Degenesis Rising Ravens en HQ
Degenesis Rising Ravens en HQ
Degenesis Rising Ravens en HQ
Marko Djurdjevic
Marko Djurdjevic
Adrian Fekete
Sebastian Downie
Marko Djurdjevic
Marko Djurdjevic
Marko Djurdjevic
Chris Kintner
Sebastian Downie
Liam Foley
L AY O U T & T Y P O G R A P H Y
Adrian Fekete
Adrian Fekete THE KILLING GAME and a sequel to the contents
of that sourcebook. To understand its context fully,
DEGENESIS BY reading the scenario about Operation Mirage and
Christian Günther & Marko Djurdjevic the fall of Toulon is recommended.
ISBN: 978-3-9819851-8-4
Degenesis® is ™ SIXMOREVODKA Studio GmbH. All rights reserved. The mentioning of or reference to companies and products on the following pages consti-
tutes no copyright violation. All names, titles, characters, texts and illustrations in this book are © SIXMOREVODKA Studio GmbH. All rights reserved. No part
of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system, or transmitted in any form by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording or
otherwise without the prior express permission of the publishers. Character sheets may be copied for personal use only. Printed in the EU.
B AY O N N E 02 - 05
S A C R O C A N T & A R M AT U R G I A 06 - 07
I N F I LT R AT E D 08 - 19
LOOSE ENDS 20 - 21
PLOT For years, the Spitalians have used the smugglers’ nest Bayonne – situated north of
This playable scenario offers a bridge be- Toulon right in the middle of the thicket of the Rhône delta – for covert operations in
tween “THE KILLING GAME” and the the swamps. Sacrocant, the Raven of Bayonne, enjoyed the protection of the Medical
following adventure “BLACK ATLANTIC" Cult because he was the Spitalians’ pawn and partner in crime.
Within this story, the characters first His job was simple. The Rhône Flock, his implacable henchmen, hunted drones.
hear about Bascule, a Preservist of the Red Mainly children that had either been stolen by Fosters or had been born and raised
Pack, who will play a significant role in up- amongst the drones.
coming campaigns. The adventure “RIS- The living prisoners were herded together and immobilized with narcotics that the
ING RAVENS” allows you to draw your Spitalians supplied to Sacrocant. For years the secret cargo, secured in red barrels with
Players’ attention towards the Preservist breathing holes, has been shipped upriver of the Rhône aboard the Belle Doche, a rusty
early on and foreshadow future stories. swamp barge. The cargo finally reaches its destination via the Mercure field hospital:
Cremant, the headquarters of the Red Pack, a Preservist elite force. There, far from
the prying eyes of the Hippocrats, the research groups, and the Consultants, Com-
mando Prime Charcutier carries out a grotesque experiment. He wants to immunize
future generations of Preservists against spore infestation by transplanting the organs
of drone children into their bodies.
If the Consultants ever caught wind of this the Spital would halt this line of re-
search immediately and eradicate Cremant from the history books. Charcutier has bro-
ken every tenet of the Hippocratic Oath.
In Cremant, the Commando Prime has unearthed manuals composed by Preserv-
ists of the Old School, a conspiracy of conviction within the Preservist Corps from
which the demonized Commando Prime Wachsmann himself originated. Kranzler, the
legendary leader of the Preservists, had the Old School smoked out and all its adherents
killed. The doctrine, however, persists like a plague, and Charcutier has been infected
by its secret knowledge. He perpetuates its legacy.
Until now, Charcutier was safe from detection. Only those in the know, subjects
utterly loyal to him, are aware of the existence of his experimental laboratory in Cre-
mant. However, there is a confidant the Commando Prime cannot control: the Apoca-
lyptic Sacrocant. And now, matters are turning serious.
Three weeks ago in Toulon, the Chroniclers’ Operation Mirage ended in a disaster.
The city is damaged and wounded. It lies fallow like a corpse, waiting to be eviscerat-
ed by the circling vultures. This is Sacrocant’s finest hour. Now he has the chance to
expand his territory from Bayonne to Toulon. He wants to seize the moment before
another Raven preempts him. To do so, however, he needs weapons, henchmen, and,
most importantly, Drafts.
Sacrocant turns to Charcutier and applies pressure on the Preservist. The Com-
mando Prime is supposed to have his back when he seizes power in Toulon, with his
own troops if need be, for the Raven threatens to expose his dirty secret, the drone traf-
ficking, should he fail to do so. Charcutier doesn’t appreciate this kind of blackmail at
all. Under different circumstances, he would send a death squad to deal with Sacrocant
and rid himself of the Raven in a heartbeat. But this time, it’s Sacrocant who pulls the
strings. He’s the only one who can ensure the steady supply B AY O N N E FA C T S H E E T
of drone children - and he’s holding one of Charcutier’s best
men hostage.
Bascule, a Preservist of the Red Pack, has fallen into the CITY: Bayonne, Tech-Level II
clutches of the Apocalyptic. On a mission in Purgare, the
Preservist barely survived a near-fatal conflict with a Psy- PROVINCE: Southern Franka / Rhône delta
chokinetic and was left heavily wounded. His skin charred,
his jaw shattered, and his bones broken. Only his iron will INHABITANTS: 400-500 / no census
to survive keeps Charcutier’s elite soldier alive.
Bascule’s life hangs by a thread. If the Preservist cannot POPULATION STRUCTURE: Mixed. Numerous
be saved in time and transported to either Mercure field Clans from the Rhône delta can be found here.
hospital or Cremant, he will die. Except for Sacrocant’s Flock and a handful of
longtime residents, very few inhabitants settle
CARDIAL permanently.
Ducal, another Raven’s nest on the Mediterranean coast,
registers Sacrocant’s secret takeover attempt of Toulon. LEADER: Sacrocant, the Raven of Bayonne
Cardial, the ruling Raven of Ducal, wants to preempt his
rival from Bayonne. To do so, however, he needs to know FEATURES: Fortified palisade, moat, stuck Surge
Sacrocant’s plans. He activates Armaturgia, his best Cuckoo, Tank (Mbogo), headquarters of the Rhône Flock.
to infiltrate Sacrocant’s Flock and gather intelligence. Power generator and scrap terminal. Last springboard
for expeditions to the Rhône swamps.
