Health 7
Health 7
Health 7
A. Content Standard The learner demonstrates understanding of holistic health and its management of
health concerns, the growth and development of adolescents and how to manage
its challenges.
B. Performance Standard The learner appropriately manages concerns and challenges during adolescence
to achieve holistic health.
C. Learning Competencies The learners…
1. explains the dimensions of holistic health (physical, mental/ intellectual,
emotional, social, and moral-spiritual)( H7GD-Ib-13)
2. analyzes the interplay among the health dimensions in developing
holistic health. (H7GD-Ib-14)
3. practices health habits to achieve holistic health (H7GD-Ic-15)
The teacher will post the word HEALTH and will ask the learners to
define it in their own words/ say
something about their idea about the word posted.
B. Establishing a purpose Teacher will watch a video about the one’s health.
for the Learners will be asked to answer the questions:
Questions 1. Is it necessary that you know some things about health?
1. What dimension of health can you see on the picture?
D. Discussing new .
concepts and practicing Further discussion of the different dimensions of health for further
new skills #1 understanding of the learners on it and its
Health is the most important factor in our life. Live healthy to have
a happy life. As they say health is wealth. Health is important than
having a million dollars in your bank account. Your health is more than
enough for you to be considered a millionaire. Let’s find out how healthy
you are.
5. Moral-Spiritual Health
It refers to one’s faith, belief and values, know the meanings
and purposes in life.
Example: Respect everybody’s faith; it is looking deeply within oneself
and belief.
6. Environmental Health
Understand the effect of the air, the water, and the land that
surrounds our health. Recognize the impact of environment and
man-made hazards.
Examples: Remember the five R’s of waste management:
1. Refuse- It includes garbage and rubbish.
Garbage is mostly decomposable food waste. Rubbish is mostly
dry material such as glass, paper, cloth, or wood.
2. Reduce – It is to help cut down the amount of waste we throw
3. Reuse –It is learning to reuse items or re-purpose them like old
jars and pots into ornaments and shipping containers and
created them into home and offices.
4. Repurpose- It refers to the process by which an object with one
use value is transformed or redeployed as an object with an
alternative use value.
5. Recycle- It is to use recycled paper for printing, handicraft or
G. Finding practical
applications of concepts Activity
and skills in daily living Directions: In 3-5 sentences reflect and analyze on this quotation and
H. Making generalizations
and abstractions about the The learners will be asked to answer the questions:
1. What is the significance of discussing the dimensions of health?
I. Evaluating learning
The learners will explain the following dimensions of health: (5 points
each). An additional 3 points will be given to those who explain their
answer carefully.
1. Physical Health
2. Emotional Health
3. Moral-Spiritual Health
4. Social Health
5. Mental Health
6. Environmental Health
J. Additional activities for
application or remediation