Review of Cassia Auriculata

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International Journal of Pharmaceutical & Biological Archives 2015; 6 (6): 1 –9

A Phytopharmacological Review of Plant – Cassia auriculata
Guruprasad C. Nille1, K.R.C.Reddy2
Junior Resident, 2Professor, Department of Rasa Shastra, Faculty of Ayurveda, Institute of Medical Sciences,
Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi-221005, Uttar Pradesh, India

Received 27 Aug 2015; Revised 29 Nov 2015; Accepted 10 Dec 2015

Cassia auriculata used for long period in various chronic diseases therapeutically. Aim of the current
review is to search literature for the pharmacological properties, safety/ toxicity studies, pharmacognostic
studies and phytochemical investigation of Cassia auriculata plant. Particulars of pharmacological
activities, phytochemical isolation, toxicity studies etc. were extracted from the published reports
focusing on the safety profile of the plant. Safety of the whole plant was concluded in the review. The
compiled data may be helpful for the researchers to focus on the priority areas of research yet to be

Key words: Cassia auriculata, phytopharmacological review, safety.

Traditional medicine is still the primary form of Traditional medicine is an important part of
treating diseases of majority of people in healthcare. During the last decade, the use of
developing countries including India; even among herbal medicine has been increased.
those to whom western medicine is available, the Consequently, an increase in traditional tread in
number of people using one form or another of herbal medicines and other type of traditional
complementary of alternative medicine is rapidly medicines has occurred. Proper use of these
increasing worldwide. Increasing knowledge of different types of medicines has therefore become
metabolic process and the effect of plants on a concern. In recent years, the use of herbal
human physiology has enlarged the range of medicines worldwide has provided an excellent
application of medicinal plants. Nearly 50% of opportunity to India to look for therapeutic lead
medicines in the market are made of natural basic compounds from an ancient system of therapy, i.e.
materials. Interestingly, the market demand for Ayurveda, which can be utilized for development
medicinal herbs is likely to remain high because of new drug [1]. Over 50% of all modern drugs are
many of the active ingredients in medicinal plants of natural product origin and they play an
cannot yet be prepared synthetically. The World important role in drug development programs of
Health Organization (WHO) estimates that about the pharmaceutical industry [2]. Dietary measures
80% of the populations living in the developing and traditional plant therapies as prescribed by
countries rely almost exclusively on traditional ayurvedic and other indigenous systems of
medicine for their primary healthcare needs. In medicine are used commonly in India.[1]
almost all the traditional medical systems, the Worldwide revolution for the improvement of
medicinal plants play a major role and constitute patient safety is gaining momentum; hence drug
their backbone. Indian materia medica includes safety for the subject becomes even more
about 2000 drugs of natural origin almost all of prominent in the present day scenario. Cultivation
which are derived from different traditional of medicinal plants with laboratory generated
systems and folklore practices. Out of these drugs species is being attempted on the basis of
derived from traditional system, 400 are of chemical composition and is likely to be used in
mineral and animal origin while the rest are of the increased manner for commercial purposes. These
vegetable origin. India has a rich heritage of changes may have profound impact on the safety
traditional medicine and the traditional health care and efficacy of the Ayurveda drugs in the market.
system has been flourishing in many countries.
*Corresponding Author: Dr K R C Reddy, Email:
K R C Reddy et al. / A Phytopharmacological Review of Plant – Cassia auriculata

Hence, a mechanism is required to be put in place long, narrowly furrowed, slender, pubescent, with
to address them [3]. an erect linear gland between the leaflets of each
pair, leaflets 16-24, very shortly stalked 2-2.5 cm
long 1-1.3 cm broad, slightly overlapping, oval
Plant description:
oblong, obtuse, at both ends, mucronate, glabrous
Cassia auriculata Linn commonly known as
or minutely downy, dull green, paler beneath,
Tanners Senna, is also known as Avaram tree.
stipules very large, reniform-rotund, produced at
Regional and Other Names: base on side of next petiole into a filliform point
Tanner’s Cassia, Tanner’s Senna, Mature Tea and persistent.
Tree(English) Avartaki, Pitapuspa, Pitkalika,
Manojyna, Pitkala, Charmaranga (Sanskrit),
Irregular, bisexual, bright yellow and large (nearly
Tarwar, Awal, Tarval (Hindi), Tangedu,
5 cm across), the pedicels glabrous and 2.5 cm
Merakatangeedu (Telagu), Arsual, Taravada,
long. The racemes are few-flowered, short, erect,
Tarwad ( Marathi) [4].
and crowded in axils of upper leaves so as to form
Distribution: a large terminal inflorescence (leaves except
It is distributed throughout hot deciduous forests stipules are suppressed at the upper nodes). The 5
of India. Wild in dry regions of Madhya Pradesh, sepals are distinct, imbricate, glabrous, concave,
Tamil Nadu Rajasthan and other parts of India. membranous and unequal, with the two outer ones
Pharmacological properties as per Ayurveda much larger than the inner ones. The petals also
Guna : Laghu, Ruksha number 5, are free, imbricate and crisped along
Rasa : Tikta , Kashay the margin, bright yellow veined with orange. The
Vipaka : Katu anthers number 10 and are separate, with the three
IJPBA, Nov - Dec, 2015, Vol. 6, Issue, 6