Charcutier’s options are limited. Sacrocant‘s arrogance is TRADE / GOODS: Petro and bartering. Some stolen
like a thorn in his side. The Commando Prime wants his barrels of Marduk oil from Toulon are in circulation.
cargo, and he wants his Preservist back. No matter the cost. A full canteen costs 400 Drafts/Dinars. Also, some
Sacrocant knows that he’s playing a dangerous game, fugitive Iron Brothers secretly try selling stolen goods
and increases security around his nest. He orders his men from Hamza‘s palace, mainly atlases, books, amulets
to watch out for Preservists - he’s dreading the retribution and other trinkets of sentimental value.
that Charcutier’s people might deliver.
A second Preservist of the Red Pack is still out there in CITY GUARD: The Rhône Flock, Sacrocant’s
the field. His name is Vatenguerre. He was Bascule’s partner henchmen, 40 heavily armed women and men. In
on the fateful mission, but the men were separated fighting case of danger, the Flock can retreat to the Mbogo
the Psychokinetic. Vatenguerre was wounded, but survived. and stand their ground with assault rifles and
Using the tracking device embedded in the Spitalian medal crossbows. In extreme situations they man a gun
Bascule wears on his cape, he was able to pinpoint the loca- turret at the bow of the Surge Tank, firing nerve-
tion of his brother in arms. Vatenguerre hides in the dense wracking high-velocity ammo. Sacrocant stores close
mangrove forest close to Bayonne, keeping an eye out for to 8,000 rounds in his command center beneath the
movement and people who could help him to free Bascule gun tower.
from Sacrocant’s nest.
ARTIFACT TRADE: No Alcove, no artifact trade.
Everything that comes from the swamps is directly
TRIGGER-HAPPY routed on to Toulon or Montpellier.
Three weeks have passed since the fall of Toulon. The en-
tire Rhône delta is in an uproar ever since word of Oper- COMMUNICATION: None. While there is a working
ation Mirage’s failure spread. Detained supply transports antenna in the Mbogo that can receive radio signals,
and stranded refugees are a common sight on the Scorched Sacrocant prefers discussing business in private. He
Path. The destructive explosions tearing Toulon to shreds doesn’t like Chroniclers listening in. He collects and
are still ringing in most people’s ears. Many are afraid to re- issues his orders through messengers, intermediaries
turn to the city; nobody trusts that the alleged civil war has or coded letters.
actually ended.
Cutthroats and footpads come crawling from their lairs
and complicate passage by water as well as by land. Atuma
the Persistent, Consul of Montpellier, has sent six Scourger
packs to Toulon to help Hamza Abubakar III keep the peace
on the Scorched Path. Hellvetics from the Morvant Control
Terminal patrol the road in mobile units, protecting travelers.
2596 A.D.
0 25 M 50 M 75 M
1 . S C O R C H E D PAT H they might deem useful before entering the swamps. Cop-
The Scorched Path enables access to Bayonne from the per wire, casings, antennae, gunpowder, wind chimes, plas-
South. A rickety bridge constructed from sheet metal and tic toys, empty cans, bleached porn images, dental floss,
welded slabs leads across a shallow tributary onto the in- licorice, first aid kits, quail’s eggs, ropes braided from vines,
habited peninsula and into the heart of the swamp. It is the tobacco leaves, corn on the cob, periscopes, handheld mir-
only access to the settlement by land. Before one is allowed rors, bones, clubs, nails …
to cross the bridge, Apocalyptics thoroughly search and The range of goods makes no sense at all and only exists
question any visitors. Spitalians especially have been subject while stocks last.
to extensive searches for several weeks now.
2 . PA L I S A D E The Swamp Thrush is the only inn in Bayonne. Travelers
A defensive wall ten steps high built from sharpened can find both the most uncomfortable beds and the worst
wooden poles and rusty barbed wire protects the settle- food in all of Franka right here. The Thrush is an open
ment and keeps off intruders. A dry moat surrounding the den on ramshackle wooden poles. The drafty ground floor
fortification can be flooded with swamp water in seconds is accessible from all sides and contains almost 200 seats
if danger arises. and wooden benches. Two open hearths offer food to the
guests. The inn supplies Scrappers and hunters leaving for
3. PORT DÉBRIS the swamps with a bare minimum of necessities. Those
Most expeditions into the Rhône swamps start at Port who are looking for a place to sleep have to climb the crum-
Débris. Here, the versatile swamp cutters are loaded and bling stairs to the first floor.
replenished, engines get repaired, and loot is secured. Every Upstairs, there is a single common room with more
sunrise, there is a massive crowd in the port, for Bayonne than 50 straw mattresses packed tightly next to one an-
has become the central ganglion of all operations along the other. Staying overnight costs 20 Drafts. A dinner consist-
Rhône. Presently, new docks are being built on the other ing of tart porridge is included in the price. The owner of
side of the river to keep the jostle in check. the Swamp Thrush, Eikan the Borcan, however, is a terri-
Sacrocant hates surprises. That’s why the port is only ble cook.
operative by day. At nightfall, all ships in the harbor must
be chained to the docks and may not leave before the next 7 . T H E S U R G E TA N K
dawn. There shall be no chance for thieves to get away with The Mbogo is the Flock’s headquarters. The bogged down
stolen goods at night. Surge Tank towers six stories above Bayonne, tilted side-
ways and held in place by a veritable forest of wooden
4. THE BREAKER BOX beams and poles. The Tank sprouts a small labyrinth of
A creaking breaker box keeps the Bayonne Peninsula huts and bunks, sconces, and embrasures jutting from the
charged up. Centime, an aging Scrapper with a gray mop muddy ground. The inner courtyard, surrounded by scrap
of hair and fetid breath, keeps the box running. Centime walls and barbed fences, serves as a venue for fistfights and
also sells Petro by the canister that he gets directly from drinking orgies. It is here that Sacrocant gathers the peo-
Montpellier. ple of Bayonne, his Apocalyptics and other henchmen for
Sacrocant’s men keep an eye on Centime and make sure speeches, rallies and to conduct business.
the Scrapper is well fed. Under the Raven’s protection, the Only a chosen few may enter the Surge Tank. Here, the
old man has adopted a habit of berating his customers with Raven stores the weapons of his Flock, along with artifacts
foul language without having to fear the consequences. and riches he has looted in his many campaigns. The back
area of the cargo terminal serves as a private prison.
