Intershield 300V - Ballast Tanks

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Intershield® 300V

Revision 12

Issue Date: 21st November 2017

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Application Guidelines
Intershield® 300V st
Revision 12 Date 21 November 2017




2.1 Surface Preparation 4

2.2 Specification 5

2.3 Film Thickness 5

2.4 Holding Primer (for use at Major Refurbishment only) 5

2.5 Notes 6

2.6 Product Cure Graphs 6



5.1 Tank condition 22
5.2 Steelwork Preparation 23
5.3 Scaffolding 24
5.4 Ventilation 24
5.5 Dehumidification 25
5.6 Heating 25
5.7 Lighting 26
5.8 Storage at point of application 26
5.9 Grit Blasting 26
5.10 Water Jetting (Hydroblasting) at Major Refurbishment 28
5.11 Cleaning 29
5.12 Paint Application 29
5.13 Stripe Coats 30
5.14 Water Testing 31



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The International Paint Ballast Tank Coating Application Guidelines are produced and revised in accordance
with the Worldwide Marine product range and IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) for Water Ballast Tanks and Double-
skin spaces. The purpose of the guidelines is to ensure that a coating system, when correctly applied,
provides the necessary protection against corrosion.

Successful in-service performance of a ballast tank coating system depends upon both the correct choice of
coating and the adoption of the correct procedures for surface preparation and paint application.

This document provides guidance to the specialised field of ballast tank coating application. It is the result of
experience gained by International Paint during the application of sophisticated ballast tank coatings to over
10,100 vessels since 1960, and the requirements for compliance with IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) for Water
Ballast Tanks and Double Side-Skin Spaces of Bulk Carriers.

The responsibilities for achieving the specific standards outlined and for carrying out surface preparation and
paint application rest with the Contracting Company and Shipyard. Under no circumstances do these
responsibilities rest with International Paint. We will generally provide for the presence of a Technical
Service Representative at key stages during the performance of the contract. The role of the International
Paint Technical Service Representative is advisory only, unless otherwise specified in the terms and
conditions of the contract.

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2.1.1 Newbuilding

Intact approved shop primer must be cleaned by sweep abrasive blasting or high pressure
fresh water washing. Block construction welds, areas of corrosion and damages to the shop
primer must be abrasive blasted to Sa2 /2 (ISO 8501-1:2007).
Non approved shop primers must be completely removed by abrasive blasting to Sa2 /2 (ISO
8501-1:2007). In some cases abrasive blasting to Sa2 (ISO 8501-1:2007), removing at least
70% of the intact primer, may be acceptable. (Consult International Paint for advice on
specific shop primers). However, where this applies, block construction welds, areas of
corrosion and shop primer damage must be abrasive blasted to Sa2 /2 (ISO 8501-1:2007).

2.1.2 Major Refurbishment

Abrasive blast clean to a minimum Sa2 (ISO 8501-1:2007) or International Paint

Hydroblasting Standard HB2M. If oxidation has occurred between blasting and application
of Intershield 300V, the surface should be reblasted to the specified visual standard.
Surface defects revealed by the blast cleaning process, should be ground, filled or treated in
the appropriate manner.

2.1.3 Application

Airless spray

Note: For use in Marine situations in North America, the following surface preparation can be
SSPC-SP10 in place of Sa2½ (ISO 8501-1:2007)
SSPC-SP6 in place of Sa2 (ISO 8501-1:2007)
SSPC-SP11 in place of Pt3 (JSRA SPSS:1984)

When full abrasive blasting is carried out, a sharp angular surface profile of 2-4 mils (50-100
microns) is recommended.

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For IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) Compliant Newbuilding Projects

Coat Product Colour Dft (microns) Dft (mils)

(i) Full Intershield 300V Bronze 160 6.3

Stripe Intershield 300V Aluminium
Stripe Intershield 300V Bronze
Full Intershield 300V Aluminium 160 6.3

For non IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) Projects

Coat Product Colour Dft (microns) Dft (mils)

(i) Full Intershield 300V Bronze 150 5.9

Stripe Intershield 300V Aluminium
Stripe Intershield 300V Bronze
Full Intershield 300V Aluminium 150 5.9
(ii) Full Intershield 300V Bronze 125 4.9
Stripe Intershield 300V Aluminium
Stripe Intershield 300V Bronze
Full Intershield 300V Aluminium 125 4.9

Note: Colours may be interchanged.


Maximum Film Thickness

Dry film thicknesses should be kept below 960 microns where practical (i.e. three times the specified
system thickness). Where excessive overlapping is unavoidable on e.g. corners, or where erection
joint line coating is overlapping onto coating applied at the block coating stage, occasional
thicknesses up to 2000microns may be expected. International Paint must be consulted when other
than a small number of film thickness readings fall outside of this range.

Minimum Film Thickness

The specified scheme dry film thickness of 320 microns must be achieved on at least 90% of the
total coated surface area. A minimum dry film thickness, equivalent to 90% of that specified, must be
achieved on the remaining 10%. Intershield 300V will not coalesce satisfactorily, without thinning, at
dry film thickness below 75 microns when airless sprayed.

For further information, consult International Paint.


If required, a holding primer may be applied to protect the blast. Consult your International Paint
representative for specific recommendations.

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2.5.1 Refer to the accompanying graphs for recommended overcoating intervals, pot life and
curing requirements.

2.5.2 The drying times quoted refer to a single coat applied to give 160 microns (6.3 mils) dry film
thickness. At higher film thicknesses drying times may be extended, particularly at low

2.5.3 Touch up of damages caused during destaging is to be done by brush with Intershield 300V
to a nominal dry film thickness of 320 microns (12.6 mils). Minimum and maximum dft as
stated in Section 2.3 will apply.

