Improved Aziz Prediction Model of Pressure Gradient For Multiphase Flow in Wells
Improved Aziz Prediction Model of Pressure Gradient For Multiphase Flow in Wells
Improved Aziz Prediction Model of Pressure Gradient For Multiphase Flow in Wells
It is crucial for the completion parameter design and production performance detection interpretation to have
an accurate pressure gradient. The Aziz prediction model of pressure gradient is a common calculation model
in oil-gas field development. The laboratory experiment results of multiphase flow show that the average
prediction relative error is 29.62% and the maximum relative error reaches 70.1%. By comparing the
prediction residual of the Aziz model with the experiment condition parameters, as the volume flow rate of
the liquid phase is constant, this paper considers that the prediction residual of the Aziz model is closely
related to the gas liquid ratio and has no clear correlation with the water fraction of fluid phase. Based on
unifying the orders of magnitude of the prediction residual and the gas liquid ratio, this paper uses a cubic
function of the gas liquid ratio to fit the prediction residual of the model to obtain a new pressure prediction
method which is called Aziz-I model. The results for ninety groups of experimental data show that the
average prediction relative error of the Aziz-I model is reduced to 10.82%. Hence, the Aziz-I model improves
the prediction accuracy of pressure gradient for multiphase flow.
Keywords: Pressure gradient, Multiphase flow, Prediction, Aziz model, Function fitting.
effects the four artificial intelligence methods which are the
fuzzy logic method, neural network method, support vector
machine, and decision-making tree, and the prediction
accuracy is relatively high. But all these artificial intelligence
methods use genetic algorithms to determine the parameters
of the models. Because of a large number of parameters for
the genetic algorithms, it is complicated to program. In
addition, the convergence rate of genetic algorithms is
relatively slow and the search efficiency is very slow so that it
easily gets trapped into local optimal solution.
In previous research, based on the experimental data of oil-
gas-water three phases flow in vertical wells which are from
the branch of key laboratory of CNPC for oil and gas
production, the research team of this paper compared and
analyzed the prediction results of the above-mentioned
models, and found that the prediction accuracy is generally Figure 1. Comparison results between the Aziz pressure
low, and there is a great difference in prediction accuracy for gradient and experimental pressure gradient
the same model under different flow conditions. After
analyzing the prediction residuals of some models, a With regard to various liquid flow rates, a curve similar to
mathematical regularity is obtained. The Aziz prediction the abscissa GLR and the ordinate predicted residual is
model of pressure gradient [11] is a common calculation shown in Figure 2. In Figure 2, three results can be seen: (1)
model and it has been widely applied. The reference [12] For the residual curves with water content 30%, 60% and
proposed a method based on the residual model to improve 90%, there is no residual curve between the other two
the existing prediction model of pressure gradient and residual curves. This shows that there is no significant
achieved good results. Because of the particularity of the regularity between the pressure gradient and the water
results of reference [12], it is difficult to generalize to other fraction; (2) As the liquid flow rate increases, the value of gas
prediction models. The method proposed in the reference [13] liquid ratio corresponding to the maximum prediction
can be generalized, but the realization process is very residual has a decreasing trend; (3) For the constant liquid
complex. Based on the experimental data obtained from oil- flow rate, the prediction residual curves of gas liquid ratio
gas-water three phases flow experiment in a vertical well with have certain similarities in their geometry shapes. Hence,
diameter 75 mm, this paper uses the Aziz model to calculate with respect to the constant liquid flow rate, this paper
the average relative error between the calculation pressure establishes the correlation between the prediction residual
gradient and experimental pressure gradient exceeding 29%. and the gas liquid ratio.
Hence, the Aziz model must be further researched to build the
improved calculation model.
This paper firstly analyzes the prediction residual of the
Aziz model. Here, the prediction residual, referred to as the
Aziz residual, is defined by subtracting the experimental
pressure gradient from the pressure gradient calculated by the
Aziz model. Then, the relationships between the Aziz
residual and the experiment parameters is analyzed,
discovering that the gas liquid ratio and the Aziz residual
have good correlation. Hence, this paper builds a new
pressure gradient prediction model, referred to as the Aziz-I
model, by using the cubic polynomial function of the gas
liquid ratio to fit the Aziz residual. The results show that
Aziz-I model more coincides with the experimental results.
3 2
zj zj zj
rˆj Aj Bj Cj Fj ,
300 300 300
j 1, 2, ,6 (1)
MaxDT t 1
Eq(4). The iterations increase by 1. Take k1 ,
and determine the chaotic mutation and the chaos search
interval [lb(t ), ub(t )] according to Eqs(5) and (6). Perform
chaotic mutation to update gbest and pbesti . Perform
chaotic search to gbest , and update gbest and pbesti .
Compute the fitness variance of the current particle swarm. If
the absolute value of the difference between the fitness
variance of the current particle swarm and that of the pre-
iteration is less than eps . Go to step 5, or step 6.
Liquid flow Aj Bj Cj Fj
10 -0.9011 -1.1512 3.6104 -1.1542
Figure 3. Comparison between Aziz residual and the
15 10.2898 -21.2416 12.7851 -1.9154
improved Aziz residual
20 11.6489 -23.4322 13.4969 -2.0891
30 6.6078 -8.0887 0.6005 0.6505
40 -7.3502 16.3762 -11.0033 1.8583 5. IMPROVED AZIZ MODEL
50 -18.8094 35.8775 -19.9684 2.7399
As indicated in the introduction, the Aziz residual is
obtained by subtracting the experimental pressure gradient
When the liquid flow rates are taken as 10 m3/d, 30 m3/d from the Aziz pressure gradient. By combining the Aziz
and 50 m3/d respectively, the Aziz residual values and the model and the improved Aziz residual model of residual,
improved Aziz residual values are shown in Figure 3. denoted as Aziz-RF model, the pressure gradient prediction
In Figure 3, the black curve represents the improved Aziz model can be established, denoted as the Aziz-I model, which
residual curve by fitting. Figure 3 shows that the improved is obtained by subtracting the Aziz-RF model from the Aziz
Aziz residual value and the Aziz residual are very close at the model.
measure point set by the experimental scheme. Hence, it is The prediction pressure gradient of the Aziz-I model is
feasible to use the improved Aziz residual curve to
approximate the Aziz residual. The improved Aziz residual
Aziz I Value Aziz Value Aziz RF Value (7)
model can be taken as a reliable estimation model of the Aziz
where, Aziz I Value denotes the calculating pressure ACKNOWLEDGMENT
gradient value from the Aziz-I model with unit kPa/m;
Aziz Value denotes the calculating pressure gradient value The authors wish to thank the Branch of Key Laboratory of
CNPC for Oil and Gas Production for their great help. This
from the Aziz model with unit kPa/m; Aziz RF Value paper is supported by National Natural Science Foundation of
denotes the improved Aziz residual value with unit kPa/m. China (61572084 and 51504038).
The relative error between the prediction pressure gradient
of the Aziz model and the experimental pressure gradient is
defined in Eq(10). REFERENCES
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Aziz I Value calculating pressure gradient value by
Aziz-I model, kPa/m Subscripts
Aziz RF Value improved Aziz residual value, kPa/m
B dimensionless fitting coefficient i serial number of the particle
C dimensionless fitting coefficient j the number of liquid flow rates
c1 learning factor