparative of Equality���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Affirmative and Interrogative�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Comparative of Inferiority�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Comparative of Superiority�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

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Degrees of Adverbs
Comparative degree of Adverbs:
a) Equality
b) Superiority
c) Inferiority

Comparative of Equality
Nesse caso, é possível usar qualquer tipo de advérbio.
as + adverb+ as
Affirmative and Interrogative
Ex1.: Bob speaks Italian as well as Josh.
(adverb of manner)
Ex 2.: Do you go to the club as frequently as Jim?
(adverb of frequency)
Ex3.: Try to arrive at the meeting as early as possible, ok?
(adverb of time)
Ex4.: She drove as slowly as possible to avoid accidents.
(adverb of manner)
Ex1.: Bob doesn’t speak Italian as well as Josh.
(adverb of manner)
Ex 2.: We don’t go out as frequently as Jane.
(adverb of frequency)
Ex3.: Try not to get here as late as last time, ok?
(adverb of time)
Ex4.: She didn’t drive as carefully as she should.
(adverb of manner)
Comparative of Inferiority
Usado com qualquer advérbio.
less + adverb+ (than)
Ex.: He went to school less frequently than required. That’s why he failed it.
Comparative of Superiority
Seguem somente o seguinte padrão:
more + adverb + (than)
Ex1.: Mary writes more slowly than John.
Ex 2.: My older brother learns more easily than I do.

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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Read the following text:
Smallpox was the first widespread disease to be eliminated by human intervention, In May, 1966,
the World Health Organization (WHO), an agency of the United Nations, was authorized to initiate
a global campaign to eradicate smallpox. The goal was to eliminate the disease in one decade. At the
time, the disease posed a serious threat to people in more than thirty nations. Because similar projects
for malaria and yellow fever had failed, few believed that smallpox could actually be eradicated, but
eleven years after the initial organization of the campaign, no cases were reported in the field.
The strategy was not only to provide mass vaccinations but also to isolate patients with active
smallpox in order to contain the spread of the disease and to break the chain of human transmission.
Rewards for reporting smallpox assisted in motivating the public to aid health workers. One by one,
each smallpox victim was sought out, removed from contact with others, and treated. At the same
time, the entire village where the victim had lived was vaccinated.
By April of 1978, WHO officials announced that they had isolated the last known case of the disease,
but health workers continued to search for new cases for two additional years to be completely sure.
In May, 1980, a formal statement was made to the global community. Today smallpox is no longer
a threat to humanity. Routine vaccinations have been stopped worldwide.
01. Para atingir o objetivo proposto, a WHO usou da seguinte estratégia:
a) Apenas vacinação em massa em todo o mundo.
b) Higienização dos locais infectados.
c) Isolamento de doentes e vacinação em massa.
d) Cobertura intensa e divulgação de áreas contaminadas.
02. A leitura do texto permite – nos dizer que:
I. o título poderia ser “ The eradication of smallpox “.
II. poucos acreditaram na proposta apresentada pela WHO.
III. a campanha durou menos que onze anos para ser concluída.
IV. o sucesso somente foi alcançado porque havia muitos recursos.
V. a WHO precipitou-se ao anunciar suas conquistas.
Assinale a alternativa correta.
a) Apenas I e II estão corretas.
b) Apenas III e IV estão corretas.
c) Apenas II e V estão corretas.
d) Apenas III e V estão corretas.
03. A população foi especialmente motivada a contribuir com a campanha da WHO e a
auxiliar os sanitaristas
a) com o uso de recompensas pelos casos identificados.
b) por meio de campanhas educativas e informativas.
c) na vacinação dos indivíduos contaminados.
d) participando espontaneamente em vacinações.
01 - C
02 - A
03 - A

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Regular Plural: Acrescenta-se ‘S’�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Irregular Plural������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Casos Especiais��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

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Somente substantivos contáveis possuem plural em inglês. Adjetivos não possuem forma no plural.
Vale lembrar que nem sempre o “S” indica plural no inglês. Como veremos a seguir, há palavras que
não possuem “S” e encontram-se no plural. Há também palavras que possuem “S” e não estão no plural.

Observe que o adjetivo não possui plural.

Regular Plural: Acrescenta-se ‘S’

Irregular Plural
a) Substantivos terminados em S, SS, SH, CH, X e O: Acrescenta-se ES:

→→ Quando o CH tiver som de ‘k’, acrescentamos apenas “S”:

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Casos Especiais
1) Há substantivos que levam “S”, mas que podem ser usados tanto no plural como no singular:
→→ means (Ex.: A means of transport. or: Many means of transport.)
→→ series (Ex.: ‘Friends’ is a television series. or: There are many good television series.)
→→ species (Ex.: A species of fish. or: A lot of species of fish.)
2) Alguns substantivos são formados de duas partes, logo estão sempre no plural:
jeans; shorts and pants
Para usá-los, usamos verbos no plural ou podemos usar a expressão “a pair of”:
Ex.: ‘Those are nice trousers’ or ‘That’s a nice pair of trousers’.

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3) Há alguns substantivos que terminam em “-ics” que geralmente não são plural:
4) Há substantivos que não levam “S” mas que são geralmente usados com o verbo no plural,
pois indicam grupos de pessoas: (Às vezes são usados com o verbo no singular)
→→ government (governo)
→→ police (polícia)
→→ commitee (comitê, comissão)
Ex.: The government want to increase some taxes next year. (Ou The government wants to …)

Sugestão de site para praticar exercícios:
New research shows the hidden benefits of eating dark chocolate
By Sora Song
Go ahead, indulge yourself a little. Medical science has just cooked up two sweet reasons to eat
chocolate – as long as it’s dark chocolate. Two small studies published last week suggest that dark
chocolate may offer such benefits as lower blood pressure and higher levels of disease-and-age-de-
fying chemicals called antioxidants. As if you needed an excuse. Researchers have long known that
cocoa beans contain a class of chemicals called flavonoids, which are also found in fruits, vegetables,
tea and red wine.
Previous studies suggest that flavonoids raise levels of HDL cholesterol (the good kind) and act as
potent antioxidants, protecting cells from free-radical damage,
which can contribute to aging, heart disease and certain cancers. In a study published in Nature,
researchers asked 12 volunteers to eat dark chocolate only, dark chocolate with a glass of milk, or
milk chocolate. An hour later, the dark-chocolate-only group showed an 18% increase
in blood levels of antioxidants called epicatechins. Those in the latter two groups had no such
change. “We suspect it’s the proteins in the milk that the epicatechins are binding to, so they’re not
absorbed,” says study co-author Alan Crozier of the University of Glasgow. “There is evidence that
with tea, milk does something similar.” [...]
01. About the article, it might be stated that:
a) it suggests that people should eat more dark chocolate.
b) it suggests that people avoid dark chocolate.
c) it argues that any kind of chocolate is good for people’s health.
d) it offers scientific data to support people who eatall sorts of chocolate.
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02. The introductory statement Go ahead, indulge yourself a little should be understood as:
a) a request to think carefully before eating chocolate.
b) some advice to be careful while eating chocolate.
c) an invitation to have as much chocolate as one wishes.
d) permission to have some chocolate.
01 - B
02 - C

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Quantifiers / Quantificadores����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

