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ADKAR Awareness Ebook

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How to effectively build Awareness for change

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ADKAR – Awareness 3
Why Build Awareness? 4

Building Awareness 5
Effective Communications 6

Effective Sponsorship 6

Coaching by People Managers 7

Ready Access to Business Information 7

Obstacles to Building Awareness 8

A Person’s View of the Current State 8

Table of

How a Person Perceives Problems 8

The Sender’s Credibility 9

Circulation of Misinformation or Rumors 9

Contestability of the Reasons for Change 10

Next Steps 10

Any successful change begins by answering one of the most basic questions about change: Why?
It is human nature to want to understand the reasoning behind an action or a required change.

The five elements of the Prosci ADKAR® Model include the outcomes an individual must achieve
for a change to be successful: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement.
Awareness is the first milestone.

Awareness represents a person’s understanding of the nature of the change, why the change
is being made, and the risk of not changing. Awareness includes information about the internal
and external drivers that created the need for change, as well as “what’s in it for me?” This first
goal is defined as “Awareness of the need for change,” not simply “Awareness that a change is
happening.” This is an important distinction.

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Why Build Awareness?

Lack of Awareness of the reason for change was cited as the primary source of employee
resistance in the Prosci Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition. This is caused by
failure to communicate details of a change to employees. Ultimately, if an employee cannot
answer the question, “What’s in it for me?” resistance is likely to occur. And when Awareness is
overlooked or ignored, projects face increased resistance, slowed progress and reduced return
on investment. As one research participant said:

“Often employees are not opposed to a solution or a new way of doing work,
but rather they resisted change because no one made a clear and compelling
case as to why the change was needed.”

The elements of the Prosci ADKAR Model represent the natural order of how one person
experiences change. It is tempting to skip Awareness and jump straight to Desire and
Knowledge. Yet, building Awareness establishes the groundwork for individuals to make
personal choices about change. Desire or Knowledge cannot come before Awareness, because
Awareness of the need for change stimulates our Desire or triggers our resistance to change.

When employees clearly see that an organization is in trouble, building Awareness will be
relatively easy. In contrast, when an organization is already succeeding it is often more difficult
to build Awareness. In such cases, change leaders need to create a compelling case and make
the reasons for change obvious. If they are responding to an opportunity, they will need to be
clear in communicating the reasons for change.

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Building Awareness

Building Awareness with the ADKAR Model means sharing both the nature of the change and
communicating why the change is necessary. It means clearly explaining the business drivers or
opportunities that led to the need for change. It also means addressing why a change is needed
now and explaining the risk of not changing.

Meeting the human need to know “why” is a critical factor in managing and enabling change.
People begin to seek this information at the first signs of change. In an organizational setting,
employees and managers feel eager to know the business or organizational reasons for the change,
so they can better understand the change and align themselves with the organization’s direction.

Many assume that sharing information is enough to produce measurable Awareness. This is
not the case. The effectiveness of your communication depends on how the messages are
received and internalized. When an employee says, “I understand the nature of the change and
why this change is needed,” you have succeeded at building Awareness. To get this confirmation,
you need regular interactions and feedback.

Tactics for effectively building Awareness include:

1. Effective Communications
2. Effective Sponsorship
3. Coaching by People Managers
4. Ready Access to Business Information

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1. Effective Communications

Awareness-building is most effective when you

set the message in the proper context for each
audience and design it with them in mind. This begins
with identifying and segmenting audience groups,
determining the appropriate messages and preferred
senders for each, and then developing the most
effective packaging, timing and channels
for these communications.

In any Awareness-building plan, allow ample

opportunity for two-way communications. Check for
understanding and buy-in. Provide opportunity for
impacted groups to raise concerns and engage them
in the broader change initiative.

Depending upon the audience and position in the change process, channels of communication
may include:
• Face-to-face meetings • Newsletters • Project team presentations
• Group meetings • Intranet • Update bulletins
• One-on-one • Executive presentations • Video conferencing
communications • Training and workshops • Demonstrations
• Email

2. Effective Sponsorship

The primary sponsor of the change is the best spokesperson for communicating to employees
why a change is needed and the risk of not changing. To be effective, the primary sponsor must
be active and visible throughout the entire change process, engaging with the project team
and collecting feedback from employees. This direct communication with employees increases
adoption of the change. The primary sponsor must also build a coalition that reinforces the
Awareness messages at all levels. This includes enabling peers, people managers and direct
reports to communicate the reasons for change through multiple communication channels
and throughout the organization. A dedicated and supportive sponsor is critical to a successful
change initiative.

In the Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition, as in previous research

reports, participants identified “active and visible sponsorship” as the most
important contributor to change management success—more than three times
as often as other contributors.

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3. Coaching by People Managers

Part of Awareness-building for employees is learning what the change will mean for them
personally. When a change is proposed, a people manager is in the best position to help
employees understand this in meaningful terms. To be effective at coaching employees, people
managers must first have the opportunity to build their own Awareness of the need for change.
This means they must have accurate messages relating to the change, and basic knowledge
about and skills for leading change with their employees.

It is also important to remember that people managers are employees first and managers
second. If they don’t understand the need for the change or don’t have the support to
participate in the change, they will experience resistance themselves. It is critical to plan
activities to build Awareness of the need for change with people managers before expecting
them to effectively build Awareness with employees.

People managers face the greatest challenge because they are in charge of translating the
change message from the top to their employees. Before they can do that, they must receive
appropriate training and coaching. Only then can they conduct effective sessions with their
employees. Face-to-face communications with employees about the change has been cited
in all of our longitudinal benchmarking studies as the most effective form of communication.
Honest, straightforward and confidential discussions also help to correct misunderstandings
and provide an opportunity to collect feedback from employees, which helps leadership better
understand the background conversation. Although group meetings are more convenient and
useful for initiating communications, one-on-one conversations that offer details of the change
on a personal level are best at answering “what’s in it for me?”

4. Ready Access to Business Information

Many companies underestimate the power of readily

accessible information about company performance,
market conditions, environmental factors, competitive
threats and changing business priorities. Transparency
builds Awareness on an ongoing basis and supports
not only the current change but also future changes.
Increasing visibility and creating a culture that values
open sharing of information translates directly to
increased Awareness of the need for change
among employees.

