A Brief Review of Remedial Uses of Saussurea Lappa
A Brief Review of Remedial Uses of Saussurea Lappa
A Brief Review of Remedial Uses of Saussurea Lappa
E-ISSN: 2278-4136
P-ISSN: 2349-8234
JPP 2019; 8(3): 4423-4430 A brief review of remedial uses of Saussurea lappa
Received: 10-03-2019
Accepted: 12-04-2019
Kamalpreet, Loveneet Kaur, Ajaypal Singh, Jaspreet Kaur and Navjeet
Kamalpreet Kaur
Department of Botany &
Environmental Science,
Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Abstract
Sahib, Punjab, India Plants are being used by human beings for treating various ailments since time immorial. Plants are used
for numerous pharmacological activities and 25000 various products in the support of this are obtained
Loveneet Kaur from different plant species by various scientists. Since time Saussurea lappa immemorial and endures
Assistant Professor and Head, till date. Research work is being carried out extensively on various herbal drugs to validate their use in
Department of Botany & medicine. One such potent herb Saussurea lappa Clarke is the member of family Compositae. These
Environmental Science, plants are well known for its medicinal value and have been proved to be anticancerous, anti-
Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh
inflammatory and anti-fungal.
Sahib, Punjab, India
Chemical constituents extracted from this plant are lactone cynaropicrin, dehydrocostus, germacrene,
Ajaypal Singh lappadilactone due to which it show useful pharmacological and medical characters. Despite the modern
Department of Botany & day pharmalogical uses it is famous for numerous traditional uses such as insecticide, pesticide, to treat
Environmental Science, diseases and in perfumery. In past days it was used to treat more than 40 diseases. This review has been
Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh summarized to aware people about the various remedial and traditional uses of this plant.
Sahib, Punjab, India
Keywords: Active compounds, drug, medicinal, pharmacological, remedial
Jaspreet Kaur
Department of Botany &
Environmental Science,
Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh Saussurea lappa is a potential herb belonging to family Asteraceae. It is a well identified
Sahib, Punjab, India medicinal plant and used in many medicines all over the world. Different types of chemical
compounds are isolated from the plant body and mainly the roots, these chemicals form many
Navjeet Kaur bioactive substances. Their population size is continuously diminishing due to the high
Department of Botany &
demand and consumption rate. Saussurea lappa is near to extinction because of careless
Environmental Science,
Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh handling, harvesting and wastage of plant material by the locals (Ahmad et al., 2007) [1]. The
Sahib, Punjab, India roots and root stalks are used for toothache, asthma, dysentery, skin diseases and rheumatism
and asincense (Shah, 1982) [2]. In Ayurveda the root is used particularly for improving
complexion, cures leucoderma, itching, ringworm, vomiting, scabies, headache, epilepsy
(Madhuri et al., 2012) [3]. It is also used in Unani system of medicine as it stimulates the brain,
used in diseases of liver, kidney and blood. It is also used for treating deaf, headache,
paralysis, asthma, Cough, old fever, inflammation, and ophthalmic condition (Kritikar et al.,
1987) [4]. In China, Japan and Nepal, the root is used to cure abdominal pain and tenesmus
(Choi YK, 2013) [5]. Saussurea lappa roots are being used traditionally for its therapeutic
purposes as folklore medicine. Hence, this review is directed towards exploring the various
pharmacological activities of Saussurea lappa. It is commonly known as kutha.
Taxonomic classification
Saussurea lappa is member of family asteracea/ compositae. Asteracea is one of the largest
angiosperm families, with more than 1,620 genera and about 23,600 species of plants
including herbs, shrubs and trees. The genus Saussurea consists of about 300 species.
Geographical distribution
Saussurea lappa is indigenous to India, Pakistan and China, where it grows in the Himalaya
region at 2500 - 3500 m altitude (Rao RN et al., 2013) [7]. It is found in cool temperature and
arctic regions of Asia, Europe and North America. The plant is cosmopolitan in conveyance
additionally among the districts of Himalayas, Kashmir, Jammu, Kishengange valley, Western
Ghats and developed in Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh, wild in India at an elevation of 2500 to
Correspondence 3000 m and in Kashmir to take care of the business demand of the market due to over misuse
Loveneet Kaur of the wild (Kokate, CK et al., 2002) [8]. In India it is found in Kashmir, Jammu, and Western
Assistant Professor and Head,
Department of Botany &
Ghats and is cultivated in Tamil Nadu, Uttar Pradesh and Kashmir to meet commercial
Environmental Science, demand.
