1 AgriCropProduction7 NC I Escalante
1 AgriCropProduction7 NC I Escalante
1 AgriCropProduction7 NC I Escalante
of hours: __320____
Grade 7
Quarter 1. Assessment of Personal The learner The learner LO 1. Develop and FSTLE_ACPI7-10PECS-la-1
1 Competencies and Skills demonstrates an recognizes his/her strengthen Personal
PeCs (PeCS) vis-à-vis PeCS of a understanding of one's Personal Competencies and Skills
practicing Personal Competencies Competencies and (PeCS) needed in
entrepreneur/employee in the and Skills (PeCS) and Skills (PeCS) and can agricultural crop
town. what it takes to compare these with production
become successful in the PeCS of a
1.1. Characteristics the field. practicing 1.1. Identify and assess
1.2. Attributes entrepreneur/ one's
1.3. Lifestyle employee involved in PeCS: characteristics,
1.4. Skills attributes, lifestyle, skills,
the Agricultural Crop
1.5. Traits Production. 1.2. Identify successful
2. Analysis of PeCS in employees in the town
relation to those of a practicing
entrepreneur/employee 1.3. Identify and assess a
practitioner’s PeCS:
3. Align, strengthen and characteristics, attributes,
develop ones PeCS based on lifestyle, skills, traits
the results 1.4. Compare self with a
1.5. Identify areas for
development and growth
LO 2. Participate in
6 workplace meeting and FSTLE_ ACPI7-10PWC-lf-2
1.Sentence construction 2.1 Attend team meetings
on time
2.2 Express own opinions
and listen to those of
2. Technical writing 2.3 Conduct workplace
interaction courteously
while being mindful of
cultural considerations
3. Manual handling
6 procedures and techniques
FSTLE_ ACPI7-10HC- llf-1-3
1.3. Demonstrate the
correct manual handling
procedures and techniques
when loading and
unloading materials to
minimize damage to the
load and vehicle
4. Personal protective
equipment and occupational
health and safety requirements 1.4. Select and check the
suitable personal
protective equipment
(PPE), as required by the
1.6. Identify OHS hazards
and file a report based on FSTLE_ ACPI7-10HC- llh-1-6
OHS requirements and
company reporting
The learner The learner uses farm LO 2. Undertake
demonstrates an materials, tools, and horticultural production FSTLE_ ACPI7-10HC- llIa-2
understanding of equipment and work as directed
concepts, underlying applies occupational
theories and principles health and safety 2.1. Follow and clarify
1. Common in the preparation of practices in crop instructions and directions
horticultural based on
production work farm materials, tools production
and equipment and authority requirements
occasional health and and workplace procedures
safety operations in
crop production. 2.2. Undertake work in a
safe and environmentally-
2 sound manner according. FSTLE_ ACPI7-10HC- llIb-2-2
2. Safe work practices to enterprise guidelines
2.3. Interact with other
staff and customers in a
positive and professional
manner as specified in
3. Proper use of the employee manual
horticultural tools and
equipment 2.4. Observe workplace
practices, handling and
disposal of materials
following enterprise.
4. Procedures for land policy and procedures
2.5. Report problems or
preparation, difficulties in completing
sowing/planting, crop work to required standards
maintenance, or timelines to authority
fertilization, loading based on company
and unloading, reporting procedures
sorting and packing
5. Planting, picking,
packing, loading and
transporting techniques
6. Environmental aspects
of horticultural
production work
7. Interpersonal
relationships and
communication (oral and
Aflatoxin – the toxin produced by some strains of the fungi ASPERGILUS FLAVUS and ASPERGILUS PARASTICUS; the most potent carcinogen yet
Ambient condition– ordinary room temperature and relative humidity.
Ambient storage – any treatment or practice extending post harvest life of harvested commodity beyond that of similar commodity held under ambient conditions
without treatment.
Airflow rate – the amount of air passing through an obstruction per unit of time.
Curing – process of toughening and self-healing of bruises and skinned areas in root and tubes crops or the rapid closing of the neck of bulb crops under favourable
Drip Irrigation – application of water through small tubes and orifices or emitters which discharge small quantity of water to the base of the plant
Equilibrium moisture content – the moisture content at which moisture in a product is in equilibrium with the surrounding air. The product does not gain or loss
Foliar Fertilizer – fertilizer formulation containing nitrogen, phosphorous and potassium plus selected micronutrient element such as (Ca, Mg, Mn, Fe, Zn, Cl, B,
Cu, S) applied by spraying on the leaves
Fumigant – a chemical compound which acts in the gaseous state to destroy insects and their larvae.