2.5.4 In accordance with IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) at Newbuilding, all thicknesses are to be
checked under the supervision of the nominated Coatings Inspector. Any substandard areas
are to be rectified.

2.5.5 For application the steel temperature must not be lower than -5°C (23°F).

2.5.6 For optimum application properties, steel temperature should not exceed 50°C (122°F)
during application. Application at higher temperatures may be possible – consult your local
International Paint representative.

2.5.7 Areas of overspray are to be sanded down prior to overcoating.


2.6.1 Pot Life

2.6.2 Touch Dry Times
2.6.3 Hard Dry Times
2.6.4 Walk-On Times
2.6.5 Times to Ballast
2.6.6 Minimum Overcoating Intervals
2.6.7 Maximum Overcoating Intervals

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Intershield 300V: Pot Life

Temperature (°F)
23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104
Time (Hours)

-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature (°C)

Intershield 300V: Touch Dry Intershield 300V: Hard Dry

Temperature (°F) Temperature (°F)
23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104 23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104
7 30
6 25
Time (Hours)

Time (Hours)

3 15

2 10
1 5
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 0
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature (°C)
Temperature (°C)

Intershield 300V: Walk-On Time Intershield 300V: Time to Ballast

Temperature (°F) Temperature (°F)
23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104 23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104
30 9
Time (Hours)

20 6
Time (Days)

10 3
0 0
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

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Intershield 300V: Minimum Overcoating Intershield 300V: Maximum Overcoating

Temperature (°F) Temperature (°F)
23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104 23 32 41 50 59 68 77 86 95 104
14 16
12 14
Full coat 12
Time (Hours)

Time (Days)
2 Stripe coat
0 0
-5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 -5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40

Temperature (°C) Temperature (°C)

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3.1.1 Where necessary, remove weld spatter, smooth weld seams and remove sharp edges by
rounding to a minimum radius of 2mm or subjecting to a “three pass” grinding technique.

3.1.2 All surfaces must be clean, dry and free from contamination. High pressure fresh water
wash or fresh water wash, as appropriate and remove all oil, grease, soluble contaminants
and other foreign matter in accordance with SSPC-SP1 : solvent cleaning.

3.1.3 Intact approved shop primer must be cleaned by sweep abrasive blasting or high pressure
fresh water washing. Block construction welds, areas of corrosion and damages to the shop
primer must be abrasive blasted to Sa2 /2 (ISO 8501-1:2007)

3.1.4 Shop primers which have not passed the IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) pre-qualification testing
and are not certified for use with Intershield 300V must be removed by abrasive blasting to
Sa2 (ISO 8501-1:2007), removing at least 70% of the intact primer. (Consult International
Paint for advice on specific shop primers). However, where this applies, block construction
welds, areas of corrosion and shop primer damage must be abrasive blasted to Sa2 1/2 (ISO

3.1.5 Upon completion of the blasting, and after inspection by the Contractor Quality Control
Department, the International Paint Technical Service Representative will also inspect the
whole area and mark up any substandard areas.

3.1.6 All marked areas shall be brought up to the specified standard of preparation. The whole
blasted area is to be vacuum cleaned to remove dust and contamination.

3.1.7 Levels of substrate salt contamination should be determined as outlined in section 3.4 of this

3.1.8 Residual dust levels should be determined prior to paint application and must not exceed
rating “1” for dust size classes “3”, “4” or “5”. (ISO 8502-3:1993). Lower dust class sizes to
be removed if visible on the surface to be coated without magnification.

3.1.9 Apply the coating scheme as specified in section 2.2 of this procedure. Observe the
specified, maximum and minimum dry film thickness.

Stripe coats should be applied to areas itemised in section 5.13 of this procedure.

When hard dry, each full coat and each stripe coat is to be inspected by the International
Paint Technical Service Representative.

Prior to application of subsequent coats, ensure surfaces are clean and dry after stripe
coating and inspection procedures.

3.1.10 Once the full system has been applied, and has been accepted by the Contractor Quality
Control Department, the International Paint Technical Service Representative will check the
dry film thickness.

3.1.11 Any areas of under thickness are to be brought up to the minimum thickness specified.
International Paint must be consulted when other than a small number of film thickness
readings are above the max allowable - see Section 2.3.

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3.1.12 It is recommended that completed tanks are “water tested” to highlight any pinholes or
mechanical damages in the tank coating that are difficult to detect by normal visual
inspection. Any defective areas identified are to be repaired in accordance with the
recommendations of the International Paint Technical Service representative. Refer to
section 5.14 for details.


At Block Stage

3.2.1 Where necessary, remove weld spatter, smooth weld seams and remove sharp edges by
rounding to a minimum radius of 2mm or subjecting to a “three pass” grinding technique.

3.2.2 All surfaces must be clean, dry and free from contamination. High pressure fresh water
wash or fresh water wash, as appropriate and remove all oil, grease, soluble contaminants
and other foreign matter in accordance with SSPC-SP1 : solvent cleaning.

3.2.3 Intact approved shop primer must be cleaned by sweep abrasive blasting or high pressure
fresh water washing. Block construction welds, areas of corrosion and damages to the shop
primer must be abrasive blasted to Sa21/2 (ISO 8501-1:2007)

3.2.4 Shop primers which have not passed the IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) pre-qualification testing
and are not certified for use with Intershield 300V must be removed by abrasive blasting to
Sa2 (ISO 8501-1:2007), removing at least 70% of the intact primer. (Consult International
Paint for advice on specific shop primers). However, where this applies, block construction
welds, areas of corrosion and shop primer damage must be abrasive blasted to Sa2 1/2 (ISO

3.2.5 Upon completion of the blasting, and after inspection by the Contractor Quality Control
Department, the International Paint Technical Service Representative will also inspect the
whole area and mark up any substandard areas.

3.2.6 All marked areas shall be brought up to the specified standard of preparation. The whole
blasted area is to be vacuum cleaned to remove dust and contamination.