5. SCRAP TERMINAL The boiler room in the Mbogo’s terminal is flooded. In
Right next to the breaker box is the scrap terminal. Tran- the murky, brackish water, Sacrocant keeps two fully grown
sients use this open, tarp-covered marketplace for quick Rhône crocodiles – Madonna and Carlotta. Sacrocant feeds
bartering. Here, expedition squads can acquire equipment the overweight females with traitors to his cause.
His rise to the position of Raven was quick. Sacrocant knew no rivals. No one wanted
to live or even nest out here in the swamps. The Mbogo, however, this behemoth of
a Surge Tank, stuck and left behind by the Neolibyans, made the perfect headquar-
ters. Sacrocant understood that a civilized outpost amidst the swampland of the Rhône
would soon pay off in spite of all its dangers. Scrappers have to equip themselves before
they disappear in the thicket in search of artifacts. Fishermen and hunters need em-
barkation points for their loot and a place to rest their weary bones. Those who can’t
show their faces in the cities along the coast need a place to smuggle without risk or
excitement. Bayonne was the perfect nest: far away from law and order, but still a cen-
tral traffic junction. Here, Sacrocant was able to do his own bustling business quietly.
His Flock mapped the rough surroundings of the mangrove forests. Together, they
hunted for drones that had gotten too close to Bayonne and laid traps in the swamp
to keep the Pheromancers away: hard work that eventually paid off. Three years ago,
PA R A N O I A a Preservist approached the Raven to make him an offer. He would keep the Spitalians
Sacrocant knows that he’s playing with from Montpellier out of Sacrocant’s hair if the Raven would supply him with drone
fire. Trying to blackmail a Preservist is children in return - for experimental purposes, of course.
more than just reckless. However, the This mutual agreement thrived for quite a while. Every few months, Sacrocant had
Raven trusts his inherent paranoia. So far, the Belle Doche set out and deliver her living cargo to Cremant. The compensation was
he has survived all assassination attempts. excellent, and he was able to rule in the Rhône delta unmolested.
His paranoia is like a sixth sense he trusts Then he heard about the events in Toulon. All about it smelled like a Phoenix was
absolutely when making decisions. This is involved down there at the coast. Sacrocant bided his time, waiting for the end of the
why he’s often one step ahead of his en- civil war. His chance would come.
emies. The men and women of his Flock
are loyal as is customary amongst migra- R O L E P L AY
tory birds. The Mbogo is a fortress from His moment has arrived. Sacrocant makes a grab for new territory. Those of his hench-
which he can coordinate his Flock’s des- men who have survived Operation Mirage are claiming Terres Putain for the Raven of
tiny in safety. Bayonne. Clavion, the Cuckoo of the Rhône Flock, is already building a new nest. The
power vacuum must be filled quickly. However, Sacrocant has to keep the Spitalians
out of his affairs. Maybe he can force his generous benefactor from Cremant to support
ARCHETYPE: Franka, The Ruler, Apocalyptic, Rank 3: Raven
SKILLS: Athletics 3D, Brawl 4D, Force 3D, Melee 4D, Stamina 4D,
Toughness 4D, Dexterity 3D, Navigation 4D, Mobility 4D, Projectiles 6D,
THE TENTH Stealth 4D, Etiquette 6D, Expression 7D, Leadership 8D, Negotiation 8D,
Z I G G U R AT H Seduction 6D, Legends 4D, Cunning 8D, Deception 7D, Domination 8D,
Sacrocant’s men know the Rhône Reaction 7D, Willpower 10D, Empathy 6W, Orienteering 4D,
swamps better than most. For years they Perception 6D, Primal 7D, Survival 6D
have mapped and and all changes with- BACKGROUNDS: Allies 5, Authority 5, Renown 3, Secrets 5
in the swamp, no matter how small and SPECIAL: -
insignificant they may seem, for this is a POTENTIALS: Danger Sense 3, Mirror 2
way to protect the drone hunters from INITIATIVE: 5D/20 Ego Points (Focus)
danger. Sacrocant’s nest is crammed ATTACK: Revolver, 6D, Distance (10/40), Damage 10,
with parchments and vellums covered Throwing Knife, 6D, Distance (3/10), Damage 4
with countless way markers, old road- DEFENSE: Passive 1; Melee active (Parry), Melee 4D;
tracks and drone movements. The Apoc- Ranged Combat active (Dodge), Mobility 4D;
alyptics have no idea what kind of trea- Mental (Willpower) 10D
sure they own there. From their maps, MOVEMENT: 3m
the Spitalians could reckon the exact ARMOR: Leather coveralls and fur coat, Armor 3
position of the tenth Ziggurath, the ex- CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/20, Flesh Wounds 8, Trauma 7
istence of which is not yet even known SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Snow globe; The last memory of his son Etienne, who
to the doctors. was taken by the Fosters ten years ago. Maps (Rhône swamp)
Ducal is far away on the border between Franka and Purgare. However, that doesn’t
mean that Cardial, the Raven of Ducal, has no influence. Quite the opposite is true.
He is a puppet master who prefers to act from afar and to spin an expansive spider’s
web of debts and favors. When he heard that Sacrocant wanted to expand his territory
and exploit Toulon’s weakness, he was electrified. Immediately he sent Armaturgia to
Bayonne as his spy. He raised her right from the cradle to impersonate Spitalians and
the Resistance. He taught her the lingo that keeps her from being found out behind
enemy lines, and together they invented the false biographies that Armaturgia uses to
gain trust.