Veerya : Sheet upper stamens barren; the ovary is superior,

Doshghnata : Kapha-pittaghna unilocular, with marginal ovules.
Vyadhi : Stambhan, Krimighna, The fruit:
Mutrasangrahaniy, Shukrastambhan, Kusthaghna, A short legume, 7.5–11 cm long, 1.5 cm broad,
Atisar, oblong, obtuse, tipped with long style base, flat,
Pramehaghna [5]. thin, papery, undulately crimpled, pilose, pale
Flower: Pramehashamana brown. 12-20 seeds per fruit are carried each in its
Tender Fruits: Vamihara, Krimihara, separate cavity [8].
Sarvapramehahara, Trishnaghna, Akshihita,
Chemical constituents:
Pod husk contains nonacosane and nonacosan-6-
Seeds: Madhumehaghna, Vishahara,
one, chrysophanol, emodin and rubiadin [8], β-
sitosterol, polysaccharides, flavonoids, anthracene
Root: Trishnahara, Pramehaghna, Shwasaghna,
derivatives and some dimeric procyanidins [12],
Raktapittashaman, Shukrakshayahara [6]
Saponins and tannins. Yesu Raj et al. (2011)
Formulations and preparations: found fatty acid esters, fatty acid amide,
1. Talapotaka Churna (Vaidya terpenoids, diterpene alcohols, phytols as major
Chintamani,Prameha Roga prakarana) [7] compound groups in the methanol fractions from
2. Aavarai kudineer ( Siddha Formulation the seed extract of Cassia auriculata by GC- MS
for Diabetes Mellitus) [8] analysis. The chemical composition of the leaves
3. SUGNIL (Siddha Formulation for of Cassia auriculata was investigated by Anandan
Diabetes Mellitus) [9] et al. (2011) and revealed the presence of 3-O-
4. Avarai Panchaga Choornam (Antidiabetic Methyl-d-glucose (48.50%), α-Tocopherol-β-D
Formulation) [10] mannoside (14.22%), Resorcinol (11.80%), n-
5. Kalpa herbal tea ( Antidiabetic Hexadecanoic acid (3.21%), 13-Octadecenal, (Z)-
Formulation) (2.18%) and 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroisoquinolin-6-ol-
6. Diasulin (Antidiabetic polyherbal 1-carboxylic acid (1.98%) which were identified
Formulation) by GC – MS analysis. Senthilkumar and Reetha
Botanical description: (2011) isolated an antibacterial compound -
The leaves: Oleanolic acid from the leaves of Cassia
Alternate, stipulate, paripinnate compound, very auriculata and identified by IR spectrum, HNMR,
numerous, closely placed, rachis 8.8-12.5 cm CNMR and Mass spectrum studies. Juvekar and
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K R C Reddy et al. / A Phytopharmacological Review of Plant – Cassia auriculata

Halade (2006) investigated the flowers of Cassia Millon test + _ _

auriculata which revealed the presence of Biuret test + _ _

anthroquinones, aloe emodin and sitosterols [13]. 11. Tannins

Ferric chloride test + _ _
Phytochemistry of Cassia auriculata Plant
Parts: D. Phytochemical Analysis of the Ethanolic extract of Cassia
auriculata Seed [17
A. Phytochemical Analysis of Ethanolic Phytoconstituents Inference
Alkaloids +
extracts of Cassia auriculata Leaves and Flavonoids +
Flowers [14] Carbohydrates +
Photochemical Leaves Flowers Glycosides _
Saponins _
Alkaloids + +
Tannins +
Phenols + +
Phytosterol +
Glycosides + +
Triterpenoids _
Flavonoids + +
Proteins _
Tannins + +
Aminoacids +
Saponins + +
Anthraquinones +
Proteins + +
Phenols +
Carbohydrates + +