3.2.7 Levels of substrate salt contamination should be determined as outlined in section 3.4 of this

3.2.8 Residual dust levels should be determined prior to paint application and must not exceed
rating “1” for dust size classes “3”, “4” or “5”. (ISO 8502-3:1993). Lower dust class sizes to
be removed if visible on the surface to be coated without magnification.

3.2.9 Apply the coating scheme as specified in section 2.2 of this procedure. Observe the
specified, maximum and minimum dry film thickness.

Stripe coats should be applied to areas itemised in section 5.13 of this procedure.

When hard dry, each full coat and each stripe coat is to be inspected by the International
Paint Technical Service Representative.

Prior to application of subsequent coats, ensure surfaces are clean and dry after stripe
coating and inspection procedures.

3.2.10 Once the full system has been applied, and has been accepted by the Contractor Quality
Control Department, the International Paint Technical Service Representative will check the
dry film thickness.

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3.2.11 Any areas of under thickness are to be brought up to the minimum thickness specified.
International Paint must be consulted when other than a small number of film thickness
readings are above the max allowable - see Section 2.3.

After Erection

3.2.12 Ensure the surfaces to be painted are clean, dry and free of all contamination.
3.2.13 Erection joint welds and adjacent areas must be abrasive blasted to Sa2 /2 (ISO 8501-
1:2007) or power tooled to St3 (ISO 850-1:2007). Where power tool preparation is used, and
in order to ensure satisfactory adhesion of the Intershield 300V system, care should be
taken to avoid “polishing” the welds and surrounding areas.

3.2.14 Small damages, up to 2% of the total area, may be prepared by power tooling to St3 (ISO

3.2.15 Areas of neighbouring damages over 25m 2, or damages which constitute an area of over
2% of the total tank surface area must be abrasive blasted to Sa2 1/2 (ISO 8501-1:2007).

3.2.16 Ensure surfaces are clean and free from debris.

3.2.17 To these areas, apply the coating scheme as specified in section 2.2 of this procedure,
feathering on overlap areas. Observe the specified, maximum and minimum dry film

Stripe coats should be applied to areas itemised in section 5.13 of this procedure.

When hard dry, each full coat and each stripe coat is to be inspected by the International
Paint Technical Service Representative.

Prior to application of subsequent coats, ensure surfaces are clean and dry after stripe
coating and inspection procedures.

3.2.18 Once the full system has been applied, and has been accepted by the Contractor Quality
Control Department, the International Paint Technical Service Representative will check the
dry film thickness.

3.2.19 Any areas of under thickness are to be brought up to the minimum thickness specified. This
must be carried out within the overcoating limits specified for the product. International Paint
must be consulted when other than a small number of film thickness readings are above the
max allowable - see Section 2.3.

3.2.20 It is recommended that completed tanks are “water tested” to highlight any pinholes or
mechanical damages in the tank coating that are difficult to detect by normal visual
inspection. Any defective areas identified are to be repaired in accordance with the
recommendations of the International Paint Technical Service representative. Refer to
section 5.14 for details.

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3.3.1 For any new steel fitted during refurbishment, remove weld spatter and grind sharp edges
and uneven welds until smooth.

3.3.2 Fresh water wash to remove all dirt and contamination as necessary. Degrease area
according to SSPC-SP1 solvent cleaning.

3.3.3 Grit blast the entire tank to ISO Standard ISO 8501-1 (2007) - Sa2 minimum and progress to
3.3.5. For water jetting, progress to 3.3.4.

3.3.4 Water jet the designated repair areas to a minimum of International Paint Hydroblasting
Standard HB2. Refer to section 4.9 of this procedure for detailed water jetting instructions. It
is permissible for the water jetted areas to be allowed to flash rust to HB2M prior to
application of Intershield 300V. If measurement of salt contamination is to be carried out,
see section 3.4 of this procedure. If not, progress to 3.3.5.

3.3.5 Upon completion of the blasting, and after inspection by the Contractor Quality Control
Department, the International Paint Technical Service Representative will also inspect the
whole area and mark up any substandard areas.

3.3.6 All marked areas shall be brought up to the specified standard of preparation. The whole
blasted area is to be vacuum cleaned to remove dust and contamination.

3.3.7 Apply the coating scheme as specified in section 2.2 of this procedure. Observe the
specified, maximum and minimum dry film thickness.

Stripe coats should be applied to areas itemised in section 5.13 of this procedure.

When hard dry, each full coat and each stripe coat is to be inspected by the International
Paint Technical Service Representative.

Prior to application of subsequent coats, ensure surfaces are clean and dry after stripe
coating and inspection procedures.

3.3.8 Once the full system has been applied, and has been accepted by the Contractor Quality
Control Department, the International Paint Technical Service Representative will check the
dry film thickness.

3.3.9 Any areas of under thickness are to be brought up to the minimum thickness specified.

3.3.10 It is recommended that completed tanks are “water tested” to highlight any pinholes or
mechanical damages in the tank coating that are difficult to detect by normal visual
inspection. Any defective areas identified are to be repaired in accordance with the
recommendations of the International Paint Technical Service representative. Refer to
section 5.14 for details.

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The procedure below can be used in conjunction with the above application procedures.

3.4.1 Prior to coating the prepared (e.g. gritblasted) surface, measure the amount of residual salt
using the Bresle patch method (ISO 8502-6: 2006 “Extraction of soluble contaminants for
analysis – The Bresle method” / ISO 8502-9: 1998 “Field method for the conductimetric
determination of water-soluble salts”) or similar. These methods are also described in
Module No.8 of the International Paint Technical Service training programme. The number
of tests to be carried out will depend upon the size of the area and should be agreed before
the contract begins.

