CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions Spring 2019
CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions Spring 2019
CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions Spring 2019
What are the physical addresses for each of the following logical addresses?
• 1, 20
• 3, 450
• 6, 90
All values are in decimal.
• 1, 20:
The segment number and offset of (1, 20) are 1 and 20, respectively. Because the offset 20 is larger than
length of segment 1 (i.e., 14), this is an invalid address.
• 3, 450:
This address refers to segment 3 and offset 450. Segment 3 has its base address 1327 and length 580.
Because offset 450 < 580, this is a valid address and the physical address is 1777 = 1327base + 450.
• 6, 90:
This address refers to segment 6 and offset 90. Segment 6 has no entry in the segment table, and hence
this is an invalid address.
2. [10 points] Consider the following page table. All numbers in the table are binary.
• 0011000000102:
The logical address 0011000000102 is divided into a 4-bit page number and a 8-bit offset. Thus, 0011000000102
has its 4-bit page number 00112 and offset 000000102. Because the page number 00112 has its page frame
in frame 00002 , the physical address is 0000000000102 , where blue and red indicate page frame number
and offset, respectively.
CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions – Spring 2019 2
• 40010 :
Note that 40010 = 1100100002. Therefore, page number and offset are 00012 and 100100002, respectively.
Page 00012 has its page frame number 00112 , and the corresponding physical address is 0011100100002 ,
where blue and red indicate page frame number and offset, respectively. The corresponding physical
address in decimal is 91210 .
• 0000011001112:
The logical address 0011000000102 is divided into a 4-bit page number and a 8-bit offset. Thus, 0000011001112
has its 4-bit page number 00002 and offset 011001112. Because the page number 00002 has its page frame
in frame 11012 , the physical address is 1101011001112 , where blue and red indicate page frame number
and offset, respectively.
3. [15 points] Suppose we have a page trace {4, 3, 2, 1, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 5}. Use FIFO, LRU and MIN (the optimal
algorithm) to run this page trace with 3 page frames and then with 4 page frames, and report the following:
• For each page replacement algorithm, use two tables to show the page replacement activities, one table for
3 page frames and the other for 4 page frames.
• For each table, clearly show the number of page faults, hit ratio, and miss ratio.
• For each page replacement algorithm, indicate Belady anomaly if there is any.
• In each table, circle the pages that were brought into physical memory due to page faults.
• The memory content may or may not change after each page reference. Compare the 3-frame table and
the 4-frame page, verify that after each page reference whether the 4-frame column contains the 3-frame
column in terms of the pages on that column. This is to verify the “inclusion property”. For each column,
circle the page in the 4-frame table that is not in the 3-frame table.
Note that near the end of the MIN (optimal) algorithm, there could be multiple choice of pages to be evicted.
To ensure we will speak the same language, if you have a multiple choice, always select the page with the
smallest number to evict. Use the table format used in our class slides.
Answer: The following uses the convention shown below. This is the same as needed in Problem (4) to save my
• Each column shows the content after referring to the page shown at the top.
• Pages that caused page faults are in boldface with asterisks.
• For FIFO, the columns are ordered based on the time pages are loaded into physical memory.
• For LRU, the columns are ordered based on last reference time. If a page fault occurs, the new page is
“pushed” on to the column and other pages on that column are ordered based on the time each page was
used last time. As a result, the least recently used page is at the bottom of that column.
If there is no page fault, meaning that the used page is in memory, then the used page is moved to the top
and all pages between the top and the original position of the used page are “pushed down”.
• The MIN algorithm is similar to the LRU. If a page fault occurs, the new page is pushed to the top of a
column and the remaining pages are ordered based on the next use time. Therefore, the page that will not
be used for the longest period of time is at the bottom or evicted.
If there is no page fault, this means the used page is in memory. In this case, we use the same strategy as
discussed in the LRU case. More precisely, the used page is moved to the top, and all pages between the
original position of the used page and the top are “pushed down” and the order of these pages is adjusted
based on the next use time.
Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
Frame 1 4∗ 3∗ 2∗ 1∗ 4∗ 3∗ 5∗ 5 5 2∗ 1∗ 1
Frame 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 3 3 5 2 2
Frame 3 4 3 2 1 4 4 4 3 5 5
Page Faults = 9 Miss Ratio = 9/12 = 75% Hit Ratio = 3/12 = 25%
Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
Frame 1 4∗ 3∗ 2∗ 1∗ 1 1 5∗ 4∗ 3∗ 2∗ 1∗ 5∗
Frame 2 4 3 2 2 2 1 5 4 3 2 1
Frame 3 4 3 3 3 2 1 5 4 3 2
Frame 4 4 4 4 3 2 1 5 4 3
Page Faults = 10 Miss Ratio = 10/12 = 83% Hit Ratio = 2/12 = 17%
Two observations are immediate. First, it shows the existence of Belady anomaly: the 4-frame case has higher
number of page faults than the 3-frame case. Second, the inclusion property is not satisfied. Consider p7 = 5.
In the 3-frame case, after p7 = 5 the pages in physical memory are {5, 3, 4} while in the 4-frame case, the pages
in physical memory are {5, 1, 2, 3}. The case of p8 = 4 exhibits the same result.
The following shows the results of LRU. Pages in memory are ordered by the time from now to each page’s
previous reference time.
Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
Frame 1 4 ∗ 3∗ 2 ∗ 1 ∗ 4 ∗ 3 ∗ 5 ∗ 4 3 2 ∗ 1∗ 5∗
Frame 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1
Frame 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2
Page Faults = 10 Miss Ratio = 10/12 = 83% Hit Ratio = 2/12 = 17%
Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗ ∗
Frame 1 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1∗ 5∗
Frame 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1
Frame 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2
Frame 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 5 4 3
Page Faults = 8 Miss Ratio = 8/12 = 67% Hit Ratio = 4/12 = 33%
Note that p8 = 4 in the 3-frame case is in memory, page 4 is brought to the top and the remaining pages 5 and 3
are “pushed down”. p9 = 3 in the 3-frame case, and p5 = 4, p6 = 3 and p8 = 4 and p9 = 3 in the 4-frame case
are processed the same way. See slide 32 of 09-Virtual-memory.pdf for the details.
It is clear that for each page reference the 4-frame result contains the 3-frame result (i.e., inclusion property). It
is even more important to observe that the extra frame in the 4-frame results always contains the least recently
used pages, which is evicted in the 3-frame case.
The following is the results of the optimal MIN algorithm. The subscripts are “forward” distances, the distance
from now to the next use. An ∞ indicates the page is no more needed. Note that we agreed that we evict the
page with the smallest page number if there is a multiple choice, and, consequently, the page with ∞ and the
smallest page number is at the bottom for every page order adjustment.
Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
Frame 1 4∗4 3∗4 2∗7 1∗7 43 33 5∗5 4∞ 3∞ 2∗∞ 1∗∞ 5∞
Frame 2 43 42 41 16 42 41 54 53 52 51 1∞
Frame 3 33 32 31 15 32 31 4∞ 4∞ 4∞ 4∞
Page Faults = 7 Miss Ratio = 7/12 = 58% Hit Ratio = 5/12 = 42%
CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions – Spring 2019 4
Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
Frame 1 4∗4 3∗4 2∗7 1∗7 43 33 5∗5 4∞ 3∞ 2∗∞ 1∗∞ 5∞
Frame 2 43 42 41 16 42 41 54 53 52 51 1∞
Frame 3 33 32 31 15 32 31 4∞ 4∞ 4∞ 4∞
Frame 4 26 25 24 23 22 21 3∞ 3∞ 3∞
Page Faults = 6 Miss Ratio = 6/12 = 50% Hit Ratio = 4/12 = 50%
4. [10 points] In general, LRU and MIN have a lot in common. After each reference of a page, the used page
is “pushed” on to the top of a column (i.e., stack) and a portion or all pages on that column are re-ordered,
depending on whether a page fault occurs or not. For each page in memory, except for the just used one, LRU
orders the pages based on “backward distance”, the distance from now to a page’s previous use with the longest
backward distance (i.e., least recently used) page at the bottom, while MIN order the pages based on “forward
distance”, the distance from now to a page’s next use with the longest forward distance (i.e., not used for the
longest period of time) at the bottom.
If a page fault occurs, the re-ordering applies to all pages on a column. On the other hand, if no page fault
occurs (i.e., the used page being in memory), the ordering only applies to all pages above the used page. These
pages are pushed down one position so that the used page can be pushed to the top. Because of these stack-like
operations, LRU and MIN are two examples of the stack algorithms for page replacement.
