RE Workshop - Paper - Akram&Shaddad
RE Workshop - Paper - Akram&Shaddad
RE Workshop - Paper - Akram&Shaddad
Nowadays, investment in real estate is a unique investment for a diversity of reasons. The RE investment is characterized
by high risk associated with the relatively high returns. Investment in the sector of real state is more risky in developing
countries, Sudan in not an exception despite the general perception of being safe. Substantial fund is required for investing
in real estate; therefore most of the developing countries find it difficult to establish organized markets for real estate.
Politicians and planners in these countries face difficulties in the allocation and reallocation of funds available for
development required for different sectors in the economy. More attention is drawn to the sector of real estate as tool for
sustainable .development.
Appraisal/valuation has recently been christened as an ‘Emerging Global Profession’. The assessment of real properties
value is crucial to eliminate risks and uncertainties in real estate investment. The political and economical stability, in
addition to the availability, accuracy, and reliability of information are considered key stone in the efficiency of real estate
markets. Most of the developing countries, Sudan is not an exception, face severe problems in getting accurate and
reliable information; if any is available. The absence information sources and knowledge sharing concept makes it
difficult for investors to participate in the real estate market making the real estate appraisal more difficult. Moreover, the
absence of professional institutions and codes of conduct set a barrier in providing a professional appraisal services.
This paper reviews the real estate investment in Sudan and its environment. A special focus is drawn to the practice of real
estate appraisal in Sudan. The Authors provide clear definitions to terms related to the Real Estate Appraisal Process and
the objectives behind Appraisal Process and the most common methods of valuation. The study highlights the challenges
and limitations with which the appraisal practice in Sudan is faced. A general review of the appraisal practice in the global
context help setting guidelines for a more professional practice of real estate appraisal. The study draws some conclusions
and recommendations for the development of the real estate appraisal as a profession.
Keywords: Real Estate Appraisal, Appraiser, Professional Real Estate Appraisal, Real Estate Market
where the only actors in the real estate market. Many factors stand behind the entry of private sector into the market, some of
which are:
a. Demand
The increasing demand for real estate from private sector, specially foreign companies and investors, made it more attractive
to enter the market. The performance in the building and construction and its contribution to the GDP represents the general
trend in demand for space. Despite the growth that the construction sector enjoyed during the 1995-2007 (fig-2), the share of
this sector to GDP shows a decreasing pattern (fig-3). The contribution of other growing sectors to GDP was greater than the
construction sector did. The oil sector share to GDP was relatively high resulting in the reduction of other sectors shares. The
increase in the amount spent on construction was caused by oil production; setting the infrastructure for oil production.
800 5.0%
Percentage Shares
200 1.0%
0 0.0%
Fig (2): Construction Sector Shares in Amount in Fig (3): Construction Sector (%) Shares in GDP
GDP during 1995-2007(source:CBOS) during 1995-2007(source:CBOS)
Until the near past, most of the buildings, especially residential buildings, were single storey buildings. Costs associate with
horizontal expansion (i.e. infrastructure) calls for vertical expansion in buildings and cities profile. Therefore the demand for
multi storey buildings increased significantly in the last 10 years. Many new projects are under construction, and some are
subject to the approval of the governmental authorities
c. Economy Performance
The economy stability that Sudan experienced during the last 7 years made investing in real estate less risky. For instance,
Inflation rates dropped from 121% in 1991 to 8.1% in 2007. The exchange rates tend to be stable on average resulting in a
more attractive environment for investment.
d. Oil Production
Oil started to be produced in large scale since 1997, the government started to build modern oil infrastructure according to
the international standards, this construction movement resulted in higher demand. Many foreign companies invested in oil
production. The need of these companies to build, buy, and rent created new demand in real estate market for residential and
offices space. Private sector was encouraged to enter the market because of high demand and feasibility of investing in real
estate. The real growth that the construction sector experienced in Sudan was negative till the mid 1990s, it became positive
in 1997. The shift from negative to positive growth was a result of the national development projects those were going on
that time such as national roads, bridges housing projects and redeveloping of some projects and infrastructure. After 2000
the amount spent on construction continues to increase because of the entry of foreign companies and investors.
