Third Class Committee Meeting: Ii - Year / Iv Sem Aandbsec

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Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Kovilvenni

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

Third Class Committee meeting
II - Year / IV SEM
Chairperson Name : Mrs.K.Sathiya Bharathi A and B Sec
Place : Communication Lab
Date : 11.03.2020
Time : 1.10 pm
The following faculty members are requested to attend the meeting.
S.No Name of the Faculty Signature
1. Mrs.N.Anandhi (Mathematics Dept.)
2. Mr.C.Thiruvengadam
3. Mr.G.Murugesan
4. Dr.J.Palanivel
5. Mrs.K.Sathiya Bharathi
6. Mr.R.Rajaganapathy

7. Mr.Manikandan
(Chemical Engg. Dept.)

The following students are advised to attend the meeting

S.No Name of the student representatives with section Signature

1. Abinesh M - Representative/A Sec

2. Farhana sirin N-Student/A Sec
3. Devadharshini E-Student/A Sec
4. Balamurugan V-Student/A Sec `
5. Clament infantraj R- Student/A Sec
6. Sethupathi M-Representative/B Sec
7. Premkumar S-Student/ B Sec
8. Shahira A-Student/ B Sec
9. Shameerabegum S-Student/ B Sec
10. Praveen M- Student/ B Sec
1. Analyzing the performance of the students in second cycle test.

2. Identifying the weak students, if any and requesting the teachers concerned to

provide some additional help or guidance/retest or coaching to such weak


3. Analyzing the cumulative attendance particulars of each student.

4. Discuss the status of syllabus coverage.

5. To inform the Model Exam schedule.

Chair-Person HOD/ECE

(Mrs.K.Sathiya Bharathi)
Anjalai Ammal Mahalingam Engineering College, Kovilvenni
Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering
Third Class Committee meeting - Minutes

Chairperson Name : Mrs.K.Sathiya Bharathi II - Year / IVSEM

Place : Communication Lab A and B Sec

Date : 11.03.2020
Time : 1.10 pm
The following faculty members were attended the meeting.

S.No Name of the Faculty Signature

1. Mrs.N.Anandhi (Mathematics Dept.)
2. Mr.C.Thiruvengadam
3. Mr.G.Murugesan
4. Dr.J.Palanivel
5. Mrs.K.Sathiya Bharathi
6. Mr.R.Rajaganapathy

7. Mr.Manikandan
(Chemical Engg. Dept.)
The following students were attended the meeting

S.No Name of the student representatives with section Signature

1. Abinesh M - Representative/A Sec

2. Farhana sirin N-Student/A Sec
3. Devadharshini E-Student/A Sec
4. Balamurugan V-Student/A Sec `
5. Clament infantraj R- Student/A Sec
6. Sethupathi M-Representative/B Sec
7. Premkumar S-Student/ B Sec
8. Shahira A-Student/ B Sec
9. Shameerabegum S-Student/ B Sec
10. Praveen M- Student/ B Sec
The following points were discussed:
1. Analyzed the performance of the students in Cycle test - II.
2. To provide special tests and assignments for weak students in Cycle test -II.
3. Analyzed the cumulative attendance particulars of each student and the students
were instructed to maintain 80% attendance.
4. Students were instructed regarding the Model Exam schedule.

Chair-Person HOD/ECE
(Mrs.K.Sathiya Bharathi)

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