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Quantifiers / Quantificadores
Os Quantificadores são pronomes que precedem e modificam os substantivos e têm a função
de determinar sua quantidade. Para sabermos usá-los, é preciso que conheçamos as diferenças
entre substantivos contáveis e incontáveis. Lembramos que são chamados substantivos incontáveis,
aqueles que não possuem forma plural, ou seja, devem ser usados somente na forma do singular:
Ex.: money, weather, advice, information, etc.
São chamados substantivos contáveis aqueles que podem ser passados para o plural, ou seja,
podem ser usados tanto no singular quanto no plural, dependendo do que se quer dizer:
Ex.: girl, chair, friend, person, etc.
→→ 1) Much (muito):
É usado com substantivos incontáveis, ou seja, serve para indicar grande quantidade de um subs-
tantivo que não pode ser usado no plural.
Ex.: There’s much information about the course on the internet. (Há muita informação sobre o
curso na internet.)
→→ 2) Little (pouco):
É o antônimo de much sendo igualmente usado com substantivos incontáveis, entretanto indica
pequena quantidade de algo:
Ex.: There’s little water in the pool so we won’t be able to swim. (Há pouca água na piscina,logo,
não poderemos nadar.)
→→ 3) Many (muitos):
É usado com substantivos contáveis servindo para indicar grande quantidade de algo. Quando
usamos many, devemos usar o substantivo na forma do plural:
Ex.: I have many friends in Los Angeles. (Tenho muitos amigos em Los Angeles.)
→→ 4) Few (poucos):
É o antônimo de many sendo igualmente usado com substantivos contáveis no plural.
Ex.: There were few people at the party. (Haviam poucas pessoas na festa.)
→→ 5) Plenty (mais do que suficiente):
Ex.: There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got plenty of time.
→→ 6) A Lot of (muito; muitos; muita; muitas)
É usado tanto com substantivos contáveis como incontáveis, para indicar grande quantidade de
Ex.: There is a lot of food in the refrigerator. (Há muita comida na geladeira)
˃˃ 1 – Much e Many são usados especialmente em frases negativas e interrogativas. Pode-se usar
também “a lot of ”:
Ex.: I didn’t spend much money. (ou I didn’t spend a lot of money.)
Do you know many people here? (ou Do you know a lot of people here?)
I don’t go out much. (ou I don’t go out a lot.)
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˃˃ 2 – Many também é usado em afirmativas, porém, na língua falada, a lot (of) é mais comum.
Ex.: A lot of people like to drive fast in Brazil. ou: Many people like to drive fast in Brazil.
˃˃ 3 – TOO MUCH e SO MUCH são usados normalmente em afirmativas:
Ex.: We spent too much money the last time we traveled. (Nós gastamos dinheiro demais na
última vez que viajamos.)
Special Cases
→→ Compare as seguintes frases:
* I have a few friends.
* I have few friends,
Ao compararmos as duas frases percebemos que elas são quase iguais e assim podemos achar que
seu significados também sejam semelhantes. Entretanto isso não é verdade. A presença do artigo na
frente do pronome few, faz com que haja uma mudança na mensagem da frase. Observe as diferenças
a seguir:
˃˃ 1) Little e Few possuem idéia negativa:
Ex.: Let’s hurry. There’s little time. (a idéia e de que não há tempo suficiente.)
He’s always alone. He hás few friends. (a idéia é de que ele não tem amigos o suficiente.)
˃˃ 2) A little e A few possuem idéia positiva:
Ex.: Let’s have a drink. We’ve got a little time before the bus leaves.
I like it here. I’ve got a few friends and I like them all.
PORÉM, quando usados com “only”, a little e a few passam a ter significados negativos:
Ex.: This house is not big enough. There are only a few rooms.
Woman who rescued Nigerian ‘witch-child’ beats Obama and Pope Francis to top list of
world’s most inspiring people
A woman who rescued a two-year-old boy who had been
cast out by his own community for being a “witch-child” has been
recognised in an international list of the most inspiring people of
the year. Anja Ringgren Lovén, a Danish care worker who rescued
the young Nigerian boy back in February 2016, beat the likes of
Pope Francis, Barack Obama and the Dalai Lama to top the list of
100 inspiring individuals compiled by German-language OOOM
An image of Ms Lovén giving the two-year-old boy (now called Hope) some water was shared
around the world, and served to highlight the work she was doing to help orphan children in Nigeria.
Witch accusations is a growing problem in many African countries, especially in Nigeria, where
Anja’s charity African Children’s Aid Education and Development Foundation cares for other
children like Hope.
“When she saw the starving child, she acted like a human being and became an inspiration for
millions,” said Georg Kindel, OOOM’s editor-in-chief, who led the jury that chose the list.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Speaking today about the experience, she said: “He was the size of a little baby, my whole body
froze. I was thinking of my own son when I saw the boy. For me it was clear at that moment that I
would fight with all my strength for him to survive.”
01. Choose the best alternative that correctly substitutes the word highlight in the sentence “...
served to highlight the work she was doing to help orphan children in Nigeria.” (paragraph 2).
a) emphasize
b) observe
c) implement
d) diminish
e) console
02. When Ms Lovén says: “... my whole body froze.” (paragraph 3), she means
a) she was feeling cold and wanted to leave.
b) she needed help because she could not walk.
c) she felt unhappy and wanted to go home.
d) she didn’t want Hope to find out she was there.
e) she became suddenly paralysed with shock.
01 - A
02 - E

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Present Perfect �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Conceito �����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Present Perfect - Form ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Present Perfect
É uma outra forma de indicar o passado, embora ele seja um tempo presente. O Present Perfect
sempre fala do agora.
→→ Compare:
1- He has lost his key. (Present Perfect)
(Ele não tem a chave agora)
2 - He lost his key. (Simple Past)
(Não se sabe se ele tem a chave ou não... só se sabe que ele a perdeu em algum momento no

Present Perfect - Form

Como reconhecer a estrutura do Present Perfect no texto?
O Present Perfect é formado a partir do auxiliar HAVE e do verbo principal no Passado Particípio.

Ex.: I have seen an accident.

˃˃ Affirmative
Ex.: I have seen this movie before.
˃˃ Negative
Ex.: I haven’t seen this movie before.
˃˃ Interrogative
Ex.: Have you seen this movie before?
Where have you seen this movie before?
˃˃ Affirmative
Ex.: She’s seen this movie before.
˃˃ Negative
Ex.: She hasn’t seen this movie before.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

˃˃ Interrogative
Ex.: Has she seen this movie before?
Where has she seen this movie before?
1) Ações completas no passado. 1) Ações “continuam”no presente.
Ex.: I studied Cantonese for 2 years. Ex.: I have studied Cantonese for 2 years.
2) Não possui relação com o presente. 2) Possui resultado ou consequência no
Ex.: I broke my leg. presente.
Ex.: I have broken my leg.

James: __41__ to South Africa?
Kate: Yes, I have. I __42__ there about five years ago.
James: Oh, really? What __43__ it like?
Kate: One of the most beautiful countries I’ve ever seen.
a) When did you go
b) Have you ever been
c) Has she been
d) Are you going
a) have been
b) am going
c) went
d) gone
a) is
a) does
b) do
c) has
41 - B
42 - C
43 - A

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Present Perfect – Special Cases��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Present Perfect – Special Cases

→→ 1) Ações repetidas no passado:
Ex.: I’ve seen that film many times
→→ 2) Ações completas num período de tempo inacabado:
Ex.: I’ve met Jane today.
→→ 3) Already = já:
Ex.: I have already finished my project.
→→ 4) Yet = ainda / já
Ex.: Have you talked to Steve yet?
I haven’t read the forms yet.
→→ 5) Lately = ultimamente
Recently = recentemente
Ex.: I have worked a lot lately.
→→ 6) Ever (“alguma vez” / já)
Never = nunca
Ex.: Have you ever eaten snails?
This is the best film I’ve ever seen.
I’ve never been to Japan.
→→ 7) Just = “acabou de”
Ex.: I have just seen an accident.
→→ 8) Since / For
Ex.: I have studied Cantonese for 3 years.
I have studied Cantonese since 2001.
John has been to London
John has gone to London
Money issues aren’t romantic, but they should be discussed before a wedding
By Carolyn Hax
Hi, Carolyn:
So, I am getting married in a few months and I’ve been struggling with a question: How much
financial information should a couple share pre-wedding?
Recently my fiancé told me that an old creditor started garnishing a portion of his paycheck. I
was shocked that his financeswere in such a bad state.
He has always been private about money, but I didn’t care much since I make my own living
anyway. I’m just wondering if we need to write out all our debts and share them with each other
before marriage. If so, how do I approach this topic?
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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You tell him the garnished paycheck surprised you, and you think it’s important that both of you
share full financial information − including credit scores − then fully discuss your philosophies and
approaches to money. This is critical given not just his neglected debt, but also your casual attitude
toward his being “private about money.” If he won’t share, don’t marry. Seriously.
And if he does share what amounts to a real mess, then postpone the wedding until he sorts
himself out. This isn’t about your ability to support yourself, though that helps. It’s about the finan-
cial implications of the legal knot you’re about to tie.
Unromantic, sure, but losing a home/car, taking second or third jobs, never having a vacation
and winding up in bankruptcy are all profoundly unromantic as well.
01. In the sentence He has always been private about money, the Present Perfect is
a) incorrect because the action referred to began before another past action, so that the Past
Perfect should be used instead.
b) correctly used, but the Simple past could also be used without any change in meaning.
c) correctly used because it refers to an action that started in the past and continues in the present.
d) incorrect and should be replaced by the Present Continuous because the action occurs re-
peatedly in the present.
01 - C

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Past Perfect�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Past Perfect Continuous�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Past Perfect
Indica uma ação que ocorreu antes de outra ação que também estava no passado. Ele dá ordem
aos eventos ocorridos no passado.

Ex.: Steve had left the building in time.

O Past Perfect é muito usado com o Simple Past.
Ex: The students had finished the exercise when the teacher entered the classroom.

Past Perfect – Form

→→ Affirmative
Ex.: She had been to Scotland before.
→→ Negative
Ex.: She hadn’t been to Scotland before.
→→ Interrogative
Ex.: Had she been to Scotland before?
Why had she been to Scotland before?

