HRM 100 Management Theory and Practictice Assignment

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Effectiveness is a feature that can be attributed to any organization, private or public.

In private
sector organizations, productivity is usually aimed towards profit maximization. But public
sector have the mandate of serving the general good of the people. Though the public expect
efficiency of public sector organizations in provision of public goods and services, they are more
interested in effectiveness of public sector organizations. To be effective, public sector
organizations need to respond to public perceptions regarding public needs and demands, and
maintain provision of public goods and services. Mention is often made of effectiveness or
ineffectiveness in most discussions on management of public sector organizations. In the public
sector organizations perspective, effectiveness as “goal achievement” or “getting things done”
means production of adequate public goods and services to satisfy social needs and expectations
of the people.

Public sector management seeks to achieve the goals of public sector organizations through
people, effectiveness of public sector organizations relates to how the outcomes of such goals
affect the public. Public satisfaction reflects managerial effectiveness of public sector
organizations. Management of public sector organization is guided by legislation,
regulations, laws and political support. Most public sector organizations are not profit-
oriented; the primary aim of public sector organization is to improve the communal
interests of the citizens through provision of effective public goods and services. Public
sector management is effective when the selected activities and resources involved in process of
management are able to achieve the expected goals of public sector organizations within a
defined period. The following activities are involved in the process of management: planning ,
organizing, leading and controlling. These activities are channeled to the human, financial,
physical and information resources, in the process of achieving organizational goals.

Public sector organization in a broader concept incorporates both core civil service organizations
and the public service organizations that deliver public programmes, goods, or services. They
include ministries, departments, agencies, statutory bodies, publicly-owned corporations, etc. for
the purpose of this assignment Bank of Zambia is the focus.

Managerial effectiveness of any organization as the extent to which members of such

organization succeed in achieving the organization’s goals. Organizations’ managerial
effectiveness is defined on the basis of organizational goal achievement. The goals of public and
are centered more on producing goods and services that serve public needs and guarantee public
good. Effectiveness of public organizations according could be determined based on the number
of people served, programmes efficacy, community impact, etc. This presents effectiveness
aimed at achieving goals. It is the amount of success an organization records in pursuant of its set
goals. Organization’s managerial effectiveness is the degree to which an organization is able to
achieve its set goals. While organization’s managerial efficiency is the level of economy in
terms of cost saving, or input/output ratio of human, material and financial resources expended in
achieving such goals. The level of output an organization achieves with its limited resources
determines its efficiency, while the extent to which it succeed in doing what it set out to do
within a specified time frame determines its effectiveness.

Bank of Zambia
They include government ministries, departments, and other branches of government that are
essential parts of the core government structure. They are directly accountable to the central
government authority. It also includes employees and officials that are employed by the central
government, departments and devolved branches of the central government

Bank of Zambia’s managerial effectiveness reflects the degree to which the central bank’s
management is able to achieve its set targets, or be responsive to its citizen’s preferences for
performance, in terms of meeting citizen’s demands by satisfying the citizen’s needs. Effective
and dynamic bank should be able to adapt and modify their performance to meet the ever
changing needs of the society, as well as coping with reality of the challenges posed by the social
constraints in the society, since bank of Zambia’s has to be effective in order to survive. In order
to motivate employees’ to be effective, managers need to make employees understand that their
extra effort will make a difference, keep track of accomplishments of their employees, involve
them in decision making process, make them to understand that their actions and inactions have
consequences, and help the employees to develop their skills by evaluating them on regular
basis. An effective bank manager has to build an effective workforce by showing a genuine
interest in the welfare of his employees.

Today, the world business is divided into private and public sector. The sectors owned by the
government are called public sectors while the sectors owned by private enterprises are known as
private sector. Public sector organizations are often constrained by resources but have a larger
stake in the community and therefore managerial effectiveness will greatly impact the use of
these resources and determine their utility to public. Private sector organizations are driven by
profit motive and have a better position to efficiently use these resources . The management is
public sector is bound to follow rules designed by the government, so it implements the motives
of the government. The goal of a public-sector organization is not to churn large amounts of
money but to serve the nation. As the purpose of a public sector organization is to serve the
Public organizations are under the control of the government. There are two different types, first
ones are those which are completely financed by the government, others run through taxes,
duties, etc
One of the imperatives of public administration is the achievement of efficiency at all levels.
Public organizations are responsible to provide the necessary public goods and services to the
citizens but that too without any discrimination specifically based on affordability. Hence, the
multidimensional objectives of public administration demand that performance not only is
limited to mere cost–benefit analysis but also incorporates the essential element of providing
value to citizens. In the present era where scarce resources have become even scarcer, it is
important to visit the historic viewpoints on efficiency in public administration and attempt to
foresee its future. This article looks into efficiency as defined in public administration over the
years and attempts to predict its meaning and role in the future of the field. It is predicted that
advancement in technology will have tremendous impact that will influence the evolution of
public administration as a dynamic field.

Public administration is traditionally grounded in the achievement of efficiency in the work of

public departments in pursuance of goals related to provision of public goods and services.
Hence, efficiency finds a permanent place in the study of public administration and the work of

Efficiency refers to the relationship between the effects obtained and the efforts made for them,
and the effectiveness expresses a relationship between the achieved result and the programmed
one. While efficiency is in relation to quality, effectiveness is about the achievement of the
ultimate result The efficiency and effectiveness are key features of a good managerial
significance, with the public sector being responsible for finding ways to make the best use of
resources (human, material, financial, etc.) to ensure the population needs coverage, in the best
conditions. For all sectors of the economy, the efficiency is an important rrequirement for
development, with public sector management being responsible for providing efficiently and
effectively the public goods and services needed for citizens focusing on increasing the
efficiency of public sector, for sustainable economic development. The efficiency and
effectiveness terms, often, relate to private sector activity, where it can be more easily
emphasized than in the public sector is primarily concerned with meeting the needs of citizens,
through effective and efficient allocation of resources with the objective of supplying public
goods and services of public interest. Concretizing the presence of the private sector as a
provider of goods and services of public interest, in time, has led to a reduction in the monopoly
situation of the public sector, in the field, favouring the competition and its orientation towards
efficiency (Florişteanu, 2004).
Increasing efficiency in the public sector has to meet the growing and more diversified
requirements of citizens, as an essential objective of public administration actions, to this end,
determining the efficiency of the public sector, in different fields, making a contribution to the
formulation of strategies of public funds management, aimed at the objectives fulfillment.

The government fulfils its basic functions through the public sector, and delivers public goods
and services which, due to their nature cannot be provided by the private sector . Delivering
public goods and services and maintaining public sectors involves increasing costs(expenses) in
public sector. As a result, questions about the efficiency and effectiveness of the public sector are
raised more and more often In public sector management the effectiveness refers to the
“achievement of the final aim and shows the success acquired by using the resources to
accomplish the proposed objectives” while efficiency “measures the quality. defined efficiency is
defined as the extent to which the public sector produces a given output, with a least possible use
of resources” Measuring effectiveness in the public sector means comparing the objectives that
can be achieved with those actually achieved

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