Khartoum, as the biggest city and the capital of Sudan, is witnessing an undeniable boom in its urban context in comparison
to other cities in the Sudan. The majority of construction activities and investment are concentrated in the state of Khartoum
due to the increasing demand for space. It becomes a favorite market for real estate for both local and international investors.
As a part of the Sudanese Real Estate market, the RE Market in Khartoum severely suffers from the lack of accurate,
reliable, and up-to-date information. The residential sector becomes the more favorite sector for investors in real estate, in
means of developing, buying, selling, and renting. The demand for office space has increased, as well, especially after the
mass production of oil in Sudan. The entry of foreign investors acts as a driving force for increasing demand for office and
residential buildings. The demand for other buildings increased as well (i.e., Hotels, multi-purpose halls, restaurants,
shopping centers, etc). The following submarkets represent the most active and growing ones in the RE market in Khartoum;
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
• Un-Organized Residential Real Estate; in forms of properties developed/owned by individuals or small investors
put into the market for sale or rent.
• Organized Residential Real Estate; properties developed/owned by specialized investors in the real estate with
substantial investments in forms of big complexes with different types of residential buildings including
Apartments (ownership/rent), Villas, Vacant Land (developed with all basic services)
Similar to other type of properties, hotels sector experienced and increasing demand recently. The economical
performance and entry of foreign capital is a main force driving demand to increase. Some Hotels enjoy an average
occupancy rate that reaches 100%. The supply of this submarket varies from 5 star hotels to 2 star hotels.
The appraisal process begins when the appraiser agrees to get an assignment and ends when the conclusions of the appraisal
are reported to the client. The most common appraisal assignment is performed to render an opinion of market value. The
valuation process contains all steps appropriate to this type of assignments and provides the framework for developing an
opinion of other defined values. The valuation process is accomplished through specific steps. The number of steps followed
depends on the nature of the appraisal assignment and the availability of data. As suggested by the Appraisal of Real Estate
12th edition, the general steps in a valuation process are shown in Fig (1).
2.1.2 Appraiser
An individual or a group qualified by education, training, and experience to estimate the value of real properties and personal
properties. The role of the appraiser is to provide objective, impartial, and unbiased opinions about the value of real
property—providing assistance to those who own, manage, sell, invest in, and/or lend money on the security of real estate.
ASB (USPAP), 2008-2009 edition
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
D e f in itio n o f t h e p r o b l e m
I d e n tific a tio n In te n d e d P u rpo se o f D a te o f Id e n tific a tio n o f E x tra o r d in a r y Id e n tific a tio n
of U se o f a p p r a is a l o p in io n c h a ra c te r is tic s o f a s s u m p tio n s of
C lie n t/I n te n d e A p p r a is a l (I n c lu d in g of p ro p e r ty (in c lu d in g C lie n t/In te n d e
d U s e rs d e fin itio n o f v a lu e lo c a tio n & p ro p e rty d U s e rs
v a lu e ) r ig h ts to b e v a lu e d
S co p e o f W ork
D a te C o l le c tio n & P ro p e r ty D e s c ri p t io n
M a rk et A re a D ate S u b je c t P r o p e r t y D a t e C o m p a r a b le P r o p e r t y D a t e
G e n e r a l c h a ra c te ris tic s o f S p e c ific c h a ra c te r is tic s o f la n d & S a le s , lis tin g s , o ffe r in g s , v a c a n c ie s ,
r e g io n , c ity & im p ro v e m e n ts , p e r s o n p ro p e rty , c o s t & d e p r e c ia tio n , in c o m e &
n e ig h b o rh o o d b u s in e s s a s s e ts , ..e tc e x p e n s e s , c a p ita liz a tio n r a te s , … e tc
D a ta A n a l y s is
M a r k e t A n a ly s is H ig h e s t & B e s t U s e A n a ly s is
D e m a n d s tu d ie s S ite a s th o u g h v a c a n t
S u p p ly s tu d ie s Id e a l im p r o v e m e n t
M a rk e ta b ility s tu d ie s P ro p e r ty a s im p ro v e d
L a n d V a lu e O p in i o n
A p p li c a ti o n o f th e A p p r o a c h e s to V a lu e
C ost S a le s C o m p a r is o n Inco m e
C a p it a liz a tio n
R e c o n c i li a ti o n o f V a l u e In d ic a t io n & F in a l O p in io n o f V a lu e
R e p o r t o f D e f in e d V a l u e
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
• Time distorts the relation between development cost and market value as building technology changes.
