Administrators Development Plan Activity Smart Goal Action Steps Monitoring System
Administrators Development Plan Activity Smart Goal Action Steps Monitoring System
Administrators Development Plan Activity Smart Goal Action Steps Monitoring System
Monthly Meeting with To report current status 1. The Assistant Minutes of the
the Assistant of the school; Superintendent of Zone 2 Meeting
Superintendent of will conduct a meeting
Zone 2 To share good practices
with the schools of DLCES Monthly Report
observed by the school;
To answer questions Zone 2 and
discuss the issues raised by
and issues regarding
teachers and about the
the school, teachers,
current situation that
students, parents, etc.
affects the community.
2. The Academic
Superintendent will
discuss the agenda of the
meeting to the heads
4. Sharing of Ideas/Open
5. Schedule the next
Quarterly To strengthen the 1. The Administrators and Photos during the
Socialization Program relationship of the faculty will plan the said activity
with the Faculty administrators and the socialization headed by the
faculty and to know Campus Life Coordinator
what might be their ideas and Other
about the program that Coordinators
will come up with.
2. The Treasurer and the
TLE Teachers will prepare
the budget allocation to be
used for
the program
Prepared by:
School Principal