+ = Presence; - = absence Medicinal Uses:

The plant has been reported to possess antipyretic
B. Photochemical Analysis of Cassia auriculata [18]
, hepatoprotective, antidiabetic,
Flower Extract [15]
Tests Methanol Ethyl acetate Hexane
antiperoxidative and antihyperglyceamic [19] and
Tannins + + + microbicidal activity [20]. C.auriculata has been
Phenols + + _ shown to antiviral activity and anti spasmodic
Flavonoids + + _
Glycosides _ _ _ activity [14]. The plant is used in the traditional
Steroids + + _ system of medicine for female antifertility,
IJPBA, Nov - Dec, 2015, Vol. 6, Issue, 6

Terpenoids _ _ _ leprosy, worm infestation, diarrhoea, disease of

Reducing _ + + pittam [21]. The plant has been widely used as a
Anthraquinone _ _ _
cure for rheumatism (Kirtikar and Basu, 2006)
Quinones + + _
Saponins _ _ _
and conjunctivitis (Pari and Lata, 2002). The
Coumarins + + _ various parts of the plant were reported to exert a
beneficial effect to alleviate the symptoms of
C. Phytochemical Analysis of the Methanol, Petroleum ether
and Chloroform extracts of Cassia auriculata Leaves [16] diabetes (Surana et al., 2008) [13].
Test for Phytochemical Methanol Petroleum Chloroform
ether The flowers are used to treat urinary discharges,
1. Alkaloids nocturnal emissions, diabetes and throat irritation
Dragendroff’ test + _ [22]
Hager’s test + _ .
Wagner’s test + _ The Bark is used in skin conditions; bark as
Mayer’s test + _ + astringent [8]; useful in checking secretion or
2. Carbohydrates
Anthrone test + + + haemorrhage. They also restore the disordered
Benedict’s test + + processes of nutrition [23].
Fehling’s test + +
Molisch’s test + + The Leaf extract has a protective action against
3. Starch Iodine test _ _ _ alcohol induced oxidative stress to the cells as
4. Glycosides evidenced by the lowered tissue lipid peroxidation
Keddes test + _ _ and elevated levels of the enzymatic and non-
Killer killani test + _ _ enzymatic antioxidants and experimentally
5. Flavonoids induced alcohol related liver damage. The leaf
Shinoda’s test + _ _ extracts also shows emollient effect [14].
Lead acetate test + _ _
Ferric chloride test + _ _ The seeds of tanner’s cassia find their application
6. Triterpenoids in purulent opthalmia i.e., inflammation of the eye
Libermann Burchard’s _ _ _ or conjunctiva. They should be finely powdered
7.Resins + _ _ and blown into the affected eyes [23]. Seeds are
8. Saponins + + astringent, sour, cooling, constipating, depurative,
9. Steroid aphrodisiac, anthelmintic, stomachic, alexeteric,
Libermann Burchard’s _ _ _
test useful in diabetes, chyluria, ophthalmic,
Salkowaski reaction _ _ _ dysentery, diarrhoea, swellings, abdominal
10. Proteins
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K R C Reddy et al. / A Phytopharmacological Review of Plant – Cassia auriculata

disorders, leprosy, skin diseases, worm damages the DNA of the healthy tissues with high
infestations, chronic purulent conjunctivitis [12]. cellular turnover such as the bone marrow, gastro-
intestinal tract and germ cells. Therefore, although
The Roots are used in skin diseases and asthma
[8]. CP activated metabolites have been shown to be
The roots are astringent, cooling, alterative, and
beneficial for treating cancer, the side effects of
depurative and alexeteric, and are useful in skin
these metabolites causes great concern. CP
diseases, leprosy, tumors, asthma and urethroroea
[12] generates active metabolites, 4-
hydroxycyclophosphamide, phosphoramide
Leaves, Flowers and Fruits as antihelmintic; its mustard and acrolein. Among these metabolites
leaves and petals are both mildly astringent in acrolein is highly toxic in nature and generates
taste. It also checks the flow of extra amount of oxidative stress and damage DNA by inducing
urine and helps in absorption of required amount single strand breaks. Preliminary phytochemical
of fluids in the kidneys and intestines [23]. studies indicates that C. auriculata extract contains
The anti-inflammatory activity: The anti- carbohydrates, glycosides, alkaloids, tannins,
inflammatory activity of various extracts of leaves phenolic and flavonoidal compounds. Flavonoids
was carried out using carrageenan induced rat paw are a group of polyphenolic compounds, which
edema. Carrageenan induced inflammation exhibits biological effects. The presence of high
represents a classical model of edema formation phenolic and flavonoid content has contributed
and hyperalgesia, which has been extensively used directly to the antioxidant activity by neutralising
for evaluation of anti-edemal effect of drugs. The the free radicals. Flavonoid rich extract of C.
sub-planter administration of carrageenan in rat is auriculata pre-treatment attenuates the CP
responsible for the typical biphasic edema in induced genotoxicity in the bone marrow. The
which the first phase observed around 0-2 hours is ethyl acetate extract of C. auriculata Linn possess
IJPBA, Nov - Dec, 2015, Vol. 6, Issue, 6