• Site value premised on highest and best use is not valid when historic buildings cannot be demolished.
The core idea for this approach is that the value of a property will equal the land value plus cost new after deducting the
depreciation. The Value will be according to the following formula
Vs = L s + C s - D t
Vs: Property Value; Cs: Cost New of the subject; and
Ls: Land Value of the subject; Dt: Total Depreciation.
When applying this method it is important to ensure that the costs provided are of the same date, otherwise adjustments are
required for old prices and costs depending on cost and price indices which show how are costs and prices changed during a
given period of time. The best providers of actual cost new are contractors and architects.
The Appraisal of Religious Facilities
The Appraisal of Religious Facilities
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
b. Cost comparables
Similar to the concept of the sales comparison approach, the cost comparables method indicates that the cost new of a
facility will be derived from the cost new of similar facilities. This method is used also as an excellent check on the
reasonableness of other methods of developing cost new. Applying this approach implies that a careful analysis is needed to
identify the facilities that are similar to the subject; otherwise the whole valuation will be misleading. The appraiser task is to
pick the most similar facilities to the subject and carefully analyze the data provided for each of the comparables such as
items included in the cost, additional features, and whether it is built by donated labor or materials. Relying on cost
comparables is conditional to:
• Confirmation and reliability of comparables costs • Similarities in sites characteristics
• Similarity of comparables • Similarity in construction time for comparables
According to this method the cost of a subject religious property (When using cost/area as a unit of comparison) will be
according to the following formulas:
C s = Cc a * A s
Cs: Cost new of subject property; Cca: Average cost of comparables per square meter; and
As: Area of subject property. Depreciation
After estimating the land value and cost new for a subject property, the next step in the valuation process is to estimate the
depreciation. Depreciation (deviation from the ideal) is defined as “A loss in property value from any cause; the difference
between reproduction or replacement cost of an improvement on the effective date of the appraisal and the market value of
the improvement on the same date”4. Depreciation may be curable (where the value gained is greater than or equal to the
cost to repair) or incurable (where the cost to repair exceeds the value gained). There are three forms of depreciation are:
• Physical deterioration (deviation from a new condition);
• Functional obsolescence (deviation from ideal design); and
• External obsolescence (a determent to the property from external influence)
The formula for depreciation is as follow:
Dt = Dp + Df + De
Dt: Total estimated depreciation; Df: Estimated depreciation due to functional obsolescence; and
Dp: Estimated physical depreciation; De: Estimated depreciation due to external influences
Consequently, the formula of a subject property value becomes as follow:
Vs = L s + C s - D p - D f - D e Adjustments
After collecting all the required data about the subject and its comparables, the following step is to analyze the sales and
adjust their prices for any differences between the subject and its comparables. To account for vastly different physical
facilities, amenities, quality, and location, it is necessary for the appraiser to take a broader view of the comparability of the
sales. Adjustments are to be done for the conditions of the sale, financing terms, market conditions, size, quality, building
condition, and location.
The appraisal of Real Estate 12th Edition
The appraisal of Real Estate 12th Edition
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
b. Financing
Comparable sale should be adjusted for any differences in terms of financing. These terms include insufficient down
payments, a below market interest rate, and any specific terms for the loan to buy the facility. The appraiser needs to
investigate how each of the comparable sales was financed and analyze the terms and the conditions of the loan to calculate
cash equivalency adjustments.
d. Location
Improvements in a superior location often contribute more than a similar facility in an undesirable location. By eliminating
the land value from the sale, location is typically accounted for in most cases. Adjustments for any differences in locational
attributes are required when the value is not eliminated from the sale price.
e. Size
A typical rule of thumb is that larger facilities generally sell for less per square meter than equally similar smaller facilities.
