Mine Surveying Presentation

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Chain Surveying is that type of surveying in which
only linear measurement are done.This is most
suitable for the survey of small area of extent.

The principle of chain survey is to provide skelton

or framework consisting of number of connected
triangles ,because triangle is considered to be the
only simple figure that can be plotted from the length
of the side to measure the field.
Chain Surveying 3

1. Arrows.
2. Pegs.
3. Ranging rods.
4. Offset rods.
5. Plasterer’s laths and white.
6. Plumb Bob
7. Chain or Tape.
Chain Surveying 4

.Arrows: - It is made up of Steel wire.

-10 arrows are supplied with a chain.
- The length of arrow varies from (40-50)cm,
but most common is 40cm.

.Pegs: -It is generally made up of wood,used to mark the

point in a survey line.
Its’ length is about ~15cm.
Mine Survey 5

.Ranging Rods: - Its’ length Varies from(2-3)m,but

most common legth of 2m.
-It can also be used for measurement
of short length.
-It is basically used to range some int-
mediate points in the survey line.
.Offset Rods: - It is similar to ranging rods having
length of 3m.
- It is mainly used for measuring rough
offset nearby.
Mine Survey 6

.plasterer’s laths and white: -It is used to locate the

intermediate points in a survey line.Thus,it is
very useful for ranging out line when crossing
through a depression,from which forward rod
is not visible.
.Plumb Bob: -It is used when there is chaining along a slop-
ing ground.
-It is also used to as centering aids in theodolite
,compass,plane table and variety of other inst-
Mine Survey 7

.Chain or Tape: -It is mainly made up of galvanised

Note 1: here, the length of chain is measured from the
outside of one hand to the outside of other handle.
Note 2: The chain that we use here for measuring the
length is known as Engineer’s Chain.
.Engineer’s chain:
-its’ length is 100ft and has 100 links,thus its’ link is 1ft lo-
-At every 10 links brass tags are fastened.
-Here, distance measured are recorded in feet and decimal.
Mine Survey 8

.Terminology related with chain surveying:-

-Survey Station: -It is the prominent point on the chain line and can be
either at the beginning of the chain line or at the end.
-It may be marked on the ground by dividing pegs, if
the ground is soft.
-Survey line: - It that line which join the main station.
-Base Line:-It is nothing but the largest main survey line.
-Check line:-It is also called Proof Line.
-It is the line which run in the field to check the
accuracy of work.
Mine Survey 9

-Tie line:- It is a line joins the subsidiary stations on the main line.
- The main objective of tie line is to take details of nearby
objects but it also serves the purpose of “check line”.
-Offset:- It is the lateral distance of object or ground feature measured
from a survey line.
NOTE:-when the angle of offset is 90deg. , it is called perpend-
icular offset.
Mine Survey 10

Methods Of Ranging

Direct Ranging Indirect Ranging

-It occur when the two ends of (Reciprocal Ranging)
survey line are intervisible -It occur when both the ends of
- In such case ranging is done survey line is not visible.
by eye or some optical instr-
Mine Survey 11

Obstacle in Chain Surveying

:Obstacle to chaining are of three types:-
1).Obstacle to ranging but not chaining:- In this type of obstacles ends
not intervisible.
EX:- two points on the opposite side of a building.
2).Obstacel to Chaining but not ranging:-In this type of obstacles ends
ends are visible but not possible to chain around the obstacle.
Ex:-two points are on the opposite side of the river.
3).Obstacle to both chaining and ranging:-In this type of obstacles ends
Mine Survey 12

Advantage :
. chain surveying is the simplest method of surveying,as it is simple
to conduct.
. It is also cost-effective,as it does not require costly equipments and
. It is mostly used for preparing the plan of small area with a fair d-
gree of accuracy.
. It does not require much skill to conduct its operation because its’
calculation and computation is very simple.
Mine Survey 13

.Its’ main and bigger problem is that it is not suitable for large area it
is also relatively very time consuming
.It is relatively difficult to carry in crowded area or populated area.
.It is not suitable for steep slopping and waterlogged area,as chain survey
is mostly conducted in dry and gentle slope area.
.A simple chain survey is subjected to Several chance of errors of accuml-
ation,which may be caused by the problem of the chain.
ex:-there is a chance that chain linkage not stretch properly
and result in inaccurate data.
Mine Survey 14

Problem 1: A survey line AB crosses a river obliquely. P and Q are two points
selected on the line one at each end of the river. Another line EPF is run parallel to the
centre line of the river and point E is such that angle QEP is right angle and
EP=PF=100m. A third point G is set at a distance of 150m from P such that angle GFP is
also right angle. Compute the distance PQ.(copy from the slide shared by A.k Gorai

Mine Survey 15

Problem 2: The length of a line measured with 20m chain was found to
be 500m. It was subsequently found that the chain was 0.04m too long. What
is the length of line? (source:dreamcivil numerical)

Solution: Correct length of chain, L’ = 20 + 0.04 = 20.04m

Length, L = 20m

Measured length, = 500m

True length = (L’/L) * measured length

= (20.04/20) * 500
= 501m.
Hence, the required length of line is:501m
Mine Survey 16

Problem 3: A surveyor measured the distance between two points on the plan
drawn to a scale of 1 cm = 40 m and the result was 468 m. Later, however, he discovered
that he used a scale of 1 cm = 20 m. Find the true distance between the points.
(source:dreamcivil numerical)

Solution:Measured length = 468m

R.F of wrong scale = 1cm / 20m = 1cm / 2000cm = 1/2000 or 1:2000

R.F of correct scale = 1cm / 40m = 1cm / 4000cm = 1/4000 or 1:4000

Correct length = (R.F of wrong scale/R.F of correct scale)×Measured length

Hence, true distance = ( (1/2000) / (1/4000) ) × 468 = 936 m.

Mine Survey 17
Problem 4: The area of the plan of an old survey plotted to a scale of 10
meters to 1 cm measures now as 100.2 sq. cm as found by a planimeter. The plan is
found to have shrunk so that a line originally 10cm long now measures 9.7cm only.
Find (source:dreamcivil numerical)

i. Shrunk scale
ii. true area of the survey.

i). Shrinkage factor = 9.7/10 = 0.97
True scale R.F. = 1cm/10m = 1cm/ 1000cm = 1/1000 or 1:1000
R.F. of shrunk scale = 0.97×(1/1000) = 1/1030.93

ii). Original area on plan = (10/9.7)² ×100.2 sq.cm = 106.49 sq.cm

Scale of plan is 1cm = 10m
Area of survey = 106.49 * (10)² = 10649 sq.m
Mine Survey 18
Problem 5: The area of the plan of an old survey plotted to a scale of 10
meters to 1cm measures now as 100.2 sq. cm as found by planimeter. The plan is
found to have shrunk so that a line originally 10cm long now measures 9.7cm only.
There was also a note on the plan that the 20m chain used was 8cm too short. Find
the true area of the survey. (source:dreamcivil numerical).

Solution:Present length of 9.7cm is equivalent of 10cm

original length.
Original area on plan = (10/9.7)²×100.2 sq.cm= 106.49 sq.cm
Scale of the plan is 1cm=10m
∴ Original area of survey= (106.49)(10²)=1.0649×10ˆ4 sq.m
Faulty length of chain used= 20-0.08=19.92m
Correct area=(19.92/20)²×1.0649×10ˆ4 sq.m= 10564.7 sq.m
Submitted By:
Name: Mohit kumar
Roll no: 121MN0536

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