Principles of Teaching and Learning

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HEALTH EDUCATION  Environmental act

 Providing information and teaching people  
how to behave safely and in manner that Administrative or Service Approach:
promotes and maintains their health.  This approach intends to provide all the
 A continuing process of informing people how health facilities to the people with the hope
to achieve and maintain good health; of that they will use.
motivating them to do so; and promoting  It becomes a failure if the service is not based
environmental and lifestyle changes to on the felt needs of the people.
facilitate their objective.  
 The education of health behaviors that bring Educational Approach:
an individual to a state of health awareness.  Most effective means for achievement of
OBJECTIVES changes in the health practices and lifestyles
 To encourage people to adopt and sustain of the community.
health promoting lifestyle and practices.  Components –motivation, communication
 To promote the proper use of health services and decision-making
available to them.  Result obtained from this approach is slow
 To arouse interest, provide new knowledge, but permanent and enduring.
improve skills and change attitudes in making  Sufficient time should be allowed for the
rational decision to solve their own problems individual to bring about the desired changes
and in his behavior.
 To stimulate individual and community-  
reliance and participation to achieve health Primary Health Care Approach:
development.  It involves full participation and active
Aims involvement of the people starting from the
INFORMING PEOPLE: planning stage till the delivery of the health
 People are informed about the different services.
diseases, their etiology and how to prevent  This is based on principles of primary health
them. care-community participation.
   This can be achieved by providing the
MOTIVATING PEOPLE: necessary guidance to help people identify
 Concerned with clarifying/ changing or their health problems and to find solutions to
forming attitudes, beliefs, values or opinions. these problems.
 After health information is given it is PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION
necessary to motivate them alter their  1. Credibility
lifestyles so that it becomes favorable to  2. Interest
promoting health and preventing disease.  3. Participation
 Motivation is defined as “a combination of  4. Motivation
forces which initiate, direct and sustain  5. Comprehension
behavior.”  6. Reinforcement
GUIDING IN TO ACTION:  7. Learning by doing.
 Concerned with development of skills and  8. Known to unknown.
action. A person who has obtained health  9. Setting an Example
information might be motivated to change his  10. Good Human Relations
behavior and lifestyle.  11. Feedback
 However, he might need professional help  12. Community Leaders
and guidance so as to bring about these  13. Soil, Seed, Sower
changes and to sustain these altered • PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION NO. 1
lifestyles. CREDIBILITY
 APPROACHES TO ACHIEVE HEALTH  It is the degree to which the message is
Legal or Regulatory Approach: perceived as trustworthy by the receiver.
 Make use of the law to protect the health of  It should be scientifically proven, based on
the public facts, and should be compatible with local
 Government makes laws and regulations. culture and goals.
 Epidemic diseases act INTEREST
 Pollution act
 If the health education topic is of interest to  “booster dose in health education”
the people, they will listen to it. • PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION NO. 7
 Health educators should identify the “felt LEARNING BY DOING
needs” of the people and then prepare a  If the learning process is accompanied by
program that they can actively participate in doing new things it is better instilled in the
to make it. minds of people.
• PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION NO. 3  “if I hear, I forget; if I see, I remember; if I do, I
 Health educator should encourage people to • PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION NO. 8
participate in the program. KNOWN TO-UNKNOWN
 Once the people are given a chance to take  Before the start of any health education
part in the program it leads to their program, the health educator should find out
acceptance of the program. how much the people already know and then
 Methods like group discussion, panel give them the new knowledge.
discussions etc. provide opportunities for  The existing knowledge of the people can be
people’s participation. used as the basic step up on which new
• PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION NO. 4 knowledge can be placed.
 “the fundamental desire for learning in an  A health education program with the aim of
individual”. introducing a toothbrush to a rural population
 Health education can be facilitated by the will be better appreciated if the
motivation provided by the desire to achieve communicator starts the program with “what
individual goals. are you using to clean your teeth at present”
Example: and then going in to details like “why?
 for a teenager, aesthetics might be a motive  are you using it” and then connecting it to the
to take care of his teeth whereas for an adult, toothbrush then providing about the details.
the expenses of undergoing restorative care. • PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION NO. 9
COMPREHENSION  The health educator should follow what he
 Level of understating of the people who preaches.
receive the health education.  He should set an example for others to follow.
 Should first determine the level of literacy and Example:
understanding of the audience and act  A health educator who participates in a
accordingly. program highlighting the ill effects of tobacco
 Words that are strange or new to the people should not be seen smoking since it sends a
should not be used. wrong signal and seriousness of the situation
 Use of technical or medical terms. is lost.
 A statement saying “Eat food items that are GOOD HUMAN RELATIONS
carcinogenic” may not be comprehensive to  This principle states that the health educator
the layman. should have good personal qualities and
 A better way of explaining would be “Avoid should be able to maintain friendly relations
food stuffs which are sweet, and which stick with the people.
to your teeth like toffees and pastries.  The health educator should have a kind and
 Eat food items like fruits and raw vegetables sympathetic attitude towards the people and
which in addition to being healthy, also help should always be helpful to them in clarifying
in keeping your teeth clean.  doubts or repeating what is not understood.
Reinforcement FEEDBACK
 This is the principle that refers to the  For any program to be successful it is
repetition needed in health education. necessary to collect feedback to find out if any
 It is not possible for the people to learn new modifications are needed to make the
things in a short period of time. program more effective.
 So, repetition is a good idea. • PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION NO. 12
 This can be done at regular intervals and it COMMUNITY LEADERS
helps people to understand new ideas or
practice better.
 Community leaders can be used to reach the
people of the community and to convince
them about the need for health education.
 Leaders can also be used to educate the HYGIENE
people as they will have a rapport and will be  The people are taught about the importance
familiar with the people of their community. of hygiene and methods of maintaining
• The leader will have an understanding of the hygiene.
needs of the community and advice and guide  A) personal hygiene-to promote good
them. standards of personal cleanliness.
• PRINCIPLES OF HEALTH EDUCATION NO. 13  B) environmental hygiene-this comprises two
SOIL, SEED, SOWER aspects-Domestic and Community
 Soil is the community.  Domestic hygiene-keeping the house and
 Seed is information. surroundings clean, proper ventilation,
 Sower is the person giving the information. adequate light and fresh air, proper disposal
CONTENTS OF HEALTH EDUCATION of waste materials, avoidance of pests, insects
The scope of HE covers every aspect of family etc.
and community health, it is divided into:  Community hygiene-care of the surroundings
 Human Biology ensuring proper garbage disposal, adequate
 Nutrition sewage and drainage.
 Family Health Care  To strengthen and improve the health of
 Control of Communicable and Non- family as a unit rather than as an individual.
Communicable Diseases  Improving maternal oral health to improve
 Prevention of Accidents the oral health of child should also be
 Use of Health Services addressed.
 Training of human biology should start from  To provide elementary knowledge so that
the kindergarten itself. they can better understand common signs
 Children are taught about the different parts and symptoms of disease prevention and
of the human body and their functions. control thereby promoting good health.
 They are also taught the importance of good
health and methods to keep physically fit.
 Teaching also directed towards the need for
exercise, adequate rest and sleep.
 Information about the adverse habits.