Therefore, size adjustments for different facilities are required when difference in size among these facilities exist.
f. Quality
An appraiser should make adjustments in the sale price for any differences in the quality of construction between the subject
and its comparables.
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
Usually the cost method is employed in the appraisal process in Sudan. Market information about construction cost is
paramount to the process since it provides the cost of developing similar properties; Appraiser used to gets this information’s
from the actors in the construction market (architectures, contractors, constructors’ managers, etc). Appraisers use the Final
opinion of value for the property subject to valuation as the basis of appraisal fees estimation. Different factors influence the
value of developed properties, the most important factors that Appraisers put into consideration when appraising a property
• Type of ownership • Building Condition
• Location • Landscaping
• Plot Area • Property Specific Amenities
• Built Area • Services (Electricity, Water Supply, Sanitary…etc)
• Quality of Construction
The environment surrounding real estate investment and valuation practice as discussed before gives rise to particular
limitations and challenges that appraiser faces when applying conventional valuation methods in accordance to the
international standards and provisions. Many factors stand as barriers in the professional practice of real estate appraisal;
these factors add more risks and uncertainties to the appraisal process and its conclusions. Hereafter are some of the factors
that add to risks and uncertainties in the appraisal of real estate;
a. Market Identity
The real estate market in Sudan is fragmented and unorganized, no organizations or institutes gather the actors in the
market. This fact hampers any attempts to develop the sector of real estate despite its importance to the nation’s
development. Transferred knowledge from other countries experience will be beneficiary as a first step towards a
professional practice.
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
c. Information
Without up-to-date, accurate, and reliable information pool all the efforts to develop the profession will be in vain. The
lack of data is the first barrier in carrying out a professional appraisal task in Sudan. Absence of transparency,
information providers, studies, and research in the field of appraisal and related fields justify the lack of information.
Brokers are considered a main source of information, however in Sudan, a perception about not trusting information
provided by brokers dominates. The absence of professional or trained brokers justifies such a perception. Generally
speaking, brokerage in Sudan is a job for a person who doesn’t have one.
i. Planning
The lack of strategic planning and continuous change of planning decisions and regulations is an avoidable risk that
face the real estate market in general and the profession in specific. Usually, the appraiser bases his analysis to draw an
opinion of value considering the planning laws, regulations, and proposed growth and extensions. Changing of plans in
an unpredictable manner adds significantly to risks and certainties of the appraisal.
j. Corruption
Corruption fell into many principal categories; i.e., embezzlement of public funds, and investment in the mercantile
sphere. The most common ways of embezzling public funds are; acquiring liquid assets from banks or government
agencies, selling the state's assets, selling state land, and smuggling. Overestimation of property value for the purpose of
getting bank loans form the most common way of corruption, furthermore bank loans might be made to businessmen
whose business is fictitious. Selling real estate in at below the market price is another form of corruption.
l. Methods of appraisal
Most the appraisers rely extensively on the cost approach as a method of appraisal. To reach a reliable market value of a
property using such an approach, a huge amount of data is required to be collected and analyzed. The absence of
transparency and the lack of information put the conclusions that an appraiser draws to questioning. Moreover, the cost
approach method might not be viable for all the property types. For income generating properties, for instance, income
approach might be more suitable to be employed. Limitations in and challenges of the professional application of the
three methods in Sudan are shown below;
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
Income Approach • Market data aren’t available and/ or reliable (i.e., rents, rates of return, maintenance and operating
• Investors used to provide false information about income and costs
• Investors are reluctant to reveal and/or share their income information
• Owners are reluctant to reveal and/or share their information about leases and their conditions
• Difficulties in developing future predictions and projections due to the instability of the RE
market, continuing changing policies, and the unclear, (if any) strategic plans
For the purpose of improving the performance of the appraisal practice and the real estate market in Sudan, organizing
the profession is the first step towards perfection and the highest efficiency.