attributed to the release of histamine and significant anti-mutagenic potential against CP

serotonin. The second phase of swelling which induced chromosomal aberration. The
last for 2-6 hours is due to release of chemoprotective potential of C. auriculata could
prostaglandin- like substances. Methanolic extract be due to its antioxidant property. Thus, C.
of C. auriculata leaves showed potent anti- auriculata has the potential as an adjuvant to
inflammatory activity compared to aqueous, Cyclophoshamide for preventing the adverse
hydroalcoholic and ethyl acetate extracts. As the effects associated with these drugs [25].
anti-inflammatory effect was more significant Antimicrobial activity:
during later phase of inflammation, it can be
concluded that there might be inhibition of The methanol extract of C. auriculata leaves
inflammatory mediators such as prostaglandins, exhibit strong antimicrobial activity against all the
leukotrienes, polymorphonuclear cells or tested organisms. B. cereus (18 mm), S. aureus
bradykinins. In accordance with previous studies (14 mm), E. coli (16 mm), K. pneumoniae (14
steroids, flavonoids, alkaloids, terpenoids and mm), P. aeruginosa (10 mm) and P. mirabilis (16
tannins have been shown to possess of anti- mm). The chloroform extract showed good
inflammatory activity. Thus the anti-inflammatory activity against B. cereus (20 mm), S. aureus (12
effect of methanolic extract may be due to mm), E. coli (14 mm), K. pneumoniae (14 mm)
presence of of active constituents like alkaloids, and P. mirabilis (12 mm).
flavonoids, tannins and steroids. However, The aqueous extracts showed moderate activity
chemical constituents and mechanism responsible against B. cereus (12 mm), S. aureus (10 mm) and
for the pharmacological activities remain to be P. mirabilis (8 mm). The Gram‑positive bacteria
investigated. The anti-inflammatory activity of C. are strongly inhibited by all the extracts of C.
auriculata seems to be related to its histamine, auriculata (L) than the Gram‑negative bacteria
kinin and prostaglandin inhibitory activity [24]. and it shows minimum activity against P.
Antimutagenic activity: Effective cancer aeruginosa. The plant extracts showed the
chemotherapy as well as immunosuppressive presence of carbohydrate, protein, alkaloids
therapy with Cyclophoshamide (CP) is severely flavonoids, saponin and tannin in methanol and
limited due to its unwanted toxicity. The cytotoxic chloroform; carbohydrate, protein, alkaloids,
effect of CP is attributed to the inhibition of cell saponin and tannin in aqueous; rest of steroids in
division by damaging the DNA of proliferating chloroform. The antimicrobial activity may be due
cancerous cells. However, at the same time it also to the presence of phytochemical constituents like
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K R C Reddy et al. / A Phytopharmacological Review of Plant – Cassia auriculata

flavonoids and phenolic compounds present in the one of the important biochemical paradigm in
plant as secondary metabolites [26]. understanding of the mechanism(s) of the action
Antioxidant activity: Cassia auriculata showed of MECA flowers [10].
antioxidant activity using improved assay based Antipyretic Activity of Cassia auriculata:
on the decolorization of the radical monocation of L.Pari and M.Latha et al (2002) presented
2,2-azinobis–(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic antipyretic properties of serial extract of leaves of
acid) (ABTS) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl Cassia auriculata, and presented that most of the
(DPPH) radical scavenging method. extract caused a significant inhibition of Oral
Sodium nitroprusside serves as a chief source of administration of 0.45 g/kg body weight of the
free radicals. Scavengers of nitric oxide compete aqueous extract of the flower for one day it
with oxygen leading to reduced formation of showed good results for antipyretic activity.[27]
Nitric Oxide (NO). The absorbance of the Vedavathy and Rao has also done the similar
chromophore formed during diazotization of the
work in the year of 1991. It showed a good
nitrite with sulphanilamide and subsequent
coupling with napthylethylene diamine is used as resolution for the antipyretic activity [18].
the marker for NO scavenging activity. The Anthelmintic Activity: (Satish B. Kosalge,
chromophore formation was not complete in the Ravindra A. Fursule et al 2009)., The aqueous
presence of MECA (methanolic extract of Cassia extract of Cassia auriculata leaves, were
auriculata), which scavenges the NO thus formed
investigated for the anthelmintic potential against
from the sodium nitroprusside and hence the
earthworms (Eicinia faeteda),
absorbance decreases as the concentration of the
MECA extract increases in a dose dependent tapeworms(Raillietina spiralis) and
manner. roundworms(Ascardia galli). Various
IJPBA, Nov - Dec, 2015, Vol. 6, Issue, 6

