Lecture 4 Mos

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Lecture 4

Learning objectives
• Problem on Poisson’s ratio
• Shearing Stress
• Shearing strain
• Hooke’s law for shear stress
• Problem on shear stress
• Sign conventions for shear stress
• A steel pipe of length L =4.0 ft,
outside diameter d2 = 6.0 in., and
inside diameter d1 =4.5 in. is
compressed by an axial force P=140
• The material has modulus of
elasticity E =30,000 ksi and
Poisson’s ratio =0.30.
Determine the following quantities for
the pipe:
• (a) the shortening δ
• (b) the lateral strain ε’ ,
• (c) the increase Δd2 in the outer
diameter and the increase Δd1
in the inner diameter
• (d) the increase t in the wall
• Force, P = - 140kip
• Area, A = π(d22-d12)/4 = 12.37 in2.
• Stress, σ=P/A = -140kips/12.37
in2=-11.32 ksi
• Young’s modulus, E = 30,000 ksi
• Strain, ε = σ/E =-377/106
• δ = ε L =-377/106 x 4ft x 12 in =
0.018 in
• Lateral strain, ε’ = -ν ε= - 0.30 x -
377/106 = 113.2/106.
• Δd1= ε’ d1= 113.2/106 x 4.5in = • Check
509/106 in • t= (d2-d1)/2 = 0.75 in
• Δd2= ε’ d12= 113.2/106 x 6in = • Δt= ε’ t= 113.2/106 x 0.75in
679/106 in = 85/106 in
• Δt= (Δd2- Δd1)/2 = 85/106.
• The clevis is a U-shaped
piece that has holes at the
end of the prongs to
accept the clevis pin.
• The clevis pin is similar to
a bolt, but is either
• partially threaded or Split pin inserted
• is unthreaded with a
cross-hole for a split pin in cross hole

Clevis Pin:
• Clevises are used in a wide
variety of fasteners used in
farming equipment and
sailboat rigging, as well as the
automotive, aircraft and
construction industries. Clevis Pin:
• They are also widely used to Partially
attach control surfaces and
other accessories to servo threaded
controls in airworthy model
• As a part of a fastener, a
clevis provides a method of
allowing rotation in some axes
while restricting rotation in
Shearing Stress and Bearing Stress
What is load transmitted by bolt?
• A: Flat bar
• B: Bolt
• C: Clevis
• Bearing Stress Bearing Stress
Fb( 2 ) Ab is projected area of
 b  ( 2)
( 2)
• Shear Stress  b  (1)
Ab curved bearing surface
A b
A  h(1) d
(1) A ( 2)
 h( 2 ) d
Fb(1)=? b

Double Shear
Shear Stress

Shear stress acts

tangential to the surface
What is Fb(2)=? of the material.
Single Shear
• Axial force P is transferred
to flange of the column
through the bolt
• Idealized bearing stress
• Shear force acts
tangentially to the
cross-section of
the bolt.
• Direct shear:
Direct action of
forces trying to cut
through the
Equality of Shear Stresses on
perpendicular plane
• Consider a rectangular
parallelopiped as shown in
• It is subjected to only shear The body is in equilibrium.
stresses as shown.
• What is ΣFX? FX  ( 2 | y b  2 | y 0 )ac  2 | y b   2 | y 0
• What is ΣFY? FY  ( 1 |x  a  1 |x  0 )bc  1 | x  a   1 | x 0
• What is ΣMz?
M Z  ( 1 | x  a bc)a  ( 2 | y  a ac)b
 1 | x  a   2 | y b
Pure Shear  1   2
Shear Stress
• Shear stresses on opposite
(and parallel) faces of an
element are equal in
magnitude and opposite in
• Shear stresses on adjacent
(and perpendicular) faces of
an element are equal in 1   2
magnitude and have directions
such that both stresses point
toward, or both point away
from, the line of intersection of
the faces.
Shear Strain

• Shear stress produce a change in shape of the element.

• They have no tendency to elongate or shorten the element in x-,y-,z-
• The angle between side faces change.
• For example, angle psr i.e π/2 is reduced to π/2 –γ
• γ is the measure of distortion and is called shear strain.
• Units: Radians or degrees
Hooke’s Law in shear
• Direct shear stress or torsion tests
• Plot shear stress-strain diagrams.   G
• G is shear modulus of elasticity or modulus of rigidity.
• Shear modulus G has same units as tension modulus E.

E 0    1/ 2 E E
G G , 
2(1   ) 2 3
• Properties in shear are usually about half as large
as those in tension. For instance, the yield stress for
structural steel in shear is 0.5 to 0.6 times the yield stress
in tension
Problem: Shear stress in plate
• A punch for making holes
in steel plates is shown.
• Assume that a punch
having diameter d =20 mm
is used to punch a hole in
an 8-mm plate.
• If a force P=110 kN is
required to create the hole,
• what is the average shear
stress in the plate and the
average compressive
stress in the punch?
Solution: Shear stress in plate
• Shear Area,
As= πdt = 502.7 mm2.
• Average Shear stress,
 τaverage = P/As= 110//502.7
kN/mm2 = 219MPa
• Area of punch,
Apunch= πd2/4= 314 mm2.
• Average compressive stress in
σc= P/Apunch= 110/314 kN/mm2 =
350 MPa
• What happens when a punch
hits a plate at high velocity?
Fracture and fragmentation of
Advanced analysis
Elastomeric Bearing Bad
• A bearing pad of the kind
used to support machines
and bridge girders consists of
a linearly elastic material
(usually an elastomer, such
as rubber) capped by a steel
plate .

Elastomeric Bearing Bad
• Primary function is to distribute
superstructure loads to the
substructure and allow the
superstructure to undergo
necessary movements in
irregular environmental
conditions without creating any
harmful stresses that might
compromise the structural
integrity of the bridge.
• The pads extend the life of
bridges by reducing wear and
tear on bridge materials.
Problem: Shear stress on elastomeric bearing
• A bearing pad of the kind used
to support machines and bridge
girders consists of a linearly
elastic material (usually an
elastomer, such as rubber)
capped by a steel plate .
• Assume that the thickness of
the elastomer is h, the
dimensions of the plate are a x
b, and the pad is subjected to a
horizontal shear force V.
• Obtain formulas for the average
shear stress in the elastomer
and the horizontal displacement
d of the plate.
Solution: Shear stress on elastomeric bearing
• Shear Area,
As= ab
• Average Shear stress,
 τaverage = V/ab
• Shear strain,
• γ=τaverage /G=V/(abG)
• tan(γ)= d/h,
• γ<<1γ= d/h
• d=hγ = hV/(abG)
Sign conventions for shear stress
• A shear stress acting on a positive face of an element is
• positive if it acts in the positive direction of one of the
coordinate axes and
• negative if it acts in the negative direction of an axis.
• A shear stress acting on a negative face of an element is
• positive if it acts in the negative direction of an axis and Positive
• negative if it acts in a positive direction. face

+ +
Negative +
Sign conventions for shear strain
• Shear strain in an element is positive when the angle
between two positive faces (or two negative faces) is
• The strain is negative when the angle between two
positive (or two negative) faces is increased. Positive

+ +
+ Negative

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