Let us take a look at a LRU example. Suppose the column (or stack) currently has pages 7 (top), 3, 4 and 1
(bottom). If the next page reference is page 4, then 4 is moved to the top and the pages between 4 and the top
(i.e., 7 and 3) are pushed down. The new column (or stack) becomes 4 (top, most recently used), 7, 3, 1. Page
1 is not moved because it is below the newly used page 4. However, if the newly used page is 5, which is not in
memory, page 5 is brought in and takes the top position, and all pages are pushed down. The result is 5, 7, 3, 4
and 1; however, if the memory only has 4 page frames, the result is 5, 7, 3, and 4, and page 1 is evicted.
Now, let us turn to the MIN algorithm. We use 43 (top), 16 , 31 and 25 (bottom) as an example, where the
subscripts are the forward distances. More precisely, 43 indicates page 4 has a forward distance 3, meaning page
4 will be used 3 time units later; 16 indicates page 1 has a forward distance 6, meaning page 1 will be used 6
time units later; 31 indicates page 3 has a forward distance 1, meaning page 3 will be used next; and 25 indicates
page 2 has a forward distance 5, meaning page 2 will be used 4 time units later. The next page reference is page
3 (because its forward distance is 1), page 3 is moved to the top and its forward distance receives a new value,
say 3 (i.e., 33 ). The pages between the top and page 3 (i.e., pages 43 and 16 ) are pushed down and reordered
based on their updated forward distance. Hence, the new column (or stack) becomes 33 , 42 , 15 and 24 . What
if the next page is page 5? Because page 5 is not in memory, it is brought into memory. Because the current
pages in memory are 33 , 42 , 15 and 24 with page 1 having the largest forward distance 5, page 1 is evicted, and
the new column becomes 55 , 41 , 32 and 23 , where the subscript 5 in 55 indicates that page 5 will be used 5 time
units later.
Problem (3) has a page trace of 12 page references. Run that page trace with 3 page frames, 4 page frame and 5
page frames. However, pages on each column in the table must be reordered in the indicated way.
Do the following problems:
CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions – Spring 2019 5
• Trace the page trace using LRU and MIN with 3 frames, 4 frames and 5 frames.
• Combined the 3-frame, 4-frame and 5-frame into a single table of 5 rows such that the first 3 rows cor-
respond to the 3-frame results, the first 4 rows correspond to the 4-frame results, and the first 5 rows
correspond to the 5-frame results. Is this doable?
• If it can be done, what you can find from this? Present a detailed discussion.
This problem is related to Problem (6).
Answer: Because Problem (3) has done the 3-frame and 4-frame cases in the described way, we only show the
5-frame case here.
The following is the results for the case of 5 frames. Two thick lines divides the 3-frame and 4-frame cases. As
you can see for each page reference pt , the content of 5-frame column contains the content of 4-frame column,
which, in turn, contains the content of 3-frame column. Therefore, LRU satisfies the inclusion property. Of
course, this is NOT a proof; it is just an example.
Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
Frame 1 4∗ 3∗ 2∗ 1∗ 4 3 5∗ 4 3 2 1 5
Frame 2 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1
Frame 3 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2
Frame 4 4 3 2 1 1 1 5 4 3
Frame 5 2 2 2 1 5 4
Page Faults = 5 Miss Ratio = 5/12 = 42% Hit Ratio = 7/12 = 58%
The following is the 5-frame result using MIN. Again, it is clear that the inclusion property is satisfied.
Sequence 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
Frame 1 4∗4 3∗4 2∗7 1∗7 43 33 5∗5 4∞ 3∞ 2∞ 1∞ 5∞
Frame 2 43 42 41 16 42 41 54 53 52 51 1∞
Frame 3 33 32 31 15 32 31 4∞ 4∞ 4∞ 4∞
Frame 4 26 25 24 23 22 21 3∞ 3∞ 3∞
Frame 5 14 13 12 11 2∞ 2∞
Page Faults = 5 Miss Ratio = 5/12 = 52% Hit Ratio = 7/12 = 58%
One more important observation has to be made from the above two tables: The extra row in the 5-frame case
contains the evicted pages in the 4-frame case, and the extra row in the 4-frame case contains the evicted pages
in the 3-frame case. Why? For each page fault, a new page is brought in and a page is evicted. For LRU, the
least recently used page is at the bottom of the stack, and the new page that is pushed on to the stack pushes the
bottom page out to the next row. This concept will be used to prove that LRU satisfies the inclusion property in
Problem (6). The MIN algorithm just acts the same way.
