Assignment On Product Life Cycle of CRT TELEVISION Course Title: International Business Course Code: Bus-305

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Product Life Cycle of CRT TELEVISION
Course Title: International Business
Course Code: Bus-305
Product Life cycle: CRT Television

CRT Television: A CRT TV is a television device that uses cathode ray tubes.
These tubes contain one or more electron guns and fluorescent screens that are
used to view images and pictures.

Product Life cycle: Product life-cycle management is the succession of

strategies by business management as a product goes through its life-cycle. The
conditions in which a product is sold changes over time and must be managed as
it moves through its succession of stages.

Implementing product cycle on CRT Television

Introduction Stage: The first cathode ray tube scanning device was invented
in 1897.

In terms of International marketing: In this stage, a new product is launched

in a target market where the intended consumers are not well aware of its
presence. Customers who acknowledge the presence of the product may be
willing to pay a higher price in the greed to acquire high quality goods or services.
With this consistent change in manufacturing methods, production completely
relies on skilled laborers.
Competition at international level is absent during the introduction stage of the
international product lifecycle. Competition comes into picture during the growth
stage, when developed markets start copying the product and sell it in the
domestic market. These competitors may also transform from being importers to
exporters to the same country that once introduced the product.

Stage 1; by 1960 90% of UK population had a TV in their the market has
an idea about Television. But other countries with low economy like Pakistan and
Indian market barely know about this product.
In this certain stage only people with high income and stability can afford this
product. It’s consider as a luxury because the product was just introduced an
innovation which eventually will cost more.
The introduction stage is the first stage in the product life cycle where a company
tries to build awareness about the product or service in a market where there is
less or no competition. Even flash sales that companies adopt for launching a
product have high prices.

So, it is on introduction stage on high economy based countries but in low

economy based countries it hasn’t introduced by that time.

Growth stage:
The growth stage is the period during which the product eventually and
increasingly gains acceptance among consumers, the industry, and the wider
general public. During this stage, the product or the innovation becomes accepted
in the market, and as a result sales and revenues start to increase.
In terms of International marketing: An effectively marketed product meets
the requirements in its target market. The exporter of the product conducts
market surveys, analyze and identify the market size and composition. In this
stage, the competition is still low. Sales volume grows rapidly in the growth stage.
This stage of the product lifecycle is marked by fluctuating increase in prices, high
profits and promotion of the product on a huge scale.

People earn more and the cost of television has decreased. The average income
of people has risen at that point.
TV is not a luxury product anymore. It’s became a product that middle class
people can also afford.
Number of competitor increases; now there are people who are rivals of the same
industry so the competition take place. Which make TV affordable and which lead
companies to increase the production efficiently.
Improved technique of Television production has taken place due to technological
advancement. Now it’s more cost effective. Product has verities now it comes into
different sizes and different screen color and built.

At this point internationally; especially the country with low economy it’s in
Introduction here globalization play a major role. It’s allow a product to
reach internationally which take different stages in different country.
For an Example; a product which is in UK reached its growth level but it’s still in its
introduction level in Bangladesh.

Maturity Stage:
The maturity stage of the product life cycle shows that sales will eventually peak
and then slow down. During this stage, sales growth has started to slow down,
and the product has already reached widespread acceptance in the market, in
relative terms. Ultimately, during this stage, sales will peak.
From year it’s an Era of Technological advancement. At this point TV is not
expensive anymore. It’s become a usual product for mass portion. It has a wide
range of competitors at this point people pretty fond of this product. But at this
point Apple introduced IPad and there was a TV in the market Called”HD TV”
which became a luxury product for that time being. Now people with higher
income tend to focus for those product but for mass portion of people it’s still a
product of their need. Watching IPad instead of TV become a trend.

In terms of International marketing: In this level of the product lifecycle, the

level of product demand and sales volumes increase slowly. Duplicate products
are reported in foreign markets marking a decline in export sales. In order to
maintain market share and accompany sales, the original exporter reduces prices.
There is a decrease in profit margins, but the business remains tempting as sales
volumes soar high.
Due to international marketing TV has grab its popularity and Reached at its
Maturity stage from growth stage throughout these years.

In terms of International marketing: In this level, the sales of the product
reach the peak and there is no further possibility for further increase. This stage is
characterized by Saturation of sales. (At the early part of this stage sales remain
stable then it starts falling). The sales continue until substitutes enter into the
market. Marketer must try to develop new and alternative uses of product.
TV price become extremely low and the TV companies want to make less profit
and sell more at this stage
Decline stage:
The decline stage of the product life cycle is the terminal stage where sales drop
and production is ultimately halted. Profitability will fall, eventually to the point
where it is no longer profitable to produce, and production will stop.
In terms of International marketing: TV sales drop by 50%, Mobile phone
and accessories increased per year 64 %( New product in their introduction phase
of the product life cycle).Mobile usages become trend at that point. People has
better and more portable and accessible technology. For this reason CRT TV lost
its popularity
This is the final stage of the product lifecycle. In this stage sales volumes decrease
and many such products are removed or their usage is discontinued. The
economies of other countries that have developed similar and better products
than the original one export their products to the original exporter's home
market. This has a negative impact on the sales and price structure of the original
product. The original exporter can play a safe game by selling the remaining
products at discontinued items prices.


Market for traditional TV starts to shrink
- Market becoming saturated (i.e. all the customers who will buy the product have
already purchased it)
- Consumers are switching to a different type of product.

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