3.4.2 Newbuilding:
If the result is less than or equivalent to 50mg/m 2 painting can proceed for IMO PSPC
MSC.215(82) compliant projects. For non IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) compliant projects, if the
result is less than or equivalent to 100mg/m painting can proceed .
Major Refurbishment:
If the result is less than or equivalent to 100mg/m 2, painting can proceed. For projects on
vessels covered by IMO PSPC MSC, a result less than or equivalent to 80mg/m 2 is required.

3.4.3 If the result is greater than the maximum quoted in 3.4.2 the area should be fresh water
washed and, when dry, the salt contamination level re-measured.

3.4.4 This washing process is to be repeated if the level is again greater than the maximum
quoted in 3.4.2.

3.4.5 The entire area should then be re-blasted to ISO Standard 8501-1(2007) - Sa2 1/2 and the
salt contamination measurement process (3.4) repeated.

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Project control by regular inspection and agreement on future action is vital to successful tank coating
projects, and in maximising the potential of a coating system.

All parties involved in the ballast tank coating work must agree an inspection procedure prior to work
commencing, this should outline how and when both work and inspection will be undertaken.

Prior to commencing the project the contractor(s) must be provided with copies of the relevant product data
sheets. Attention should be drawn to pack sizes, mix ratios, thinning restrictions etc.

A series of standard forms are used by International Paint to monitor all tank and ballast coating projects.
These are internal documents and do not replace the documents required for the coating file for IMO PSPC.

Daily meetings should be arranged to confirm performance of the work and inspection schedules, minutes of
these meetings must be taken and circulated to all participants. Representatives of the contractor, shipyard
and ship owner would normally be present at these meetings for major refurbishment applications.

At major refurbishment, and if International Paint are present during On Board maintenance application, in
the event of work continuing at any stage without the approval of International Paint, the Company cannot
be held responsible for any subsequent failure of the tank coating system on the areas concerned. Those
areas MUST be specifically excluded from the performance guarantee. Such an event is termed an
EXCEPTION. All parties MUST be officially informed in writing using the standard Exception Report Form
immediately following the occurrence.

International Paint, and any other authorised personnel, may inspect any stage in the process. If additional
inspections are considered necessary because of on site conditions or by agreement prior to
commencement of the contract, then the contractor must obtain written approval for that stage from
International Paint (if present) before continuing.

Contractors must supply interpreters if necessary.

On completion of the contract all relevant documentation must be retained, and safely archived, by the
Contractor and the International Paint Technical Service Representative (if present).

Inspection equipment for measurement of blast profile depth, relative humidity, wet and dry film thickness,
etc. should be of approved types and be correctly calibrated.

Note: When measuring the dry film thickness of coatings, the DFT gauge must be calibrated prior to use and
measurements made in accordance with ISO 2808:200, unless regulations dictate that an alternative
standard should be used.

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5.1.1 Newbuilding

Prior to commencement of gritblasting or water jetting it is essential that the tanks are clean,
dry, and in a condition suitable for surface preparation and application of the tank coatings.
The following briefly outlines the minimum requirements:

All grease and oil must be removed from all surfaces.

All hot work in way of tanks should be complete.

After final tank testing, tanks should be fresh water washed and dried, especially if they have
been in contact with sea water.

Defective steelwork, prior to contract commencement, should be repaired in line with the
guidance notes given in 5.2 (Steelwork Preparation).

5.1.2 Major Refurbishment

Prior to the commencement of blasting it is essential that the tanks are clean, dry, and in a
condition suitable for surface preparation and application of tank coatings. The following
briefly outlines the minimum requirements:

Tanks must be cleaned and gas free.

Any blisters present must be burst and blister caps removed from surface.

Heavy scale must be removed from all surfaces.

All grease and oil must be removed from all surfaces.

All hot work in way of tanks must be complete.

All tanks must be fresh water washed.

Any areas of steel renewal should be prepared in the manner described in 5.2 Steelwork

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The steel surface to be coated shall be prepared so that coating can achieve an even distribution at
the required NDFT and have an adequate adhesion by removing sharp edges, grinding weld beads
and removing weld spatter and any other surface contaminant to grade P2

Edges to be treated to a rounded radius of minimum 2mm, or subjected to three pass grading or at
least equivalent process before painting - Refer to standard ISO 8501-3: 2001. Preparation of steel
substrate before application of paints and related products - Visual assessment of surface


Edges should be treated to 3
a rounded radius of
Sharp Edge minimum 2mm, or
subjected to three pass 3
grinding or equivalent. 1

1. Remove spatter
observed before
blasting by grinder,
chipping hammer etc. (a)

2. For spatter observed

after blasting:
a) Remove with
Weld Spatter
chipping hammer
/scraper etc.
b) Where spatter is
sharp, use disc
sander or grinder
until obtuse
c) Obtuse spatter – no (c)
treatment required

Any lamination to be
removed by grinder or disc

Where undercut is to a
depth exceeding 1mm and
Undercut a width smaller than the
depth, repair by welding or
grinding may be necessary

For welding bead with

surface irregularity or with
Manual Weld excessive sharp edges,
remove by disc sander or

For surfaces of excessive

Gas Cut
irregularity, remove by disc
sander or grinder

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Tubular scaffolding must not mask surfaces to be coated. Where contact is necessary then spade
ends should be used.

Staging should afford easy and safe access to all surfaces to be coated and should be between
15cm and 30cm (6 and 12 inches) from vertical surfaces which are to be coated.

Tubular scaffolding must be plugged or capped prior to grit blasting to prevent the ingress of grit and

Staging should be designed to allow thorough cleaning. Where scaffolding is wooden, International
Paint recommend that staging be of the ‘turn over’ type, when local safety regulations permit.

Distance between staging levels should not exceed two metres (6 feet).

If fixed staging lugs are fitted, these should be stainless steel.