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Obstacles to
Building Awareness

Many factors influence how readily people recognize the need for change. As a change leader,
you need to understand not only the activities that drive Awareness, but also the resistance
factors or restraining forces that may prevent the Awareness message from taking hold
with your audiences. In some cases, the resistance factors are so strong that even the best
Communications Plan will not be sufficient. Effective change management plans are designed
to surface and deal with these resistance factors.

Here are a few common resistance factors and suggestions for overcoming
these barriers:

1. A Person’s View of the Current State

Individuals who are comfortable with or strongly invested in the current state may discredit or
reject the reasons for change in favor of maintaining the status quo. To understand their unique
points of view, schedule one-on-one conversations and actively listen to their concerns.

2. How a Person Perceives Problems

People have different cognitive styles. This will impact how an individual approaches a problem,
internalizes an Awareness message, and perceives the need for change. While some already
see the need for change, others may be completely caught off guard. For this reason, broad
and general communications to create Awareness of the need for change may not be effective.
Individualized messages and one-on-one communications are more effective, along with
providing the time and opportunity for people to process new information and ask questions.

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3. The Sender’s Credibility

When it comes to building Awareness, those receiving

the Awareness message will consider the sender
either credible or not credible, depending on how
much they trust and respect the sender. The sender
directly impacts how the receiver internalizes
the message.

Senders from different levels of the organization are more

credible than others, depending on the message content.
People expect messages about why the change is being
made and how it aligns with the business strategy to come from
the person near or at the top of the organization. People expect
messages about how the change will impact employees personally to
come from the people manager they report to.

Employees also weigh the message against the organization’s track record for change. If there
is a history of false alarms or failed changes, individuals tend to disregard the new information.
Designing credible Awareness messages involves designing them specifically for each group,
and factoring in their unique context, access to ongoing information, and their specific
change-related pain points. Tailoring key messages for each group and delivering them
from their preferred senders increases credibility.

4. Circulation of Misinformation or Rumors

If business managers have withheld information from

employees about the change, rumors may spread and
cloud the facts—and employees may prefer to listen to
the rumors. To overcome the barrier of distorted or
incorrect background information, leaders and people
managers must now spend extra time correcting
misinformation, while employees decipher the real
from the fabricated.
Because misinformation stalls efforts to create
Awareness, it is better to communicate the right
information from the start. Even if all information is not
yet solidified, it is better to start clearly communicating
what is known and what is not yet known rather than letting
people fill in the gaps for themselves.

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5. Contestability of the Reasons for Change

If the reasons for change are unclear, subjective or open to debate, Awareness takes longer to
build. Although some changes have external and observable reasons that are difficult to dispute
(such as new industry regulations that require compliance), other changes are internal and less
obvious to employees. When employees question the credibility of the reasons for change, they
are more likely to resist.

Next Steps

Once the first objective of the ADKAR Model has been achieved, we can shift our focus to the next
milestone. In “Desire: How to Positively Influence a Person’s Desire to Embrace Change,” we explore
the importance of creating Desire, typical challenges, and many tactics you can use to influence and
create the Desire to support and participate in a change.

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Change Management Certification Program



Gain the knowledge, skills and tools to drive successful change initiatives.

This three-day experiential learning program teaches you to

apply a holistic change management methodology and toolset,

including the Prosci ADKAR Model, to a real project.

Contact Prosci to learn more.


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How to positively influence a person’s
Desire to embrace change

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ADKAR – Desire 3
Making the Transition From Awareness
to Desire 4

Factors That influence a Person’s Desire

to Change 5
The Nature of the Change and WIIFM 5

The Organizational Context for the Change 5

An Employee’s Personal Situation 6

Personal Values and Motivators 6

Creating Desire 7
Table of

Effectively Sponsor the Change with Employees and Peers 7

Equip People Managers to Be Change Leaders 8

Assess Risks and Anticipate Resistance 10

Engage Employees in the Change Process 10

Align Incentive Programs 11

Next Steps 12

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The first step in the individual change process is establishing a clear understanding of why the
change is happening. Leading successful change starts with building Awareness of the need
for change. After establishing Awareness, the next step for an individual is to make
a personal decision to participate in the change.

The five elements of the Prosci ADKAR® Model include the outcomes an individual must achieve
for a change to be successful: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement.

Desire, the second element, represents the willingness to support and engage in a change.
Desire is ultimately about a personal choice that is influenced by the nature of the change and
personal circumstances.

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Making the Transition
From Awareness
to Desire

Desire is often the most challenging ADKAR element to achieve. Awareness enables people
to understand the impacts and value of the future state, but creating more and more
Awareness will not result in Desire. Continuing to focus on the reasons for change rather
than translating those reasons into personal and organizational motivating factors can be
discouraging and frustrating for employees.

Creating the Desire to change, by definition, is not under a leader’s direct control. Change
leaders can take definitive steps to influence Desire, but each individual ultimately makes
their own choice to support the change. Desire is achieved when an individual genuinely
says, “I will be part of this change.”

In a business context, influencing Desire requires a change management strategy that

matches the personal motivators of the impacted teams and leverages the influence
of leaders in the organization. Key business leaders act as sponsors of change. People
managers are coaches to employees during the change process. Incentives are aligned
with new behaviors and employees are proactively engaged in the change process.

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Factors That
Influence a Person’s
Desire to Change

Understanding the underlying factors that influence a person’s level of Desire informs how to
plan for and respond to the behaviors that employees express when confronted with change.
These behaviors include:

1. The Nature of the Change and WIIFM

Individuals and groups assess a forthcoming change with questions like: “What is the change?”
“How will the change impact me?” and “What’s in it for me?” (or WIIFM). The answers to these
questions help them determine whether the future state represents a threat or an opportunity.
They may also assess how effectively or fairly they think the change will be deployed with other
impacted groups.

2. The Organizational Context for the Change

Every individual experiences change in the context of their own perception of the history and
culture of their organization. Organizational context includes the track record with previous
changes, current levels of change saturation, and the overall direction of the organization.
Employees may be less willing to engage in new changes, for example, if the company has a
negative history of starting changes, not following through, or allowing individuals to opt out.
Each person’s experience is unique. How they view the environment and interpret the context
of the current change will vary considerably.