5. [10 points] A process has four page frames allocated to it. The table below includes the following items: (1)
the time of the last loading of a page into each frame, (2) the time of last access to a page in each frame, (3) the
virtual page number in each frame, and (4) the reference (R) and modified (M) bits for each frame. The times
are in clock ticks, from the process starts at time zero to the event.
Virtual Page No. Page Frame Time Loaded Time Used R-bit M-bit
2 0 60 150 0 1
1 1 130 160 0 0
0 2 70 155 1 0
3 3 100 145 1 1
A page fault to virtual page 4 has occurred. Which page frame will have its content replaced for each of the
following page replacement algorithm: FIFO, LRU and Clock? Explain why in each case.
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The Time Loaded column shows that the oldest page is page 2, which was loaded into physical memory at
time 60. Therefore, the page in page frame 0 (i.e., page 2) should be evicted. Because it has the modified
bit set, a page-out is needed.
• LRU:
The Time Used column shows that page frame 3 has not been used for the longest period of time because
the last use was at time 145. Therefore, LRU will pick the page in page frame 3, which is page 3. Because
this page has its modified bit set, a page-out is needed.
• Clock:
CASE I: Suppose the clock pointer is currently pointing to page frame 0. Because page frame 0 has a
0 referenced bit, its content (i.e., page 2) has to be replaced. Because this page frame has the modified bit
set, a page-out is needed.
CASE II: Suppose the clock pointer is currently pointing to page frame 1. This is similar to the above
case. But, no page-out is needed.
CASE III: Suppose the clock pointer is currently pointing to page frame 2. Because page frame 2 has
it referenced bit set, the clock algorithm resets it to 0 and moves to page frame 3. Because page frame 3
also has its referenced bit set, the clock algorithm resets it to 0 and moves to page frame 0. Once returning
to page frame 0, because its referenced bit is not set, page 2 is the victim. A page-out is needed as in
CASE IV: Suppose the clock pointer is currently pointing to page frame 3. Because page frame 3 has
it referenced bit set, the clock algorithm resets it to 0 and moves to page frame 0. Once returning to page
frame 0, because its referenced bit is not set, page 2 is the victim. A page-out is needed as in CASE I.
6. [10 points] Let P =< p1 , p2 , . . ., pn > be a page trace of size n and let m be the number of page frames. Also,
let Mt (P, α, m) be the memory content (i.e., pages) after referring to page pt with respect to page replacement
algorithm α. A page replacement algorithm satisfies the Inclusion Property if Mt (P, α, m) ⊆ Mt (P, α, m + 1)
for every t. This expression suggests that the content in memory Mt (P, α, m) after referring to page pt is a subset
of Mt (P, α, m + 1) that has one more page frame. In other words, for every page reference pt , the content in
memory with m page frames is a subset of the content in memory with m + 1 page frames.
Do the following problems:
• Prove that if a page replacement algorithm satisfies the inclusion property, then Belady anomaly cannot
• Prove that the LRU algorithm does satisfy the inclusion property. (Hint: Recall the way of ordering the
pages on a column based on how long a page was not used. (See Problem 4.) The most recently used page
is at the top, while the least recently used page is at the bottom. When a page fault occurs, the bottom-most
page is evicted (if there is no free page frames). Now, what would happen when each column has one more
page frame! This is not a difficult problem if you understand the concept of “stack algorithms”.
If you are able to prove LRU satisfies the inclusion property, you should also be able to prove the optical
algorithm MIN also satisfies the inclusion property.
Answer: Let α be a page replacement algorithm, and let Mt (P, α, m) be the pages in memory of m page frames for
page trace P after using page pt . Because α satisfied the inclusion property, we have Mt (P, α, m) ⊆ Mt (P, α, m +
1) for every t and {p} = Mt (P, α, m + 1) − Mt (P, α, m) is the extra page in Mt (P, α, m + 1) but not in Mt (P, α, m).
If page q is used at time t + 1, we have two cases to consider:
• If q ∈ Mt (P, α, m), then there is no page fault. Because Mt (P, α, m) ⊆ Mt (P, α, m+1), q is also in Mt (P, α, m+
1) and hence no page fault will occur with m + 1 page frames.
• If q ∈
/ Mt (P, α, m), a page fault occurs with m page frames. However, if q = p (i.e., the new page q being
the extra page in Mt (P, α, m + 1)), even though there is a page fault with m page frames there is no page
fault with m + 1 page frames. If q 6= p, due to inclusion property Mt (P, α, m) ⊆ Mt (P, α, m + 1), q cannot
be in Mt (P, α, m + 1). In this case, the use of page q will cause page fault for both m page frames and m + 1
page frames.
CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions – Spring 2019 7
Therefore, if inclusion property is met, running with m + 1 page frames will not generate more page faults than
running with m page frames.
Then, we shall prove that LRU satisfies the inclusion property using what we have learned in Problem (4).
Suppose a process starts without pages in physical memory. As the execution continues, many pages are brought
into physical memory until the m frames are fully occupied. Figure 1 below shows two memory configurations
with m frames (left) and m + 1 frames (right). Note that due to the way of filling the “stack” the content of the
m-frame and (m + 1)-frame cases are exactly the same. Note also that the (m + 1)-frame case has an empty
frame in yellow, while the m-frame case does not. So far, Mt (P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt (P, LRU, m + 1) holds (because
they are equal).
Now consider the next page reference. We have two cases based on whether a page fault occurs or not.
CASE I – No Page Fault: This page is in both the m-frame and the (m + 1)-frame. Assume that this page is
page j. The LRU way of organizing the “stack” moves j to the top, and pages from a to i – the one above j –
are pushed down (Figure 2). We still have Mt (P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt (P, LRU, m + 1).
CASE II – Page Fault: If the next page reference p causes a page fault for the m-frame case. In this case, the
new page p is pushed to the top of the stack and all other pages are pushed down. The least recently used page z
is pushed out of memory. In the (m+1)-frame case, the least recently used page z is pushed to the bottom frame.
Note that z is still in (m + 1)-frame’s memory, because (m + 1)-frame has one more page frame (Figure 3).
What we have learned so far? Right after the m-frame memory is filled up, whether there is a page fault,
Mt (P, LRU, m) is a subset of Mt (P, LRU, m + 1). Note that the least recently used page in the (m + 1)-frame case
is the page getting “pushed” out in the m-frame case.
Now, you know the initial situation. Next, it is an induction stop. We assume after pt−1 , the (t − 1)th page
in page trace P, the (m + 1)-frame case contains the content of the m-frame case (i.e., Mt−1 (P, LRU, m) ⊆
CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions – Spring 2019 8
Figure 3: The Referenced Page is not in m-frame. All Pages in (m + 1)-frame Are Pushed Down without a Page Fault.
Mt−1 (P, LRU, m + 1)), and the extra page in the (m + 1)-frame case contains the least recently used page of the
m-frame case.
Suppose the next page is pt . We have three cases to consider: (1) pt is in Mt (P, LRU, m) and hence in
Mt (P, LRU, m + 1); (2) pt is not in Mt (P, LRU, m) (i.e., pt 6∈ Mt (P, LRU, m)) but is in Mt (P, LRU, m + 1) (i.e.,
pt ∈ Mt (P, LRU, m + 1)) ; and (3) pt is not in Mt (P, LRU, m + 1) and hence not in Mt (P, LRU, m). If we can
prove that Mt (P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt (P, LRU, m + 1) holds, the inclusion property holds for LRU.
CASE I – Page pt ∈ Mt (P, LRU, m):
In this case, pt ∈ Mt−1 (P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt−1(P, LRU, m + 1), both the m-frame and (m + 1)-frame cases will not
have page fault. The stacks of Mt−1(P, LRU, m) and Mt−1 (P, LRU, m + 1) are only reorganized between page
pt and the top of the stack. As a result, if Mt−1(P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt−1 (P, LRU, m + 1), after pt we still have
Mt (P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt (P, LRU, m + 1), and inclusion property is satisfied.
CASE II – Page pt 6∈ Mt (P, LRU, m) but pt ∈ Mt+1(P, LRU, m + 1):
In this case, the m-frame case has a page fault, but the (m + 1)-frame case does not. In the m-frame case, pt is
pushed to the top of the stack and all other page frames are pushed down. As a result, the least recently used
page z is pushed out of the stack (Figure 4). Because Mt−1(P, LRU, m + 1) contains Mt−1 (P, LRU, m) and has
only one more page, this extra page has to be pt . Therefore, pt is moved to the top and all other pages are pushed
down, with z being the least recently used page. Again, we have Mt (P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt (P, LRU, m + 1).
Therefore, if Mt−1 (P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt−1(P, LRU, m + 1) holds, then Mt (P, LRU, m) ⊆ Mt (P, LRU, m + 1) also
holds. Initially, before all page frames are filled up, both m-frame and (m + 1)-frame have exactly the same
pages. Once all page frames are filled up, the next page fault starts to satisfies inclusion property. From that
point, inclusion property holds for every future page references.