O Past Perfect sempre indica a ação que aconteceu mais no passado, ou seja, aquela ação que,
numa sequência cronológica de eventos, aconteceu primeiramente.

Past Perfect Continuous

Indica uma ação que esteve em andamento antes de outra ação passada.

Ex.: I had been waiting for a long time when I finally realized I was in the wrong line.
Note que o Past Perfect Continuous também é muito usado juntamente com o Simple Past.

Past Perfect Continuous – Form

→→ Affirmative
Ex.: They had been waiting for a long time.
→→ Negative
Ex.: They hadn’t been waiting for a long time.
→→ Interrogative
Ex.: Had they been waiting for a long time?
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Our Plugged-in Summer
I set out to spend my summer vacation online. A few things conspired to give me the idea. The
first was the insistent finger wagging one now encounters that the only way to spend quality time
with one’s children is to disengage from technology.
The same day, my brother sent along a link for a new app (leafsnap) that allows users to identify
trees by submitting photos of leaves. What a smart way to juice that nature walk, I thought.
The next day I saw a Twitter message from Pierre Omidyar (@pierre), the eBay founder, in which
he attached a photo and asked, “What is the name of this purple and white flower bush?” Seconds
later he had his answer: lilac.
Then my sister wrote to ask how she could identify the bird building a nest on her deck. “Take a
picture and put it on Facebook,”
I said. “You’ll have an answer within the hour.” She bet me it wouldn’t work, but within 19
minutes two friends had confirmed it was a Carolina wren.
I concocted a scheme. During weekends this summer, I would pursue the opposite of an
unplugged vacation: I would check
screens whenever I could. Not in the service of work, but in the service of play.
I would crowd-source new ideas for card games and
YouTube my picnic recipes. I would test the prevailing wisdom that the Internet spoils all the fun.
With back-to-school fast approaching, here’s my report.
For starters, the Web supplied an endless font of trivia and historical tidbits to enliven our days.
I learned that a great debate still rages over who was the “Benedict” in eggs Benedict; that ancient
mythologists believed fish were so afraid of the ospreys that they turned up their bellies in surrender;
and that care packages like the one we sent my nephew at camp had their origins feeding starving
Europeans in World War II.
Online videos are another boon to summer. When my 6-year-old daughters were upset that
we didn’t awaken them at midnight to watch a brief light show on the Eiffel Tower, a quick trip to
YouTube did the trick. My father used to teach my girls how sea turtles emerge from the
Atlantic near our home on Tybee Island, Ga., and lay eggs. Injured turtles are implanted with G.P.S.
devices, allowing them to be tracked online. One surprising way that being plugged in improved our
vacations was using newfangled resources to solve oldfangled problems. Bugs, for one. I used the
Internet to find a home remedy for the slugs eating my begonias (broken eggshells).
The Web also helped give us the feeling that we saw people more than we did. While it’s fashio-
nable to complain that we’re overly connected, I still found an occasional, virtual interaction with
a friend or family member to be as pleasant as running into them on the beach. I texted with my
12-year-old nephew about geocaching when we get together. My kids Skyped with my parents about
learning to swim.
And our devices were lifesavers when my daughter Tybee took a spill and had to be hurried to
the hospital for stitches. A friend who took care of Tybee’s twin, Eden, e-mailed us a photo of her
noshing on pizza to assure us she was fine.
When Tybee got nervous, the doctor asked her what movies she should download on her iPad for
her son. And just before the procedure, I received a heartwarming text: “Dear Tybee, you are such a
brave girl, love Eden.”
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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01. Segundo o texto,

a) Tybee só se acalmou e consentiu em levar pontos depois de comer um pedaço de pizza.
b) um GPS implantado nas tartarugas que desovam em Tybee Island permite acompanhar seu
ciclo reprodutivo.
c) as begônias do autor estavam sendo atacadas por causa das cascas de ovo que ele usava como
d) o autor conseguiu mostrar o espetáculo de luzes na torre Eiffel às filhas pelo YouTube.
01 - D

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Relative Pronouns������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Relative Pronouns – Form������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Omitindo o Pronome Relativo�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Relative Pronouns
Os pronomes relativos se relacionam a um substantivo ou a um pronome anteriormente mencionado.
Eles podem ser usados para definir o substantivo ao qual se referem ou para simplesmente acres-
centar informação sobre o mesmo.
→→ São eles:
Ex.: The man who was involved in the accident is my cousin.
(Defining Relative Clause)
Ex.: Rage, which is a bad feeling, gets people to do stupid things.
(Non-defining Relative Clause)

Relative Pronouns – Form

a) WHO = que ( sujeito)
Ex.: The girl who is playing is country champion.
b) WHOM = que / quem (objeto) – Geralmente vem acompanhado de preposição.
Ex.: The woman to whom I talked on the phone was nice to me.
Não pode ser substituído por “that”.
c) WHICH = usado para coisas ou animais.
Ex.: The car which I like is very expensive.
d) WHOSE = indica “posse”: CUJO/ CUJA
Ex.: The boy whose girlfriend disappeared is my friend.
e) WHERE = indica lugar.
Ex.: A department store is a place where you can buy goods.
f) WHEN = indica tempo – quando.
Ex.: Easter is a time when people celebrate Jesus’ ressurrection.

Omitindo o Pronome Relativo

The magazine which I bought is for my sister. (podemos omitir o which)
The magazine which is on the floor is mine. (não podemos omitir o which)
That is the girl who talked to me. (não podemos omitir o who)
That is the girl who I saw last night. (podemos omitir o who)

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

The Ouchless Band-Aid
Finally a band-aid that won’t rip off your skin and provoke a hearty “ouch” when pulled off. Dr.
Steve Koontz of Johnson & Johnson and his team have, in fact, created a liquid version of the tradi-
tional bandage that stays on hard-to-cover areas yet won’t come off when you’re in the shower. The
product, available in the United States since last year, costs $7.99 and consists of a bottle with 40
drops of Liquid Bandage and 10 applicators. Drops of Liquid Bandage are placed on an applicator
swab which is then rubbed over a dry wound. A chemical reaction causes a clear yet hard film to
form in just a minute. As the wound heals, the bandage just fades away. For more information, visit
01. O texto fala de...
a) Um tipo de curativo plástico de fácil remoção, que permite “ver” quando o ferimento está
b) Um tipo de band-aid à prova de água.
c) Um tipo de band-aid que não arranca os pêlos.
d) Um tipo de curativo que some à medida que o ferimento cicatriza.
e) Um tipo de curativo adesivo que se torna líquido ao ser retirado.
02. O novo curativo...
a) é feito de plástico
b) é feito de borracha
c) é feito de pano
d) é líquido
e) vem na forma de creme
01 - D
02 - D

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Interrogative Prounouns and Demonstrative Pronouns��������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Interrogative Prounouns and Demonstrative Pronouns

Os pronomes relativos são aqueles que irão compor as perguntas mais complextas em Inglês.
Are you sad?
Why are you sad?
Quase todos os pronomes interrogativos em inglês começam por WH. Por esse motivo as per-
guntas com tais pronomes também são chamdas de “Wh – questions”.
→→ Estudaremos os seguintes pronomes interrogativos:
˃˃ Where
˃˃ Who
˃˃ When
˃˃ What
˃˃ Why
˃˃ Whose
˃˃ Which
˃˃ How
→→ Em alguns casos, alguns deles podem gerar compostos:
˃˃ What time?
˃˃ How often?
˃˃ How long?
˃˃ How far?
˃˃ How much?
˃˃ How many?
˃˃ How tall?
˃˃ How difficult?
˃˃ Etc.
→→ Há vários tipos de perguntas em inglês.
a) Perguntas com verbo To Be
Ex.: Are you tired?
Were they home?
b) Perguntas com verbo To Be e Pronomes Interrogativos.
Why are you sad?
Who were they home with?
c) Perguntas em tempos verbais diferenciados, utilizando verbos auxiliares específicos:
Ex.: Do you work every day? (Simple Present)
Did you like the movie? (Simple Past)
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Will you travel on the weekend? (Simple Future)

