Ac 69 - 01
Ac 69 - 01
Ac 69 - 01
Advisory Circular
AC 69 - 01
Guidance Material and Procedures of Air Traffic
Controller Licence and Ratings
Revision : Original
Date : 13 FEBRUARY 2009
FOREWORD .......................................................................................................
AMENDMENT RECORD ....................................................................................
TABLE OF CONTENT ........................................................................................
1. Introduction
d. The air traffic controller licence does not by itself entitle the holder to
provide ATS to aircraft. The provision of such services at specific locations
or within specific areas, or its performance with the aid of special tools
such as radar requires additional knowledge and/or skills related to existing
local conditions, or to the tool in question. The evidence of the necessary
knowledge and/or skills is provided by an appropriate rating certifying that
the additional knowledge and/or skills have been acquired to a degree
necessary for the safe performance of the assigned duties. Such ratings
must be entered on the licence of the person concerned.
e. The requirements for the issue of an air traffic controller Iicence and for
rating should conform to the applicable provisions in CASR Part 69.
f. Validity of the Air Traffic Controller Licence is 2 (two) years since date of
published and can be extended.
h. Age of the holder of Air Traffic Controller Licence is 21 (twenty one) till 65
(sixty five) years old.
a. Definitions
When the following terms are used in the Standards and Recommended
Practices for Personnel Licensing, they have the following meanings:
Aircraft. Any machine that can derive support in the atmosphere from the
reactions of the air other than the reactions of the air against the earth’s
Flight time — aeroplanes. The total time from the moment an aeroplane
first moves for the purpose of taking off until the moment it finally comes to
rest at the end of the flight.
Instrument ground time. Time during which a pilot is practising, on the
ground, simulated instrument flight in a synthetic flight trainer approved by
the Licensing Authority.
Night. The hours between the end of evening civil twilight and the
beginning of morning civil twilight or such other period between sunset and
sunrise, as may be prescribed by the appropriate authority.
Rated air traffic controller. An air traffic controller holding a licence and
valid ratings appropriate to the privileges to be exercised.
Rendering (a licence) valid. The action taken by a Contracting State, as
an alternative to issuing its own licence, in accepting a licence issued by
any other Contracting State as the equivalent of its own licence.
Air Traffic Control Service. A service provided for the purpose of:
1) preventing collisions:
a) between aircraft,
b) on the manoeuvring area between aircraft and obstructions;
Air Traffic Services Reporting Office. A Unit established for the purpose
of receiving reports concerning air traffic services and flight plans
submitted before departure.
Air Traffic Services Unit. A generic term meaning variously Air Traffic
Control Unit’, ‘Flight Information Centre’ or ‘Air Traffic Services Reporting
Approach Control Service. Air traffic control service for arriving, departing
or transiting controlled flights.
Area Control Service. Air traffic control service for controlled flights in
control areas. Reference: ICAO Annex 2 (1990).
1) licence endorsement,
2) rating endorsement,
3) Unit endorsement.
Initial Training. Initial Training includes technical subjects, and ATC theory
and practice including practical training conducted on simulators. The
object of Initial Training is to prepare a trainee for Pre- On-the-Job Training
(pre-OJT) at an ATC Unit. Initial Training is divided into two phases:
Rated Air Traffic Controller. An air traffic controller holding a licence and
valid rating appropriate to the privileges to be exercised.
b. Abbreviations
Before issuing an air traffic controller licence, a DGCA will require the applicant
to meet the requirements and the requirements of at least one of the ratings
Unlicensed State employees may operate as air traffic controllers on condition
that they meet the same requirements.
CASR Part 69 sets out the requirements for the issue of an air traffic controller
licence including the medical fitness requirements and language proficiency
certificate. Procedures to be followed in this respect should cover the following
3. Age
4. Knowledge
a. Air law
c. General knowledge
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principles of flight; principles of operation and functioning of aircraft,
powerplants and systems; aircraft performances relevant to air traffic
control operations;
d. Human performance
e. Language
f. Meteorology
g. Navigation
h. Operational procedures
5. Experience
The applicant shall have completed an approved training course and not less
than three months’ satisfactory service engaged in the actual control of air traffic
under the supervision of an appropriately rated air traffic controller.
6. Medical fitness
a. Issue of A Licence.
In order to qualify for the issue of an air traffic controller licence a person
must meet the knowledge and medical fitness requirements set out this
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AC. In addition, in order to exercise the privileges of an ATC licence, a
person must hold a valid rating which is related to a specific unit and/or
operating position or to the use of specific equipment (e.g. radar).