Sales Data: detailed description of the recently sold properties in the market including;
• Price • Type of construction
• Location • Date of construction
• Area • Rehabilitations
• Building to area ratio • Conditions of the sale
• Type of the property • The purpose of the sale
• Quality of construction • The date of the sale
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
Integration Definition for Function Modeling (IDEF0): a method that is designed to model the decisions, actions, and activities of an
organization or system
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
4.3 Malaysia
The Valuers are governed by The Board of Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents under provision of Valuers, Appraisers
and Estate Agents Act 1981. Its primary function is to regulate the Valuers, Appraisers and Estate Agents practicing in
In addition to Statements on Appraisal Standards, the ASB also issues Advisory Opinions. This type of communication by
the ASB does not establish new standards or interpret existing standards. Advisory Opinions do not constitute legal opinions
of the ASB. Advisory Opinions are issued to illustrate the applicability of appraisal standards in specific situations and to
offer advice from the ASB for the resolution of appraisal issues and problems. Each Advisory Opinion is labeled to its
applicability to the various appraisal disciplines. The abbreviations are
• Real Property- RP • Intangible Property-IP (includes Business Interests)
• Personal Property- PP • All Disciplines-ALL
To date the ASB has approved 32 Advisory Opinions for general distribution as shown below7;
AO-1. Sales History (RP)
AO-2. Inspection of Subject Propert Real Estate (RP, PP)
AO-3. Update of a Prior Appraisal (ALL)
AO-4. Standards Rule 1-5 (b) (RP)
AO-5. Assistance in the Preparation of an Appraisal- Retired
AO-6. The Appraisal Review Function- Retired
AO-7. Marketing Time Opinions (RP, PP)
AO-8. Market Value vs Fair Value in RP Appraisal- Retired
AO-9. The Appraisal of RP that may be impacted by environment contamination (RP)
AO-10. The appraiser- Client Relationship
AO-11. Content of the Appraisal Report Options of Standard Rule (RP, PP)
AO-12. Use of the Appraisal Reort Options of Standard Rules
AO-13. Performing Evaluations of RP Collateral to conform with USPAP (RP)
AO-14. Appraisal for Subsidized Housing (RP)
AO-15. Using the Departure Rule in developing a limited appraisal
AO-16. Fair Housing Laws and Appraisal with Proposed Improvements (RP)
AO-17. Appraisals of RP with proposed improvements (RP)
AO-18. Use of an Automated Valuation Model (AVM) (ALL)
AO-19. Unacceptable Assignment Conditions in RP Appraisal Assignment (RP)
AO-20. An Appraisal Review Assignment that includes the Reviewr’s own opinion of value (ALL)
AO-21. USPAP Compliance (ALL)
AO-22. Scope of Work in Market Value Appraisal Assignment (RP)
AO-23. Identifying the relevant characteristics of the subject property of RP Appraisal Assignment (RP)
AO-24. Normal Course of Business (RP, PP)
AO-25. Clarification of the client in a federally related transaction (RP)
AO-26. Readdressing (transferring) a report to another Party (ALL)
AO-27. Appraising the same property for a new Client (ALL)
AO-28. Scope of Work Decision, Performance, and Disclosure (ALL)
AO-29. An Acceptable Scope of Work (ALL)
AO-30. Appraisals for use by a federally regulated Financial Institution (RP)
AO-31. Assignments involving more than one Appraiser (ALL)
AO-32. Property Tax Appraisal and Mass Assignments (RP, PP)
ASB (USPAP), 2008-2009 edition
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
Appraiser Trainee:
Someone who is qualified to appraise those properties, which the supervising certified appraiser is qualified to
Level Hours
Appraiser Trainee 75
Licensed Residential Real Property Appraiser 150
Certified Residential Real Property Appraiser 200
Certified General Real Property Appraiser 300
Table (1): minimum number of hours required for different appraisers categories
Source: Appraisal Institute, USA
4.4.5 Experience
The AQB has set the following minimum criteria (table 2) for experience for different certified levels:
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
Svefa appraises individual area of forests facing encroachment, or complete real estate holding which may involve farmland
with fields and meadows or buildings and forestland that need to be appraised to change in a family ownership for example.