Are they studying? (Present Continuous)
Was she watching Tv? (Past Continuous)
Should I call her later? (Modal Verb)
→→ 1 – WHO = quem (usado para pessoas, pois queremos descobrir quem é o sujeito).
Ex.: Who is Calvin?
Who are they?
Who teaches them?
→→ 2 – WHOM = quem, a quem (usado quando queremos descobrir o objeto).
Ex.: To whom did Jane talk?
At whom is he looking?
→→ 3 – WHICH = qual (no sentido de escolha, seleção ou preferência) – número limitado.
Ex.: Which question didn’t the father answer?
Which character from the story do you prefer?
Which of those boys is your bother?
→→ 4 – WHOSE = de quem (indica posse)
Ex.: Whose coin is that?
Whose bed is that in the last picture?
→→ 5 – WHERE= onde / aonde (indica lugar)
Ex.: Where are you from?
Where do you live?
→→ 6 – WHEN= quando (indica momento)
Ex.: When is your birthday?
When did you travel?
→→ 7 – WHAT = o que / qual
Ex.: What is your favourite part of town?
What do you like to do in your free time?
→→ 8 – HOW = como / o quão / quanto / de que modo
Ex.: How are you?
How did you like the movie?
How far is the village from here?
How much is this car?
Nem todas as perguntas serão formadas pelo verbo To Be ou por um auxiliar.
Algumas perguntas não possuem auxiliar. Assim sendo, utilizam apenas o verbo principal no
tempo verbal desejado.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Who do you work with?
Who speaks English?
Who did you talk to ?
Who told you about the accident?
Os pronomes demonstrativos têm a função de apontar uma pessoa, objeto, lugar, indicando ou
mostrando a sua localização. Este tipo de pronome pode acompanhar um substantivo. Eles variam
quanto número, ou seja, possuem formas no singular e no plural.
→→ São eles:
THIS – este; esta; isto (singular)
THAT – aquele; aquela; aquilo (singular)
THESE – estes, estas, esses, essas (plural)
THOSE – aqueles; aquelas (plural)
˃˃ 1 – This – usado quando o objeto está próximo ao interlocutor.
˃˃ 2 – That – usado quando o objeto está longe do interlocutor.
˃˃ 3 – These – usado quando os objetos estão próximos ao interlocutor.
˃˃ 4 – Those – usado quando os objetos estão longe do interlocutor.
Military operations in megacities
A linguistic perspective
The challenge of conducting future military operations within megacities (cities with popula-
tions over ten million) lies in understanding the dynamic and multidimensional complexities of
these urban areas.
Military operations in megacities, whether combat-oriented or otherwise, will be similar to those
in other urban environments, but will be complicated by factors unique to the megacity environment.
First and foremost, megacities are largely multilingual. While this can be said of large cities in
general, the scale of multilingualism in megacities magnifies its effects. For instance, in New York
City (NYC) – a metropolitan megacity of over eighteen million people – nine foreign languages are
spoken by communities
of one hundred thousand or larger. Language also plays a role in determining one’s identity and
the language community in which one decides to live. For example, the majority of Russian speakers
in NYC tend to live in south Brooklyn and Staten Island, while Chinese speakers tend to cluster in
Manhattan and Sunset Park. In megacities, language, culture, and regional context go hand in hand
and often reach beyond ethnic identities.
In order to fully understand the context of a megacity, we must understand the role of the lan-
guages used in its communities. How _____(1) language communities interact in megacities? What
tensions ______(2) caused by multiple language communities in urban space? What role ______(3)
language play in the power structures (government or otherwise) of megacities?
Adapted from Military Review – Jan/Feb 2016

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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01. Choose the statement in which the word lies is used with the same meaning as in paragraph 1.
a) He lies in the sun for too long.
b) His skill lies in his ability to communicate.
c) I can tell from her face that she lies.
d) A giant crocodile lies in wait for its prey.
e) This item always lies over for a next meeting.
02. Choose the alternative containing the correct words to respectively complete gaps (1), (2) and
(3) in paragraph 3.
a) is, does, do
b) do, are, do
c) are, is, do
d) are, do, does
e) do, are, does
01 - B
02 - E

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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Can / Could �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
May / Might��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Should ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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Os verbos modais são verbos auxiliares que acrescentam significado a outros verbos. Eles são
irregulares, ou seja, não seguem as regras de conjugação dos outros verbos na língua Inglesa.
I can cook. -> He can cook. (not: She cans cook.)
*Os verbos modais são seguidos da forma infinitiva dos verbos sem a partícula “to”.
Can / Could
Can significa “pode” e o seu passado é could. Eles não possuem formas variadas no particípio ou
gerúndio, etc. (ex.: to can / canning / etc. )
Embora could seja a forma passada de can, não significa que could seja usado somente para
indicar o passado. O significado de can e could pode assumir vários significados dependendo do
contexto em que são usados:
Can you drive a truck?
»» (habilidade)
You can go home if you want to.
»» (permissão)
I can hear someone playing the piano.
»» (idéia de ação contínua – present progressive)
Could I talk to you for a moment?
»» (pedido formal)
He could play the drums when he was younger.
»» (habilidade – passado)
Forma negativa: can’t / cannot / couldn’t
Utilizamos o be able to para transmitir a ideia do modal “CAN” na forma do futuro:
Ex.: In the future, people will be able to travel to other planets.
May / Might
Têm a mesma tradução de can (“pode”)e também não possuem formas variadas e também são
seguidos de verbos no infinitivo.
Jill may be late for the party.
»» (possibilidade)
May I help you? (pedir permissão)
*A diferença entre may e might é que might indica uma forma mais hesitante e menos definida
que may.
Significa ‘dever; ter que’ – indica uma obrigação ou dedução.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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We must protect nature. (obrigação)
Citizens must respect the law. (obrigação)
She is crying. She must be suffering. (dedução)
Cuidado! Mustn’t = proibição ( e não ‘falta de obrigação’)
You mustn’t be late for the meeting.
She must study more to pass. (necessitate)
You mustn’t open this Box before your birthday. (proibição)
*Para expressarmos a ideia de que algo é desnecessário, utilizamos do not need to ou do not have to:
You don’t need to have a visa to go to England.
You don’t have to get a visa to go to England.
* Must = have to / have got to / to be to
Forma Negativa: mustn’t
Significa ‘deveria’. Pode ainda expressão uma obrigação moral.
You should study more. (conselho)
You are sick. You should stay home. (obrigação moral)
* Should = Ought to / had better / be supposed to
Forma negativa: shouldn’t

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Past Modals����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Could have��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Should have / Would have��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Must have�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

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Past Modals
Os verbos modais que foram estudados anteriormente, podem ser acrescidos do verbo “have”
para formar o que chamamos de past modals. Quando isso acontece, eles passam a dar significados
diferentes aos verbos, se comparados quando acompanham diretamente o verbo. No caso dos past
modals, o verbo modal é seguido de have, sendo esse, seguido do verbo principal no passado parti-

Could have
Could have possui uma forma contraída: could’ve.
O uso mais comum para could have é quando queremos dizer que algo foi possível, mas não
Sua estrutura é formada por could + have + verbo (particípio passado). Para formarmos negati-
vas, basta mudarmos o could para a negativa couldn’t.
The cake was so good. I could eat it all. (agora)
The cake was so good. I could have eaten it all. (passado)
Ex.: “Why didn’t Lis take a ride to go to the party? She could have come with me or with Paul.”
(she could have come indica que Liz teve a chance de pegar uma carona, mas não o fez)
He could have passed the exam if he had taken it. (ele teve a chance de passar no exame, mas não
o fez)
Com um sentido semelhante ao mencionado, could have pode ainda expressar uma crítica.
Ex.: She could have told me that she didn’t want the job.
01. Choose the option that best completes each sentence;
a) Why did you stay at home? You could watch / could have watched the film with us.
b) There’s a nice party at John’s tomorrow. You could go / could have gone with me.
c) We are going to Europe next summer. We could visit / could have visited Ireland.
d) We went to Europe last summer. We could visit / could have visited Ireland.
e) It’s almost 8.00 o’clock. The guests could get / could have gotten here at anytime.
Should have / Would have
Suas formas contraídas são Should’ve e Would’ve.
São usados para falarmos de situações que são diferentes do que realmente aconteceu.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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Sua estrutura é formada por should / would + have + verbo (particípio passado). Para formar-
mos a negativa, basta colocarmos should e would para a negativa shouldn’t e wouldn’t.
˃˃ N
ormalmente Should have dá a idéia de que não fazemos parte das situações a que nos referi-
»» Ex1.: John didn’t study for the test and he failed it. He should have studied for it. (Não parti-
cipamos da situação, apenas a analisamos.)
No exemplo acima, John não fez o que seria o correto. A estrutura should have é usada para
fazermos esta crítica.
˃˃ N
ormalmente would have é usado quando nos colocamos no lugar do sujeito que fez parte da
situação da qual se fala.
»» Ex2.: John didn’t study for the test. If I were him, I would have studied for it. (Analisamos a
situação nos imaginando no lugar da pessoa da qual se fala – neste caso, me coloco no lugar
de John e digo o que faria se fosse ele).
Must have
Must have é usado para dizermos que estamos quase certos de que algo aconteceu. Sua tradução é
“deve ter”, sendo usado em inglês, no mesmo sentido que é usado em português.
Must have deve ser seguido de verbo no passado particípio, assim como os outros verbos modais
do passado.
Ex.: I called Steve but he didn’t answer the phone. He must have gone out. (A frase “Ele deve ter
saído” indica que estou quase certo do que aconteceu, ou seja, faço uma dedução de uma situação do
Household Chores Are Not Getting Easier
Despite what domestic appliance makers like you to believe, household chores are not getting any
easier – housework today is as hard as it was 60 years ago. People today spend more energy scrubbing
and mopping as they did in the 1937. A study from Cornell University found that most household
appliances were not developed to take on the most tiring cleaning tasks. There were also differences
as women found mopping floors, scrubbing and tidying the most exhausting tasks, while men found
laundry or washing dishes the most exhausting.
01. Circle the only correct letter according to the information in the text:
a) Housework is easier today that it was in the past.
b) Housework was harder in the past.
c) Household appliances were made to make people’s life easier.
d) Men’s and women’s opinion are different concerning the difficulty of household chores.
e) Laundry and Washing are the most difficult tasks for men and women.
02. The text says that:
a) Men prefer washing dishes to mopping floors.
b) Women like to do household chores.
c) Women don’t like it when men don’t help them with household chores.
d) Most invented appliances do not help make household tasks easy to do.
e) Children should help with the household chores in their homes.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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“Take the stairs” is a common exercise tip in lifestyle behavior modification programs, once
strictly a mainstay of alternative health clinics and now part of everyday medicine at the country’s
biggest hospitals and clinics. The accessible act of bypassing the escalator or elevator can help keep
off pounds and even extend your life, according to research. As one study at Cleveland Clinic showed,
covering two flights of stairs daily can result in a loss of up to 10 pounds in a year. Other findings
indicate that using the stairs 10 minutes per day can add one to two years to your life.
03. The main purpose of this passage is to:
a) present an efficient substitute for a low-fat diet.
b) criticize those who prefer to take the elevators and escalators.
c) argue that taking the stairs is the latest fashion in health clinics.
d) complain against people who do not work out on a daily basis.
e) inform people about the benefits of taking the stairs.
01 - D
02 - D
03 - E