The ATS authority (Sub Directorate of Air Traffic Management) will issue
air traffic controller licences to specific persons having met the
requirements for such issue. Once issued, a licence shall be retained by
the person to whom it has been issued and be available for presentation
on demand whenever the privileges of the licence are being exercised. A
licence may be withdrawn only by the issuing authority.
c. Privileges of a Licence.
d. Validity of Licence.
1) A licence shall specify a period of validity and remains valid only while
its holder meets all requirements upon which the validity of the licence
has been made dependent, including those for medical fitness and
language proficiency test.
3) An air traffic controller should not perform the duties for which he is
licensed and rated during that period when he suffers from a
temporary incapacity resulting from injury or illness and likely to impair
his efficiency.
6) Unit chief controllers should inspect the licence of each air traffic
controller arriving at a unit on transfer, or temporary duty, to ensure
that the licence is valid and to determine the extent of training which
will have to be undertaken before the controller can be permitted to
assume unmonitored watchkeeping duties.
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b. The requirements for the issue of air traffic controller ratings and the
privileges which may be exercised with such ratings are set out in CASR
Part 69. The ratings refer to the following specific services and/or locations:
1) aerodrome control;
2) approach control procedural;
3) approach control srveillance;
4) area control procedural;
5) area control surveillance.
c. The ATS authority with the national level, establish the general provisions
relating to ATC ratings. Local ATS units should develop appropriate
training syllabi for all operating positions for which a rating(s) may be
a. Unit chief controllers and the evaluation and proficiency specialist for the
unit may be exempt from the requirements to hold valid ratings. However,
the following provisions should normally apply:
1) they must, at one time, have held valid procedural and radar ratings
appropriate for the unit of which they are in charge or where they are
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c. Shift supervisors, on taking up appointment, should obtain or re-validate all
ratings required in that unit and operating proficiency should be maintained
in each operating position. They should also assume watchkeeping duties
as necessary to maintain the validity of their ratings. Shift supervisors
should not assume watch supervision until they hold valid ratings for all
operating positions in that unit.
a. Knowledge
a) airspace structure;
b) applicable rules, procedures and sources of information;
c) air navigation facilities;
d) air traffic control equipment and its use;
e) terrain and prominent landmarks;
f) characteristic of air traffic and traffic flow;
g) weather phenomena;
h) emergency and search and rescue plans.
3) When the applicant already holds an air traffic controller rating in another
category, or the same rating for another unit, the Licensing Authority shall
determine whether the experience requirement of b. can be reduced, and if
so, to what extent.
c. Skill.
When two air traffic controller ratings are sought concurrently, the Licensing
Authority shall determine the applicable requirements on the basis of the
requirements for each rating. These requirements shall not be less than those
of the more demanding rating.
e. Privileges of the holder of the air traffic controller rating(s) and the conditions to
be observed in exercising such privileges
2) Before exercising the privileges indicated in e. 1), the licence holder shall
be familiar with all pertinent and current information.
3) DGCA having issued an air traffic controller licence shall not permit the
holder thereof to carry out instruction in an operational environment unless
such holder has received proper authorization from DGCA.
4) Validity of ratings
A rating shall become invalid when an air traffic controller has ceased to
exercise the privileges of the rating for a period determined by the
Licensing Authority. That period are six months. A rating shall remain
invalid until the controller’s ability to exercise the privileges of the rating
has been re-established.
a. Validity of Ratings
1) An ATC rating is valid only for the location and operating position entered
on the valid licence.
2) Any rating should become invalid when the holder has not exercised the
privileges of the rating for a specified time and remain so until such time as
the holder has met the requirements for revalidation of the rating
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3) To qualify for the re-validation or the validation of a rating for an additional
location or operating position, the applicant should meet the following
b) Skill. The chief controller of the ATS unit for which the re-
validation/validation is sought should certify that he is competent to
exercise the privileges of the rating.
5) An air traffic controller who is not proficient should not exercise the
privileges of the rating at the particular operating position until he has
demonstrated the required ability under supervision. When he is
considered proficient, this fact shall be recorded in the appropriate ATS
b. Examination Procedure
Table 1
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1) name;
2) place and date of birth;
3) sex;
4) nationality;
5) religion;
6) education background;
7) address.
