DMDave - Dark Domains 3 - Dark Stars Rising - Free Version
DMDave - Dark Domains 3 - Dark Stars Rising - Free Version
DMDave - Dark Domains 3 - Dark Stars Rising - Free Version
Dark Stars Rising is a Fifth Edition plug-in adventure
for four characters with an average party level (APL) CREDITS
of 3, 5, 8, or 11. This document offers details for The following creators made this adventure
the 3rd-level version. For the full adjustments for possible:
all level ranges, sign up for the DMDave Patreon. A Design and Writing. DMDave
research team based at a remote observatory has Cartography. DMDave with Forgotten Adven-
mysteriously gone quiet, and the characters have tures, Dyson Logos
been dispatched to investigate. Once there, they Artwork. Paper Forge, Midjourney
must contend with eldritch horrors, madness, and a
militia of cultists bent on stopping them.
Level Selection
ADVENTURE HOOKS Before play, be sure to know the level at which
The table in the full adventure offers some ideas if you wish to run the adventure. Overall, the loca-
you don’t have a reason for the characters to inves- tions and their descriptions in the adventure remain
tigate the observatory. If you need to motivate the unchanged throughout the levels. However, most
party with a monetary reward, their patrons offer of the encounters, hazards, traps, and treasure
300 gp per level of the adventure. scale with each level of the adventure. The keyed
locations will present the differences between each
Also, the adventure works for more than just the
To run the adventure, you need the three Fifth listed levels. If you wish to run this adventure for
Edition core rulebooks. If you don’t have a copy, levels other than 3rd, 5th, 8th, or 11th, the chart
you can access a free basic ruleset from the official below shows you which version of the adventure
source. you should select for each level. A given version of
the adventure might be easier or harder for a given
Text that appears in a box like this is meant to party. It’s not recommended that you run this ad-
be read aloud or paraphrased for the players venture for characters with an average party level of
when their characters first arrive at a location less than 3 as it may pose too much of a challenge.
or under specific circumstances, as described Similarly, a party with an average party level of 13
in the text. or greater might find the adventure too easy.
Scaling the Adventure
When a creature’s name appears in bold type,
that’s a visual cue pointing you to its stat block as Recommended
a way of saying, “Hey, game master, make sure you Average Party Adventure Relative
get this creature’s stat block ready—there’s going Level Version Difficulty
to be an encounter!” If the stat block appears in the
Appendix of this adventure, the text tells you so; 3 3rd-level Hard
otherwise, you can find the stat block in the core 4 3rd-level Medium
Spells and non-magical equipment mentioned in 5 5th-level Hard
the adventure are described in the core manual for 6 5th-level Medium
players. Magic items are described in the core man- 7 8th-level Deadly
ual for game masters unless the adventure’s text
directs you to an item’s description in the Appendix. 8 8th-level Hard
9 8th-level Medium
10 11th-level Deadly
11 11th-level Hard
12 11th-level Medium
RESEARCH OBSERVATORY at Thule-31 continue their search for older, more
powerful signs hidden in the black folds of space.
Almost a decade ago, a mage’s college in conjunc- The research team obliged, and eventually, they did
tion with the local duchy built the Thule-31 Joint discover something, something ancient and unfath-
Research Observatory. Its purpose was simple: omable and uncaring: Yagiogreth of the Dark Star.
study the stars, and watch for signs of life. Soon This eldritch being, born without form and void,
after the constellatory research began, the team peered back through the mortals’ looking glass and
(led by an elf named Filvarel) discovered that the began whispering its ancient secrets into the minds
right instrument—in this case, the observatory’s of these eager researchers.
telescope—could do more than simply see; the star News coming out of the observatory slowed to
signs had powers unto themselves, and by trial and a trickle, then ceased altogether, and runners dis-
error, one could learn to harness those powers. patched from the duchy disappeared without a
The duchy kept this knowledge secret, much to trace. Brave adventurers are needed to enter the
the chagrin of their mage’s college partners, so that observatory, discover what’s happened to the re-
it wouldn’t fall into the hands of jealous rivals. They searchers, and recover their research—or destroy it,
demanded that the mages and researchers stationed should the need arise.
General Features
The following features are common throughout all
areas of the observatory and are printed here for Some groups or players may not fare well with
ease of reference: the idea of their character having been replaced
Size & Dimensions. The ceilings within each area without anyone knowing. You know your party
of the observatory are 20 feet high unless stated best and if you think this development would
otherwise. ruin anyone’s fun out of character, have an NPC
Illumination. Treat all outdoor areas as having no be the Imitation instead. If the characters are
light; treat all indoor areas as having dim light unless accompanied by an NPC anyway, your choice
stated otherwise. is simple. If they are not, an acquaintance of
Surface Detail. The observatory has been turned their patron decides to accompany the charac-
into a den of cult worship: fetishes of bone—animal ters to the observatory, ostensibly because this
and otherwise—adorn the walls, occult symbols acquaintance has their own interest in learning
have been painted with blood and surrounded with what happened to the researchers, but really to
candles, and the air is heavy with a hallucinatory make sure the characters don’t succeed in inter-
incense (see Madness below). fering.