Cardial’s Cuckoo was never allowed to fall prey to the temptations of the migratory
birds, Armaturgia never even got close to a Burn cusp. It was the only way to keep up
her charade and supply her Raven with important information and warnings.
This is why she’s perfectly suited for this mission. Both her garb and act are fool-
proof. Nothing about her gives any hint that she belongs to Cardial’s Flock and is FAT E F U L
scouting Bayonne on his behalf. If a foreign Apocalyptic were to poach in his domain, On her mission in Bayonne, a Preservist
Sacrocant’s paranoia would kick in right away. As a cadet of the Resistance or even a tracks down Armaturgia in the mangrove
Famulancer, however, he might see her as a potential turncoat; maybe he will even forests. In her role as a Famulancer, he re-
make her an offer to win her over. cruits her on the spot to assist him in the
That’s exactly what Armaturgia wants. It is the only way she will be able to supply upcoming liberation of Bascule. He him-
her master with the necessary information on Sacrocant’s plans. self cannot show his face in the camp be-
cause that would mean Bascule’s death.
R O L E P L AY Instead, he tests her with mapping out
Everything about Armaturgia is faked. Whether disguised as a Famulancer or as a cadet, Sacrocant’s nest for him and looking out
her personality is hidden under a mountain of lies and deception. Only when she is for potential helpers to assist him.
with her Raven does she uncover her true face. As the Cuckoo of the Flock, she knows Armaturgia has to fulfill the task
all tricks by heart, and nothing will get her off balance or endanger her masquerade. given to her by Vatenguerre to avoid
Her words are always measured, the tone of her voice always under control, trying to endangering her cover. The Preservist
fully impersonate the cliché of her role. would become suspicious right away if
she refused to obey his orders. She has to
get rid of Vatenguerre before the Preserv-
ist interferes with her mission. She just
doesn’t know how yet.
ARCHETYPE: Franka, The Mediator, Apocalyptic, Rank 2: Cuckoo
SKILLS: Athletics 3D, Brawl 3D, Force 3D, Melee 3D, Stamina 4D,
Toughness 4D, Dexterity 3D, Navigation 3D, Mobility 4D, Projectiles 3D,
Stealth 5D, Etiquette 4D, Expression 10D, Negotiation 5D, Engineering 4D,
Focus 5D, Medicine 5D, Science 4D, Cunning 6D, Deception 10D, POTENTIALS
Domination 5D, Reaction 6D, Willpower 6D, Empathy 5D, MIMICRY
Orienteering 4D, Perception 5D, Survival 4D PREREQUISITE: Cuckoo
BACKGROUNDS: Allies 1, Network 1, Renown 1, Resources 1, Secrets 2 PSY+Deception 10, CHA+Expression 10
SPECIAL: - This Potential marks the climax of a
POTENTIALS: Mimicry 2 Cuckoo’s masquerading abilities. Per
INITIATIVE: 6D/10 Ego Points (Focus) point in Mimicry, the character can
ATTACK: Splayer 2D, Damage 5, (Cutting 2T, +1D Damage) imitate another Cult to perfection. He
Distance 2m knows the details and clichés of the Cult
DEFENSE: Passive 1; Melee active (Parry), Melee 3D; and can keep up impersonating it even
Ranged Combat active (jump for cover), Mobility 4D; under the direst of circumstances, inter-
Mental (Willpower) 6D rogation and torture. Per point in Mimic-
MOVEMENT: 3m ry, the character gets one automatic Suc-
ARMOR: Spitalian suit, Armor 2, Sealed (+4S), Respected cess on any rolls on PSY+Deception and
CONDITION: Spore Infestation 0/12, Flesh Wounds 8, Trauma 6 PSY+Cunning. The opponent’s Difficulty
SPECIAL EQUIPMENT: Drawn map of Sacrocant‘s Nest, Fieldkit equipped with to see through the deception also rises by
antibiotics and antimycotics (10 uses) the Potential level (Max. 3).
In the Swamp Thrush: The porridge tastes like vomit. Two drunken hunters sleep off
their hangovers at the next table like two giant snoring beavers. The other benches are
empty. Most hunters and Scrappers are out and about, minding their business. Only a
young Famulancer sits by herself, pouring hot water into her canteen. She watches the
characters for several minutes.
Then she gets up and joins them at their table. She looks across her shoulder at the
whistling cook to make sure he’s not listening.
“I am looking for a few tough guys to help me with a minor affair.” If the characters
show attention, she continues: “Nothing big. But let’s not talk here.” After a dramatic
pause, which she uses to study the characters’ faces, she adds: “In the swamp.”
If the characters are curious, she shoulders her backpack, latches up her neoprene
collar and grabs her Splayer. “Follow me. In ten minutes.” The characters can easily do
so inconspicuously. She leaves Bayonne. Beyond the palisade, she makes a turn towards
the swamp and enters the pathless mangroves.
After half an hour of marching through the thicket and the fetid jungle she stops at
a fallen tree. Three times she hits the bark with the tip of her Splayer. It sounds hollow.
Crickets are chirping. Flies buzz past the characters’ heads.
All of a sudden, a human silhouette becomes visible amidst the branches and vines.
An oily gas mask shimmers, breath rattling through its filter. The person is wrapped in
a black cloak: a Preservist.
“Are they suitable?” the stranger asks in a muffled voice.
“Yes, they are new faces in Bayonne. Sacrocant does not know them,” Armaturgia
The Preservist steps closer and removes his gas mask. Beneath, there is a ravaged face.
A landscape of scarred cuts blemishes his features. His left eye has been sewn shut, the
right one is glassy.
“I am Vatenguerre.” Without the mask, his voice sounds even rougher.
“Bascule, a brother from my order. I am looking for him. We were on a mission in
Purgare together. A Psychokinetic separated us from each other.” He slightly opens
the black cloak. Above his ribs, the neoprene is torn, and the skin beneath is burnt and
riddled with blisters.
“My brother has been severely wounded. He needs help urgently or he won’t sur-
vive.” Exhausted, he sits down on the hollow tree trunk and looks up at the characters.
“Sacrocant, the Raven of Bayonne, holds Bascule hostage.”