Staging layout should be such that ventilation is not rendered ineffective.

Care must be taken when removing scaffolding in order to keep damages to a minimum. Any
damages must be repaired in accordance with the recommendations of the International Paint
representative on site.


Ventilation is necessary during abrasive blasting operations to ensure adequate visibility. Flexible
trunking should be used to allow the point of extraction to be reasonably close to the personnel
carrying out the blasting.

During and after coating application the ventilation system and trunking must be so arranged such
that “dead spaces” do not exist. As solvent vapours are heavier than air, and will tend to accumulate
in the lower areas of tanks, it is important that they are extracted from those areas. This must be
balanced with fresh air being introduced into the tank.

Equipment used must not re-introduce abrasive dust, solvent vapour etc. into the tank. For this
reason a positive pressure, above normal atmospheric pressure, should be maintained inside the
tank. As a “rule of thumb” fresh air supply/extraction should be in the approximate ratio of 4:3.

Ventilation must be maintained during application and continue whilst solvent is released from the
paint film during drying. Failure to do this may result in solvent retention within the coating system
that will adversely affect it’s long term performance. It should be maintained for a suitable period
after coating application has been completed. Please refer to the Walk-On Time graph (Section 2)
for guidance on suitable ventilation periods.

The level of ventilation employed must take account of the Lower Explosive Limit (LEL) of the
product being applied and comply with local legislative requirements. (The LEL is the minimum
concentration of vapour in air, expressed as a percentage, that will ignite). International Paint
recommend that this is such that vapour concentrations do not exceed 10% of the LEL. This figure is
in line with general industry standards and the requirements of the United Kingdom Health & Safety
Executive (Information Document HSE 703/13 “Application of Surface Coatings to Ship’s Tanks”)
and the United States Department of Labor Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA)
regulation 1915.36(a)(2).

The ventilation requirement can be calculated from the required air quantity (RAQ) to 10% of the
LEL figures and the product application rate. A typical paint application rate by airless spray is 75-
100 litres (19.7-26.3 U.S. Gallons) per hour per sprayer.

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Venting to 10% of the LEL is considered to provide a reasonable margin of safety to allow for
possible higher local concentrations due to the complex geometry of ballast tanks. Nevertheless,
care should be taken when setting up ventilation/extraction systems, to ensure that 10% figure is not

If the level of ventilation is reduced during coating application, in order to minimise possible dry
spray, the paint application rate must also be reduced to ensure that solvent vapour levels remain
below 10% of the LEL.

Responsibility rests with the shipyard/contractor to ensure that the requisite equipment is available
and operated in such a way that these requirements are met. International Paint will provide all of
the information needed to allow the shipyard/contractor to calculate ventilation requirements.
However, International Paint does not accept responsibility for the equipment, it’s operation, or the
monitoring necessary to ensure that the requisite ventilation requirements are met.

All equipment used after the commencement of paint application must be electrically safe in

Provision must be made by the contractor/shipyard for continuous, round the clock, surveillance of
ventilation equipment.


Dehumidification equipment, when required, must be of adequate capacity to maintain the condition
of blasted steelwork to the required standard. Additionally, in order to prevent condensation, the
steel temperature must always be at least 3°C (5°F) above the dew point.

Coatings may only be applied to surfaces which have been maintained in a dry condition with the
steel temperature at least 3°C (5°F) above the dew point for more than one hour. The surfaces
must be visibly dry and clean at the time of application. This condition must be maintained until the
coating is cured.

Tank Coating must only be undertaken under acceptable atmospheric conditions, otherwise adverse
effects may occur.

As a guide, relative humidity levels of 40-60% give optimum results. Application should not take
place if the relative humidity is greater than 85%.

Provision should be made for 24 hour surveillance of equipment.


If heating is necessary to satisfy the painting specification, it should be by means of a heat exchange
system, i.e. air admitted to the tank should not pass directly through a combustion chamber.

Temperatures should be maintained for the duration of the contract from application to cure and
provision should be made for 24 hour surveillance of equipment by the contractor/shipyard.

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Lighting during painting must be electrically safe and provide suitable illumination for all work. As a
guide, lighting may be considered suitable if this text can be read at a distance of 30 centimetres (12
inches) from the eye.

Ideally, the lighting should be powerful mains supplied spotlight with background lighting on at all
times in the interests of safety.

Powerful mains spotlighting must be provided when inspection work is being carried out.


The paint must be stored out of direct sunlight so that the temperature of the material will not exceed
35°C (95°F) for prolonged periods of time.

In winter months, when temperatures can be expected to fall below 5°C (41°F), base and curing
agent must be stored in premises, (storeroom, hut, etc), which are heated to a temperature in
excess of 5°C (41°F) for a period of not less than 48 hours immediately prior to use (unless stated
otherwise on the product technical data sheet).


5.9.1 General

The universal standards of surface preparation that are normally specified for ballast tank
coatings are - ISO Standard ISO 8501-1 (2007) – Sa2, Sa2½ and Sa3.

In general, the following comments apply to these standards.

Sa2 - the resulting steel surface should be free from most of the rust, old coating and
foreign matter. Any residual old coating should be firmly adhering

Sa2½ - in practice, this is considered to be the best standard a skilled blasting

operative can consistently achieve.

Sa3 - the possibility of achieving a uniform standard of Sa3 throughout the tanks is
remote and a more realistic achievement would be somewhere between Sa2½ and

Comparative Standards

ISO 8501-1: 2007 Japanese Standard on new steel SSPC Standard

Sa2 Not applicable SSPC-SP6


Additionally, International Paint has identified acceptable limits of sweep blasting shop
primers which may be specified after consultation with International Paint.

International Paint Abrasive Sweep Standards for Shop Primed Steel Surfaces provides
pictorial representations. AS2 represents removal of 70% intact shop primer and as such
can be used to obtain the required surface preparation standard for removal of intact non
approved shop primers for IMO PSPC MSC.215(82) projects.