Mata Gujri College, Fatehgarh
Sahib, Punjab, India
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
Table 1: Taxonomic classification of S lappa C.B. Clarke (Source Kashmiri: Kuth, Chob-i-Kud, Post khai
Zahara K et al., 2014) [6] Malayalam: Kottam, Sepuddy
Kingdom Plantae Bengali: Kudo
Subkingdom Virideplantae Marathi: Upleta, Kushtha
Infrakingdom Streptophyta Oriya: Kudha
Division Tracheophyta Persian: Qust
Subdivision Spermatophytina Punjabi: Kuth
Infradivision Angiospermae Sanskrit: Kushta, Kashmirja, UtpalamAmayam;
Class Magnoliopsida Tamil: Goshtam, Kostam, Kottam
Superorder Asteranae Telegu: Changala, Kustam
Order Asterales Urdu: Qust
Family Asteraceae
Genus Saussurea Morphological Description
Species S. lappa C.B. Clarke Saussurea lappa is an erect, robust, pubescent, perennial herb,
with a stout simple stem 1–2m high.
Vernacular Names
Saussurea lappa is known by many names in different parts Root: Root is about 60cm long and produce strong
of world. Common names include saw-wort and snow lotus. characterstic odour. Both root and stem of the plant body are
In different Indian languages S. lappa is known by following stout and fibrous. The dried root tastes slightly bitter. It is
given names (Khan M et al., 2013) [9]. dirty grey to yellow in color and generally wrinkled and
ridged. Roots are dark brown to grayish in colour, hard and
Arabic: Quist attain length upto 40 cm.
Assamese: Kud, kur
Bengali: Kudo, Pachak, Kur, Kut Leaf: Leaf length is about 1m long. Leaves are lobate,
Chinese: Mu Xiang; membranous, scaberulous above, glabrate beneath, auricled at
English: Costus; base, irregularly toothed with characterstic odour. Upper
French: Costus elegant; leaves are smaller, subsessile or shortly petioled; two small
German: Practigekostwurz; lobes at the base of these leaves almost clasping the stem.
Gujarati: Upaleta, Kath, Kur
Hindi: Kot, Kur, Kut, Kust, Pachak Flower: bluish-purple, stalkless flowers are present in clusters
Kannad: Changalkustha; of 2-5. Flowers are borne either terminally or in axils of
Kannada: Changal, Koshtha leaves. (Chadha YR, 1972) [10]
Inflorescence: The inflorescence of Saussurea lappa is and petroleum extract (Amara U et al., 2017) [12]. The
arranged in terminal and axillary clusters, with dark bluish chemical constituents from the fresh roots are included like
purple to black flowers (Pandey MM et al. 2007) [11]. lappadilactone, lactone cynaropicrin, dehydrocostus,
germacrenes such as (+)-germacrene A germacra1(10),
Fruits: Fruits of S. lappa are curved and cupped and about 4,11(13)-trien-12al,germacra-1(10),4,11(13)-trien-12-oland
3mm long. Fruits contain hairs on them. germacra-1(10) 4,11(13)trien-12-oic acid were isolated and
studied (Taniguchi M et al, 1995) [13].
Chemical constituents
The chemical constituents were isolated from the roots of
Saussurea lappa such as hexane extract, methanolic extract
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
regulation of apoptosis and autophagy in prostate cancer volunteers through oral route. It sped up the gastric
cells (Tian X et al., 2017) [16] properties to treat acute emptying time and discharge of endogenous motilin. The
inflammation (Tejaswi JK D et al., 2018) [20]. Skin plasma somatostatim, acidity output and serum gastrin
inflammation is very common dermatological ailment levels where unchanged (Chen SF et al., 1994) [33].
and S. lappa have various compounds present in it which Gastro-protective effect: The costunolide and
have ability to support the pharmacological industry in dehydrocostus from methanol extract of the dried roots of
formation of medicines to treat this such as alantolactone, the plant showed the gastro-protective effect in rats on
costic acid, costunolide. This is demonstrated by carrying acidified ethanol induced gastric mucosal, dose
out experiments treating infection cells with these dependent method(5 and 10mg/ kg). Saussure amines A
compounds (Lim HS et al., 2015) [21]. The SLE-isolated inhibits water-immersion induced gastric mucosal lesions
sesquiterpene lactone was demonstrated using the cotton in mice (Matsuda H et al., 2000) [34].
pellet granuloma assay in rats and was found to be having Hepaprotective: Costunolide and dehydrocostus are the
effect on different phases of inflammation. (Damre AA et active compounds which are identified for showing
al., 2003) [22]. The ethanolic extracts from SL were strong suppression of hepatitis B surface antigen. Results
experimented to check their effect on acute and chronic showed that, Both costunolide and dehydrocostus lactone
inflammation. The experiments were performed on rats can be used in future anti HBV drugs (Chen H C et al.,
and mice and given dose of 50 to 200mg/kg. It was found 1995) [35].
