Health 7

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School Grade Level 7

Teacher Learning Area MAPEH -HEALTH

Teaching Date Quarter FIRST
and Time

A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of holistic health and its management of
health concerns, the growth and development of adolescents and how to manage
its challenges.
B. Performance Standard The learner appropriately manages concerns and challenges during adolescence
to achieve holistic health.
C. Learning Competencies The learners…
1. explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/ intellectual,
emotional, social, and moral-spiritual)( H7GD-Ib-13)
2. analyzes the interplay among the health dimensions in developing
holistic health. (H7GD-Ib-14)
3. practices health habits to achieve holistic health (H7GD-Ic-15)

II. CONTENT Dimensions of Holistic Health

A. Reference
1. Curriculum guide pages
2. Textbooks’ pages
3. Additional Resources
4. Learning Modules
5. Additional Material from
Learning Resources (LR)
B. Other Learning


A. Reviewing previous The students will unlock the jumbled letters flash on the screen.
lesson or presenting the ▸SIPHYCAL – PHYSICAL
new lesson ▸TALMEN – MENTAL

The teacher will post the word HEALTH and will ask the learners to
define it in their own words/ say
something about their idea about the word posted.
B. Establishing a purpose Teacher will watch a video about the one’s health.
for the Learners will be asked to answer the questions:
Questions 1. Is it necessary that you know some things about health?

2. What do you think is the importance of knowing its dimensions

and importance?
C. Presenting The teacher will divide the class into 5 group. Each group will be given a
examples/instances of the picture to be explained in front of the class by selected group reporter.
new lesson





The group will report on their observations regarding the dimensions

observed on the picture, their definition of the dimensions of health and
its importance to holistic health.

Guide questions will be flash on screen.

1. What dimension of health can you see on the picture?

2. Define the dimension of health used.

3. What is the contribution of the picture in producing a holistic health?

Afterwards, the teacher will give the additional definition of the

dimensions of health.

D. Discussing new .
concepts and practicing Further discussion of the different dimensions of health for further
new skills #1 understanding of the learners on it and its

Health is a state of complete physical, mental, or intellectual,

emotional, social, moral-spiritual, and environmental well-being. It is not
merely the absence of disease or infirmity.

Health is the most important factor in our life. Live healthy to have
a happy life. As they say health is wealth. Health is important than
having a million dollars in your bank account. Your health is more than
enough for you to be considered a millionaire. Let’s find out how healthy
you are.



It refers to the well-being of an individual.

Example: Dorai performs simple physical exercises every day to keep
herself healthy.
It means that you can do your daily task without getting
tired and undue fatigued.
Example: Jane still has the energy to play/bond with her friends after
washing her clothes the whole morning.


It refers to the ability of an individual to think and improve

his quality skills in life.
Example: Go out and make new friends, keep yourself busy with school
It is the ability to rationalize things.
Example: Find good reason in your failures. Think that everything
happened for a good reason.


It is the ability to accept failures, cope with your

environment and consider the feeling of others.
Example: If a family member has left to work in other place, you can
easily accept the reality of being away from your love ones.
Understanding and liking oneself.
Example: Self-love means finding peace and resting comfortably in our
own home.


It is how well you build relationship with your community,

and how you interact with the people that surround you. Social
acceptance means to interact with different types of people,
accept and understand different norms and values.
Example: Be who you are and be like what is dictated by your values
and norms. It is the fact that most people act in order to be accepted by
any group and be like them.

Example: As a teenager you easily mingle and develop friendship with

the neighborhood.

5. Moral-Spiritual Health
It refers to one’s faith, belief and values, know the meanings
and purposes in life.
Example: Respect everybody’s faith; it is looking deeply within oneself
and belief.

6. Environmental Health
Understand the effect of the air, the water, and the land that
surrounds our health. Recognize the impact of environment and
man-made hazards.
Examples: Remember the five R’s of waste management:
1. Refuse- It includes garbage and rubbish.
Garbage is mostly decomposable food waste. Rubbish is mostly
dry material such as glass, paper, cloth, or wood.
2. Reduce – It is to help cut down the amount of waste we throw
3. Reuse –It is learning to reuse items or re-purpose them like old
jars and pots into ornaments and shipping containers and
created them into home and offices.
4. Repurpose- It refers to the process by which an object with one
use value is transformed or redeployed as an object with an
alternative use value.
5. Recycle- It is to use recycled paper for printing, handicraft or

E. Discussing new Activity

concepts and practicing Holistic health and wellness is a way of living that focuses on the
new skills #2 interdependence and cooperation of all aspects of an individual – body,
mind and
soul. It is a lifestyle that focuses on the whole person. Hence, the term
holistic is derived.

Dimensions of Holistic Health

Good health and wellness is interdependent on six dimensions.
Concept of Holistic Health:

1. Based on the diagram shown above, enumerate the dimensions

of holistic health.

2. Why do you think it is important to be:

a. Physically healthy?
b. Spiritually Healthy?
c. Mentally healthy?
d. Socially Healthy?
e. Environmentally Health?
f. Emotionally Healthy?

3. Why do you think it is important to be holistically healthy?

F. Developing mastery Activity:

(leads to Formative Fit me in
Assessment 3) Directions: Classify the following activities into physical health, social
health, moral/spiritual health, emotional health, mental, and
environmental health by writing them on their proper column.

1. Walking around the plaza

2. Chatting with friends
3. Going out with family and relatives
4. Exercising on a regular basis
5. Eating fruits and vegetables
6. Drinking plenty of water
7. Throwing garbage into the trash bin
8. Showing love and affection to love ones
9. Picking pieces of papers on the corridors
10. Playing scrabbles and word hunt
11. Reading educational materials
12. Writing letters to someone
Physical Social Health Moral/ Emotional Mental Health Environmenta
Health Spiritual Health l Health

G. Finding practical
applications of concepts Activity
and skills in daily living Directions: In 3-5 sentences reflect and analyze on this quotation and

“The greatest Wealth is Health”

Evaluation of your output will be based using the following criteria:

1. Message was clear and conveys lessons 5%
2. Contains principles 3%
3. Contains new ideas 2%
Total = 10%

H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the The learners will be asked to answer the questions:
1. What is the significance of discussing the dimensions of health?

2. What is its importance in our daily living?

I. Evaluating learning
The learners will explain the following dimensions of health: (5 points
each). An additional 3 points will be given to those who explain their
answer carefully.

1. Physical Health
2. Emotional Health
3. Moral-Spiritual Health
4. Social Health
5. Mental Health
6. Environmental Health
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation

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