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3. An Employee’s Personal Situation

An individual’s personal situation impacts their

Desire to change. Personal context includes
a wide variety of factors that can influence
Desire: family status, financial security, career
aspirations, age, health, relationships at home
and at work, educational background, upcoming
personal events, and past successes in the work
environment. A reaction to change that appears
counterintuitive or excessive, on the surface,
may have very little to do with the change itself.
Understanding an individual’s personal situation
is very helpful in understanding their choice to
support or a resist a change.

4. Personal Values and Motivators

Personal motivators are inherent attributes that drive our choices and make us unique as
individuals. Some people value advancement and strive for respect, power and position.
Other people Desire depth in relationships and financial security. The decision to engage with
change is much easier when the future state aligns with an employee’s personal motivators.
In addition to what we value, internal beliefs about whether we can be successful with the
change being made also impact our Desire to change.

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Creating Desire

Leaders of change can positively influence the decision to embrace change by considering
the factors that impact Desire. Below are several tactics for effectively building Desire:

1. Effectively Sponsor the Change With Employees and Peers

Participants in the Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition

study reported “Lack of active and visible sponsorship” as the number one
obstacle to successful change outcomes.

Primary sponsors are instrumental in creating Desire among employees to support and engage in
a change. To see the best results and the most adoption of the new solution, these senior leaders
need to be present, interact on a personal level, and be willing to answer difficult questions
throughout the change process. Employees watch their leaders closely. If leadership actively and
visibly supports the change, employees will determine that the change is still important.

Sponsors who disengage from a project, are absent, or delegate the role of sponsorship entirely
communicate that the change is not important. Momentum and support from employees
diminishes. There is greater resistance to the change, slower adoption throughout the
organization and, in some cases, project failure.

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Sponsors of change are also responsible to build a strong coalition of support with their
peers. Senior leaders need to take the time to build buy-in for the change throughout the
management levels of the organization. This includes addressing concerns and conflicting
priorities head-on. A weak sponsorship coalition allows resistance to grow.

In the Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition,

52% of participants reported that their sponsors did not have an adequate
understanding of the role of an effective sponsor. Participants also reported that
more than one-third of sponsors failed to build a coalition in support of their change.

2. Equip People Managers to Be Change Leaders

Employees look to their immediate supervisors for cues about

how to respond to change. These people managers must
be prepared to help individuals on their teams make
sense of the change. Ideally, leaders demonstrate their
own commitment to the change in actions and words,
leading by example and proactively addressing their
teams’ barriers.

Effective people managers create opportunities to

talk openly about the change. They clearly articulate
both the negative and positive impacts of the change.
They actively listen as their employees work through
questions and concerns. In many cases employees
simply want to voice their objections and be heard.
Although some employees will want to talk about past
failed changes and why this change is different, others will
need to discuss their personal situation and how this change
affects them.

Participants cited “frequent and open communication” as a top contributor to

successful change initiatives in the Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition.
Participants also highlighted the importance of consistency, openness and
transparency in communication during change. As the resource closest to employees
on a daily basis and a preferred sender of change messages, people managers play a
critical role in change communication.

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By understanding each employee’s unique situation and perspective about the change, people
managers can identify obstacles and sources of resistance. They can assist employees in
finding solutions to address these barriers. Understanding what is important to each individual
also helps people managers build Desire around the most impactful motivators.

For people managers to have effective conversations with employees, they must first be
onboard with the change themselves. People managers are employees first. They will be
impacted by change and have their own questions and concerns. Before they can effectively lead
their teams, they must first have an opportunity to process and resolve their own uncertainties
and fears.

Managers have the greatest challenge

as they are in charge of translating the
change message from the top to their
employees. If they don’t understand the
change or don’t have the support to do
it, it makes them more resistant.”

— Best Practices in Change Management – 9th Edition.

Too often, the role of the people manager is overlooked in times of change. It is assumed that
holding the title of manager means an individual is already an effective coach and resistance
manager. The role is critically important to influencing Desire with employees, but change
management and change coaching are skills that need to be developed. The project team,
organizational change team, and sponsors must actively equip people managers to be prepared
to lead during change.

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3. Assess Risks and Anticipate Resistance

Most change management methods include readiness

assessments that identify potential challenges and
points of resistance. Assessment results serve
as proactive planning tools designed to target
resistance and mitigate known risks from the
onset. Combining assessments about the size and
scope of the change itself with assessments about
organizational readiness reveals the overall risk of
the change. Change impact assessments identify
the transitions required from different areas of the
organization and the unique challenges for specific
groups. With this information, change managers can
strategically develop special tactics to proactively build
Desire. Special tactics may address areas of potential
resistance or offer tailored support to those most impacted.

4. Engage Employees in the Change Process

Direct participation in and ownership of the change is a fast and effective way to build support
and Desire. Increased engagement of impacted employees in a change initiative translates
directly into increased likelihood of the initiative achieving its desired results.

Participants in the Best Practices in Change Management – 11th Edition

study cited “employee engagement and participation” as key contributors
to a successful change initiative.

Employees can play many different roles in the change process. They may get involved in
creating the needed solution or participate in testing the new solution to provide feedback
on and input for improvements. Natural influencers and peer leaders can engage as change
champions or members of a change agent network. Actively engaging key individuals in the
change produces a multiplying effect in overall levels of Desire to support the change, and
ultimately can lead to significant increases in the speed and success of adoption.

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5. Align Incentive Programs

The behaviors of employees during change are strongly driven by how they are measured
and rewarded. If there is an incentive program already in place to reward employees, consider
how it could be realigned to support the new desired behaviors. An incentive program that
rewards employees for the way they currently work undermines other positive motivations
to change to a new way of working. The same applies for performance management systems.
Employees may resist implementing changes that hinder their ability to meet their current
performance objectives.

Regarding managers in particular, participants in the Best Practices in Change

Management – 9th Edition study cited “misalignment of project goals and
personal incentives” as the primary reason for resisting change. Participants
also noted that “incentives and metrics that did not align with promotion
parameters or pay/bonus scales made change unappealing.”

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Next Steps

The lack of control and uncertainty over another person’s Desire to change can cause some
leaders to disengage from this step in the change process. And yet it is an essential part of
realizing successful change. The actions and words of people managers and executive leaders
have a tremendous influence on an employee’s Desire to support a business change. Even if
people managers and executives cannot dictate the decisions of their employees, they can
certainly impact the process. The most successful change initiatives focus their efforts on the
proactive steps that sponsors and people managers can take to minimize resistance and create
energy and engagement around the change.