concentrations (10-50 mg/ml) of plant extract

Lipid peroxidation has been implicated in the
were tested in the bioassay and different
pathogenesis of various diseases including
arthritis. It is well established that bioenzymes are parameters such as determination of time of
very much susceptible to LPO, which is paralysis and time of death of the worms were
considered to be the starting point of many toxic recorded. All the extracts exhibited significant
as well as degenerative processes. The MECA anthelmintic activity at highest concentration of
extract exhibited protection against lipid 50mg/ml. Piperazine citrate (10 mg/ml) was used
peroxidation induced by FeSO4. Initiation of lipid as reference standard and distilled water as control
peroxidation by ferrous sulphate takes place [28]
through Ferryl perferryl complex. The MECA Hepatoprotective activity: Jeeva Jothi
inhibited the FeSO4 induced lipid peroxidation in
Dhanasekaran; Mathangi Ganapathy et al (2011)
a dose dependent manner. The inhibition could be
worked on Cassia auriculata Linn leaf and flowers
caused by the inhibition of formation of Ferryl
perferryl complex. The presence of flavonoids in extract on alcohol induced liver injury in albino
Cassia auriculata flowers may be responsible for rats and presented data of excellent
antioxidant activities. hepatoprotective effects .
The DPPH system is a stable radical generating Antidiabetic activity: In experimental diabetes,
procedure. It is well known that the DPPH has enzymes of glucose and fatty acid metabolism are
ability to capture free radicals is due to the markedly altered. Persistent hyperglycemia is a
delocalization of the unpaired electron all over the major contributor to such metabolic alterations,
molecule. DPPH is a potent scavenger for many which lead to the pathogenesis of diabetic
other radicals due to the easiness in following the complications. The study was designed by L
procedure – violet color of DPPH faints into the Pari, M Latha in 2002, to study the effect of
yellow color of its reduced congener ( DPPH-H), Cassia auriculata flower extract on hepatic
with a high shift in the visible spectra (from 520 glycolytic and gluconeogenic enzymes and STZ-
nm to 330nm). Cassia auriculata is widely used in diabetic rats were given the plant’s extract per os
number of pharmacological actions with high for 30 days. In conclusion, the observations
content of flavanoids and bioflavonoid seems to showed that the aqueous extract possessed an
have a high potential for antioxidant activity. antihyperglycemic effect and suggested that
Inhibition of lipid peroxides can be explained as enhanced gluconeogenesis during diabetes is
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K R C Reddy et al. / A Phytopharmacological Review of Plant – Cassia auriculata

shifted towards normal and that the extract substances along with excess triglycerides formed
enhanced the utilization of glucose through at the same time in liver may be discharged into
increased glycolysis. The effect of the extract was blood in the form of lipoproteins. The abnormal
more prominent than that of glibenclamide [27]. high concentration of serum lipids in the diabetic
subject is due, mainly to increase in the
PTP 1B inhibitory activity: The PTP super
mobilisation of free fatty acids from the peripheral
family comprises more than 100 enzymes. The
fat depots, since insulin inhibits the hormone
aberrant of PTP activity contributes to several
sensitive lipase. Hypercholesterolemia and
human pathologies, such as diabetes, obesity,
hypertriglyceridemia have been reported to occur
cancer and immune disorders. PTP 1B is a key
in streptozotocin diabetic rats and significant
member in the down-regulation of the insulin and
increase observed in experiment was in
leptin signalling pathway by dephosphorylating
accordance to these studies. The marked
the insulin receptor, insulin receptor substrates
hyperlipidaemia that characterise the diabetic state
(IRS). Development of PTP 1B inhibitors from
may therefore be regarded as a consequence of the
natural products or synthetic counterparts is one of
uninhibited actions of lipolytic hormones on the
the biggest issues. An active compound from C.
fat depots. The antihyperlipidaemic effect of
auriculata flowers has PTP 1B inhibitory activity.
aqueous extract of Cassia auriculata flowers may
The GC–MS analysis revealed that the spectra
be due to the down regulation of NADPH and
obtained from n-butanol fraction was propanoic
NADH, a cofactor in the fat metabolism. Higher
acid 2-(3-acetoxy-4, 4, 14-trimethylandrost-8-en-
activity of glucose-6-phosphatase provides H+
17-yl). This isolated compound was found to
which binds with NADP+ in the form of NADPH
possess significant PTP 1B inhibitory activity.
and is helpful in the synthesis of fats from
Recent studies have shown that PTP 1B inhibitors
carbohydrates. When glycolysis slows down
have emerged as potential therapeutics for
IJPBA, Nov - Dec, 2015, Vol. 6, Issue, 6