Fumigation – the process of treating stored products with insecticides/pesticides and the like in fumes or vapor form.
Furrow Irrigation – a method of supplying water through a canal system wherein water flows down or across the slope of the field
Furrowing – final step in land preparation by making furrows or beds for planting
GATT – General Agreement on Tariff and Trade
Grading – the process of classifying into groups according to a set of recognized criteria of quality and size, each group bearing an accepted name and size
Growing Medium – mixture of different materials such as soil, sand, compost, coir dust, rice hull, perlite, peat, etc. for growing seedlings
Hardening – the process of gradually withholding water and exposing to direct sunlight to prevent seedlings from transplanting stress/shock
Hilling-Up – the process of covering the applied fertilizer material by raising the soil towards the base of the plant to further stabilize its stand for better plant
Off-Baring- process of cultivating the soil away from the base of the plants
Larvae – the first stage of the life cycle of insects after leaving the egg.
Maturity index – signs or indications that a commodity is mature and is ready to be harvested.
Moisture content – the conventional index used to determine whether the seed is dry enough for safe storage or for milling usually expressed in percent (% M.C.).
Molds – superficial often woolly growth produced on various forms of organic matter, especially when damp or decaying.
Packaging – technology or process to ensure adequate protection and safe delivery of a product from the produces to the ultimate consumer.
Packinghouse – place where the preparatory steps for storage or marketing are done.
Pallet – low portable platform made of wood or metal or in combination to facilitate handling, storage or transport of materials as a unit load using forklift.
Perishables – food crops for which value and/or quality is maintained over a short period of time after harvest. These include fruits, vegetables, flowers, young
coconut, nursery stocks and some staple root crops such as sweet potato, cassava and yam.
Postharvest disease – disease observed after harvest regardless of when or where initial infestation took place.
Post harvest handling – specific term used for the movement of commodities and operations through which a commodity undergoes from harvest to possession of
the fixed consumer, includes the technological aspects of marketing and distribution.
Post harvest life – period of time during which a commodity is still acceptable for its intended purpose.
Pre cooling – strictly, it means the rapid cooling (48 hours or less) of a commodity to a desired transit or storage temperature soon after harvest before it is stored or
moved in transit.
Pupa – an intermediate stage of an insect that preys on one or more plants and animals that man wishes to preserve for his own use.
Refrigeration – process of removing heat from a compartment or substance so that temperature is lowered and then maintained at a desirable level, usually refers to
refrigeration by mechanical means.
Relative humidity – the actual vapor pressure of the air relative to saturation.
Respiration – biological process by which organic materials are broken down to simpler forms accompanied by the release of energy and heat.
Ripening – the state of development of a fruit when it becomes soft and edible applies strictly to climacteric type fruit.
Rodents – refer to rats and mice which destroy grains and other stored products.
Senescence – final phase in the life of an organ in which a series of normally irreversible events are initiated leading to cellular breakdown or death of the organ.
Side-Dress Fertilizer – additional amount of any fertilizer materials applied at the onset of flowering to complete the nutritional requirement of the crop
Sprinkler Irrigation – a mechanical method of supplying water over the standing crop by means of a nozzle which is rotated by water pressure
Sorting – the process of classifying into groups designated by the person classifying crops or commodities the produce either according to a set criteria.
Standard – the set of criteria and specifications of quality determining the grades, described as product characteristics such as maturity, color, cleanliness, shape,
free from decay and blemishes and uniformity of size.
Storage – process of keeping horticultural crops in a structure designed to protect the stored products from inclement weather and pests for a short or long period of
time to await processing or movement to other location.
Storage life – the longest time produce can be kept in a sound marketable condition.
Trellis – a support structure for viny crops and can either be T, I, Y, A shaped
Velometer – an instrument that measures velocity of air flow
Wet-bulb temperature – temperature of moist air indicated by a thermometer whose bulb is covered with a moist wick which the air flow passing over has a
velocity of 15 ft per second.
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