If the characters ask about the Apocalyptic’s motives, Armaturgia steps in. “He
wants to blackmail us. Sacrocant is planning to expand his territory to Toulon,” she
says, voice full of worry. Her gaze moves between Vatenguerre and the characters.
“The Raven wants to keep the Spitalians of Montpellier from thwarting his plans.
PRESERVISTS They are supposed to supply weapons and medicine to him and his men and to support
They are the secret military branch of the his takeover, only after that is he willing to set his hostage free.”
Spital. The legends surrounding them are “And by then, Bascule will be dead,” Vatenguerre adds. “He’s one of our best sol-
numerous, but only few people have ever diers. No one fights like him. His time has not come yet, he cannot die!”
seen one of them in their lifetime. The Preservist frowns. He tells the characters how Bascule ended up in Sacrocant’s
clutches, and continues with stories about the times they spent together in the field. ENTERING THE
About missions against Psychokinetics and Pheromancers that the Preservist survived ADVENTURE
by his brother’s side. The stories sound like those of a veteran who has been through “RISING RAVENS” takes place after the
hell and back. events of “DEGENESIS: THE KILLING
“Now Bascule is lying somewhere in that fucking Surge Tank, dying miserably.” GAME.” If your Players already know the
Anxiously, Armaturgia looks at the Preservist. “Vatenguerre cannot show his face area around Toulon, they will surely have
in Bayonne. If the Apocalyptics notice a Preservist, they will raise the alarm at once. heard about the port of Bayonne. The
Sacrocant is paranoid. We need someone to help us free Bascule from the Tank.” characters may have been there during
the political aftermath of Operation Mi-
rage. Maybe they have been trying to
B AT T L E P L A N track Opis and the kidnapped children
If the characters are convinced of Vatenguerre’s cause and tell him they are ready to from the Orphanage. There are several
help him free Bascule, Armaturgia unrolls a coal sketch on parchment. It shows the reasons for them to have visited Bayonne:
Mbogo, the Surge Tank, Sacrocant’s nest.
“There’s going to be a cockfight tonight. Apocalyptics and Bayonners get drunk 1. DECOY 5
together, party and make bets. At this time, Sacrocant leaves the Tank, and most of his Decoy was last seen in Bayonne. A week
men are not on guard duty, but amongst the onlookers.” She makes sure the characters ago, a Chronicler has been spotted in
are following her words. “We have to try to wait for him and gain his attention. He’s the Swamp Thrush. He spent a night
looking for recruits for his cause.” there before buying provisions and trav-
She points to the map. “Only the turret will be manned. The guard tower over here eling north. Could this have been Decoy?
will be empty. The only obstacle on our way into the Tank is over there, at the sandbags. Chroniclers all look the same.
Two Crows will be on guard duty at all times.”
Vatenguerre touches the spot with the point of his black knife. 2. WACHSMANN‘S
“Eliminate them. No noise.” LEGACY
“I will keep Sacrocant from returning to the Tank. You must go in. Bascule will be Three weeks ago, a heavy cutter passed
somewhere in the cargo terminal or in the boiler room,” the Famulancer continues. through the port. For a full day, the jetty
“30 minutes. Tops,” the Preservist says dryly. was brimming with lice ridden children.
“As soon as you have Bascule, you must retreat at once. I need a sign that the coast An ugly man wearing a gas mask report-
is clear.” She looks at the characters questioningly. Once they have agreed upon a sign, edly shooed them all back aboard the
she looks at the map again. ship which then continued her way up
“There is only one safe way out of Bayonne. Here, at Port Débris. The Belle Do- the Rhône.
che, a swamp barge that transports cargo up the Rhône to Field Hospital Mercure. I
will wait there for you,” Vatenguerre says. “However, there’s a problem. At night, all 3. BOUNTY
ships are chained to the docks and Sacrocant has people on patrol. Furthermore, two There is a bounty on Iron Brothers. The
floodlights illuminate the port. If someone recognizes us there, we will be riddled with Neolibyans pay well for any information
bullets from the turret on the tank.” on Nestor’s whereabouts. Some of the
Armaturgia takes a few moments to think. Then she points at the parchment again. former insurgents have gone into hiding
“There is a possibility to switch off the floodlights. The Mbogo supplies them with in Bayonne.
power. The cable leads to this breaker box. A Scrapper called Centime maintains it. If
we cripple the box, the floodlights will break out of their sockets.” 4 . R AT T L E R ‘ S T R A C K S
“Then the port will be completely in the dark, and we can cast off,” Vatenguerre Rattler’s past is lost in the swamp. Alabas-
mutters. ter spent a night in Bayonne, exchanged
“Is that clear?” Armaturgia asks … some goods and vanished to the West.
Back in Bayonne, the characters approach Sacrocant’s nest, frenzied fighting cocks chase each other, cheered on by the
accompanied by Armaturgia. Vatenguerre has stayed be- audience, flutter up, croak loudly and hack at each other
hind. He will swim to Bayonne at dusk and hunker down with their beaks. The stakes are not very high, but varied.
aboard the Belle Doche. Fake Chronicler Drafts, ammo, Dinars, Petro, tranquilizers,
They quickly march through the outpost, reaching the and Marduk oil – the variety of wagers is immense.
main gate at the scrap wall only ten minutes later. Every- There are Apocalyptics everywhere. They openly wear
one wanting to enter is searched head to toe. The migratory their assault rifles across their chests. The characters
birds are thorough. From afar, the characters can see that slowly realize that the Apocalyptics are afraid of some-
there’s a long queue. thing. Otherwise, the mood wouldn’t be so tense. The last
Armaturgia jumps behind a ramshackle hut and opens a rays of the sun disappear behind the mangrove foliage. It’s
hatch covered by some loose boards. She throws her Splayer time to act.
into it. “Hide your weapons here. We will collect them later.”
Then she hurries back to the path and gets in line.