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In cases where the substrate is corroded or pitted, it may be necessary to fresh water wash
the areas after abrasive blasting, then re-blast, in order to ensure complete removal of
soluble corrosion products.

Residual dust levels should be determined prior to paint application and must not exceed
rating “1” for dust size classes “3”, “4” or “5”. (ISO 8502-3:1993). Lower dust class sizes to
be removed if visible on the surface to be coated without magnification.

5.9.2 Compressed Air

Air used for blasting must be clean, oil free and dry. The pressure should be at least
7kg/cm² (100lb/sq inch) at the nozzle.

5.9.3 Abrasive

Abrasives used for blasting must be dry and free from dirt, oil, grease and suitable for
producing the standard of cleanliness and profile specified. The abrasive must therefore be
in accordance with the specifications given in ISO 11126 - Parts 1 to 8 and each delivery
should carry a certificate of conformity to this specification.

If blasting abrasive is supplied on site without a certificate of conformity, the material should
be tested by the yard or contractor in accordance with the methods given in ISO 11127 -
Parts 1 to 7.

Particular attention should be given to ISO 11127 - Part 6, where the level of water soluble
contaminants must not give a conductivity value greater than 25mS/m, and ISO 11127 - Part
7, where the level of water soluble chlorides must not exceed 0.0025% by weight.

Iron or steel abrasives can be used for in-situ open blasting. Specifications for metallic
abrasives are given in ISO 11124 - Parts 1 to 4 and the corresponding test methods in ISO
11125 - Parts 1 to 7. If used, careful and thorough cleaning must be carried out at all stages
of the operation to ensure that no abrasive remains in the tank as this may subsequently

Although not recommended, recycled grit may be used providing it is dry, has been shown
to be free from contamination by dirt, oil, grease, and has been tested in accordance with
the above ISO standards.

5.9.4 Blast Profile

For IMO PSPC applications measurement of surface profile should be carried out using
comparators, specifications for which are described in ISO 8503-1 and procedure for use in
ISO 8503-2. A blast profile of 30-75 microns is required.

For non-PSPC applications, the required amplitude of the blast profile depends upon the
type of coating to be applied and should be measured using a surface profile gauge or other
mutually accepted instruments, such as:
· Replica tape (ASTM D4417-C, ISO 8503-5), which tends to give a maximum rather
than mean value.
· Comparators (ISO 8503-1/2).
· Stylus (ISO 8503-4).

As surface profile results by these methods may not be comparable, all parties should agree
on the instrument to be used. When using comparators, a medium ‘G’ type should be used
and a value of 50-100 microns is acceptable. When using a needle type profile gauge, the
needle may not reach to the full depth of the profile “valley” and an average value in the
range 75-100 microns, taking a maximum of 10 determinations, is acceptable.

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ISO 8503-3 describes the measurement of surface profile by the use of focusing
microscope, however this is impractical for use in the field.


All GRP ballast pipes and vulnerable fittings are to be suitably protected with masking prior to water

Only fresh water is to be used for water jetting. Salt water is unacceptable for substrate preparation.
Chemical corrosion inhibitors must not be added to blasting water. See note 5.6 of the International
Paint Hydroblasting Standards.

All areas are to be prepared by water jetting to a minimum standard of HB2 'Thorough Hydroblast
Cleaning' from the International Paint Hydroblasting Standards. This states:

"When viewed without magnification, the surface shall be free from visible oil, grease, dirt and from
most of the rust, paint coatings and foreign matter. Any remaining contamination and staining shall
be firmly adhered. See notes 5.9 and 5.10".

A test area will be blasted before the main tank, and inspected before flash rusting has occurred.
See note 5.3 of the International Paint Hydroblasting Standards. Agreement will be reached by the
Owner's representative, the International Paint representative (if present) and the Contractor's
representative on the agreed standard before the main tank area is prepared by water jetting.

Areas such as the edges of 'mouse holes' and scallops will be very difficult to water jet. It is
advisable to mechanically clean these areas to ISO 8501-1-1988 - St3 after water jetting.

Areas of difficult access such as the backs of bulbous bars may also be difficult to blast with water
jet lances. At the discretion of the Owner and the International Paint representative (if present),
these areas may also be mechanically cleaned to ISO 8501-1-1988 - St3.

Islands of intact paint will only be allowed to remain by agreement with all parties, Owners,
International Paint (if present) and Contractor. The surface of intact paint will be scoured by water
jetting to produce a 'keyed' surface suitable for overcoating, and edges will be feathered back from a
firm edge.

Rust, scale and old paint debris must be removed from the tank prior to inspection and mark-up by
the Contractor's Quality Control Department. The International Paint representative (if present) will
then inspect the whole area and mark up any substandard areas.

All marked areas shall be reblasted and brought up to the required standard. This standard is
International Paint Hydroblasting Standard HB2M 'Moderate Flash Rusting', which states:

"When viewed without magnification, a layer of light tan-brown rust will obscure the original metallic
surface. This layer may be evenly distributed or patchy in appearance, but it will be heavy enough
to mark objects brushed against it".

If flash rusting is too heavy, it can be removed by high pressure washing. Upon drying, the surface
must have an acceptable level of flash rusting for overcoating. See note 5.7 from the International
Paint Hydroblasting Standards.

Surface salt contamination should be measured (See section 3.4). The maximum permissible level
is 50mg/m².

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Prior to initial blasting inspection, the bulk of spent grit (and old paint debris if water jettting) must be

Any substandard areas should be identified and must be brought up to the specified standard.

All marking paint, chalk, etc, used to identify substandard areas must be removed after substandard
areas are rectified. If marking pens are used which cannot be removed then they must be
technically approved by the International Paint Worldwide Marine Laboratories prior to any
overcoating taking place.