Before we move on to the next element in the Prosci ADKAR Model, it is important to note that
Awareness and Desire can ebb and flow over the course of a change initiative. New information
or developments may cause an employee with high Awareness and high Desire to revert back.
If this happens, readdress Awareness and Desire in the context of the new information before
the employee can successfully continue to move forward. Although the natural progression
is to move on quickly to building Knowledge and Ability through training, for a change to be
successful, it is absolutely necessary to revisit Awareness and Desire, reinforcing these elements
with continued communication.

In the following eBook, “Knowledge: How to Effectively Build Knowledge in Individuals,” we

explore the next element in the Prosci ADKAR Model.

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Change Management Certification Program



Gain the knowledge, skills and tools to drive successful change initiatives.

This three-day experiential learning program teaches you to

apply a holistic change management methodology and toolset,

including the Prosci ADKAR Model, to a real project.

Contact Prosci to learn more.


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How to effectively build Knowledge in individuals

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ADKAR – Knowledge 3
Building Knowledge 4

Factors That Influence Knowledge-Building 5

Current Level of Knowledge 5

Capability to Learn 5

Resources Available for Education and Training 6

Tactics for Building Knowledge 7

Effective Training and Education Programs 7

Job Aids 8
Table of

One-on-One Coaching 9

User Groups and Forums 9

Final Thoughts 10

Next Steps 11

The Knowledge that lives within individuals impacted by change enables change success.
Understanding how to change and how to operate in the future state is an essential precursor
to adopting new processes, systems and job roles. When a person has the Awareness of the
need for change and the Desire to support a change, it’s time for the next element in the Prosci
ADKAR® Model: Knowledge.

The five elements of the Prosci ADKAR Model show the outcomes an individual must reach
for a change to be successful: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement.

The third element, Knowledge, represents the information, training and education necessary
to know how to change. The Knowledge that each impacted individual needs to implement
a change includes:
• Behaviors and skills
• Processes, tools and systems
• Roles and responsibilities

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Building Knowledge

Historically, training is the most commonly used vehicle for building Knowledge. Many
organizations have a long and rich history with delivering training. Some even have an entire
department dedicated to training. However, training is not the only way to develop Knowledge.
Informal interactions with colleagues as well as other formal vehicles like self-paced reference
materials, online resources, super-user support and job aids all play their part in ongoing

From a change management perspective, there are two aspects of Knowledge to consider
when assessing training needs and designing training programs to build Knowledge:
• Knowledge on how to change – what to do during the transition. This requires training and
education on the skills and behaviors needed to support the change.
• Knowledge on how to perform effectively in the future state – detailed information on the
new roles and responsibilities associated with the change. This also includes training and
education on how to use new processes, systems and tools.

Both categories of Knowledge must be addressed in an effective change management plan.

In practice they are frequently integrated and addressed with a single plan.

Knowledge-building will only be effective when an individual has Awareness of the need for
change and Desire to participate in the change. Any training activities that attempt to build
Knowledge before achieving these first two ADKAR elements will be ineffective. Skipping to
Knowledge before building Awareness or before the individual has chosen to engage in the
change process has many implications for a project’s success. If employees are not ready to
learn or are only participating in training because their people manager required attendance,
they will not connect with and retain the learning.

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Factors That Influence

Three factors impact the successful achievement of the Knowledge element of the
Prosci ADKAR Model.

1. Current Level of Knowledge

Depending on the starting point, understanding how to change may be a simple process or
may demand a huge shift in thinking. For some changes, an individual may already have the
required Knowledge from past education or work experience. In other cases, there may be a
large gap between their current Knowledge level and the desired Knowledge level associated
with operating successfully in the future state. The size of the Knowledge gap will directly
impact the probability of success for those individuals.

For individuals with a considerable Knowledge gap, the individual and the organization must
plan for the significant time and effort needed to develop the required Knowledge. Occasionally,
some employees cannot gain the necessary Knowledge to succeed at the transformation and
must face the decision to move on.

2. Capability to Learn
In addition to the knowledge gap that may exist, each of us has a different capacity to learn.
While some people are quick to learn new processes and tools, others may have difficulty
learning technical skills or absorbing new information. Just as learning differences occur in
children or students, the same can be seen in adults during the Knowledge-building process.

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Adult learning is a complex area and understanding it is
essential for developing Knowledge in the workplace.
Adults want to know why the topics being taught
are important and relevant to them. If they cannot
connect the Knowledge offered during training
to an immediate problem, both attention and
retention of knowledge will suffer. Because
Knowledge comes after Awareness and Desire,
measures to establish the “why” should already
be in place. To ensure that people make this
connection, start each learning event with a recap
of why the change is happening.

The format you use for Knowledge-transfer activities influences how much information
employees retain. Learners remember only a fraction of what they cover in training.
The highest retention in adults results from hands-on application of learning to a real
and immediate problem. In many cases, project teams and change leaders can benefit
from collaborating with professional training developers and instructors to support
learning initiatives. Well-designed trainings will include both Knowledge-transfer and the
practice needed to apply this new Knowledge to real situations.

Even if an individual has the capability to learn, they may not have the current capacity to
take on the mental process of learning new skills. Often during times of change, the people
who need to participate in training have so much going on they either cannot commit
the time to training and practicing, or they are unable to focus during the learning events.

3. Resources Available for Education and Training

Available resources vary greatly from one organization to the next. Some organizations have
extensive resources and funding to deliver training while other companies struggle to provide
structured education to support a change. Resource constraints could include the availability
of subject matter experts, instructors, classroom facilities, books and materials, equipment
and systems for student use, and funding to support the overall training program.

For some desired changes, the specific Knowledge may not be immediately accessible or may
not yet exist at the time it is needed. Inadequate resources and inaccessible information will
negatively impact Knowledge-building.

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Tactics for
Building Knowledge

The changes facing your organization are unique. Each change usually requires its own
specific combination of different learning tactics to truly build Knowledge in impacted
individuals. The following four tactics have emerged from our research as the most impactful
during times of change and should be combined as needed depending on the unique details
of the change at hand.