“No knives, you fucking idiot!” the characters hear from SACROCANT
the main gate. “There he is,” Armaturgia whispers and inconspicuously
points to a man walking amongst the onlookers. It is Sac-
rocant. The Raven stands out from the crowd like a bird of
COCKFIGHT paradise. A long white fur coat hangs from his shoulder and
In the inner courtyard of Sacrocant’s nest, the characters bright red boots cover his feet. He raises a canteen to his
and Armaturgia mix with the people gathered. About 100 men, drinks deeply and grins solemnly.
locals have come to see blood flow and feathers fly. Two “Has Blancheur won his first fight?” he calls to the
crowd inquiringly. When he hears the answer, he shouts fall from the ceiling, killed by her stench. She breathes in
with glee: “I knew it! Good boy!” His laughter is like a rum- the direction of her chosen one: “I’m the Iron Sister, I dig up
ble. Men give him high-fives as he walks towards the fight- rough iron!” Then she fondles the character’s crotch. Some
ing pit to get a better look. of the men at the beer pump turn towards the characters to
“Only a few more weeks out here in the dirt, people. watch the upcoming spectacle. A few laugh loudly.
Then we go get ourselves Toulon and a juicy piece of the
spoils.” He raises his index finger as if he was preaching.
“Now!” Armaturgia’s gaze emphasizes her order. At COCK OF THE ROOST
once, she starts moving towards the Raven, providing cover The Scrapper is manic and blitzed. It takes quite some tact
for the characters. to get out of this mess without the old lady feeling insulted
and kicking up a fuss. To convince her that the Character
she has chosen to satisfy her needs is not the right one for
THE NYMPH her, a Combination of CHA+Conduct (3) and CHA+Expres-
The characters have to go around the open tin shack with sion (4) is necessary. The Scrapper hangs onto the charac-
the beer pump. A crowd of drunks is milling about in front ter, wildly throws kisses into the air and grabs her breasts to
of it, getting a good refill. convince them of her assets.
A famished Scrapper with crooked canines and grey curls If her chosen man does not succeed in his roll, her
staggers towards the characters. She has detected the most mood suddenly shifts. She throws herself into an excessive-
handsome of them and desperately throws herself at him. ly loud rant full of hatred and self-pity.
“Do you really want to go piss without me, you horny bear?” “Who the hell do you think you are? Am I not good
The old lady stinks so abysmally that even flies would enough for you? Did you just call me ugly? Do you think
you’re a cut above us others, you pitiful shithead? Do you think I need to be fucked so
badly that I would choose you? You’re just scared of something good! A guy like you
could never get me!”
The Scrapper gets all worked up and turns the attention of everyone in the tin
shack to the characters. Then, right in the middle of a sentence, she starts vomiting.
Globs and undigested gobbets of food shoot from her mouth and nose.
If the characters can’t gain control of the situation at once the other guests will be
lured towards the spectacle and their entire cover will be blown.
Once the characters have taken care of the Nymph, they can continue. Thirty steps
away from the beer pump, two men are sitting on a wall made of sandbags. Music and
noise float over from the cockfight. It is dark here; the two guards are passing a goat-
skin back and forth.
The characters have to be careful. Even if the guards cannot see them in the dark
– because the backlight from the inner courtyard is very bright and the lights at the en-
trance of the Mbogo are broken – there is no room for arrogance. If the guards manage
to fire a single shot, the characters will be exposed.
They must succeed in a roll on AGI+Stealth (3) to bypass the guards unnoticed. If,
instead, they want to neutralize them, brute force is the only option. As they are un-
armed, they must succeed in a Combination roll of BOD+Brawl (3) and BOD+Force (4)
to disarm and strangle the guards.
The Apocalyptics thrash around like worms on a fishing hook. Their lips turn blue.
Their eyes roll backwards in their skulls. Their arms flail around aimlessly while they
take their last breath. Strangling someone demands ruthlessness. The thrashing and
moaning of a dying man is a cruel challenge, even for unconscionable warriors.
GETTING RID It takes six Combat Rounds to strangle someone long enough to kill. The char-
OF THE BODIES acter must succeed in an INT+Focus or INS+Primal (2) roll every Round to keep up
The characters have to get rid of the the chokehold. Ego Points may be spent on each roll to gain extra dice. Triggers are
bodies of the two guards. If they simply counted twice.
leave the two dead men lying in the mud,
someone will stumble across them after
only a few rounds. The only more or less I N S I D E T H E TA N K
reasonable hiding places are the toolsheds Inside the Tank, silence reigns supreme; the noise of the cockfight cannot penetrate
to the left of the scrap wall. Once the the massive armor plating. The characters’ boots make loud noises on the metal floor
characters have managed to sufficiently of the corridor leading into the heart of the Surge Tank, the walls adorned with African
disguise the bodies inside, the adventure symbols and mathematical formulae. Anyone who hasn’t been aboard a Surge Tank be-
can continue. fore is overwhelmed by the technology in use here: it’s impossible to say whether this
monster of steel and circuitry is a Bygone relic, or something built by the Neolibyans
after the Eshaton. In any case, the first obstacle has been overcome.
A map painted on the wall is supposed to offer some directional aid. If the char-
acters try to catch their bearings using the panel full of arrows and African markings
they must succeed in a roll of INS+Orienteering (4), else they’ll lose their way in the
labyrinthine Tank and end up in a dead end before they know it. Precious minutes
will be lost.
The command center is above them. No, that’s definitely the wrong way. This oth-
er corridor gives access to the cargo bay. That’s where they need to go.
A steep ladder leads into the rear of the Mbogo. Something is humming. The steel
underneath the characters’ feet vibrates. The Tank’s engine is running at full blast,
making the walls tremble as it generates all of Bayonne’s electricity. The engine block is
a bottomless pit, no matter how much Petro is poured in it just keeps guzzling it down
and rumbling on.
Over there, there is a bridge to a sealed door. Is that the entrance to the cargo area?
The colossal Tank doesn’t answer the characters’ thoughts, instead just leaving them
to search on their own.
This must be it. A steel door anchored in its frame separates the characters from the
cargo terminal. Bascule must be behind this obstacle. Examining the door the charac-
ters find eight steel bolts, each as thick as a man’s wrist, jammed into the door panel.