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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Indefinite Pronouns��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Indefinite Pronouns
SOME = algum(a/as), alguns, um pouco de, aproximadamente.
→→ “Some” é comumente usado em frases afirmativas,
˃˃ Ex.:
»» Kurt bought some batteries for his flashlight.
»» Kate needs to buy some equipment.
→→ “Some” pode ser usado em interrogativas quando expressamos um oferecimento, um pedido ou
uma pergunta em que se espera obter uma resposta positiva (sim).
˃˃ Oferecimento: Would you like some wine?
˃˃ Pedido: Can you give me some money?
˃˃ Expectativa de resposta positiva: Do you mind if I put some music on?
→→ “Some” ainda pode ser usado para expressar numerais significando “aproximadamente”:
˃˃ There are some fifty students in my classroom.
˃˃ I have met some fifty people interested in extreme sports.
ANY = algum(a/as), alguns, nenhum(a), qualquer.
→→ “Any” é usado mais comumente em frases interrogativas significando algum(a/as):
˃˃ Do they have any children?
˃˃ Do you have any money?
→→ Em frases negativas, significando nenhum(a):
˃˃ They don’t need any help to climb that mountain.
˃˃ We don’t have any special equipment.
→→ Em frases afirmativas, significando “qualquer”:
˃˃ You can choose any place to camp.
˃˃ I’d like to practice any extreme sport.
→→ NO = nenhum / nenhuma.
“No” deve ser usado em frases afirmativas imediatamente antes de um substantivo, tanto no
singular como no plural.
˃˃ Some extreme sports require no special equipment.
˃˃ We must get to the top of the mountain before sunset. We have no time to rest.
→→ No = not any
˃˃ There aren’t any stores open.
˃˃ There are no stores open.
(Não há nenhuma loja aberta)
Any também é usado com palavras no sentido negativo: never (nunca), without (sem), hardly,
scarcely (quase nunca), etc.
→→ NONE = nenhum(a)
How to use NONE?
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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˃˃ “None” é usado com o verbo na forma afirmativa e não deve ser seguido de substantivo. None é
usado sozinho quando o substantivo a que ele se refere já foi mencionado anteriormente:
»» Have you ever practiced any extreme sports? – No, I have practiced none.
None = no + substantivo
I have no money = I have none.
˃˃ “None” pode ser usado antes de pronomes (e.g. my, this, it, us)ou do artigo “the”:
»» None of the boys finished the Project. (Nenhum dos garotos terminou o projeto)
»» None of us speaks Russian. (Nenhum de nós fala Russo)
“Some, Any e No” podem dar origem a compostos que seguirão as mesmas regras menciona-
das anteriormente.
SOMEHOW = de algum modo
SOMETIME = algum dia, um dia
ANYHOW = de algum modo, de nenhum modo, de qualquer modo.
˃˃ As regras estudadas para some, any e no valem também para as formas compostas:
»» There is somebody in the kitchen.
»» Is there anybody in the bedroom?
»» No, there isn’t anybody there.
»» (No, there is nobody there.)
»» They didn’t feel anything.
»» Did you buy anything yesterday?
»» Did you go anywhere last night?
»» No, I didn’t go anywhere.
»» No, I went nowhere.
No, nobody, nothing, nowhere, no, none são usados em sentenças negativas, porém nunca
usados com outra palavra negativa.
˃˃ There isn’t nothing in my pocket. (errado)
˃˃ There is not anything in pocket. (certo)
˃˃ There is nothing in my pocket. (certo)
˃˃ (Não há nada no meu bolso)
CAMPODIMELE, Italy – Corradino De Parolis has a new scooter. His old one was beginning
to struggle on the mountain roads, so he replaced it with a bright blue Vespa. He is pleased with the
investment, but his doctor has doubts and urges him to walk. De Parolis is 93 years old. He is one
of a death-defying breed that has earned Campodimele its reputation as Europe’s village of eternal
youth. Experts have been studying the inhabitants of the hilltop town halfway between Rome and
Naples for more than a decade in a quest for the secret of their extreme longevity.
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Of 840 residents, 150 are over 75 and 48 have passed 90. The oldest inhabitant, Gerardo Pecchia,
turned 104 in July.
Dr. Pietro Cugini, who leads a World Health Organization study of the village, has found that
many inhabitants possess an enzyme that reduces their cholesterol levels and eliminates problems
associated with high blood pressure. He believes the villagers’ health and longevity is 30 percent
genes and 70 percent environment. “Over the centuries, malaria has selected a hardy race of people
predestined to longevity,” Cugini said.
A healthful Mediterranean diet, a mild climate and the absence of stress all contribute to the wel-
l-being of the villagers. At 2,100 feet above sea level, fresh sea breezes keep the temperatures reaso-
nable. Most of the inhabitants are farmers and are kept fit by the steep terrain separating the village
from their plots of land. Above all, the elderly are well-integrated with the rest of the population,
with four generations gathering to chat in the piazza every day.
“The elderly person is never alone, but has a life synchronized with that of others, as in one big
family,” Cugini said. The local diet is naturally low-salt and consists of traditional pasta dishes, quan-
tities of fresh vegetables and locally produced olive oil. Local beans known as cicerchie and shallots,
valued for their anti-oxidant effect, are also important components of the Campodimele diet.
01. No que respeita às informações que o texto traz sobre os habitantes de Campodimele, seu
modo de viver e seus hábitos, assinale o que for correto.
I. Ainda que relativamente pobres, aos habitantes de Campodimele não faltam os meios es-
senciais de subsistência.
II. A expectativa de vida dos habitantes de Campodimele é de 90 anos.
III. O habitante mais velho de Campodimele chama-se Corradino de Parolis.
IV. Aos 93 anos de idade, um dos habitantes de Campodimele anda de motoneta.
V. A maior parte da população de Campodimele é composta de lavradores.
01 - IV e V

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The Future������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Simple Future – Form��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Going To – Future��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Going To – Form����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

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The Future
Há várias maneiras de expressarmos o futuro em inglês, como por exemplo o Simple Present e o
Present Continuous, que já foram estudados anteriormente
SIMPLE PRESENT – indica o futuro programado
˃˃ Ex.: The president arrives at 7:00 pm; then he delivers his speech.
At 8:00 He Starts The Press Conference.
PRESENT CONTINUOUS – Também usamos o Present Continuous para expressar ações planejadas
(personal arrangements).
˃˃ Ex.: Are you taking a long vacation this year?
No, I’m Working This Year!
As Duas Formas Mais Comuns De Expressar Ações Futuras, Entretanto, São O Simple Future
E O Going To Future:

Simple Future – Form

Para Escrevermos Uma Frase Usando O Simple Future Basta Usarmos O Auxiliar Will Junta-
mente Com Qualquer Verbo Na Sua Forma Do Infinitivo Sem A Partícula “To”.