that this extract have inhibitory effect on inflammation. Antiulcer: The acetone and costunolide from SLE
The anti-inflammatory effect was proved through showed inhibitory effect on the formation of gastric ulcer
carrageenan induces paw edema (Gokhale AB et al., induced by restrain of water in mice. To test this property
2002) [23]. Saussurea lappa is frequently used in Korean the experiments on wistar rats were performed by giving
traditional method of medication for inflammatory the test compound orally in dose dependent manner
diseases. The methanolic extracts were also found to (Yamahara Jet al., 1984) [36]. Saussurea lappa is the one
possess anti-inflammatory effects. It was observed that of the major components in UL-409, a herbal formulation
0.1 mg/Ml concentration inhibits about 50% of the activity (Mitra SK et al., 1998) [37] and is known for
inflammation induction factor (Lee GI et al., 1995) [24]. It antiulcer property. To check this, the dosage of 600mg/kg
was confirmed by means of an electrophoretic mobility was given orally to wistar rats and male pigs. The results
shift assay, that the costunolide derived from SLE also showed the healing effect on alcohol and aspirin induced
have antiinflammatory properties (Kang JS et al., 2003) gastric ulceration, cold resistant induced ulceration. It
. also enhances the gastric mucus secretion in all different
Antimicrobial property: The methanolic extracts from types of ulcers. From the experiment, UL-409 was
Saussurea lappa have significant antibacterial properties proved to be antiulcer remedy (Mitra SK et al., 1996) [38].
(Parekh J et al., 2007) [26]. It has been concluded from Spasmolytic: Saussurea lappa was traditional used to
that this plant have a strong spectrum of antimicrobial cure spasms and constipation. The scientific basis of this
effect against various food borne bacteria and can play property was tested by carrying out several experiments
important role in discovery of future drugs to treat the which concluded that the aqueous-methanol crude extract
bacterial diseases (Khalid A et al., 2011) [27]. of S. Lappa have spasmolytic effect and can cure spasms.
Helicobacter pylori is an important disease-causing In concentration dependent dose it cause declining effect
pathogen and causes many diseases including functional on spasms, the results demonstrated that it cantains
diseases of the digestive tract (e.g., gastric cancer, spasmolytic constituents (Gilani AH et al., 2007) [39].
gastritis and dyspepsia) and can also cause endocrine This effect was mediated by blocking calcium channel,
disorders (Furuta T et al., 2009) [28]. The ethanol extracts this method is mostly used for testing spasmolytic effect
of Saussurea lappa was tested against five different in plant extracts (Gilani AH et al., 2007) [39]. This
strains of H. pylori and was found to be strongly demonstrated the scientific evidence in the support of
inhibitory to all test strains (Li Y et al., 2005) [29]. The traditional spasmolytic use of SL.
ethanolic extracts from S. lappa inhibits the growth, acid Anti-hepatotoxic activity: Extracts of S. lappa roots
production and adhesion of the water in-soluble glucan of were found to have antiviral activity against hepatitis B
Streptococcus mutans. It works in dose dependent virus (Chen et al., 1995) [35]. On the basis of this
manner, which is about 0.5mg/ml to 4mg/ml (Yu H et al., antihepatotoxic activity was checked and demonstrated
2006) [30].The roots of this plant possess antifungal by treating the mice with the extracts. It worked against
properties especially against pathogenic fungi. It was the lipopolysaccharide and D-galactosamine induced
tested along with 105 Indian plant species and was found hepatitis. It was used in dose dependent manner and at
to have considerable antifungal effects (Ray P et al., the dose as high as 5g/kg, it doesnot produce any
1976) [31]. Various compounds were isolated from the behavioral changes or mortality (Yaeesh S et al., 2010)
roots and tested against the nine fungal strains i.e. [40]
Aspergillus flavus, Aspergillusniger, Aspergillus Hypoglycaemic: A detailed clinical study on
ochraceus, Aspergillus versicolor, Aspergillus flavus, hypoglycaemic plants from different region of India was
Penicilium ochrochloron, Penicilium funiculosum, done and SL was found to be most effective for obese,
Trichodermaviride, Cladosporium cladosporioides and diabetes (Upadhaya OP et al., 1993) [41].
Alternaria. The compound showed antifungal effects Immunomodular: The hydroalcoholic extracts from
which were moderate too high (Rao KS et al., 2007) [32]. roots of SL show immunomodulatory activity. The
Gastric function: Decoction of S. lappa was used to experiments were performed by using SLE at two doses -
check for difference in factors such as serum gastrin, 100mg/kg and 200mg/kg. It does not show significant
gastric acidity and plasma somatostatin in the patients effect on humoral immunity when short term treatment of
with such disorders. SLD was also given to five healthy lower dose is provided, whereas the higher dose of SLE
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Journal of Pharmacognosy and Phytochemistry
has shown immunomodulatory activity on both humoral Epilepsy: The roots powder is used with honey.
as well as cellular arms of the immune system (Pandey
RS et al., 2012) [42]. Exhaustion: Root pieces are burnt in hookah and the smoke
Anticonvulsant activity: The roots of SL were used in inhaled.
the treatment of epilepsy in ayurveda. To find the
scientific basis of the anticonvulsant activity the General weakness: Root powder taken with cow’s milk or
experiments were performed on mice using various ghee.
extracts of SL roots (Ambavade SD et al., 2009) [43],
(Gupta et al., 2009) [44]. The results demonstrated that the Headache: Root powder heated with root and use for
petroleum ether extracts of SL possess significant headache.
anticonvulsant activity, it was concluded by elevating
seizure threshold by GABAergic mechanism (Ambavade Headache: Paste of the root is applied.