1. Effective Training and Education Programs

Properly designed and professionally delivered formal training programs are an essential
channel for building Knowledge in most changes. Because the highest form of retention results
from applying learning hands-on to an immediate problem, training programs should include
hands-on activities and demonstrations with less focus on theory, reading or lectures.

Video programs, webinars and other multimedia programs are great ways to convey concepts
and develop Knowledge; however, retention of learning associated with tools and processes will
be highest when these tools are discussed and applied during the learning program.

Effective training programs factor in the precise Knowledge required for a group
or individual to operate successfully in the future state. Completing an assessment of
Knowledge gaps between the current state and the desired future state provides direct input
into how to tailor and configure the most impactful training content. A gap analysis reveals
which Knowledge, skills and behaviors are missing and need to be built. A useful technique for
assessing the Knowledge gap is to work with HR to write new job descriptions for employees,
detailing the Knowledge and skills needed to perform the role during the transition and in the
future state.

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It is also important to understand the Knowledge
required during the transition process. Changes
do not happen immediately. Often, old processes
and systems may need to be used concurrently
with new processes and systems. Interim
processes and beta versions of tools may
require steps that differ from those used in the
final state. This means that training programs
should address how to operate in the future
state as well as how to transition to a new way of
doing work.

The last consideration is timing of training and Knowledge-building activities. Learning retention
declines rapidly over time, especially if it is not used or applied right away. On the other hand,
employees impacted by change also need time to develop some measure of Ability (the next
element of the Prosci ADKAR Model) before the go-live date of the change, too. Training needs
careful timing:
• Training too far from the go-live date may result in unused or lost Knowledge.
• Training too close to the change may not allow sufficient time to practice and develop basic
proficiency before employees must demonstrate new skills in their daily work.

2. Job Aids
Some types of Knowledge-building content help people remember ideas long after they
complete training. Job aids and reference guides that serve as Knowledge-building
resources include checklists, templates, online help files, and scripts. These can take the
form of help or troubleshooting functions integrated into system software, internal wikis,
or quick-reference cards. Job aids enable employees to reinforce learning on the job and
follow more complex procedures in real time. They are most effective when they are
available on-demand and just-in-time.

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3. One-on-One Coaching
Even with the most effective training programs,
many employees need one-on-one coaching.
Individuals learn in different ways and at
different paces. With one-on-one coaching,
a trainer can provide customized education
based on the unique obstacles each individual
faces. In some cases barrier points may not
be related to the subject content but a unique
personal obstacle instead.

If there is a long period of time between employees taking

the training course and implementing the change, one-on-one coaching and on-the-job
instruction will provide real-time Knowledge reinforcement at the time of implementation.
As employees engage in day-to-day work, gaps will also emerge that were not covered in
the training. One-on-one coaching ensures that an expert is on hand to answer any questions
and fill in the gaps.

Coaching usually comes from the employee’s people manager or a subject matter expert.
For one-on-one coaching to be successful, people managers or designated mentors must be
equipped in this capacity. Take time to ensure that coaches have built their own expertise
in the technical subject matter and effective coaching tactics.

4. User Groups and Forums

Learning from peers can be very powerful because employees readily relate to the experiences
and challenges of fellow employees. By designating change agents and super users, employees
who have mastered new skills can share their knowledge about new systems, tools and
processes, and assist other employees through similar transitions. User groups and forums
allow peers to share lessons learned and provide an ongoing education process to complement
what is learned in training. User groups and forums also capitalize on experiential learning,
which is very effective for adult learners.

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Final Thoughts

Developing a solid Knowledge foundation for a change requires a combination of activities that
enable a person to learn in a way that is most effective for them. These activities should include
formal training and education programs, job aids available to employees as they are applying
Knowledge back on the job, one-on-one coaching from people managers or subject matter
experts, and effective peer mentoring from user groups and forums. Using these techniques
together ensures that employees develop and apply their Knowledge and are supported
throughout the change process.

Without the holistic lens of the Prosci ADKAR Model, teams can easily fall into the trap of simply
sending employees to training when a change is being introduced. This rarely drives successful
change. And worse, it can often have negative and lasting impacts on the employees that must
bring a change to life in their day-to-day work.

Training is critical, but training by itself is not the answer. To be effective, training must occur
in the context of all five elements of individual change—offered only once an individual
understands why a change is happening, wants to engage in the change process, and is
seeking Knowledge to help them be successful. Knowledge-building is an ongoing process.
It must extend beyond formal training events in the form of coaching, mentors, aids and
additional support. Any conflicting demands that prevent an employee from fully engaging
in training and building Knowledge will reduce the success of the Knowledge outcome.
Be deliberate and provide sufficient time for learning and mastering new skills.

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Next Steps

Many people assume Knowledge automatically leads to Ability. This is especially evident in
cases where training is used as the primary change management tool or activity. It is a mistake
to think that there is no difference between knowing how to do something and being able to
do it successfully.

While Knowledge represents the cognitive understanding of specific information about

the change, as well as an intellectual understanding about how to change, Ability is the
demonstrated capability to implement the change.

In “Ability: How to Foster Ability to Implement a Change,” we look at transforming Knowledge

into action to achieve desired performance within the organization. We also explore the best
practices for transferring Knowledge into Ability.

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Gain the knowledge, skills and tools to drive successful change initiatives.

This three-day experiential learning program teaches you to

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including the Prosci ADKAR Model, to a real project.

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How to foster Ability to implement a change

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ADKAR – Ability 3
The Transition From Knowledge to Ability 4

Tactics for Fostering Ability 5

Day-to-Day Involvement of People Managers 5

Access to Subject Matter Experts 6

Hands-On Exercises During Training 6

Adoption and Performance Monitoring 7

Potential Resistance Forces and Challenges 8

Psychological Blocks 8
Table of

The Force of Habit 8

Limitations in Physical or Intellectual Capability 9

Time and Priorities 9

Availability of Resources 10

Final Thoughts 11

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During an individual’s change process, results and outcomes first emerge at the Ability stage.
Individuals successfully achieve new behaviors and the future state starts to take shape. With
demonstrated Ability, change comes to fruition.

The five elements of the Prosci ADKAR® Model show the outcomes an individual must achieve
for a change to be successful: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement.
Ability is the fourth element.