→→ Affirmative
Ex.: Jane Will Study Architecture Next Year.
→→ Negative
Ex.: I Won’t Work With My Father.
→→ Interrogative
Ex.: Will She Study Medicine?
Yes, She Will. / No, She Won’t.

Há Várias Sugestões Para O Uso Do Will Como Auxiliar Do Futuro. Abaixo Temos Os 4
Casos Principais.
→→ 1 – Para fazermos previsões:
Ex.: The Party Will Be Very Nice.
→→ 2 – Para expressarmos promessas:
Ex.: I Promise I Will Not Tell Him About The Surprise Party.
→→ 3 – Para indicar, em estilo formal, eventos programados no futuro:
Ex.: The wedding will take place at the saint theresa church on june 27, and the reception will be
at the bourbon hotel.
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→→ 4 – Para indicar uma ação futura que foi decidida no momento em que se fala:
Ex.: The air conditioning is too cold. I will have someone turn it off right now.
Nem sempre a palavra will indica um auxiliar do futuro.
Will também pode ser a palavra “vontade” ou ainda a palavra “testamento”.

Going To – Future
A outra maneira de indicarmos o futuro é usando o “going to” igualmente seguido de qualquer
verbo na sua forma do infinitivo.

Going To – Form
˃˃ Affirmative
Ex.: He is going to study for the test.
˃˃ Negative
Ex.: He isn’t going to study for the test.
˃˃ Interrogative
Ex.: Is he going to study for the test?
Why is he going to study for the test?
˃˃ 1 – O “going to” future é normalmente usado para descrever planos, em estilo informal:
Ex.: He’s going to travel on the weekend.
˃˃ 2 – Prever o futuro com base em evidências do presente:
Ex1.: Look at the sky. It’s going to rain.
Ex2.: They are going to have another baby.
˃˃ 3 – Dizer que uma ação futura ou evento está para acontecer ou começou a acontecer:
Ex.: Look out! The dog is going to escape!
Male Contraceptive ‘100% Effective’
Scientists have developed a male contraceptive which was 100% effective and side-effect free in trials.
The treatment is a combination of an implant containing the male sex hormone testosterone,
which was replaced every four months, and a three-monthly injection of a progestin, a hormone
used in female contraceptive pills.
Researchers from Anzac Research Institute, Sydney, Australia, gave the treatment to a sample of
55 men for a year and none of their partners became pregnant. However, it will be some time before
the treatment is widely available.
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Liz Davies, of Marie Stopes International, told the BBC: “We welcome any advance in contracep-
tion, and particularly those that broaden the options for men to take responsibility.”
Professor David Handelsman, who led the research, said: “This is the first time a reversible male
contraceptive that will suppress sperm production reliably and reversibly has been fully tested by
couples. Previous attempts to develop an effective and convenient male contraceptive have encoun-
tered problems over reliability and side effects, such as mood swings and a lowered sex drive.
01. According to the text, the new contraceptive:
a) has not produced no side-effects during the time it was being tested.
b) has presented no effect other than the primary effect it was prescribed for.
c) has had minor collateral effects.
d) has had some side-effects which were partly overcome during the process of testing it.
02. De acordo com o professor david handelsman, é correto afirmar:
a) É a primeira vez que um contraceptivo que suprime a produção de esperma de maneira
segura foi testado por uma mulher.
b) Um efeito colateral dos tipos de contraceptivos anteriormente testados é a oscilação da tem-
peratura corporal.
c) Um dos efeitos colaterais de contraceptivos anteriormente testados é a diminuição do sono.
d) Anteriormente houveram tentativas frustradas de desenvolver contraceptivos que pudessem
ser usados exclusivamente por homens.
03. De acordo com o texto, é correto afirmar:
a) 55 homens submeteram-se aos testes com o novo contraceptivo pelo período de um ano.
b) O tratamento já está amplamente disponível para todos que desejem utilizá-lo.
c) O novo contraceptivo pode ser usado por homens e mulheres em idade fértil.
d) Foi verificada apenas uma gravidez durante o período de teste do tratamento.
01 - B
02 - D
03 - A

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Future Perfect�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Future Perfect – Form���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Future Perfect Continuous���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Future Perfect Continuous – Form�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

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fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Future Perfect
O Future Perfect é usado para indicar uma ação que terá se realizado (ou não) em um dado
momento no futuro.
Future Perfect – Form
Para formarmos uma frase no Future Perfect basta usarmos o verbo auxiliar will acrescido de
have, e um terceiro verbo qualquer no passado particípio.

Ex.: I always finish dinner at 8:30 p.m. If you call me at 9:00 p.m., I will have finished it.
˃˃ Affirmative
Ex.: I will have finished dinner when you call me.
˃˃ Negative
Ex.: I won’t have finished dinner when you call me.
˃˃ Interrogative
Ex.: Will I have finished dinner when you call me?
What time will you have finished dinner?
˃˃ Forma Contraída
Ex.: I will have written my report = I’ll have written my report.
˃˃ 1. O Future Perfect é usado para indicar que algo irá ocorrer antes de outra ação no futuro.
Ex1.: Will you have finished your homework by the time your mother arrives?
Ex2.: By the time my father calls me I will have cleaned my bedroom.
Ex3.: By the time I get home my wife will have cooked dinner for us.
˃˃ 2. Indica uma ação que terá ocorrido antes de outro momento no futuro.
Ex1.: I won’t have finished my report by the end of the day.
Ex2.: By the end of the week I will have read my new book.

Future Perfect Continuous

O Future Perfect Continuous é usado para indicar uma ação estará acontecendo até um momento
específico no futuro ou até um evento específico no futuro.
Future Perfect Continuous – Form
Para formarmos uma frase no Future Perfect Continuous basta usarmos os auxiliares will have
been acrescidos qualquer no gerúndio.

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Ex.: She will have been studying French for 3 years next month.
˃˃ Affirmative
Ex.: The baby will have been sleeping for 9 hours by the end of the day.
˃˃ Negative
Ex.: The baby won’t have been sleeping for 9 hours by the end of the day.
˃˃ Interrogative
Ex.: Will the baby have been sleeping for a long time by the end of the day?
Ex.: How long will the baby have been sleeping by the end of the day?
˃˃ Forma Contraída
Ex.: She will have been studying for a long time = She’ll have been studying for a long time.
O uso do Future Perfect Continuous é condizente com seu conceito: Indica uma ação estará
acontecendo até um momento específico no futuro.
Ex.: We will have been working for over 8 hours on this project by the time our boss arrives.
Lily’s anger could not have been more palpable. She awakened Christmas morning and, along
with her brother, ran down to see the gifts under the tree. In the living room sat a magnificent mini
bike. It was red with a pearly white gas tank and side panels. For a brief moment, Lily was filled with
what seemed like insurmountable excitement. She couldn’t imagine anything better than getting
that bike. Then, her eyes caught sight of a baby doll sitting on the couch with a huge bow. She knew.
She knew that the mini bike belonged to her brother and that she had been relegated to that doll. It
was par for the course. Tommy always got cool things: skateboards, gliders, science kits.
The mini bike was just the latest cool thing. Lily always got the boring gifts: a doll with a gown, a
doll with a tutu, a doll with a puppy. This doll seemed unusually blah. The doll wore a petticoat. The
doll had short, straight black hair. Tommy had seen that mini-bike in the front window of Moore’s
Bike Shop, but hadn’t Lily too? Both had begged for the bike. Both had said it was the only thing they
wanted for Christmas. Hadn’t Lily asked for it with as much fervor as her twin brother? Tommy’s
eyes grew wide at the sight of the bike he knew was his—no doll for him.
He ran into his parents’ room and jumped excitedly on the bed. “Thank you, Mama! Thank you,
Papa!” he yelled. Meanwhile Lily simmered in the other room. She was furious. She was enraged.
She was incensed. It took a while for anyone to even realize she was missing. “What’s wrong, Lil?”
Papa asked. “Did you see your pretty doll?” “I saw it,” she said sulkily. “What’s wrong?” asked
Mama. Silence. Lily’s jaw was fixed. Her hands clenched. Her whole body trembled. “Oh, Mama,
you know Lily is never excited by presents!” her brother laughed. “Come out and watch me ride!”
And so they did.
01. In the beginning of the story, Lily’s anger was described as “palpable” because it was:
a) unusual
b) irrational
c) difficult to understand
d) easy to feel
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
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02. As used in the beginning of the story, the expression “par for the course” implies that some-
a) is to be expected
b) cannot be undone
c) is sure to cause anger
d) was meant to be hurtful
03. As used at the end of the story, which is the best antonym for incensed?
a) pleased
b) annoyed
c) patient
d) tired
01 - D
02 - A
03 - A

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Gerúndio vs. Infinitivo���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Gerúndio vs. Infinitivo

O gerúndio é caracterizado pelo acréscimo da partícula “ING” e dessa forma pode atribuir dife-
rentes funções gramaticais às palavras. Assim sendo, não se pode achar que sempre que uma palavra
é acompanhada do sufixo ING, esta possuirá característica de ação em andamento. Vejamos a seguir.
→→ 1. O Gerúndio pode ser usado como o sujeito, o complemento ou o objeto de uma frase:
˃˃ a) Reading helps you learn new vocabulary. (Sujeito da Frase)
˃˃ b) Michelle’s favorite hobby is reading. (Complemento da frase)
˃˃ c) I like reading. (objeto da frase)
Para a forma do negativo do Gerúndio, adicionamos “not.”
˃˃ a) He enjoys not doing anything.
˃˃ b) The best thing for your recovery is not smoking.