2) copy of KTP;
3) medical assessment;
4) three pieces of the latest photos with colour and size 25mm x 30 mm.
c. After all the requirement is received by DGCA, the applicant shall follow
theoretical, practical and medical fitness examination.
d. An applicant who has passed the theoretical, practical and medical fitness
examination and then, DGCA will issue an air traffic controller licence.
g. DGCA will give Temporary ATC Licence with validity until one month.
a. The holder of air traffic controller licence may have maximum 3 (three)
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1) TWR unit may have aerodrome control rating, approach control
procedural and approach control surveillance;
2) APP unit may have approach control procedural, approach control
surveillance rating and aerodrome control rating;
3) ACC unit may have area control procedural, area control surveillance
rating and aerodrome control rating.
b. ATC Ratings will be valid until 6 (six) month from the date of issuance and
may be renewed.
c. Air traffic controller ratings may be used in ATS unit where the rating was
d. To obtain rating, the holder of ATC licence shall submit application letter to
DGCA via Chief of ATS unit in a form containing at least:
1) name;
2) place and date of birth;
3) sex;
4) nationality;
5) religion;
6) education background;
7) education related to rating;
8) address of ATS unit;
9) address of applicant; and
10) notification on the rating which is sought.
f. After all the requirements received by DGCA, the applicant shall follow
performance check.
g. The holder of ATC licence who has passed the performance check will be
granted rating according to his application.
k. DGCA will give controller Temporary ATC Licence with rating with validity
until one month.
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3. ATC Check Controller.
d. Check controller is assigned to help the Director Air Navigation DGCA in:
1) performance check;
2) issuance and renewal of rating; and
3) conducting any other duty related with rating.
1) check all the requirement needed to issue and renew the rating;
2) prepare the conduct of performance check;
3) evaluate and assess the result of performance check;
4) report his duty to the Director Air Navigation, DGCA.
c. To renew licence, air traffic controller shall make application and conduct
e. Air traffic controller may apply for licence renewal, if the licence is:
1) withdrawn;
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2) broken, cannot be read; or
3) missing.
g. Application for licence renewal may be submitted 3 (three) months after the
licence is withdrawn.
i. In the case of licence renewal to replace the broken or the missing licence,
air traffic controller shall make an application attaching the broken licence
or Surat Keterangan Kehilangan.
k. In the case of replacing the broken or the missing licence, new ATC
licence is granted at maximum 14 (fourteen) working days after the
complete application is received. DGCA will give Temporary ATC Licence
with validity one month.
l. The holder of ATC licence shall report to the Director Air Navigation DGCA
if there is any change on his working address or place of duty.
m. ATC licence whose holder moves from his place of duty is still valid.
c. In the case of rating renewal, the applicant shall submit application and
conduct examination.
e. Air traffic controller may apply for rating renewal if the rating is withdrawn.
f. Application for rating renewal is submitted to DGCA via chief of ATS units.
g. Rating renewal may be applied after 3 (three) months since the rating is
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h. In the case of rating renewal, the applicant shall apply and follow
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1. Obligation
b. Maintain his skill and ability as mentioned in a. 2), which is conducting his
duty according to his rating authority at least 40 (forty) hours in 6 (six)
months for non radar rating and at least 40 (forty) hours in 3 (three) months
for radar rating.
c. Working condition:
Considering the value required in 1), working hours per day should
not exceed six hours. After a maximum of two hours on the job,
controllers should be granted a break of 45 minutes; assistants should
be granted a break of 45 minutes after three hours on the job.
1) Working Schedule.
(1) Working hours for controller should not exceed 23.30 hours
per week.
(2) Working hours for assistants should not exceed 25 hour per
(3) Within the limits of the a.m 32 hours per week, two hours
should be profide for study purposes.
(4) In a turn of shifts, at least half the amount of working day
should be granted at the end of the shift as “day off”.
(5) Working time is the time spent at a control position.
2) Vacation Scheme
Supervisor shall help the controller who can not handle in crowded traffic.
g. The holder of air traffic controller licence on duty shall listening watch, do
not doing other activity who can distrub his concern and other controller.
2. Penalty
a. ATC licence and/or rating may be withdrawn if the holder violate 1.a. 1).
c. ATC licence and/or rating may be withdrawn without warnings in the case
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8) the holder of ATC licence and/or rating is unable to fulfil requirement
1. b. on this chapter.
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Nomor : ………………………........
Sifat :
Lampiran :
Perihal : Permohonan Memperoleh Kepada
/ Memperpanjang ATC Licence
Yth. Direktur Navigasi
a. Nama :
b. Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir :
c. Jenis Kelamin :
d. Kebangsaan :
e. Agama :
f. Pendidikan Terakhir :
g. Alamat Tempat Tinggal :
Keterangan: (*) coret yang tidak perlu.
34 | P a g e
Nomor : ………………………........
Sifat :
Lampiran :
Perihal : Permohonan Memperoleh Kepada
/ Memperpanjang ATC Ratings
Yth. Direktur Navigasi
(Pejabat yang
a. Nama :
b. Tempat dan Tanggal Lahir :
c. Jenis Kelamin :
d. Kebangsaan :
e. Agama :
f. Pendidikan Terakhir :
g. Lokasi Tempat Bekerja :
g. Alamat Tempat Tinggal :