Svefa conducts negotiations on the behalf of various parties, (i.e. to reach an agreement between the state and any forest land
owners affected by the establishment of a nature reserve). Svefa is one of the promoters of the Swedish Internet site, where prices information on sold properties can be found. Svefa is also providing market information
regarding open market rents on profit requirements. It works with property agents who can help clients buying and selling
properties. In addition, Svefa provides access to surveys and measurements of indoor and outdoor environment.
The appraisers at Svefa mainly employ the sales comparison and income approach in the appraisal assignments. For the
income approach, Svefa has its own software that enables the appraisers to estimate a value of a property in a short period of
time. Infrequently used, the cost approach is only employed as a check for the value estimate concluded by the two other
approaches to value.
For further information about Svefa look at
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
The first step in the process after identifying the task is the data collection. The appraisers in general and in Svefa in specific
consider this stage as the most difficult stage in the process. It may be a difficult task to get the accurate and reliable data for
special properties that are infrequently sold in the market. For some types of properties there may be no enough comparable
sales to be used for the valuation. The main sources that the appraisers at Svefa get the information from are; information
systems, means of communications, direct contacts with colleagues and friends, news, articles, and from actors in the
market. The informal information systems9 are not incorporated in the theoretic process model. It is the appraiser task to
ensure the accuracy and reliability of data that he/she employs in the appraisal. Following the stage of data collection, the
appraiser makes a property inspection.
The appraisers at Svefa mainly employ the sales comparison and/or income approach in the appraisal assignments. Usually
they start with the sales comparison approach and then apply the income approach. Which method to be used, mainly
depends on the property type, the nature of the task, and the availability of data. Normally the appraisal of common types of
properties takes about 12-15 hours, while the appraisal of special purpose properties may take 15-50 hours. Most of the time
is devoted for the data analysis stage. The longer the time an assignment takes, the higher the fees will be. In some cases the
client may call for a task without a written report. The quality of the written report depends on the purpose of the appraisal,
the fees, and the client requirements. The report includes all the data that the appraiser collects about the property and its
comparables. Sometimes the client may require that no photos should be put in the report. Svefa may terminate a task when
it discovers that the client tries to provide wrong information (i.e. when the client gives false information about the contracts
and actual rents). A feedback from the client may call for a revision or recollection of data. After the report submission, it is
the economic department responsibility to send the bills and collect the fees.
5 Conclusions
The appraisal process can be defined in many ways; all definitions revolve about deriving an opinion of value of a real
property. Three approaches to value, the cost approach, the sales comparison approach, and the income approach, are usually
applied for the purpose of valuation. The purpose of appraisal and the type of property are the main determinant of which
method to employ. In the Sudan, appraisers rely extensively on the cost approach in their practice. Most appraisers in the
globe rely on the sales comparison approach and the income approach, the cost approach is use a check of the two other
methods. The applicability of the three approaches to value in the Sudan is limited due to lack of education and availability,
accuracy, and reliability of relevant information. The absence of professional institution and the codes of conduct set a
barrier against the improvement and development of the profession in general. No doubt, the provision of educational and
training programs is highly needed for the sake of a more proper professional practice. Research and studies that enhance the
development of the appraisal practice are crucial as well. Information pools are needed to be established inorder to make the
conclusions that an appraiser draws more reliable.
The authors review some of the experiences of appraisal practice in the globe, most of the countries set standards and rules
for the practice of appraisal profession. National and international institutions and committees are responsible for the quality
of appraisers and their work; these institutes provide the profession with educational and training programs to keep the
profession and their members more efficient. The study reviewed the institutional system responsible for the performance
and development of the real estate appraisal in the USA. It shows the minimum requirements set by the state for practicing
the profession and the experience requirement. Moreover, the authors provide a practical example form a Swedish company,
Svefa Ab. These international examples provide a good criteria for the development of the RE appraisal profession in the
Sudan. The performance of such international institutions and companies might be a Benchmark for the development of
profession and improvement of performance. Process modeling could be the trigger for the performance improvement on
companies’ level.