because of cellular activity, the pentose phosphate

treatment of type-2 diabetes and obesity. PTP 1B
pathway still remain active in liver to breakdown
inhibitors also exert beneficial systemic effects
glucose that continuously provides NADPH which
such as circulating HbA1c and the reduction of
converts acetyl radicals into long fatty acid chains.
fructosamine levels, insulin sensitivity, plasma
Aqueous extract of Cassia auriculata flowers may
metabolic profile reinstallation and reduction of
be capable of oxidising NADPH. Enhanced
serum insulin and leptin levels. The antidiabetic
hexokinase activity in aqueous extract of Cassia
activity of the isolated compound showed effects
auriculata flowers treated rats suggests greater
comparable to that of glibenclamide in Alloxan-
uptake of glucose from blood by the liver cells.
treated diabetic rats. PTP 1B is known to have
Activities of enzymes suggest that enhanced lipid
several binding sites such as electrostatic,
metabolism during diabetes is shifted towards
hydrophobic and hydrogen-bonding sites and also
carbohydrate metabolism and it enhances the
several N-terminals favourable for binding to the
utilisation of glucose at the peripheral sites. One
acidic site. The molecular features of the isolated
of the possible actions of aqueous extract of
compound propanoic acid, 2-(3-acetoxy-4,4,14-
Cassia auriculata flowers may be due to its
trimethylandrost-8-en-17-yl) might facilitate the
inhibition of endogenous synthesis of lipids.
hydrophobic interaction and the hydroxyl group in
Metabolic aberrations in streptozotocin diabetic
propanoic acid, maybe presumed to form
rats suggest a high turnover of triglycerides and
hydrogen bonds [29].
phospholipids. Aqueous extract of Cassia
Antihyperlipidaemic Activity: auriculata flowers may antagonise the metabolic
Findings of work done by L Pari and M Latha in aberration and thereby restore the normal
2002 indicate that the Cassia auriculata flowers metabolism by tilting the balance from high lipids
possess antihyperlipidaemic effect [27]. A marked to high carbohydrate turnover. Alteration of fatty
increase in the frequency of cholesterol, free fatty acid composition by increased lipid levels
acids, triglycerides and phospholipids were contribute to lowering the resistance of tissues and
observed in diabetic control rats. Treatment with higher rate of oxidative stress. Decreased activity
aqueous extract of Cassia auriculata flowers of glucose- 6-phosphatase through pentose
significantly reduced the lipid levels. Excess of phosphate shunt results in high reduced
fatty acids in serum produced by the glutathione to oxidized glutathione ratio
streptozotocin-induced diabetes promotes (GSH/GSSG), which is coupled with conversion
conversion of excess fatty acids into of NADPH to NADP. Aqueous extract of Cassia
phospholipids and cholesterol in liver. These two
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K R C Reddy et al. / A Phytopharmacological Review of Plant – Cassia auriculata

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Kudineer - A Potent Polyherbal Siddha
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Formulation For Management of
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Polyherbal Formulation (Sugnil) in
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Streptozotocin induced Diabetic Rats,
the plant is having high medicinal value. The
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Antioxidant Studies of Cassia Auriculata
discovery a potent and safe drug can be
Plant Parts, International Journal of
investigated from the plant for various chronic
Applied Biology and Pharmaceutical

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27. L Pari, M Latha, Effect of Cassia Pharmaceutical Research, Vol.4; III ;

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IJPBA, Nov - Dec, 2015, Vol. 6, Issue, 6

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