Barriers. Several doors and windows throughout
the observatory are locked and/or boarded up. All
of the barriers are made of wood and have AC 15, observatory with a hallucinatory incense. They be-
18 hit points, and immunity to poison and psychic lieve the incense will help bring them closer to the
damage. A lock can be picked with a successful eldritch being—and who’s to say they’re wrong? But
DC 15 Dexterity check using thieves’ tools, or any regardless of what the deranged research team be-
barrier can be forced open with a successful DC 20 lieves, the incense causes all creatures in the area to
Strength check. go a bit mad. Certain objects will prompt a madness
check on sight or contact, as noted in the area’s
The Imitation description.
Before the adventure begins, select one player in se- Increasing Madness. On a failed madness check, a
cret to be the Imitation—do not mention this aspect character suffers a short-time madness (refer to the
of the adventure to the rest of the group. Share with DMG for details on madness). The more madness a
the selected player (or have them read) the following character experiences, the more severe the madness
information: becomes. Once a character has experienced three
short-term effects, their next failed madness check
You are the Imitation, a creature born from the will incur a long-term madnesses. Similarly, if a char-
mind of an eldritch being known as Yagiog- acter ever experiences three long-term effects, they
reth of the Dark Star. Your character is safe, will then progress to making checks against indefi-
but unconscious and tied up somewhere in nite madnesses.
the observatory. You are a perfect Imitation of Constellatory Divination
your character, with the following exceptions:
The research team, in conjunction with the mage’s
▸ You do not suffer from madness effects; college, figured out something extraordinary in their
you still roll for madness checks and may studies: the constellations in the sky, if channeled
roleplay being mad, but you are incapable through the proper instrument—such as the observa-
of going mad. You are also immune to oth- tory’s own enchanted telescope—can confer ben-
er types of insanity. efits to those who look upon them. Unfortunately
▸ Set your Strength score to 20. for them, they never considered the possibility of
eldritch beings inhabiting the stars!
▸ Set your Constitution score to 22.
When the adventure begins, the observatory’s
▸ Your objective is to protect the telescope telescope is fixed upon Yagiogreth of the Dark Star,
at all costs. Do not let anyone destroy it allowing its influence to flow from the stars into the
or redirect it away from Yagiogreth of the minds of the research team. Once the adventure
Dark Star. ends, however, the characters may choose to point
the magical telescope at a different (and less evil)
Unbeknownst to even this player, the Imitation’s constellation in order to receive its blessing. A char-
true character is tied up and unconscious in area 10. acter can only gain one such benefit at a time. If
they already have a constellation feature and use the
Madness telescope to look at a different constellation, that
The research team, under the direction of their new constellation’s feature replaces the existing one.
master Yagiogreth of the Dark Star, has filled the The following are well-known constellations that
Encounter: Raving Researchers. Several research- when the scroll is used, and the scroll’s rarity is de-
ers are present in the area, and each researcher pendent on the adventure’s APL:
has an eldritch spell scroll in their possession (see
Eldritch Spell Scrolls
Treasure below). They’ve defaced themselves with a
blade by carving symbols into their own flesh. The Version Scroll Rarity
researchers approach the characters ranting and
raving about Yagiogreth of the Dark Star and Filvarel 3 Uncommon (spell level 2)
(the principal investigator in charge of the facility). 5+ Available in the full adventure
They will insist that the characters allow them to
carve symbols into their flesh, and will eventually Ladder. A ladder on the west side of the area leads
become hostile if refused. They can be convinced up to area 7. However, the hatch is locked. The key
to stand aside with a successful DC 18 Charisma is located in a book in area 3. Alternatively, the lock
(Persuasion) check. However, if any of the occult can be broken or picked (see General Features).
symbols on the orrery are destroyed, they will be- Moving On. There is a foyer to the north of this
come hostile regardless of the situation. Refer to the area. On the left side of the foyer is an unlocked
table below for the number and type of researchers door to area 3. On the right side of the foyer is an
present: unlocked door to area 4. Finally, the foyer leads fur-
Raving Researchers ther north into area 6.
A trapdoor leads down into nothing more than a
Version Statblocks small chamber with dusty observatory equipment.
If you want to expand on the location, however, the
3 1 cult fanatic, 1 cultist full map of the observatory includes a basement and
5+ Available in the full adventure caves that might, at the GM’s discretion, hold more
researchers or a different threat altogether.
Treasure: Eldritch Spell Scrolls. The researchers
have on their person one eldritch spell scroll. This 3 - Study Room - Interior
is a normal spell scroll, except it is written in an Before the characters open the door to this room,
unknowable language. Any creature that uses the read or paraphrase the following:
scroll must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw or
suffer a madness effect (see Increasing Madness on The air stinks of rotting meat. It seems to be
page 3). The scroll’s spell is determined randomly coming from beyond the door.