Informal information systems such as information the appraiser get from friends and informal meetings with colleagues
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
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Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
Fig (4): The decomposition of the top level IDEF0 diagram into six steps
Figures (5) to (11) shows the IDEF0 model, which the study suggests, for the theoretic appraisal process, it is based on what
the literature and the international valuations associations recommend (i.e., Appraisal Institute). The valuation process that is
recommended by the appraisal institute (fig. 1) was the reference for building the model. The titles of the step may look
different to comply with the IDEF0 Model rules. Some of the steps are included with others steps and broken down, since
the number of the models activities shouldn’t exceed six boxes.
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
USED AT: AUTHOR: A.Elkhalif a & A. Abdelmagid DATE: 3/ 21/ 2005 WOR KI NG READER DATE CON TEXT:
PROJECT: The Theoretic Appraisal Model REV: 9/ 22/ 2005 DRAFT
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PUBLIC ATION
Propert y Dat a
US ED A T: AUTHOR: A .Elkhalifa & A. Abdelmagid DA TE: 3/21/2005 WORKING RE ADE R DATE CONT EXT :
PROJECT: The T heoretic Appraisal Model RE V: 9/22/2005 DRAFT
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PUBLICA TION A-0
Information Defined T ask
Identify the
Scope of
Valuation T ask
Property Data Work
1 Appraisal
Plan the Steps and
Valuer Appraisal Task Scheduling
Infromation 2
Possible Alternative Uses
Company Facilities
Estimate a Market Value of a Property
A0 2
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
USED AT: AUT HOR: A.Elkhalifa & A. Abdelmagid DAT E: 3/21/2005 WORKING READER DAT E CONTEXT:
PROJECT: The Theoretic Appraisal Model REV: 9/22/2005 DRAFT
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PUBLICATION A0
Client Requirement
Identify the
Client Information
client/users Defined client/ users
of the valuaion
1 Setted value
clear purpose & definition by the
Information about Intended use of the client Client Assumptions
client needs Identify the Purpose, valuation
intended use and
users of the valuatiion
Limiting Conditions
Defined Task
Scope of Work
Set the scope
of work
Identify the general 6
M ain Property Data
Property Data characteristics of the property
Defined Extraordinary
Identify the extra ordinary assumptions Assum ptions &
& hypothetical conditions Hypothetical Conditions
USE D AT: AUT HOR: A.Elkhalifa & A. Abdelmagid DAT E: 3/21/2005 WORKING REA DER DAT E CONTEX T:
PROJECT: The Theoretic A ppraisal Model REV : 9/22/2005 DRA FT
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PUB LICATION A0
Appraisal Steps and
Determine the Required Steps Recomm ended Methods Scheduling
Assignment inform ation
Named members
for the task
Valuer Infrom ation Select the staff members to achieve the task
Available staff information and
Workshop on Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan, 28-29 June 2009 International Center for Human Capacity Building
USE D AT: AUT HOR: A.Elkhalifa & A. Abdelmagid DAT E: 3/21/2005 WORKING REA DER DAT E CONTEX T:
PROJECT: The Theoretic A ppraisal Model REV : 9/22/2005 DRA FT
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PUB LICATION A0
Professional Standards
provided by the
Property economical data Collected
Collect S ubject
Data Scope of
Property Data
Property Data
General Economic
Collect General Data Data
Information about m arket sales
Data to be Alternative Uses
reanalyzed Highest and Best
Highest & Best Use Analysis Conclusion
Use A nalysis
Highest and best use
Comparables Data
Select the
Best Comparables
Selected Com parables
Real Estate Appraisal in Sudan: Potentials and challenges Akram Elkhalifa & Mohamed Y. Shaddad
USED AT: AUT HOR: A.Elkhalifa & A. Abdelmagid DAT E: 3/21/2005 WORKING REA DER DAT E CONTEXT:
PROJECT: The Theoretic Appraisal M odel REV: 9/22/2005 DRAFT
NOTES: 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 PUBLICATION A0
Reliable and
Property Characteristics and Features data
Available Data
Apply the Cost Approach Value Indication-1
Market Data Costs and Depreciation data
Analyzed 2
Data Reconcile Final Opinion
Value Indications of Value
Selcted Comparables data Apply the Sales
Value Indication-2 in a final one
Comparison Approach
3 5
Main Property
Property & Rental Market Data Value Indication-3
Apply the Income Approach