Following provisional approval of the blast standard, all remaining traces of grit and dust must be
removed from all areas including scaffolding, using industrial vacuum cleaners fitted with brushes, or
by other suitable methods agreed by International Paint.

Final approval of a substrate for coating application must be confirmed after final cleaning.

Mats for wiping feet, (or overshoes), should be placed at the entrance of tanks, and the area
immediately surrounding them kept in a clean condition.


All paints should be applied by airless spray except for stripe coats where brush or roller should in
general be used.

Efficient mechanical stirrers for the correct mixing of paint must be used.

Available air pressure and capacity for spray equipment should be at least 5.5kg/cm 2 and 1.4m 3/min
(80 psi and 50 cfm).

All spray equipment must be in good working order and be capable of performing to the output
requirements defined in International Paint product technical data sheets.

It is recommended that airless spray pump ratios of 40:1 or greater should be used.

Tips should be the size stipulated on the product technical data sheet, or as agreed with the
International Paint representative on site. Tips must not be in a worn condition.

Both during and following application of paint, all operatives entering the confines of coated tanks
must wear soft-soled shoes or overshoes.

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Stripe coating is an essential part of good painting practice. Typical areas where stripe coats must
be applied include:

- behind bars
- plate edges
- cut outs i.e. scallops, manholes etc
- welds
- areas of difficult access
- ladders and handrails
- small fitments of difficult configuration
- areas of pitting

Note: The above list is not comprehensive, all areas must be included. The diagrams following
indicate key areas requiring stripe coating:

In general, stripe coats should be applied by brush or roller, depending upon items concerned.

In exceptional circumstances it may be acceptable to apply a stripe coat to the backs of angle bars
by narrow angle spray. The use of spray applied stripe coats however, must be discussed and
agreed with the International Paint representative on site.

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Often, in order to identify any defects in the applied coating system (e.g. mechanical damages or
pinholes that are difficult to detect by normal visual inspection), water testing of tanks is carried out.
However, in those shipyards where International Paint’s knowledge and experience of local working
and quality assurance procedures is such that undetected coating damages will not normally occur,
water testing is not mandatory and an alternative, mutually agreed, method of inspection may be
employed. International Paint should be consulted where clarification of this latter point is required.

In other shipyards, or on projects where the mode of operation will not allow post-delivery
inspection/repair (e.g. operational FPSO’s), it is recommended that completed tanks are “water
tested” to highlight any pinholes or mechanical damages in the tank coating.

Testing, which may use fresh, brackish or sea water, is carried out as follows:

a) Prior to carrying out the test, the coating must be allowed to cure. The time between completion
of coating application and commencing the test is dependant on both the type of coating and
the substrate temperature and is given in the “time to ballast” graph in section 2.6 of this

b) Ballast the tank for a period of at least 24 hours.

c) After de-ballasting, and if necessary to remove silt etc., wash the tank thoroughly.

d) Inspect the tank for any defective areas and repair in accordance with the recommendations of
the International Paint Technical Service Representative. Prior to repair, the defective areas
must be thoroughly washed with fresh water.

Final acceptance of the tanks will not normally take place until water testing and subsequent touch
up repairs have been carried out to the satisfaction of International Paint.

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These repair procedures are recommended for damages either at the initial coating stage or where
breakdown of coating has occurred during the service life of the vessel.

The repair procedure recommended will depend upon the extent of damage involved but can be split

i) Repairs of major areas

ii) Repairs of minor areas


A Major repair should essentially be dealt with as if the project were beginning. The
recommendations given earlier for steel preparation, coating application, etc. MUST all be adhered


Under this heading are repairs to areas damaged either at the initial coating stage, i.e. caused by
de-staging, etc or caused during service, i.e. tank cleaning equipment damages, spot corrosion, etc.
The principle requirements are:

The area to be repaired must be fresh water washed and dry.

Remove any corrosion by means of either:

- vacuum blasting
- water jetting to the appropriate International Paint Hydroblasting Standard (refer to product
data sheet)
- hand tools, i.e. disc sander and grinder.

Any pittings which, in the opinion of the Classification Society, do not need re-welding, should be
prepared by needle gun and/or cone shaped grinder to remove corrosion deposits.

It is not normally recommended to use filler in pittings as it is likely to detach, taking with it any paint
which has subsequently been applied, thus exposing the steelwork to possible further corrosion.

If however, it is decided to use filler, it must be applied after the first coat of the system, then
overcoated with the remaining coats.

Abrade area immediately surrounding repair to provide key for subsequent paint application.

Apply the paint system in accordance with the recommendations of International Paint. If small
areas are involved and application is by brush, several coats may be required to achieve the correct
dry film thickness.

Cure time - when minor repairs have been carried out the cure time can be reduced to 75% of that
recommended for full tank applications.

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Some ballast tank coatings contain volatile flammable organic solvents which can form explosive
mixtures with air. Definite safety precautions must be taken whilst applying this type of coating in the
confines of a ship’s ballast tank. Detailed attention must be given to the following points:

- Danger of explosion or fire.

- Provision of a suitable breathing environment for workers.
- Prevention of skin irritation problems.
- Use of paints which have been specially formulated for use in ballast tanks.


The key factors in preventing an explosion or fire are:

· Adequate ventilation.
· Elimination of naked flames, sparks and any ignition sources.

Any organic solvent based coating could, merely by the normal process of drying, give off sufficient
solvent vapour to produce an explosive mixture in a tank when the vapour concentration reaches or
exceeds 1% by volume in air. However, at 1% the solvents in the coatings produce an unpleasant
odour, (often with irritating skin effects) and smarting of the eyes. These symptoms must be taken
as a warning sign that better ventilation is needed. 0.1% solvent vapour in air is normally
recommended to give a tenfold safety margin and at this concentration, no explosion can occur and
no operator effects should be noticed.