Madness Check: Lunatic Ravings. The researchers It’s peaceful out here. Below the cliffs, the
in this area are reciting eldritch words in a forgotten countryside seems to roll on forever.
tongue. Any character that comes within 15 feet of
the dining table hears these ravings; characters that Obstacle: Barriers to Entry. This area connects to
hear these ravings for the first time must make a DC area 5 via boarded-up windows and doors. Refer to
13 Wisdom saving throw or experience a madness the General Features section for information on how
effect (see Increasing Madness on page 3). to overcome these obstacles:
Encounter: Entranced Researchers. Several re-
▶ 1 boarded-up and locked door to area 5
searchers are present in the area, and each research-
▶ 4 boarded-up and locked windows to area 5
er is busy reading the eldritch spell scroll in their
possession (see Treasure below). The researchers Footpath. A footpath curves around the observato-
are entranced by the scrolls and won’t even notice ry to area 1.
the characters unless they come within 10 feet of
the dining table. If they do end up noticing the char-
7 - Telescope Nooks - Interior
acters, they will insist that they read the scrolls for
themselves, and will become hostile if refused. They It’s quiet in this area, but muttering sounds
can be convinced to stand aside with a successful can be heard in the adjoining room to the
DC 18 Charisma (Persuasion) check. Refer to the southeast. There are two telescopes looking
table below for the number and type of researchers out into the night sky. What do they see?
Trap: Glyph - Insanity. There are two telescopes
in the area, each occupying a different nook. The
lenses have been visibly defaced if one were to
check before looking. Looking through the telescope
triggers the trap: the creature looking sees the inde-
scribably horrific face of Yagiogreth of the Dark Star
and must make a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw.
On a failed save, the target is driven insane for 1
minute. An insane creature can’t take actions, can’t
understand what other creatures say, can’t read,
and speaks only in gibberish. The GM controls its
movement, which is erratic. This effect counts to-
ward a character’s madness thresholds (see Increas-
ing Madness on page 3).
8 - Conference Area - Interior minute. An insane creature can’t take actions, can’t
understand what other creatures say, can’t read,
Surprisingly, this room appears to be in good and speaks only in gibberish. The GM controls its
condition and free of occult symbology. Two movement, which is erratic. This effect counts to-
telescopes peer out into the night sky. ward a character’s madness thresholds (see Increas-
ing Madness on page 3).
Trap: Glyph - Insanity. There are two telescopes Encounter: Crazed Researchers. Several research-
in the area, each occupying a different nook. The ers are present in the area, and each researcher has
lenses have been visibly defaced if one were to an eldritch spell scroll in their possession (see Trea-
check before looking. Looking through the telescope sure below). The researchers are rocking back and
triggers the trap: the creature looking sees the inde- forth on their beds. They will insist that the char-
scribably horrific face of Yagiogreth of the Dark Star acters look into the telescopes in this area, and will
and must make a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw. eventually become hostile and physically force them
On a failed save, the target is driven insane for 1 to look if refused. They can be convinced to stand
minute. An insane creature can’t take actions, can’t aside with a successful DC 18 Charisma (Persua-
understand what other creatures say, can’t read, sion) check. However, if any of the occult symbols
and speaks only in gibberish. The GM controls its in the room are destroyed, they will become hostile
movement, which is erratic. This effect counts to- regardless of the situation. Refer to the table below
ward a character’s madness thresholds (see Increas- for the number and type of researchers present:
ing Madness on page 3).
Crazed Researchers
9 - Bunk Room - Interior
Version Statblocks
Like most of the observatory, this area is 3 1 cult fanatic, 1 cultist
decorated with unutterable words written in
5+ Available in the full adventure
blood and bone.
Treasure: Eldritch Spell Scrolls. The researchers
Madness Check: Occult Symbology. The walls are have on their person one eldritch spell scroll each.
covered in strange symbols, written in blood and This is a normal spell scroll, except it is written in
pieces of bone. Characters that see these symbols an unknowable language. Any creature that uses
for the first time must make a DC 16 Wisdom saving the scroll must make a DC 17 Wisdom saving throw
throw or experience a madness effect (see Increas- or suffer a madness effect (see Increasing Madness
ing Madness on page 3). on page 3). The scroll’s spell is determined random-
Trap: Glyph - Insanity. There are two telescopes ly when the scroll is used, and the scroll’s rarity is
in the area, each occupying a different nook. The dependent on the adventure’s APL:
lenses have been visibly defaced if one were to
check before looking. Looking through the telescope Eldritch Spell Scrolls
triggers the trap: the creature looking sees the inde-
scribably horrific face of Yagiogreth of the Dark Star Version Scroll Rarity
and must make a DC 17 Intelligence saving throw. 3 Uncommon (spell level 2)
On a failed save, the target is driven insane for 1
5+ Available in the full adventure
Filvarel & Researchers
Version Statblocks
3 1 wereboar
5+ Available in the full adventure