→→ 2. O Infinitivo pode igualmente ser usado como o sujeito, o complemento ou o objeto de uma
˃˃ a) To study is important. (Sujeito da Frase)
˃˃ b) The most important thing is to study. (Complemento da frase)
˃˃ c) He wants to study. (objeto da frase)
* Embora essas formas estejam corretas, elas não soam natural na língua inglesa. A forma do
gerúndio é mais usada.
Para a forma do negativo do Infinitivo também adicionamos “not.”
˃˃ a) I decided not to stay.
˃˃ b) The most important thing is not to give up.
→→ 4. Quando se tratar de um objeto na frase, ambas as formas do gerúndio e infinitivo podem
ser usadas. Nesse caso, a escolha geralmente depende do verbo principal da frase. Alguns
verbos permitem ambas as possibilidades, outros permitem somente o gerúndio ou somente
o infinitivo.
˃˃ a) He enjoys swimming.
˃˃ b) He wants to swim.
˃˃ c) I like to dance.
˃˃ d) I like dancing
˃˃ 5. Alguns verbos são seguidos de gerúndio com função de objeto.
˃˃ a) She suggested going to a movie.
˃˃ b) Mary keeps talking about her problems.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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→→ 6. Podemos melhorar a ideia de quem está fazendo a ação da frase adicionando elementos tais
como his, her, its, your, their, our, John’s, Mary’s, etc ao gerúndio.
˃˃ a) I enjoyed their singing. (Eles cantaram).
˃˃ b) She understood his saying no to the offer. (Ele disse “não”).
˃˃ c) Sam resented Debbie’s coming late to the dinner. (Debbie veio tarde para o jantar).
→→ 7. O verbo “go”é comumente usado com o gerúndio para descrever esportes ou atividades re-
˃˃ a) I go swimming every day.
˃˃ b) Would you like to go fishing?
→→ 8. Não esqueçamos que “verbo após preposição” deve ser usado no gerúndio!
˃˃ a) They admitted to committing the crime.
˃˃ b) How about going out tonight?
˃˃ c) We are thinking about studying abroad.
→→ 9. Alguns verbos podem ser seguidos tanto da forma do infinitivo como da forma do gerúndio.
Entretanto atribuem significados diferentes à frase!
˃˃ a) She forgot reading the book when she was a kid. (Ela leu o livro e esqueceu desse fato)
˃˃ b) She forgot to pay the rent this month. (Ela esqueceu que ela tinha que pagar. Indica que ela
tinha a necessidade de fazer algo mas não fez.)
˃˃ c) Stop talking
˃˃ d) Stop to talk.
→→ 10. Há algumas expressões que são obrigatoriamente seguidas do gerúndio
˃˃ a) We had fun fishing.
˃˃ b) They had difficulty finding a place to sleep.
˃˃ c) She spent her time listening to music.
$27 Million Lottery Winner Rushes Back to Work
BERLIN (Reuters) – Germany’s biggest individual lottery winner had no time to celebrate after
becoming 20.4 million euros ($27 million) richer, because he was too worried about being late for
work. When the salesman, who was not identified by WestLotto, arrived Thursday to buy his weekly
lottery ticket at a shop in the industrial Ruhr area he was told last week’s 12-euro ticket that he hadn’t
bothered to check had won the jackpot.
The man’s reaction left the lottery operator dumbfounded. “After he was told he had won the
jackpot, he said he didn’t have time to chat because he would get into trouble with his boss,” a lottery
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spokesman in the western city of Muenster said. Instead, he rushed off to catch a bus to work. There
were few details about the lucky man, a pigeon-lover in his 30s, except that he planned to trade in his
rented apartment for something a little bigger in the country. It was not known if he would stay on in
his job as a salesman.
01. Which of the statements below about Germany’s lottery winner is NOT true?
a) He is a salesman.
b) He is unemployed.
c) He loves pigeons.
d) He is between the ages of 30 and 39.
02. Why was the lottery operator speechless?
a) Because the winner planned to get a bigger apartment in the country.
b) Because the winner hadn’t checked his lottery ticket.
c) Because the winner had spent 12 euros on a ticket and won 20.4 million euros.
d) Because the winner didn’t celebrate and rushed back to work by bus.
01 - B
02 - D

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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The Passive Voice�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Simple Present���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Simple Past���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Present Continuous������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Past Continuous������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Present Perfect���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Past Perfect���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Simple Future�����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3
Modal Verbs: Can; May; Could; Should; Must; etc.��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������3

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The Passive Voice

→→ Quando falamos a respeito de Passive Voice (Voz Passiva), estamos nos referindo a um tipo de
construção de frases, no qual o sujeito sofre a ação do verbo. Se dissermos:
˃˃ John loves Mary – voz ativa, pois o sujeito John é que pratica a ação. Se, porém, dissermos:
˃˃ Mary is loved by John – voz passiva, pois agora Mary sofre a ação do verbo e não a pratica.
→→ Para transformarmos uma frase em voz passiva, devemos obedecer aos seguintes princípios:
˃˃ O objeto da voz ativa passa a ser o sujeito da voz passiva.
˃˃ O sujeito da voz ativa passa a ser agente da passiva na voz passiva.
˃˃ O verbo to be é usado no mesmo tempo verbal em que o verbo principal se encontra na voz
˃˃ O verbo principal assume a sua forma do particípio passado (a 3ª forma do passado dos verbos,
chamada comumente de 3ª coluna).
˃˃ Se o sujeito da ativa for particularizado, determinado, ele será mantido como agente da passiva.
→→ Exemplos:
˃˃ Sheila makes good cakes.
»» O objeto (good) cakes será sujeito da voz passiva.
»» Makes: verbo no presente; portanto, usaremos o to be no presente = are.
»» Make, made, usamos a sua forma do particípio passado, made.
»» O sujeito Sheila é particularizado e aprece como agente da passiva ou substituído por um
pronome oblíquo = her. Como agente da passiva, será sempre precedido pela preposição by.
→→ Teremos então:
˃˃ Good cakes are made by her.
»» Exemplos:
• They play poke here.
• Eles jogam pôquer aqui.
• Poker is played here (by them).
• Pôquer é jogado aqui por eles.
Simple Present
→→ Se o tempo verbal for o Simple Present Tense, teremos então:
˃˃ Active Voice: Maggie takes the kids to school.
˃˃ Passive Voice: The kids are taken to school by her.
Simple Past
˃˃ Active Voice: Pedro A. Cabral discovered Brazil in 1500.
˃˃ Passive Voice: Brazil was discovered in 1500 by Pedro A. Cabral.
Present Continuous
˃˃ Active Voice: They are cleaning the room now.
˃˃ Passive Voice: The room is being cleaned now.
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Past Continuous
˃˃ Active Voice: My cousin was fixing the computer.
˃˃ Passive Voice: The computer was being fixed by my cousin.
Present Perfect
˃˃ Active Voice: They have never seen her before.
˃˃ Passive Voice: She has never been seen before.
Past Perfect
˃˃ Active Voice: The robber had broken the safe.
˃˃ Passive Voice: The safe had been broken by the robber.
Simple Future
˃˃ Active Voice: Many people will watch that game.
˃˃ Passive Voice: That game will be watched by many people.
Modal Verbs: Can; May; Could; Should; Must; etc.
˃˃ Active Voice: A grenade can cause a lot of destruction.
˃˃ Passive Voice: A lot of destruction can be caused by a grenade.
˃˃ Active Voice: We must respect the law.
˃˃ Passive Voice: The law must be respected.
Recycle – Reduce – Reuse
Easier – Recycle means to process old, used items in order that the material can be used to make
new products. Examples of things that are often recycled are glass, plastic,
newspapers, aluminum cans, used motor oil, and batteries. Here, reduce refers to lessening the
amount of items or resources that are consumed, using only the amount that is needed, and
looking for alternatives that will lessen our use. And reuse means extending the ‘life’ or repur-
posing an item rather than discarding or throwing it away.
Harder – Recycling is the processes of collecting, processing, remanufacturing, and reusing mate-
rials instead of discarding them. This helps conserve raw materials and energy that manufac-
turers would otherwise use in producing new products. Recycling also reduces the amount of
material going into landfills. Recycling helps lessen the pollution that may result from waste
disposal. Reducing our consumption of materials and reducing the waste of materials also
adds to the conservation of our resources.
01. Mark the correct alternative
a) Reuse materials won`t sum up resources.
b) Plastic, paper and batteries are seldom recycled.
c) To search for new possibilities of using things, would lessen the consumerism
d) Throwing things away would reduce consumerism.
02. The word “lessening” means:
a) to become weaker.
b) to become stronger.
c) to throw things away.
d) to help.
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01 - C
02 - A