(Note: This must be read in conjunction with General Note 5.4).

Ventilation is necessary during abrasive blasting operations to ensure adequate visibility. Flexible
trunking should be used to allow the point of extraction to be reasonably close to the personnel
carrying out the blasting.

During and after coating application it is essential that solvent vapours are removed to ensure that
the level present in the atmosphere does not rise above that recommended in the section (7.2)
dealing with “Danger of Explosion and Fire”. This means that the ventilation system must be
arranged such that “dead spaces” do not exist and the ventilation must be continued both during the
time that application is proceeding and also whilst solvent is released from the paint film during the
drying process. Particular care must be taken to ensure that solvent vapour, which is heavier than
air, does not accumulate in the lower areas of the tanks.

The amount of air per minute for ventilating to 10% of the LEL (lower explosive limit) can be
regarded as the required air quantity multiplied by rate of application per minute. The required air
quantity is the amount of air needed for each litre of paint to ventilate to the required level.

RAQ = Required Air Quantity

LEL = Low Explosive Limit

Ventilation required (m 3/minute) = RAQ x the application rate (litres/minute). The likely approximate
application rate can be calculated from figures available from the application equipment supplier and
will depend on the airless spray pump pressure and the orifice size of the tip used.

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The geometry and size of tanks makes each one a separate problem, and it is essential that the
ventilation arrangement, fan type, etc is checked as being suitable before painting commences.

Wing tanks, double bottoms and double skinned vessels require special attention. Because of their
construction, adequate ventilation is difficult and rapid build-up of solvent vapour and explosive
concentrations may occur. It is recommended that, when workers are involved in such spaces, a
careful check is kept to ensure that they are not in difficulty and that there is supervised continuity of
essential services such as air and electricity.

In the event of a failure of the extraction/ventilation system paint application must be stopped and
the tanks evacuated of personnel immediately.


Safety is the overriding consideration with this type of tank coating work, and the Contractor and
Crew must be made fully aware of all aspects of the operation.

Welding, cutting or grinding in the tank must be forbidden until paint fumes are totally ventilated.
This also applies to all areas within a 20m (60 feet) radius of tank and trunking outlets.

Coamings and hatch openings must be covered so as to efficiently prevent spark entry where
welding is being carried out on the superstructure.

Lights, including hand torches, must be certified by the manufacturer as flash proof and suitable for
use in solvent laden atmospheres.

Smoking must be prohibited in or near tanks or extraction systems.

No electrical junction boxes should be allowed in tanks.

Airless spray equipment must be earthed (because of the danger of static electricity build-up)

Mobile telephones, electrical cameras, and any equipment that is not intrinsically safe, must not be
used in or near tanks or extraction systems until paint fumes are totally dispersed.


No ventilation system can reduce solvent vapour levels to below the Occupational Exposure Limit for
solvents whilst tank coating is in operation. Painters must, therefore, wear air fed hoods or pressure
fed masks with additional eye protection. (Please note: air fed hoods which provide a curtain of air
across the visor are available. These help to prevent settlement of spray mist on the visor). Normal
protective clothing must be worn, e.g. overalls, gloves, and suitable footwear of non-spark type.

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If proper protective clothing has been worn, e.g. overalls, gloves, air fed hood, etc no discomfort
should be experienced from skin irritation. Any small areas not protected by clothing, e.g. wrists or
neck, can be treated with a non-greasy barrier cream. (Petroleum jelly is not recommended as this
can assist the transport of solvents into the skin).

Any areas of skin accidentally contaminated with paint must be thoroughly washed with soap and
water. A skin conditioner that is designed to replace the natural oils in the skin can be used.


Water Jetting uses water at pressures between 8,000 and 40,000 psi (564-2820 kg/cm²) and it is
consequently dangerous. Water at these high pressures has sufficient energy to cut through
materials such as concrete or wood if the nozzle jet is in close proximity to the surface. There is an
obvious hazard here for the operator, so all equipment must have safety features such as a trigger
release for cutting off the water supply to protect operators, and operators themselves must be fully
trained before using this equipment.

The water energy is dissipated within a short distance from the lance and is no longer dangerous.
However, people working in the vicinity are advised to wear safety spectacles. A face mask is also
recommended to prevent inhalation of contaminants borne on the fine spray produced by water
jetting. Line bursts at these high pressures are dangerous and although hoses are made from very
tough material, people are advised to stay clear.


1. The preceding safety information is given for guidance only.

2. It is imperative that, prior to the commencement of any tank coating project, local Regulations
regarding Health and Safety be consulted.

All representations and statements concerning the product(s) in this publication are accurate to the best of our knowledge. Statements
made in this publication are advisory only and are not intended to be specific recommendations or warranties of any product,
combination of products or fitness for any particular purpose. To the extent permitted by law, we do not accept any liability to any
person for any loss or damage (direct or indirect) that may arise from any use or reliance on any of the methods or information
contained in this publication for any purpose.

Unless otherwise agreed in writing, all products supplied and technical advice or recommendations given are subject to the Conditions
of Sale of our supplying company. Any warranties, if given, are contained in those standard Conditions of Sale and are the only ones
made with respect to any products we sell to your or advice or recommendations we give to you.

We hereby disclaim any warranties or representations, expressed or implied, by operation of law or otherwise, including, without
limitation, any implied warranty of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose.

For each of our products the relevant Product Data Sheet, Material Safety Data Sheet and package labelling comprise an integral
information system about the product in question. Copies of our Product Data Sheets and Material Safety Data Sheets are available on
request or from our website:

, and all product names mentioned in this publication are trademarks of, or licensed to, Akzo Nobel.

Global Marine Coatings Headquarters

International Paint Singapore Pte Ltd, 21, Tuas South Street 3, Singapore 638023

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