 People have to taught about the basic safety
rules and how to prevent common accidents
NUTRITION which takes place in their home, in their
 People should be taught about the nutrient workplace or on the road.
value of food stuff and the effect of nutrients  Health education programs to educate the
on health. students, parents and teachers about the use
 It is to help people to choose optimum and of mouth guards when playing contact sports.
balanced diets. USE OF HEALTH SERVICES
 People have to be informed about the various  Health education is given to only who come in
health services and preventive programs contact with public health personnel.
available to them.
 They also have to be educated on the proper GROUP APPROACH:
use of these services.  
 They also encourage to participate in the Symposium
health programs. Mass Approach
 Large number of people can be reached.
 People of all socio-economic status have access to
health education
 One way communication


 The aids used for transmitting health  
education should be designed to focus
attention to provide new knowledge, to  
facilitate interpersonal &group discussion.  
 Audiovisual aids:
 Auditory aids (radio, microphones)
 Visual aids (chalk- board, leaflets, models and
projection slides.
 Combined AV aids (television, cinema).
1. Individual approach
2. Group approach:
 chalk and talk,
 symposium
 Group discussions
 Panel discussions
 Work shops
 conferences or seminars
 role playing/ socio drama.
 demonstrations
 Mass approach:

 Can be done in a consultation room.
 Discussion, argument and persuasion of an
individual to change his behavior is possible.
 Opportunity for the individual to ask
questions and clearing doubts.
 Small number can benefit.

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