Ability is turning Knowledge into action. Ability means tangibly applying and demonstrating
intellectual understanding in a real-world environment. Change leaders impact project success
by intentionally providing time, resources and coaching to help impacted employees develop
new skills and behaviors.

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The Transition From
Knowledge to Ability

There is a distinct difference between knowing how to do something and being able to do it.
In fact, the gap between Knowledge and Ability can often be quite large. Athletics provide
one of the clearest examples of this gap. Most people understand the strategy and mechanics
for running one mile in under four minutes. Yet only a very small percentage of the population
will ever have the Ability to successfully execute that feat. The Knowledge of how to change is
often by itself insufficient to fully realize new behaviors proficiently.

In addition to training that imparts Knowledge, employees must also receive sufficient time and
tools to developing their own abilities. In order to successfully build new skills and behaviors,
most employees do best in a supportive environment where they can practice and where it is
safe to make mistakes.

Creating Ability is an individualized process. The time and steps involved vary from person to
person. Some individuals fall naturally into the new way of work, while others may not adjust
with the same ease.

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Tactics for
Fostering Ability

As a change leader, there are a variety of tactics you can employ to help individuals successfully
develop the abilities they need to succeed and thrive in their changing environment. Effective
Ability-building tactics from Prosci’s benchmarking research follow below.

Day-to-Day Involvement of People Managers

The direct people managers of employees impacted by change play an important role as
coaches and advocates for change. These managers are often closest to employees and are,
therefore, the best line of defense for change and support for their teams as a change nears
implementation. People managers are problem solvers and supporters, teaching and mentoring
on the job.

As it relates to Ability, people managers must be able to:

• Provide one-on-one coaching to employees who are implementing new processes, tools and
job roles, effectively providing hands-on demonstrations and modeling the desired Ability.
Supervisors must be suitably trained and experienced in the change themselves and be on
hand to answer questions about the change as they arise.
• Establish a safe, supportive environment where employees can develop new skills and
practice new behaviors. Effective people managers encourage and support employees while
providing feedback and direction. Mistakes are a natural part of the learning process.
• Create feedback channels to identify gaps in processes or tools. Establishing a clear way for
employees to provide feedback quickly alerts supervisors to problems and enables them to
communicate them to the project and change management teams.

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One-on-one coaching will help supervisors identify any gaps, whether they are related to the
employee’s Ability or to a process, tool or system. If a people manager is not present during
this crucial phase, an employee who experiences difficulty may be more likely to abandon the
learning process, revert to old behaviors, or create work-arounds for performing the task.

Access to Subject Matter Experts

Subject matter experts are also key resources in
supporting and fostering Ability. Experts and
experienced employees help by providing additional
Knowledge when the question at hand is beyond
the employee’s or supervisor’s Knowledge. Some
companies set up a help desk where employees can
call with questions. Other companies provide names
and contact information for mentors or subject
matter experts. The key to making this work is letting
employees know where they can go to get help.

Hands-On Exercises During Training

Effectively designed training programs should include
hands-on activities that allow employees to test their
newfound Knowledge in different work scenarios.
Roleplay, simulations and actual hands-on work with
new tools and processes can greatly accelerate the
process of developing abilities.

Employees will feel more confident implementing

a change if they first receive the opportunity to
practice what they have learned in a safe and
controlled environment.

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Adoption and Performance Monitoring
Employees need feedback on what they are doing well
and which areas they need to improve. Equally, the
organization needs to know if people are adopting the
change as designed and if the implementation is going
according to plan. While employees are in the process
of developing Ability, it is essential to measure and
assess their adoption and proficiency.

Measuring adoption and performance provides

critical information to the organization. Assessments
provide information on where the change is succeeding,
so the organization can recognize and reinforce new
behaviors. Assessments also provide information about
where the change is not succeeding, so corrective action
and special tactics can be applied.

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Potential Resistance
Forces and Challenges

Resistance forces and challenges may arise during Ability-building. Several common factors that
can impact a person’s Ability to implement change follow below.

Psychological Blocks
Each individual has their own set of different psychological barriers to overcome.
Some employees may have self-doubt relating to a particular change because of past
experiences or unique fears. They may be uncertain if they can really make a change happen
or wonder if they will ever be able to develop the required abilities. Psychological barriers to
change are complex and, although recognizable, the solution for overcoming them is often
personal and not always straightforward.

Fear of public speaking is a common example of how a psychological block can prevent
individuals from demonstrating their full potential. For some the fear can be paralyzing. Others
reflect back on their performance with frustration, aware that nerves prevented them from
performing at their best. And for a lucky few, there is no fear whatsoever.

The Force of Habit

Humans are physiologically wired for habit. Developing new skills and breaking old habits
requires developing new neural pathways in the brain. The more that existing habits directly
contradict new skills, the greater the barrier to developing Ability. Fighting these old habits can
become very frustrating. It can even limit previous Awareness of the need for the change and
Desire to participate in the change. Understanding that people are wired to revert to old habits
impacts how we approach fostering Ability. Have patience, expect efficiency dips, and allow time
as people work to build new habits.

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Limitations in Physical or
Intellectual Capability
Sometimes physical or intellectual limitations impact the speed
or proficiency at which an individual can demonstrate
a new skill. In the workplace, physical limitations may
include strength, physical agility, manual dexterity,
physical size and hand-eye coordination. For example,
a tremendous amount of effort may be required
for an individual with limited dexterity or arthritis
to meet the performance level required by a new
keyboard-based technology solution.

Individuals also possess unique skills that fall on

spectrums of intellectual Ability. While some individuals
have a talent for finance and math, others may excel in
innovation and creativity. Depending on the nature of the
change, individuals may have mental barriers to implementing
the change. For example, a change that requires analytical skills may present an intellectual
barrier to an individual who is unable to develop the required abilities around problem-solving
and data analysis. Alternatively, a change that requires employees to utilize emotional or social
intelligence may stretch analytical problem solvers beyond their natural capabilities.

Time and Priorities

Time is a precious commodity in the demanding pace
of businesses today. When competing priorities and
essential business operations dominate an employee’s
work schedule, it can be a challenge to provide the
time needed to build Ability in a new skill. Often
the time frame for implementing change is driven
by external factors, outside of the control of
people managers. If an individual cannot develop
the required abilities in the needed time frame,
the change may fail, even if the individual has the
potential to develop these abilities if given more time.
Change leaders must leverage a coalition of sponsors
across the organization to define the importance of the
change and help remove time and priority barriers.