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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The Passive Voice�������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Voz Ativa com Dois Objetos���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Verbos Seguidos de Preposição����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2
Verbos que não são Usados na Voz Passiva��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������2

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The Passive Voice

→→ Special Cases:

Voz Ativa com Dois Objetos

Quando a frase possui dois objetos, normalmente o objeto direto é uma coisa e o objeto indireto é
uma pessoa. Neste caso, geralmente usamos a pessoa (objeto indireto) como o sujeito da frase na voz
→→ Veja a seguinte frase:
John gave Jane a ring for her birthday. (John deu à Jane um anel pelo seu aniversário).
Jane = objeto indireto
A ring = objeto direto.
˃˃ Logo:
Active Voice: John gave Jane a ring for her birthday.
Passive Voice: Jane was given a ring for her birthday.
Podemos usar o objeto direto (a ring) como sujeito da voz passiva quando queremos enfatizá-lo.
˃˃ Ex.:
Active Voice: John gave Jane a ring for her birthday.
Passive Voice: A ring was given to Jane for her birthday.

Verbos Seguidos de Preposição

Quando um verbo é seguido de preposição na voz ativa, ele deve manter sua preposição na voz
˃˃ Ex.:
Active Voice: They are looking at us.
Passive Voice: We are being looked at.

Verbos que não são Usados na Voz Passiva

Nem todos os verbos podem ser usados na voz passiva. São os chamados verbos intransitivos, ou
seja, aqueles que não precisam de complementação. Sendo assim, não possuem objetos que poderiam
ser o sujeito de uma frase na voz passiva.
Dois exemplos são os verbos chegar (arrive) e morrer (die) que por este motivo não podem ser
usados na voz passiva. O mesmo acontece com alguns stative verbs, tais como have fit (servir; ajustar)
ou lack (falta; carência). Veja os exemplos abaixo:
˃˃ Ex.:
I have a nice car. (Não é possível: A nice car is had by me)
This jacket doesn’t fit me. (Não é possível: I’m not fitted by this jacket)

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Causes of Stress
Many people try to get rid of the signs of stress instead of the cause. They may take sleeping pills
or try to control the various signs in other ways. But the only satisfactory way of stopping stress is to
find the cause of it. You may not be able to change the cause of the stress but understanding it will
probably help. It may be the death or illness of a friend, the loss of your job or money worries. And
you can probably do nothing to change these. It may be conflict inside yourself. Perhaps you feel you
ought to do something but you don’t want to.
You may have mixed feelings about someone or something and not know what to do.
All you can do is to examine yourself and do what you feel is right. It may be helpful to talk to
someone about it. It may be that you feel hopeless in a situation. Try to be realistic; make a list of all
characteristics of the situation and of yourself and then face the facts.
01. According to the text:
a) People sometimes take sleeping pills to control the signs of stress.
b) There is no satisfactory way to stop stress.
c) People who are stressed shouldn’t talk to anyone.
d) The loss of a person’s job is not a cause stress.
02. According to the text:
a) Being sick is only a physical problem and it has no connection with stress.
b) It is not always possible to change what causes stress but it possible to understand it.
c) You have to face the facts: there is nothing you can do to combat stress.
d) Stress is always caused by financial problems.
01 - A
02 - B
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Escolha a única alternativa correta, dentre as opções apresentadas, que responde ou completa cada
questão, assinalando-a, com caneta esferográfica de tinta azul ou preta, no Cartão de Respostas.
Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões .
How diversity makes us smarter
Decades of research by organizational scientists, psychologists, sociologists, economists and de-
mographers show that socially diverse groups (that is, those with a diversity of race, ethnicity, gender
and sexual orientation) are more innovative than homogeneous groups. It means being around
people who are different from us makes us more creative, more diligent and more hardworking.
It seems obvious that a group of people with diverse individual expertise would be better than a
homogeneous group at solving complex, non-routine problems. It is less obvious that social diversity
should work in the same way – yet the science shows that it does. This is not only because people
with different backgrounds bring new information. Simply interacting with individuals who are
different forces group members to prepare better, to anticipate alternative viewpoints and to expect
that reaching consensus will take effort. Diversity of expertise confers benefits that are obvious – you
would not think of building a new car without engineers, designers and quality-control experts – but
what about social diversity? The same logic applies to social diversity. People who are different from
one another in race, gender and other dimensions bring unique information and experiences to bear
on the task at hand. A male and a female engineer might have perspectives as different from one
another as an engineer and a physicist – and that is a good thing.
The fact is that if you want to build teams or organizations capable of innovating, you need diver-
sity. Diversity enhances creativity. It encourages the search for novel information and perspectives,
leading to better decision making and problem solving. Diversity can improve the bottom line of
companies and lead to discoveries and breakthrough innovations. Even simply being exposed to
diversity can change the way you think. Adapted from
01. Which question below has its answer in paragraph 1?
a) Why did the researchers decide to study such a context?
b) Who studied about socially diverse groups?
c) Where did the researchers carry out their studies?
d) How did the researchers carry out their studies?
e) How many people were involved in the research?
02. Choose the alternative that correctly substitutes the word yet in the sentence “It is less
obvious that social diversity should work in the same way – yet the science shows that it
does.” (paragraph 2).
a) however
b) for
c) such as
d) thus
e) because
03. According to the text, choose the correct statement.
a) It takes more than interaction with others to become a better person.
b) Homogeneous groups work as hard as heterogeneous ones.
c) According to science, social diversity works just like diversity of expertise.
d) When it comes to bear on the task at hand, a male is better than a female.
e) Solving complex problems is easier than searching for novel information.
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
AlfaCon Concursos Públicos

Leia o texto a seguir e responda às questões .

A handwritten note from September 11
In moments of crisis, our first thoughts are usually to get in contact with the people we love. Sep-
tember 11, 2001, was a day when many people wanted to know that their loved ones were safe. At 9:37
a.m., the Pentagon was attacked by terrorists who crashed an airplane into the western side of the
Many people tried using the mobile phones that existed then, but few were successful. Franklin
and Daria Gaillard (Frank and Chip) were both members of the Air Force and worked at the
Pentagon. They worked in different parts of the building and had a previous agreement that they
would meet at their car in the parking lot if there were any emergency.
Daria was the first to arrive at the car and wrote a note to Franklin saying “Frank – Sweetie I am
okay. I’m w/ my office over by the Lyndon B. Johnson Memorial Sign. I’ll stay there till you come.
Love lots & lots, Chip.” Frank found the note and was able to locate his wife in the aftermath of the
What makes this story so interesting is the handwritten note. Today, in our digital culture, we
have a variety of ways to let people know that we are safe. Text messages, voicemail, and different
forms of social media can be used to get the information out to loved ones. In 2001, when these
attacks __________(1), the cellular network was still growing and was not as robust as it is today.
This letter is just one of the many objects that The National Museum of American History
__________(2) since 2001. To learn more, visit our online exhibition September 11th: Bearing
Witness to History.
Adapted from

04. According to the text, choose the correct statement.

a) Frank and Chip found a note on the western side of the building.
b) Frank and Chip wrote a note together before the attack.
c) Frank and Chip had a meeting at the Air Force HQ.
d) Frank and Chip relied on pen and paper to communicate.
e) Frank and Chip located each other using social media.
05. In the sentence “the cellular network... was not as robust as it is today” (paragraph 4), the
word robust means
a) capable of producing repeated failures in bad conditions.
b) capable of performing without failure under a variety of conditions.
c) capable of predicting critical weather changes in other countries.
d) capable of creating standard responses to technical problems.
e) capable of manufacturing its own components in bad conditions.
06. Choose the alternative containing the correct verb tenses to complete gaps (1) and (2) in
paragraphs 4 and 5 respectively.
a) have happened, collected
b) have happened, have collected
c) has happened, has collected
d) happened, has collected
e) happened, have collected
Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.
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01 - B
02 - A
03 - C
04 - D
05 - B
06 - D

Lei do Direito Autoral nº 9.610, de 19 de Fevereiro de 1998: Proíbe a reprodução total ou parcial desse material ou divulgação com
fins comerciais ou não, em qualquer meio de comunicação, inclusive na Internet, sem autorização do AlfaCon Concursos Públicos.

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