Topic 4 - Root-Soil Interface
Topic 4 - Root-Soil Interface
Topic 4 - Root-Soil Interface
#Discussion points
o Ion concentration, rhizosphere pH, root exudates.
o The rhizosphere is the narrow region of soil that is directly influenced by root
secretions and associated soil microorganisms.
o The rhizosphere contains many bacteria that feed on sloughed-off plant cells,
o Protozoa and nematodes that graze on bacteria are also more abundant in the
o Microbes are most abundant where the integrity of the root is compromised.
o For this reason, rhizoplane microorganisms tend to be found on older rather than
younger roots.
#Root exudates - secretions
o Plants secrete many compounds into the rhizosphere which serve different functions.
o Primary metabolites include; amino acid, soluble sugars, lipids, organic acids,
vitamins, enzymes, plant DNA, etc.
o These are low molecular weight compounds, most off-which act as messengers.
o Most secondary metabolite are produced in the Golgi apparatus in root cap cell, but
mucilage is produced by bacterial degradation of root epidermal cells
#Functions of root secretions
o Symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria, such as the Rhizobium species, detect compounds
secreted by the roots of leguminous plants which initiate rhizoidal infection.
o The parasitic plant, Striga also detects the presence of strigolactones and will germinate
when it detects them.
o Some plants secrete allelochemicals which inhibit the growth of other organisms, for
example, garlic mustard produces a chemical which is believed to prevent mutualisms
forming between the trees and mycorrhizae in North American temperate forests.
#Enzymes in the rhizosphere
o The plant roots which the rhizosphere is associated with can effect the
physical environment of the rhizosphere.
o As plants transpire water with more force during the day than during the
night, they change the soil water potential immediately near their roots and
so the rhizosphere undergoes fluctuations that the bulk soil avoids.
2. Soil Texture
o Sand has larger pores between each granule which allow free
movement of microorganisms and exudates, therefore, the larger the
granule size, the further the rhizosphere and microorganisms associated
with it will extend into the surrounding soil.
o Plant roots compact the soil on the short term as they grow, and once
they die and decay, can actually aid the soil to be less porous.
3. Soil pH
o Several factors can lower the pH in the rhizosphere, for instance, respiration leads to carbon
o In addition to respiration of the roots themselves, the rhizosphere is very rich in carbon,
resulting in other organisms (e.g., prokaryotes, eukaryotes & other small animals living
o The available habitat that microbes can inhabit are limited in part by pH of the soil.
o Fungi prefer more acidic soils, while bacteria have a very broad pH spectrum where they can
2. Fungi
o Both pathogenic and symbiotic fungi associate with the rhizosphere.
o They average between 10^5 and 10^6 organisms per gram of rhizosphere soil.
o Zygomycetes and Hyphomycetes establish the most readily in the rhizosphere
because they metabolize simple sugars.
#Biotic Interactions in the Rhizosphere
o A range of interactions are present in the rhizosphere from beneficial symbiotic relationships to detrimental
pathogenic interactions:
#General Impacts of Microbes on Rhizosphere
o Chemical changes occur as a result of humification of organic matter.
o The resultant mineralization of various organic compounds (e.g., phosphorous, sulfur &
nitrogen) provides plants with forms of nutrition that are readily available for uptake.
o The turnover of microbial populations also results in the release of nutrients.
o The fixation of atmospheric dinitrogen by both asymbiotic and symbiotic bacteria results in
increases in the available nitrogen pool that can be accessed by plants in and near the
o Symbiotic mycorrhizae cause an increase in the effective rooting area of plants, thereby
providing added nutrient mining capabilities to the plant.
o Rhizosphere microbes can also release plant growth regulators.
o Physical changes occur primarily through the production of extracellular polymeric
substances such as polysaccharides which improve soil aggregation and soil texture.
o The presence of mucigel in the rhizoplane is crucial to the water relations of plants,
providing a bridge that prevents desiccation by maintaining the water column during water
stress events.
o Plant roots cause chemical and physical changes to the soil they inhabit and these changes will
affect the microbial diversity in and around the rhizosphere.
o The ability of a plant to form symbiotic relationships with soil microbes will also determine
rhizosphere microbial populations.
o The age and health of the plants present will also play a role in the microbial community
dynamics of the rhizosphere.
o In some cases, plants can also compete with rhizosphere microorganisms for resources like water
and nutrients.
o In such a relationship, the plant usually provides a source of carbon and the bacteria or
o In many cases the association is not absolutely necessary for the survival of both members,
o The microbial partner can also help the plant to survive in an otherwise inhospitable
o For example, specific endophytes have been shown to confer heat resistance to grasses that
o The two types are differentiated by the fact that the hyphae of
Ectomycorrhizae fungi (during infection) do not penetrate
individual cells within the root.
o Hyphae enter into the plant cells, producing structures that are either
balloon-like (vesicles) or dichotomously-branching invaginations
o The fungal hyphae do not in fact penetrate the protoplast (i.e. the interior
of the cell), but invaginate the cell membrane.
o The structure of the arbuscules greatly increases the contact surface area
between the hyphae and the cell cytoplasm to facilitate the transfer of
nutrients between them.
o Direct connection between the plant and fungal cytoplasm
allows the transfer of nutrients from the fungi to the plant and
carbon from the plant to the fungi to be more efficient.
o In return, the plant gains the benefits of the mycelium's higher absorptive
capacity for water and mineral nutrients
o The comparatively large surface area of mycelium –to- root ratio improves
the plant's mineral absorption capabilities.
#Phosphorous uptake
o This element, like nitrogen gas, can not be absorbed by the plant in its
elemental form.
o Plant roots alone may be incapable of taking up phosphate ions that are
de-mineralized in soils with a slightly basic pH.
o One study discovered the existence of Suillus luteus strains with varying
tolerance of zinc.