7. [10 points] The working set (WS) of a process at virtual time t, written as W (t, θ), is the set of pages that were
referenced in the interval (t − θ, t], where θ is the window size.1 The problem with working set is that it is rather
difficult to implement accurately. In 1972, Chu and Opderbeck proposed an interesting alternative to working
set.2 This is the Page Fault Frequency (PFF) replacement algorithm. Unlike WS which updates W (t, θ) after
every page reference, PFF suggests that the set be updated only when a page fault occurs. More precisely, let t
and t 0 be two consecutive page fault times, where t 0 < t. Then, the page that should be in physical memory at
time t and window size θ P(t, θ) is defined as follows:
W (t, t − t 0 + 1) if t − t 0 > θ
P(t, θ) =
P(t 0 , θ) ∪ {pt } otherwise
Time t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Page 4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1 5
4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2 1
4 3 2 1 4 3 5 4 3 2
4 3 2 1 1 1 5 4 3
5 4
size 1 2 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 5 5
In this table, from t = 1 to t = 4 we have four page faults, and the time gap between two consecutive page
faults is 1. Because these gaps are less than θ = 2, P(t, θ) increases after every page fault. Note that the way of
1 Peter
J. Denning, The working set model for program behavior, Communications of the ACM, Vol. 11 (1968), No. 5, pp. 323-333 and Peter J.
Denning, Working Set Past and Present, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. SE-6 (1980), No. 1, pp. 64–84.
2 W. W. Chu and H. Opderbeck, The Page Fault Frequency Replacement Algorithm, AFIPS Conference Proceedings, 41 (1972 FJCC), pp.
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presenting this table resemble a stack on each column. On each column the order of the page numbers is based
on the distance from now and the last reference. In this way, the most recently referenced page is at the top of
that column (i.e., stack). When a page is referenced, pages on that column are reordered. For example, after
referring to page 1 at t = 4, the column has {1, 2, 3, 4}. The next page is 4, which is at the bottom previously,
moves to the top of the column for t = 5.
There is no page fault at time t = 5 and t = 6 and P(5, θ) and P(6, θ) do not change; but, page ordering is
changed. At time t = 7 page p7 = 5 causes a page fault. Because the last page fault was t 0 = 4 and the gap
t − t 0 = 7 − 4 = 3 > θ = 2, P(7, θ) should include all pages referenced between t 0 and t. Therefore, P(t, θ) =
{5, 3, 4, 1}.
In the working set model, the number of pages in a working set is always no more than θ; however, in the PFF
model the number of pages in P(t, θ) can be larger than θ as shown in the above table. Study the PFF algorithm,
use PFF and WS to process the page trace with θ = 3:
{1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 6, 7, 8, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 4, 3, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8}
It is important to note that W (19, θ) has only 2 pages. Because p19 = 4, p18 = 5 and p17 = 4, there are only two
different pages and hence W (19, θ) = {4, 5}. The same situation happens to p28 = 7, p29 = 7 and p30 = 8.
The following is the PFF set with θ = 3:
PFF with θ = 3: Part I
Time t 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Page 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 4 3 6 7 8 1 2
1∗ 2∗ 3∗ 4∗ 5 ∗
4 3 5 4 3 6∗ 7∗ 8∗ 1∗ 2∗
1 2 3 4 5 4 3 5 4 3 6 7 8 1
1 2 3 3 5 4 3 5 4 3 6 7 8
1 2 2 2 2 2 2 5 4 3 6 7
1 1 1 1 1 1 5 4 3 6
5 4 3
5 4
size 1 2 3 4 5 5 5 5 5 5 4 5 6 7 8
CS4411 Operating Systems Homework 2 (Memory) Solutions – Spring 2019 11
Note p11 = 6 that causes a page fault. The previous page fault is p5 = 5. These two page faults has a distance
of 11 − 5 = 6, which is larger than θ = 3. As a result, P(11, θ) should be the same as W (11, 11 − 6 + 1) =
W (11, 6) = {3, 4, 5, 6}.
Finally, the following is the size diagram:
As you may observe from the above diagram, PFF may have a very large number of pages in physical memory,
while working set always maintains the size is no more than θ. Of course, PFF has a much smaller number of
page faults, because it may have more pages in physical memory (i.e., 8 vs. 3 in the above example).