SD et al., 2009) [43]. The ethanolic extract inhibits the
seizures induced by both maximal electric shock and Leprosy: Root powder is ingested.
pentylenetetrazol (PTZ). The experiments are done by
various method (Gupta et al., 2009) [44]. These Lustre and growth of hair: Mustard oil is heated with root
experiments and studies showed that Saussurea lappa powder and that oil used on hair.
possess anticonvulsant activity.
Piles: Root powder also used for piles
1. Antifeedant: On testing seven different plants against the Pustules: Fine root powder is wiped on the wound.
insects of stored food grain, the rhizomes of SL was
found to be most powerful repellents of Tribolium Rheumatism: Juice of roots is used with sweetener to cure
castaneum (herbst) and possess antifeedant activity rheumatism (Mahmood A et al., 2011) [50].
against Rhyzopertha dominica F. (Malik MM et al.,
1984) [45]. Painful joints: Powder of Root is heated in ghee/butter and
2. CNS depressant: Dehydrocostus lactone and costunolide taken with milk. The above-mentioned ghee/butter is rubbed
from Saussurea lappa increased hexobarbital induced on the affected area and bandaged.
sleeping time and decreased body temperature and were
isolated as CNS active constituents (Okugawa H et al., Respiratory Disorder: It is quite beneficial for the
1996) [46]. The inhalation of essential oils by the women management of bronchitis, asthma and cough. The essential
in labour cause mild sedation and relives the labour pain oil present in the plant helps in relaxing the bronchial muscle
and anxiety. The sedation is mild and causes no harm to (Qureshi RA et al., 2007) [52].
mother or foetus.
3. Antiparasitic: The activity of SLE against nematodal Relieving Power and reliever Properties: The root has a
infections was determined by giving oral dose to distinguishing fragrance. It helps to strengthen the stomach
Clonorchis sinensis infected rabbits and was found to be and captures the secretion of bleeding. It helps to remove
effective (Rhee JK et al., 1985) [47]. In the children phlegm from bronchial tubes. The essential oil has antiseptic
infected naturally with the respective worms, the anti and disinfectant properties.
nematodal efficiency of SL was studied on the basis of
percentage of faecal eggs per gram, which reduced Cholera: This herb helps to relieve cholera, fresh Saussurea,
significantly (Akhtar and Riffat, 1991) [48]. cardamom and water can be consumed for every half an hour
4. Hypolipidaemic: Aqueous extract of SL showed in order to relieve the condition. The drug gives out a
hypolipidimic effect by reducing serum cholesterol and depressant action which helps brain in relieving the spasm.
serum triglycerides in rabbits at a dose of 2mg/kg when
given orally. Throat infection: Root is chewed.
5. Antidiarrheal: The methanolic extract inhibited the
diarrhea evoked by castor oil in wistar rats in dose Typhoid: Extraction from root is used for the treatment of
dependant manner. Applied the doses of 100, 300, 500 typhoid fever (U. Amara et al. 2017) [12].
mg/kg inhibited the diarrhea by 26.33, 32.28 and 66.77%
(Negi et al., 2013) [49]. Ulcers: It was traditionally used to cure ulcers (Kala CP,
2006) [53].
Ethnobotanical Properties
Backache and chest pain: Root powder when taken with Dysentery: Is used to treat dysentery (Kala CP, 2006) [53].
milk/decoction helps in relieving pains. Root powder heated
in Oil is massaged on the affected area for quick relief. Scabies: Root paste is consumed with milk to treat scabies
(Mala F et al., 2012) [54].
Cold: Decoction of root is taken.
Ethnoveterinary Properties
Cough: Root powder taken with warm water (Mahmood A et Infertility: Paste prepared from Phyllanthus emblica L. fruit,
al., 2011) [50], (Kumar M et al., 2009) [51]. Saussurea lappa L. root and Withania somnifera (L.) is given
orally to cow once a day to cure infertility.
Toothache: Powder of root is used to relieve toothache
(Mahmood A et al., 2011) [50] Cardiac Diseases: It is also used against the heart diesases in
bovine (Sharma S. et al., 2010) [55].
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