Without a key they have no alternative: the only way through is with brute force.
A successful INT+Engineering (4) roll shows that the sixth steel bolt is at a criti-
cal angle. Once ripped from its position, requiring (6) Successes over two BOD+Force
rolls, the massive door will have lost most of its resistance. After that, a Cooperative
Complex roll of BOD+Force (30) is required to lift the barrier from its frame and gain
access to the cargo terminal.
M A D O N N A & C A R L O T TA
The door is open, and the characters can enter the cargo terminal. They find a flooded
boiler room stretching out before them, sagged and full of water. The entire room is
pitch black, beyond a dim light shining from the doorway.
If they shine light into the giant room, they see a ladder that leads to an extensive
storage gallery higher up the wall. Twenty paces of black, brackish water separate the
characters from the other side. There’s no way to tell how deep the flooded area is; the
water is black like oil. With INS+Perception (4), they detect slight movement in the
sludge. Madonna and Carlotta, Sacrocant’s pets, are gliding towards the characters just
beneath the surface. If they’re too hasty and enter the dirty pool anyway, both croco-
diles attack immediately. This is going to get messy.
C O M B AT S TAT S If the characters are wary, they spot a rusty girder that has fallen from the ceiling
(PSY+Cunning (3)). When pushed in the right direction, it spans the flooded part of
PROFILE: Crocodile the terminal. A roll on AGI+Mobility (3) is necessary to safely reach the other side. One
Botch is enough for the character to slip and fall into the water where Carlotta and
INITIATIVE: 5D / 5 Ego Points Madonna are lurking.
The crocodiles keep trying to bite and claw at the characters while they’re on the
ATTACK: 8D, 8+D6 Damage, girder, they must roll INT+Focus (2) or INS+Primal (2) to keep their cool.
Distance 1m
Passive, in water: 3 The characters have crossed the deadly basin to enter the gallery on the far side. The
Passive, out of the water: 1 objective of their search is easy to spot across the terminal from them.
Melee in water (Dodge) Bascule lies on a rusty stretcher. The Preservist seems lifeless. Dried blood covers
Mobility: 8D his features. His teeth are missing. His jaw has been completely smashed. Muscle fibers
Melee out of the water (Dodge) torn. The neoprene is burnt in countless places. His skin is completely covered in a
Mobility: 5D dendritic venous plexus of veins as if he had been hit by several lightning bolts at the
same time. Broken bones pierce the skin at oblique angles. The characters can’t hear
MENTAL: 4D (at Ego 0, the animal panics anything. Is he dead?
and flees back into the water) INT+Medicine (2) lets them detect a weak heartbeat. There’s an almost inaudible
rattling coming from his lungs. The soldier clings to the realm of the living by a thread.
MOVEMENT: In water 8m, They have to lift him carefully to transport him. With INT+Medicine (2) they can
on land 6m avoid damaging the Preservist even more. The character carrying the lifeless Spitalian
across his shoulders must also succeed a roll of BOD+Force (3).
ARMOR: Leathery skin, Armor 2
They get aboard the Belle Doche. The cargo cutter is a small, nimble ship. They have to
hoist the anchor cautiously and then get below deck.
A small, creaking set of stairs leads to the cargo hold below deck. Dim light reveals
fuzzy shapes and silhouettes. Dozens of red barrels are stored and safely secured here.
There is a musty smell in the cold air.
“You got him?” Vatenguerre steps from the shadows in the rear of the cargo hold.
“Put him here.” He points to a padded bunk. Immediately, he bends over Bascule
and pats him down. He takes a syringe with a long needle from his belt pouch, and fills
it from a small bottle. With precision, he palpates Bascule’s chest and rams the needle
straight into the man’s heart. The adrenaline injection has an immediate effect. Bas-
cule opens his eyes wide, small bubbles and foam gush from his mouth and nostrils.
“RRRRHHHHHH” is the only sound he makes. With a small flashlight, Vatengu-
erre shines into the badly wounded man’s pupils and nods reassuringly.
“Welcome back to service,” he says like a father and uses a second syringe to inject
Bascule with a dose of painkillers. Armaturgia wipes the sweat off her brow and moans
in exhaustion.
“I will start the boat,” she says and turns towards the characters. “Thanks for your
help. I couldn’t have done this alone.”
She gives the characters a gentle smile. Behind her, Vatenguerre rises. He looks at
the characters across Armaturgia’s shoulder and slowly raises a finger to his lips as if
telling them to be quiet. Then, in a sudden flash, the Preservist raises his black knife.
The blade slashes quickly across Armaturgia’s throat. Before she can wheeze Vatengu-
erre’s hand covers her mouth. With a merciless move, he jerks her neck sideways, and
throws her to the floor like a twisted doll.
Before the characters can react, the Preservist raises a hand in their direction as if
trying to quickly calm them. He isn’t looking for a fight. The man looks at the corpse
on the floor. Her head rests on the ship’s floorboards at an odd angle. A pool of blood
spreads towards the Characters.
“Fuck, I cannot stand Apocalyptics,” he says with disgust on his lips.
The characters are speechless. Vatenguerre stoops over the body. He cuts the neo-
prene apart, and Armaturgia’s shoulder blade becomes visible. A tiny, abstract number
is tattooed there. The Preservist points to it, looking at the characters.
“The coordinates of Ducal,” he says drily. “Infiltrator. Duplicitous Cuckoo. Wanted
to infiltrate the Spitalians,” he points out. He clicks his tongue. “What do you think?
How did she know so much about Sacrocant?” He lets the question linger unanswered.
“A pity it had to end this way. She probably thought she could double-cross a Pre-
servist. The girl tried fooling the wrong one.” He wipes the bloody knife clean on her
neoprene and gets up. “I’ll steer the Belle Doche out of the port. You go and get out of
here. Hide on the next ship.” Vatenguerre moves towards the cab.
