Oils, (OEM) Vw/Audi: Transmission Only, 1 Litre Bottle, Differential&Transfer Box Only, 1 Litre Bottle
Oils, (OEM) Vw/Audi: Transmission Only, 1 Litre Bottle, Differential&Transfer Box Only, 1 Litre Bottle
Oils, (OEM) Vw/Audi: Transmission Only, 1 Litre Bottle, Differential&Transfer Box Only, 1 Litre Bottle
VW/AUDI 01J/0AN Multitronic Transmission Fluid (OE)
Special gear oil designed for the manual transmissions of cars with transverse engines.
OEM Transmission oil suitable for suitable for use in all vehicles using the 0AM (DQ200)
series DSG transmission
Inline Mounted 7 speed Direct Shift Gearbox (DSG) Transmissions required for dual shift double
clutch (aka dual clutch gear DL-501) 0B5 series transmissions.
Seperate oils are required for the DSG transmission and the differential/transfer box on this unit.
Note: Initial filling, Transmission approx. 7.5 Ltr.
Differential/Transfer Box approx. 5.0 Ltr.
Transmission Only, 1 Litre Bottle, Our Part No. 0B5.OIL01
Differential&Transfer Box Only, 1 Litre Bottle, Our Part No. 0B5.OIL02
VW/AUDI 02E & 0BH (DQ500) DSG Transmission Fluid (OE)
OEM Transmission oil suitable for suitable for use in all vehicles using the 02E & 0BH
(DQ500) series DSG transmissions
OEM Transmission oil suitable for use in some ZF transmissions, Colour is Green
Suitable for 09M, 09G, 09K, 09D and all other Aisin Warner 6 speed