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Availability of Resources
Resources that support Ability-building include financial support, personal coaching, and access
to mentors and subject matter experts. Properly functioning tools, technology and materials are
also essential to many change initiatives. When these resources are not available or not operating
effectively, an individual’s Ability to perform can be compromised.

During this developmental period, making the right resources available greatly enhances
development of new skills and abilities. Providing structured support for an individual during
this stage not only helps cultivate new skills, it can also address Knowledge gaps that reveal
themselves once the change is underway.

Prosci’s approach to change management

fosters end-user engagement, positioning
managers to lead their people through
change by engaging the intuitive ADKAR
Model. This flexible, scalable methodology
has been a game changer.

— April Hershman, Oshkosh

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Final Thoughts

We have explored the difference between Knowledge and Ability and looked at the most
effective ways to support and assist employees as they build Ability. We have also explored
potential factors that might prevent a person from developing Ability.

Ability is not equivalent to Knowledge. It is not the automatic result of training. After enabling
Knowledge through well-designed training, change leaders must also ensure that employees are
given sufficient tools for building their own Ability and sufficient time to develop the new skills
and behaviors required by the change.

Ultimately, Ability manifests through demonstrated actions that allow true change to emerge
at both the individual and the organizational levels. Building Ability requires hard work and
practice from individuals who need to perform differently in a future state. Our role as change
leaders is to enable this process by providing the support and resources required to make
the change possible.

True and lasting change does not end with Ability, however. Humans are hard-wired to revert
back to the old way of doing things. The final eBook of the ADKAR series discusses the fifth and
last element of the Prosci ADKAR Model: “Reinforcement: How to Sustain a Change.”

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registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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Gain the knowledge, skills and tools to drive successful change initiatives.

This three-day experiential learning program teaches you to

apply a holistic change management methodology and toolset,

including the Prosci ADKAR Model, to a real project.

Contact Prosci to learn more.


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How to sustain a change

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ADKAR – Reinforcement 3
Building Reinforcement 5

Factors That Influence Reinforcement 6

The Degree to Which Reinforcement Is Meaningful 6

Association of Reinforcement With Demonstrated

Progress or Achievement 6

The Absence of Negative Consequences 7

Accountability Mechanisms to Reinforce the Change 7

Tactics for Building Reinforcement 8

Celebrations and Recognition 8
Table of

Rewards 9

Feedback From Employees 9

Audits and Performance Management Systems 10

Accountability Systems 10

Final Thoughts 11

Many organizations invest significant time and energy in building the necessary Awareness,
Desire, Knowledge and Ability for a change to be successful, yet they overlook the final element:
Reinforcement. Once a change is complete, organizations tend to move on to the next task
immediately. As a result, Reinforcement efforts often fall short and expected results may never
materialize. For a change to deliver the expected results over time, it must be actively sustained.

The five elements of the Prosci ADKAR® Model show the outcomes an individual must achieve
for a change to be successful: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement.

Reinforcement is the final element and it is critical. While making a change is hard, sustaining
a change over the long term is even more difficult. It is human nature to revert to what we know.
Emerging brain function research suggests that we are physiologically wired to return
to the most comfortable and familiar state.

Reinforcement in the Prosci ADKAR Model represents the internal and external factors
that serve to sustain a change. It includes intentional actions such as recognition, rewards
and celebrations tied to realizing the change, as well as a person’s internal satisfaction with
their achievement.

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Effective Reinforcement serves three purposes:
• Sustain the change and prevent individuals from
slipping back into old ways of doing work
• Build momentum during the transition from the
current state to the future state
• Create a history of successful and sustained
change that increases agility for future changes

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Reinforcement includes any action or event that strengthens and reinforces the change with an
individual or organization. It can be public group celebrations of success, visible performance
measurement, or individual corrective feedback. At the simplest level, Reinforcement can be a
personal acknowledgment of an individual’s progress and achievement, which individuals often
cite as the most meaningful way to recognize their contributions.

Although Reinforcement is the final element of the

ADKAR Model, it can and must be present throughout
the change process. Using Reinforcement to build
momentum during a change increases the probability
that objectives will be met. At the beginning of an
initiative, when change is new and the challenges
are greatest, seeking out opportunities to celebrate
the small successes can be tremendously impactful.
Once the desired outcome has been achieved,
continued Reinforcement will cement the change
into the organization’s culture and way of working.

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Factors That Influence

Whether a change will be sustained over the long term depends on a variety of dynamics
beyond the Reinforcement tactics themselves. Below we explore the factors that contribute
to the effectiveness of Reinforcement activities.

1. The Degree to Which Reinforcement is Meaningful

The most effective Reinforcement technique depends on the person and situation. When the
recipient finds the recognition and rewards meaningful, they understandably have a more
significant impact.

If the recognized individual finds the reward relevant, it will go a long way to motivate them to
continue supporting the change. Conversely, if the recognition or rewards feel irrelevant to the
individual, the Reinforcement could have no effect or even the opposite effect.

To be meaningful, someone the individual respects should deliver the recognition. An individual’s
people manager is often the best sender of this message.

2. Association of Reinforcement With Demonstrated Progress or Achievement

When an individual has successfully made progress toward change, recognition strengthens their
Desire to continue. It reinforces that the change is important and their efforts are appreciated.
If on the other hand, an employee has struggled to make a change and nobody has noticed, the
individual’s Desire to participate in the change will likely diminish. Without Reinforcement and
recognition, they may even begin to avoid the change and revert to old behaviors.

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Bear in mind that rewards and recognition should
only be used in the presence of actual demonstrated
progress and achievements. A reward or recognition
offered in the absence of achievement will not
feel meaningful to the individual and will reduce
the value of the recognition now and in the
future. Individuals want to be acknowledged for
meaningful contributions.

3. The Absence of Negative Consequences

Negative pressures within the work environment can be powerful Reinforcements in the wrong
direction. Long-term sustainment of change is put at risk when an individual demonstrates
the desired behavior and experiences negative consequences for doing so. Peer pressure and
group dynamics play an impactful role in change. While some employees take steps to support
and implement change, others may resist and pressure co-workers to do the same. If the group
environment emphasizes continuing to work in the old way, the negative social consequence of
supporting the change can become a barrier to change.