RED BARRELS “I will draw their attention and try to keep the gunfire from you. The boat is fast
Due to the situation below deck, the enough for me. You seize the moment and leave Bayonne. If you can make it out onto
characters have no chance to look over the bridge, detonate it.” With these words, he takes a grenade from his belt and softly
the barrels. Even if they deem the cargo tosses it to the group so the character standing next to him can safely catch it.
suspicious, they have successfully roll He draws his Spitalian medal from his cape and returns to the characters one last
INS+Perception (5) to detect the breath- time. The Preservist grabs one character’s wrist and firmly presses the medal into his
ing holes in the dark. If they approach the or her palm.
barrels too closely, Vatenguerre ends their “A lucky charm.”
curiosity with a single sentence: “My boat, The character can barely get a quick glance at the engraving on the back of the
my cargo!” medal – Vatenguerre, Red Pack, 2578.
Outside, the characters must get to safety as the ship’s engine roars behind them. The C O M B AT S TAT S
Belle Doche sets sail. The guards come running down the docks, “What the hell? That
cutter is casting off! PROFILE: Rhône-Flock
Suddenly, the floodlights flare up again. Someone has flicked the switch at the
breaker. The port is flooded in glaring white light. One of the guards fires a signal INITIATIVE: 4D / 10 Ego
rocket into the air. It trails a tail of sparks followed by screeching noise. The first rifle
salvoes rattle. ATTACK: Projectiles 5D
Within minutes, the Surge Tank comes alive, like a giant’s silhouette. Red lamps Melee 4D
light up at the turret. The barrel turns, looking for a fleeing ship. Brawl 5D
The high-velocity ammo thunders across the port, plumes of water splash up, and DEFENSE:
hundreds of swamp birds flee in panic from their nests in the canopies. Passive 1
Sacrocant’s people will be all over the place in less than ten minutes. The char- Melee active (Parry)
acters have to shoot their way through them to the palisade and make it back to the Melee 4D
Scorched Path on the other side of the bridge. Ranged Combat active (Duck)
As soon as they start moving, all hell breaks loose behind them. The guards rush Mobility 5D
after the characters. This way! They have to run to get rid of their pursuers. The char-
acters race across the rickety bridge to the Scorched Path. MOVEMENT: 5m
Looking back, they see four Apocalyptics chasing them.
They raise their rifles and shoot. ARMOR: Leather clothes, Armor 2
The grenade.
Now! CONDITION: 10 (Trauma 5)
The characters are out of danger. The coast is clear. They are resting somewhere out there in the underbrush, tending to
their wounds. What’s next?
The foundation for upcoming stories in and around Bayonne, the Rhône delta, and the swamps has been laid. Your
Players can follow leads independently and work together to uncover the secret of the Red Pack and the drone trafficking.
The Raven of Bayonne is alive. He has sworn revenge. He The cutter with the children from the Orphanage has been
will find the traitors who have assaulted his nest and freed floating somewhere on the Rhône for a while. What is Opis
his hostage. He will have the perpetrators hanged. Sacro- up to? Does he want to bring the children to Cremant? Are
cant has analyzed the assault in detail. Moving forward, he they the chosen generation of new Preservists Charcutier
will be even more cautious. His henchmen keep their eyes intends to experiment on?
and ears open and buy information. At some point, one of
the traitors will blab, and the Raven will have a trail leading
straight to the characters. The Raven’s plan may have fal- T H E R E D PA C K
tered, but Toulon is still his primary objective. Who are Bascule and Vatenguerre? What is the Red Pack?
An elite unit within the Preservist corps? Where does it op-
erate? What is its mission? Why was Bascule so crucial for
CARDIAL the Pack? The characters will soon find out.
Armaturgia has disappeared. Cardial does not know what’s
happened. Has Sacrocant uncovered her true identity and
gotten rid of the Cuckoo? He sends conspirators and mid- T H E S P I TA L I A N M E D A L
dlemen along the Scorched Path to find the tracks of his The inconspicuous engraved Spitalian medal is a precious
adopted daughter. At the same time, he keeps track of Sac- gift from Vatenguerre. The tracking device embedded in
rocant’s every move and plants his people in the ruins of the badge enables the Preservists to pinpoint the location
Ferrallies to claim territory for Ducal. Cardial has been in of the group and to track their movements if they keep it.
cahoots with the Neolibyans for long enough. He will have Vatenguerre has marked them with a bull‘s-eye. It would
to use them now. be well advised for the characters to crack open the piece of
metal and look inside.
What about the Belle Doche? Why was there a Spitalian DECOY 5
supply ship in the port of Bayonne? What was her cargo, The search for the Shutter continues. Only one trail can be
and where was she bound? What is within in the red bar- found in the villages and hamlets surrounding Bayonne. It
rels? The characters will have to slice through several layers leads back to Borca. What does the Chronicler want there?
of this mysterious cooperation between Cremant and Bay-
onne before uncovering the truth. Can they capture one of
Sacrocant’s hunters to squeeze him or her for information?
Who is Commando Prime Charcutier and what is his rela-
tionship with Sacrocant? The characters have a trail leading
into dangerous terrain. The Preservists are a mysterious or-
der, and their operatives are ruthless elite soldiers.
The characters have a starting point for further investigations. They can Surviving the scenario +1 XP
stay in the Rhône delta or travel back to Toulon to try and stop Sacro- Initiating an extraordinary course of action +1 XP
cant’s machinations from there while collecting new information. Helping Vatenguerre +1 XP
Over the weeks and months to come, rumors will mount. The Red Entering Sacrocant’s nest unseen + 1XP
Pack whose trail they have been following plans something in North- Getting rid of the Nymph without causing a scene +2 XP
western Franka. The operation is leading to Briton, the holy land of the Silencing and hiding the guards +2 XP
Anabaptists. Navigating the Surge tank +1 XP
It is time for the characters to prepare for a long journey ahead. Surviving Madonna and Carlotta + 3XP
From Toulon to Montpellier and on towards Toulouse. From there, they Saving Bascule +3 XP
will travel to Aquitaine and then north past the Ruins of Nantes and the Duping the guard at the gate + 1XP
Loire rapids. Convincing Centime to extinguish the floodlights + 1XP
Time is of the essence, for the Day of Ganaress draws near … Uncovering Armaturgia’s true identity +2 XP