4. Accountability Mechanisms to Reinforce the Change

Accountability is one of the strongest forms of Reinforcement. When going through a personal
change to become healthier, accountability could include a workout buddy counting on you to
show up for a 5:30 a.m. training session, a personal trainer to keep you motivated, and regular
checkups with a healthcare professional to monitor your progress.

Similar accountability mechanisms should be part of change management planning. In the

workplace, tying accountability systems to job performance and measurements makes the
ongoing results of a change visible. Publicly visible performance scoreboards are a great way to
positively reinforce change and show compliance with a new process. The change is more likely
to stick when individuals can monitor the achievement of goals or objectives.

Without an accountability system to monitor and sustain progress, employees may revert
to old behaviors. And without corrective actions, two things may result. First, employees
may believe the change is no longer important. Second, future proposed changes may not
be taken seriously.

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Tactics for Building

The most effective tactics for reinforcing and sustaining change depend on the individual
and the situation. The best reinforcements are meaningful to the individuals and groups
being recognized. For some, personal thanks are most effective. For others, active and visible
Reinforcement from leadership is most effective. We explore some of the most common
Reinforcement tactics below.

1. Celebrations and Recognition

Celebrating successes and recognizing meaningful contributions to change are commonly

cited tactics to reinforcing change. In addition to celebrating the achievement of the desired
outcome, change leaders should recognize the short-term successes that build momentum,
energy and enthusiasm around the change, especially those near the beginning. Exaggerating
recognition of these early successes helps reaffirm the desired behavior.
Meaningful recognition can be private or public:
• Private or informal one-on-one conversations with the individual making the change can be
very effective for acknowledging results and efforts. Directly thanking the employee for their
support and hard work throughout the change process is often the most meaningful way to
express appreciation.
• Formal public recognition in the early stages of change creates clear role models for change
while acknowledging outstanding performance. This method must be considered carefully as
it could offend employees who are not selected for recognition, but feel they have contributed
as much or more than the individuals being recognized.

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Project-sponsored celebrations with employees are also a great way to mark key milestones
associated with the change. Change leaders should seek out fun activities or events for the
group that serve to strengthen commitment to the change. These could include anything
from a celebratory lunch or dinner to a sporting activity or group outing.

People managers play a key role in recognizing and rewarding the hard work
and contributions of employees. People managers are ideally positioned to recognize the efforts
and achievements of their direct reports, both during the change process and after
implementing change.

Primary sponsors also sustain change by publicly recognizing progress, key milestones, and
the hard work of the individuals. This positive change Reinforcement message must possess
the same vigor as the messages you delivered at the beginning of the change journey.

2. Rewards

Using rewards can reinforce change in employees

who meet identified performance levels Rewards
affirm and compensate for defined accomplishments.
Rewards can be structured for individual or group
achievements. They can be monetary, but do not
need to be. The important factor is whether the
individual being rewarded finds it meaningful.
If you offer a reward or bonus to build motivation
early in the change process, it is critical to follow
through with that commitment when the individual
meets the performance objective. The best way to
present a reward is to include it when you recognize
the individual’s hard work and unique contributions.

3. Feedback From Employees

Evaluating whether your change management activities are accomplishing their intended goals
requires soliciting feedback from impacted employees. Simply asking employees how they are
doing with the change allows them to articulate their progress and identify their pain points. Seek
feedback through interviews, focus groups and surveys. This feedback helps the project team to
better understand where the change is taking hold as planned and where it is struggling.

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4. Audits and Performance Management Systems

Reinforcement also includes using measurement systems and ongoing evaluations of progress.
Conducting formal assessments and analyzing performance data allows a change leader to
know if a change is taking hold. Process checklists, usage data, and data from other outputs
help you understand how employees are using new systems and tools and their proficiency
levels. Well constructed performance audits indicate the percentage of employees engaging
with the change, how many employees are struggling to adapt to a new way of working, and the
possible root causes for low adoption rates.

Don’t view compliance audits and performance measurement assessments as negative activities.
They are essential tools for the change manager and project team, and provide valuable information
about where to take corrective action and provide more support. These measurement systems also
highlight where a change is being adopted and implemented with success, so you can recognize and
celebrate progress, creating more energy and enthusiasm around the change.

5. Accountability Systems

Building accountability mechanisms into normal day-to-day business operations provides

ongoing Reinforcement. If you don’t make associated changes to performance evaluation
programs or compensation systems, the newly implemented change will lack accountability.
Building accountability into the structure of the business also transfers ownership from the
project team to operational leaders and managers, who assume responsibility for the change
and its ongoing success. Accountability must reside with the day-to-day operations, associated
managers and leaders to successfully sustain the change over the long term.

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Final Thoughts

The Prosci ADKAR Model defines the outcomes an individual must achieve for a change to be
successful: Awareness, Desire, Knowledge, Ability and Reinforcement. Reinforcing change is as
critical to change success as early communications to build Awareness of the need for change.

Reinforcements can be actions, words, or rewards that are meaningful to the person or group
being recognized. Other effective reinforcements include events, accountability systems, audits,
feedback from employees, performance measurement systems, meaningful rewards, and
celebrations of both progress and the ultimate realization of the desired outcome.

For a change to deliver the expected results over time it must be sustained. Reinforcement
mechanisms must be in place. The biggest mistake change leaders make is overlooking or
forgetting this step, when other tasks compete for their attention.

To establish an organization that is change agile and change ready, it is important to reinforce
the change you have already achieved and then build upon this success. Use Reinforcement
tactics that fit your organization’s culture. Find the mechanisms that are meaningful to those
who must change their behavior.

Work to establish a positive history of change where you give employees feedback, take corrective
actions when necessary, and acknowledge and reward their efforts and achievements. If your
company has a negative track record of sustaining change, consider which elements of
Reinforcement you can incorporate into current and future changes to improve your history
and success with change initiatives. This final element of the Prosci ADKAR Model is essential
and will contribute greatly to your future change success.

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registered in the U.S. and other countries.

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Gain the knowledge, skills and tools to drive successful change initiatives.

This three-day experiential learning program teaches you to

apply a holistic change management methodology and toolset,

including the Prosci ADKAR Model, to a real project.

Contact Prosci to learn more.


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